Classified Ads Fad The Wallop That Jars Loose Gesulfc ! CLASSIFIED RATES I day par word I dara " . -1 day, 4 day! T : 10i -JOe Real Estate Special RANCH VALUE M ACRES OF CHOICE BOTTC.M GROUND about 11 minulei drive from th center of Rowoun, completely modern J-Deo room ikhim, large Darn, several good chicken it brooder hous es, nice trout stream runs through the property: it U completely fenced and cross fenced witn woven wire. The crop now consist of wheat. barley, alfalfa, berries, family orch ard and a beautiful .masted garden some stork and eouioment are In cluded. All of this may be purchased for the price of a good city noma. ONLY 13.300. liberal terms. HAYDEN H. DECAMP, Realtor 149 a Stephens Street Phone 173-L 14 ACRRS with hie 9 room house. Dart- ly finished, built 1948, In good livable condition, bath, hardwood floors, etc. 7 acres cleared. acres level, and 4 arree of the best creek bottom lana with a ear-around fishing stream through the land with irrigation rights. Ideal for truck garden, and the other half runs up hill covered with evergreens 7'i miles east of Myrtle Creek. 14.500, and $1,300 down 302 ACRES located 2' mile out of Drain, 123 acres cleared, 40 acres cul tivated and 90 acres of timber, 7 good springs, lots of water. 8 room house, big 42x72 ft. barn with storage for iso tons oi nay, in gooa conaiuon. Chicken house, other bid flu. 1 milk cow, 40 hens and pullets, rake, mower, harrow, haywagon. cream separator Price $7,750 and $.1,500 down. Balance 9600 per year including interest. 32 ACRE sheep or stock ranch 1 mile up mountain on oi nignwiy no, ah fenced and cross fenced sheep & cattle tight. 43 acres cultivated. 3 good all year springs, old building!), small 4 room house, barn, etc. So ,600. Only $1,500 down. 330 ACRES A real stock ranch: lots and lots of grass and water. 1 mile off main highway 225: good road to this ranch and the whole place la pas ture and over half has a gentle roll: 3 room modern house, 2 barns 3 cabins, etc. Lou of water, 911.100. 580 ACRE sheep or stock ranch with over mile of frontage on highway 225 both sides and owner states about 1,000.000 ft. saw timber with enough poles and piling to pay for this ranch. 70 acres cultivated; 183 acres cleared: the balance of which is tim ber. Also 8 or 8 springs 2 of them bricked in and good ones. 6 room house modern, barn, chicken house. 2 brooder houses, woodshed, etc. Atl bldgs. right next to highway. Total 6 rice only 913,750 with $3,000 down, alance 9600 per year Including In terest. Will show this ranch to and after Wednesday. 14 ACRES of rich bottom anil on y ear around live creek; 8 miles from Rose burg. Ideal for country home, 1 mile from pavement on food rock road. Widow will sacrifice lor $3950.. soma terms. CLOSE TO new swimming pool and Rose school; lovely, modern 5-room home with full cement basement, pine furnace. Owner must sell due to circumstances. 98500., only 91300. down 3 BEDROOM home with sttached ga rage, completely furnished Inc. la rite refrigerator and washing machine. $4100., terms. TXCLUSTVE AGENTS FRED IA'MM SALESMAN Phone 1212-R or JAMES L. PAYNE. BROKER Phone 1301 112 Brock way St. Complete Plans RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L K. Cornwell 315 U. S. Bank BIdg. Ph. 583 STOP THROWING AWAY RENT MONEY! Buy One of Roseburg's Most Beautiful Homes On Easy Terms In Cloverdale Parle 14S.79 la SR3.0S A MONTH coven taxes, Insurance, interest and principal You can pay as little as 9500 00 down There ts no need to give away yout money as rent or live In crowded condition you can buy one of Rose burg's finest homes on these easy terms. Read These Features Hillside view lots Large closet Fully insulated Floored atl" Tiled floors Big view wtndows 14 different plans Oversize lots Oil heat Fireplaces THA Inspected Wfatherstrlpped FHA approved There are still a few of the fifty home being offered to veterans with no down pay ment. Visit Cloverdale Park and see these exceptionally fine homes today or to night Open daily from 10 a. in to 9 p. m. Fies & Clute Realty 4h9 West Cass Phone ISM or 1337 NEW HOME FOR SALE 3 rooms down stairs, upstairs unfinished Modern house, electricity, wired for rane. fireplace, picture window Double ga rage, chicken house, and hog house. With 4 acres of land, priced at H500 . reasonable terms. More land available. mile from school, store and cnunh John E. Lee. mile west of Look Insgia Slr- ONE ACRE. South t'mpqui River. San dy beach, swimming, boating. Shed building, electricity in, water availa ble soon $725 down, balance $20 month. Cah price. $1490 2'i miles south of Roeeburg Turn at old high way at Kennedys. mile, next te new Gospel Church. For sale bv owner only. K O. Harris, Boa 83. Roseburg. Oregon. f OR SALE OR EXCHANGE - 80 acre. 38 ha res of water, bldg.. $12,500. Rt. 1. Box 229, Ph. 2O0TW-4. Bend, Ore gon. S. L. Hall. EaS. my equity in unfinished house, I acTff lot. Phone 411. ak for Bob. GOOD 75x100 corner lot; good soil and drainage. In Smith s Addition of West Sutherlln Cah or very aay trni. $423 John W. Kelley, 1 G Star Rt.. Roeburg Carge Lots. 3xi4o. 5o tso down Graveled street, water and tights. Restricted district. Ph. 802-R-3. Real Estate GARDEN SOIL TWO ACRES on Deer Creek eight miles easi oi courmouse. inree oearoorr newer home that has a lovely kitch- e i. large utility. Plastered, easy to heat, quick possession 78 ft. drilled wen, oesi oi waier. awou. toiai price 91500. down. STANLEY E. SHORT Realtor 114 West Lana St Phone 1093-R DRASTICALLY REDUCED! Must sell im mediately one of south wet t Oregon's finest ranches. 135 A., new modern, 4 -bed room, ranch-style home. Many valuable Improvements. 10 fruit-nut trees, springs, umber, 91 3.500. An other bargain! mile beautiful Ump- qua ironuge. new nouse. garage, etc. In park line cedar grove. Unlimited irrigation to mane zu A. real para dise, mmkm. Any reasonable offer con- siaerea on tnese aesirabie properties Courtesy to brokers. C. L, Swanaon, Owner. Riddle, Oregon. When It's Real Estate in Myrtle Cfeea and sou in Douglas to. Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK. Ore PHONE 645 FOR SALE 160 acres. 3 miles west Dtl lard: about 1 million feet timber; smalt sawmill, graveled road, year 'round creek. $4."uu. cash. 2 miles up Rice Creek Road. Turn right at ola school house. Pat Johnson, Box 102. uiiiara. GOOD BUYS GOOD BUSINESS LOCATION Building SOxRO. Cement floor. Pumice block .construction. Gas furnace and boiler, radiant heat. 2 offices and two rest rooms, well constructed- Price 9J5.0OO.OO. Terms. MANY LOVELY HOMES FOR SALE Modern two-bedroom home. bath, large living room, large kitchen, lots of Closet space, lull basement, oil fur nace. Plastered thru-out. hardwood floors, vrnetian blind. windows screened. Insulated and doors weather stripped. Garage. Lot 100 xS3 . Price 910,500.00. 3-BEDROOM home, living room with fireplace, kitchen, utility room. Pumice block construction, atl plas tered. Kentile floors with radiant heat. Lot 100x223 ft. Nice location. Price 99,450.00. SMALL RANCH 108 acres, approx. 80 acres tillable. Live creek thru place. On good hard road. 4 -bedroom home, bath, electricity , elect, water heater. Barn, new wiiod shed, new toot house. Irrigation pump. Price 815.000 00. Terms. House and 61 acres can be bought for $9,000 00. BEST RIVER FRONTAGE Four acres good river frontage, lovely trees, oooa iocauon. a-t.auu.w. Earl and Gladys Wiley Realtors Hotel Rom Ph. 720-R Valley Real Estate Agency H ACRE, close to city limits, with 2 dc a room nome, years oia. Harawnoa floors, furnace, on city bus line. $HB75. Easy terms or will trade for 3 bed room home. VACANT NOW: Brand new 3 bedroom home; hardwood floors; furnace; wired for range: tiled kitchen and bath room. Small down payment to State G.L Full price 87800 00. 3 BEDROOM HOME with living room ana aining room: concrete iounaa tion; an older home but neat and clean: large lot: has business possi bilities; 93000. Terms. 2 BEDROOM HOME, close to hign school and grade scnooi; narawooa floors: city sewer: walking distance to town, 95550. Real small down pay ment. 14 x28' CABIN, furnished, on ttvino ft lot. City water and lights. 91000. 'i down. IN WINSTON. 1 acre with neat 2 room home, furnisned: well witn electric pump. You can t beat this. 93150. Only $630. down. ONE OF THE BETTER HOMES. 2 bed rooms, living room, kitchen with lots of built-in, utility room, lawn in In. Close to school. Owner Is taking a ' beating but said to sell $6950. 91350. down. TAVERN, one of the best In the coun ty: owner is retiring ana oners s real money maker at a reasonable price. FOR RENT: 3 apartment house, modern; the whole deal lor $125. per month 1800 ACRE RIVER RANCH: 200 acres river bottom, 2 homes, stocked and equipped This ranch la a money maker. 963.000. Terms. Valley Real Estate Agency US W. Cass Street Phone 868 North Umpqua View Home 24 ACRES 7 miles out between Country Club and Winchester. 2 large bed rooms, expensive carpeting, drupes and curtains, phone, oil heater, guet house, double garage, chicken house, old barn, own water system. The view from the front porch covers one mile of North Umpqua river and surround ing country. A beautiful view place with several more building sites Price now reduced to $12700.00 with $5000.00 down. Easy terms. Earl & Gladys Wiley. Realtors Phone 726 -R 2, TWIN 6-ROOM bungalows, hardwood driveway and garage. Lo' ftox.vtO ft . industrial part of town Worth SlB.noo All for $10. "V Call 624-J; if no ans wer call 4."H-Y. FOR SALE 10 acres, large house, elec tric ranse, water neater, on neaier famllv orchard Nice barn and other outbuilding $1ROO down or will trade for 2 bedroom home in town Phone 922-R-l. Surveys Maps Plans Percy C. Armstrong Civil Enaineer 11 So Msln St Ph8l7-RX FOR SALE BY OWNER 4-B R houe sound construction, near school and walking distance from town Large lot with fruit and grapes. $6300 Oood Terms 110 Chetmit St Ph14.Ht-R jTroOM. MODERN HOUSE, school bus bv door graveled ear-around drive ways, fruit, berries and nuts. 2 acre- See to appreciate F.rst red house west of 99 on old W in t on -Looking glass road, vicinity of Winston. $2jho equity for f2 ). tn 3-room modern home, garage attached or trade for .15 ft. trailer houoe 8 months pa v ment to buyer's credit. Phone 419-R-l. FOR SALE tir.M. cah buy? a lot and 2-rnom furnished caHn Balance $wl at $23 per month. Writ News-Review Box 9R2 BUY FROM OWNER AND SAVE 2 b. r modern : a t tached ga rage i ce ment walks and drive. Insulated Lawn and shrubs, fenced 718 Nebo St f'OR SALETwo bedroom. modern heme Well loreteo. on bus line. lOftxlSft ft. n--- lawn Mv nitv and balance 803 53 month. If Millar Lana. Real Estate Selected Buys BRAND NEW HOME 3 blocks from Senior hign school 2 bedrooms, liv., kitchen, wired for range, large attach ed garage with utility At elec. water heater, extra lot for garden space, fully Dlaatered. connected to citv gas A sewer. Compare this value at sobuu. LATE MODEL HOME 4 miles south of Roseburg. large living room with dining alcove, convenient kitchen, gas water heater, 1 bedroom down and floored lor l mora upstairs, run price 9375a 4 ROOMS & ATH large separate ga rage with cement drive, plastered. Kentile flooring, new lawn; this at tractive home is only 1 year old located on N. Jackson St. Price $79 V). $245o dn. bal. $42 per mo. Inc. taxes at a '. inu BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME In tha Cat kins District. 3 miles from city. This place has a 1 3 acre in strawberries St garden: the 2 bedroom house is modern and complete with hardwood floors, oil furnace, plastered and a double garage with workshop Priced for quick sale at 97950, 91600 dn. BRAND NEW 3-BEDROOM HOME close in location in restricted district, two sq. ft. floor space, attached garage, it has such items as tiled bath St dram boards, hardwood floors, ga wall furnace, a fine river view and what more need there be for 97630. NEAT WESTSIDE HOME-larga living room, 1 bedroom, kitchen, shower balh, oversized lot, located In new home district: the price it only 9-1300, 9725 down. bal. like rent ATTRACTIVE NEW 3-BEDROOM HOME in Laurel wood, full deep basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, plastered St papered, radiant heating. Venetian blinds, new lawn, a real noma here for $13,730. HIGHWAY BUSINESS LOT 120x80 with modern 2 bedroom house in the city limit of Roseburg. Price 97000. GROCERY BUSINESS plus 3 bedroom apartment, excellent established busi ness netting between $HO0 and $400 monthly. About $3i00 plus stock to handle. See us soon for further de tails. No telephone Information on this one please. Haydert H. DeCamp REALTOR 749 S. Stephens Street Phone 11 JUST THREE BLOCKS FROM OUR OFFICE This Is definitely an older type home, but it is of sound con struction and the location is Very close to the business dis trict. Three bedrooms, hard wood floors, plastered walls, basement, oil furnace. We will be happy to show It to you. 911300- Terms. ANOTHER OUTSTANDING LOCATION This lovely modern horn la lo cated among the better homes In Roseburg. It Includes two nice size bedrooms and plenty of room In the upstairs for two more bedrooms and a bath. Good big living room, very nice kitchen Attached garage. 912, 730 with terms. Less for cash. THRIVING MOTEL NOW AVAILABLE This Is definitely one of Rose burg's best motels. It has 14 units plus a two bedroom hnme. Very modern, the best In furni ture. 970,000. Terms. THIS BELONGS TO A COMPETITOR One of the toughest properties a REALTOR can sell is his own. One of our fine competit ors wants to sell h:s home so he can buy a large one. He is not asking a top price It is a good buy. Six room home, very neat and clean, one acre of land. Peach, apple, cherry and wal nut trees. Chicken house. Al most in the citv limits, city water. ONLY $(iS00 (And he won t knock off the commit, mission if you go to him direct.) Terms. ROSEBURG REALTY & INSURANCE CO. umpqua Hotel L-oboy Realtors NEW 3-BEDROOM HOUSE with garage. i . acre, uwner moving away; must sell; full price $4ti00 00. real terms. Wil Itake. a clear late model car. AIMOST NEW 2 bedroom home. Iirge 'UdKv. ' aire, ims is a real country nme. about .1 mil frnm Bnuhura 91000 00 dn. Bal. on G. L loan. 3 BEDROOM older hnfne but very nice mi iui .t"xo runs to river: riht in town $1200 dn. Total price 83200.00. WE HAVE TWO Or THE FINEST gm- mre in mwn tnai can be boupht on inventory. Both doing nice business. DO YOU HAVE A GOOD RANCH that win run I3U or zikj sheep with good fair bldgs. on. We have the buyer. A BRAND NEW HOME just outfde in nwruui g j ncorooms. Kit , llv. rm , din rm., hath with targe garage $fiooooo total price. 91000.00 dn. Just right for state G. I. Williamson Real Estate Ph. 1049-R 1444 N. Stephens St Complete Plans RESIDE VTIAt COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L. K. Cornwell 215 U. S Bank BIdg. ph. 383 $3.VK FULL PRICE Newlv finixhed shake hou Thrw vlr. rtd big service porch Gravity water from spring plus good well Wood shed, garage and cow barn Excellent garden pot. On 25 ncren fenced land Some pole timber. Electricity in. mail and school bus to door Terms to re sponsible party. Delco H Grave. Box 216-A. Melrose Route. Telephone 801 20 Acres, A Fine Home Nice 3-room home with fireplace, new Ki. -inr irnRc, sanay loem soil, larae living creek. Jut 10 miles out Price $TSfM, part term CHAS K YES. BROKER HIGHWAY AND DOUGLAS INCOME PROPERTY for sate" H bedToTi house, basement and fireplace, cabin on place, income SU13 month 1', blocks north of Benson School 1123 E 3rd St FOR SALE OR TRADE for late model car iv acres, nice location, near town, school bus, electricltv, telephone Reasonable. Box 61, Oakland. Ore gon Always Have It Surveyed JlmDaugiert.the engineer Ph. J87-R MODERN TWO-BEDHOOMomeconv pletely furnished, very reasonable Owner leaving Oregon R C Poulton Cofmtock Rod. welSutherlin COTS FOR SALE In Winston EV terms. A F. buksdorf, Winston, Ore on COTS FOR SALE City .rater and lights available. Lod down boyment Eugene Ridenour Phone 7.10-J -5 WILL TRADE small rmnrti, citv edge, value $20.0UO for ranch in Coot Ray. or prooerty arre value. Phone 833-R -3 FOR SALE 4 acre. 2 houes. 2 rr'les eat Rellr's Korner nn Roberts Crek Road In Roberts' Creek Water Dis trict. 82800., terms. Ft. 1, Box 248-G. They'll Do It Every HEN ABPDSTRA SSS5Ie IAS A LITTLE SIRU keeper than i i SHE JUST LOVED TO PLAY HOUSE" SOME DAW Real Estate 10 A MOSTLY PASTURE, 12 mi. out. Well fenced woven wire. Good county road. School bus and RFD at door. Elec. 1 B. R. houe with fireplace. Good barn and brooder house. I.are garden space Imm. poss. Only 850 00 down. Kk&O.OQ luU price. NEW 2 B. R. ultra modern home. Rooms are large. Lot 77x125 of finest gar den soil. Near city bus, stores, schools. For fine living see this one. Shown hv aopoiniment only. Priced to sell at $13,000.00 with 85000.00 down. PRACT. NEW 2 B. P. mod. home. sUe 20x.t6, on cone, foundation. Garage. Small poultry house. Riverside Add A good state G. I. deal. 86000.00 with 82500.00 down. 4 B R. MOD. HOME on So. Main Basement, furnace, garage, oui ai door. Close to school, stores. High grade construction. 12,600.00 with only $2500.00 down. 32 A. MELROSE AREA. 20 A. cult Attractive 2 H H mod. nome aimoi new and In excellent condition. Att. double garage, service porch with Idy. trays. Barn 20x40 with hay loft. Gravtty flow spring water tn abun dance. Bldgs. cost much more than price asked. 88500.00 with half down. WE OFFER A LOT on Calkins mad 70x313 ft., plus a liveable cabin, my water and lights. Several fruit trees. Only 8350.00 down. $1750.00 lull price. 2 B. R. MODERN HOME 2'i ml. out Cone, foundation. Fine wen ana pres sure system. For the money and terms this one is hard to match. $1000.00 down. $4000.00 full price. 31 A, FREE SOIL and all tillable, 10 ml. out. New 2 B. R. mod. home on concrete. Hdw. floors. 4 stanchion barn. Garage. $10,500 00 with less than i j down. 2 B. R. MOD. HOME Harrison St. Oil furnace. New wall to wall carpeting. Patio. Pine large back yard with shade and fruit. 3 room guest cottage. Ask to see this one. $12,800.00 on rea sonable terms. VERY GOOD 4 B. R. 2 unfinished! home in West Roseburg. Paving, sew er, gas. Block from schools, stores and city bus. Fine lawn front and back Att. garage. Area of fine homes. This Is reallv good value. 1mm. poss. $11,750.00. $5000.00 down. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE for a good place to live. 2 B. R. Bath. Living room and kitchen. Back porch. Att. garage. Floors and ceilings Insulated. Oil heater and hot water tank In cluded. Good neighborhood. Close to city bus. stores and schools, and Vet's hospital. Full price only $320000 with 812OO00 down. This Is a good Investment. William A. Oerding Realtor Insurer Loans Phone 213. 124 Wast Cass St. The Home Of Fine Ranches 160 ACRES. 40 acres tillable, nice small home with bath and toilet, barn, hen house, fruit, good springs, only 7 miles out. for the low prire of $.ooo no with $120000 down. Hurry for this bargain. SUBURBAN HOME Lot 120 by 120. 4 bedroom home tn good condition, fireplace, city water, bus service, full price $6,000.00 with Willi $1500 00 down. TIME FOR SCHOOL. CLOSE TO ROSE SCHOOL 3 bedroom home that is modern, on fsvement, In good condition, with ru-t, flowers and shruhs. a buy at tU00.00 with $330000 down. A CHFAPIE 1 In the city with alt modern conven iences, on tne pavement, nut or course this ts not one of the ultra modern homes, but a home for some one that wants to invent only a small amount. $3150.00 full price for mis room nome. 15.1 ACRES, with 79 acres tillable, this farm has a city home and 3 bed rooms that Is a brand new modern home, nlso a new barn, hen house, fruit, has new tractor and all farm machinery, hay in the barn, 3 fine Jersey cows, 2 heifers, sheep and 2 butcher pigs, so if you want lo en joy living In the country, come tn and let us show this farm to you. 1,7UU. NEW SUBURBAN HOME On east Douglas, very modern, two bedroom home, that is plastered and stuccoed, with hut It Ins, an attached garage and home that ts worth the money, priced at swwu oo with terms. CAN YOU BEAT THIS 227 acres, all fenced, with an addi tional 40 acres fenced in. a tine little sheeD and turkey ranch Only 10 miles out, at $2200 00 with $1200 00 aown. Jack Realty, Realtor 851 S. Stephens St. Lloyd Wilson Salesmen Henry Handy 1 NEW HOME, electric heated, pumice building, electric range, refrigerator Laundromat, hot water tank. tw pier-e bedroom set, davenport and floor lamp, kitchen table and rnairs. For only V7roo.00, Terms VOU MUST SEE THIS. 2 1 BEDROOM HOI SE Refrigerator Hot Point electric stove, washing machine, radio, sewing machine, two carpets, one complete bedroom set. springs and maitrese on two other bdv table and -halrs For only $.-.77', no. Terms. TWO REAL BAR GAINS. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor A U. TAYLOR, SALESMAN 638 S. Stephens Phons) 111 Time Well-she upanp married that luck Boy now LUCKY LOOK . - Real Estate BETTER VALUES NEW RAMBLING 5-room home over looking Westslde. If you are looking for a little elbow room, this fine home Is situated on 100 acres of land. Lovely kitchen with bar and nook . separata dining room, fireplace, floor furnace healing, insula led Large 2 car garage, patio, cement walk. Total price $12,X. Terms. $38ii0 $1000 or less down buys fur nished one-bedroom home plus a 2 room house rrnting for $25 per mo. Mot of furniture nearlv new con sisting of refrigerator, electric range, table top water heater, washing ma chine, oil circulator, dinette set, bed room suite, and other items. Bath not in. Furniture alnna la worth the down payment. Vacant. 8 BLOCKS FROM POST OFFICE -Here's a fine, new, 3-bed room home close to everything and located among some of Roseburg's best homes. This owner built home has a spacious liv ing room, dining room, bright kitchen, forced air heating to each room, in sulation, fireplace, part basement. A real homa at a right price. $15000. Terms. A REAL BUY Best of terms on this new suburban 2 -bed room home. An extra nice kitchen with lots of built in, formica dralnbnard. Inside utility This home is Insulated, windows Weatherstripped. Garage Is 20x32'. $1hi down payment. WHITE STUCCO 2-bed room homa near completion. Just north of city limits. Plastered Interior, central heating, handy kitchen, fdn. In for fireplace. Total price $."i250. Terms. FOUR BEDROOM HOME An older model In good repair. Large utility and bath, 3 bedrooms upstairs, fire place. Attached garage. $oooo total Srice. $1500 down. LROSE FARM 38 acres, about half tillable. Modern 6-room house, pres sure water system, large barn filled with hay. Some farm machinery In cluded for $7000. Terms. STANLEY E. SHORT Realtor 114 West Lana SL Phone 1092 -R Select Values ONE TO WRITE HOME ABOUT 120 acres with about 30 tillable. Com mercial diversified orchard and vine yard of finest varltles. All year creek and several springs. Nice remodeled 3 bdrm. house with all conveniences. One new 4 -room modern house. New barn, new tool shed, 300 hen house, brooders. Located 20 miles north of Roseburg on Siata highway. Custom ers take produce direct from ranch. $ with some furnishings, or $11,000 with 35 acres leas. A really nice ranch. HANDY TO ROSEBURG ABout 8 minutes drive on paved road. 140 acres, about 10 bottom. Nicely re modeled 3-bed room house with all con veniences, excellent view. Good barn, implement shed. Several beautiful building sites on property, $11,000. Terms. FARM AND BUSINESS 53 acres, 35 crop land. Good modern 8 roora house. Fruit, berries, grapes. Fair barn. 2 cows. 125 hens. New modern service station with grease room, rest rooms, soft drink dispen sary. Farm produce sold at nation. A lunch room or cabina would in crease income possibilities. Located On our finest highway and doing good communi ly and tourist business, $10,000. Good terms. RIVER FRONTAGE Good properties on North and South rivers, ranging from acre to W) acres. You can't beat these buys. Ask about our completely equipped ranch with 80 acres of bottom or irrigating river. See Pete Serafin C. S. BRIGGS & CO. 112 W. Cass Realtors Phone 814 New 2 Bedroom, Modern Home, Close In Large lot, 55 ft. frontage, pavement and iiuwmmj uoors, large nreax fast nook, gas furnace. Move right in Price $7. WW. part term. Chas. Kyes, Broker. Highway and Douglas. $$ Values $$ NEAR NORTH WINS ION RRIbnr One acre river bottom soil, modern 2- wnroom nome. rirepiace. plastered pull dranes throitehout rilnine rnn and other attractive features Pried lower tnan bunting cost at $77 SiITiOo down. itt00 down for Oregon Vet i ONE-HALF ACRE LOT. SMALL HOUSE - Pumice block construction, all steel sink, new refrig , washing machine, gas range and water heater Good lo cation on Hiway 09 N. $4000. $1000 down. Bruce V. Gilley, Real Estate 2355 N. Stephens Phone 190-J-2 Office on Hlwav f9 North 26 ACRES-Large 3-room house7ileep Ing porch, utility rooms. 2: ft dug well: new prensure pump, range ironer, washer, radio, all electric Burr saw. tractor, chickens, rabbits and garden tools. 12 miles from Roseburg $ot Liberal terms. H. McBroom. Melrose Rt . Box ll4 WILL TRADE EQUITY In my small new. modern home near Roaeburf on 99. for a good car that is clear large rrar room can be ued for a small business, has good watr Write to Geo. C . M41 H. E. Oregon St ,Portlrd. Oregon. WILL TAKE late model car as down payment on new 2-hedrnom houe plastered, hardwood floors, attached garage, large lot; or $1500. down Phone 8h2-R-2 FOR SALE $3,000 cash 72acVes old houe, good well. 8 acres prunes . salable timber Write Mrs O Miller Riddle Oreg Ph Riddle 524 LARGE LOTS: lights, water, bus line". Calkins Road near Edenbower school Inquire Rt 2, Box lo3. For Trade TO TRADE Modern homa. small acre- ate for imprnvea xarm lana. Howard Cherry. Oakland. iS By Jimmy Hatlo Livestock Schricker Auction 8 mile, north of Roieburg; 4 mil, south oi sutnerun. Monday, August 29 At 1 p. m. Cattle Consigned from ons man: 14 head of white face feeder steer calves. An other man has consigned one white face heiirr shorthorned heifer Guernsey cow. We exnect a good run of canners and cutter cows Vaal baby calvaa. Hogs Always shoata fat hogs wsaner pigs. Sheep Last week, we sold around IV) ewes and lamha. We expect more this week Bring them In as we have buyers win ting around 000 head of feeder lambs. Also good call for awea. Ho rses We expect to sell 4 or S running horses at tins sale. Regular furniture auction at T:.W. We will sell a car refrigerator stoves Ice box kerosene range lota of other ml ATTEND THIS SALE V. H. Schricker & Sons Auctioneers X. TELKAMP, RINGMAN Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring In tha most money Sale every Friday, Livestock 12 o'clock. Furniture T p. m. Roseburg Auction Phone 101 FOR SALE New Zealand rabbits and hutches; 2 gond Duroc Jersey sows, J. M. Ray buri, Rt, 2, Box 1H3-A. Calkins Road FARMKRS Will buy hogs and feeders on Thursdays. 9 -to tn 4 :u at stock yards in Roseburg. Bring them in W, W. Green. FOR SALE Saddle pony, 4 years old. gentle. $50. 3'a miles N of Roseburg on H9. turn E at Log Cabin Grocery Z E Whittemore. R2. Box 30S E-1 1 FOR SALE 20 ewes. 2 Corrledale and 2 Romncy bucks. Ph. 33-K-14. R. V. Hatfield WANTED FAJ AND FEEDER lambs and yearlings. W A. Blackert, Myrtle Creek. Phone ana SNOW WHITE HORSE -Well trained for Rarade and rope horse, and 1 double nrse trailer. Ph. 8i.l-J, Mr. Thomas 2 SADDLE" HORSFST "geldlngsT" sorrel and a black, $05. forhoth. Phone 1H7.V FOR SALE Weaning pigs. Fred Neal Mvrlle Creek. FOR SATE -Eighteen month old pure bred Guernsey bull. J, L. Aikens, Riddle. WANTED All kinds of livestock. HTSf To fail ono-j-4 Itiiswess ()f)port an it ies Important Tractor and Implement Franchise for Douglas County. Agency for a lead ing tractor, with a growing profitable business already built up. Owner has other business that neds his atten ti'm. so we are of ferine this at tn voire. No blue ky or good will being cnargea ior. muiaj. win nanaie. Valley Real Estate Agency 115 W. Cass St. Phona BA6 FOR SAi.E New pumice stone stnre, ie J4k50 Living quarters in back Shelves and gondolas It Is In verv good location 3 miles south of Mvrtle ( reek on Hiway 9U See owner Frank Grensky next to Melody Mountain Barn Phone 10flMyrtle Creek. RENT" BUILDING, suitable for body, fender, paint shop. etc. on UU north: or will build a building tn suit your needs. Write what you want; all ans wers confidential. Box 015, News Review FOR SALE General store and tavern" service station, modern living quar ters A going bu uncus, grosses $9.0(u ayearB')x M.TDlllard 11 I'N!T MOTEL Owner, nhone U?$ Miscellaneous FOR INVALIDS and elderly folks 24 hour nursing care. 219 W 4th Street Phone M29-R fiO HTNTING OR TRESPASSING nn mv oialia property, n. Bellows. Roseburg, Oregon. WOOD Fireplace and furnace. Old arowth fir block peeler core, smai round core mill end, planing end, oak and laurel. Special price on plan er ends for snort time wee inn wnnri I mile East on DnuclaS St Itt 1, Bos 41 Prompt deliv-rv Claude Wllley. Phone 13-J-J or H.i-J 3 FOR SAfE Slsbwood. sawdust, planar ends. Phona n. jonnson ruai ,a Fri Aug. 26, 1949 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 15 For SaleMiscellaneous SPARTAN 14' - W - - M The life time trailer Hal body w, ballrv, will Mat M year, or mora, no dry rot. Kit u - i' ' as- - u' Columbia 12 14 30' 22 - 23 The West's Fattest Sellers and Other Trailers of OualltV Also Used trailers, trade-in accepted Bank contracts Contracts to 3 years on Spartans. Earl E. Smith N W Larcest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 2021 a muss souu on wh nu . oox 44. Eugene 3 Compact vacuum cleaners complete witn atiacnmenis. mesa macnines are practically new, been in use only about 2 months. Will accept bids. 1 Singer electric Iron, ta.oo. 1 Motorola portable battery or electric raaio. 000a conaiuon. bu.uu. lnquira at 2nd Douglas Co. Stata Bank BIdg. or phone 4u& 1948 24-Ft. Pan American Trailer House rOR SAt.g OR TRADE. Oman cooklnf. oil heat, hot water haater. altctrl? rtfrtgrrator. slcepa 4. very clean Inat'la ana out. He, acroaa irom hud im Mark Hughea. River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARORNS AND LAWNS W, have an abundant lupply. Paul Casey 837 W. Moaner Phnn, 11T-Y Fir Flooring End Matched Home Builders Lumber Co. North On Highway 99 The Self-Service Laundry 918 Cobb St. Has Maytag washers, tumbler dryers and plenty of hot water. Try Our Friendly Service House Trailer II FT COVERED WAGON, completely equipped, electric brakes. Can be seen at house In the rear of General Welding Works. Hi way 89, 3 miles south of Roseburg DOORS AND WINDOWS complete, ready to set In your roush oocnini Armv bunk beds, 2 beds and springs for only $7. A real buy in electric and gas water neaters. nava timo ana money at Suiters BIdg. Supply, 1 block south of new Hiverstda School. ANTIQUES FOR SALE Walnut bed. two dressers, large French plate glass mirrors, and marble tops; one old- rasninnea oval unrary taoie, cnerry; one two-tier table. Been In family over 100 years. Sea at Flegels Trans fer. FAST SERVICE FINE WORK Will pickup and deliver Ed's Laundry N Umpqua Road at Ivan St i-none .(u, FOR SALE 24 houie trailer, good shape Inside and out. Worth more than suit ing price or $.w3 Located at Hartz East Sida Trailer Court on Dixonvll! Hoaa. FOR SALE 1947 Whirlabout trailer house, exceptionally clean condition. Has been pulled only 200 miles. Can oe seen at sutnerun Airport, r. u. Brlngle. FOR SALE Chroma breakfast set, with buffet to match: sectional living room suite; innerspring mattress and occa sional chair: all for $175. 411 S. Pins, or phone 7R.W. FOR SALE "42 Studebaker 4-door Com. mander, or will trade for pickup of equal value. Will trade 1000 watt light Pmni, uea o monins, ior power saw hone 4DH-R-2. FOR SALE RC A. Victor Console type raaio, nice manogany veneer finish. Good buy at $30. Ph. 976-L, or aaa at im oiaKciy. Used Garden Tractor TERMS PHONE !)94-J-S FOR SALE 27 ft' Schult house trailer or trade for gond furniture. $1500 i-none iozn-J-i. tmsweek only FOR SALE Martin Saxopohon7ln of E flat Alio. Price $40. Writs or John W. Kelley, Lookingglass RL, mile on Happy Valley Road. GAS CIRClfLATING radtant type heat er: large size: uses either city or Unit as. Used one year. $S0. cash. 14US t'mpqua Ave PRACTICALLY new Ward's Supreme vacuum cleaner. 13 off. Mrs. Slmp- TWO BEVEHAGErefrlgerators, ons 90 cu ti. auitame ior restaurant or lavern. inquire at Idla Hour Tavern 5M N Jackson. FOR SALE Uxed wood ranges, tea boxes, electric ranges, electric wash ers. I J m pq ua Valley A pplianca. 1 iO w uiik nt Smai-WATT OWEN electric nla'nT. fully automatic, on skids. Lester wooos. inone 47-j-j. FOR SALE Locker meat, good Angus mine. or wnoia unit. t. j noagec Glide, Oregon. FOR SALE All white Montag Dticfiess range, wnn cons, in gooa conaiuon. h ii . uminins. 23 WHITE NEW ZEACaND ralihlts and hutches for sale. O D Hubbard, Aus tin Road. Phone 1386-R-4 YOI'R STANLEY dealer. James TRob- erta, 21 Court Si Phone B39-Y De liverv on orders of $5.00 or more. FOR SATE a cuhle ft Serverkeroiene rerrigerator. used 2 months, fnone CARGE C:dar fence posts for sale. FOR SALE-a new 21 Jewel Hamilton rauroaa watrn. mta. sdo uarager Phone .T7:i-R-2. 19:17 FOftD Vft'sedan delivery Reisona ahle. Also 2W gal butane tank. J10 C 2nd Ave N Phone 103.VL. FOR SALE- Beautiful Norge electr'e range, with well a no lignt: Us HUahtlv 5.12 S. Milt St. Roseburg FOR SALE Wood burning hot water heater and tank: kitchen sink; Jr. hike. Kitrle UaHley, tn. 148-y BENDIX IRONER. washing machine and dr er. $HJ. 2nd house off Melrose Road nn L. G. Road FOR SALE Lane wood circulating heater, used very little, KQ. Phone 5WI-R-5 9 FT G E deep freeze. $85 2nd house oir iwerrose noaa on l.. ni rOR SALE Motorcycle. 47' Matchless. 717 W Lane after RonPm.. ft'ILL-CARE for" children by weak ot month certlfied Phone 1W3-Y Bt'Y CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES at the Bible Boos (enter 113 w umx XPARTMKNT SIZE gas range.fike new "ii m:u-Y FOR SALE Bicycle, like new. 620 Cobb Street . ELECTHOCtlX VACUUM cleaner for ale. Phone 37.1-K-it . FOR SALE -One-wheel tratfer. Ilka new km shark ev at Chuck's Cafe. FNAMXED'-AS RANGE. $5; mal gnt heater. JUS. Call n:t0-Lr TTO. PlPER Cl'n 21"T7 for sale, $550 14- cen.ed Ak for Clair, Rose J"tn SflNSON"" Irisl-piaca, unlicensed. t Ask for t. isir, nos " For Sale Miscellaneous Panel Siding Pre-Treated Rake Shake Type Home Builders Lumber Co. North On Highway 99 Brand New PltCX SFCTIONAL LIVING POOH SET Call .Tna.R-4 18 Ft. Travelo Trailer TOR SALE OR TRADE full); equipped. Ph. Btu-J.l "FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 615-Y-X FOR SALE Sturdy oak 90-lb. lea box. US , dark oak extension dining table) with 3 matching chairs. $ , Cverhot Rangette electric stove, with oven, $J0 ft-tl Short Sr 1W7 WHIRLABOUT trailer house, sleeps fou r. But ane cook i ng a nd has tl n g. Price $75. See Kenneth Keck, 1642 N S tephens. FOR SALE '49 125 Hsrlsy -Davidson; g'tod shape. Terms. See at Bruce a FOR"SALE Apt. size General elect rl refrigerator, excellent condition, $50. Call 4aa -x Too LB. ICE BOX. good condition. il45 Giles. Miller's Addition. FOR SALE CHEAP-Trailer house, sleeps 4. Inquire at Canyonville Barber Shop. Loans MONEY $10 $25 $.V ?5 91hO 200 $3O0 UP TO $500 Borrow on your salary All steadily am- ? 'loved man and women may qualify oday for a salary loan up to $300 whether you're tn a new Job or an old one Borrow on your ear or furniture. Tour furniture or autnmoblla mk -!. lent security at Local Loan paid for or not t'p to $300 on your furniture, up to $500 on your car Special "Pay Day" Loans, 910, 929, 990 ioanea iui -pay Day or longer Pay only for the actual number of daya you keep tha money. 929 costs IRe for one week. No other charges. Phona for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Io Sevy, Mar SU No Jarkaoa Phon, 1171 Lie. -mi u iu RoMburi LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Furniture m f Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for, or not. Loans made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such as Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental bills Vacation expenses Consolidate debts Re-financing When you borrow get your money from tha Company that makes It convantent to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payments now available ua to 20 months to repay. . CALKINS FINANCE CO. 200 Douilaa County Stat Bank Bid! Phona 466. M-11T Stau Lie S-W4 Wanted Wanted BEEF. VIAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phon 022-R-3. or 490-H -3 or writ Will Pay Cash WE Btnr used furniture, all tvpes. Call at 444 No Jackson. Phono 15tU-J. The Bargain House WOULD ANYONE driving Into town from vicinity of Chestnut or Cedar street between 9 and 9 o'clock daily be interested In giving a child a nda to school? If so. please call 137 R -5. WANTED Someone to care for 9-year-old girl after school and Saturdays, In your home. Vicinity of Rosa school. Call News-Hevlcw. askforCorinna. WANTED TO LEASE- Stock ranch, con siderable acreage. Cash rent or shara crop. James Stewart, RL 2, Box 159, ph. 3T12-L. Bend. Oregon. 2 ADULTS AND CHILD need 1 or 3 bedroom house or apt bv Sept. 1st. Employed at Umpqua Dairy. Phona Ioh;i-Y EASTERN BUYER WANTS prices on lumber by carload, 2 and No. 3 fin ished fir and plno. Write News-Review Box 9HX Professional man, wife and baby would Ii te furnished, unfurnished house Will consider year's lease References exchanged. Phone 104 1-L. WANTED" Narrow rtrrTTiath tub, old style. Inquire 124 W. Douglas after 5 pm. ft ANTE D Furniture, ' sewing "machlna and tools Anything ot value. Privata pa r t y PhonaJl55-R -3. ft' ANTED FAT HOGS and used furnl. ture Call MO-J-4 mornings and eve nings. t?A LL Al's for a fair bid on your fur ntture Al's Furniture Center, $14 Win r hex rSt Phonal 327-R WANTED TO BUY-A1I kinds of furnl ture Let us hid on your house of fur nilure Call wu-R at 509 N Jackson St WANT TO BUY-Sawdust water heater? Chet Ham in. phone IfWW. WANTED TO BUY Hides! Roseburg Meat Co.. phona 280. Farm Equipment Used Tractors And Implement's IB4H Ford tractor 145 Model B John Deere. MODEL A Farmall With cultivator plow and wxwl'a w. 15 CATERPILLAR wit ft 19" plows. 3 bottom 12 1 H C. plow. 7' cover crop dltc harrow. T field I.HC. disc harrow. t-sectlon .pringfield tooth harrow. Manv used tools for Ford trsctora in cluding rear and manure loader, tiller, etc. Several stes garden tractors. Good servlca and low orlces. UMPQUA TRACTOR CO. ford Tractor Da)sr 121 a Pins at J