Classified Ads Pack The Wallop That Jars Loose Results CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day par ward . 1 (Ur " S day 4 da " dan " " t mm. m Real Estate Listings You Should Check Before Buying RIVERSIDE ADDITION fee little four room two bedroom horn. Haa partial hardwood floor kitchen la nice very comfortable front room a Centrally nice little place Ha. concrete foundation. Quick possession. Price, 4930 with around I12U0 dn. EAST ROSEBURG IN NICE DISTRICT- Two bedroom home In very nice dis trlct. has lane front room with har-l-wood thruout one large bedroom down, one up nice bath with tub and shower neat kitchen with lota of precious builtins utility with ho water heater garage and two roori apt- with bath connecting off ga rage; suitable for a peach of an in come on the side. Owner leaving. ivi tell. Asking S89S0. but la open to any good offer. Lot approx. one acre. EAST ROSEBURG Two bedroom full bath wired for range nice living room garden spot lawn. Believe It or not, 3730. full price with 750 down. MAIN STREET. ONE BLOCK ROSE SCHOOL Dandy older type home recently done over from item to stern. Three bed roomsnew lull oatn tain ana pia t thmout Invelv kitchen with Kei tile floora. Utility In basement Ask ing SOUO Witn terms. DANDY FOR STATE G. I. Two bedroom hardwood thruout full bath automatic heat dining room and front room comoinea uric m with attached garage $0400 with very reasonable terms. FAIR ACRES Modem littl four room house with full Dam two Maroom nive n mr-rm lnt rmnl foundation half basement full price 14000 with gtwo.oo an. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A etesn-eut little business right here In Roseburg that did according to ownera report gjt.uuu iai year wnim hows a large percentage of profit. Smell overhead and requires but gwoo. If you are looking for a money maker you are missing some- ining uniesa you iuus win npp' only. MYRTLE CREEK VICINITY Owner reports and will substantiate EHOO0O to SI. 000. month net income. Store service station living quarters 46x30 garage ounaing remea ev en cabins full to capacity grocery stock three hunarea teet on w wn. er has other interests. $37,000 take all or make offer. WE HAVE A NICE GROCERY for sale on 86, close in. MOTELS TAVERNS GROCERY STORES RESTAURANTS Hltilv WAY CAFES SEE Lehman, Real Estate FIRST Phone 722-J 414 No. Jackson New 2 Bedroom, Modern Home, Close In Sparge 101, DO II. iruiiiar. jMiciiicm mu sewer, hardwood floors, large break - imii nonx, iurn. otuvc 11111. - Price. t750l)., part terms. Cha. Kyea Broker. Highway and Douglas. 3 BEDROOM HOME within walking dis lance to center of town: nice condi Hon, real terms $6500. full price. A REAL INVESTMENT. Nice 2 bed room home and garage with a 3 rm. cottage; all modern cottage rents for cnA.ou per mo. juuu.uu. win nanaie. Bal. like rent. g BEDROOM HOUSE with 13 acre real country home; garage and work shop 18x32. Close in on Calkins Rd. $1600.000 dn. Easy terms on bal. A NEW S BEDROOM HOME with ga rage, 11 acre ground. Full price only $4800 00. A real buy; will trade for '49 car. ALMOST NEW 2 bedrooms. Living room, din. rm., kit., bath and garage, 'a acre close to Umpqua PI v wood Have to see to appreciate. $1000 00. dn. Bal. on G. I. loan. LOOKING TOR A FINE small ranch M acres. Nice house and barn: lots water. 11 acres under cultivation. 83O0 oo. full price. Owner says get an offer. WE HAVE A CASH BIYER for un improved grazing land 100 to 300 acres. Williamson Real Estate Phone 104B-R 1444 N. Stephens Complete Plans RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L K. Cornwell 213 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Ph. SB3 FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 acre of farm land with 3 room, unfurnished houne. small barn, partially developed spring. Price $,1000. Would like to trade for trailer house at leat 25 ft long, as part payment. Inquire eve nings or week ends at S J. Keebler s. N Mvrtle Creek Road. Myrtle Creek. Oregon Or inquire at Roehurg Sani tary Market. 315 W. Cans St WILL TRADE EQUITY In my small new. modern home near Roseburp. on 99. for a good car that is clear: one large rear room can be used for a small business: has good water. Write to Geo. C . 6441 N E. Oregon St., Portland. Oregon IN BROADMOOR SUB , small house; lights, water, on good lot. free soil, gas range, furniture, not far out. ha bus service Priced right. fw north to Log Cabin Store, turn right. In quire 4th house onlfi. FOR SALE 10 acres, large house, elec tric range, water heater, oil heater family orchard Nice barn and other outbuildings SlftOO down or will trade for 2 bedroom home in town Pnone 922-R-l Surveys Maps Plans Percy C Armstrong Civil Engineer 11 So. Main St Ph 817-RX FOR SALE Small house, combination trsih burner gat rane. gas water heater, coal room heater Linoleum in cluded. Two blocks from court bouse Inquire at 1035 W Jt meet FOR SALE BY OWNERS New. 2-bed" room home. Curry Etate Very reason able Terms. Gutlcy as Christian 15tg-J-l. or 1M1-J-3 fOR SALE 4 acres. 2 houies. 2 miles east Kelly's Komer on Roberts' Cr-ek Rod in R oberts ' C reek Wa ter Di tnct. $2ft00 . terms, Rj 1 . Bnx24-G AC.iEj.GE-Ten arret or less Small nrue. lots of water Good soil Lewis M re nan. Looktngglasa Rt . one block beiore Happy Valley bridge. Real Estate Exceptional Values SUBURBAN SPECIAL Juit about completed, 1 b. r. home of 700 sq. ft. on paved street witn school and city busses, city wac-r. near nice grocery and grade school. Lot Is approx. 1 3 acre Nice loca tion. Price now about $A.2oo, If you finish, or carpenter-owner can do same In few day a. Soma furniture Included, terms. LARGER SUBURBAN 4 BR, S acres, good small bam, ritv water and irrigating well. Include 1 unit apartment now rented Paved road, bus line. Priced at $10,000. ED EN BOWER DISTRICT Modest sire 3 BR plastered horn for FINE CONSTRUCTION 4 BR. large living room, attached ga rage, piped furnace, lots of built-in. Venetian blinds, insulation, nice lawn, shrubbery. acre about 2 or 3 miles out on bus line, $15,800. COUNTRY HOME t miles out. 10 acres of finest loam, fronting river. Large 3 BR house with full basement Fireplace. Insulation, good well. Ready to plaster. Price as la $12,000, $5,000 down. PERFECT. 3 BEDROOMS House and grounds are complete to the Ust detail. The 65x150 lot is beauti ful from one end to the other. Lawn, flowers, shrubs, fruit tree, berries and grapes are growing beautifullv The colored patio, lattice and painted fence gives the finishing toucn. Down stairs there is a living room with with dining alcove. 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, and utility, all plastered Up stairs Is a nice children's bedroom, and storage room Complete with con crete walks, driveway and garage Paved street, sewer, bus line. Move in before the school rush begins $10,500, $2,500 down. See Pete Serafin C. S. Briggs & Co. REALTORS 112 W. Cass Ph. 914 STOP THROWING AWAY RENT MONEY! Buy One of Roseburg's Most Beautiful Homes On Easy Terms In Cloverdale Park M0. 70 to a MONTH covers taxes, insurance, interest and principal. You can pay aa Hula as $300 00 down. There la no need to give awav vour money as rent or live In crowded conditions -you can buy one of Hone burg's finest homes on these easy Read These Features Hillside view lota Large closets Fully insulated Floored a tics Tiled floors Big view windows 14 different plana Oversize lots Oil heat Fireplaces FHA Inspected WeatherMripped FHA approved There are still a few of the fiftv home being offered to veterans with no down pa.v meut Visit Cloverdale Park and nee these exceptionally tine homes today or to night Open daily from 10 a. m to 8 p. m. Fies & Clute Realty 403 West Case Phone 1508 or 1337 Specia RANCH VALUE 53 ACRES OF CHOICE BOTTOM GROUND about 18 minutes drive from the center of Roseourg, completely modern 3-he d room house, large barn, several good chicken At brooder hous es, nice trout stream runs through the property: It la rompletely fenced ann cross lencea witn woven wire. The crop now eonv-.ts of wheat, barley, alfalfa, berries, family orch ard and a beautiful .masted garden, some stock and eau lament sre in cluded All of this m-iv be purchased ior ine price or a good city home, ONLY $13,300, liberal terms. HAYDEN H. DECAMP, Realtor 749 S Stephen! Street Phone 173-L 9t ACRES. 3 miles E of Suthertin. All cultivated. 4 room house, elect, city water, also well -vith elec. pumo new Darn Oarage 2nxTn, 't acre. Irrigated. Stores mar and good road $10,300. $700000 down. RIDDLE JUNCTION. 2 new homes 1 room modern. 1 3-rcom 41; crs good land 223 ft . H W fronts; see us for a good deal, or enntact Dr. Fowler. Mj rtle Creek. Oreg. WE HAVE some fine stock ranches, alio business locations. Geo. W. Dimmiclc Agency Real Estate 129 N Jsckwrn St Insurance Ph 484 Complete Plans RESIDENTIAL- COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L K. Cornwell 213 U S Bank Bldg. When Its Real Eitate in Mrtle Cteea and South Douglas Co. Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK. Ore PHONE MS house, guod well. $ acres prunes, Miahle timber Write Mrs O Miller RidrJleOreg PhRlddie 524 LARGE LOTS lights, water, bus line" Calkins Road nar Edenbower school ' Inquire Rt. 2. Box 163. Real Estate JIST THREE BLOCKS FROM OCR OFFICE This la definitely an older typ home, but it Is of sound con struction and the location is very clote to the business dis trict. Three bedroom, hard wood floors, pla tiered wall, basement, oil furnace. We will be happy to show It to you. $11,800. Terms. This lovely modern home la lo rated among the better homes in Roseburg It includes two nice size bedrooms and plenty of room In the uptaira for two more bedrooms and a bath. Good big living room, very nice kitchen Attached garage. $17. 730 with terms. Less for cash. THRIVING MOTEL NOW AVAILABLE This la definitely one of Roee burg'a best motels. It has 14 units plus a two bedroom home. Very modern, the best in furni ture. $63,000. Terms. One of the toughest properties a REALTOR ran sell is his own. One of our fine competit ors wants to sell his home so he cn buy a large one. He is not asking a top price It is a good bu . Six room home, very ncit and clean, one acre of land. Peach, apple, cherry and wal nut trees. Chicken house. Al most in the clt v uimts, citv water. ONLY SWW0 .And ha won't knock off the commis misttinn if you go to him direct,! Terms. ROSEBURG REALTY & INSURANCE CO Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors FOR SALE New. two-bedroom, ranch st le home in good suburban district Hardwood floors and tile throughout Would consider trade on farm prop erly, auou. aown win njinaie. in quire evenings 120 S. Farrall St. Ph 21.VJ 20 Acres, A Fine Home Nice 5-room house with fireplace, new barn, 2 -car garage, sandy loam soil. targe living creeK, just io miles out- rrice 7.ym., part terms CHAS K YES. BROKER HIGHWAY AND DOUGLAS FOR SALE BY OWNER Near I v new 2- bedroom home, plastered, hardwood I mors, automatic oil furnace, redeco rated: living room, dining alcove. utlM tv. garage, large lot. fine school Good terms. 64ti Alameda Ave. Ph BH7-J-3 For Sale Or Rent With option to buy -bed room new name, strictly modern. See E. B. Oldfield 1JW2 Eden Lane Ph 88-J-l DO YOU NKED 3-bedrooms. amDIe mir age room, ideal neighborhood for cmiaren. wouia you like a full base ment, 2-car earaae. picture window fireplace, hardwood floors, automatic on lurnace.' Price $1.1.000 Call 02VR-4 J-ROOM, MODERN HOUSE, school hus by door, graveled year-around drive- waya. rrun. berries and nuts. 2 acres See to appreciate. First red house west of 99 on old Winston-Looking iMruu. vu-iniiy 01 vyinsion. HOME FOR SALE 4-room house. 2 big lots, river frontage, cily gas and elec tricity. 5 blocks from poi,t office Reas onably prfred. and terms. Ph. 348-J. or call at B21 W Lane. INCOME PROPERTY for sale 3 bedroom house, basement and fireplace, cabin on place, income $K13. month I'j blocks north of Benson School. 1123 E ;ird. St. Always Have It Surveyed Jim paughertv the engineer Jh. ;(07-R FOR SALE Modern. 3-room house" 4 blocks Kaat of Nef ken's Market on Markers St. SK30. down, $50. per month. Howard Capp. MODERN TWO-nEl)ROOMhomn"nm-pletely furnished, very reasonable. Owner leaving Oregon. H. C. Poulton Comstock Road. wpptJ5utherMn. LOTS FOR SALE in Winston Easy terms. A F. Suksdorf, Winston, Ore. gon 3 ACRES NEARFeeSchoVrhouseiind plwood mills. Easy terms, phone 172YX FOR SALE Choice building lots, fl miles from town on Calkins road. Call 1 150. kfor Dean. LOTS FOR SALE City vater and lights available. Lod down novment Eugene Ridenocr Phone 7t0- J-S Livestock Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring tn the most money Sale every Friday Livestock 12 o'clock. Furniture 7 p. m. Roseburg Auction Phone 191 WILL SELL 4 of our registered Here ford. 3 year old cows. Reasonably priced. Also have five excellent regis tered bull caives for sale. Harry C. Boyle, Camas Valley. Oregon. WANT TO TRADE two!" and 4 yer old ewes for feeder Iambs Howard Mlrkelsen. Route 1, Box 31 l's miles So. Suiherhn. FOR SALE - -Saddle pony. 4 yTanT" old. gentle. &5n. ;S;j miles N of Roseburg on 99. turn E at Log Cabin Grocery Z Whittemore. Rt.2.Box 393E-1L FOR SALE Registered jearling Rom ney rami. Phone 12-F-23. Virgil Smith. Roseburg WANTED FAT AND FE E DE R 1 am" fw and yearlings. W A. Blackert. Myrtle Creek; Phone 212 FOR SALEGoorPmilk cow. fnnCecil Burgess. Melrose Rt., Box 214-B FOR SALE 1(10 head vearljng ewes Robert E Rice. DiIlard.Orcgon WANTED Alt kinds of livestock H M Cox Call "Mii-J-4 Poultry Baby Chicles Hamps, Reds. Crosses Every week In the year. Best of breeding. Puliorum passed Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market. City a cent, Douglas Co Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery LooVfngglass Rt , Phone lft-F-3 N C V a V A I LA RL E We are rece i v i n g applications for membership at our Roehurg branch, located at 640 Shiirt Street For information and applica tion blank, see Mr. L D Bloom at the branch or write Pacfic Coopera tive Poultrv Producers. ;6 S E Ah Street. Portland 14, Oregon This cooperative i n ned bv and ti iw serves over nvsi Oreeon producers and t open to membership for producer" of poultry. turkes and all othr live stock Membership fee. $1 00 Nc con tractual obligations or other cash Investment required FOh SALE- Colnred f rvers-40r"apound Rt I. Uox 178. Maurice Weber. Call evenings FOR SAL E F rve rsTTi ve" and d ressed Nick la sons. Tnmile. fuel WOOD Firepla- and furnace. Old growtn ftr blort, peeler core, email round core mill end olaning endi. ! oak and laurel Special price on plan er ends for short time See this wood 1 mile Eait on Douglaa St Rt 1. Box 43 Prompt delivery Claude Willey. Phone 15-J-S r 4:i-J-3 f OR SALE Siabwood. sawdust, planer "f1 po '117 Jnhrson F'i"l Co Personal SPENCER CORSETIERE Mrs Enid Burrh Phone 4 ALfHOTtCS ANONYMOUS P O. Boa 111 or Phona LVnVL or S0-i Help Wanted Wanted Experienced Studebalcer Mechanic WANTED Head Waitress Hotel Coffr Shop ind dining room. Stead portion Apply lo Management Hotel Umpqua fF YOU-AREA STENOGRAPHER PHONE 51 Fountain Girl NIGHT SHIFT THE DRIVE INN 1 mile So on Hlway 99 Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman LOCKWOUD MOTORS Wanted Experienced Silk Finisher CITY CCLEANERS CAR HOP WANTED THE DRIVE INN ONE MILE SO ON HIWAY M DO YOU WANT to work" for less monev and a good home? Father and aon need housekeeoer in modern home ltibl Myrtle Ave. Apply from 7:30 a. m m LADY to sell lovely g uar anTeed-N v Ion Lingerie. Hosiery etc. direct to friends, neighbors. Big earnings. Our 27th year. Write Thogcrsen Hosiery Co Wilmette. lll. ROOM. BOARD and wim for car of child and some housework. At tractive noma with all modern equip ment. Give local references. Call 855-J-2. evenings. wain i .u Ldserman. and trim saw man ior mm at Ten mile. Call eve ninga or Saturday and Sunday. Hirt Lbr. Co.. 205 E. Roberts St. WANTED-Expertenced female book keeper. Call S. D. Stephens, 1U2-J between 8:1(0 and 5:t)0. WANTED TD 9 or D 4 'with blade"and drum to yard 1 million ft 2nd growth Inquire 8:10 Mother St. GREEN CHAIN trader and ni.rkTV Call Natron Station before S, 7224 aprinRiieia alter 7 p. WAITRESS WANTED: experienced. B & o taie. rn. i. autnrriin. WANTED Experienced" ladv frr cook" Dillard Steak House. Dlllard, Oregon. WANTED Checker. New Method "Clean ers. 217 E. Douglas. WANTED Truck to haul logT short haul. Ph. 15-J-4 G. I. CARPENTER wanted to finish his own home. Phone 172-YX Rabbits Eating Is A Habit Make It A Rabbit S. 0. R. B. A. FOR SALE Breeding stork, beef tvpe N. Z White. White Flemish Giant American Dutch and Silver Martin rabbits. Belding a Rabbltrv, Rt 1. Box 1IH8, Grants Pass, Oreson FLEMISH WHITE "bucks "for-iaj eTsU months old. Mrs. J. F. Wiles, 817 So. Main St Member V V R R A Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service SEPTIC tanks cleaned, no extra charge for drain lines No charge for open ing tank Prompt service No mile age charge, reasonable rates, special rales for commercial tank 746 Short St. Ph12!4-Y P O Box IWi ALL BUILDING construction, new and old, remodeling. 10 down, no Job too targe or loo small All type masonrv construction. flagstone and brick barbecues and patios a specialty Mag nesite floors and dratnboards Phone lS?H)-R-l.coniractor. A R. Snow ARRANGE FOR YOUR fall plowing now. 20 to 1000 acres, contract or by the hour. Good equipment. Ph. 635-J -5. Oil iver s ARE OUT OF TOWN for a short time Septic tanksand drain fields WANTED FALLING and bucking con tract. T. V. Hatfield. Glide. Oregon ' mlje West Idleyld. BASEMENTS AND back "yaTds-cleaned Light pickup and delivery C. A Deal. Phone 15H(i J-3 Ros(Jburg. FLOOR COVEHING -Complete sales and installations Free estimates. Modern FloorCoverlng Phone :UH HOUSE MOVING, foundation, leveling. 14 years experience P St B Towing. 743 Stephens Phone 92fi. ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING All types Mrs Don W Garrison. 1003 Madrone St Phone B02-L WILL CARE for children or do house work in exchange for house or apart ment News-Review, Box 9tM WANTED-Ironlng in-my home. 3.11 Fnwler St LATE MODELD-7 cat for hire, drum and dozer. Call I2H1-L WASHING" AND IRONING in my home. Phon lfilfl R 2 Building Materials Building Materials AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES Galv. Pipe "j'-IPjc; ' 14',c: 1" 21c: l',"-2flc ii,-33'jc. 2 -43c. 4" Soil pipe 90c ft. Certain Teed Gvpsum Board: 'i S 4c per Sq. Ft 4 Be 1 in one thick but Shingles M f Sq Dutch lap Ind. Shingle ft ti So, Hexaeon fA 70 Rq Staggered Edre Roll jn 4S Sq lb. roll Roofine 2 10 Sri lb Poll Roofing 2 M !q 90 lb. Roll Roofing 2 93 Sq. Special price on complete line of Plumbers Supplies. Cement $1 30c Sack. DENN WHOLESALE CO. Speed Limit 25 miles per Hr. To End of City Limits Ph. S2B-JX-3 401 R-2 YOUR CREDIT'S O K. WITH US ALL MATERIAL To build, remodel, repair; nothing down, easy terms. Call Mr. Holzapple. Roseburg W7-Y FOR SALE No 4 lumber, hv rsrri-r loads. $2. per load Winchester Lum ber Co Winchester. Ore en Financial F. H. A. LOANS ""UMPQUA REALTY Aero from Post Office on Hrgnwar 112 N Stephena Ph. im-i Rentals For Sale Or Rent With option lo buy 4-brdroom ntw homo, tlrictly modern. See E. B. Oldfield 1 fWtl Eden La ne Ph MC-J-I FOR KENT New Clark Floor Sander and POUSHER Denn-Gerretsen Co. 403 W Oak St Phone 12 FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXKR and scrubber All In one tool Lmlit enough any child can handle finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 327 9 Stephens Phone 1478-R FOR" RENT ON SHARFS -33 acres." T room house, outbuildings, orchard. ater piped In house from spring fenced, woven wire, electricity line staked out, but not In et. Will rent for 3 years to right partv for cattle or sheep toon, rata will handle E R Sutton. tt.'W So. Main. Rent A Singer Electric portable sewing machine for use in our own home SINGEH SEWING CENTER 204 N Jiifkfcon PhT23 FOR RENT - 1 modern apt ; one non modern apt.: by week or month. ' mile south of Winton on W9. J. E. W heeler Apt. REFINISH your owirnoorsTasifvone with our high sueed floor sander. in expensive. Montgomery Ward at Co Phine FOR' RFNfSn.ices for trailers with no children. Edenbower Trailer Court. ' mile wet on Gardrn Vallev Road LARGE SLEEPING ROOM Will"" rent single or double. 7J7 W. Lane. Ph 4U.VL. 50 ACRE FARM. 10 mliesmitTg.od road. Modern house. IT0, month. Write Box 2M. Mrtle Creek. ROOM WITH twin hert. 1 j blocks north of Benson School. 1123 E. 3rd, Ph. 4!)6-R-X TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive, long or short trips Bee Hive truck rental 7;W South Stephens. Phone 1436 -J TRUCKS and trailers for move yourself Thompson Signal Service. Stephens at Whingtr,n Phone 795 SLEEPING ROOM AT li0 Spruce St at the foot of Washington ROOMS FOR RENT, with and without kitchen privllrges SOH Fowler. tPDH!VE TRl'CK rental-WinstonTrali er Court, Winston. Phone 9i:i-J-2 SINGLE SLEEPING room. 1164 Mili tary. APARTMENT FO'lt RENT. R2S Miller. ROOM FOR RENT. Phone 1403-J. Fruits and Vegetables Canning Tomatoes 123 U-Pick 0 miles south of Roseburg. Turn left on Winston Road, aouih of Winston Bridge. Also cantaloupe, squash, sweet corn James Garden Canning Tomatoes SI. SO bu.- Your container 2! miles from city limits oil Dixonvllle Hoaa. CHARLES NEAVOLL Peaches Hale And Elberta S2O0 bushel Insley Place. Happy Valley itoau. iir ing cumainerh. HUSH Get your canning peaches this week, l ry our Hales, linorovrd Fill tas and old fashioned Ellertns. Young orrnaru, lovely fruit. Also nice wind falls. You nick or we pick. 3rd house S of the Dillard hrldu on llmhwav 1W: look for the wet-ping willow in front. Bert Laura nee. PLUMS AND PEACHES. U-pirk Im proved Elberta and Hale, some Craw ford and Rochester. $1 00 bu. and up Ko er Fruit Market. 8 miles S. on HighwavJW. Th. 22-F-13. CANNING PEACHHS for fate, t 50 bushel Turn IffI at Myrtlewood Trea sure Hniie, Winston; take 1st turn to right, then 1st turn to left, 2nd street to riRht W D Hardnge. GRAVENSTEIN APPLES-Peaches for canning, sweet corn, tomatoes, melons and other fruits and vegetables at the Stand. 1 mile west on Mel Itoad. Clot-ed Saturdny. CUCUMBERS" OR PICKLES Pick-them fresh and tender Harry Wesley, low er Garden Valley Hoad. Bring Con tainers LOCK ER A N DC A NN I N(1 corn how ready, al-o pars nnd rantaloute. Riv ersdle Curry Estate, HI. 2, Box 213 Clar.-nce Mab!r CRAW FORD CANNING"iein heVBench' land grown Bring our nn hoxes You pick or we pirk 1 miles W. of Sutherlin Allen Tuthill CANNING PEARS, hand picked Phone lf)2-R-2, W. R. Denton, Garden Val ley. PEA RsT 5)c bushef7oii pirkTbring con tainers. R L Matthews. Garden Val lev. Ht 2. Box 2'ifi-A. CANNING BEANS, tomatoes and "mel" nns for sale I mite south of Dillard Moore and Rice, BA It T LETT PEA US 7nrsaleTch7VpGien Cox, 'j mile west of Riversdale Grange Hall FANCY BAHTLETT pears "for" canning Harry Wesley, Lower Garden Valley Road FOR SALE Bartlett and" Cornice pe.irs. 75c Ikjx You pick: no Saturday sales. j k.. Aoeier, i-ooKinir plans FOR SALE Canning pears. 7Sc per box Bring own containers W. Common Currv h'ntti SWEET CnNf..r.ate JarkFu'ireii HI 1. Box 248-K. 2 miles east of Kel Korner FOR SALE-- Sweet corn, "canning-toma'- trpcs and cantaloupes, C H davpiMil Roiite 2. Box 2i -A. Garden Vallev. t OH SALE Iteans, corn, cucumbers-. lorn a toes and melons. A. J. Rice. Dil- lard HALE AND M"IR pear he's rca-K ihls w mlc at Kiuse's Stand. Melrose Poart CANNING PEACHF.S-Ripe now" "Hale's" Eilwr'as and Improved Elbertas c. L Fullerlon.liro-kwa Phone 2-F-3 FOH SALE Corn for Tanning 1st house on right. Lower Garden Valley Road Phone BAHTLETT PEA MS H I Srott 4 blocks west Fairhaven Market on M'l-ro'-e R'adBnng boxes Phone 414-J 4 TOVATOP': INDIANA cannerv fnr 2o in flats. 41 'Hi :tf lb lugs, si 23 I.mdtiUKitn. Dixonvl'le. pnone lfl-F-3 I OR SALL -"GrevensteirT a:plrs J G I)-D'itb'lacre. Houle 2. Curry Riad PICKLING CUCUMBERS Carl Bowers. Calkins Road, phone 423-J-S Logging Equipment D4 CAT serial number 7-J-4172 with M vster drum and I -a Plant Choat, hy draulic doer See at Tvrt Lumber Co Sither'ln Ore., or phone 12i2 Suther- FOR SALE -fT iVlntefnatinnal tra'-'tor, A I rondition RX Skagit yarder A-1 condition K5 International dump truck. Ph 3lg-J-5 evenings TD t CAT. fullv equipjK-d for lugginr 4:'Vi S-e next t Il Rev Cfe V,- h"'-r D'ffin P'"ine 311-H 4 Lost Found LOST Woman a Bulova wnstwatrh Finder pleae ronacl Cecelia Lee t: S National Rank Reward I LOST Gr Id ankle bracelet, engraved PAS ,3 00 reward for return. Call f 1R. For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 24' 36- 30 34 The life time trailer Hai a body we believe will last BO year or more. No dry rot Kit u- it- 11- u- - M- Columbia 12' 14' 20' 22 - 23' The West's Fastest Sellers and Other Trailers of Quality AIM used trailers, trade-ins accepted Bank contracts. Con tr acta lo 3 years on Spartans. Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 2A21 3 Miles South on tw Rt 4, Box 22. Eugene SUMMER DRESSES $3.00 Tar less than cost. Must have room for my fall stock now here. Stacks -in all the new fall colors, $3 'i.V The Tru Fit ' kind. Bloues 1 00 off shoulder stle. Rose Schombel Calkina Road Box 188G Phone 239-J-S Open Until 8 P.M. 1948 24-Ft. Pan American Trailer House FOR SALE OR TRADE. Butane rooking, oil heat, hot water heater, electric refrigerator, sleeps 4, very clean inside and out. See across from Club W Mack Hughes. River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS We have an abundant supply. Paul Casey Its? W. Mosher Phone 11T-V House Trailer 18 FT COVERED WAGON, completely equipped, electric brakes. Can be -en at house In the rear of General Welciing Works, Hiway 09. 3.t miles south of Ituhi-hurg DOORS AND WINDOWS complete, readv to set in your rough opening Army bunk beds, 2 beds and springs for only 7. A real buy in electric and gs water heaters. Save lime and money at Sutter's Bldg. Supply, 1 block south of new Riverside School. 'j'1 Electric Drill Roseburg Hudson Co. 702 S, Stephens FAST-SERVICE FINE WORK Wtll pickup and deliver Ed's Laundry N. Umpqua Road at Ivan St Phone Hi(J?-J FOR SALE OR TRADE -1047 Factory built aluminum trailer house. Bu tane Cnok stove, healer, sleeps four, bill It-ins. Sl.(KM). See miles from Riddle past Harbor Plant Mrs. Ralph jonnston. Fl f i ower ale FUCHSIA.". Tuberous Begonias, Hova and ferns. Must unload stork, a am moving. Ph. .'(Hfl-J. 4"W. Douglas St FOR SALE-Practically new) G. E. re frlgerator, S.Vl. gas range, ft 10 twin Hnll wood beds complete with Inner spring maltrexs and box springs, al most new $!K. Reduced price if hoiiKh t toget her. Phone 1 50O-J 4. FOR SALE Srhwfnn " World Imperial bicycle, knee action, front wheel brake, excellrnl condition, new ruh her, new basket included. Reasonable 72 Mill FOH SALE Gits "heater. So BT II, toast" rr, electric train, snltnon pole, Jr 22 rifle single shot, comhinatlon radio - phonnKraph. records included 4l2Floed St. FOH SALE--1I147 Whirlabout trailer house, exceptionally clean con dition Has been pulled ony 200 miles. Can be seen at Sutherlin Airport. F.D BrinRle. FOH SALE RCA Victor Con Sole type radio, nice mahogany veneer finish Good buy at UJ. Ph. S70-L, or see at MO niakety Fuller Brushes Don LRider,PO Box 02fl. FOH SALE IB Ft, furnished trailer house, H.'rf) cash Basinette like new blue quilled plastic lining. $12. Ph H.-.VR-.V FOH SALE l!4fl 23-ft Eastern-buMl house trailer Hef . hot water heater awning Some terms New Moon Trailer Inn. Highway (M.No, Used Garden Tractor TERMS PHONERf4-J-S 47 22 - FT. COLUMBIA house trailer; Butane ramie, oil circulating heat, electric brakes Towed less than l'W miles Rr.-tsnnahle 720 Short St TWO BEVERAGE refrigeraton.ona 10 ru ft Suitable for restaurant or tavern Inquire, at Idle Hour Tavern .ViM N Jackson. Hardwood Flooring Phone 102 B-3 FOR SALE Used wood ranges, ice Imxes, electric ranges, electric wash ers. Ilniiiua Valley Appliance, 10 W OakSt 48 INCH HOI.LAWAY ld equipped wiih innernirinf mattress; like new. Phone 4I4-H-1. FOH SALE 1 gas 'rtVculating heating sl'ive, pipe, excellent condition. New Method Cleaners FOR SALE French dofir. S xfi fl- Hard" ware and Venetian blind Included. 9.10 Call :iHB-L FOH SALE - Wesley upright piano, llOO ;ood condition. Write V. R. Powell Tiller, Oreitn PRESSURE COOKER 4 qt. Fkro, used verv little, 110. Phone 113A-L ev nmas FOR SALE Lorkrr meat, good An sua caltle, 'j or whole uniL C. J Hodges, f ilide. Orrjjnn BOM HE H R A D 1 0se"io'f- 2t r a nsm I tTeTs and :i reietvers. 23 Box l'W. Duke Itoad. Sutherlin FOR SALE Female Boston Bull" puppies, blaek and white. $-'"1 Also ranaries, Singer H .VI up 12fl S Main FOH SALE All while Mnntag Durness r-tnge. with coils. In good condition, fl.'il Cummins 2S WHITE NEW 'ZEALANDrabhttsand huti lies ftir mte () D Hubbard, Aus tin Ro;.r Phone ISW-H- VOI R STANLEY dealer. James t. Rob. erts, 21H Court St Hhnne B.lfl-Y Ie hver on orders ol ," no or more NO 4 LI MBER, 2x4' wT2xl2.RL, S12 V) er M m (arrter lo.-id lots Crrnshaw .hr Co, 3 miles south of Roseburg FOR "SALE3cublr fl. Servel kerosen'e refriKf-rator. ued 2 months. Phone 57H-J-4 LARGE CEDAR fen- prts7or sale Roseburg Shingle Co.. N Umpqua Kd Pnone 127.1-J 1H47 PAN AMERICAN trailer home. 21 fl elerlrn brakes, good condition 4JS Kull'Ttnn, phone Ltl7-J 19T7 FORD V'S sedan dejiverv" Reasona able Mo 2K) l butane tank. 316 K 2nd Ave N Phone I'MS-L. FOR KALE :('"io gal. water lank, price sin It L Preston. Green. FOR SALE Bathtub and lavatorv Good f-imiiliun M Lee, Wilbur. Oresjitn WILL CARE for children bv week or nmnth 'certified- Phone lY " CHRISTIAN SUPPLIFS at the Bible Book Center 115 W Oak APAHTMFNT5IZE gas range, like new Call Jf'-W-V MODEL A ENGINE, complete. $12S. M B. Neilsen, Brockway. Mon., Aug. 22, 1949 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 For Sale Miscellaneous The Self-Service Laundry i Cobb St. Has Maytag washers, tumbler dryers and plenty of hot water. Try Our Friendly Service Brand New 4 PIECE SECTIONAL LIVING ROOM SET Call 3M-R-4 FOR SALE- W 123" HarieyDavtdson; good shape. Term. See at Bruce's Motorcycle Shop. North Umpqua Road. TOR SaTeT 27 ft. Srhult house trailer or trade for good furniture $1500 Phone 1H2H-J-1, jhls week only. D.VFNO for sale 2555 N Stephens Autos Better Buys At Barcus TRUCKS 1946 Chev. lumber truck, IMS motor, Thornton dual drive, new tires Lumber rolls with log bunks attached. Ideal for lumber or short log 31V) International mg truck and trailer. A steal at M 1900 104T Studcbaker pickup, excel lent llM 1037 Internationa) truck and flat bed. semi-trailer, good condition, good tires . 705 1934 l't T Chev flatbed, rom letely overhauled. A good truck for 8)0 Car Bargains 194? Bulrk aupcr convertible, rpal bargain - 1043 lfMS Pontiac Eight Slanatte n 1079 1MI Chryilrr roup. n.w paint, wnndltlonwl motor 7t 1037 Naah LaFayetU. coarh IM BANK TERMS OPEN EVENINGS Come Out for Your Demonstration Ride In the New Golden Anniversary Packard BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Hwy M N at O.rd.n Vallar Itoad Dependable Used Car Buys 1947 DODO 15 SFDAN l.nnk, and run Ilka a new car 9179S 00 1949 PLYMOUTH SUDAN Nlrc and clean. 1299.00 IB4B A TIDE. L.ONV. CPE. Here, a nirtv hark with very lew mllea. 2199.00 Cheapies 19.14 CHEVROLET Sedan 1937 CHRYSLER Sedan .. llrUOO . 129 00 Trucks 1049 Pi TON DODGE Very good condition 91399 00 19.19 FORD I'd TON Tire., motor and looka OK 999.00 1049 TON DODGE PKtlP. 9:M urea, 4-.pccd trana. M 1349 00 "Si'' Dillard Motor Co. USED CAR LOT North Stephen, Street Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Resinnabl orlced. O M A.C terms. Chevrelet Buick - Pontlae Cadillac Irade-lns For Sale 1!M2 MERCT'RY, low prr.mrt tires IS mm wneeis. very aooa con a mon Itct offer taken Across from A It U Mill, Uillard Selby. COME IN AND LOOK OVER our new and used Hrley Davidson Motorcycles i2M) and ud Immediate delivery on the 1!)40 Hdra Glide. 13 down. 12 month lo Dav Harley Davtdiu;n 12.V 't) down $.1 30 weekly Joes Harley Uavtriuin. 5' t milea So Hwy fl Rrmeburtt. Ore 1947 Buick Convertible Roadmaster. new air cushion tires. Win guard tubes, all extras. Perfect con dition Tnke older car In trade. Vie Ouffev. Ham 1 2.Hace Track OHtCINAlT OWNFH muni nell 140 Olds mnhile Club Coune. Good, clean car hvdra-matic drive. I'd reasonable offer accepter. Phone 43J-R-5. I)4K DODGE. R A H. Alrride tires ex cellent condition Full price. tUOV tnc Inn and Fin Small down pay ment Evening. 48 E. Commercial MOKE MONEY for your car Cash un the apot t-orkrum Motors. Inc Roto. Plymouth. Phona )4V 114 Rote St EQt'ITY for sale In 1949 Studebaker Lnmplnn d-n-iHsenser coupe, onlv 4HK) miles. $71)0. Joe Bailey. Safewav itieat martlet 1942 'If AHI.EY-bAVlbAON tmoTcyeie'. 4S-tnch. Good condition. 873. Roy necKer. iaie ta Kt.. Box M2 42 4-DOOR PLYMOUTH. RAH Make an offer Phone 1110-R. evenin. l!H2 HARLEY DAVIDSON Motorcycle. recently reconditioned Ph 34-R-a WANTED Late model car for cash. 8?5 S Pine. lwn Bt'irKTsiPffriAL forir dooredan H0S Oakland Texaco Stattnn FOR SALE OR TRADE 1130 Ms rW- 1 Davison motorcycle, as is. MO. 343 Flint Autos Pick-Ups Vz 1 Ton Now's The Time To Buy A Dodge Pickup Save with .... Low Operating Coela .... Low Maintenance Coata .... Low Initial Coata . . . . ' Immediate Delivery "Si" Dillard Motor Co. "Your Dodfo Dealer" See The New Chrysler The finer Automobile classed en of in uai. ask anoui tne spit fir motor, sea and (eel Its real perform ance, a powerful design, whisper soft motor, responsive and economical. Drive all day and never shift a fear. j urauuiui car insiae ana out, compare this car, rid In It and drlvff Rose Motor Co. Plymouth Rom at Lane Chry.l.r KoaeburK, Oregon Trucks SAVE $3000 On this brand new Diamond T. truck, 001 model. 100 H. P. engine, 200 inch W B , 10:00x20 12-ply all traction tires, Budd wheels, Tim ken 8 W -30 10 PA Tandem Axle unit. S speed trans mission, plus auxiliary transmission. If you need a truck for log haul ing, look this on over. It'a a bur Our loaa la your gain. Parmenter Pontiac Co Dealer S3T Pearl SL Eugene, Oregon NEW AND USED trucks Logging trucks, gravel trucks, flat beds and lumber trucks. We have a aew or good used truck for your Job. Call 1587-Y. Rooe burg. I 40NtWN"AflONAL pickup: 1 19411 Internat'onal pickup; 1 slngl axle piling trailer For information Phone 2 129 2nd Ave South AXLE SHAFTS for all makes of truckX . Ray's Truck Shop. 105a N Stephana. Phone 400 J 4 Timber Sawmills Wanted Immediately ANY SIZE tract of old growth and good second growth. See C S Briggi St Co.. 112 W. Cass. Phone 914. PARTY WANTED to take cold decking comrsci. rurnisn own mac nine. Ap proximately 50 to 100.000 ft. day. Call Paul Hull, Andrua & Hull, Dillard. Ph. 313-J-l. Roseburg. WANT PEELED Douglaa Fir poles and piling delivered to our Roseburg yard. Limited sties Contact ua before cut ting Ptiget Timber Co. of Oregon. P O Box 46. Roseburg Phone 12.T9. WANTED TO BUY Douglas Fir pol nd piling stumpage. Puget Timber Co of Oregon P O Box 46, Rose- burg Phone 1330 FOR SALE I new Geiberson dlesel mot or. 2M h. p.. never run. Price. tlJOO. Inquire room 33, Roseburg Hotel after 7 p m FOR' SALE Sawmill or any part. G M C dies! edger and other unit. Roy penny. S33S Wmchester COGS WANTED Top prices. Trucfc calei Anrlnn and Htitt. Dillard Miscellaneous FOR INVALIDS and elderly folks. 24 hour nursing car. 310 W. 4th Street. Phone 1-123 ft Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GfVEN thit application was made on the firtt cLy of February. 1949. by The pjcinc Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Bell Telephone Company of Nevada to the Federal Communications Commission for authority to discontinue the message telegram business provided by such companies in communities located in the States of California. Oregon, Vashtnemn, Idaho and Nevada. If the application is granted, message telegram vmee will be provided by The Western I'nion Telegraph Company in each suih community, during the same hours that are now ohervrd by The Pacific Telephone and Teleeraph Company and the Bell Telephone Company of Nevada. Any member of the public destt ing to protest or support the dis continuance of such message tele gram busmen br The Pacific Tele phone and Teleeraph Company and the Bell Telephone Company of Nevada may communicate in writ ing with the Federal Communica lions Commission, Washincton 2, D. C, on or before September U, 1949. THE PACiair TFTFPHOVE AND TELEGRAPH CO. I WILL NOT be resnonstbl for bill contracted by anvon other than my self U H. Oltriahoua.