Cardinals, Dodgers Split Doubleheader St Louis Yins 1st, Loses 2nd To Ex-Mate Thret Top Contenders In American League Race Go Down To Defeats By RALPH ROPEN Aiaoclaled Preea Sporuwrilar Like the tree, pennant talk l blooming In Brooklyn once again. Preacher Roe, 31-year-old left hander of the Dodgers, is respon sible for the fanning of the Dodg er pennant flames. The Dodger outlook was gloomy until Roe, working with only two days' rest, beat the league-leading St. Louis Cardinals, 4-3, at Ebbcts field last night in the sec ond half of a doubleheader. Stan Musial and associates took the first game, 5-3, to move three games ahead of the Brooks, extend a Brooklyn losing streak to four games and bring the un dertaker to the door. Old Preach, a former Red Bird got off to a rocky start. Musi:il tagged him for a two-run homer In the first Inning. The blow was the Card star's 22nd. Lefty Howie Pollett blanked the Dodgers over the first three in nings, but in the fourth the Dodg ers came to life and solved him for two runs. In the fifth, Carl Furillo doubled home Peewee Reese with the run that gave the Brooks a 3-2 lead. The Cards quieted the crowd In the sixth, as Enos Slaughter, the other Dodger tormentor, sin gled home Nippy Jones to tie the score nt 3-3. Roe tightened up and held the Cards hit loss the rest of the way, but not so Pollet. The 16-game winner pave up the winning run in the eighth inning with one out, yielding consecutive doubles to Roy Campanclla and Duke Snider. The victory was Roe's tenth com- 6 Tha Newi-Reriew, Roseburg, Ort Wed., Aug. 24, 1949 Umpqua Chiefs Will Battle Twice-Winner Central Point In Cup Playoff Here Sunday Regular scheduled Southern Oregon league play is ended but one more hurdle remains before the official league champion it pro claimed. Four top teams In the league will battle In the Shaughnessy tournament, a single elimination affair, that starts Sunday at Fin lay field. Roseburg. Ashland, Central Point and Medford are the final ists that will participate In the playoffs, wilh Umpqua Chiefs and Central Point starting the action here Sunday. Ashland and Medford, number two and num ber four team, play Wednesday AUTO GLASS REPAIRS Rainy wealher Is coming . , . now Is the time to have auto glass repairs made. We handle all types of glass and door hardware. 15 yean of auto glass service In Roseburg DOYLE'S Sales & Service Highway at Garden Valley PHONE 61 1 Dared to four defeats. j Mucial and Slaughter teamed 'to bat the Cards to victory in the (opener. Musial laced out a homer and single and Slaughter con tributed a triple, double and sin gle to the Cards' eight-hit at tack. Meanwhile, all three pennant contenders In the American Inaaiu f-j en IlKTO HofnaloH Xhf I league-leading New York Yan kees were thrashed. 8-4. by the Tigers at Detroit. The runnerup Boston Red Sox were upset oy the seventh place Browns, 5-4, at St. Iouls. The third place Cleveland Indians bowed, 4-2, to the tail-end Washington Sena tors at Cleveland. Lefty H.n Newhouser, wilh the aid of home runs by Pat Mullin, Vic Wert, and Eddie Lake, stop ped the Yanks, who still lead the circuit by two and one-half games. Jack Graham's 2()th home run of the season ruined the Red Sox. Graham connected w ilh one on in the eighth off Chuck Stohhs to enable the Browns to over come a 4-3 deficit. Rae Scarborough cooled off the Indians, yielding only six hits to snap Washington's 11 game los ing streak. The Philadelphia Athletics re tained fourth place, one per centage point ahead of Detroit, as Joe Coleman pitched and helped hat the As to a 4-2 victory over the White Sox at Chicago. The Boston Braves protected their one-game thi.'d-place mar gin over the Philadelphia Phillies In the National loop, defeating the Pittsburgh Plrales, 5-2, while the Reds edged the Cincinnati Reds, 4-3, in 13 Innings. In New York, the Chicago Cubs barely outlasted the Giants, 7-5, afler Doyle Lade had pitched a two-hit sl.outout for eight In nings. With five runs In and the bases loaded In the ninth, re liever Bob Munchief got Bobby Thomson to hit Into a force play for the final out and save Lade's third triumph. FOR SALE 16" Slabwood Sawdust Planer Ends Johnson Fuel Co. PHONE 366.JX-5 night at Medford. The two winners play for the Shaughnessy cup. while the two losers play for the consolation award. Although Ashland and Central Point were tied for second place, Roseburg, the number one team, drew Central Point, which was adjudged the number three team on a technicality resulting from a league game between Central Point and Crescent City being forfeited to Central Point. According to Manager Earl Sargent of the Chiefs, Ashland was boosted to the number two spot, as Central Point, due to the forfeiture, only played 13 games to Ashland's 14. Manager Sar gent argues the technicality is in valid, but he said the league ad ministrators saw it differently. This puts Roseburg in the un enviable position of having to start the Shaughnessy play against a team that has defeated them twice in league competition. Sunday's game at Flnlay field will be a crucial one for the Chiefs, the Pointers, and especial ly their pitcher Gehrman, who has proved adept at setting the Rosenurg players on their col lective ears in the past. Sunday's contest may develop Into a pitchers battle between Mel Krause or Don Reed and Gehrman. Gehrman Is reportedly pacing Krause as the top hurler in the league, on the basis of in complete returns of a vote taken by players and sports writers in the league. Highlighting the action Sunday will be the presentation of the league trophy to the Chiefs and another trophy to be presented by Sam's Sporting Goods store at Medford. Sunday's game at Finlay field starts at 2 p. m. Oakland Junior Legion Wins For National Entry V YAKIMA, Wash., Aug. 24. OV) Closing out the tourney on a high note with a triple plav, Oakland's Trader Seotts trimmed Omaha, 7.0, last night to qualify for the Junior Legion little world series. The Californlans beat the Ne braska entry twice and the Brem erton, Wash., team once to take the sectional crown. Last night s decision put the losers on the sidelines for their own tourney the nationals will be held In Omaha. Across a 350 -mile stretch of wilderness In Labrador there is believed to be a solid trough of Iron ore running anywhere from 10 to 60 miles wide. Top Payoff Of Meet Made On 22-To-One Nag Be Queen Contributes To Fat Plum; Mile-And-Half Event Slated Tonight By FRED TAYLOR Be Queen, a 22-to-one shot, came home in front in the sec ond race at the fairground's track last night, to pay the meet's biggest returns, and figure in the first daily double payoff of the meet, a Juicy $102.35 plum. Forty-four hundred spectators saw Ihe victor paid $51.40 for win ducals, $16.80 for place, and $5.10 for show, for a handsome return all around. Combining with the winner of the first race, Blen venue, the pair formed the largest payoff yet made on the Roseburg track, and the first daily double. Daily doubles and quinellas will be staged through the rest of the meeting. Two quinellas were bet last night, on the fifth race, returning $6.40, and on the sev enth, paying off $5.90. Tonight two special races will be offered. Tne Roseburg Mara thon, a mile and a half gallop for the thoroughbreds, will be run, and the fiflh race is the Sheriff Bud Carter purse, a mix ed race wilh thoroughbreds and quarter horses over a three eighths of a mile course. Last Event Major Thriller Most thrilling race of the eve ning probably was the last event, a mile and one-sixteenth grind for the thoroughbreds. The favor ite. Ron Vill. closed at four to I five odds, with Border Gypsy second choice at three to one. Bon Vill broke first from the gale, but Border Gypsy flashed ahead on the stretch to lead by half a length, with Gordon's Gift second and Quit That third on the front stretch. Rounding tho lurn Quit That moved out in front by half a length, with Border Gypsy in second and Bon Vill third. But coming Into the home stretch Bon VIII started pounding ahead, swishing past Border Gypsy and Quit That, who dropped to third. The winner, well ridden bv Jockey Clyde Wright, paid $3.90. Time was 1:56.9, and the com bination of Bon Vill and Border Gypsy on the quinella paid $5.90. The first race wasn't much of a contest, as Bienvenue made it evident from the start who the best horse was, breaking into the lead and stretching it to four lengths on the backstretch. Lou Manners closed the gap to two lengihs coming home, but that's as close as the mare got. Bienvenue, under Jockey Bob Strauss, the meet's leading rider with nine winners now, paid $6.70 for win tickets. Lou Man ners paid $6.20 to place, and the even money favorite, Bobby Ef fort, returned $2.50 for show money. This was an eight-horse field, over five furlongs. Long Shot Triumphs In thj second, a 440-yard quar ter horse event, Be Queen stole the glory of being the first real long shot winner of the meet. Sallie M., a nine-to-one shot, placed, to pay $11.80, and a track rarity, a dead heat, was run Dusette To Take On Weaver For Grappling Title Georges Duselte and Frankle Stojack are both confident they can take the measure of Buck Weaver, currently king of Pa cific coast light-heapyweight wres tlers. The two top-notch grap plers battled to a one-hour draw here Saturday In a match that was to decide which would be the challenger for Weaver's cov eted crown. Dusette won the flip of the coin, and Saturday night at the Roseburg armory the mus cular French-Canadian will test Weaver's prowess as a champion. Matchmaker Elton Owen, at the same time, announced that Al Williams, who had previously been scheduled to meet Dusette, is gradually, recovering from a brain concussion suffered in a Portland match last week. Owen has scheduled an attrac tive one-hour supporting bout, between Tex Hager, the talented young Oreponlan, and Leo Kar linko, the "Mad Russian" who is now one of the toughest mat men in the Northwest. Dusette and Weaver are ex pected to stage a great battle in which the challenger will employ his new combination headlock and full-nelson attack. Despite his cockiness since win ning the light-heavy belt, Weaver is a touh opponent at any time. Although he specializes in the deadly backward flying leap, he is a master of all holds a master fundamentalist. The former Uni versity of Indiana football and wrestling star is one of the smoothest men in the business, and knows ell of the tricks of the game. He will probably find I himself on the short end of pop ularity among Douglas county mat fans, however. Folldwers of the sport are certain to see lots of good rugged wrestling in both bouts and fans are urged to make early reser vations at Powell's for ringside seats. Drotbom '2 TV'1 OST HXI 'Gct' . ,-V .': OtO'borA-WoOd trot. COMSINf VISIT OUR EXHIBIT AT THE DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR Aug. 25 - 26 - 27 Douglas County Fair Grounds UMPQUA TRACTOR CO. 125 S. Pine St. DeO'bo 1 lUUt ife "jtS. MOWfl D.O'bor D.SC KMtOW ....v s r mmmw. m ......0..... mmmmmmmr I v t mm w w , mi . 1 r aiv . iaiir.r.iii. j . . w j 11. Labrador is expected, In the near future, to produce more than 10.000,000 tons of Iron ore every year. for show money, between Fllcka Grey and Fella. Fella paid $2.70. and Flicka Grey relumed $2.30. The favorite. Big Houge, a two-to-one choice, rambled down the 330-yard course in the fourth race to win by a nose over Vir ginia Reel, to return $6.30. Vir ginia Reel was second by two lengths over Spotted Joe Reed. Time was :18.2. Zoric, ridden by Cal Hewes, managed to capture the fifth race, a six and one-half furlong af fair, to pay $9.80. Heuverkins. the favorite, broke first, and darted Into a one-length lead, followed by Zoric and Sweeping Snow. Zoric clung stubbornly to second place, by eight lengths, and in the backstretch started moving up. In a hard driving finish Zoric won by a length and Heuverkins was second by five lengths, with Sweeping Snow third. The quinella combination of Zoric and Heuverkins paid $6.40. Lucky Four, a five-year-old rid den by Cal Hewes, was a five-to-one shot in the sixth race, and won the event with ease. Break ing first, the winer went into a two-length lead. Increased It to four on the backstretch. and by the time the horses hit the home stretch was eight lengths ahead of Mr. Booter. Black Karen showed. The show horse paid $7.00. while the place horse re turned $4.90. The winner, Lucky Four, paid $12.80 to his backers. In the match race Between Flicka F., the quarter horse that runs without tack or Jockey, and Record Crop, the thoroughbred, not much was proven. Flicka F. lost sight of her stable male, Badger's Grey Lady, and Just didn't try to beat her opponent, who won by the length of the front stretch. The race will be tried again soon, with Jockeys on both animals this time. Youth Swims English Channel DOVER, England, Au9. 24. (API Philip Mickman, 18, conquered the tricky wattrt of the English channal today after two previous uniucctssful tries. Tha plucky York, hire schoolboy, who iwim tho gruelling dis tance in 23 hours and 48 min utes, was tha first to meke it this year. Mickman fell far short of the record time listed for the chan nel crossing. The record for the swim is listed by the World Al manac as 10 hours, 45 minutes set by Vencesles Spacex of Bohemia in 1926. The French press, however, generally con siders Frenchman Ceorges Michel, credited with crossing in 1 1 hours and six minutes that year, to be the record holder, Angelenos Beat Hollies; Oakland Loses To Seals By JIM BACON Aaeoeiated Preaa Sporuwriter Hollywood, which hoped to fat ten its shaky Pacific Coast league lead on last place Los Angeles, may do some disastrous starving instead.- As often happens with bitter home town rivalries, the lowly Angels knocked off the Stats, 8 to 3, Tuesday night. Cal Mc Lish held the Stars to three sin gles and hit a triple that touched off a four-run fiflh inning. Oakland lost a chance to gain a game on the Stars wheneSan Frascisco pinchhitter Roy Par tees tqueeze play sent Mickey Rocco home for a 2-to-l win. The ninth-inning run climaxed a thrilling pitchers' duel between the Seals' Al Lien and the Oaks' Earl Jones. Lien, gave up six hits while Jones, in losing, gave up but five. Sacramento took a ten-Inning decision from Portland, 2 to 1. Mai Mallette threw a six-hitter in winning a tight battle with the Beavers' Roy Helser. Bobby Wilson singled in the 14th inning to score Allie Clark to enable San Diego to shads Seattle 3 to 2. Ironically, the Rainiers' Guy Fletcher, trying for his 21st win, tried to purpose ly walk Wilson. But the Padre second baseman reached out to bang his game-winning single. Tonight's Fairgrounds Racing Card rir.l Grl fir.. HM.N Welch. 113 120 ft arJt. Hor Jocetoy Lm Moora J. Davii Red Gown C Htwei M Bif Foot Charley K. Joni . Hony Boy H. Straus Black Jackal W. Danny ....... Miaa Cut T J. Davia fUctiaa' rara Claiming Tarae t.V. Aaaal f fvrlaaca. Horn Jockey Wfifht Erin Call R. fttrauaa 120 Dog Pen U Slap 120 Mie 7-ippar No Boy' US Lou Mannare C W riant . US Double Bo R. S'rauM 120 Ben e Wonder No Boy 120 Talrd rare AA e A sllewaaca Nr. le.a f:e ytrda. Hone Jockey Wclfht FUcka F.-N. Pattio -115 Pope a Llod K. Jonea 125 Little Sleepv Jne W. Denney 123 Teelo R. Strausa 123 Polly A- J. Davie 106 Fella R. Strauu Red Racer L. Slap 125 123 Firth race Pjre Para I3M.M 11 mile. Horn Jockey Weight Ketch Burl No Boy 123 Cheeta M R Straus Dancing Trocha No Boy Poaobo L. Slape Carlee Jo R Wood Are D. Smith Gallahad Kid C. Hewaa Valley Rom M. Perry AIo Eligible Champ R N. Pattio Lady II K. Jone 120 , 120 123 121 IJO 123 120 170 120 Kilt fare Faartk rare Grade t m yards. Hore Jockey Dusty Powell W Denny Cameo Bobby No Boy .... Candy P C. Hewes Lucky Boy A. J. Davia Sarabachi K- Jone C Parse Weight lis 123 123 113 1231 It.Sa.aa farleBga. norse jornev Landing Barge R Strauaa far trooper J Davia Sky-O-Manso D Smith Meteor be c. Hewes . ... Lady Sandy M Perry . Earl Day C. Wright ... Hevenla race Clalai !-e e if Mile. Hore Jockey Sweeping Snow L. Slap Gordon's Gift No Boy Mr. Booter No Boy .... Zoric M. Perrv Air Risk C. Wright . ANswea.ce Parse Weight 123 i?o 120 .. - 113 120 113 lag Pars Wtlght 113 120 120 120 , 120 120 BASEBALL STANDINGS 2 Newcomers Capture Titles At National Shoot VANPALIA. O., Aug. 24. (.W The little fellows get their chance today at the Golden Grand Ameri can trapshoot. After two days of championship firing and as a tuneup for the featured handicaps Thursday and Friday, a field of about 900 was to decide class titles today. In matches yesterday, two com parative newcomers to trapshoot- Ing won the North American clay target championships. Arnold Riegger, 29-year-old air plane mechanic of Seattle, Wash., won the 200-target, 16-yard cham pionship after a shootoff with three other contestants. All four competitors had broken 200 straight targets in the regular shooting. Mrs. Claude Winterowd, wife of a Chicago restaurant owner, won the women's championship, break ing 197 of 200 targets. Her score tied the record for feminine com petition. Two shooters, Homer Clark Jr., of Alton, 111., and Herbert Par sons of Summerville, Tenn., tied for the professional championsnip. Each registered scores of 199 of 200. The shootoff will be held today. Herb Bush of Canton, 111., won the shootoff yesterday for the inaugural 200-target race held Monday. Bush and Joe Hiestand, of Hillsboro, O., had tied w ith 200 straight targets Monday. Each broke his first 100 targets yester day, but Hiestand missed in the next 25 and Bush broke all to take the event. low cost trouble-free water service PACIFIC COAHT LEAGt'E iBy The Associated Preit) W. L. Pet. Hollywood M fig ,.VU Oakland HI 1 vt: 8arrsmenle At 71 ..VI Keallle 17 IS ,SH7 Han meg 77 73 ,S7 Kan Francisco - 74 .4X7 Portland 7t 7 .477 Lea Angeles fit 1 .40J J. N. BOOR OUTBOARD MOTORS J4 Cdn. Vally. Rd. Ph. 53 J-l JOHNSON Sea Horse Dealer O Boats Boat Trailer O Marine Equipment with GOULDS famous JtT-O-MATIC electric water systems Inrntigne ihe new Jet-O-Mstic. Ii brings you sll the running wsier you need lowest cost per gallon. Sim ple and easy to instill. No moving parts. No upkeep. Smooth quiet operation. SelMubricated. Dual Service for cither shallow or deep wells. COMI IN '01 A '(l DCMONsrtariOM Douglas County Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchonge Buy Where You Share In The Earnings Phone 98 ROSEBURG, OREGON Located W. Washington AMERICAN LEAGt'K Srw T.rk . JJ Rmt.n ..... ?t n.v.lanS . . S9 Philadelphia .. . K4 Dtlrslt UK Chirai. SA St. L.als 41 Wathlnfl.a 3S Frt. .' .Mil .AM .Alt ..Ml .tt4 ,.W ,J3 NATIONAL LEAGt'E St. I. .11 Rrkl)ji Philadelphia N.w ark . .. Pillafcwrfh .... Cincinnati .... Chicaga . A .All . 5 ...via . at ji-i . ai .la .;ts . aa xa s,nn . at at .t . ta :a .ta? . ta it .3aj FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By tha AaaoclatMl Prtsai Loa Anaelaa Sandy Saddler. 12Sv N.w York. Atnpptd Alfredo Earobar. 133'a, Los Anielea, 9. New Bedford. Maftt. Timothy 'Bud dy Hayea, 1.T0, Boaton. knocked out Joey Cabiel. 1.14. Newark, N. J., S. Drain Defeats Westfir , In 2nd-Half Title Race DRAIN. Aui?. 24 Ijftv .Tnhn. son and Frank Jacobs pitched and hit Drain to a 4-to-2 Lane. Douelas Baseball leaptip vir-tnrv over Westfir here to eliminate Westfir from the second half title race and giving Giustina of Eu gene the championship. Giustina now awaits a playoff between Westfir and Hills Creek before meeting the winner for the pen nant. I OPENING EVENT TEX HAGER vs. LEO KARLINK0 MAIN EVENT BUCK WEAVER GE0RGESV'buSETTE w R E S T L I N G ROSEBURG ARMORY, AUGUST 27 i! It It's Wood a McCufoch will tut Itl McCulloch chata saws are in the newt. You cao't beat them for high speed logging.cuttinf clearing, and other urn bet work. The rcaioa for the McCullochi great popularity it simply this: fee AatraVi Ihtn. . . (e utifht isn't! Yon dos't aeed to take our word for it Come ia sad tea for yourtalf. Try On YvrtH Tithia the axt few days, l top by our store for a real demooitratioa of wood cutting. Or give us a call sad we'll try to ai range a show for you at your place. There's aa obligation. Vi want you to see what a McCulloch caa do. 4 MecJtt Available I McCULLOCH CHAIN SAW SALES O SERVICE Hiwoy 99 North Roseburg Phone 1S47R HEY, FELLERS! Need Expert Chain Saw Service for Any Type Chain Saw? If you are looking for a really competent chain service shop, see AL OLDS at 531 S. Stephens St. ALWILL: Repair, Recondition. Refile your chain regardless of condition and do the job right REASONABLE RATES FAST SERVICE BRING YOUR BAR! Saw Chain Service Co. 531 S. Stephens St Phone 1665-J I 5