re-examined those stairs, antique leather finish and all. "It's spooky," I complained. "It's like a djinn materializing from a djinn bottle. It. ." "What you need." Wally said, "is to sit down, adjust your safe ty belt, and put out that opium pipe, kid. A'e're landing. Think you can make it?" Welt-, I'm back in the office now, loaded down with facts an J figures about a certain type ol plane operated by a certain air line. But I can't get those stairs out of my head. Stairs in an airplane who ever heard of such a tmngl wnm next? Escalators? . Stairway At 15,000 Feet Too Much Addition To Strato-Cruiser Jaunt By ED CREACH NEW YORK. Aug. 24. VP-Run along, kiddles. Don't wait for grandpa. I've just been trotting up and down stairs at a height of 15,000 feet, and my head is still tn the clouds. Trotting up and down? That's right. In an airplane. Stairs in an airplane. Maybe that leaves you several degrees under the boiling point, but you're younger. You're at peace with the 20th century. To me It's frightening. I discovered these stairs while cruising over Connecticut at a lazy 350 miles an hour in one of the new Boeing strato-crulsers, with my ears caressed by the purring of four engines and a waggish publicity man named Wally Renolds. It had been a pleasant, un eventful Jaunt Just Wally andi me and 73 other deadheads. "Hartford," said Wally, point ing down. I looked. The build ings of the insurance capital were scarcely larger than the fine print In an insurance policy. "New Haven," said Wally, pointing again. The Yale bowl looked no bigger than a saucer. While waiting breathlessly for Bridgeport I took stock of my surroundings. Very snazzy. Com fortable lean-back seats. Grey beige gabardine ceiling (I bet you thought I wouldn't notice thati. On the armrest was a minia ture control panel: individual reading light. Retractile ashtray. Thingumajig saying "occupied." Button labeled "call stewardess." 1 pressed the button, in a puff of smoke, Wally appeared. "Northwest orient," he Intoned, "Is the first airline to use strata cruisers in domestic service. New York to Seattle in nine hour, starting Sept. 1, wake up. Pal, and leave us go downstairs to the lounge." "Downstairs ?" "Sure. This Job is a double decker. You get tired of riding up here, go downstairs and maybe get into a gin-rummy game. Come on." I followed him, feeling light headed. And it wasn't because of the altitude. Stairs Stick To His Mind Sure enough, there were stairs. Like in a house. We went down slowly. I don't know why, but it gave me an Arabian NiRhts feel ing. As though the living room rug at hme should suddenly float out the window. "See you later. Wally," I said, and went back upstairs. I stood at the top for a while, scratching my neck. Then I went below again, counting the stairs. There were 11. "Imagine," I said, trying to keep it casual. "Stairs in an air plane. Gives you a feeling of spa ciousness. Makes you " "Easy, pal," Wally said. "Why don't you go forward and talk with the automatic pilot?", I did. I also inspected the pres surizer, which was giving my eardrums that sea-level feeling. It was no use. I went back and " ! . JS K.i 1S-V JS- ' " h A. Sid WW 1 5? (SIA Ttltpkolti MOVING UP0 army Infantry, with mules currying supplies, assemble la Grtmmos mountain are Dear Viui, C-reece, to move into position against retreating guerrilla. The attack, aimed at soma 1,000 rebels, is in S00-Kjure-mti area fronting on Albanian and Jugoslav borders. Three Flights On j11""- au9, $, iMt tm Nvn-unum, towburt, o- Labor Day Planned j Fair Ousto Socialist EiMbtf. Domagt Action loom By Pres. Truman WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. UPt trestaent rruman it planning ts mukf three airplane flights on Labor day Sept. 5, concluding them with his first visit home to Missouri since Christmas. His schedule for that day as now planned calls for flights: From Washington to Pitts burgh tor an address around noon to the Allegheny county free fair. From Pittsburgh to Des Moines, Iowa, to address the annual con yenttait of the Amvets, an organi zation of veterans of world war II. This address will be made in the afternoon. From Des Moines to Missouri, after the Amvets talk, to spend couple of nights at his home, in Independence, where Mrs. Tru man and daughter Margaret are spending their vacation. Mr. Truman is going to Phila delphia next Monday to address the annual convention of the American legion. Original plans call for him to make this trip by plane, but there were indications todav that it may be shifted to train" travel. CRESKAM. Aug. The Socialist Labor party's literature exhibit wa moved out ol the Multnomah county fairgrounds Tuesday and the fair board was immediately threatened with s suit for damages. Monday, when the fair opened, some visitors complained to the board that the exhibit had some "communist" literature. The board ordered Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Steiner to close up. Thy re fused. Early Tuesday afternoon fair employes carted the display ease to track which hauled! there sttfside the grounds. Mrs, Steiner, whose husband! to west coast organizer for the. party which the World Almanae characterizes ax "Marxian, anil, eommattist" refused to accept refutsd of the $8 rental fee. She said they would sue for breach of contract. Man, Active At 92, Hasn't Slept In Std For 38 Yton BEVERLY, Mass.. Aug. 24. f. It's never bedtime for John J. Healey who it 92 and wide-awake. He says he hasn't been to bed for 30 years. "Son," he savs, "that sleep is dangerous stuf,fc Healey, who still manaees trucking firm, claims he gets tnree hours sicca c dav. But not in bed. He Just leans back fit rocker, flings a blanket into a hood for his head, and rock off for ISO minutes. 'I got out of ihe habit of get. ting ttred when I was young he explains, I did go to bed in those days bat never poisoned mv. self with more than four hours sleep." The design of the White House is said to have been modelled en that of the Duke of Letnjter's palace in Dublin. to order to distract their pup. suers, seme species of lizard de tach their taiis. wheit in danger. Rich Widow Missing From Los Angeles Homo LOS ANGELES, Aug. 2S.-tm Police are investigating possible foul play in the disappearance of a wealthy widow, missing since last Thursday. Mrs. Mi mi Boomhower, 48, widow of Frank Boomhower, in ventor and African big game hunter, was known to have worn jewelry valued at $5,000. Detective Sgt. Jack Ferges said: "There Is every possibility of foul play in her disappearance." Ferges said that police found lights in her Bel Air mansion burning and her car in the gar age. She lived alone. He said her home contains a big game collection valued at $75,000. Oregon Vet, 1 00, Goes To Final GAR Encampment . PORTLAND, Aug. 25. m Grand Army of the Republic commander-in-chief, Theodore A. Penland, left last night for what is expected to be the final en campment of the Union veterans. Oregon Daughters and Sons of Union Veterans have chartered a special car to send a record delegation of the affiliated groups to the national assembly in Indianapolis. Penland was 100 years old Jan, 23. He expects only four other Civil war veterans at the encamp ment. There are 16 living mem bers of the G. A. R. Get a FREE package of MUFFETS TNI 1IW, Mll?tl MMIS IHHDOtl WNIaT NXUaf it tt BRING IN THIS CERTIFICATE! ThU nfli that I km tiaa. Ita t mi aadnt. at MuSMs, tfca NSW, IMPROVED rovnd ShtaaAaa Stat Xun mm ea " ' - cm. I I I I t t t t I t s IU1 Inl CT R MARKET OAr void ual-aa tWc cftiftct it mttti hw cvataour mm f mm tat. iMh 1 4Nr ptr mtwr, Tto O fcf 0H C. Mr ncaiar prin foe M la t (to b U14 la W m! OSr am Mtlr tm Uati4 Stata. OBm axprraa SjanmW 30, 1949, TO THf Oef! Ma ! reoa (a S SMMeriONS, Sa. m. U tt taii, Cakaaa 77, Raj - ....a,.... J Coupon Good at Both Sutherlirt and Roieburg Stores The Bargain Store. Join the parade. Housewives, on the first visit, are continually telling us that thy are amazed at our low prices. We feature the lowest prices and highest quality everyday. WESSON OIL Quart Bottle 49c PUMPKIN Silver Falls No. Vi Can 6c C AND H SUGAR BROWN or POWDERED 1 lb. Pkg. . 9c SWIFT'S BR00KFIELD CHEESE FOOD 2 lb. Pkg. 69c MEATS EASTERN A SKINNED HAMS Lb. 4?C Mild Cured, V or Who!. FANCY COLORED ROASTING HENS Lb. jt)C Fresh Dressed, ALL MEAT GROUND BEEF Lb, J5C Strictly Fresh. i PORK SAUSAGE Lb. 35c Country Sry!. PURE LARD . 4 Lbs. 49c Kett! Rendered. "We Don't Meet lim, Wt Beat Um" Uncle Dave I I Bob's Produce BANANAS Golden Ripe . .Lb. 15c Dry Yellow Onions Ho$ 3 lbs. 19c YAMS New Crop . 2 ite29c Tomatoes Local for Conning . 20 ib, ft 98c PEACHES Local . .Lug 99c Sun Graze CORNED BEEF 12oz.can 3s mm 35c JAM 8 oz. bottle JELL Ideal for Jellies 2 for 15c CINCH CAKE MIX White, Golden, Devil Food Pica ' - jts 33c SMITH BLACKEYEa PEAS No.l can .."....a......... 2forl7c Rosedale SWEET PICKLES No. WV glass jar Whole.... 29c Mixed... 25c PREM or SNACK LUNCHEON MEAT 12 oz. con ...a............. 31c Hunt's C.H.B. CATSUP 14 oz. bottle 10c BH-TMORE TUNA Black Label (solid) .......... 37c Red Label (grated) ..tTTHT.. 31c I Mi A IrtrpitiM) BUST GIRL n-jw-oid i Reynold. bove) of Bur back, CsJIf. is pretty bur these dsys. When she Isn't mctinf to pictures, she's working hard to earn mors , merit badges as a Senior Girt . Scout she now has 42 out of a , possible 100. After winning the title of Miss Burbans. Debbie won a long-term contract and Is doins a current acting chore tn the morie. The Daughter of Roste O GradJ. WHITE KING SOAP POWDER 19c large Package NESTLES CHOCOLATE CHIPS . Pkg. 15c STORE HOURS Weekdays. . 9 Q IB. t ft 8 p. R1. 1 M aWaawv- awaWaWaw Smi oy end Holidays , . 9 8. tn. te 7 p m. Absolutely no alt to rfoolert, W ntcrvc tho right to limit quontiti.s. (srocory iptsiaU good Friday, 5oturdoy and Sunday. Meot and Produci ptiet if ieettvc Friday and Saturday. Beat the Price by Saving Twice! City Drive-In Market Features Lower Prices