tU Newi-Revlaw. aaefcurj. Ore Thuf;, Aug. 25, 1949 f X 4 , ' 1 lTTZ-s P'odoC .y,rop Yr bo- A'ly Extra Sweet Dillard CANTALOUPES 525c Swell for Canning or Eating LOCAL BARTLETT PEARS, lb. 4c Local Grown Dillard Vine Ripened TOMATOES 2 Its::. 19c Save Time and Your Gai LOCAL HALE PEACHES Full Bushel 2.49 Solid Crisp LETTUCE 2 Ig. heads .... 25c Snew While CAULIFLOWER Lb. 15c Packed Fancy Grade GRAYENSTEIN APPLES Box 2.59 s & w Baked Beans 28 oi. Tin 29c S & w Brown Bread l ib. Tin 23c Try this combination for a tempting "quick" nu-al Borden's Cocktail Cheese Spreads S o. Jar 19c Relish, Pineapple, Olive Pimento I 1 - J I - -. 4 f L; . ww , t. - '' m . Bwmiw . ' zz. ...... -t:.,-v . j ;v.. -.-r: Interior view, Nielsen's Market. More spacious aisles, neatly labeled islands ond spotless displays tf foods are a stand-out ot Nielsen's. All items are clearly marked and restocked quickly. Plenty of light and the newest tpe of shopping cart make buying at Nielsen's a quick, effortless task. MARKET FIRST CRUSHED PINEAPPLES! 17c TOMATO SAUCE """ 8-" 3 Fr 1 4c TOMATO JUICE 23c KRISPY CRACKERS w 43c DILL PICKLES pc np. 24 ...i,r 23c GRADE A EGGS Small. Dozen GOLD MEDAL FLOUR- CAKE MIX 'Kf'"WrX35c POTATO CHIPS 19c COKE or 7-up 6-' "'";,25c Big Chief Mixers 2 '29c Full Quarts, Plus Deposit GRAPE JUICE-39c PEPSICOLA -6 -30c Real Gold Or Concentrated Juice " range base Mrunc Demonstration Friday and Saturday D I r A White Rose D I kl C n I Large Pkg Vi Gallon Jug 1 Reg. Pkg. 23c . BOTH FOR 33c IVORY SNOW Large Pkg 28c OXYDOL or DUZ 75c Ivory Soap it'Z 17c iVl 14c DOG FOOD Tt7 2 f0 27c BAKING POWDER CaLS 19c VANILLA IMITATION 8 or. bottle . 15c i 49c && F) (kAw FIRST .ffJ) TOMATO CATSUP 12c PORK AND BEANS N2- 15c COFFEE Fe,scrs Wwt peunr-.......... 53c MAYONNAISE Quart..... 59c CHEWING 6UMm 310c CHEEZ-IT CRACKERSs. pks 15c RITZ CRACKERS a. 19c SIAMOROUS- Swift Quality Products SWIFT'NING 65c PREi LUNCHEON MEAT. 12et.Tiit 3 CHOPPED HAM 49c CORNED BEEF ...t,-39c Tomato Juice 10c Pa rd Dog FoodN'2"25c MARGARINE "-:r 47c Sweet Pickle Rings !l43c Steinfeldt 6uftAih fan Be Sure to Get A Piece of Birthday Cake Baked and Decorated y Patterson's Bakery Absolutely Free! THE "WHEEL OF FORTUNE will be ot NIELSEN'S to give you 100 BAGS OF GROCERIES Nothing to Buy! . . . and for the KIDDIES FREE Balloons. FREE Candy. FREE G-Man Siren Whistle. FREE Comie Books. See us for details! rius FREE Cans of Coffee FREE Cakes FREE Flour FREE Cases of Bottle Goods FREE Sacks of Potatoes FREE Watermelons FREE Bacon . . . and More! . . and be sure you have e piece of our 1st Birthday Cake before you leave the store! E JI Porter' FriMet gg Noodles Lb.Bag SYRUP Lumberjack 5-lb. Tin TAkI SALAD DRESSING Quart . 29c 79e 53c KERR FRUIT JARS Regular Quarts Don 1.05 Regular Pints 85c Wide Mouth Quarts d1.19 Wide Mouth Pints do, 1.05 CANE SUGAR Ml 'IT'S THE ON EVERY ITEM THAT COUNTS Store Hour 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., including Sunday Nltltn' Market located ont block South o City Uimltt on Highway . Mora than on aera of paved parking apace. We auggett you follow S. Main atreet to avoid highway traffie. City bua aervice every hour. We reserve the right to limit quantitiea. DEMONSTRATIONS TOO : . Folger's Coffee, Real Gold Concentrated Fruit Juices, Circus Peanuts, Swifts Peanut Butter. AH of this beeoust wt war to toy THANKS to oil of yoti folks for your coming to NIELSEN'S this post yor. 'IT'S mAWOH EVERY ITEM THAT COUNTS Sfere Hour 9 e.m. e t p.m., including Sunday Grocery price hi tfch ed effective Friday end Saturday end Swnday, Augutt U, 11, II. Meet and produce price effective Friday and Saturday. Thur., Au, 21, 1 949 The Newi-laview, Ksiaburf, Ore, 9 ';. t ti iff ft. k "R : - . Mif .vt r t . .. ' V -1t - ill o --J u n ivi w I I I SWIFT'S ORIOLE BRANDJ5c SWIFT'S PREMIUM Half or Whole , . 63c FRYING RABBITS I SLICED BACON Fresh Dressed t A Bra n J Much in Demand (T Mcc Li SALT PORK BACON JOWELS Ltan Stripped DWi IronJ LB. . 29c LB. . 1 . 29c PURE STRAWBERRY PRiSiRVIS Cast 12 i.n, Jsf, 3.98 r SEE THE MASSIVE DISPLAY CIRCUS PEANUTS oi, T 2 tins 57c Ssmpbi Served Friday and Satordsy I t . - :v '.v"."- t-rv V -' fZ3.- jig , ; .... -- v.; ill -1 MAHKE Ii - c . - .''V. Nielsen's Market, located Just a block south of the city limits on Highway 99, One of the finest ond newest markets in the state, Nielsen's hos been jingJed out by food dealers and Jobbers as a fmm example of fnadem markets. More than on acre of paved parking space is provided. Electric Eye doors ere en edded touch of eonsiderohon for busy shoppers.