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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1949)
Nearly $75 Million Worth Of Highway Work In Oregon To Be Completed By 1951 Oreeon hlohu... i worn amounting to $78,908,185 i .hi?' r wi" spieled . , ? ,n,e J""1 two years, while a ledera highway improvement p'a" '""S tor the expenditure of $117,000,000 in Oregon in the next few years has been pro posed to Congress, according to the August issue of The Oregon Motorist, official publication of the Oregon State Motor associ ation. The Motorist's survey of high way improvement plans In Ore gon showed the slate highway department is now completing Its first postwar program ex tending over the years 194H 1947 and 1948, totaling $52,000,000. A. F. Walter Kress, M. D. Physician and Surgeon U. S. National Bank Annex Room 217 Office Phone: 1500 a"- 'airhav.n Apti. Phona 13 ffice hours: Mon. Thru Sat if tw- UMPQUA RIDING ACADEMY East Douglas onci Ramp Road. Watch for Sign. Horses for hire by tht hour or dy. Horses Boarded By tha Month Prions 16:8 R While completing final stages of this program, the commission is launching a second two-vear pro gram for the years 1949-1950 whicii will embrace expenditures of $23,500,000. Defanae Phase Considered During the fiscal year 1949, the forest roads Improvement work in Oregon will total $3,408,185, much of which Is now under con tract. In the federal program, congress Is considering proposals to improve sections of the Inter State system found deficient from the standpoint of national defense. Work In Oregon Is es timated to cost $117,000,000 and j discussions on the length of time over which this work should be scheduled are in progress in the nation's capital. "Oregon's already highly effi cient highway system will be made much more comfortable, safe and still more efficient as a result of the Improvement work now planned," The Motorist ex plains. 'The state's road improve ment program, held up by the war and delayed Immediately after hostilities ceased by the need to catch upon maintenance, now is in full swing forward and motorists are beginning to see evidence of the long-desired Im provements." These evidences were listed by The Motorist as the recently opened section of the new Columbia River highway, the new route of U. S. 97 In the. Ft. Klamath area, the recently opened section of the North San tiam between Niagara and De troit which will be used this win ter, the new Timberline road be tween Government Camp and Timberline lodge which will be wmm w-iaiii Kin' ii J tlri , iSLumtrutismi - m inl CERAMOCRAPH-MAKER J Grant, of Glen, dale. Cil., removes from the kiln some of tho plates on which ho his baked his hand-painted ortalnal drsiins in a process that com bines the artistry and craftsmanship of ceramics in a stasia firinf. LOOK ! DANCE UNDER THE STARS AT THE FAIRGROUNDS tonight and all week through the Fair WESTERN WRANGLERS 10c a dance 6 of 'em 10c a dance used this winter, the new Warm Springs cut-off which will be usable this winter, and the Im proved sections of the Pacific highway south of Roseburg and the straightening projects along the northern section of the Ore gon Coast highway, "Other projects on the books will add immeasurably to the efficiency and comfort of the fine Oregon highway system which row includes three major cross-state routes north and south, three major east-west routes, sev en routes crossing the Cascades and ten routes connecting the Pacific highway area with the coast. sion backbone of the U. S. occu pation forces in Germany. The appointments were an nounced by Lt. Gen. Clarence B. Huebner. commanding general of the u. S. Army in turone and acting commander in chief of the European command. U. S. Deputy Commander In Europe Designated FRANKFURT, Aug. 25.-t.Vt Maj. Gen. Frank W. Milburn was appointed Tuesday as deputy commanding general of the U. S. Army In Europe. Brig. Gen. Ralph J. Canine suc ceeded Milburn as commanding general of the First Infantry divl- Sister Demands Inquest In Reported "Suicide" PORTLAND, Aug. 25.-0 coroner's inquest, ordered be cause of a sister's suspicions, will be held Thursday in the death of Harold E. McCarthy, McCarthy, 37-year-old guard at Veterans' hospital, was found shot to death at his home Aug. 3. Police ruled It suicide. A sister, Mrs. Edith G. Con nelly, came here from Hyde Park, Mass., to say she doubted suicide, and suspected foul play. Mrs. Con nelly pointed out that McCarthy's name was misspelled In the notes left behind. The district attorneys office then asked the coroner to hold an inquest. 02 E) QUE) VkU 3 D Miss Mary Parsons and Laurie Coffel step to the KRNR mike this evening at 7:30 to be interviewed for the regular session of "Here Comes the Bride." Their marriage plans, courtship anec dotes, and personal ideas on the subject of marriage will be dis. cussed within the half-hour. Tuna In advanturo tonight with "Hopalong Casaidy" at I . . . and "Tha Fiahing and Hunting Club of tha Air" at 1:30. To quota tha Cincinnati Inquirer, "In tha book of many dialers, tha 'Club' ia ona of tha fraahast thlnga to ba hoard any avaning. It haa that quality ao rare In radio maacullne Intaraat. Vat feminine listenars also liko it, probably because ita hearty outdoor flavor ia auch a raliaf from tho hothouae atmoaphera of ao many shows. Tha half-hour movea along with tha apontaneoua aasa of good talk around a blazing fira." The Board of Exports on tha ahow Inolude, Dave Newell, former editor of Field and Stream; Jim Hurley, Outdoor Editor of tha New York Daily Mirror, and an expert on fraah water and deep tea fishing; and John Hightowar, aaaociata editor of Field and Stream and expert on upland game and small game hunt ing. The George Mayer Trio will be heard tonight emanating from the Shallmar Room In a 15-minute session of music. Catch Fulton Lewis Jr. and his news commentary at 9:45 . . , and another stake, race direct lrom the Roseburg track at 10. "The Adventures of the Falcon," starring Los Tremayne, falls Into the 10;30 mystery-slot tonight. KRNR The Veie ef The ReteWf Newt-Review MBS 1490 On Yaur Dial t38L2.SE5ii Take the wide open road fo greater servings! Shop at Red & White where everyday you can eara mace money on your food pur chases. Shop the Red & While way and sorrel SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUG. 26-27 RED & WHITE RED & WHITE COFFEE $1.01 jr I - PEANUT BUTTER 39' 2 lb. Jar . 75 CERT0 8 oz. Bottle 2 fr 43' mkKELLOGG'S PEP opHtOMSio am r-" JI i MY. t. M Y. Js5 5- it. wurrr nwr U L nntMY HNEI CL0R0X CM ran psoas ourxne Disinfect c4.,27c qts. lie SAVE $209 oNstinghouse STREAMLINER IRON POP.UP TOASTER TABLE TOPPER RADIO with LEVER CERTIFICATES 0l Lux Flakes ?. Lifebuoy Soap s.h. Reg Slxe Large . Pica. Q Med. Rinso Lux Toilet SoapR"su. C C Large JWUI1 JUULJ Bare Med. Bare . Silver Dust ft Spry Can 33c 28c 2 for 23c .2 .o,l 7c 2 to, 25c .2 7c 2 fo, 2 7c 2 jo, 17c 29c 85c 3-Ib. RFM AIN'INfl HOt'stt TODAT 400 Kultnn Uwii Jr 4 IS Frank Hemingway. 4::iO Pauing farad. 4 4A New. 5 OO B Bar B Ranch. 9 ,W Champion. 5 4A Ln Bennett. sou Cavalcade of Safety, a IS Mutual NcwsreaU 6 Sptirta Paf. 0 ,t.Y Mu-ir. 4 IxmI News. 4. Southland Stnstng. AS Bill Henry. T O(l Frank Purdy 7.15 You Remember. 7 10 Hrre Come the Brtd. 5 (Ml Hnpalnng Cainldv. 3&-Fikhing eV Hunting Club of tha Air. r.w-Mi Ventar. t 'toNewt.. B Harm Ellsworth a ;to -Oeorga Maser Tria a 45 Fulton Lewia Jr. 10 OO Suite Rare 10:15 Danca Orcheatra. 10 10 The Falcon 11:00 Ctiea In Muatc. 11:30 Sign Off. MIHAT, At'dl KY It, lttt gOO Kunnaa Sarenada. 8.15 Newt, 20 Mualc. 6 so Rise V China. 7:00 Newt. 7:15 Break f at t Gang. 7::u Mimic. 7:45 Loral Nawa. 7 -W Mutic. g 00 Mutir. g :mv Modern Home. 8 45 Mutlc by Morgan. B:(M Wally'a Coffee Tlma, IS Book of Bargains. TO Man About Tow a. 940 Muiir. 9 sn Shoppar'a Gulda. 1000 Newt. 10:15 Gokpel ftlngert. jo HO Say It With Muala. 10:45 Art Baker. 11:00 Lad let FlrtL 11:30 Queen for a Day. 12 00 Mutlc at Noon. 12:15 Sporta Page. 12 25 Mimic. 12 .10 Clocking tha Itara. 12 15 Mulc. 12:40 Local Newa. 28 Mort U. S. Bombers To Bt Sent To Britain SCULTHORPE, Eng., Aug. 24 The U. S. Air Force s bomber command in Britain cel ebrated its first birthday Tues day with the announcement that 28 B-50 stratobombers have ar rived in England lrom their Tuc son, Aii7-, base. In a year, the Third air divi sion has grown from a skeleton staff of specialists to embrace a supply depot, a major overhaul depot, three R 29 bases and a complete headquarters in Lon don. It was created to administer IT. S. bomber groups sent to Bri tain on temporary training mis sions and to provide maintenance for Berlin airlift planes. The planes from Tucson, all of the 43rd bombardment group, are on a 90-day training mission. 12 45 National Nawa. 12 55 Market Report. 1 00 Man on tha Street 1:15 Partv Line. 2 00 Against the Storm. 2 JO It Requetted 3 no Johnson Family, 3 15 Music. 3 10 Show Time. 3 45 laical Loan Show. 4 uo Fulton l-ewtt. Jr 4 15 Frank Hrmlngway, 4 .10 Passing Parade 4 45 Tipt and Tunca. 5 i0 Music. 5 15 Muic 5 :to Champion. 5 45 Lee Bennett got) Magic Garden fi 15 Mutual New weal. 6 in Sporta Pag, a 15 Music. g 40 Local Newa. 45-Bill Henry. 8 VV Southland Singing. 700 Dick Hay met. 7 15 Sammy Kaya Showroom. 7 '.TO Cisco Kid. g:0O Straight Arrow 8 10 Carmen Cavalier. B 45 Bob Eberla. a 1(0 Newt. B 15 Hi Neighbor. B TO Scandinavian Melody Tlma. B 45 Fulton Lewtt, Jr. 10-00 Slake Rare. 10 15 Danca Orchestra. 1010 Afralra of Peter Salem. 11:00 Cuea in Muaic. 11:10 Sign Off. SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1195 R 201 Rice St. In the American handmade glass industry, a water pitcher is never spoken of as a pitcher. I Classworkers always call it a "Jug." I Tliur., Aug. 25, 1949 The Newt-Review, Bosebura, Or. Gevtrnmtnt Takt-Over By Unions, John Lewis' Idta WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.W.P) A Congressional commilloe todav heard John L. Lewis quoted it saying that labor would have to "take over the government" if the practice ol government-aided labor dispute settlements were continued. Adm. Ben Moreell, president ol Hopes Fad For Missing Child In Minnesota MC GREGOR, Minn., Aug. 23 iJPt Hope faded fast today as 300 Minnesota National guards men moved Into the eleventh hour of their search for three-year-old Larry Coleman, missing four days In this swampy north ern forestland. Lt. Col. William Johnson, guard commander, said that if no trace of the lad is uncovered today, "he will never be found." Larry was swallowed up in the wilderness Saturday while hunt ing pine cones on his grandpar ents' farm with an older brother and sister. Guardsmen and sev eral hundred civilian volunteers have concentrated their efforts in five-mile area around the farm. "It doesn't seem possible that he could be alive," Col. Johnson said. the Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., 1 related a conversation with Lew. is to the Senate banking commit tee in its investigation of the eco nomic power of labor unions. Moreell said that when he was federal coal mines administrator in 19-16 Lewis spoke to hiin against the growing practice of government boards laying down the terms of settlement in major labor disputes. The Miners' union leader, Mo reell said, contended that over a long period of years more men favorable to management would become members of government fact-find i n d ', n g and irbitratio boards than men sympathetic to labor's viewpoint. "Since the government ap points the boards." Moreell quot. ed Lewis as saying, "the only way labor could protect ltseif would be to take over the government." Protect Your romily with the B. M. A. Polio plan. Call Mr. Lincoln. 93S-J-4 o drop card to Box 1 Molrnse Route. SATURDAY and SUNDAY ONLY -L. LA RUE aw awt awcT WWII PETERS. - SAUNDERS I ; tnvtOieaeM im aoattn ?T0 fc6e , aa MttioN on cooeti icx ohla UlMMtt 101 DUNCAN Ml Maw khMM l IU uriM lttoMM H Ulllt Mtll M IMC Tlllt 2nd Western Snarling ! Jix-Cuits SixtWSyPf.v COMING SUNDAY It leads Only One Way ..and all ctownhHIl i i;aimi . STEVENS BKh. Uvyi SWf. WIDMARK NOUN LAWRENCE a jo crMtun ma nam AND I ALl-COMCOr ,1 MUSICAL KIVUI ! lmm Ilk k Frankie CARLE 1 LEON ERROL Edgar KENNEDY Now Playing The CISCO Kid "Riding the California Trail" AND "I Cheated the Law" tth :- "An evening ot home' Not on your life! I wont every one to see how beautiful my girl looks tonight and the place for us to go is the RAINBOW CAFE." NOW SHOWING ENDS SAT. THE TEN MOST TERRIFIC THRILLS EVER PICTURED! at girl rears baby .Ml- . and fear at nitt MATINEES DAILY 1 p.m. opens '.So MUHAN COOeiMf AMAZMM) ADVtMTVM M TNt UNVtVAU BOXOFFICE COMING SUNDAY , TIT'-. atfV LB I a 4 1l "fi ita rr ar m am pvk Celeste Holm - Wan Young mmih turn? RSI (i J'.i'i;iaT1 t