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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1949)
10 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mon., Aug. 22, 1949 Society and QluLi By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele phone for the society page must be turned in before 12 o'clock Monday throuRh Thursday and hv 10 a. m. Fridays, t which lima the social calendar and Sat urday's tociety page are closed weekly. LUCKY SEVEN 4-H GROUP HAS MEETING The Lucky Seven 4-H Slock club met Sunday evening at the home of Charlotte Sand. Glen Hanson, president, conducted the business session. Mr. Patterson, locfl leader for the Cleveland 4-H club and Curtis and Shirley Kock en and Francis Becker were visi tors. Mrs. Zelma Sand served lovely refreshments at the close of the meeting to Carla, Teddie and Timmio South, Carmen and Lar ry Cooper, Diok and Sally Brown, Dickie Sjogren, Glen and Donald Hanson. Curtis and Shirley Kock en, Francis Becker, Charlotte, Glen, Joe and Stevie Sand. M'. Patterson, Joseph and Linda Ed mond, Mr. and Mrs. Carl South, Mrs. Edna Sjogren. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown and Joe Sand. The next meeting will be Sep tember 5 at the home of Carmen and Larry Cooper. SUCCESSFUL PARTY HELD AT OLALLA HALL A very successful party was recently held at the Olalla hail to raise funds for the O. T. C. club. Committee chairmen and members are expressing their appreciation to merchants for their many donations and to oth ers working for the success of the attain Games have been purchased and materials have been secured to build tables. A wiener roast and Ire-cream social will be held on August 31. 7 KITCHEN SINK SLAVERY ENDSJj I 6 OUR WINDOW 117 W. Coti St FURNITURE tOMPRNY Phone 10 M Beautiful Home can be yours now. ou can make your present home that new house a home ol beauty by following the now trends In home decorating. Kooms ui deep solid color with contrasting furniture, lib eral use of mirrors and struc tural glass can and does make any house Into a home ol beauty. These new trends air suitable for the old home as well as the new and latest tvnes of homes. Don't be- mvstl fled with the mysteries of home decorating call us lor an estl mate, today! Furniture Refinlshing . . . Sign Painting Free Estimates Don E. Morgan Interior Decorator and Paint Contractor Phones: Bus. 1025-R Res. 1304J 735 Reservoir MRS. BEVERLY WALES HONORED AT BRIDAL SHOWER PARTY Mrs. Beverly Wales, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lunney of Drain, was honored at charming bridal shower party given bv the Home Economies club of Kice Vallev Tuesday al ernoon at the Kice Valley hall. The serving table was covered with a white cloth and centered with an arrangement of sweet peas. A small lace-covered table centered with summer flowers held the many lovely gifts. Games were played and beaut! ful gifts were presented to the guest of honor. At the tea hour, delicious refreshments were served to Mrs. Wales, honor guest, Mrs. Glen Walker, Mrs. Frank Churchill, Mrs. Le Roy Churchill, Mrs. Harvey Fast, Mrs. Harvey Bragg, Mis. Em mett Churchill. Kay. Donna and Donald Churchill, Mrs. Ervln Rice. Mrs. Wayne Rice and Kar en. Mrs. Walter Lunney, Mrs. George Kremkau, Mrs. T. 11. Shepherd, Mrs. Al Fonken, Mr. William Castor, Mrs. James Kid well. Mrs. Harrv Du- bar, Mrs. Charles Ward. Mrs. Cecil Hart ford and David: Mrs. Jim Wat son and daughter; Mrs. Frank Eggers and David, and Mrs. Lamhdin. MISSIONARY GUILD PLANS ACTIVITIES The Missionary Guild of the Sutherlln Lutheran church met Wednesday evening at the Caia pooia club house. The meeting was opened with a hymn. The business meeting was con ducted by Ine chairman, Mrs. K. Dies. Different phases of church work were discussed. Final ar rangements were made for the Installation services and recep lion to be held for Rev. Richard E. Graef, September 4th. Plans were made for a housewarming for the new pastor and wife, the second week in September. Mrs. P. Urhin. Mrs. Art Steferude and Mrs. LaVcrn Murphy were ap pointed on the refreshment com mittee. The topic study led by Rev. W. A. Svlwester, was based on Revelations, Chapter 16. A po'luck luncheon was served to the following: Reverend and Mrs. W. A. Svlwester and chil dren, John, Dickie and Rose mary, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Drben. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Murphy, Mrs. Anna Good, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dies, Mrs. Art Stefferude, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vansteen berg and daughter, Edna Mae, Barbara Vansteenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mnlltz and chil dren, David, Diane and Bruce, Caroline Wlrkstrom, Mrs. Alma Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. An ion Coenenberg. COUNTY W. C. T. U. CONVENTION TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY The 57th annual convention of the Douglas County W. C. T. U. will be held Wednesday at the First Christian church beginning at 10 a.m. with a noon potluck luncheon. Those attending are asked to bring their own table service. An Interesting program has been planned according to an an nouncement by the president, Mrs. C. N. Currier, and all mem bers and friends Interested are most cordially invited to attend. H. E. C. TO MEET AT POTLUCK LUNCHEON Instead of the usual meeting day, the Evergreen Home Econo mics club will meet Wednesday. August 24. at a noon potluck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Hess Lnunshury, 12tK) West First street, with Mrs. Pauline Little, co-hostess. Those attending are asked to hring their own table sen'ice. Mystery sisters will be revealed and new names will lie exchanged. All members are .lrg ed to lie present. FOR RENT WASHING MACHINES FOR RENT Phone SOS BERGH'S 1 APPLIANCE SERVICE 1200 S. Stephen RICE VALLEY GRANGE HAS FINE MEETING Rice Valley Grange met Tues day evening at the hall with Mrs. Ervin Rice hostess. Refresh ments were served to Mr. and Mrs. William Castor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. Le Rov Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wales. Mr. and Mrs. Al Fonken, Mrs. Ralph Emerson, Mrs. Harry Dunbar, Mrs. E. Churchill and Mr. and Mrs. Er vin Rice. The next meeting will be Tues day, August 23. al the hall. All members are requested to oe present. CIRCLE NO. 1, TO MEET WEDNESDAY Circle No. 1. of St. Josephs Altar society will meet at a sev en o'clock potluck supper Wed nesday evening at the home of Mrs. Joseph Kloberdanz. 493 S. Main street. Members not at the last meeting are asked to call the hostess at 1016 Y or contact Mrs. H. Wilson, Members and friends are cordially invited to attend. TENMILE LADIES CLUB TO MEET AT LUNCHEON The Tenmile Ladies club will meet Wednesday, August 24, at a noon potluck luncheon at the Ten mile church. All members are urged to be present. MRS. PRICE IS HOSTESS TO GROUP Mrs. L. E. Price entertain"d the Woman's Society of Christian Service at her home at Elkton Wednesday afternoon. The regu lar business session was followed by a social hour. GROUP MEETS FOR PRACTICE WEDNESDAY The North Douglas Rainbow assembly met at Drain Wednes day to practice for inititation to be held in that city this month. Rebekah Lods to Meet Rose burg Rebekah M".e No. 41, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the I. O. O. F. hall honoring all P. N. G. members and visiting P. N. G. members. Refreshments will be in charge of Faye Jen sen, Agnes P i t c h f o r d, Amy Adair, Bernlee Carter, Ada Han na, Jetta Miller, Fred Miller and Margaret Saunders. Picnic Supper B. P. W. C. members and invited guests ale asked to attend a 6:30 o'clock potluck picnic supper tonight ut the home of Mrs. Stella Sencer, 1024 N. Jackson street. Those at tending are asked to bring a cov ered dish, sandwiches and their own table service. Auxiliary to Meet The Veter ans of foreign Wars auxiliary will meet Tuesday night at 8 o' clock at the armory. Potluck Supper Following the lodge meeting Tuesday night, the Eagles auxiliary and aerie will hold a Joint potluck supper at the hall. Those attending are asked to bring a covered dish. Noon-Luncheon The Business and Professional Women's club will meet at a 12 o'clock no-hostess luncheon at the Hotel Ump qua Tuesday. Evangelists Are Dated Sept. 4 At Christian Ourrfe Former Resident Visits Reedsport By S. S. SMILEY Newi-Rtvlew Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Willaid Kuih and their sons, Fritz and Jack, of San Francisco, were Reedsort visitors early this week on their way to Salem, their former home, to attend a family reun ion. While living here, Mr. Ruch was employed in the E. K. Wood sawmill and practiced law, later becoming justice of the peace. He gave up this work to Join the state police, In which he gained the rank of sergeant, and was lo cated at Medford. Resigning from this position, he became a government em ploye, attending school in the east before being transferred to ltn. troit for a short time, later to San Francisco where he is still located. Although not a native Oregon Ian. Mr. Ruch says he has hopes of being transferred to Portland as he considers Oregon his home. Leave For Olympia Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Lee and son of lieedsKrt left for Olvm pia. Wash.. Saturday, where they plan to make their home. Prior to leaving here, Mr. Lee was em ployed as a truck driver bv Bei ge Borrevik. wholesale agent' for the Standard Oil company of Cali fornia, until he suffered an Injun to his knee that compelled hiiii to have his knee in a cast lor a few weeks. Visit in Reedsport Mr and Mrs. Joseph Finlev of Portland, and son. Joe. were Reedsport visitors Wednesday, visiting friends and relatives. Mr. Finlev is now a patrol officer for the city of Gresham. and Mrs. Finlev. who taught In the RcecU IKirt grade school when here, is following her profession in the family's new location. Duluth Minister Preaches Rev. Alexander Morrevik of Du luth. Minn., delivered the ser mon at the Reedsport Communi ty church Sunday. He was here to perform the wedding cere mony for his niece. Miss Bar bara Borrevik. that same eve ning. Swans were partly domesticat ed by the ancient Romans who valued their flesh as food. in rAMILY MONUMENTS See our many new design, carved from RAINBOW CRAN1TLS, beautifully polished and finished. Reasonably priced. Cnmito wrttr M rrcorj t wcntiy mtm , jottt name! SEE V. V. HARPHAM Representing Blaeiing Granite Co. For Douglas County Rt. 1. Box 52, Roseburg. Ore. Coming to the First Christian church, Douglas and Kane streets, is Walter Fiscus, for a series of evangelistic meetings beginning Sept. 4. Fiscus recently completed his Ph. D. degree at Edinburgh, Scot Ian 1 He is also a graduate of Northwest Christian college at Eugene, and Phillips University, Enid, Okla. Before going to Scotland for his doctor's degree Fiscus spent several years In the general evangelistic field with unusual success. He also was a professor of Bible at Northwest Christian college and pastor of the First Christian church, Eugene. This summer he has been traveling 'n Eurcpe with a group of students on i good will tour. He will arrive in the United States the latter part of this month. Appearing with Fiscus will be Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Brock, chil dren's workers and evangelists. Japan Swimmers Cop Honors From Americans LOS ANGELES, Aug. 22.-(.P) The American swimmine cham pionship is firmly in the posses sion of Japan. Incomparable Hironoshin Fu ruhashi and company finished their mop-up of national AAU titles Friday as Mr. F. clicked off another world record in the 800-meter free style. But, fortunately for American face, unheralded Robert Gibe o: the Detroit Athletic club came through to win the 100-meter. The big cold cup emblematic of the American team title went home with the Tokvo swim club Sunday night. The six -man Nip team amassed 62 points, more than the next two teams combined. The big tiuz still was on ovel Furuhaslii's unheard-of feats of battering world's records for the 4(X), 800 and 1,500 meters on suc cessive nights. He also led his mates to a new international standard In the 800-meter free style relay. The 21-year-old aquatic ma chine from Fujiyama negotiated the 800 meters in 9:35.5. chipping 15.4 big seconds off Bill Smith's mark set in 11)41. U. S. Population Grows 200,000 Each Month WASHINGTON. Aug. 22 (VP) The United States population is growing at the rate of 200.000 a month and may reach 150,000, 000 by November 1. This report from the census bureau said that the estimated population was 14!l,215,000 on July 1. The bureau also estimated that In April this vear there were 38,537.000 families in the I'. S., as compared with 32,166,000 in 19-10. The Great Lake or Mackinaw I rout sometimes reaches a weight of from 50 to 80 pounds, although it usually weighs be tween 15 and 20. DRESS MAKING AND ALTERATIONS 1VA PHILLIPS 421 N. Rose St. Phone 506 R 881 Convenient terms. Liberal trade-ins CONN BUESCHER V OLDS Rand Instruments Exclusively Yours At MUSIC SHOP Everything tn Mimic 305 N. Jackson Thone POS OOT MON! THERE'S MONEY TO BE( SAVED AT THRIFTY (0) L L B 1 lE'S MONEY TO BE PENNEYS TUESDAY MORNING 9:30 Jtl V E N T ! Every department at Penney's has outstanding values during our Dol lar Day Event. Many are special purchases, some are closeouts. Shop early tomorrow morning for larger selections and limited quantities. Be early to take advantage of the many odds and ends that are not in this advertisement. Shop Penney's Dollar Day Event and Save! Reduced ! PRINT HOUSE DRESSES 2.00 Here's your chance to stock up Now! Pastel printed lace designs, prints, and plain pastel cotton house dresses. Many styles to select. Button fronts, some with eyelet embroidered trims. All go at this Dollar Day price of only 2.00. All taken from our regular stock and reduced. Sizes 12 to 44. Reduced ! CANNON BATH TOWELS 2 for 1.00 Large 22 x 44" Cannon Bath towels now at this low, low price of two for $1.00. Values to twice this low price. Shop early . . . these won't last long! Solid colors in yellow, blue and green. You'll want several! 1 1 Reduced! RAYON GOWNS 2.00 Dainty lace trim gowns all reduced from higher priced lines. Rayon Jersey in white, pink and blue. Sizes 34 and 36. SpeciaK LACE PANELS 1.00 A special purchase for our Dollar Day Event. Heidin berg fine carded cotton and rayon net panels. Hemmed and ready to hang. Eggshell color. Size 54" x 81". Special! PILLOWS 2.98 Sanitized filling and sani tized ticking! 10 duck down and 90 duck feathers.' Fancy sateen covers. All at the low price of only $2.98. cottonTquares 6 for 1.00 Bleached, laundered and ready to use. Stock up now at this low price. Many uses dust cloths, tea towels, glass towels. All perfect, no holes. Size 31"x33". Reduced ! WOMEN'S DRESSES 4.00 We have gone through our entire dress stock and reduced all the lighter colors and summer style dresses. Here's your chance to buy several for the regular price of one. Crepes, jerseys, Bembergs, broadcloths, poplins. All go at this one low price. Juniors', Misses', half and super sizes. Special ! COTTON PRINTS 4 for 1.00 A special purchase for Dollar Day. 80 sq. per cale in new patterns just in time for back-to-school sewing. Gay florals and stripes in 36" width. Take advantage of this low price now to sew and save! Reduced! CRETONNE 1.00 48" large floral pattern El Centro Cretonne. Value worth twice this low price. Large red rose with small yellow roses on a soft grey background. Reduced! Mattress Covers 2.00 Twin size mattress covers size 38" x 76". Full zip per closing. Heavy muslin reinforced seams. A Dol lar Day Value. Reduced! Men's Sport Coats 10.00 Your choice if you shop early ... 24 only. Out they go at this one low price of only $1 0.00. Two tones, wool, rayon gab ardines. Tans, browns and blues. 36 to 42. Speciol! Men's Handkerchiefs 5 for 1.00 Men's fine combed lawn handkerchiefs with Vt" hemstitched edge. Size 18" x 18" 5 handker chiefs packaged in a cello phane bag. A Dollar Day special. 0 n it iteaucea : t CHILDREN'S SHOES 2.00 We have checked our children's shoes and hove reduced ell the odds and ends, sandals, and discontinued styles to this one low price of only $2.00. Just in time for back to school! Potent leathers, saddles, combat boots, and brown oxfords. These have all been taken from our regular stock and are all leather construc tion. Broken sizes 8! i to 12 and 12', l to 3. Hurry for larger selections. 4J!-JIJUI5"-'MWI!1U,1J? 1 " Reduced ! MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS 1.75 All of these shirts are our regular top quality Men's Towncraft shirts and reduced because they are slightly soiled or because of size. All have Nucratt collars thot need no starching. Fancy stripes, dots, end-to-end broadcloths and plain whites. Here's your chance to stock up now at a buy several price. Broken sizes.