Racing Fans Given Thrills On Third Night Jot Hungerford Hurt; Lucky Ticket Holders Make Biggest Returns Douglas county'i horse raring fans got plenty of thrills last night at the fairgrounds, where the third night of the 10-day horse meeting was run off before 2,300 spectators. Besides the meet's leading Jockey getting hurt, a million to one chance materialized, and the biggest return of the session was made to lucky ticket holders. Joe Hungerford was thrown from his horse Lee Moore after the first race ana sent to Mercy hospital with a fractured ankle. Hungerford had . ridden three winners in the first two days but the accident puts him out of commission for the duration of the session. In the sixth race the six-horse field finished the event In the exact order of their starting posts, one through six, supposedly a million to one chance. Payoff Horse And in the third race a pavoff of $16.20 for a $2 ticket was made for the ripest haul so far this meeting. Payoffs for win tickets were good all evening, with one $9.80 reward, two $7 returns, and a pair of $6 payoffs, besides the bieone. Tonight's racing will complete the first part of the 10-day run ning, as Oregon law prohibits Sunday races. But the track and the pari-mutuel windows will open Monday night for business as usual. Disabled veterans of both wars from the Roseburg Veteran's hos pital will be guests of the Ump qua Jockey club at the races Monday night. Approximately 70 vets, expected to attend will be given box seats. A five furlong thoroughbred race has been added to the agen da for tonight, making eight races, four quarter horse sprints and four of the longer thorough bred variety. Jockey Strauss Wins In the opening race last night Kay Vee, under Jockey Bob Strauss, broke first and led all the way to skim across the fin ish line a one-length winner in a 220-yard quarter horse event. Lee Moore broke right behind the victor and held second on the turn, but Diamond H pulled past on the stretch, to place. Lee Moore showed and then dumped Joe Hungerford. In the second running, a five furlong thoroughbred race, Boyn ton broke after Tets Bets, but went right to the rail and Into the lead after the turn, by a length. Blenvenue was second by two and pushing tiard.'and closed to a half-lengllf on the back stretch. Tets Bet and Padre Juan went wide the rest of the way, and El Mosoo moved up to third. Boynton, ridden strongly by Cal J. N. BOOR OUTBOARD MOTORS 34 Cdn. Valley Bd. Ph. MO-J-l Johnson Sea Horse Dealer See the QD-10 with Gear Shift and Mile-Maiter Tank. Buy on Bank Term. Sat., Aug. 20, 1949 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3 o8Piol .... g ' "! V.iS-' ' 4 ' . , -fe t,il DOUCLAS COUNTY SWIM MEET ENTRIES Above art two Roteburg iwimmen expected to help bring home the bacon in Sunday's swimming meet to be held at the Roteburg municipal pool, starting 7:30 p. m. The Roteburg Junior Chamber of Com. merce-sponsored all-county meet it expected to draw entries from over the county. A Urge number of local iwimmert are scheduled to participate, according to iwimming Coach Bill Event. Left above it Devon Avon and right it Iver Hilde, two outttanding iwimmert on the local teem. Entries are being token until 5 o'clock Sunday night. No entry fee will be charged and the meet it free to the public. (Steff photo.) Hewes, won by a half-length, with Bienvenue second and 1 Mosco third. Boynton, an eight-year-old geld ing, paid $9.80, $4.70 and $4.40. Bienvenue returned $6 for place. The time, :58.1, was a new track record, breaking the mark . set by Everspih the first night by a full second. Miss Clyde, a 7 to 1 shot, jumped to the lead Immediately in the third race and pounded home the winner by a length, to return the evening's nicest land fall, $16.80. George Kelley booted home the victor, who stood off Red Gown L, the favorite, and Honey Boy. Red Racer, under Kenny Jones, won the fifth, a 440-yard quarter horse event, with a rushing start and a whirlwind finish, paving $7.50 to win. Candy P. paid $6.30 to place, and Fllcka Grey showed. The sixth, over a 330-yard course, was the race In which the quarter horses -finished- in order. Linda F., ridden by Bob Strauss, getting his second win ner for the evening, broke first and stayed that way. Nevada Nugget held to second all the way, followed by Hot Foot. The winner paid $7.20 for win tickets. Time was :18.9. In the finale, over a five fur long course, Crusabelle, with George Kelley aboard, took com mand early and held the lead. Dick's Choice, the favorite at 7 to 5, held tight, battling the lead ers all the- way until the home stretch, and then fell back, badly beaten. Bobbv Effort moved past Dick's Choice, along with Radio Oscar, to place; Radio Oscar showed." Jockeys George Kelley, Bob Strauss an8 Cal Hewes rode two winners during the evening, to increase the number of triple winners for the meeting to five. Besides the three mentioned, Joe Hungerford, the injured rider, has three, and so does Marvin Peery, who couldn't boot one home last night. AFTER THE RACES Stop for a Snack at the GRAND CAFE Adjoining Grand Hotel on Cass Street idljRt, getting ready Think f atUrhlnf eiMntar ta Me snlnert or tow! II m be tJofM with a Forel Tractor an si Dtarhora Cam vat or. Other tool, too, attach at stetac. (ascfcly. Plus the advantages of a "light" and a "Heavy" Tractor,.. going to the field Tn mJ ot koM stotrn to) w4 to "sift" DcarboffBj Lift-Typo Iim piemen ft. They art earrlesl IncteoeJ of 4rmwi- Too rata work lf Uaa. AavaJ aav repaira. working In the field Mortmc the For Tractor RriraHc Teach Control lever f or em control the eVoth of groansl work la Implement.. No tafflag at ropee or levers. While working . . . most Dearborn Implements become almost literally a part of the Ford Tractor. In the case of any implement designee! with "lack," the suck adds weight on the tractor's rear wheels... yon get, automatically. more weight when you tm-7' 1 ra i a er need it . . . less weight Mfjfff ff when you don't pTT.Byil'.lfll UMPQUA TRACTOR CO. 12S S. Pin Phone 414-J Douglas County Swimming Meet Here On Sunday Douglas county novice swim mers will be at the Roseburg pool Sunday night to participate in the first annual Roseburg Junior Chamber of Commerce sponsored all-county swimming meet. Roseburg swimming coach Bill Evans said entries are continu ing to pour In and a large turn out of contestants is expected to be on hand. Several entries from Drain, Myrtle Creek and other points in the county have indicated they will compete. , Coach Evans said the Roseburg team will have a considerable turnout for nearly every event. Highlighting the affair will be a swimming competition between the Roseburg team and members of the Roseburg Junior Chamber of Commerce. Chairman Al Hughes, assistant police chief, said any novice swimmers in the county are el igible to enter provided they sign up by 5 o'clock Sunday. Meet time is 7:30 p.m. The swimming meet Is free to the public. Roseburg Tennis Players Split To Play Two Teams A young but ambitious Rose burg Tennis club will divide its talent this weekend to take on two opponent teams from out of town. The first team will travel to Med ford to meet a strong city team, champions in their area. The second team will play host to xoncaua on ine local courts. Roseburg's number one team will be handicapped somewhat by the loss of Norman Moore, city singles champion. Moore will be in Coos Bay Sunday when the Squirts Softball team plays the third in a series of four dis trict play-off games. Moore will probably be replaced by Glen Boyer, and Bill Garrison will move up to number two position. Tom Jacobson, Tom Lindbloom, Don Debernardi and Bob Berrie are expected to fill out the team in that order. The doubles team will probably pair Jacobson and Garrison In the first match, Boyer and Lind bloom second and Debernardi and Berrie third. As yet, only four of the usual six team members are definitely set for competition In the Yon-calla-Roseburg matches. These Include Earl Garrison, Paul Cacy, Larry Henninger and Marlen Yoder with the possibility that Louie Miles and Bert Randall will fill out the squad. Positions have not yet been determined. LAST HOPE WINNERS BROO KLINE, Mass., Aug. 20. UP) Wimbledon winners "Pan cha" Gonzales and the veteran Frankie Parker were this na tion's last hopes in today's na tional doubles tennis semi-finals at Longwood. They are down for what seems certain to be a sizzling match against Australia's top aces, left handed Jack Bromwich and Billy Sldwell. NUTS! . . . to claims and empty promise. What counts Is RESULTS. That's why we're so proud of our reputation. It's a fair deal or no deal so far as we're concerned. SEE US FIRST for listings of residences, farms, stock ranches, acre age, business opportunities and lots and lots of lots. C. FORREST LOSE! 130 N. Stephens St. Fullerten Realty Ellis Kinder Pays Off To Red Sox Team Washington Shutout 4-0; losox Only Two Games lohind Yanks By JOE REICHLER Aeeociated Pra. Sporuwrilar Ellis Kinder, dropped by the New York Yankee organization eight years ago. Is finally paying off on the $65,000 investment made on him by the Boston Red Sox in 1947. Entrusted with few starting as signments the 35-year-old Kinder snowed only a mediocre 4-4 record by June 12 this season. men, without warning. Kinder got hotter than the mid-summer weather. He reeled off 11 straight victories in games in which he was a starter. His only defeat dur ing the last two months came in as relief role. Kinder reached his peak last nigi.t when he shut out the Wash ington Senators, 6-0, on three sin gles. It was his fifth straight triumph and his 15th of the year aga'nst five defeats. Not even 18- game winning Mel Parnell, the leag-.e's biggest winner and Kin der s teammate, has pitched bet ter during the last eight weeks. Six Rune Off Six Hits The Red Sox collected onlv six hits themselves, but benefitted by uick vveiKS wnoness to tauy six runs in three Innings to win their eighth straight from the Senators. The victory enabled the Bosox to remain four games behind the pace-setting Yankees, who came from behind to defeat the Phila delphia Athletics, 7-4. It also kept intra in second place, a game n front of the Cleveland Indiana. who shut out the Chicago White sox, -u. ine napless senatois now have lost nine straight and 32 out of their last 36 games. ine National league pennant race is all knotted ud aeain fol. lowing Brooklyn's victory and St. Louisrdefeat last night. Brooklyn wun a o-i, i.i-inning inrnier from the Boston Braves, while th Cardinals bowed to the Pirates in nttsourgn, 8-2. Phllliee Beat Glante ' The fifth place Philadelphia Phillies moved to within half a game of third when they beat the wew iorn liiants, 7-1. They trail the fourth place Braves by a frac tion of a percentage Doint. Chi. cago's Cubs whipped the Cincin nati iteas, 7-4, in the battle for the cellar. Detroit divided a doubleheader with the St. Louis Browns, winning the second game, 4-2 after the Browns had won the opener, 4-3. Rain halted the second game after six innings. Tommy Henrich was the bie gun in the Yankees' victory over the Mackmen. After four Phila. deTphla errors had enabled the lanxees to pull even at 4-4, Hen rich singled in two tallies in the sixth to break the tie, then ham mered his 22nd home run In the eighth to give relief pitcher wane ruieue ine victory. Mike Garcia, with help from Alton Benton, pitched the Indians to their shutout win over the White Sox. A home run by Bob iwmieuy, joiiowea oy uarcla s double and Dale Mitchell's slnele. accounted for the two runs off nanay oumpert. Brooklyn blew a 4-0 lead in the ninth, but came back to tally twice In he top of the 12th to beat the Braves. Duke Sn der's double off Red Barrett sent In the tie-breaking runs. Pittsburgh's Ralph Klner batted in nve runs with a single and his 33rd homer to wreck the Cardi nals. Cliff Chambers scattered seven hits for his ninth victory bkiiisi inree aeieais. Marcel Cordon Returns To "Got My Title Back" NEW YORK, Aug. 20.-UO Marcel Cerdan is here to "get my tine oack. "I came back to the United States to win," the former mid dleweight champion said shortly after docking yesterday on the lie De France. Cerdan will meet middleweight champion Jake Lamotta at the Polo Grounds Sept. 28. Lamotta won the title from Cerdan last June when the Frenchman haa to give up because of a shoulder Injury. Wrestling Fans Assured Hot Action On Tonight's Program Two strong contenders (or the Pacific coait Junior heavyweight wrestling championship, George Duiefte and Al Williams, tengle In the one-hour grappling heedliner at the Roteburg armory to night. The winner has been promised a match egaintt Frankie Sto jeck and possibly an eventual meeting with Jack McLaughlin of Vancouver, B. C, who copped the crown from S'ojeck. It will be Williams' hammerlock and usual villainous tactics against Du sette's new combined heedlock-full nelson atteck. A three-fell special skirmish is alto attracting considerable Interett, opening the program at 1:30 p. m. The bout will bring together Al Siatx, fatt-moving whip-writtlock expert, egaintt Tony Felletti, the rough and tough Italian from Brooklyn. The match should peck plenty of wallop beceute Felletti it determined to avenge a defeat suffered at tha hendt of Siatx here tome weekt ago. Elton Owen will be on hand to referee both boutt. Tonight's Fairgrounds Racing Card First Roce Tlro A forte tiM.oeW IM VtlB. Hortw Jock or Wtht VtritnU Root C Howe 120 Sister Time J. HunferfortJ ,. . US PoUy B U W. Donny 130 Gin High J. Oovu 115 Dutnond Mnlt4 G. Holly ... 119 Spoiled Joe Rood R. ItrauM 125 ece4 Mofo i Allofosico Pirn ItM. rorioHfo. Hot so Jockey Landing Barge? R Strouu . Sky -O-M ansa S. Noff singer Lady Sandy M. Perry Vonona Ttp N. Patllo Harney D C. Wright Ace D. Smith 113 Weight 120 120 lift ire lift Third Rare Twe-? Grade B raro l!M.H-IM Yd. Horoe Jockey Weight Night Train M. Perry 123 Danger Boy C. R. Straus . 115 Big HougeJ. Hungerford .,,.., 12ft Jo Jo V. W. Denny 1?S Sweet Louise K. Jonee 113 Hornet No Boy 123 r earth Rare-lallaf Peroo ItM.M ' farloago. florae jocwoy weigm Beuy'i Boy M Perry Saumur No Boy Rock Pan C. Ho woo Double Reoulte L SI ape Double Bo C. Wright Short Bread C. Hewea . Also eligible Meteorbe No Boy Gordon'! Gift C. Wright -Border Glpay at. Perry 120 , 120 121 120 , lift . 120 , 113 120 12P Fifth Race Orate C Parse ItM. Yd. horte Jockey Valley Rom -M. Perry Sarabachi K. Jonea Mua Clyde No Boy Honey Boy J. Hungerford Record Crop J. Davit Be Queen- W Denny Also eligible Del May-R. Woodi Weight 120 lift 1W 123 lift iao , ISO flliih Rare AA allowance Parse .vie lii. Horse Jockey Weight rilcka P. N. Pattlo 120 Savannah G. J. Davla 113 Polly A. J. Hungerford lftft Little SleepyJoe K. Jonea 123 Magnolia R. Strauaa 120 Reveath Race Tlalaalaawparae ItM.M ! a r lea ft, Horae Jockey Wei Jay Out C. Wright Sky Weity K. Jonea One Night G. Kelly Lou Mannere C Wright .. Enquire N. Pattlo ... Radio Oscar No Boy ........ . Also eligible Heuverk ins R. Strauaa , 1Ltl Black Karen L. Slope Helen Aliph No Boy CI Moeco No Boy Klfhih Rare t lei swing Pa roe ItM e l lia mile. Horae Jockey Weight Bon Vill-N. Pattlo lift Boston Ely C. Wright ,,,, 120 2nc O. He wee . 120 Quit That M. Perry Sweeolna Snow L. Stone Everspln R. Strauaa Also elgthtle Nut Van-K. Jonea fc. Dick Jacobson Wins Tennis Title From Strickling Close action was the rule in this week's finals for the Junior men's city tennis singles tourname it which saw Dick Jacobson edge his doubles partner, Ronnie Strick ling, lor the city crown. Although extended In all three sets, Jacobson set down his op ponent 7-5, 6-4, 7-5. Jacobson had won his way Into the finals by previously defeating Larry Henninger, Gene Henry and Ronnie Groves. Strickling reached the finals with wins over Roy Van Horn, John Rauschert and Wayne Henninger. Marlen Voder, Y.M.C.A. general secretaryi and tournament direc tor, said only one match has been played in the doubles tournament As - result, he said definite play ing dates must be arranged in order to finish the play. Failure to play these matches by the dates given will result In a forfeit, he said. All first round matches must be completed by Aug. 23. Slated for the first round are Wilkerson Henry vs. Morgan-Booth, and Rauschert Weber vs. Jacobson Strickling. Van Horn-Hennlngpr will miet the winner of the first matches and W. Henninger Groves will play the second win ners, with play td be completed by Aug. 28. The final playoff round will be played before Sept. 3. In addition. Yoder asked that all competitors remember to play consoiauon games so mat a con solation winner may be .determined. Softball Added To Church Groups' Recreation Plans With the city's Softball season drawing to a close, several church groups have added the game to their recreation. Tonight, the Sutherlin and Roseburg Christian churches will meet on the Vet's field. At Fin lay field tonight, the Roseburg Faith Lutheran and Presbyterian churches will meet. The lattr game Is the second outing for the two church teams. Game time for both games will be at 6 p. m. Umpqua Chiefs To Face Grants Pass In Sunday Game Rnsphllrtr'a flmniun Phlnf. fan. Grants P.1a in tha final annth. em Oregon league battle of the current Daseoau season Sunday at Grants Pass. In other league games through out tnlllhurn f)-fnnn ( . rt t .. Creek will be visited 'bv Med- rord, Ashland goes to Crescent City and Prospect plays at Cen- ii ai ruim. - The Chiefs must win this one to keep from finishing In a pos sible tie with either Ashland or Central Point, depending upon whether the latter two clubs win their games this week. If Roseburg loses and Ashland a playoff will be held to decide ine league winner. Medford and Myrtle Creek are In the Unenvillhl nnaftinn nt tt-u. Ing to place as the anchor team in mr mur-way anaugnnrssy playoff. One must drop out, and Sunday will determine which team does the dropping. The four top teams will play for the Shaughnessy cup starting Sunday, Aug. 28. Squirts Defeat Cottage Grove Softball Team For the second time In as many nights the Squirts were In the public eye and in their opponent's hair. Fred Schemer's city league soft ball champions defeated Cottage Grove, 4-3, after trailing for eight Innings, in a district play oif same at Cottage Grove last night. A sizzling affair from the start, Cottage Grove finally scored in the third frame, then repeated In the fourth before Squirts could rack up a single tally. In the sixth Roseburg's district entry collected Its first run when Fred Schemer singled then scor ed on an error and a passed ball. Squirts' Sandy Moore sparked the action in the seventh with a rump run that tied up the game at 2 all; but In its halt of the sar.ic inning, Cottage Groe S!r. went ahead when Patton tripled and scored after the catch on a fly-out. Nichols Doubles Roseburg's Red Nichols put the Squirts ahead, 4 3, In the eighth with a two-base blow, scoring both Fred Schemer, who singled and Swede Vang, who drew a walk. Neither team scored after that although Cottage Grove had a man on third In the ninth and Squirts squeeked through with a one-run margin, to put the Rose burg club In the district lead wilh two wins and no losses. Cottage Grove and Coos Bay are down wilh no wins and one loss apiece. Both losses were to the Squirts. Roy Baughman, the only plav er added to the Squirts team from the other three Roseburg clubs, hurled six-hit ball, struck out five and walked one. Losing hurler West fall gave up five blows, struck out 13 and walked three. Sunday, the Squirts and Cot tage Grove play Coos Bay at Coos Bay, while on Monday eve ning, Cottage Grove appears here LEAGUE LEADERS (By the Associated Preeoi AMERICAN LEAOl'l Batting- WUllama, Boeton. .3A4: Kail Detroit. 34 Hum baited In Stephana, Boo ton, 133; Williams. Boaton, 121. Home ru ni Stephens. Boa too, 31; Wil liams. Boston, 30. Pitching Kuieva, Chicago, t-l, and Reynolds, New York. 12-3, .BOO. NATIONAL LBAOt'l Batting Robinson, Brooklyn, .302; SI eu truer. St. Louie, 33. Run j baited In Robinson, Brooklyn, 9a: Hodges. Brooklyn. SA. Home runs Klner, Pittsburgh. 33; Cordon, New York, and Sauer, Chicago, Pitching Branca, Brooklyn, 11-4. Boa. Brooklyn, and Chambers, Pittsburgh, f-J, .750. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Bv tha Aaaoctatad Ptmsi BKLr AST riywaishl champion Rlnr, Mnnaahan. Ireland, outpointed Otallo BtlardinelH, Italy. non-Utle, 10. (weight, unavailable). HOLLYWOOD Don Lra. 1. Edlaon, Nehr.. outpointed Jay Caldwell, 1SS, Loa Amelea. 10. for a return game with Rose- ' burg. Line score: R H E Squirts 000 001 1204 5 0 C. Grove 001 100 1003 6 3 Baughman a n d F. Schemer; West fall and Patton. Protect Your family with the a NLA. Polio plan. Call Mr. Lincoln, 938-J-4 c drop card to Box 10S Melrose Route. Suit Yourself at Jot Richards -1 BASEBALL GAME Myrtle Creek (Kenny's Tavern) Vs. - ii -Jf I r a,- S. mcuiuiu vruicrs Southern Oregon League Game Sunday, August 21 Evergreen Park. Myrtle Creek ADMISS. -N Adults .... Children . . 74e . 30o Tax Included Beautify Your Grounds The beauty of your grounds en hances the beauty of your home. Arrange now to nave our skilled gardeners do your landscape job. Free estimates. L. H. McPherson RtoM5 Phone 71S-J-1 BUSINESS BUILDING FOR SALE 523 N. Jackson St. 50' x 100' property extending from N. Jockson street through to N. Main. Building can be removed but ii usable as is. EXCELLENT TERMS Call Tom Gilkey Evenings Only 747-JX-S Attention - Commercial Pilots Commercial Pilots Get Your INSTRUMENT RATING FREE! Under the G. I. Bill ALSO ir Flight Instructor if Multi Engine ir Seeplene GREEN FLYING SERVICE Cessna Dealer Roseburg Airport Phone 1225-J Try Our U-Fly Service FALLERS and BUCKERS! Need Expert Chain Saw Service for Any Type Chain Saw? If you are looking for a really competent chain service shop, see AL OLDS at 531 S. Stephens St. AL WILL: Repair, Recondition. Refile your chain regardless of condition and do the job right. REASONABLE RATES FAST SERVICE BRING YOUR BAR! Saw Chain Service Co. t 531 S. Stephens St Phone 1665-J V