The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 22, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 The Ntwi-Review, Roseburg,
Returns t Work Raymond
Parslow returned to his work lor
the Pacific Telephone and Tela
eraph company this morning, fol
lowing two weeks vacationing.
Goes to San Francisco Mrs.
H. H. Hohl of 604 Reservoir Ave
nue, Rosebura. left Friday nlfiht
for San Francisco to attend
reunion of her family.
Go to Portland Mr. and Mrs. Picnic Tuesday The F. S. club
E A Pearson and daughter, I will hold a 1 o'clock picnic
Mary Lynne, of Roseburg left I luncheon Tuesd.iy in the garden
Sunday evening for Portland to 8t tnp home of Mrs. J. U. Pat
spend couple of days on busi-1 rick, 417 Houck street,
Visiting In Roseburg Mr. and
Mrs. William Jeppson of El Se
gundo. Calif., are spending sev
eral days in Roseburg 3S guests
of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. MacKillop
and children, Susan and Ross,
on South Chadwick street.
Make Trips by Plane Mr. and
Mrs. William DeBolt left the Su
therlln airport Saturday morning
In their Ercoupe plane for Walla
Walla, Wash., to visit over the
weekend with the former's two
brothers, Alex and Dclmar He
Bolt, and their families. They re
turned to Sutherlin Sunday
evening. Also Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Aiirea isoieno aim
son, Rodney and niece, Myra
Paulson, went to Spokane In the
Koleno Stlnson plane. Rodney re-
iA th.M in nttenri school.
iimnrcu r ... -
They returned to Sutherlin Sun
day evening.
Hera From Hollywood Mr
nd Mrs. Kred Schulke of Holly
wood. Ctlif.. are making their
home at the Bob Carlisle resl
dence on Fisher road, while Mr.
rarlicla enmnletes his motion pic
ture In Japan, after which he
will return to Oregon to reside.
Mrs. Schulke was a bridesmaid
ni tiiA uuriHin7 nf Mr. and Mrs.
John Trozelle (Charlpne Stark),
who reside In Koseourg. mis.
Schulke is a sister of Mrs. Iv:tr
ies on the Currv
estate.'Both Mr. and Mrs. Schulke
did detective work in a large de
partment store in Los Angeles,
prior to moving to Roseburg. Mr.
Schulke will do detective work
here fos the Southern Pacific
in 12-16 and 24 in. lengths
Phone 658
As Horn Low ray mint All Beak Famished N Classes
If Taa Ara IS ar Ovar Wrlla tar Prra Haoktel
Dept. RO 8-22, 1440 Broadway, Oakland 12, Calif.
SU-Mt Addraaa
City . .
Long-lasting protection from tank rust is yours ah
Fowler. No more stain on clothing, rings on fixtures or
discolored water caused hy tank rust. The inside of a Fowler
is lined with double-thick purs porcelain resistant to rust
like glass. Hot water is kept sparkling clean.
You get dependability with a Fowler because its outstand
ing features make possible the 20-year prorated
warranty 20 years of scrsice!
Adjustable economy temperature control
Lock-on "black heat" elements.
Efficient 3-way Insulation.
Porcelain-lined tank.
Low operating cost.
( In Inlay tni tti
222 W.
Ore Mon., Aug. 22, 1949
Back to Work Mrs. L. J. Oaf
Inn returned to her work at
the Douglas Abstract company,
following two weeks vacationing.
Mr. Cheek Setter H. S. Cheek,
Melrose route, Koseburg, is re
ported improving at Mercy hos
pital, where he underwent a mi-
I jor operation last Tuesday, lie is
not able to receive visitors.
Back From Vacation Mrs.
Kthcl Turner has returned to her
home In Roseburg. following a
vacation to Los Angeles to visit
her son, Bill, and other rela
tives. Stoo Here Mr. and Mrs. Man-
ley C. Fuller of Cottage Grove
stopped in Roseburg Saturday en
roule to the Shakesperian festi
val in Ashland. Mr. Fuller is
fhop foreman for the Cottage
! Grove Sentinel and was taken
on a tour of the News-Review by
J his nephew, Warren Mack, staif
I reporter.
Passes Exams James A. Peter
son, son of Mrs. John R. Kelly
of Bandon, formerly of Rosrhurg.
passed the Iowa pharmacy ex
ams given at the State I'niversi
ly of Iowa, June 14-15-16. ac
cording to announcement made
by Dean R. A. Kuever of the co'
lege of pharmacy. Peterson has
passed all of the exams and Is
now a registered pharmacist. He
attended the local schools and
wa-s graduated herp in 1!!.T7. II,'
has accepted a position at tho
West Slope pharmacy in Portland
and with his wife the former
Virginia Carl, will reside at Beav
crton. Home From Extended Trip
Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Huhar and
Dr. and Mis. D. B. Buhar are
back at their homes in Rosehurg,
following three months vacation
ing. They took the train from
the west coast to Milwaukee and
the boat trip on the Great lakes
to Detroit, where Dr. Bubar se
cured a new automobile. From
there, they drove to Toronto.
Montreal and Quebec nnd down
to the New England states. Thev
spent three weeks In Maine and
three weeks in Connecticut, prior
to going to Washington. D. C,
where they say both U. S. Sena
tor Guy Cordon and Congress
man Harris Ellsworth. Follow
ing a trip to Florida, and the
.southern states and California,
they stopped In San Diego to
visit and in Long Beach to visit
tile 1 . 1. Bubals son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Watson (Gay Buharl and family.
wno nave purcnased a new home
YEARS . . .
fOWLlX . . . tht oristnal
Portland LlCCnSe
Tax Upheld; Trial
Of 1 Yr. Advised
Portland's new revpnue program,
which increases business license
fees and levies a tax on gross
sales of merchandise, was de
clared legal Salurday by Circuit
Judge James W. Crawford.
The Judge recommended, how
ever, that the city council limn
the program to one year. "In its
present form," he said. "It may
and doubtless does contain many
"This licensing program is
unique (to use the least colorful
of the adjectives applied to it I,
pestiferous, onerous, but probab
ly inescapable by reason of the
city's financial need," said Judge
His ruling enables the city to
J begin collecting the fees, as o.'
; July 1. The program, voted cf
feciive on that date, was help up
I by a temporary injunction.
I The suit had been brought by
the Retail Trade bureau and oth
er business organizations, who
contended the fees and taxes
, would force some firms out of
City Commissioner O. R. Bean
said the city expected, in any
case, to limit the program to a
I year. A survey to set up a per
manent financial program Is now
Bottling Plant Eyed
By Boys On Camp Day
A number of Rosehurg boys
insected the Coca-Cola Bittling
companv as part oi (.amp Day
last Thursday.
Mai len Voder. YMCA general
secretary, reports that Harold
Hovt , took them through the
plant showing them the bottle'
washer, conveyers to the bottling!
machine and explained how
"Coke" is bottled.
The boys then hiked to Flnlay
field and took part in a Softball
game before lunch. Rev. H. H.
Sconce, in a brief address, gave
examples of possibilities that
each person has in United States
and told ot his experiences in
Washington, I). (., when he vis.
ited with President Harry S. Tru
man. Frank Purriy, high school
coach, then instructed the boys
in some high Jumps. The hoys
also took part In broad Jumping.
Army Officer Sentenced
For "Kickback" Racket
SEATTLE, Aug. 22 -.T- A
Fort Lawton court martial con
victed Capt. William C. Maroon
ey Friday of receiving "kick
hacks" from Seattle merchants.
It decreed three years in prison
and dismissal from the army.
He said ho would appeal to the
commanding general of the Seat
tle Port of Embarkattpn for a
new trial.
He Is charged with defrauding
the post fund of $2,712 while spe
cial service officer at the fort.
Another count alleged he took 1
$1,100 soda fountain from the of
ficers' club.
Two hundred thousand farms
in Ohio have electricity th
largest amount of rural electrifi
cation In the nation.
Potluck Tuesday Members of
Alpha Theta chapter. Beta Sigma
I'hl and their families are iiv
vited to attend a ti o'clock potluck
supper Tuesday night, Aug. 2.1.
at the summer home of Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Morgan on the
North Umpqua at Winchester.
olasrlintJ wuiir htater
rial !
iwl Win
3 RWiLiiAn''"--"' I
I BORN THIgTY VCAeA TOO SOOM 8-23 ''"'." ""Zt, J j
OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams I
1 1 They'll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo I j
W5i p rrnre- l w.aM-, i ,-. .- , L,CUL D. LC nlULt" I
I V . . . ...-. . f I klpr,irii.i a W nkir- AKr Ljcr-'e I
IV NUT A 5i(Sy bLC- sPF-t- 1 V- tNCKv:: i rvn i w-wvnLw
m rmnmmmt m mm
Up Facilities
At Glide Schools
Improvements to the Glide
schools are nearing completion, I
according to John Orr, superin- j
tendent. Most noticeable trans. !
formation is the flourishing new j
lawn and freshly painted build-
However, returning students ,
and teachers will find that
terior stairways on the high
school building have been re
placed and a five-foot concrete
walk constructed between the
grade and high schools. General
clean-up crews are now hard at
work making grounds and play
areas safe and attractive.
Greatest interior improvement
is the completion of large, nvv
dern dressing rooms in the gym
nasium and hoys' and girls' show,
ers. Water and heat have been
piped from the central heating
plant to the gym and patrons as
well as students may look for
ward to attending gym functions
in comfort this winter. Popular
with basketball plascrs will be
the newly installed fanshaped
back boar'ds.
M h h i I"l'rowm!A. Bailev; a daughter. Mrs. W.
n i the high school is the asphal Bluestein. Portland and two
t ie being laid In one basement , R1,irirtt.niUll.en.
classroom. New, large refngeia-1 .,-h f , h ,d , po.,.
,,.i " (.uii ik.n. u
for the home
economics depatt-
Scheduled for delivery soon
after school commences is a new
piano for use in the grade build
ing. One rim in that building
has lieen reluinished with the
most advanced in school furni
ture. In keeping with other Improve-
ments and acquisitions Is the con-
trihution of blankets and sanitai y 1
bed covering for the health room
h the Glide Parent-Teacher as.
The oldest known map in the
world was produced about -4.500
sears ago. .
Mt 1. hlchlv ron-
t.'Si"..a and will con-
luma lor Ilia if not
al.'piM-d. Iti nola raya
ta lha Itch-mita. whuli t. iminiint 10
orrltnarv Iraatnian. TXSORA kill, .ha
Itoh-mi.a ftlmoat m.tantlv OnK thr-a
1' FXSOR trcalmant 1. renuirad.
Mall order nvan prompt attanuoa.
fratf Majar Praia. Ra.raari
"Saved my
A Gad tand far CIS-HEARTBURN"
W ht ,en M.imch uriil rmtv
rtti ir atm.v n am) rirwrtl'
ti H, iHu
BEU-ANS for Acid Indigestion 25 c
Stop itrhinK. drr
up bltfttpr quirk
It, nafelT. St
Slaying Of High School
Student It Confessed
Capt. Patrick Hayes, acting Cin
cinnati detective chief said Sa
urdav William Gamble, 26, had
confessed in an oral statement
the slaying of Muriel Baldridge.
17, high school cheer leader, at
Piestonsburg, Ky., last June 27.
Hayes said a written statement
was in the process of being taken
from damme, who, with ulen
Collins. 15, was brought to Cm
cinnali police three days ago for
lie detector questioning.
Gamble has been charged with
murder in the girl's death hut
until Saturday steadfastly declar
ed his innocence.
Mrs. Vinnie Rose Bailey
Passes Away In Portland
Mrs. Vinnie Rose Bailey, grand- truck sideswiped a highway pa
daughter of Aaron Rose, founder trolman's car first. In the' next
of the city of Rosehurg, died Ki'i-1 two blocks, the hurtling truck
day in Portland, where she had brushed two other cars.
lived the last 15 years. She was
born in Roseburg May 11, 1891,
and was a memler of the Chris
tian church of this city and at
the Women's Benefit association.
nri ,.,..... (,ln,.0(l hv interment
, Rose mrte
Wyllys Insley Advanced
To Corporal In Air Force
Wyllys T. Insley of Rosehurg
has been promoted hy the I nit-
ed States air force from the rank
of private first class to corporal,
He is now on duty with the
5001st Installation squadron as s.
heavv equipment operator at
"."M f ,i "st . ninssd,
AmencP s farthest north major
military install, ion. Cpl. Insley
. "-iMiiiraav morning.
vemhor of last year The cougar, which will bring
Cpl. Insley s mother. Harriet i Chestine a handsome bountv
hvans Insley, resides in Rose- measured 6 feet. 9 inches from
burg. tip of nose to tip of tail. Chestine
I figured him to he a yearling.
v. UJ T B- i Jhe family dog barked some
3en. MOrse Mara lO Beat, I what louder than usual Fririav
Demo Spokesman Says
nitrn in lua j iv
It will take an outstanding candi- sleep.
date to defeat Sen. Wavne Morse! About 5:30 a. m. Ed. awakened
(R-Orei. a Democratic party ! by the dog's persistant harks
spokesman admitted here Satuf-itook his gun. walked a few rods
dav. j 'rom the cabin and looked ud
jack Redding, director of pub- i in a second growth fir the dag
Ihitv for I he iVmocratic Nation
al commit lor. here lo survey the
Orr Ron political situation, do
scnord Morse the IVmocrais'
most "formidable" opponent in
j the Northwest.
I The chance of unseating Morse
sdoponds "entirely on the candi
date. . .vou can't beat somebody nobody." he said.
I lie added, however, that Pem
j ocrats have a pood chance to
winning two of the four repre
sentatives' seats in Oregon.
- -pSj
Runaway Truck
In Laramie Deals
$30,000 Damage
LARAMIE, Wyo., Aug. 22.-(.T)
Rocketing out of a mountain
canyon, a runaway semi-trailer
truck laid waste to Laramie's
main street Friday.
The grain-laden truck injured
five persons, damaged nine au
tomobiles and wrecked two build
ings. Driver Ernest Kirk. 26. of Bea
trice. Neb., said the brakes failed
on the Telephone canvon road.
It drops 2.000 feet in three miles.
He said the truck was going more
than 100 miles an hour when it
shot out of the canyon, five miles
east of here.
The speed had slowed only
slightly, he said, when he reach
ed the Laramie city limits. The
The third collision lack knifed
the trailer. The cab went hurtling
against four cars. The trailer
wrecked two others before plow
ing into the Silverleaf Bar and
the New Canton Cafe.
the brick fronts were
torn i
loose from the bar and the cate
and the second-story Johnson ho
tel above them.
Kirk was treated for minor in-
Juries. He was charged in Justice I "gross mismanagement' in con
court with reckless driving. High-! nectlon w ith the flight of Ger-
way patrolman Neil Bovd est!
mated the damage to the auto
mobiles and buildings would ap
proximate $30,000.
Logger Ed Chestine
Bags Huge Cougar
Treed By Collie Dog
There's cougar in them thar
hills! To prove it Ed Chestine.
hills' To prove it Ed Chestine.
Rock frock logger toted one into
tnp pouglas county courthouse
varmint ti-v.H mH uont K-.-i,
night, hut Ed and Irene decided
was guarding, nventv feet uo
Wa thi miliar PH hm arA
i 11 '
in- leii ifii.
A, wr rrc savine. there a
omear in thpm hill.
AU-atraz. famous 1". S. prison
in San Krancisco Bay. is on an is
land which is only 1.6.V1 feet Ion?
and rises 1.T0 feet ahove sea level.
The state of Ohio is almost
square. masunnR virtually J'J
miles on each side.
Read Your Classified Ads.
Business Opportunities
FOR SALE I.w pumte tton tor
iiz 04x50 Livinf quarter in bck
Shrive and gondnlaa It ia in very
fnod location 3 milea aouth of Mrtle
reck on Hiway W St?a owner Krankt
Grensky nxl to Melody Mountain
Barn. Phon lc6MTCrk1
FOR SALE General tora and tavern
ervic atation, modern livinf quar
ters. A joing busineu. grouea W.CXXJ
aearBnx UXDillard.
1 t'NIT MOTFL Owner, phone 1422
TOR SALE Purebred German Shen
herd, AKC reentered male Pomeran
ian. Alto Cocker and Terriers, Para
due Pet Shop.
GOLDEN and Golden White Cocker
Sjps. 110. earn. R. C Taylor, Glide,
regon. 1 mile up Cavitt Creek.
Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J
or 453 Y Rf and pd pupoiaali
fniori Stud servtre
SIAMESE KITTENS for sal, purebred.
Phona 5 r-11
Spurned Suitor
Killed In Gun
Battle With Cops
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 22. .B
A spurned suitor was slain Sat
urday in a gun battle with police
who had staked out for him after
he had threatened to kill a blonde
car hop.
Police said he was Ernest O'
Brvant, 41, who once lived In
Salt Lake City.
Del. Sgt. A. H. Bureess emp
tied his revolver into O'Bryant
who refused to halt after a wild
chase during which he fired a
shot that struck the revolver of
another detective.
Burgess and Det. Sgt. G. A.
St. George were waiting near the
cafe where Miss Dolores Pollock,
22, of nearby Inglewood, work3.
She had reported to police yes
terday that O'Bryant had forced
his wav into her -ar at gunpoint
land threatened her. She escaped.
however, by a ruse and fled. She
said she recently had broken off
I their engagement.
During the stakeout, another
police car drove by nd asked
iden'ificatlons of the plainclothes
men. At this point, O'Bryant
drove by and sped away when
he saw the officers who followed
ant, curbed his car. O'Bryant
leaped from the car and started
shooting wildly, tne detectives
Youth Confesses
Giving False Fire
Alarm In Theater
KORT WORTH, Tex., Aug. 22.
.!') A 17-year-old youth volun
tarily confessed Friday he was
one of three who created panic
among 1.200 movie natrons
Thursday hy shouting a false fire
The south appeared before
Frank Weatherford, Interstate
Circuit Inc., Fort Worth mana
ger. He said one of the three
struck a match and all three
yelled "Fire!" and ran. the the
ater executive said. The youth's
name was withheld.
The youth explained he recent
ly had moved here from a small
town where, he said, such a
"stunt" was common.
Weatherford told the youth to
find his companions and report to
police chief R. E. D salt's of
fice. Dysart said the three boys like
ly would be placed under one
year's probation.
More than 500 children were
among those at the Hollywood
Theater who heard the false
alarm and rushed for exits amid
screams and tears.
Police said cool work by the
ater attendants prevented Injur
ies. Atty. Gen. Clark
Confirmed After
Scorching Attack
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22.-(.P)
Attorney General Tom Clark
was confirmed by the Senate
Thursday to be an associate just
ice of the Supreme Court.
The vote was 73 to 8.
Approval of Clark came after
a blistering, last-minute attack on
the attorney general by Senator
iFerguson IR.-Mich.l. Among other
things Ferguson accused him of
lltll CIMt-l, A lup LUIIIIIIUniSl,
from the country.
Clark, who is 49, is expected
to take the oath of office within
a week. He will be the S6th in
dividual to take a seat on the high
court. He will be the eighth demo
cratic member or the nine-man
Clark has served as attorney
general since June 29, 1945.
Bertha B. Penned
Of Tiller Passes
Bertha Bell Pennell of Tiller
died at Mercy hospital Saturday.
Aug. 20. She was born December
13, 1RS4, at Sioux Falls. S. D.
Mrs. Pennell came to Oregon in
1902 and has made hot- hr,mo :M
married to Guy t.
Pennell Jan. 4. 1913. at Riddle.
i re. .Mrs. hrnneu taught in the
Douglas county schools for a
number of years. Besides her
husband, Guy E. Pennell, she is
survived by a son. Clitford. Pen
nell of Rosehurg, three eran.J-
A .. t, - - r i
I . . ' 1 ,w J
Herbert S. Pruner nf
South Beach. Ore.: Ernest S
Pruner of Riddle, Ore.; and
iter. Jessie V. Wonacott, of
Graveside services and Inter
ment will take place at the Rid.
die cemetery Tuesday. Aug. il.
at 2 p. m.. with Rev."Knret Hill
of the Church of the Nararene
j nflciatine. Arraneementt re in
rharce of Long and Orr mortu-
i arv.
Machinery For Sale
Reconditioned Tractors
1 CaterDillar
CaterpUUr R4
.Bare 2JOQ.
1 International TDK Bar
3 International TDI4 Bra
2 International TD9 Bar
2 International TD . . Bar
2 International TDQ Loader
1 International TDtt Bar
5.5 Ki,
4. MM.
4 AIIU-Cha.In.trt HOT
2 Alll-Chlmr HD10
3 Allu-Chalmert HU1
, Bar
,. Bar
.. Bart
Shovels & Cranes
1 Brown! nf Mobil Cran 1 Yd. H,VW.
3 Bucyru trtt 13B Shovla. 7.975.
3 Oifnod 't Yard Shovcla B.2SO.
3 Iniley Yard Barkho 3.9M.
Iruley S Yard ShovaU 4.7S.
"Ai l" Traeton & Shovels
30 Caterpillar EM
3 Caterpillar 04
2 Caterpillar R4
2A International TD9
13 International T9 H
3 Iniley Cranaa
3 Unit Cranes
.. Bar
.. Bar
.. Bar
Blade. Drama. Parti and other attach,
menti in stock for all the abov
Pacific Tractor &
Equipment Corp.
1600 Wat 7th Avt.
TOR SALE TD 18 Int. tractor, com
pletely armored for lofginf. laaacsoa
cable blade. Carco winch. 730 hours.
80.200. H D 14 Allli Chalmert tractor!
Isaacson cable blad. Carco winch.
87.000. H D 14 Allli Chalmers, Cares
winch. S6.O00. Loadtnf donkey, Wash
ington drums. '4 swing boom. Mer
cury motor, completely equipped. Earl
M. Manley. Tiller. Ore.
rOR SALE -Well drill machine. mounT
ed on Chevrolet truck. Will take lata
model car or pickup on trad. Writ
Box 979. Newi-Revlew.
1 4-X -3. A ra lea . Al Bac kman
Off jc. North Rosehurg Motor Court.
in 823 830 873 8inf
8200 8300 UP TO 8300
Borrow on your salary All steadily em
ployed men and women may qualify
today for a alary loan up ts 8.100
whether you r in a new Job or an old
Borrow on your car or furniture. Your
furniture or automobile make excel
lent security at Local Loan paid for
or no. v p to sow on your lurnitur.
up to
on your car
Special "Pay Day" Loans, 610. 829. 830
loaned till "Pay Day" or longer Pay
only for th actual number of daye
you keep th money.
823 co'ts Ite for on weak.
No other charges.
Phone for your Loan
Leo Sevy. Mgr.
333 No Jackson
Phone 1173
Lie. S-273; M-333 Rom burg
UP TO $300
On your Signature. Furniture
UP TO $500
On your automobile tpaid for. or not.
Loam made quickly, privately for any
worthwhile purpose such as
Unexpected expenses
Medical and Dental bills
Vacation expenses
- Consolidate debts
When vou borrow get your money from
the Company that makes It convenient
to borrow and convenient to repav
Lower payments now aval labia up
to 30 months to repay
306 Douglas County Stat Bank Bids
Phon 466.
M.-7T7 State Wc - aj-24
To Rent
Local business operator
wants 2 or 3 bedroom
home. References ex
changed. Phone 173-Y.
Fred Boyer
Phona 2? R..T or 4k R-S or writ
Routa 1. Roaahurg
WANT TO HEAR from c.p.bla man
ho want, to to to Kavada Arttona.
and who will drtva houaa-car for
rnaala and tranipnrtatlon Laavlrc
Sapl 1 or Snd. Mr. Mra. John
Spain. Box 1M. Melroaa Rt., Boaa
ourg. ,
Pay Cash
W BfY uaad furnltura. alt tvpaa. Carl
at 444 No Jackaon. Phona
The Bargain House
1 ADPEtS-AND CHILD naad 1 or
oadroom hnusa or apt. bv Sapt tat.
J'J" at Umpqua Dairy. Phono
i N7ED Gantla aaddla hor for chll
dran. Donna Sundbarf. Malroae BL,
Box 1M.
W A VTf D Narrow rtrri bath tub. old
tla. Inqulra 124 W Douflaa aftar
-rumltura. vwtnf machtna
la Anything af valua. Prtvata
and toola
partx Phona aM-R-T
WANTED TAT HOGS and uaad fumt
tura Call aoO-J-4 monunga and ava-
CALL Al", for a fair bid on your fur
nltura Al a rurtmura Cantar. Sl Win-
chatarSt Phona 1.T27-R
Wanted to bi y-aii kindi of fum(
tura Lat ua bid on your houaa of fur
nltura Call SQ3-R at 5Q N Jarhaon gt.
VET AND Wirt want furnl.had msdora
hntia rc apt Phona 7S3i.
WaNTJBi TO-BtiTrfijaw Koaabtrrf
alaat Co. phono no.