Rehabilitation Funds Offered To Help Veterans " Three service organizations the American LeRion. the Veter ans of Foreign Wars and the Dis abled American Veterans are eligible for receipt of state funis authorized by the 1949 legislature to help such groups pay the cost of rehabilitation services to vet erans. This was the decision announc ed this week hy Roland Davis, chairman of the advisory com mittee to the State Department of Veterans' Affairs, the agency administering the funds. Regulations Just approved by the committee provide that only those organizations which have maintained department service offices during the past two years in the Portland regional office of the Veterans Administration to present compensation, pension and other claims before the VA are qualified to receive funds un der the new state law, chapter 364, Oregon Laws 19-19. Funds available in the Depart ment of Veterans' Affairs budget for the 1949-51 biennium to pay the organizations amount to $33.- Boswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Physiotherapy Clinic Lady Attendants 1 Mile S. of Drain, Oregon fin PA1 n nnpnrnTi EVERYONE SAYS IT'S THE BEER WITH THE MILLION- DOLLAR FLAVOR 1 NOW TASTE THIS BETTER v BEER -THE RESULT OF 4 YEARS OF PLANNING Years of painstaking research plus a million-dollar plant-expansion program have perfect ed this better-than-ever beer. Try LUCKY LAGER today you'll like its rich, mellow fla vor. You'll find it light and mild, each golden drop full of thirst-quenching goodness, made possible by slow, careful Age-Mellowing. Now try Lucky Lager you'll be convinced that it is the most delicious, re freshing beer you've tastedl Distributed by WESTERN Distributing Company J Short & Burke St. - Phont 1294-L Roseburg, Oregon Canadian Ships Given Alaskan Service Right WASHINGTON. Aug. 24 .1 resident Truman has signed a bill permitting limited operation of Canadian ships in Alaskan service until next June 30. The legislation allows Canadian vessels to operate between Skag way, Haines and other Alaskan Dorts and between Hyder, Alas ka, and other Alaskan and United States ports. Sponsors of the legislation said it is necessary because United States ships do not adequately serve some isolated Alaskan cit ites and may not be in a position to do to until next year. According to the Encyclopedia Americana, the first old age pen sion plan in the U. S. or territor ies was adopted by the Alaska legislature in 1915. 529. Davis said the advisory com mittee Interpreted chapter 364 to mean that these funds would be limited to organizations whose re habilitation services to veterans include the maintenance of an office to handle Veterans Admin istration claims of veterans ami their dependents. Of the organi zations which applied for funds, only the Legion, the VFW and the DAV were found qualified, Davis said. 'Distribution of funds available for this purpose," according to regulation No. 7, adopted by the committee, "will be made by re imbursing monthly the partici pating organizations. Reimburse ment will amount to 25 percent of the expense items on the monthly expense report after all such expense items have been re viewed and approved by the di rector (of veterans' affairs i. Only those expense items will be approved by the director that are directly attributable to the main tenance of the state service of fice of the organization concern ed." The advisory committee, com posed primarily of veterans' or ganization representatives, in clude Davis, Ray Dorris and Har rv V. Reed, Portland: Robert Bryant, Grants Pass; William C. Dyer, Jr., Salem; and John Walk er Jones and Carl F. Freilinger, Milwaukie. III" HERE r "Baby, It's Cold Outside," "Roomful of Roses," "Forever and Ever," "On the Alamo" and "Riders In the Sky," title tonight's musical selections on "The Sammy Kaye Showroom" at 7:15. Tony Alamo, singer with the Sammy Kaye Orchestra, is also the official photographer for the band and works with the most modern equip ment. A released criminal who had only one purpose In mind to take revenge on the "Cisco Kid" who aided the law in Im prisoning him meets up with the famous Robin Hood of the Old West, during tonight's dramatisation of "Chain Light ning" at 7:30. Hollywood: "What's the Name of That Song?" has been renewed for three years according to a contract signed this week between the Mutual-Don Lee network and Mrs. Rita Williamson, owner of the show which was originated by her late husband, Bud William, son. The famous musical audience-participation show Is sponsored by Wildroot Creme-Oil on the Wednesday night schedule (8 p. m.). Bill Gwinn is master of ceremonies. "Song" is one of the most pop ular shows on the alrlanes. Wot king with twin grand pianos played by Lou Maury and Vic Pelmente, Emcee Bill Gwinn offers three well-known tunes Individually to six contestants. Each contestant sings the first three lines of the song he recognizes and receives a prize. Tune In another stake-race direct from the Roteburg track tonight at 10. And at 10:30, when the wealthy Im porter and volunteer sleuth becomes a delivery boy for a beautiful gal, the stage It set for another fast-paced adven ture for "The Casebook of Gregory Hood," starring Elliott Lewis, Ray Buffum, writer. producer of the "Casebook" series, was honored at a birthday party recently. The party was staged by hit radio astociatet in Hollywood who presented him with, among other things, two copies of the book' "How to Write for Radio." KRNR The Veice ef The RMeew-f NewvReview KIMAIMNG HOIK TODAY 4;0OFuiton Lwii Jr. 4:15 Frank Hemingway. 4::,0 Pass in Parartr. 4:45 Tips and Tune. S:0O-Story Hour. 5:15 Music. 9 Adventure of Champion. 5 45 Lee Bennett. 6-0O Riverside Motors. 615 Mutual Newareel. 6 ;iO Sports Page, 6 ;t3 Musical Interlude. 6-40 Local Newt. A 4.1 Southland Singing. 6 55 Bill Henrv. 7 00 Dick Haymea. 7:15 Sammy Kaye Showroom. 7 .10 Cisco Kid. Boo What's the Nam of that Song? 830 Tex Beneke. NO BACK BREAKING WHEN YOU USE THE I. E. L. TWIN IN THE WOODS The I. E. L. Twin Power Saw weighs only 45 lbs. (without attachments) and thus Is so much easier to handle In the woods than any other power saw on the market. Easily attached attachments change this lightweight saw from one man to two man operation In Just a few seconds. The cutting bar has a full 360", 8 place swivel head and a 5 foot cutting capacity run by the powerful twin cylinder multi-port engine. This powerful motor Is fully automatic au tomatic rewind starter, automatic ciler, automatic clutch rotary Inlet valve. This truly is the last word Is power saws. Don't delay, see one of these new saws today at . , . P ACIFIC CHAIN SAW Hlway 99 North Phone 1152-J MBS 1490 On Ytur DImI 8 4S Bob Eberlc. 0 00 News. 6 15 Hi Neighbor. ft 30 Scandinavian Melody Tlmt. ft 45 Fulton Lewis Jr. 101)0 stake Race. 10:15 John Wolohan. 10:30 Gregory Hood. 11:00 Cues in Music. 11:30 Sign Off. THI'RSfl A Y. Al'OrST 14. 1 8:00 Sunns Serenade. 615 News. 6 20 Music. (l:;io Rise V Shine. 7 oo News. 715 Breakfast Gang. 7 -45 Local News. 7 50 Beehive. 7:55 Music. CO. THE CYCLONIC CAVALCADE OF ELECTRIFYING SENSATIONS THAT MAKES YOUR EYES POP OUT AND YOUR HEART SKIP A DEATI John The Strange Story of a Beautiful Girl and a Gorilla t.rnfl TERRY MOORE BEN JOHNSON nd Robert Armstrong wh frank mcnugh Directed by ERNEST 8. SCHOEDSACK Tfchnlcal Creator Wlltti O'Brien Screen Play by Ruth Rot Dkirikviw kr txa twi. Mm An Art. MmiH Veterans Hospital Positions Opened By Civil Service Federal Civil Service an nounces examinations for perma nent probational appointment to the positions of baker chauffeur, and laundry helper, in the Vet erans Administration. Persons who desire permanent positions will have an opportun ity to file for a civil service ex amination leading to probational classified civil service status in these positions in the Veterans Administration hospital, Rose burg. The entrance salaries are as follows: baker, $2573 a year; chauffeur, $2152, laundry helper, $2020. Applicants will be graded on the basis of their experience and training. No written test is re quired. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 62 except for the position of chauffeur, for which the mlnimurr) age limit is 21., These age limits, except for the minimum age limit for chauf feur, may be waived for veter ans and under certain conditions for war service indefinite em ployees. Further Information on thlt examination and the necessary application forms for applying may be obtained from the Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Veterans Administration hospital Roseburg; the secretary, Board of U. S. Civil Service examiners, at any first or second-class post office, or from the director, El eventh U. S. Civil Service region. Room 4. Central Building, Sea ttle 4, Wash. Applications should be filed with the Board of V. S. Civil Service Examiners. Veter ans Administration hospital, Roseburg, immediately. PARENT FORCED TO PAY BAKER, Aug. 24 (.7 Accord ing to Baker city law parents are held accountable for the deeds of juvenile offspring. Tuesday Mrs. A. L. Moser was fined $25 because her 16-year-old son threw beer bottles from a i car. 0-no Havrn of Best Bi.lft Modern Home. 9;(M Wally'i Coffee Tim). 9:15 Music. 9 30 Man About Town. 9 41V Music. 9 so Shopper' Guio, News. 10-15 Sweetwood St?rnada. 10;mSav It With Music li- Ari Bauer. 11-00 l.adtra Fint. 11 30 Queen for a Day. 12 oo Music at Noon. 12:15 Sport Pf. 12:25 Music. 12:30 Clocking tha Star. 12:35 Music. 12 40 Local New 12 45 National Npwi, 12:55 Market Reports. 1:00 Man on the Street 1:15 Listen to LleberU 1:30 Music. 2.00 Against the Storm. 2:30 It s Requested. 3:oo Johnson Family. 3:15 Music. 3:i(0 W C T V Pronram. 3:45 Local Loan Show. 4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 4:15 Frank Hrminiiway. 4:0 Passing Farad, 4 45 News. SO-f-B Har II Ranch. 3:30 Champion. 5:45 Lee Bennett. 6 00 Cavalcade of Safety. 6 15 Mutual NewsreeL 6:30 Sports Page. 6:35 Music. 6:40 Local News. 6 45 Southland Singing. 6:55 Bill Henry. 7:00Frank Purely, 715 Mu.ic You Remember. 7:30 Here Comes the Bridev 8:00 Hnpalnng Casstdv. 8:30 Fishing St HunUnf Chit Air. B:!W Mel Venter. 9:00 News, 8:15 Harris Ellsworth. 9:30 George Maer Trl. 0:45 Fulton I.ewia Jr. 10:00 Slake Race. 10:15 Dance Orchestra. 10:3O The Falcon. 1100 Cues fn Muste. 11:30 Sign Off. UK 111 Ford and Merian C. BBBBBBBBr-Sr k - M W StaV m M W . BT M Yoncalla By MRS. GEORGE EDES Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boucock, Billie, Carol, and Carolene Bou cock, and Mrs. Edmonson left Saturday night for a 10 days' visit with relativet In Calgary, Can ada. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McQuIre of Eugene spent the weekend vis iting at the parental Elmer Thompson home in Shoestring. Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Butler and daughter, Sharon, of Mills City, Ore., spent the weekend visiting at the Luther Daugherty home. Mrs. Rosanna Donna of Helena, Mont., Mr. and Mis. Jaspen Den ny and Mrs. Lensengrov of Olym pia. Wash., spent last week visit ing at the Luther Daugherty home. Mr. and Mrs. Cahinas of Yon c la and Mrs. I lames, sister of Mrs. Cahinas. spent last week visiting at Sacramento, Calif Mrs. Effie Simpson and daugh ter, Louise, of Cottage Grove, visited at the W. J. Ladd home last week. Mrs. Slmpsun and the Ladd family were neighbors in Sutherlin several years ago. Mrs. Cassius Rvchard and son, Phillip, visited at the Luther Daugherty and Art Rychard homes last week. Paul Rychard. who has been visiting here all summer, returned home with his mother, while Phillip remained for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Daugherty and daughter, Martha, drove Mrs. Rychard and Paul to their home at Plush, Ore. Rev. and Mrs. Raynor Smllh of Eugene had charge of the morning service of the Methodist church Sunday morning. Mrs. Tom Wallace returned home Friday after spending sev eral weeks with her daughter in Warrenton, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Keith of Salt Lake Citv arrived here last week and are with their daugh- PAINTS All Kindt PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 6 tS. 2nd Ave S. Phor.3 212 Fast Service I I It's a fact,. . . most re pair work can be don in on day. Drive in now. I I I HANSEN I MOTOR CO. Oak & Stephen! " Cooper prtitnf I Fnct Arviro I MOTOR CO. Oak & Stephen! Phone 446 i iiSik. i hsBsm ! Wed., Aug. 24, 1949 Th. ter. Mrs. Kittle Jobe. Mr. and Mrs. Keith expect to make their home here now. Mr. and Mis. L. H. Fannon and fami,y have moved Into the Ed Williams place. Mrs. Art L'nger and ton Ernie of California are visiting at the George Moiln and Orval Long homes. Mrs. Unger It the mother of the Longs. Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Hanson of Portland visited their ton and family, LeRoy Hanson, for a few dayt last week. LOOK! DANCE UNDER THE STARS AT THE FAIRGROUNDS tonight and oil week through th Fair WESTERN WRANGLERS 10e a done 6 of FIX THAT LEAKY ROOF ! W hav soma beautiful news. We just received a shipment of siding and roofing and w have our own expert crew to apply them. SAVE! Yes sir! The place to buy your building material, roofing, siding, etc., is the Lum ber Sales Co. Drop in and see us today. LUMBER SALES CO. Garden Valley Rd. Next to the Riverside School Fret Estimates Phona 26-J -2 STARTS "RIDING THE CALIFORNIA TRAIL" with PANCHO CO-FEATURE '4 iron Newt - R.vl.w, Roseburg, Or. S WAGE BOOST WON PORTLAND, Aug. 24 -OP) About half the AFL glass work ers who went on strike here Mon day were back on the Job today with a wage Increase. Ted Fry, union business agent, said 40 firms agreed to increase pay 7 12 cents hourly. He said fully 100 were back at work. The remaining 100 continued the strike against firms that refuted the Increase. 'em 10c a danc TODAY r'ets "'"tel., Of. A f itW - "'tnt. rt7 I It mm. MATINEE DAILY EVENING SHOWS