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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1949)
Bocieiif FRIENDLY CIRCLE CLUB HAS CNJ0YA8LE AFTERNOON MEETING Mrs. Lena Pfaff entertained the Friendly Circle club at her home Wednesday afternoon. The host ess was appointed secretary to take the place of Mrs. Margaret Pfaff, who resigned. A report was made on the suc cessful hamburger fry enjoyed last Sunday by members of the ( club and their families at Ump qua park. June Stlltner won the door prize and game prizes went to Nan Hulburt and Ella Moore. ' Mrs. Pfaff served lovely re freshments to Mrs. Gwen Frank and Miss Peggy Pfaff, guests. , and Persis Vowel, Nan Hulburt. ' Lula Townsend, Ella Moore, June 1 Stlltner and Ginger Howard. The club will meet September 1 in the afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elsie Mills, 1835 N. Ste phens street FRIENDS BUILD NEW GARAGE AT BROWN HOME AND ENJOY PICNIC AFFAIR Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Brown of 1295 Umpqua avenue east lost their new Pontiac car and ga rage by fire June 26th and on August 13th. some of Mr. Brown's associates in Hudson Duncan company and a number of friends called and built a new garageand enjoyed a potluck pic nic dinner and evening supper. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have ex pressed their appreciation to the many friends and neighbors as sisting in putting out the fire and to the following for helping to build the new garage last Satur day: Mr. and Mrs. Austin Welt and son. Willie; "'. and Mi's. Don Harris and daughter, Donna Lee; Mr. and Mr. Minor Mead, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Cyrus and daughter, Nancy; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Goergen and children, Patsy and Dick; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvie and daughter. Betty Ann, and A. J. Svaboda. ART AND EMBROIDERY CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING WEONESDAY Mrs. L. J. Houser graciously entertained the Roseburg Art and Embroidery club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Gorgeous rr UNDER THE STARS 3 At PLAYMOR GARDENS 1 Open Air Done Pavilion Saturday Nite, August 20 ' PLAYMOR GARDENS ! !, miles south of Dillard on Hlway t Py the Grotn Bridge 3 PUBLIC DANCE at the EAGLES Every Saturday Night SAM'S NIGHT RIDERS 5-PIECE WESTERN BAND Dancing from 9:00 p. m. 'til 1 :00 a. m. Admission S0 . Hall is Air-Conditioned! Everybody Stay 2ool and Dance! I. EAGLES" Corner of Cass and Pine Of E) LD E) rm d Clarence B. Randall, president of the Inland Steel company, and the man who has charged President Truman with having started an "Industrial Revolution In America," will be the guest holding a press conference on the air this evening at 6 on "Meet the Press." Tune in the "Wrestling Parade" beginning at 9:30 tonight. SUNDAY: A eoupls of ox- convicts who foolishly return to the scene of a former erlmo with murder In thoir minds, fail to count on Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and Gabby Hayts upsetting their applecart during "The Roy Rogers Show" broadcast tomorrow at 3 p. m. At 3:30, a yeung American flysr, captured by the Germans during World War II, is -Imprisoned In this country for supposedly having Informed on his buddies when they planned an escape from the Natls. "Nick Carter, Master Detective" helps the lad when he solves "The Case of the Unlucky Seven." In keeping with its policy of re-presenting listener-requested dramas, 'The Family Theater" program will again air Its adaptation of the "Story of Joyce Kilmer." The Kilmer story, air-adapted orig inally for the "Family Theater" by Timothy Mulvey under the title "Song for a Long Road," was presented on the program of May 13 of last year. For Its repeat performance broadcast, Audrey Tet ter and Richard Basehart will be co-starred with Danny Thomas as host. The drama presents vignettes from the famous poet's life prior to his army service in World War I.- (4:30-5 p. m., Sunday.) Marta Toren, the Swedish-born Hollywood star, will bo the guest panelist for the "Twenty Questions" broadcast to morrow night at eighL Miss Toren, star of "Sword in the Desert," will be Joining regular panelists Fred Vandevonter, Florence Rlnard, Herb Poleslo and Bobby McGuire for this . radio version of the over-popular parlor game. Bill Sister fs emcee. mm Hm V4m of Th KBtabTf Newt-Review MBS 1490 On Your Dial BKMA1MING HOUR! TODAX 4:tS Prank Hemingway. 4:30 -Smoke Ring!. 5:0O Hawaii Calls. 8 30 Sing lor Your Supper. oo Mt the Pre. 8:30 S porta Page). :.15 Musical Interlude, 40 Local News. :4S Eddy Duchtn. 7 00 Take) a Number. 7:30 Blua Barron. 8:00 Happy Valley Cowboy. :30 Barnoo and Hii Orchaatra. 9:00 Newa. 9:15 Dink Templtton. . 9:30 Wrestling Parado. 10:30 Dance Orrhaatra. V I 11:00 Cues In Music , 11:30 Sign Off. tl'N BAT, AUGUST II, H4t 00 Bark to God Hour. 8:30 Voice of Prophecy, poo Radio Bible Class, 8:30 Lutheran Hour 10:00 News. 10:15 Organ Concert 4 .0:30 Music. ;0:4S Moments of Devotion. 1 1 00 Church Servacaa. . 12:00 Music. .2:45 Sunday Favorites, 12:30 Canary Chorus. 12:45 National News. - 1:00 House of Mystery. 1:30 Martin Kane. Private) ly. 2:00) Ray Bloch Preaenta. 2:30 Meet Your Match. 3:00 Roy Rogers. 330 Nick Carter. 4:00 Walking In Rhythm. 4:15 Music. 4:30 Family Theater. 9:00 Laymcna' Leafia. 5 30 Can You Top This 8:00 Secret Missions. .Umpqua Jockey Club HORSE RACING 7 RACES NIGHTLY Na Racing Sunday Night . i Pari-Mutuel Wagering ' Post Tlma 7:30 P. M. Wagering Windows Open 6:45 P. M. Admission 50c COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS, ROSEBURG Presented by Umpqua Jockey Club Under Auspices of Douglas County Sheriff's Posse bouquets of summer flowers were I used about the rooms. I Mrs. Dilly and two children, I Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Plnkerton I were guests and members enjoy ing the afternoon with Mrs. Hou- ' er were: Mrs. C. J. Bradley. Mrs. Peggy Kent, Mrs. A. 1. ; Hawn, Mrs. Glenn Cox, Mrs. Hen- ' ry Ersklne, Mrs. A. Rhoads. Mrs. Charles Poirot, Mrs. C. M. Page, : Mrs. Frank Bergh, Mrs. F. I. J Betts, Mrs. H. F. Snyder and Mrs. Lucia Ingels. I Guessing games were enjoyed and prizes were presented to win ners. At the tea hour, Mrs. Hous er served delicious refreshments. I The club will meet the after noon of September 7 at the home of Mrs. C H. Bailey. 1 MRS." ALLEN CLUTC ' HONORED AT CHARMING I SHOWER PARTY MONDAY ! Mrs. Glenn Clute entertained at a charming personal shower party honoring Mrs. Allen Clute Monday evening. Attractive gar den flowers formed the decora tions and lovely gifts were pre sented to the guest of honor from the hostess and Mrs. Keith Phil lips, Mrs. Merle Keller, Mrs. Robert Keefe, Mrs. Harold Rand, Mrs. Vincent Derrig. Mrs. Mil lard Magness, Mrs. Ralph Heca- , thorn, Mrs. Le Roy Inman, Mrs. James Humphrey, Mrs. Roy Ken yon, Mrs. R. L. Myers, Mrs. Wal ter R. Hoi brook and Mrs. Or ville F. Richman. Games and visiting were en joyed and later Mrs. Clute, as sited by Mrs. Robert Keefe, serv ed lovely refreshments. :30 Shellah Graham. S:49 Bill Cunningham. 7:00 Murder by Expert. 7:S0 True or falsa S on Twenty Quasllons. 8:30 Burl Ivet. S:4a Lanny Rosa. S.oo Newt. 15 Memorable Music. :30 American Legion 45 Church of the Open Bible. 10:00 Klwanla Choir. 10:30 Barclay Aliens Orchestra. 11:00 Sign Of TWO BRIDGE-LUNCHEONS ARE CHARMING AFFAIRS AT SHOEMAKER HOME Mrs. S. J. Shoemaker. Mrs. E. O. Rickli and Mrs. Fred Hamil ton entertained at two very charming bridge luncheons this week at the beautiful home of Mrs. Shoemaker on East Lane street. On Wednesday, the host esses entertained twenty four guests and on Thursday twenty guests were entertained. Gorgeous arrangements of hy drangeas, gladioli, zinnias, mar igolds and tuberous begonias were artistically arranged about the rooms, while huge dahlias banked the fireplace mantle. Mrs. Eugene Poweil assisted the hostesses in serving on Wed nesday. Score prizes for the aft ernoon's contract bridge play Wednesday were won by Mrs. L. E. McCllntock, first; Mrs. Arlo Jacklin, second; Mrs. H. T. Hansen, third, and Mrs. J. C. Hume, low. On Thursday prizes went to Mrs. George Wharton, first; Mrs. S. L. Kidder, second; Mrs. O. M. Berrie, third, and Mrs. A. E. Kent, low. VISITORS HONORED AT DINNER AT COUNTRY CLUB FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mouche' en tertained at a lovely dinner at the Roseburg Country club Fri day evening honoring their house guests Mrs. E. R. Robbins and daughter, Miss Shirley, of St. Helens, and Willard Dick of Ta coma. Additional guests were Mrs. Mouche's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strong. Mrs. Robbins is a sister of Mrs. Mouche' and Mrs. Strong. On Friday noon, Mrs. Fred Ste ver entertained at a charming MONDAY. Al'Gl'ST It, Ull S:00 Sunrlea Serenade. 15 News. JO Mu.ic. :30 rim Si Shine. T:00 New. t:15 Breakfast Gang. T:30 Music. 7:45 Local New. 7:50 Music. S:00 Music. S:30 Modern Home. :45 Music by Morgan. :00 Wally's Coffee Time. IS Book of Bargains. 30 Man About Town. S:SO Musical Interlude. 10:00 News. 10:15 Gospel Singers. 10:30 Say lit Witn Musla. ' 10:45 Art Baker. 11:00 Ladles Tlrst. 11:30 Queen for a Day. 12:00 Music at Noon. 12:15 Sports Page. 12:25 Music. 12:40 Local Newa. 12:45 National News. 12:53 Market Reports. . 1:00 Man on the Street, 1:15 Party Line. 3:00 Against the Storm. 3:30 It's Requested. ' 3:00 President Truman. . 3:30 Show Time. 3:45 Local Loan Show. , 4:00 Fulton Lewis. 4:15 Frenk Hemingway. 4:30 Passing Parade. 4:45 Tips and Tunes. ' 5:00 Childrens Story Hour. 3:15 Music. 5:30 Champion. 5 45 Curley Bradley. S:00 Sewing Machine Center. 8:15 Mutual Newsreel. 8:30 Sports Pege. 8:35 Musical Interlude. 8:40 Local News. 8:45 Southland Singing. 8:55 Bill Henry. 7 00 Dick Haymea. 7:15 3ammy Kayo Showroom. 7:30 Cisco Kid. 8 00 Let George Do It 8:30 You Name It. 8. 45 Bob Eberle Show. 55 Johnny Desmond. :O0 News. 15 HI Neighbor. :30 Scandinavian Meldoy Time. 45 rultoa Lewis. 10:00 Stake Rscs. 10:15 John Walohan. 10:30 Mysterious Traveler. 11:00 Cues In Music. 11:30 Sign Off. Everybody loves flowers and everybody loves to receive them. Choose flowers as the perfect gif . . . choose them from us . . . always fresh ly cut, fragrantly lovely. The phone number to re member is 158. LILLIE'S FLOWER SHOP 819 Winchester Street LILAC CIRCLE PICNIC SUPPER IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR MONDAY NIGHT Lilac Circle, No. 49, Neighbors of Woodcraft held its picnic sup per in the attractive garden at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Neal Monday evening. Cov ers were placed for Mrs. A. D. Hawn. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Fred rickson and son Larry; Mrs. Rob ert Burton, Miss Virginia Rieb ling, Floyd Hanchett, Mrs. Car rie Hanchett, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, Mrs. Cora Oourte. Mrs, Cynthia Germond, Mr. and Mi's. Fred Dent and daughters; Mr. and Mrs. George Croucher, Mrs. Lydia Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krskine and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Neal. Marsha Lehrbach, Jovce Hicks and Etna Floe and Helen Joiner entertained the group with musi cal numbers. Visiting around the out - door fireplace was enjoyed during the social hours. one o'clock luncheon at her home honoring the St. Helens' visitors with Mrs. K. D, Adams as an additional guest. Yellow asters formed the decorations for the occasion. Visiting was enjoyed during the social hours. Rhubarb contains so much wa ter that it needs little more, if any, when you cook It. Use it in Ja.iji, in a deep dish pie, with other fruits In a compote, or In turnovers. fron t nuu ovf on MOVIE-MAKING FUN see vt for your CINE-KODAK FILM Clark's Studio and Camera Supplies 105 S. Jackson Phone 331 IT'Sfi LOOK ! DANCE UNDER THE STARS AT THE FAIRGROUNDS . tonight and all week through the Fair WESTERN WRANGLERS 10c a done 6 of 'cm 10c a dance CRABS f) LOBSTERS NOW OPEN FEATURING PRAWNS .SH: SEAFOOD DELICACIES Open Week Days and Sundays From 10 a. m. Til 8:30 p. m. We ort now open to bring you fresh fish ond sea foods of ony type thot you may desire. If you prefer we also have them frozen for your convenience. Stop in today ond look over our large selection and take some home for dinner tonight. Mgrt.-Ownert: Paul Garren end Murry Smith PACIFIC SEA FOOD CO. PYt.w sue Bioiysr j ) NSfMlM S Story Ivor i I ytT v Mo Ennulf tho ScreenI " 5 J CECU kUIM!ms TONIGHT; 'THE WALKING HILLS" 1 R asacinmkraBTO Sot., Aug. 20, 1949 The Newt-Review, Rosoburg, Ore. I Stolen Gum Machint Returned To Lions Club LA GRANDE, Aug. 20- The La Grande Lions put back their gum machine today and dusted off their faith in human nature. The gum machine, whose pro ceeds are used to buy eyeglasses for needy children, disappeared .from a ho.el here four months ago. Lions muttered about the character of the thief. But this week the gum ma chine, Intact with coins and gum, arrived in the mail from a Port lander, who said he had taken tt one night "in a bit of drunken ness." He offered, too, to pay ai.y charges involved and even signed his name. But that the Lions club, In ap preciation, did not make public. SHINGLES Asphalt O Asbestos Cedar -' Page Lumber & Fuel 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. 'h- 242 saSTTTSMWM Today and Sunday Only it COICKmiheBBAWI ft Second Thriller Matinee 1 p.m. it -k -k ir BACK AGAIN ly Popular Rtqutt -tarn! Sunday, August 21 Melody Mountain Barn 3 Miles South of Myrtle Creek on Hwy (9 Adm. $1.25 per person Dancing from 9 Til 1 TOMORROW 1 FUNNIEST COMEDY IIIT! ' CommodoreStan I and Mmk Babe take- yott on a roll..4 Ingoceaitof laughs I where your cares will b scuttled 1 to the bottom of, the seal pre.ent. STAN LAUBEL& HflCtBV if Ski " Directed by OOMXX DOUOUS Itrtoiesf hm " fat. ' CO-FEATURE W I aB fcvcrybodvX a mttn, and a flirting Issaaa. ' V rm"K'iot ') m ft FRED MacMURRAY y MADELEINE CARROLL 5 5SK- CHARLES "BUDDY" ROGERS IITA JOHNSON LOUISE AlllRITTON If, A l A N MOWBRAY 1 Tonight: "Flight Lieutenont" ond "Dynamite" ' Highway M North TROUT Phone H74-J OYSTERS CATFISH