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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1949)
3 JU& aaa. X V - ' T Mv t. y' I h4 SCHERNER SQUIRTS PLAY AT COTTACE Squirts pUy the crucial 9am with Cottage enter th state tournament rem this district. In with a win and a Ion apiece. Coot Bay, th other Th winner of tonight's gama at Coot Bay will at Eugene. Above, latt to right, front row, art Shapro, Sandy Moor. Second row, Fred Seher Beughmen, Red Nichols and Chuck Schotield (Rod Newland picture) CROVE TONIGHT Tonight, Fred Schemer'. Grov to decide which of th two teami will previous games, Squirts and Cottaga Grov split district ntry, was eliminated arhr this week, play McMinnvill Elks at 8:30 p.m. Sunday night Bill Schemer, Plin Laurence, Swede Vang, Bill ner, manager; Ralph Sanstede, Hal Edgar,. Roy Th lad in th foreground is th Squirts' batboy. Medford Tennis . Raqueteers Play Roseburg Sunday The powerful Medford tennl team invadea Roseburg next Sun day. Last week Roseburg suffered its first oeieat 01 me year 10 mis same Medford team. Marlen Yoder, team manager, points ' out that the - Roseburg raqueteers will be much stronger this week. It is hoped that Nor man Moore will be able to play the first singles match for the first time In three weeks. If he does, the other players will play in thei. correct positions, rather than in one stepped-up position as in the past. In a note received from Med ford this morning, Yoder said that Todd Tibbutt, number one man of Medford, admits they were rather lucky to win as many sets last Sunday. The matches will probably ,be played as fol lows: Tod Tibbutt vs. Norm Moore, Howard Dugan vs. Glen Boyer; John Richard vs. Bill Gar rison; W. W. Deakins vs. Tom Jacobson: Bill Coffman vs. Tom Lindbloom and Paul McDuffee vs. Don Debernardl. Medford did not send its dou bles pairings. Roseburg found be tough in doubles last week. Roseburg's doubles teams will be Royd Bruton and Louis Miles, Earl Car lson and Bert Randall, and Tom Lindbloom and Norman Moore, if Moore is avail able. If not, Tom Jacobson and Bill Garrison will probably be third doubles team, according to Yoder. Yoder asks that any Rose burg man not able to play Sun day should notify him immedi ately. The match will start 10 a.m. Tonight's Fairgrounds Racing Card First raea Grata B Parsa f-t Hi. Horaft-Jockey Welfht Bis root Charley K. Zonae . 120 Mill Cut T J. Davia 110 Chaster D. C. Hawaa 120 Hornet II . Strauss 120 Black Jacket W. Denny 120 SereaS race Tlalmlaf Parte le.ea abaal S farleait. Horse Jockey Wetsht Gordon's Gift L. Slap 120 Saumur No Boy 120 Friend Vie PI Strauss 120 ltadfteld C. Hewea . 120 Betsy's Boy M. Perry 120 Little Geary C. Wright 120 TelrS race OrsJ. C-s-Parao tse Hi. . ... Horse Jockey ' Welfht Miss nut N. Pattio US Orphan Annie J. Davts ; 120 Scarlett Paaa M. Perry . 120 Barney McCue It. Strausa 115 Fella No Boy 12S Faarth race Grate C Pan HI Vis. Horse Jockey Candy P. C. Hewee Cameo Bobby R. Diamond Record Crop K. Jones . Flicka Grey R. Strausa Billy Horton L. Slape Welfht 12.1 . 125 125 120 . 125 Fifth .rare Grade S?5n.ee44A yds. Horse Jockey Gin Hifh No Boy Savannah G. J. Davia Punae R. Strauss Jo Jo V C. Hewea Hot Foot K. Jonas .. A and B Parse Welfht 115 125 125 120 Ulna race Grade B Parse 4t Yds. Horee Jockey e s a a s Wetfht- Wlllhelmlna K. L. Slape 120 Vlrainla Reel C. Hewea . 120 Linda F R. Strausa 110 Lady II J. Davis 120 Sorrel Pat K. Jonea 120 Seventh race Clalsalnf Parse abeat i farlengs. Horse Jockey Weight Ran On No Boy Bobby Effort L. Slape Jay Out R. Diamond .. Border Gipsy M. Perry l Hewes . 115 . 120 . 120 . 120 . 120 Quit That- ; Unofficial temperatures of 100 degrees below zero have been known on Mount McKinley in south central Alaska. " Pandanus leaves are used to make the famous hula skirts of the South Seas. Registered Willamette Val ley Romneys from Im ported cams. Choice seleo tlons now available. OAKMEAD FARM Newberg, Oregon SLABWOOD in 12-16 and 24 In. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR . DOUBLE LOADS -WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phone 65 HEY! FISHERMEN! .imtfitf "0W 0U w Have A New jl Eyinrude or A OUTBOARD MOTOR W - at 20 OFF Here is a chance that all of you have been waiting for. You can have one of the most reliable of all outboard motors ot a terrific saving to you. Drive out today and select the one that you want. This offer good only until September 15. Bank Terms If Desired t PACIFIC . CHAIN SAW CO. Hiway 99 at Garden Valley Road . Phone 1152-J OUT n When it's dark! During the dark days of sales slowdown is the time to look around and find a way to increase sales. And what better way than through regular advertising in the columns of the Frt., Aug. It, 1949 The Newt-Review, Rosoburf , Or. 1 Convenient Perking At Rear of Store Roseburg, Oregon a""! TRAIL BLAZER Not as wide or deep a trxj as Riverside but .very ounce first quality male rials I It's really a dependable tire I You can save with safely on Trail Blazer in this sale I WARDS RIVtRSIDf Not only Is the Rvertid mode of first quality materials it's first quality in tread depth . . . width . . . cross-section and size! Compare it with the best first-line tires I DELUXE Better than first-line tires I Better be cause It's premium quality throughout I Yet pre mium quolity costs less at Words much leei during this big money-saving sale I $1.50 WEEKLY BUYS FOUR TMESI sin 4.7SS.0O-1 s.oo-u t. so-is .... so-u 7.00-1 65 10.45 t.ti 11.15 stvse. noes 10.25 11.10 10.45 12.H0 12.S5 14.70 11.45 13.55 14.15 15.22 SPORT KING M11 CASTING ROD Reg. 5.65 . . Now5,47 Medium actidn, solid steel rod. Polished aluminum off set handle with screw-locking reel seat REG. 4.98 SPORT KING CASTING REEL" - U21...100-YJ. CopacI) Te'iaT Non-bacMash reel with adjust able! casting drag. Head ring, chrome-p!a:ed brass end plates. 33c REG. 98e SPORT KING CASTING LINE SO Ms. II Is. Une 88c Black, waterproofed du Pont ny lon line; hard-braided. For cost ing or trolling, 2 spools conn. REGULAR 43c SPARK PLUGS Seve, buy e serf Ee. Riverside plugs-pay for them selves in gas savings! Made to last longer without adjustment! SALE. CQMMANDER : BATTERY 6 95 J2-month guaranteel 39 plates. , Equal to nationally known bat teries telling for much morel REG. 98c AUTO SEAT CUSHION 88c luy mw, aeve Colorful plaid fiber with at-, tractive trim. Rests back makes driving easier! Buy todayl "SEA KING" 5.0 H. P. OUT BOARD MOTOR 115.50 O.I C. KotsJ 1 4000 It's smooth and quiet In operation, yet this De luxe Twin pocks a lot of power! Develops speeds .to 14 m.p.h., slow trolls without 0 sputterl Auto matic rewind starter, full 360 degree reverse. I It SALEI BETTER QUALITY SEAT COVER Soil resistant fiber in colorful plaid pattern, faa f & Double stitched seams give longer wear 7,73 Buy yours now, at Wards sale price! Sale! Coupes 5.45 Sale! Front Scats 5.45 ' COMPLETELY REBUILT MOTORS CUT $10 Guaranteed Die a new motorl Ford, Chev, . Plymouth, Dodge s 1 1 ot Wards low pricel 1 1 00 Trade-in ollowance for your old motor. 1 1 Compare then buy o Wards rebuilt motorl monUf SALEI WARDS VITALIZED MOTOR OIL I8C Why poy 3ie a quart for oil i i 1 stock up with Vitalized et this fow pricel Premium quality . . . cleans out power, robbing deposits, keeps motors cean fodi taW tMto44