1 i FEED-FEED-FEED FEED QUALITY AND PRICES ARE RIGHT' FREE FIELD SERVICE FOR FEED SEED OR REMEDIES PHONE OR CALL Roseburg Feed & Seed Co. DISTRIBUTORS H I Centennial Feeds and Centennial Flour Oak and Sprue Sts. Phone 374 ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS . . . YOUR WATCHMAKER! Multnomah Hat Small Army Of Shtriff Aides PORTLAND. Aujj. 26 m i Multnomah county has 537 regu larly commissioned sheriffs de puties and tome 240 holding spe cial commhtsions, the Oregon 'Journal reported Thursday. i The special commissions aren't particularly unusual some 2000 j of them were issued in the 18 years Martin Pratt was sheriff. The sheriffs reserve, public of ficials and various others got them. j Regular commissions, however, i were rarely Issued by Pratt to other than his office personnel, the newspaper said a check of county clerk s records disclosed. The present sheriff, Marion El liott, has a staff of 230 and in addition has issued 307 regular commissions to such outsiders as Mike DeCicco, Portland tire deal er; Nicholas Granet, county de mocratic party chairman, and State Senator Jack Bain, the Journal reported. The state flower of Kentucky is the goldenrod. PIANO LESSONS Students Register New! Classes Start Sept. 1 Phone 1076 R Victor Rice KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1490 on Your Dial 24 HOUR WATCH REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MINOR REPAIRS ' Don't rwgtext your wotdil Don't bang it around Don't wtof ft whon washing . Don't opon It v . . Wlnti ft regularly ... fttpoir Rt broken crystal at onto ... Hovo It cUanod and oiUd ragulortyl Bring your wotch in for a chocku without oblige Hon today! Complete Overhaul 1 WEEK SERVICE I IISJ IHO 116 N. , Joek.cn tUi&OtS FIWE JEWELRY Phone) 448 4 DOWN 4 W Buys Beautiful New... I . amitA 1 IxoMtil 1 Saves Work, Saves Time, Saves Untold Drudgeryl light enough to carry and small enough to store in a closet, this easy-operating Hotpoint Ironer gives your sheets, towels, shirts and dresses that envied "professional" finish. One handy control for entire opera tion. Thermostat assures proper heat for any fabric One-piece welded base with smooth, rounded corners and gleaming, durable finish. Sealed motor is perma nently lubricated. Only $1 DOWN and $1 a week buys this regular $49.95 value at our store now! Come in for demonstration. BE MAIN IN O BOl'Bt TODAY 4 OO Fulton Lowlf. Jr. 4:15 Frank Hrminywaj. 4:30 Pawns ParadY 4:45 Tipfl and Tuna. Sua Music. 5:15 MualC. 9 .10 Champion. 5 45 L Bennett OO Mafic Garden. :15 Mutual NawarooL 30 Sporta Pat. 3-1 Music. '40 Local New. 45 Bill Hanry. 8 55 Southland Singing. TOO Dick Haymaa. T 13 Sammy Kao Showroom. T 30 Cisco Kid. 00 Straight Arrow. JO Carmen Cava liar. 45 Bob C bar la. 9 00 Nawi. 0:15 HI Neighbor. :I0 Scandinavian Melody Tlm- 45 ru I ton Lawta, Jr. 10 00 Staka Baca. 10:15 Danra Orchestra. 10 :m Affairs of Paiar Salam. 11:00 Cua In Music 11:30 Sign Off. ATI IDAT. Al GUT SI, 1M OO Yawn PatroL 15 Nfwi 20 Mune. ..W Music. 30 Yawn PatroL 45 Music. 7:00 Naws. 7:15 Breakfast Gang. 7:45 Local Nsws. 7 SO Bachlvo. 7:55 Music. OO Haven of Beat. :n Modern Home. oo V. ally a Coffea Tim. 9:15 Music. ::m Tclcphono RtquMt 10:OO News. 10: 15 Sweet wood Serenade. 10:30 Shopper a Guide. I0:.V Music. 10:45 Jimmy Wakaly. 11:00 American Legion Auxiliary Girl's Nation. 11:30 Air Force Hour. 12:00 Music at Noon. 1215 S porta Page. 12:25 Music. 12 40 Local New. 12:45 National New. 12:55 Market Reports 100 Man on the Street. 1:15 Voire of the Army. 1 ::to Veterans' Request 2:00 To be Announced. 2:30 Rhumbs Rhythm. 2 45 Helen Hall a rcme Pair. 3 00 Melody Mountain Boys 3 30 Let a Talk About Music 4:15 Prank Hemingway. 4:30 Smoke Rings. 5 OO Hawaii Calls. 3:30 Sing for Your Supper. 0:00 Meet the Press. 30 Sports Page. 35 Music. 40 Local News. 0:4S Eddy Duchin. 7:00 Take a Number. 7:30 Xavlar Cugat. 8:00 Happy Valley Cowhova. 8 30 Barnes is His Orchestra. 0:00 News, 0:15 Dink Templeton. 0:30 Wrestling Parade. 10:30 Dance Orchestra. 11:00 Cues In Music. 11:30 Sign Off. ti, m lya. M NDAT, AHOt T 00 Back to God Hour. 8:30 Voles of Prophecy. OO Radio Bible Class. 9:.T0 Lutheran Hour. 10:00 Newa. 10:15 Organ Concert. 10:30 Music. 10:45 Moments of Devotion, ll oo Church Services. 12:00 Music. 12:15 Sunday Favorites. 12:30 Canary Chorus. . 12.45 National News. 1:00 House of Myaterv. 1:30 MarUn Kane, Private 2:00 Ray Bloch Presents. 2:30 Meet Your Match. 3:00 Roy Rogers Show. 3:30 Nick Carter. 4:00 Walking In Rhythm. 4:15 Music. 4:30 Family Theater. 5:00 Laymen! Hour. 9:30 Can You Top This. 8:00 Secret Missions. 0:30 Shailah Graham. 8:45 BUI Cunningham. Too Murder by Experts. irua or raise. r -- 8:00 Twenty Questions, 8:30 Burl Ives. L- ' 8:45 Lanny Boss. . J 9:00 News. -9:15 Memorable Music. 9:30 American Legion. 0 45 Church of the Open Bible. 10:00 Klwania Chorus. 10 .TO Ray HackeU Orchestra. 11:00 Sign Off. HI... flnwAr. riiffirtnlt Ia AU. tinguish Irom natural blooms, have been created by artisans In the American glasshouses which produce nanamade glassware. Ite safer driving At any rate If wheels are aligned And running abaijht Of E)ME H TJ z "The Cisco Kid" was known far and wide as a man of his word. Hla word was given to one of the greatest prospectors of the old Southwest to make a man of his grandson. In the dramatization of 'The Cisco Kid and the Tenderfoot," Cisco and Pancho help their ward not only to find himself but also to discover gold. (7:30-8 p. m.) Producer Ted Robertson, of MOL's "Straight Arrow" program (Fridays, S:00-S:30 p. m.) and hie assistant, Ray Kemper, have Just returned from the Inter. tribal American Indian ceremonies at Gallup, New Mexico, where they have recorded documentary material on Indian life. Many of the ceremonial ritee they captured on tape are "top secret" Indian tribal routines that have never before been seen or heard by white men. This material will be used to back ground their "Straight Arrow" adventure dramae, which return to the normal three-tlmee-weekly scheduling In Sep tember. "The Renegade" titles tonight's "Straight Arrow" adventure at S. A professional dance girl is found murdered because blackmail Is Involved in 'The Affair of the Dancing Destroyer," the mystery drama to be unfolded on "The Affairs of Peter Salem" broadcast tonight at 10:30. .SATURDAY; Ninety-six girls, ranging In age from 14 to 17 will gather in Washington, 0. C, as the elected represen. tatives of the 48 states of the Girls' Nation tomorrow morn ing at 11, at which time they'll set up their own miniature National Government. Official program title Is "American Legion Auxiliary Girls' Nation." Senator Claude R. Hoey (Democrat) of North Carolina,' chairman of the Senate Committee Investigating the "five percenters" In Wash. Ington, will be the guest holding the press conference on "Meet the Press" tomorrow at six. FrI., Aug. 26, 1949-The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3 McKay Will Probe Ban On Pensioner's Use Of Auto SALEM, Aug. 23. UP) "I want to . find out the complete story," Gov. Douglas McKay de clared today as he asked State Welfare Director Loa Howard for the welfare commission's file on Logan Fields, 78-year-old one. armed retired violin maker of Portland, who was instructed Wednesday to choose between dis posing of his automobile or re moval from old-age assistance rolls. Speaking of the car as one "which no dealer would pay more than $75 for." McKay declared he could not "help but be concerned over the published details of the case." He emphasized, however, that he pursues a hands.nff pol icy with respect to the autonomy of state boards and commissions. Press accounts stated that Wed nesday's ruling by the state wel fare commission In Portland up held earlier action by the Mult nomah county welfare commis sion. Miss Howard assured the gov. ernor that the Fields file, includ ing a complete transcript of hii hearing before the state commis sion, would be sent to the state house as soon as possible. PAINTS All Kinds PAGE LUMBER & FUEL fi" 2nd Ave h. Phon 242 PUBLIC DANCE at the EAGLES Every Saturday Night SAM'S NIGHT RIDERS 5-PIECE WESTERN BAND Dancing from 9:00 p. m. 'til 1 :00 a. m. Admission 50c Hall is Air-conditioned! Everybody Stay -ool and Dance! EAGLES Corner of Cass and Pine CSSSSS3sS3 j COME TO THE FAIR AND STAY FOR THE RACES Daily Double and Quinella Wagering Post Time 8:00 p.m. ONLY TWO MORE NIGHTS Presented By UMPQUA JOCKEY CLUB Under Auspices of Douglas County Sheriff's Posse COMPUTE FOR YOUR FORD y AdfMt tester el treat wheels k Ad)est tessker el treat wheels ert tee et treat wheals k- CheA wheels ferWeace tedkp-WI-rU. y Al steer ssed-Osei k lespedWeaesWerwj k lead taste 04 v COMING SUNDAY DAYS i mil i m st it YOUNG dl;11;TOIIllM 0 rri Pll!iimf 1 w533VG35i:3 tlTSWf fftKf Gttl 4 m GwrtHsj LOOK! DANCE UNDER THE STARS AT THE FAIRGROUNDS tonight and all week through the Fair WESTERN WRANGLERS 10e a dance 6 of 'em 10c a dance TOMORROW & SZ" S "TZT" "ITS LOADED WITH DYNAMITE . . .TWIN C BROTHERS . . . ONE THE LAW, f I rj ONE THE OUTLAW f r 1 I I t W I i Ol NXOWI HOUSE HftMCY 1 1 iT WHITE PETERS Jr. SAUNDERS J HOUSE WHITE -PETERS Jr. -SAUNDERS Itrrvr DUNHia LEE ROBERTS TED ADAMS JOHN MERTON DEE COOPER JjACKOSHEA SANDY SAUNDERS BOB DUNCAN tfitud t I0 I MiMt SlPinSt 9J I"' l w ewssj " a ) Islustd ht SCtEER Mill riOMCTIO f 2nd Western Hit JIMMY OCELV STARTS SUNDAY EVERY ACT A SHOVZ-STOPPER) Every Star a Headliner , .1 oeS AND THERE'S NO ESCAPE FOR THOSE ON... NOW THE 3 in EC I .... , ,, . r . nasi l--.'."fe.W.IU Villll 1113 . ;7-TTJ. CISCO KID in "Riding the California Trail" and 'I Cheated the Law" TCRRT MOOM UN JOHNSON i KMMSWU L0CKW00D MOTORS Rose and Oak Phone 80 36 N. JACKSON SZ TELEPHONE 268