Society and QluLi By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele phone tor the society page most be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Fridays, at which time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. W.B.A. to Meet The Woman's Benefit Association will meet Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ruby Travis on Mosher street. Gay Afternoons, Romantic Nights Go from Ray after noons of swimming to romantic niehts of dat ing and know your hair will always look its best. One of our soft cold waves will do the trick nicely. Has Beauty , Shop 407 Pacific Bldg. Phone 424 Like Yourself, Guests Welcome Refreshment 24-Bottle Case $122 ilus ospoit-tt your dtslar S'.'ff tonus UNon autmohty or thi coca-cou coarutt IT Coca Cola Bottling Company of Roseburg FREE Sound Movies Throughout All 3 Days 1 . rit 1 UMPQUA MINERAL. CLUB ENJOYS MEETING AT ROBERTS HOME RECENTLY Umpqua Mineral club held Its regular August meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rob erts, on South Pine Street. The early part of the evening was spent in looking over Mr. Rob erts' fine collection of mineral specimens, which were displayed in lighted cabinets. This collec tion is probably one of the most cnmnlete in the Pacific north west, and was greatly enjoyed by members and guests. Mr. Evans brought a large number of specimens which were displayed under Ultra Violet lights. It was interesting to note some rocks reacted under one light and some under another. The regular business meeting fol lowed, with discussion of the Northwest Mineral Show at Eu gene forming the principal topic. "The "Dollar Box" was auction ed off, during the course of the evening. A social hour followed the close of the business meeting, and a delicious supper was served to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rose; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Tealer; Mr. and Mrs. Simonson; Mr. and Mrs. Mowry; Mr. and Mrs. Theo Bond; Mrs. Hulchlns; Mr. In gram nr. Church: Milo Godfrey; Mrs. Peterson; Mr. Evans and son; Mr. Doyle and son; Mr. Whalen; Mrs. L. M. Housley and Bob Housley; and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rob erts. No-Hostess Meeting The Ladv Elks will meet at a no-hostess af fair Thursday night at 8 o'clock at the temple. Contract bridge and pinochle will be in play. Sewing Club to Meet The Ri fle Range Sewing club will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Blanche Marr. Team to Practice The Eagles auxiliary drill team will practice at 8 o'clock Thursday evening at the Eaglps hall. ""VZ-. tit 4 . M jw 0 . MRS. CARL OLLIVANT ELECTED COUNTY CHAIRMAN Of H. C. UNITS FOR YEAR Mrs. Earl Ollivant of Olalla was elected to serve as county chairman of the Home Extension units at the county committee meeing held Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Corinne Mc Taggart, home extension agent, in Roseburg. Serving with Mrs. Ollivant for the coming year will be Mrs. A. H. Monson of Elkton, vice-chairman; Mrs. Ray Doerner, Mel rose, secretary; and Mrs. J. H. Parrott, Camas Vallev. treasur er. Assisting the officers will be Mrs. A. J. Standley, acting as chairman of Azalea House; Mrs. Henry Beckley of Elkton. as leg islative research, A.C.W.W. and U.N.E.S.C.O., and Mrs. Cecil Hartford, publicity chairman. Mrs. McTaggart presided at the business session, at which time problems were discussed. The date was set lor the out- cers training conference to be held at ten o clock the morning of September 13. at the K. of P. hall in Roseburg. All officers from all units In the county are requested to attend. The next monthly committee meeting will be held the first Saturday in October at the home oi Mrs. Kay uoerner in iweirose. Attending the meeting Saturday with Mrs. McTaggart were Mrs. Monson, Mrs. Doerner. Mrs. Hartford, Mrs. Standlev and Mrs. Parrott. RIVERSOALE GRANGE HAS INTERESTING MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT Riversdale Grange held an In teresting meeting Friday night at the hall, at which time the char ter was draped in memory of Marie Hint Met all. two mem berships were voted on and the committee chairmen presented reports. A cantaloupe feed from the Kruse gardens followed the meet ing. The quarterly birthday pot luck dinner honoring members having birthdays In June. July and Au gust will be held at the hall Sep tember 2 at six-thirty oclocK with the Garden Valley ladies serving on the committee. Social night will be held Au gust 27 at the hall with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kruse in charge. The degree team will practice at seven-thirty o'clock the evening cf August 30 at tne nan. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Dlf.NIC TO BE EVENT OF SUNDAY, AUGUST 28 Members and friends of Faith Lutheran church will hold a con gregational potluck picnic Sun day, August 28. at one-thirty o' clock at Umpqua Park. Those at tending are asked to bring a con tribution of food for the picnic tiH their own table service. Cof- f n1 nnn will be furnished at the grounds. An aiiernoon oi rec reation will oe enjoyea Dy inose attonHtnir. The pommlttee In charce of ar rangements is composed of Mr. and Mrs. Anay. senile, wir. am Mrs. Arthur Slemann and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sorseth. TENMILE CLUB TO SPONSOR POTLUCK DINNER FRIDAY NIGHT The Tenmile Ladies club will sponsor a seven o'clock potluck -Jinna. SV(H O J 0VPnif1ff tO ripdi cate the new clubhouse. A mock wedding on the theme, Joining Miss Clubhouse and Mr. Commu nity," will be enjoyed. Everyone in the community is invited and those attending are asked to ; . .hmior f ft fnr the new U11U& m " " ' .-- - " clubhouse kitchen. Those attend ing are also asked to bring ioou for the potluck dinner and their own table service. GOLFERS ATTENDING S. O. GOLF ASSOCIATION TOURNAMENT IN EUGENE Roseburg Country Club women golfers attending the Willamette Valley Southern Oregon Golf as sociation tournament in Eugene today Include: Mrs. E. A. Pear sin, president; Mrs. L. E. Mc Clintock. Mrs. R. D. Bridges. Mrs. Walter Brydges. Mrs. J. F. Dillard, Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs. Roger Gee. Mrs. James Hughes, Mrs. Ivan Pickens. Mrs. Joe Per rault, Mrs. Kenneth Qulne. Mrs. Roy Shephard and Mrs. H. C. Stearns. MRS. RALPH HEATH ENTERTAINS VISITORS OVER WEEKEND Mrs. Ralph Healh of Roseburg entertained as guests over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Ralph OI sen of San Diego, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Francis Remillard. Port land, and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Al len of Kelso, Wash. An Invitation To You From Us Doug!a County Fair Grounds CHINOOK SALMON SCORES Mrs. Ban Essiq (Right), wife of the president of the Denvar Chamber of Commerca, receives two dozen rot at at Staplaton airfield, Denver, at 1 gift from Mrs. Dorothy McCullough Lee, mayor of Portland, with the menage, "From Portland tha city of roses, to Denver, tha city of carnations." Tha flowers are being presented to Mrs. Essig by Walter C. Korlann of Portland, general agent of tha Capitol Life Insurance company, who flaw to Denver to attend the company's 1949 convention. Carl G. Enander (left) Capitol agent in Roseburg, is presenting a 40-pound chinook salmon to Palmer Hoyt (third from left) editor and publisher of tha Denver Post, and former editor of tha Oragonian. Between Enander and Hoyt is G. A. L'Estranga, vice president and agency director of tha insurance company. Melvin J. Rob erts, treasurer, is to tha right of Hoyt. (Photo courtesy Tha Denver Post.l PARTY TO BE LARGE AFFAIR AT COUNTRY CLUB NEXT MONDAY A large party has been arrang ed by the I July Golfers tourna ment committee for all members of the Roseburg Country club and Iheir invited guesls to be held at seven-thirty o'clock next Mon day evening at the clubhouse. All types of entertainment have been planned for the enjoyment of the members and guesls. A large number of door prizes will be given away during the eve ning. 1 DANCE TO BE HELD AT VETERANS HOSPITAL NEXT MONDAY EVENING The Volunleer Service women will sponsor a dance from eight to ten o'clock Mondav evening at the Veterans hospital recrea tion hall. Women of Roseburg have been asked to altend to as sist as hostesses duricg tha eve ning. STEADFAST CLASS TO MEET AT POTLUCK LUNCHEON THURSDAY The Steadfast class of the First Presbyterian church will meet at a noon potluck luncheon Thurs day at the home of Mrs. W. M. Campbell. 949 Winchester street. All members are urged to be present. D. OF U.V. TO MEET FRIDAY EVENING Florence Nightingale Tent No. 15, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War will meet Friday night, August 26, at seven-thirty o'clock at the K. of P. hall. All members are urged' to be pres ent. To ..Continue ..Tournament Women of the Roseburg Country club will continue the champion ship golf tournament play Thurs day morning at 8:30 o'clock at the club course, followed by a 12:30 o'clock luncheon and the weekly contract bridge play at 1:30 o'clock. KEILL lL iiwiiw't tb. twit Om If fv Combiard with s flirrd topper this two piece Lofsnkait mt offers a variety of smart color combinations. Another smart companion to low-calorie diets it the nationally famous thin-lr-tliced Hollywood Bread. Based without shortening and with no fata added Hollywood Bread is the aristocrat of alt breads. Try it toasted, N't mar. velout. You'll love it Baktd lor yem WnWv r WILLIAMS BAKERY SOCIAL NIGHT TO BE HELD AT RIVERSOALE GRANGE HALL SATURDAY Riversdale Grange will spon sor its monthly social night af-1 fair at the hall Saturdav evening. August 27. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney and Mr. and Mi s. H. B. Kruse will be in charge. Mem bers of the Grange and Invited guests have been asked to al tend. I Patch and Chat Club to Meet 1 stnim-eoitt far Prolan Storage Itsepi frozen foods, frez Ic cubes galorel MOtM.COlB COMFAITMINT Maet-Naldae -perfect for foods ra quiring dry normal cold. nour . ei I rooo cenomoner --keeps left-ovart, tal ads, vegetables fresh. Ivsr.Dry TOIAMN handy storage keeps cereals, crackers crisp and dryi salt and sugar free-flowing. don't buy any refrigerator until you sco n H FROSTMASTER O ELECTRIC RANGES O RADIO PHONOGRAPHS PERSONALIZED The Patch and Chat club will meet Thursday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Curtis Cal kins. DRESS MAKING AND ALTERATIONS IVA rillLLIPS 421 N. Rose St. Phona S0S-R -WAY REFRIGERATOR Come la and see this modern, complete refrigerator-thit gives you five separate storage lones, perfect temperature and humidity for every kind of food. Yes, it's the tnlj refrigerator that gives you the Shelvador, putt ' twice at much front-row food at your fingertips. You'll tee for yourself i how much it meant in laving time, irept and food in fatter, eatier meal - preparation. Come in for a demonstration. ' WE'LL BE SEEING YOU AT THE DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR SEE tho Exciting NEW CROSLEY"SHELVADOR" Refrigerators ... the "Singing" CROSLEY Electric Range with beauty and brains . . . and always remember that . . . ONLY CROSLEY has the SHELVADOR. SERVICE FOR THE HOME Wad., Aug. 24, 1949 Tha Barbequed Fish Fine For Picnic By GAYNOR MADDOX NIA SLff Wril.r An outdoor grill or Just a good fire on the rocks can produce a wonderful picnic treat: barbe cued fish. That's a Labor day pic nic thought worth studying. But first you must catch (or buy) your fish. Any small fisn such as butterfish, flounder, por gies or sea trout may be used. Barbecued Whole Fish Clean and dress fish and place on the barbecue grill. Sprinkle with garlic salt and pepper. Place a square of butter on each fish. Cook for 10 minutes over glowing coals. Grill should be about 3 Inches from the hot coals. At the same time the fish is being grilled, grill large onion slice with a slice of tomato atop each. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Barbecued Fish To barbecue small whole fish in the open when there's no barbe cue grill, sprinkle cleaned fish with garlic salt and pepper. Run a thin sharp slick into the fish's mouth and through its body lengthwise. Prop or hold the stick over hot embers and cook until it is brown and tender, but be sure not to overcook 3 to 5 minutes on eilher side. Dip in hot barbe cue sauce and serve piping hot, right on the stick. AUTO-TRUCK GENERAL LIABILITY FIRE Wt havt eomprchensivi Liability Insuranct for your home. Personal Liability to cover you and your family and incomt. Very low ratt. Paul H. Krueger District Agtnt Si S. Stephens St. Roseburi Phona 21 1 Jt XlbAte 7 y Home Fucnishings 1 111 NO. JACKSON Ntwi - Revlaw, Resaburg, Ors. 3 Barbecue Sauoa One cup catsup, 1 cup vinegar, i cup salad oil, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce, 1 teaspoon dry mustard, 1 table spoon Tabasco sauce, 1 onion, sliced. Combine ingredients and heat to boiling point. Fried corn with onions and green pepper should go to the pic nic, too. Just chop the onions and green peppers at home and carry them to the picnic In a covered Jar. Canned corn and the other ingredients can go In the plcnie basket. Fried Corn With Onions And Gretn Pepper (C servings) Two tablespoons fat, 1 cup chopped onions, i cup chopped green pepper, i teaspoon salt, pepper, t cup milk, 1 No. 2 can whole kernel corn. Melt the fat in a frying pan. Add the onion, pepper and drained corn. Heat gradually and stir until the vegetables are some what dry anJ lightly browned. Stir In the salt and pepper. Add the milk and cook for a few minutes longer. T f; C1SL KlUMVl Tkoo.aad.Work Savor puts twka os much front-row food! at your fingertips. MODUS AS LOW AS Sj9995 ST. Phone 330 m.t.f.fM.tVPe 105 South Jockson