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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1949)
4 The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Or Thur., Aug. 23, 1949 Few Schools In Douglas County In Need Of Teachers The teaching situation l well taken care of In most Douglas county schools, ready for the opening early in September. While the majority of schools will open Sept. 6. the same day as Rosebud's, some will opn a week later, according to County Suiicrintendent Kenneth Barne burg. A fourth crane, position at Green is expected to be filled shortly. There is an opening for a teacher for the third and fourth grades at Winchester, another fo a fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grade teacher at Elgarose, and one-room schools at Leona and Galesville. Teachers Interested may contact the superintendent's office. Major changes In administra tive positions are as follows: M C. Dellrr is the new iiierln!end ent at Myrtle Creek. He replaces Ivan Parker, who has accepted a position as a professor of English at Oregon College of Education at Monmouth. Al Neet Is the new grade school principal, while Raymond Carp continues as high school principal in that town. Mis. Lois Palmer is the new principal at Wilbur. Another Do FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? FASTFFTH, an tmprovMf powder to ha tprii.kicd on upper or lowtr plataa. holds falsa taath mora ftrmlr In plara Do not elide, flip or rock. No gummv gnoav. paJtT taita or i!lnx fAS TKETH Is alkaliaa (non-arid), poaa not aour. Checki "plala odor idantura braathl. Cat rASTLETH at anr druj atora. teacher has been added at Wil bur, making three. It is probable, said Barneburg. that a room in the school may be again leased to Winchester, the same as last year. Wilbur is one of the lew districts having surplus room, since Its high school was discon tinued and students sent to Rose buig. W. C. Stonebraker, who taught last year at Days Creek, is the new principal at Green. Charles E Smith Jr., s the new principal at South Deer Creek. Charles A. Sias is the new elementary prin cipal at Glide; Wayne Kline at Tiller and Hichard A. Eastman Jr., at Riversdale. Student-In-Business Plan Adopted In Portland PORTLAND, Aug. 25. f.T A group of Portland businessmen are planning to help high school students set themselves up in business for practice. Businessmen decided to sup port the establishment of "Junior Achievement, Inc.": A program underway In 80 cities over the country. The program, designed to teach youth the free enterprise system, encourages groups of 8 to 1") teenagers to incorporate, sell stock, and manufacture some pro duct for sale. At the year's end they liquidate: In many cases with a profit. Old? Get Pep, Vim With IRON. pliM auppJemants CALCIUM, VITAMIN Bi MLrif tUlTl LPI eak. worn-eim or ti ll I riuiMrd. ins Oatrfi. ronti ti. tne Um Dax-ilfvl itlrt 40 br b"t "Id ut nrraiur lart Df sft.n pluM Mlrlum. Vitamin Hi. 'I t.-m-iti-ls rvr Itrl lvpi. ynt yinititw Try dim 1 rile 1 blwa TouAi tie .atoducumf iih mum for Him, At drug ..torea evervwhre tn Row hurg, at Fred Meyer's f Fullerlon Drug. - 'IK- :h. ' : ; " 7 . A-,j ACE GETS THE POINT. NOW-The next time Ace, a 2-year-old boxer, rooms the woods near his West Branch, Mich., home, he'll steer clear ot those harmless-looking little animals that humans call porcupines. He made a pass at one recently with the result seen above his face almost completely obscured by the pore's sharp quills. Dr. Robert Rea, who is removing them, says Ace will livp --'-'-r and wiser pup. Altercation With Maragon Told By Demoted Officer MARCH AIR BASE, Calif., Aug. 24 (.P) Col. William U Lee, new commanding officer of this base, said Tuesday he was reduced in rank and sent home from Italy shortly after he had an altercation with John Mara gon, prominent figure in the five percenter Inquiry In Wash ington. The colonel said he had an ar gument In Rome in February, 1946. and that he pushed Maragon in the face. Lee said he didn't know who the man was at the time but later learned it 'as Maragon and that tie was a spe cial presidential representative to observe the Greek elections. At that time Lee was a briga dier general and headed the 15th air force in Italy. Shortly after ward he was reduced to colonel and gent home. "I wasn't sure I was reduced because of this Incident," said Lee in an interview. "It happen ed about that time. It could have been coincidental. A number of general officers were being re duced about this time because the war was over." Col. Lee said the Incident with Maragon occurred In front of the Hassler hotel. "This Individual was standing near me," said Lee. "It was dark. I said to him 'What are you doing here?' I thought it was one of those nosey Italians. He said: "I guess a man can walk around where he wants and when he wants.' I said: 'As long as he doesn't put his nose in other peo hniiiness.' Then he said he could put his nose In my bust- LOWEST PRBCES EVERYDAY PRICES GOOD THURSDAY THROUGH SATURDAY COLGATE SCHICK VACATION SPECIAL $1.18 Value Colgate Shave Cream Schick Injector Raior Schick Injector Blades All for Only 29c at this unusually low price Buy now and save Save 45c Regular 10c FLUFFTEX Toilet Tissue 10 for 55c Facial tissue quality, 650 sheets. Values to 1.98 All Leather Work Gloves 79c til mm FLY SPRAY Cook's "1068" Pint 15C Quart 25C Effectively kills oil flys and insects upoi contact. 19c Chopin Hand Sprayer 13c Save $1.01 Reg. SI .SO HOUBIGANT GARDENIA COLOGNE Delightful fragrance, 49c almost a perfume Wrisley Gold Tassel Perfume Light and dainty Oft summer, fragrance O irt DISH CLOTHS 23c 51.00 Stitched Flour Sacks 19c Non Smear Nail Polish Remover 15c Completely removes old polish without smearing Mai-chant's Hair Rinse 25c plus tax True colors tints to bring added color to your hair. 25c Perfect WAVE LOTION Now 13c Tlus Tax The perfect lotion to wove vour hoir. iSarsaVi artftW. jj Li--'---- New Shipment SAFE! LiRht only nt Smoker's ancle. ELECTRIC Table Lighter 98c Attractive Porce lain Finish Long Electric Cord k Shuts itself off when not at smoker's angle. No fluid. flints or wicks to fuss with. Ideal for the desk, den or parlor. Al All Fred Meyer Tobacco Sectlon INGRAHM AMMONIATED TOOTH POWDER 43c Prevents tooth decoy Kiddies BATHING CAPS Protects children' hair while swimming 19c hi 'Boyle" 77 Tooth Paste 59c Refreshes your mouth USA-Lite FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES Now Only Ea. Reg. $1.98 16 in. Beach Ball Now 1.19 8c 10 in. cf) Beach Ball JVC $ 1 .49 Swim Ring 89c At Kred Meyer , Drug Sections Household Needs -3o White Ace Shoe Polish 15c ,0c Metal Hair Curlers 2cai, 9c ,nc Barbara Dale Kitchen Hand Lotion 19c Jun No-Frii-Od 75c Household Screw Drivers p.lir 8c At Kteii Mevrr Pnic Section DEEP CUT PRICES 49c Brik SHAVING CREAM LATHER ISc 49e CITRONELLA Iniect Repellent 23c 69c ASCORBIC ACID. 25 Mg. 100't 49c 69e SACCHARIN TABLETS. ',4 Gr. IOOO'i 49c 19c ASPIRIN TABLETS 9c 29e Fred Meyer SPIRITS OF CAMPHOR. 1 oi 19c S. S. S. TONIC 89e At Fred Mever Omc SHtion Fred Meyer 112 N. Jackson ANNIVERSARY SALE B. B. Ball Point Pen and Extra Cartridge Only 98c "Chen Yu" Lipstick 1.00 Nail Enamel 60c A new selection of these matching lipstick and enamels. Wildroot Creme Oil 53c plus tax Rood Grooming for the entire family. Arrid DEODORANT 39c plus tax Complete protrction on these not riavs Balm Argenta 59c & 98c Plus Tax The cream lotion halm for smooth hands i UhMorf 0 ass fat' Waldorf Glass Wax Pints , .17c 33c Quarts On Sale at all Fred Meyer Prufr Sections V - : V'f:lfei .-' r - Vift; ill .' j .1 . I... NEW TRANSFORMERS COMING HERE Theia three I2'i -foot-high, 8.000-lb., lingle-phase transformers were made at the General Electric company's transformer manufacturing plant lo cated In Oakland, Calif. Rated at 500kva, 66,000 volts each, they are destined for the California-Oregon Power company's Carnes substation, south of Roseburg. There they will add power needed for a fast-growing agricultural and lumber area. nesa If he wanted. I Dushed him In the lace. I didn't hit him." Traction System Loses Money Despite Boost PORTLAND, Aur. 25. (.T) The Portland Traction company said Wednesday it was still lo.v inn money despite a reoent in crease o streetcar and bus fares to 12 cent. The company wrote the city public utilities commissioner th;it it would like to cut some sched. ules as an economy measure. Fewer passenRors are riding these days, the firm reported. (Advertiaemeiitl Does Food Form Sour i Gas in Your Stomach? "I have never taken anything that worked ao quickly and fine as Kal-O-Dex. It'i grand medicine," say Mrs. Lury Wallace. 2420 WebMer Ave.. Fresno, "and 1 have lots of PEP now since I'm rid of that awful acid stomach condition that gave me so much minery. Secnn food just laid in my stomach and soured hud to be taking soda all the time. epM-ially at night., because of awful prnnure in my htomarh from gat and bloat. It would keep me awake, r'inally I discovered Kal-O-Drx and my troubles are all over 1 ran r,tl many thing now tnat I couldn't before taking Kal-O Dex Bowels are regular, no more bloating or sour utomach. and I feel belter all ner." KAL-O DFX contains 5 Great Herbs: thev cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act on sluggish intestines and as a diuretic on kidneys. Miserable people soon feel different all over So dnn t go on suffering Get Kal-O-Dex Sold bv all Drug Stores. Honey Back Guarantee. Spellman Pays Friendly Visit To Mrs. F. D. R. HYDE PARK. N. Y.. Aur. 21 (.?) Mrs. Franklin D. Roose velt revealed today that Francis Cardinal Spellman paid her a friendly visit here Friday. Yesterday Mrs. Roosevelt re sumed her discussion of federal aid to education in her newspa what modifying her views in free transportation of students to pri vate schools. Today in her col umn she mentioned the prelate's visit to the Roosevelt family es tate. A month asro Cardinal Spell man. Roman Catholic archbishop of New York, attacked Mrs. Roosevelt's views on the separa tion of church and state. He ac cused her of "anti-Catholic bi as" and views "unworthy of an American mother" for her writ inps on the Barden bill for fed eral school aid. Later. In an exchange of let ters, the Cardinal and the for mer first lady reached a formal reconciliation. Miss Malvina Thompson. Mrs. Roosevelt's secretary, said the cardinal stopped at Hyde Park on a trip to dedicate a Catholic chapel at Peekskill. "The cardinal stopped by in his own car." Miss Thompson said. "He had a monsignor with him. and he met Mrs. Roosevelt. "She offered him some iced tea. and he took a little. The cardinal stayed about 45 minutes. It was just' a friendly conversa tion." Miss Thompson said she did not know what, was discussed, and said Mrs. Roosevelt declined to amplify the remarks in her column. Cardinal Spellman's office said it had no comment. Hoover Declines Senate Appointment, Report NEW YORK, Aug. 23 (.Tl Herbert Hoover and Gov. Thomas E. Dewey both declined comment Monday on whether the gover. nor otfered the ex-President a seat in the Senate. The report that the seat now held by Sen. John Foster Dulles iR.-.N. V.) was first offered to Hoover appeared in a Washing ton Evening Star newspaper column Tuesday. "Mr. Hoover, while recocniz ing the courtesy of the New York governor, declined," the colum nist wrote. Hoover is a legal resident of California but maintains a per manent residence at the Waldorf towers here. The glowing color of fine hand made American ruby glassware is produced hy putting a small amount of gold into the 2.000 nound batch of raw materials be fore melting the sand and other minerals to a molten mass. ATTENTION! '40 to '48 Car Owners! Sup . . . becomes THIS! a when you ride on erlTushion TIRES by GOODYEAR Rough roads that jar your car on conven tional tires smooth out like magic with big. soft, low pressure Super-Cushion tires. Better than conventional tires in twelve important ways Super-Cushions are low er cost in the long run! Put a set on your car and enjoy a new riding thrilll No need to wait 'till your present tires wear out . . . we'll buy the unused mileage in your old tires. IP I HANSEN MOTOR CO. TIRE DEPT. OAK a STEPHENS ROSEBURG. ORE. PHONE 446 baff