Marry At Pretty Wedding In Yonealla Sat., Aug. 20, 1949 Th Newt-Review, Roieburt, Ore. 7 Marry In Roseburg, August 6th r Society end GluLi .- ... ;v By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER SOCIAL CALENDAR Tea"'.': -.fC'Cf V( "L-' N ' Y s., 7-vfc S J a I f . . ' I. Jf. I ' V A ' I K a f Vi' vrr-ii. tW-i- -. ,--- a. One of the prettiest weddings to take place in Yonealla, was held Sunday afternoon, when Miss Mona Maxine Raper, daugh ter of Mrs. Eola Raper, became the bride of Allen Lancaster Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lan caster Sr., of Scottsburg, in the Yonealla Church of Christ, Sun day afternoon, August 14 at 3:30 o'clock. The altar was banked with ferns and colorful summer flowers. Large bouquets of gladi oli, and an archway of white, en twined with greenery and white blossoms added to the beauty of the occasion. The ceremony was performed by James C. Smith, pastor of the church. Mrs. Arne Bjork played the music on the piano half an hour before - the eermony, and also the traditional Lohengren wed ding march and Mendelssohn's recessional march. SI Wise, school mate of the bride sang "Be cause" before the ceremony and Mrs. Charles Henner, sisler of the bridegroom, sang "God Gave Me You" during the ceremony, with Mrs. Bjork accompanist. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Vernon Raper, was beautiful in a white satin gown, made with long sleeves, a net yolk, and tiny satin buttons down the back to the waist line. A small bustle held the long train. Her wedding finger - tip veil was of white tulle, held in place with a wreath of tiny white rosebuds. She carried a heart shaped shower bouquet of white carnations and white rosebuds, PINK AND BLUE SHOWER IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR ON AUGUST 3 On August 3rd the staff of the Veterans hospital kitchen held a pink and blue shower in the hos pital dining room for Howard Vansteenberg. Many beautiful ,and lovely gifts were presented to Mr. Vansteenberg from: Joe Johnson. Hubert Graham. Bob Will Become Bride Mist Deleret V t'Jj Mrs Howard Moslcy of Roseburg announces the engagement of her daughter. Miss Dolores Wagoner, to Leon Hughes of this city, formerly of Arkansas. The wedding date has been planned for next February. ' Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lancaster with white satin streamers. Her only ornament was a string of pearls a gift of the groom. Mrs. Warren Anderson was her sister's matron of honor. She wore a pale yellow taffeta form al gown with yellow rosebuds in her hair and carried a show er bouquet of lavender sweet peas. Miss Bragg wore an aqua Miss Lylia Joe Bragg, classmates of the bride were bridesmaids. Miss Brant wore a lavender taf feta formal with lavender flow ers in her hair and carried . shower bouquet of pink sweet peasl Miss Bragg wore an acqua taffeta gown and carried pink sweet peas, and lavender flowers in her hair. Little Harlene and Marjorie Dow, cousins of the bride," were flower girls. They wore formal dresses of pink or gandy and carried baskets of rose petals and sweet peas. Burton Lancaster, brother of the bridegroom was best man, and the ushers were Dallas Bragg and Warren Anderson. Mrs. Raper, mother of the bride wore a flowered afternoon dress and corsage of pink carnations. Mrs. Lancaster, mother of the bridegroom, wore an afternoon dress of flowered crepe and cor sage of white carnations. A reception was held following the ceremony at the home of the bride. Mrs. Charles Henner of Los Angeles, sister of the bride groom, and Mrs. Roy Hartley of Eugene, served the beautifully decorated wedding cake, topped with a miniature bridal couple. Roberts, Mrs. Myrle Allen, Mrs. Frances Shephard, Mrs. Bessie Fandrich, Fred Lewis, Lloyd Hill Mrs. Effie Croucher, Mrs. Pa tricia Plumlee, Mrs. Helen Art- man, Arthur Austin, Mrs. Vera Moore, Joe Clevenger, John Ka hananul. Miss Margaret Joyce, Miss Helen Brlcker, Mrs. Glenn, Harvey Blake, Mrs. Mamie Mc- Key and Len Bailey. In February Ptrtur by Miur-Molni Studio Wagoner r c " Picture by Cytart Studio. Drain following the traditional first cut ting by the bride and bridegroom. Mrs. Earl Brant and Mrs. Joyce Smith served the punch. The couple left immediately after the reception for a weeks' honeymoon, following which they will return to Yonealla to make their home. The bride chose for her going away suit, a two piece linen suit with white accessories. Her corsage was white carna tions and roses from her bridal bouquet. The bride Is a senior In Yon ealla high school and will con tinue her studies here. She is very active in church work, teaching in the Yonealla Church of Christ Sunday school. The bridegroom was graduated from Elkton high school with the class of '48. He is affiliated with the Martin Box factory at Oakland Out of town guests at the wedding and reception were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lancaster Sr. of Scottsburg, Mrs. Chas. Henner, Misses Ann. Carol and Beth Dav idson of Los Angeles, Calif., Miss Virginia Cook of Fresno, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Lancaster and daughter Cherrie of Sacra mento, Calif., Mrs. Lois Harding and son Malvln of Prinevllle, Mrs. Earl Harris and Mrs. Hen ry Overess of Scottsburg. Leon ard Otto of Elkton, Mrs. Lois Dow and two daughters of Suth erlin, Mrs. Roy Hartley of Eu gene and Mrs. Wm. Cool of Drain. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bragg and two children of Cottage Grove. LOUISE MILLER HONORED AT CHARMING BRIDAL SHOWER WEDNESDAY NIGHT Louise Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C F. Banish of Duns muir, Calif., formerly of Rose burg. and bride-elect of Irving J. Ireland, ton of Mrs. Anna Ire land of Brockway, was honored at a very charming bridal show er Wednesday evening at a love ly affair in the garden of Mrs. Glenn Ireland on North Chadwlek street. A dainty pink-ruffled parasol centered the gift table, which held many lovely gifts. Refresn ments were served from a table covered by a beautiful crocheted lace cloth centered with a bou quet of yellow marigolds and a miniature bride and bridegroom. Mrs. Arwell Muetzel was In charge of the guest book. Miss Colleen Ireland and Mrs. Keith Ireland assisted in the serving. Those enjoying the occasion with the guest of honor were Mrs. Anna Ireland. Mrs. lalo Stephens, Mrs. P. A. Riley, Mrs. Art Ev ans, Mrs. BurdeHe Peterson, Mrs. R. L. Clinton, Mrs. Seth Sirrine, Mrs. G. Cook, Mrt. Ralph Cooper. Mrs. James Hughes. Mrs. Alma Crough, Mrs. Ralph Johnson, Mrs. Earl Deck er, Mrs. Carol Jeuner, Mrs. E. R. Walton, Mrs. Jessie Moar, Mrs. Cap Jordan, Mrs. Elwyn Harness, Mrs. Harold Gates, Mrs. Stubb Parker. Mrs. Bruce Elliott, Mrs. Jack Rich, Mrs. Ho mer Gallop. Mrs. Alia Mathews, Mrs. John Moore, Mrs. Houston Doty, Mrs. Arwell Muetzel, Mrs. Keith Ireland. Miss Pauline Krueger, Miss Mary Parsons and Miss Colleen Ireland. BIBLE CLASS HAS POTLUCK SUPPER AT J. S. MARR HOME The "Come Join Cs Bible class" of the First Christian church was entertained at a pot luck supper at the beautiful farm home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Marr on Marr's hill. Rifle range road Monday evenine. I Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Ravmond Clark. Ruhv Tucker, Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Dunn. Norma Short. Daisv Dil lingham. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. SU- baugh. Mary Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Coates. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Roberts and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Marr, NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele- &hone for the society page must 9 turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Fridays, at whicn time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are dosed weekly. Sunday August 21 Members of Past Matrons club and husbands and past patrons Invited to I o'clock picnic din ner at summer home of Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Kinlay on North Umpqua near Glide. Those at tending are asked to bring their own table service and food for the luncheon. Rolls, coffee and ice-cream will be furnished by committee. Monday August 22 B. P. W. C. picnic supper at 6:30 cm., at home of Stella Spencer, 1024 N. Jackson street for members and invited euests. Those attending asked to bring a covered dish, sandwiches and their table service. Coffee will be furnished. Neighbors of Woodcraft Thim ble club to meet at 1:30 Dotluck luncheon at home of Mrs. Robert Burton, 1005 S. Kane street. Those attending are asked to not bring their table service. Tuesday August 23 Roseburg Rebekah lodce No. 41 to meet at 8 p.m. at IOOF hall honoring all P.N.G. and vis iting P.N.G. members and their friends. Refreshments will be served by Faye Jensen, Agnes Pitchford, Amy Adair, Bernice Carter, Ada Hanna, Jetta Miller, Fred Miller and Margaret Saun ders. B.P.W.C. no-hostess luncheon at 12 o'clock noon at Hotel Umpqua. Eagles auxiliary and aerie to hold potluck supper following regular meeting at Eagles hall. Those attending are asked to oiing covered dish. V.F.W. auxiliary to meet at 8 p.m., at armory. Wednesday August 24 Circle No. 1. of St. JosPDh's Altar society to meet at 7 o'clock potluck supper at home of Mrs. Joseph Kloberdanz, 493 S. Main street. Members not at the last Casey-Parrott Tea Is Charming Affair For San Francisco Guests Miss Rosa B. Parrott and her niece, Miss Helen Casey, enter tained at one of the most charm ing of summer affairs Friday afternoon from three to five o'clock at the latter't attractive home on Blakeley street in com pliment to Miss Elizabeth Curry and Mrs. G. R. Child, both of San Francisco, who are visiting here. Miss Curry is visiting her sisters, Miss Isabelle, Miss Edith and Miss Lulu Curry on South Kane street and Mrs. Child, who It staying at the Umpqua hotel, it enjoying her annual vacation visit here with friends. Huge bouquets of pastel-colored gladioli were used about the spa cious rooms, while the lace-covered tea table was centered with an oblong arrangement of Rubrum speciosium lilies, velvety red zin nias and sprays of butterfly bush, arranged by Mrs. Clark Leedy. Miss Isabelle Currv and Mrs. M. Hazel Dixon poured. Of special enjoyment during the afternoon were the beautiful numbers play ed by Miss Naomi Scott't string quartet, composed of Miss Scott and Miss Patricia Mayo, violinist: Mrs. Morris H. Roach, viola, and Mrs. Raymond Marr, 'cello. Guests invited to honor Miss Curry and Mrs. Child were: Miss MRS. ABE BEAN IS HOSTESS AT CHARMING SHOWER PARTY TUESDAY To compliment Allena Rose, who will be a bride of August, a charming seven-thirty o'clock salad-supper and kitchen gadget shower was arranged by Mrs. Abe Bean at her beautiful home in Laurelwood Tuesday evening. A bride and bridegroom (made from household gadgets and en titled Al and Allena ) graced the table, while plastic clothespins formed the place cards. Fruit molds were used to hold the flor al arrangements and all of the decorations were later presented to the guest of honor. Rubrum speciosium lilies formed the at tractive floral decorations. Mrs. Bean was assisted by Miss Eleanora Rose. In addition to the thowcr gifts, each guett brought her favorite recipe and one of the lngredientt for the recipe. The recipes were placed in an attractive cook book pre sented to the guest of honor from the hostess. Covers were placed for the guest of honor, Allena Rose, and her daughter and mother. Miss Eleanora Rose, and Mrs. W. R. Brown; Mrs. Harry Weinberg (mother of Mrs. Bean), Mrs. J. B. Josse, Mrs. George Luoma, Mrt. Abe Chain, Mrs. John Kil lop, Mrs. Herman Matlsoff, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes. Mrs. Elliott Per kins. Mrs. Clarence Van De Camp. Miss Dorothy Daracunas. Mrs. Harold Jokela. Mrs. Hazel Scott. Mrs. George Crocker. Mrs. L. K. Fies, Mrs. Velle Broad way. Mrs. J. F. Barker. Miss Jackie Lamb and the hostess, Mrs. Bean. Contract bridge was In play during the evening with Mrt. R. B. Rhodes and Mrs. George Lu oma winning the score prizes and Mrs. Harold Jokela winning the guest prize. meeting are to call the hostess at 1016-Y or contact Mrs. H. Wilson. Members and friends in vited. Evergreen Home Economics club to meet at noon potluck luncheon at home of Mrs. Bes Lounsbury, 1260 W. First street, with Mrs. Pauline Urtle, co hostess. Those attending are ask ed to bring their own table serv ice. Mystery sisters will be re vealed and new names will be exchanged. Douglas County W. C. T. U. 57th annual convention begin ning at 10 a.m., at First Lutheran church. Potluck luncheon at noon. Members and friends invited and are asked to bring table serv ice. Roseburg Rebekah degree staff to practice at 7:30 p.m., at IOOF hall under direction of Lena Poole and Ethel Bailey. Tenmile Ladies club to meet it noon potluck luncheon at the Tenmile church. Thursday August 2S Country club women to con tinue championship golf tourna ment play at 8:30 a.m., at club course. Luncheon at 12:30 and contract bridge play at 1:30. Rifle Range Sewing club to meet In a (lemon at home of Mrs. Blanche Marr at 2 o'clock. Patch and Chat club to meet at 8 p.m., at home of Mr. Curtis Calkins. W.B.A. to meet at 2 p.m., at home of Mrs. Ruby Travis on Mosher street. Lady Elkt to meet at no-host ess session at 8 p.m. at temple. Contract bridge and pinochle to be in play. Eagles auxiliary drill team to piactice at 8 p.m. at Eaglet hall. Friday August 2$ Florence Nightingale Tent No. 15, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War to meet at 7:30 at K. of P. hall. Saturday August 27 Catholic ladies rummage tale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in base ment of rectory on East Oak street. August 29 ' Volunteer Service women to sponsor dance from 8 to 10 p.m. at Veterans hospital recreation hall. Women of Roseburg Invited as hostesses. Isabelle, Miss Edith and Mist Lulu Curry, Mrs. Fred Schwartz, Mrs. A. F. Micclli, Mrs. George Kohl hagen, Mrs. George Sewell, Mrs. S. A. Sanford, Mrs. George M. Brown, Mrs. Edgar Lewis, Mrs. Kenneth W. Kinney, Mrs. Charles S. Heinline, Mrs. M. Hazel Dixon, Mrs. D. P. Jewett. Mrs. G. V. Wlm- herlV. fr W R Drmun M ... O. C. Brown, Mrs." L. E McClin- iock, Mrs c. B. Wade, Mrs. E. G. Kohlhagen, Mrs. C. W. Wharton, Mrs. Carl V Wlmharlu r a her daughter, Mrs. Robert J. rieaiy, oi ixs Angeles; Mrs. Harry Hlldehurn, Mrs. Edward B. Row, Mrs. Walter U' in coll Ml Kflnnt. Bell, Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield, Miss r-mma ueiana, Mrs. John Young, Mrs. Clark Leedy. Mrs. Dniialna Wnltn Vfr T v Barker, Mrs. Velle Broadway, Mrs. L. W. Josse, Mrs. M. F. Rice, Mrs. George E. Houck, Mrs. J. Z. Sawyers, Mrs. S. L. Kidder, Miss Gertrtirie Ract Mr w u mnu ardson, Mrs. Washington Hughes, j. n. rtaroing, Mit. A. A. Wilder, Mrs. J. C. Hume, Mrs. H. H. Stanlptnn Mra Rnu Rut. lows, Mrs. Arthur W. Baum, Mrs. w. r. cnapman, Mrs. John H. Robinson, Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs. Paul Jenkins, Mrs. Gil Os borne and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. RIFLE RANGE SEWING CLUB MEETS FRIDAY AT HOME OF MRS. GILL The Rlflf Range Sewing club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alice Gill with her daughter, Earla, assisting. Grayce Rloomqulst, president, conducted the meeting. Member answering roll-call were: Edna Scofleld, Mildred Hlles, Gwen Frank, Grayce Bloomquist, Ad die Schick, Daisy Dillingham, Es ther Baker, Blanche Marr, Lena Pfaff and the hostesses, Earla and Alice Gill. The social hour was spent mod eling the lovely hats made to represent different flowers. Songs were sung by each mem ber to describe the hat modeled. The talent scouts picked Gwen Frank as first place winner and Edna Scofield, second. Lovely refreshments were served at festive-decorated card tables at the tea hour. The next meeting will be August 25th at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Blanche Marr. VISITORS HONORED AT DINNER AT CHURCH HOME ON SUNDAY Dr. and Mrs. H. C Church en tertained at a very lovely two o'clock family dinner at their home on South Kane street Sun day honoring their houseguests. Mrs. W. P. Fisher of Seattle, and the latter't son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell M. Hamilton, of Washington, D. C. The occasion marked the birth day of the Churches' son, Charles Church, who with hit wife and their five-montht'-old daughter, Marian, were also guests. Mrs. Charles Church (Judy Hamilton) is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and grand-daughter of Mr. W. P. Flther. hi' - ' j B 11 in in imw,v 1 Una . I 1 ' i - Etta McCarley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McCarley of Myrtle Creek, and Harold Wll llan.son, son of Mr. and Mi's. J. H. Williamson, also of Myrtle Creek, were married in Roseburg, Satur day, August 6. COUNTRY CLUB WOMEN CONTINUE CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF TOURNAMENT THURSDAY Women of the Roseburg Coun try club met Thursday morning at the clubcourse with Mrs. Wal ter Brydges and Mrs. Kenneth Quine winning in the second play of the Championship flight and Mrs. James Hughes and Mrs. Ivan Pickens winning In the first flight. Mrs. Walter Fisher won low net for the morning' play and Mrs. Brydges, Mrs. Kenncili Quine and Mrs. H. C. Slearns tied with Mrs. Brydges winning the tie. Luncheon wa served at noon to Mrs. E. A. Pearson, presi dent, Mrs. J. F. Dlllard, Mrs. K. D. Adams, Mrs. L. K. Cnrnwcl), Mrs. L. K. Fies, Mrs. Jack Mey ers, Miss Helen Casey, Mias Hel en Marcus of Salem, Miss Nao mi Scott, Peggy Moore of Eu gene, Marlel Means, Mrs. O. L. Torrey. Mr. C. E. Wlmberly Sr., and her daughter, Mrs. Robert J. Healy of Los Angeles; Mrs. Fay Osterhaut, Mrs. Walter Brydges, Mrs. R. D. Bridges. Mrs. Joe Perrault, Mrs. Bill Courier, Mrs. Ivan Pickens, Mrs. J. M. Judd, Mrs. W. C. Calll son, Mrs. L. G. Twohy, Mrs. Er nest Dawe, Mrs. Mitchell Moore, Mrs. James Hughes, Mrs. H. C. Slearns, Mrs. H. T. Hansen, Mrs. Harold E. Schmecr, Mrs. Her man Matlsoff, Mrs. Kenneth Bai ley, Mrs. E. R. Harvey, Mrs. Roy Sedell, Mrs. Clyde Fuller ton, Mrs. H. F. LeBeau. Mr. Sidney Lelken and Mrs. Walter Fisher. Contract bridge toores were won by Mrs. I-e Beau, Mrs. Amiot and Mrs. Schmeer. The nominating commlltee ap pointed includes Mrs. G. W. Mar shall, Mrs. O. M. Bcrrie and Mrs. Ivan Pickens. Next Wednesday the members of the Southern Oregon Golf As sociation will play In the Associa tion Sweepstake tournament in Eugene. A number from the Roseburg club plan to enter the tournamen:. JUNIOR DIVISION HAS INTERESTING MEETING TUESDAY EVENING Mrs. Elsie Coffell. Mrs. Mil dred Hodson and Mrs. Al Fray entertained the Junior Division of the First Christian church Tuesday evening at the former's home. Mrs. velorls Baxter, pres ident, conducted the business mepllng. Mrs. Loot a Honn had charge of the program. Miss Nancy Lennns ptayea rwo accornan numbers, followed by the group enjoying two games. Lovely refreshment were served by the three hostesses to Miss Lehnns, Miss Frances Cmitl, nf I Inwnml f a 1 1 f and Vflu DIUIIHA. KUt'TUa, anu 1111- othy Blanchard. Lila Naas, Mary Ellen Eaton, Mora Copple, Jen nie Nesseth, Valella Taylor, Blanche Marr, Valdean Bridgets, .Maxine Schulze, Velori Baxter, Estella Harmon, Bettv Gubser, Lenta Honn and Martha Knox. The next meeting place will be announced later. MRS. W. I. OIXON ENTERTAINS AT CHARMING DINNER HONORING VISITOR Mrs. W. I. Dixon entertained at a charming dinner party at her lovely home on East Douglas street Wednesday evening to compliment Mrs. Dorothy Wea ver of Pasadena, Calif., who is spending two w?eks here as the houseguest of the Dixons. She is cousin of Mr. Dixon. Dahliat formed a very lovely Mr. and Mr. Harold Williamson motif for the occasion. Covert were placed for Mrs. Weaver, guest of honor, Mrs. T. B. Vlr den, Mrs. D. H. Lenox. Miss Ag nes Pitchford, Mrs. R. D. Wil liams, Mr. M. F. Rice, Mr. John E. Runyan and the hostess, Mrs, Dixon. Cards were In play during the pleasant evening hours with Tilt. Williams and Miss Pitchford win ning the high score and Mr. Virdcn receiving low score. Mrs. Weaver formerly made her home here. SUNSHINE CLUB HOLDS ANNUAL PICNIC AT PATTERSON HOME The Northside Sunshine club held its annual picnic in the at tractive garden at the home of Mrs. W. O. Patterson. A beauti ful birthday cake and lovely gifts were presented to Mrs. Eunice Sory and Miss Elizabeth Paul Mrs. Patterson, president, con ducted a short business session, at which time plans were made for an auction sale to be held September 8 at the home of Mrs. George Frew, 231 East Commer cial avenue. Each member is asked to bring guests. Game were played during the social hour with Mrs. E. E. Em mitt winning high prize. Other prizes went to Mrs. Lucia In gles, Miss Bernardine Princen, Mis Barbara Sory and Mr. Wil liam Stiewig. Those enjoying the occasion were Miss Paula Smith, grand daughter of Mrs. George Frew, Miss Barbara Sory, guests, and Mrs. W. O. Patterson, Mrs. Dor is Hart, Mrs. Ethyl Harm, Mr. George Frew, Mr. M. Sory, Mrs. Lucia Ingles, Mrs. E. E. Emmitt, Mrs. William Stiewig. Miss Ber nardine Princen and Mr. E. Princen. JERRY KENT AND DAVID 8PAKOUSKY HONORED AT PARTY To celebrate the first birthday of Jerry Kent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent, and David Spakousky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spakousky, a delightful par ty was given at the Kent home Tuesday afternoon. The front porch was decorated with gay-colored crepe paper with streamers and balloons. Birthday cake and Ice-cream were served to the two guests of honor and their parents and the follow ing guests: Mrs. Duayne Baker and children, Karen, Danny and Kenny; Mrs. Theron Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kent and chil dren, Bruce and Kenny; Mrs. BUI Wingfleld and children, Kennv and Linda; Mrs. Fred Pramann and daughter, Elizabeth; Homer Paltlson, Mrs. Thomas Findlay and daughter. Brenda: Mr. A. H. Turnage, Dorothy Smith, Pa tricia Mayo, Mrs. Thompson and children, Donna. Mark and Jim, and Mrs. M. K. Parrott and chil dren, Karen and Duane. Mr. Paulson took motion pic tures of the party. Older children attending the party enjoyed a so cial hour of games and baseball. NEWS REVIEW WOMEN HONOR MRS. MEYER AND MRS. SHOEMAKER JR. Mrs. Robert Meyer and Mrs. B. R. Shoemaker Jr., who have resigned their positions as mem bers of the News-Review office staff, were honored by women members of the staff at a dinner party Friday evening at Carl's Haven. Dinner was served and gifts were presented to Mrs. Meyer and Mrs. Shoemaker from: Mrs. Fuller Johnson. Mr. W. H. Allen, Mrs. Ernest Edwards, Mrs. Har old Martin, Mrs. L. A. Miles. Mrs. S. V. Wright, Mrs. Lowell Allerhury, Mrs. Corinne Wood ard. Mrs. Ira Swaim, Mrs. Charles Flngerlos. Mrs. Ernest S. Wentjar and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. Picture by Ada'a Photo atudle COMMODORE ROSE REUNION AND PICNIC IS DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR OF AUGUST 14TH A tarn niimKai, nf Mlatltuu and friend gathered Sunday at the Robert creek school ground for the annual Commodore Rose reunion. A basket dinner was served at one-thirty o'clock. Officer elected for the coming vear were: nresiHent vtnim Sheridan, Ore.; firat vice-presi oent, uyron Koe, Klamath rails; second vice-president, Mil. dred White; secretary, Ruth Haas; treasurer, Lois Burton, and historian, Mr. J. F Rose, all of Roseburg. Those nresenr u-n- ptnl. r- I - -- A IIUBC, Sheridan; Attorney and Mrs. iv uuoaricn ana lamuy, Bend; Bettv GonHrirh rucan., TAnnl. Goodrich, McMinnville; Rev. and Mr. Ivan Ragan and daughter. ociiy, winsion; Mr. and Mr. A. R. Manning and .turfv on4 vt,r. Weber of Oakland, Ore.; Mr. and Mr. Leo Boyle and son, Eugene; Mr. and Mis. Dale Bowman and family, Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ragan and family, Myrtle Point; J. E. Rose, Tur ner, Ore.; J. M. Rose, Eugene; John Rnse. Sheririan- D.. , ... . .u u , , , ..... n, ifcvotr. Springfield; Mr. and Mr. P, r milium nose ana son, Kandy, Lookimrfflasji: Mr. onrf Mn nnL ert Burton, Rev. and Mr. Levi White and daughter, Leah; Vir ginia Riebling, Mr. and Mr. Ed. ward Berlandi and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herhert M-xm.Au Frank McCumsey, Mr. and Mr. w. rf. Muair ana aaugnicr, Donna, Lee; Mr. and Mrt. S. Lincoln Rose and family; Mrs. J. F. Rose, Mr. and Mr. Frank Stan cliff and family: Mr. L L Thompson and Mr. and Mr. Leon Itaaa and ann t'lHnn all of Roseburg. The reunion next year will be held the umn n 1 a r-n ,-in tha ond Sunday in August. MRS. LLOYD HILL IS HOSTESS TO PINOCHLE CLUB THURSDAY NIGHT Mrs. Lloyd Hill was hostess to her pinochle club Thursday eve ning at her home, at which time a beautiful pink and blue gift was presented to Mrs. Millard Rietmann by the club. Pink and blue flowers formed the room decorations and the same color motif was prettily carried out in the individual rakes. High score was won by Mrs. Lawrence Hill and low went to Mrs. Paul Travis with Mrs. Pete Aqulso receiving the door prize. Those enjoying the evening with the hostess were Mrs. Lillian Hill, Mr. Paul Travis. Mrs. Eldon Howard, Mrs. Jack Cundiff, Mr. Woodrow Elifrits, Mrs. Lawrence Hill, Mrs. George Saiders, Mr. Elmore Hill, Mr. Sandv McDon ald, Mr. Pete Aqtiiso, Mr. Carl Havens. Mrs. Millard Rietmann and Mrs. Mickey Bunnell of Springfield, houseguest of the hostess. LINDA BUNNELL IS HONORED AT BIRTHDAY PARTY THURSDAY AFTERNOON . . Linda Bunnell of Springfield was honored at a delightful birth day party Thursday afternoon at the Lloyd Hill home, where she and her brother, Timmle, have been visiting for the last week. Lovely gifts were presented to Linda from: Donnle and Merilee havens. Janet, Nanry and Da vid Travis. James Coen, Jerry and Bobby Drake. Gary and Don na Lee Hill, Barbara. Larry and Kathy Vang and the following mothers, Mrs. Carl Havens, Mr. Paul Travis, Mrs. Lawrence Hill, Mrs. Mickey Bunnell and the hostess. Mrs. Lloyd Hill. Birthday cake and Ice-cream were served following the enjoy, able social hour.