If You're Looking For Adventure, : Thrills, Consult Telephone Book By ED CREAGH NEW YORK, Aug. 23-.P) Adventure 1 where you find It. And if that't an old saw, a man named Martin Rodger hai given it new sharpening. He looks for and fmds adventure In the te! phone book. In the past two yean Rodgeri. uncle of "South Pacific" com poser Richard Rogers, has thumbed the Manhattan directory from I A to Zzyzz, Inc., with sometimes startling results. Among other things, he has ; found himself: i . . U t - I. L . Y I.I suiing in with Chinese musi- , "" " '" "" l "lm clans who were making the night ..A1' ,,,. hideous (to western earsl with , , "f, nlQl youn? lady ,nd strange Instruments like the hu. 1 found all the shows i -. : . i . i ... hp uaninn in im and rfrniB . i 1 nin una me yang-cnni; - riinino . in v . ,he ,n'"K New Yorkers are ex hn ri?8hni Yoru Pw,ed to d- w in the 'f. irl'1"l.mn ' ,ne; mood for something unusual, municipal lodging house: On imm.i.. S- h - helping dispatch tugboats in 'phone book and ran down the the New York harbor; I listings until we came to some- ' waicning a strange dance in j "; ""fi esung. what Albanian men plaster dol-' "" was" Rodgers smiled at lar bills on the foreheads of Al-:,h" memory "the Chinese Musi banian women. (He still hasn't ! caj. H,nd Theatrical association, figured out the story behind that i "We ca"ed thpm up and they one.) I were very pleasant. They invited High School Instructor I"8 Io come and see them. We RnHoar is o r.h.u.i.f.,1 ..-I, did. And We hurt n wnnrifirfitl limn man with thinning grayish hair "steninR 10 lnat weird music. and humorous wrinkles at the plentv Of Adventure corners of his eves. ! Rodgers and the lady, whose He doesn't look especially like ! nam? is Grace Breckenridge, have an adventure-hunter. He looks not lark'd adventure since that more ilea b tiar-hn. m.kii. i i- , night. Nor are thev likelv tn u-ith He heads the physical education ?omp 6-3 00c names in the Man- oepartment ot Thomas Jefferson .. """ l I; ,-( I i L 1 UZW ' tamasin iini mr iin'i il f fi i Chiang Tries To Head Off Accord With Communists Hieh school in Brnnklvn HOW TO WASH DISHES Amazing new G-E Portable DISHWASHER Say goodbye to kitchen sink drudgery! The amazing new Q-E Portable Dishwasher washes all dishes, glasses, sil ver, pots, pans with the flirk of a switch! Portable. No installation no extra cost. Priced unbelievably low. Ftm Demonstration: lrn all th wondorful things this omaiinf now 01 Portablt Diihwathcr will do for yow. Call today no obligation. GENERAL ELECTRIC DISHWASHER i PU' FURNITURE W OMPflNV 117 W.Cass Phone 10 Once." Rodeers remembered. "we called the Moran Towing & Transportation Co., which oper ates most of the tugboats around New York. 'The night dispatcher, "way up in a building overlooking the harbor, was a fine fellow named Captain Jordan. He said he was lonesome and why didn't we come down. "We did, and again it was enor mous fun. We heard him talk hv radio with one boat that was half way to Egypt on a towing job. "The captain offered to arrange for us to ride in a tugboat then and there. But it was getting late and we decided we'd do that an other time." One Exception Met So it has gone with random calls to foreign restaurants, un usual churches, police stations, off-lhebeam societies. "People." Rodgers said, "seem pleased to find out that a stranger is interested in them. With" he added, rather dolefully, "one ex ception. "One number turned out to be a society interested in Yoga, the Hindu system of deep concentra tion. They promised to send us their literature but they never did. "However," said Dodgers, with a look of deep concentration. I'm going after them again. We have a 100 percent record otherwise, and we're not going to have it spoiled by any Yogis." fk'4 Telrnhntot COING STRONG Amo Alonro UiaKK (above) celebrates his 87th birthday by mowing his front lawn at Stockton. Calif. This is the 60th year in football (or the "Grand Old Man of Football." Galileo constructed his first tel escope in 1609. HARRY C: STEARNS Funeral Director Our jervlct it for all ond meets every need. Any distance, any time Licensed Lady Assistant. Oakland, Oregon Phone 472 or 542 House Group Shies At Judgment On Hiring Hall Issue WASHINGTON', Aug. 25-(.T-, A House Labor subcommittee re fused Tuesday to pass judgment on a bill to exclude maritime hir ing halls from the Taft Hartley law. The subgroup sent the measure to the full committee for further study without recommendation. The bill, by chairman Lesinski ID-Mich i, would amend the Taft Hartley law by specifying that the closed-shop ban in that act would not apply to seamen's hir ing halls. The hiring halls are set up by the maritime unions to supply union crew members to ship op erators. The maritime unions have fought bitterly against a national labor relations board finding that the hiring halls are illegal under the Taft-Hartley act, when they supply only union seamen. Last year's maritime strikes grew out of that decision. They were settled by agreement of both sides to abide bv an even tual supreme court ruling. In gen eral the hiring halls continue to operate. Government To Purchase Washington State Pears SPOKANE. Aug. 25-l.fl-The government has offered to buy 45 carloads of Bartlett pears lo start the federal fruit buying pro gram In Washington state. The fruit will be used in the school lunch program. Prices are $2.15 a box for packed and wrap ped fruit in standard pear boxes and S1.60 per apple box of un wrapped pears. The government will authorize purchases on a weekly basis. Lady In Black Keeps Date At Crypt Of Valentino HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 25-4.VV-The "lady in black" kept her annual rendezvous at the crypt of Rudolph Valentino. Dilra Flame, as has been her custom for years, arrived Tues day at Hollywood cemetery in her chauffeur -driven car, and placed red roses on the marble slab. There were dozens of other vis itors, mostly curious, to the crypt. Tuesday was the 23rd anniver I sary of the death of the famous silent screen lover. BACK TO with jewelry accents from Miller's Miss Co-ed Pearls 1 Strand Req. 2.25 ... NOW 1.89 2 Strand Reg. 3.95 ... NOW 3.79 3 Strand Reg. 5.95 ... NOW 4.89 Other Pearls Priced Special For Back To School Earrings to Match Metal Chokers r r S4 V 7 4. V in gold and silver dePriceng For hark to rhnoI Rift sp our srlrctinn of Elfrin Amrrican compacts. Many unusual miniature pins for M.m Co-prt. Bright stnn and mftal par rings . . . 97c. Sr our lovHy selection of pierced earrings. Jewelry Dept. Main Floor CANTON, Aug. 25 (.P Chiang Kai-shek Wednesday flew to Chungking in an apparent at tempt to foil any secret agree ments between warlords of Szechwan and the communists. Chiang's flight apparently was one of great urgency. He post poned a meeting of the Kuomin tang party's emergency council to make it. SzM-hwan's warlords are known to be eager to keep their fences mended at all times. They have been at odds with Chang Chun, commander of the nation alists In southwest China. Ills Jur isdiction embraces the provinces of Szechwan, Kweichow, Yunnan and Sikang. Rumors here are current Chang wishes to resign. Chiang, these rumors say, wishes to pre vent this. The wobbly nationalist situa tion is threatened from within and without. In central China the national ists presented Chiang with re ports of successes. Chiang nam ed a new army chief during the day. Gen. Pal Chung hsl, command er In central China, announced his counter-offensive had rolled onto two new victories over the communists on both eastern and western flanks of Hengyang. This la the Hunan province defense bastion 265 miles north of Canton on the Canton-Hankow railwav. Before leaving. Chiang named Gen. Kwan Ling tsun command er In chief of the army, suc ceeding Gen. Chang Ka-kwel. Kwa- , who has been superinten- Thur., Aug. 25, 1949-Th Newi-RevUw, Roteburf, Ore. 11 Business Failures Show Increase Within Week NEW YORK. Aug. 25..PI Rusiness failures increased to 193 In the week ended Aug. 18 from 176 the previous week, Dun & Bradstreet reported. The figure compared with 94 dent of the military training cen ter at Chengtu. was In the -first graduating class of the Wham poa military academy. There he was a favorite student of Chiang, the academy's founder. In the like week last year, 78 In the 1M7 week and 253 in the-1939 week, the credit reporting agen cy said. Casaulties with liabilities of t. 000 or more rose to 164 from 132 the previous week, while faiN ures Involving liabilities under $5,000 declined to 29 from 44. Manufacturing failures Increas. ed to 61 from 4ti tho week before, retailing casualties declined to 85 from 92. wholesale and commer cial service failures rose and con st ruction failures eased moderately. WORTH REPEATING AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN ..-. L A 2k It's PENNEY'S for O WW a?sr Store Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Penney's school shoes are priced, sized, and styled for Back-to-School on a shoe string bud get. Why pay more-when value, quality, and style like this can be had at Penney's for so little. 5' Misses' Multicolored Saddle Oxfords! If you want the very latest shoe far school at a down-to-earth price ... if you like to be the first to wear "something different" come a-runnin' to Penney's! See our multi colored saddle oxford! It's built for comfort and wear it's wonderful! B width 5-8'i. Teen-Age Pumps 3 Come to Penney's! See our wonderful flats! They're priced, sized, and styled for you the girl with a small budget and big ideas. Witness this scalloped pump with the wedge heel and dressed up look! Yours in black, AA, B, 4-9. 5 50 Misses' Moccasin Oxfords Fact is, thousands and thousands ef back-to-tchool youngsters come to Penney's for shoes! This wonderful misses' oxford is one reason why! It's Goodyear Welt constructed . , . has soft elk finished uppers ond the finest leather out-soles. Brown. AAA, AA, A, B, C, D. 4-10. Children's Oxfords 449 Been shopping around for a good, sturdy, well fitting back-to-school shoe for your young sters? Here it is, mom! Well designed moc-cosin-oxford with soft elk-finished uppers, tough neolite soles, and comfortable rubber heels. Brown. Sizes 12'2-3. A, B, C, D. 8V2-U 3.98 Boys' or Girls' Saddle Oxfords 3 98 Thousands and thousands of school youngsters com to Penney's for shoes! Here's one good reoson! Smart saddle oxfords with white rub ber soles and heels . . . attractive perforations 'round the vamp flexible as can be! Brown ond white. 1 2V2-3. B, C. 8Vi-12 379 Boys' Ghillie Oxfords 398 The rougher and tougher the shoes the more he'll like them the better they'll wear! This one has the new Bold Look heovy stitched uppers ond good-looking heavy yellow laces. Brown rubber soles ond heels. Burgundy. Sizes l2'2-3. B, C, D. 8'i-12 3.79 High Shoes for Boys or Girls 4 49 4 98 This shoe is tops for fit and comfort! Built high to protect young ankles . . . priced low to stretch small budgets. Comfortable rubber heels and soles that wear and wear. Smart stitching 'round the vamp a good solid value Brown. 12'2-3. B, C, D. BVi-12 - 3.98 Real Combat Boots For Boys! Boys all like these rugged styled combat boots. Lots of protector for fall and winter wear. These boots will protect his legs! Sturdy cord soles for extra long weor, rubber heels, strong stitchdown construction. Brown. 12'2-3 D widths. Also 8'i-12 D 4.49 1 10 -rrv J f Kmfl Moccasin Toe Oxfords 6 90 Plenty of handsome styling in this shoe! Heavy rubber soles, leather heels, and smart brass eyelets. Weor this straight tip blucher oxford with ony outfit dressy or casual! Wall last for comfort, steel shank for weor. Copper wood. C, D, 6-11.