14 The New-Rview, Roieburg, Ore Mon., Aug. 22, 194 If vou want the refrigerator with the ybld clear to f he floor... q DID YOU EVER SEE A L" When you buy a refrigerator, you want the most for your money . . . that's Kelvinator. Look ot just some of Kelvinator features: USEABLE SPACE: Kelvinator's "Cold-Cleor-to-the-Floor" gives you more refrigerated space in less floor space! OPERATING ECONOMY: Kelvinator's penny-pinching Polarsphere unit operat ing under average conditions, actually costs less to operate than a 40 watt light bulb! OPERATING DEPENDABILITY: Kelvinator engineering and "know how" assures you of top performance day-in-day-out. Kelvinator made the world's first refrigeration unit! PRICE: Kelvinotors are priced with the very lowest. Shop around, compare and you'll see! Come in and see these value-packed Kelvinotors on display in our store. Our low down payment and con venient terms can place a Kelvinator in your home now. $ 6,00000 Refrigerator? Sss one at our store August 23 and 24 or at the County Fair August 25, 26 or 27 No, that figure is no mistake . . . this refrigerator really cost $6,000.00 to construct. It is a Masterpiece Model MM made of clear plastic instead of the conventional steel to show how Kelvinator models give you more refrigerated space yet take no more floor space. Come in and see this $6,000.00 model and you'll be convinced that Kelvinator gives you more for your money. f. , i i 5 n m n a i ii in r tit 2T2s CJ3E pas : 1; j MODEL CR . . . Luxury Features at an econ omy price. 17-lb. lligh-S6cd Freezer! 20-qt. Vegetable Crisper! Hip aluminum chilling tray. Full6cu. ft. of storage! 1'owercd hv Kelvinator's famous, penny - pinching Polarsphere. A ruiracJe of value in this kelvinator ONLY $20.00 DOWN Model CR without Crisper $189.95 MODEL RD . . . Full 8.6 cu. ft. of storage space! Takes up no more space than former ' sevens". Big 30-lb. Frozen Food Chest. World's of general storage and tall bottle space. Plastic, covered meat chest. Two 12-qt. Vegetable CrispersI MODEL CM . . . Sets neu refrigerator stand ards! More for what you pay! Hig 40-lb. Frozen Food Chest. Big, reiterated Fruit Freshener. Magic Shelf. 12-qt. Vegetable Crisper. 8!-j cu. ft. in shelf area, plus 2 cu. ft. in Fruit Freshener Zone. MODEL FM . . . An engineering Masterpiece! 50-lb. Frozen Food Chest. Magic Shelf adjusts 5 ways makes room for bulky foods. Twin sliding Vegetable Crispers (20 qt. total ca pacity). 8! 2 cu. ft. in shelf area, plus la cu. ft. m Fruit Freshener Zone. MODEL MM . . . Greatest food-keepinft ad vance in years! Supermoist cold in big glass enclosed compartment. Fruits keep cold and fresh in Fruit Freshener. Frozen rood Chest holds 50 lbs. 8'2 cu. ft. in shelf area, plus 12 cu. ft. in Fruit Freshener Zone. ONLY $26.00 30WN $ 259 95 ONLY $30.00 DOWN f299" ONLY $34.00 DOWN 339" ONLY $39.00 DOWN 389 95 y Only a few at this low price! ON THIS BRAND NEW 210 LB. CAPACITY KELVINATOR FREEZER ' -N I j ' Model TM . . . Superb new 2-door Moist-Master combina tion refrigerator. 9.5 cu. ft. capacity with separate freezer chest for 80 lbs. packaged frozen foods. Roomy moist cold compartment, glass-enclosed Cold-Mist Freshener. Model XR . . . The newest member of the Kelvinator family. 7 cu. ft. capacity with 25 lb. freezer chest and 12 qt. vegetable crisper. Powered by the dependable Kelvinator Polarsphere unit for operating economy. ONLY $45.00 DOWN f449 95 ONLY $21.00 DOWN (209 95 $22.00 DOWN $2.50 PER WEEK We give libercl trade-ins on your old appliances BUILT COMPLETELY BY KEIV1NAT0SI NATIONALLY POPULAR SIZEI H01DS 210 IBS. FROZEN F00DSI 4 -WAIL REFRIGERATION I SEPARATE FAST-FREEZING SECTI0NI TWO WIRE STORAGE BASKETS! COMPACT TAKES LESS FLOOR SPACEI REFRIGERATED BY KELVINATOR'S FAMOUS HEAVY-DUTY P01ARSPHEREI II GMtMtMMIBB BEL J Phone 34 Km 222 W. Oak