4 National Banner HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted ts the flag of ( Iti background Is 11 Dismal II Interstice 3 Oriental coin 4 Patent 5 Woody plant 6 Mastery . (Scot.) 7 Anent 8 Goddess ol (lie dawn JPufiedup '. 10 Disposition 14 Lair -19 Weird 17 Wat seated 18 On account (ab.) 19 Goes to bed 21 Tungsten (ab.) 12 Still 13 Ventilate 16 "Smallest State" (ab.) 19 Saved 20 Smirked 12 Domestic slave 23 Wise adviser 24 Brain passage 23 Shaped 28 Sow 27 Style 28 Southeast (ab.) . . 29 Italian river 80 Tellurium (symbol) 81 Hebrew deity 32 Out ol 34 Raise 37 Unusual 38 Rim 39 Near 40 Coward 46 Laughter sound 47 Bite 49 Inner court 0 Pacific (ab.) M Chilled ; 53 Annoy 53 Finished 66 Markets VERTICAL I Dasheen SOU 1.2 v t rT b 7 i lO ii iTJT "Ti5 ib """ft 2 fja sr- g- W "TWn H2 Hi M H5 T 5i 52 " 3 sT s sr-' I I II I II I I I gg f'We'w training him to 6LONDIE LI L ABNER O L im 4 rUT SAlOON.r ArC"AlY M Wt ASMAfCO f S GOA rnr fBAL tZCD 3CAVTiX HYAH IN Twf WOOOi, AT LAST AM M4S OfSCOvEfiFO VO OMt rAULT QNf FAULT N .1 I ijlljjlillN . OM. TWEPE'S a ( NEW RECIPE FOR N SPLIT-PEA SOUPV A7 H FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS DOMT LOCK NOW. HILDA . BUT SOMEBOOY OJJNUEO YOU WITH AN OLO VICTORY GARDEN ALLEY OOP Answer to Previous Punt "ETT1 ! I 32 European country 33 Portion 35 Amazed 36 Responds ; treatment 41 Imitated 42 Sorry 43 Size of shot 44 Point weapon 45 Space 48 Seed ves.i SO Through 52 French article 54 Note ot scale be a lihfe noc-tier!" ALLEY 05 ansa c t e I rimt-T i r s ei timiiHi'i"" u (NOW. WHERE'S J K1'! THAT PA20P N w ftij B BLADE I KEEP ffV3, 7 B DOWN HEPE FO? H -i CUPPINGS ? yj&y ' -i 17 7-1 IWHUFFO'DsDYO' on account W omuoa'Jvooni W . ( DUMPALLTTCr) p'lH S&XTS V l l If TM RIVEJ?? 1 tmass AH-naotN- V r WHAT, NO BPOOCOU f ) fr'?M -T- N TnE'I EX AM'KATlfN WHAT AP Pes T,3 gn a. CPACKE5 L 5"srESx T"EV faE3 TO SOTS TE APF?rACM C A SeANSE, HUMAN -LiKc. CEATuK. I4t, Sot Aug. 20, 1949 The News-Review, Roteburg, Ore. 9 MODEST MAIDEXS Tnfirt MUttri U. 1 rut OAct 1 1 1 HA.D i TELEVISION FROM NINE TO FIVE , ) hav good notion, not, to mind needs I U. I fj 3 'Wiijj:l,ipinimM ( mev-what became) v op the article X So.) I THATS A VEC?r mam WOULONT UNDEHS'i'NO.' Bur WMEM A VOWAN GETS IN 7ME DUMPS., SUE ttTS HERSELF A NEW HAI ; MY S JLl 115.. DOT. hM US PA6T.LVZEP.' BUT ILL. CC.1F HH V vfC.. HAPPENED . A VvEE ' liSV1 :'M I 4ET INSTALLED By Jo Fischer do any thinking today. My a rest. By Chic Young By Al Capp PLCASC.' Lt-S TM' TOO MOOMILIATIN.'.' IT CxSORACELD ME IN TM' LAST Town H LIVED iN.r-IT ALUS D1SSAICU By Merrill Blosser By V. T. HAMLIN VALLAAS I ALWAYS WONDERED WHERE YOU GOT THEM is . T M ,C. II.7T.T. Off U SIN ESS DIRECTOR Y RADIO SERVICING Hansen's Radio Service, Suther lin. Radio Doctors. Pho-e 91-J. PLUMBING Ace PlumblnR Co., 915 Garden Vallev Rd., Bus. Phone 530-R-5. Res. Phone 149 R-3. KlerCrooch Plumbing Co, Mill. Phone 1242-R. 316 Harris Plumbing & Heating Co. 805 South Stephens. Ph. 14T8-J. Coon Supply Co. Phone 12L. ferp's Plumbing. Phone 733 R. A D. Wallace, Melrosif Route. Box 105-J. Phone 165-R-l HEATING R, Rltzman Heating Co., hot Ti ter and stram, oil burners. 1703 Brown. Phone lOtifrJ. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE J. E. Newberry's Washing Ma chine Service. 102 W. Commer cial Avenue. Phone 1015-K. Washing Machine service. Roy and Rusty's Appliance Repair. 510 N. Jackson. Ph. 1003-R. ELECTRICIANS Itidenour Electric.' Phone 730-J-5. Roseburg Electric, Phone 123. Ace Electric, Phone 1095-U FLOOR COVERING IF. & W. Floor Covering. 327 S. Stephens. Phone 1478-S. Philip M Durnam, 920 S. Main. Phone 1336J. Electrolux. service, supplies. Wax er and polisher. Wayne Over beck. Phone 373 R-2. IRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fire Ext' Isher Sales ft.Ser ee. Fvr Fvter Products, Co. 2 re- fii'ing. Glenn H. Taylor, 220 N Main. Phone 1433-R. PIANO SERVICE Southwestern Piano Service. runlng.Recondltloning. Ph 9.18-J 3. PAINTING IMMEDIATE SERVICE Commercial and Domestio ROSEBURG PAINT SHOP Phones 422 807-R 1522 R ' ROSEBURG PAVING CO. ' Asphalt Paving Mlllyards. Diivewavs, Stations Floors, Sidewalks Custom Hading Office: 634 S. Main TeMenone sso-R - fre CaUmatee "Bill" Lasslter Plek-Up and Delivery Fpn- Estimates EXPERT FURNITURE CLEANING and Dyeing Company "If It's fit to USE It's fit to CLEAN" "If It's FADED Let us DYE it" Fine Rugs . . . Our Specialty 1395 Umpqua Ave., Roseburg, Ore. Phone HS R Comp'ete Interior House Cleaning Vernon D. Clement Phone 815 R Estimates Gladly Given Window Washing a Specialty We are equipped to do STEAM CLEAN. .iG Also wnshlng, polishing and waxing of cars. Dovies Mobile Service Station 740 S. Stephens St. Phone 687 WELL DRILLING ED MILLER Route 2. Box 201-A Phone 441-R-3 Roseburg, Ore. CONTRACT PAINTING Paper hanging f PA1NT1N0 deccatino I CONTPACTCfcSl Horn rivms i j, I Decorating V J JACK PRESTON 504 S. Siephens Ph. 626-Y rcHjsFULtCRPfqiNrpuu, floea place to go ' DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 102 W. Oak Ph. i2fl CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephens Ph. 302 CARPENTER New Construction Rsmodellng Pjml-Blook Construction Lyn Jones & Ty Brown S22 S. Stapntna Ph. 44 J FLOOR CONTRACTING Hardwood S Sanding Laying Finishing O'rl Floors Mad I lk New. Melroto Rt., box (SAB CARLSON'S FiOOR SERVICE Phone 102 R S IS Yean Eicoerlence SHALE RIVER LOAM Delivered 8hovla Traxcavator Bulldorer Draqllne Ssekhoe - Crane Compressor Trucks Loqqlng Ro'dt Built and Rocked Mill Ponds Cleaned Basements Dug Rental or Contract S. M. Crltrs Cnmnany P O Box 9S2 Offlce Fast 2nd Ave South Phnn 11fi.I Ri-sldence rhone 930-1. 2 Ot rhone PROPANE AND BUTANE hnttle refilled at the Mvers Oil Co. Highway 99 and Carden Valley Road Also Heaters. Hot Plates and StinnHea OLDFIELD & SONS CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS 19fi2 Eden Lane Phone RSIVJ l Carl P. Tollon Excavating Contractor Shale rock for Immediate delivery. Shovel, Trucks. Rtil!rto7cr, Patrol Blade. Back hoe, For Hire. Roads built and rocked by hour nr contract. 2340 N. Sfphcns Ph. 499R-4 AHTHMTM'r.n BERGH'S APPLIANCE Maytag tr Norge Sales and Service Norv Maytag Appliance and Hamilton Clothe Or vara I2O0 South Stephen Servlcln All Make Wanra Phona 805 Boebur Oiacon DnimIimm DAINTINO rnNTPACTOBS i.oniracTors amiki . Commercial and Home Decorating All Work Guaranteed Douglas Paint & Hardware Co. l S. Stephens Phone 9M-J UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Custom Made Counters, Shelves, Fixtures, Kitchen Caulnets Phones 499 R-3 337 R-3 010 N Stonhens Roseburg. Ore Venetian Blind Sales and Service Estimate Free CHARLES HODSON 1525 Cedar St. Phone 1349 L C. G. Lovelady. Building and Remodeling Contractor 2040 N. Stephens Ph. 264-R-1 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Mbit. ..(SHIP HAROLD COX DUtrlrt ltprintaUv Phone 1123 a 121 S Jackson SL Roburf, Orrion DARBY & FOSTER Excavating Contractors Shala Rock For Immediate Delivery Conslructlin of logging roads Shovels, trucks, bulldozer, c.rn 11ssor for hire by contract or hour. No lob too large or too small. Phone for free estimate. Ph. 1152n. Forest Service Road West of Lindls Iron Works Nelson & Pyle Woodworking Co. Windows, Sash, and Frames. Mill and Mosher Phone 1242 J HENRY H. MILLER Excavating 4 Roes) Building Contractor 140S Willow St Phone S88 J We sell shale bar run, river rock and river loam. Mill Donets cleaned and dredged. Shovel Bulldozer. Boom. Air Compressor. Crane. Dragline, "ump Trucks by hour or contract. Free estimates. HARGIS ELECTRIC Specialists Radio. Refrigeration, Household Appllanoe Service 20 Yeors Experience All Work Guaranteed 111 C. Cass St Phone 944 FURNACES Roseburg Sheet Metal Vour Ph. 41 Heating sm'e'Vsl OLIVER'S Septic Tanks nnd Drain Fields Installed Tanks Pumped ROSEBURG, OREGON "hone 1(51 R 3 Rt. 1. Box 71 PRINTING PROMPT EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE SERVICE ROSEBURG PRINTING CO. Corner Cms and Sheridan Phone 913 CEMENT CONTRACTING . ALL KINDS FORM BUILDING Will also out Oamonts us str eld heusaa, f-d Piichs- Fuchs Bros. Ph. aeslrtence 141nVJ Tool Rentals Floor- Sanders, ' Edfjers, Belt Disc Sanders, Concrete Mixers. Power Trowels. Concrete Vibra tors. Wheel Barrows, Lighting Plants Paint Sprav Outfits. Skll aws. Prills. Afr Comnressora lack Hummers and Hydraulic Jacks. Call us. We may have )ust what vou need. Osbun Electric & Equip Co. S47 S. Stephens Phone 1108 R ROSEBURG VENETIAN BLIND FACTORY 115 N. jRrlnn St. P"ehut g, Ore Phone 1098-J VENETIAN BLINDS WSHAOES DRAPES 8r- ;n8 Tree Estlma'es Rntlfe"''' Ciurrttred R.G.Lambeth for Remodelinq Or Construction Free estimates on any sire ob Melrose Route Box 91 -B Phone 1444 R TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive or ire drive. Ca'l 1538 Adair's Parking Lot Main and Washington Flsgel Transfer & Storage Co. Royal TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Fast dependable service KEN'S OFFICE EQUIP. 63' S Stephens Ph. 1261- CONTRACT PAINTING PAPER HANGING 30 Years Experience Work Guaranteed , James B. Brandon Roseburg Hotel Ph. 243-J-X PLASTERING fiUNDY & SUTTON FREE ESTIMATES PH. 1094-Y Desbiens & Schafer GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS All Types Cement Work Sidew-lks, drivewoys, floors, patios and foundations. ESTIMATES GiVEN Box 10S C. Melrose Rt. Phone 42-R-l Phone US R-2 INLAID LINOLEUM Sales and Installation ot all types ot floor covering F 1 W Floor Covering Co. Ph. 1478 R 327 S. Stephens TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save V2 Long or Short Trips Bee Hive Truck Rental ?3S S. Stephens Phone 143S-J P & B TOWING 24-HOUR wrecker and crane service. No lob too large or too small Truck mounted equipment We can now handle 34 yard dragline work, log loading, heavy crane work. 743 S. Stephens St Phone S2S WATER where and when you want It with a ' BERKLEY JET Water System Consult us tor all your pump needs. Denn-Gerretsen Co. 402 W. Oak , Phone 128 P. & H. PAINT CO. All Types of Painting. Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates. 1230 Corey Ph. 1305-J GENERALCONTR ACTING AND BUILDING Free Estimatitt HATCHER CONSTRUCTION CO. Rt. 2. Bos 159-G Phone 1408-R CERAMIC TILE Shower stall, bath. veil., floors, hearths, counter tops, store ft -.its. Complete colors and ' es. Glazed and unelazed. Chrome hound glass doors for shower and tub. By contract or hourly. Estimates Free. Ph. in.13 Y Byron Powell Box 1281 Plastering Block Laying PERF-A-TAPING Clark Smith & Co. Free Estimates Phone 5-F-11 If Your Paper Has NOT ARRIYED By 6:15 P. M. Phont 100