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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1949)
U. S. Agencies Get Delayed Money Rita Haywertk To Havt toby, Aly Khan Anneunctt PEAUVILLE. France, Aug. 19. (.fWPrince Aly Khan confirm ed Thursday that his wife, screen star Rita Hayworth, is going to have a baby. The two were married May 27 In the town hall at Vallaurls, near Cannes. Aly has two sons by a previous marriage, Rita a daughter. Jupiter, the largest planet mov ing around the sun. is more than 1.360 times bigger than the earth. ill l ""KM.!!. I WASHINGTON. Aug. lft (. Swift action on Capitol hill pulled a number of big government agencies out of a financial hole today. But nearly $30,000,000,000 In op erating funds that should have been voted six weeks ago still I were snarled up In Congress. I Sept. IS Is the new deadline tor solving the tangle the third new deadline Congress has set since June 30. Quick teamwork between chairmen Cannon O-Mot and McKellar (D-Tenn) of the House and Senate appropriations com mittees ended a temporary fi nancial emergency late yester day for a long list of government agencies which have been wan ing for passage of their regular appropriations since the new fis cal year started July 1. Cannon and McKellar sped ap proval of a stop-gap measure so about 40 government agencies can continue meeting payrolls and other expenses. The emergency money bill went to the White House last night for President Truman's signature. LOOK rms SIGN PAINTING AMD DECOCAT1KO AMEPICA IT IS YOUR PROTECTION Fully Guarantc Rsliabls Quality Wsrk At Ne Added Cost Roseburg Chapter P. D. C A. Phone 208 LOOK! DANCE AT THE FAIRGROUNDS Every Evening Through The Fair WESTERN WRANGLERS 7 of 'Em PUBLIC DANCE at- the EAGLES Every Saturday Night SAM'S NIGHT RIDERS 5-PIECE WESTERN BAND Dancing from 9:00 p. m. 'til 1 :00 . m. Admission 30c Holl is Air-Londitioned! Everybody Stay -ool and Dance! EAGLES . Corner of Cass and Pine nn d A story of the great flumes wtitcti ran eown the mountainsides from the timber stands carrying logs to the lowlands will be told during the latest "Cisco Kid" episode tonight at 7:30. The story titled "Flumes of Death."- At 8 tonight, "Straight Arrow" carries out the adventure theme with a story entiled "Greed for Gold." The search for gold brought death to many men In the Old West, but there was one time when "Straight Arrow" saved two lives the one of a man about to be murdered, and that of his suspected killer Just a hint of what the story's about. Tomorrow at 3:10, a nsw show will mi lit Its dtbut on KHNR. A locsl show .... titltd "Lst's Talk About Musio" . . . 45 minutes of chatttr and musio with Hank Htnry. Ht'll bt discussing popular musio in all its aspects . . . tha mtn who make It . . . and writs It. Ftaturtd an the show will bo recordings not only from the KRNR library , , . but ssltctions from Hank's own scrumptious record collec tion. Tomorrow's program will include an old number by Cooti Williams, entitled "Fiesta In Blus," Mel Torms, Th Mtltones, and Artl Shaw with "What Is This Thing Called Lovst" and Ralph Mendes doing "I Know That You Know." (3:30-4:15 p. m. Sat.) Clarence B. Randall, president of the Inland Steel company and the man who has charged President Harry S. Truman with having started an "Industrial Revolution In America," will be the guest holding the press conference on the air during Mutual-Don Lee's "Meet the Press" broadcast tomorrow 6 to 6:30 p. m. KRNR The Vs4 of The Itsbuff News-Review MBS 1490 On Yeur Dial KEMAIMNO MOCKS TODAT 4:00 Walter Trohan. 4: IS Frank Hemingway. 4:.TO Pa Ming Parade. 4 45 Tip and Tuna. 5:00 Music. 3:1 Music. 3:30 Champion. 5:49 Curiey Bradley. 6 OO Mafic Garden. 6:13 Mutual NfwsreeL 6:30 S porta Paf. 6:35 Music. 6:40 Local Newa. 6:43 Southland Singing. 6:33 Charlea Shaw. 7:00 Dick Haymea. 7:13 Sammy Kay. 7:30 Cisco Kid. 8 00 Straight Arrow. 8:30 Cirmrn Cavallero. 8:43 Bob Eberla. 9:00 Newt. 9:13 Hi Neighbor. 9:30 Scandinavian Melody Tim. 9:43 Walter Trohan. 10:00 Casebook Suk Mac. 10:13 Dane Orch. 10:30 Peter Salem. 11:00 Cue In Music. 11:30 Sign Off. ATt'RDAY, AIOIST 14 00 Sunrit Serenade. , 6:13 Newa. 6:20 Music. 6:30 Yawn Pa trot 7:00 News. 7:13 Breakfant Gang. 7:43 Local Newt. 7:50 Beehive. 8 00 Haven of Rett. 8:30 Modern Home. 8:43 Four H Club. 9:00 Wally i CoffM Tim. 9:13 Music. 9 .to Telephone, Requait 10:00 News. 1015 Sweet wood Serenade 10:30 Shopper i Guid. 10:33 Music. 10:43 Jimmy Wakly. 11:00 Bob Pool. 11:30 Air Pore Hour, 12 00 Music at Noon. 12:13 Sporta Pag. 12:23 Muaic. 12:40 Local New. 12:43 National Newt. 12:55 Market Report. 1 M-Msn on the Street 1 : 13 Voice of th A rmy. 1:30 Veteran Request. 2:00 To B Announced. 2:30 Bands for Bonds. 2:43 Helen Halls Fern me Pair. 3:00 Melody Mountain Boys. . 3:30 Let a Talk About Music. 4:13 Frank Hemingway. 4:30 Smoke Rings. 5:00 Hawaii Calls. ' 3:30 Sing for Your Supper. 6:00 Meet the Press. 6:30 Sporta Page. 633 Musical Interlude. 6:40 Local Newa. 6:43 Eddy . Duchin. 7;OQ Take a Number. ' m ALIVE! 730 Blue Barron. 8 00 Happy Valley Cowboy. 30 Barne and Hi Orchestra. 900 News. 9:13 Dink Templeton. 9:30 Wrestling Parade. 10:30 Dane Orchestra, li on Cue in Music 11 JO Sign Off. BIND AT, Al'GLST Si, 1949 8:00 Back to God Hour. g:,T0 Vole Of Prophecy. 9:00 Radio Bible Class. 9:30 Lutheran Hour. 10:00 News. -10:15 Organ Concert. 10:30 Music. 10:43 Momenta of Devotion. 11:00 Church Services. 12:00 Music. 12:43 Sunday Favorite. 12:30 Canary Chorus. 13:43 National News. 1:00 Houe of Mystery. 1:30 Martin Kane. Private lya. 2:00 Ray Bloch Prenenu. 2 TO Meet Your Match. 3:00 Roy Rogers. 3 30 Nick Carter. ' 400 Walking In Rhythm. 4:13 Music. 4:30 Family Theater. 5:00 Lay mens' League. 5 .io Can You Top This? 6 00 Secret Missions. 6 30 Sheilah Graham. 6:43 Bill Cunningham. 7:00 Murder by Expert. 7:30 True or False. 8 00 Twenty Question. 8:30 Burl Ives. 8:43 Lanny Roe. 9:00 News. 9:13 Memorable Music. 9:30 American Legion. 9:45 Church of the Open Bib. 10:00 Klwanis Choir. 10 .to Barclay Allen Orchestra. 11:00 Sign Of. Three Sisters Become Brides At Same Time SUMAS. Wash.. Aug. lfi(Jp) Three sisters became brides to gether in a unique family cere mony here Wednesday night. They are the school teacher daughters of Abram Kornelis, custodian of the Christian Re formed church. Henrietta, 28, wag married to I Joe Dewaard, 29, Ferndale dairy farmer; Niecia, 25, to Bernard W. Engbers, 2 6, Kalamazoo, Mich., Junior high sen ool teacher; Gertrude, 22, to Ralph Kooy, wneat iarmer of Mobie-, ford, Alta. More than 350 residents of this ; little Whatcom county town I thronged the church for the hour-, long triplicate ceremony. It was 3 jsci iui uiru iiy i lie nrv. n it 11 iSchaal of Grand Rapids, Mich. Frl., Aug. 19, 1949 Ths News-Review, Ressburg, Or. Registration For School Dated At Canyonville Students from the seventh grade through high school will register at the Canyonville high school Sept. 7, 8, and 9 Irom 9 a.m., to 3:30 p.m. Birth certificates will be re quired by all children entering the first grade. Physical exam inations are recommended for all first graders. These may be giv en by famllv doctors or Doug la County Health Doctor E. 3. Wainscot), at Roseburg. Application for bus drivers will be taken from now until Aiu. 23. A letter from a doctor stating the applicant Is physically able Is required. Interested parties may contact Marion Lamm, clerk for school district No, 8. Boswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Physiotherapy Clinic Lady Attendants 1 Mile S. of Drain, Oreon SHINGLES a Asphalt Asbsatos at r.H.r Page Lumbar It Fuel 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. h' 242 DANCE C LAS S Charlotte Green (left), of Indlsnspolls. and Mary Tain, of Beaumont, I sre Uutht a Jamalran danre by Joy Burke (straw hat), ss Elsa. Vsllarino plays a reed pipe at tha Girl Scout encampment. Manistee National Forest, Mich. Honest Youth Gets $1 Reward For Returning $2,400 PORTLAND, Aug. 19 (.ft Honesty may pay," but for 17- vearold Roger Westlund It hasn't come across yet. Westlund. working as a busbov at Manning's cafe until college opens this fall, was clearing dir'.y dishes from the tables when he found a tobacco tin. Rolled up in side was $2,400 In currency. 'For a minute I had myself halfwav through college, and 3 car besides." grinned Roger. But then honesty outweighed dreams, and he turned the money in at the office. A little later the distraught owner rushed In to look for his lin of money. He got It, and said he wanted to reward the finder. The reward he gave Roger was Roger, a practical soul, said "I almost handed It back to him but I kept It." KEN BUSHEY Wants to Sea Vou w N AT JKUlefo. SPIKE JONES ."DANCE OF THE HOURS" (Auto Race) "None But The Lonely Heart" (Not by Tchaikovsky) Now In Stock Radio-Record Shop BACK AGAIN By Popular Request . ! t indHit (1 Sunday, August 21 Melody Mountain Barn 3 Miles South of Myrtla Creek on Hwy 99 Adm. $1.25 per person Dancing from 9 Til 1 i If you are looking for a beer so mellow, so delic ious that H is always wel comed and appreciated by your guestsjust say BOHEMIAN. If you want to know how good beer can really be just say BOHEMIAN. For that rare Old Bohemian Type Lager Beer is un matched for uniform quality and fine flavor. jjsv-A UAA"if sisi i, jm m nsw s.msitwa- m wt.jkK i ,i i ssl tr jfcasw ,. . ,.--, jtfc , .sv.n.v-.- . wX- ,v.s. s ssMiisaa4 is ii air t t rsi i-.- -i- i -t u m 'winii i it r i u Slier 'i Western Distributing Co., Phone 1294-L COMING SUNDAY T Tiirv'i I CPIITTI c vniio Dl IICCTrt'TUCr 1 i in. i Li.lov;Ui ill luunDLUtii iv inu iDATTAII AP TUP nil u'Z iDuiivin ur, int out: !Your fovorile funny men or here. in their futwieit comedy. Go folong with rhem on jSSe twsRs of lough. ' ter lhat reocK o tidal wove of Marityl STAN OLIVER LAUREL & HARDY 'SAPS AT SEA if The Most GfWul )X tr i k lp'?! omrtie s M 1 ? Fred Madeleine f MacMURRAY CARROLL I V e w . j CHAIlll "SUDDT ROGERS SIT J0HNION """eon J touiu AiiwinoN Tonight & Saturday FLIGHT LIEUTENANT With Glen Ford Pat O'Brien -k Evelyn Keyet AND "DYNAMITE- TOMORROW AND SUNDAY ONLY j xwmnt sua h t HOWS PVTS 2nd Thriller MATINEE BOTH DAYS 1:00 P.M. OPENS The Devil tlizi the Ki;hyind. in the greatest sea story ever to en$-f 3 WC I screen! Yr jrr - I ' SSI BfaBB"JBBI - -V I 1 0 A RICHARD UONIl (Uri ) WIDMARK . BARRYMORE (V Vi, DIAN STOCKWIIL CICIl KIILAWAT , Lt fir ' DOROTHY ADAMS HINS.Y MOSOAN ft ft rsMnwv ms ta-natf NOW! CONTINUOUS FROM 1 P.M. SATURDAY EHMWm IOC Randolph SCOTT J' 7 UL EU. RAINES yJCJ. i w'ftlKll'fi iitisjfM aMsseaseaasst 'V TlaM" K