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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1949)
1 Klamath Pine Area Purchased KLAMATH FALLS, Aug. 1ft- (AP Dreds ,mU other docu f led Thursday officially re cord tic re ula iol sale of about 23.00;) ic.w of (razing and lodge pole pine i vl in tinr'.hcrn Kla math cvjr'V to ihe SL Helen's Puip and Paper company. sailors wie Mr. and Mrs. Dan Liskey and Maud Liskey ii ex-u'ri; of the estate of her laie husband. Dve Liskev. The Lis keys sold the property to Arthur A, F. Walter Kreise, M. 0. Physician and Surgeon U. S. National Bank Annex Room 217 Office Phone: 1300 .: fairhavva Adu. Phona in ffice hour: Mon. Thru Sat I V. Arnold. Portland, who In turn sold it to the St. Helena company, I which is expected to harvest a : large volume of lodgepole pine for pulp purposes. internal revenue stamps Indi- cated a consideration of around I $100,000. I Another step in the transaction ! involved return of the land to I the Liskey Interests for grazing ! and mining rights, only, the lease I to extend 99 years. The area is near Chemult, where the St. Helens company has been taking pine for pulp for the last year or two. GOOD USED CARS From 1910 to 1?48 Models jive us your order, we'JI get what you wont. WE TRADE FOR ANYTHING (that's hew we got the 1910 model) DOYLE'S SALES AND SERVICE Highway at Garden Valley Phone 11 Ban Field Dedication Dated By Church Group BKLX.lNGHAM.Aug. Dedication of the Lord's Acre, a 3-acre bean field cultivated by he Advent Christian church at Sumas from which more than eight tons of beans have been harvested so far this season will he held Saturday. Congregation and friends will pause in their labors for a ded ication service at 1 p.m. The Rev. Wilsey McKnight, 53-vear-old pastor who came to the -hurch last September from Kan sas City, Mo., brought the idea of the novel church project from the Middle West. A berry farmer donated the land and the church members did all the work. Competitive Culinary Skill By Members Of 4-H Will Highlight County Fair This Month njf tMUimy.j wnimm juaniiiaiyoll,M1 '''', ! j hh si wish ! 1 -hi-': 5 i:i:;i " .i f .mi tm ;i ii f 'lit n rt..i to 1 LOGGERS Are yoi having trouble with your Cutting Chain? See our MR. J. A. BOYER for Expert Chain and Crosscut Filing. "THE EXPERIENCE OF YESTERDAY FILES THE SAWS FOR TODAY" Your Chain Saw Bar ii Important, Too! Have it repaired at . . . SAW SERVICE AND SUPPLY Right across from the new City Market. Pacifie Highway North Phone 1372 R IT'S EASTV TO INSULATE 1 YOUR HOME I V YOURSELF! J INTO PLACE! It's as easy as it looks! You just pour Zonolite in between the ceiling joists and level it off . . . and the job's done! No nailing! No cutting! No special equip ment! You can insulate your attic yourself in an afternoon! ONLY ZONOLITE OFFERS 4 ALL THESE ADVANTAGES FIREPROOF NEVER WEARS OUT FITS TIGHT AGAINST JOISTS WON'T PACK OR FLUFF WON'T IRRITATE SKIN NON-EFFECTED BY MOISTURE DIELECTRIC VERMIN AND TERMITE PROOF IRON CLAD GUARANTEE Zonolite Insulating Fill, when installed according to manufacturer's specifications, will never wear out, is 100 fireproof, will not rot or decompose and contains no harmful ingredients that will ir ritate the skin. IT LASTS! FOREVER! ZONOLITE will save as much as 40'. on fuel bills ... thus paying for itself often in one year! Zonolite insulation saves on spring house-cleaning bills! ZONOLITE insulation will keep your home as much as IS cooler in the summer! ASK ABOUT NO CASH DOWN ! While you're repairing your home for fall and winter ... include ZONOLITE insulation in your plans! Many dealers have NO CASH DOWN plans to aid you in financing your homo repairs! lll'A 1')M M:MH'it:K. i:M:ill MANUFACTURED BY NORTHWEST INSULATIONS CO. ! Offiru: Portland, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoaaa, Yafeiaa FmrtarUi At: Libby, Mont, Spokaae tad Portia) t j2 i . ' ,3 W--. r rVV'A -r-. ' 7i4 is ' r--;r :rJ- ..tit, '- i I' i LA Ml 'ii f1?; kiataaiwai ait 4-H GIRLS TO VIE AT FAIR These scenes, taken last year at the 4-H summer achievement day, will be typical of the county fair, Aug. 25, 26 and 27. The girls are participating in the bread baking contest. Other contests for cookery club members at the fair will be cake baking, dollar dinner, and dairy foods demonstration. Four-H members will also enter cookery exhibits. (Staff pictures.) Cooking clnb members of the 4-H are looking forward to thi forthcoming county fair, became it will give them a chance to display thir culinary skill. This year's fair, the first in 37 years, will be confined to 4-H and Future Farmers of America competition. And of course, the highlights will be the cooking and baking contests. The fair Is Aug. 25, 26. and 27, In the new large exhibit build- FORD ENGINE Won parts ratteM wfla ww, Gw mm Fmt Parts wkm Mcttsarf. $11950 Lockwood Motors Rose and Oak Phone 80 Ing erected this summer at the county fairgrounds. A large share of floor space has been allotted to 4-H exhibits. Members may enter exhibits in the following classes, accord ing to Frank von Borstel, county club agent: Cooking I One of the follow- l lng groups, (a) four vanilla drop cookies; toi lour ice nox cookics; (c) fo':r plain muffins, (d) four cup cakes (not to be frosted I. Cooking II One of the fol lowing (none are to be frosted), (al sponge or sunshine cake without baking powder: (bl sponge or su.hine cake with bak ing powder; icl angel food cake. Cooking III One loaf of white bread. Cooking IV Scrap hook as de scribed in project book. Camp Cookery Four baking powder biscuits. Ribbons will be awarded and premiums have been promised, said Von Borstel. Also, state fair, or purple awards, will be selected from these exnioits. All cookery members are el igible to enter the cookery dem onstrations. Each team (two mem bers) or Individual should bring all equipment needed and the demonstration should last bet tween eight and 15 minutes. Special awards will be made In each division of the cookery demonstration. To each member of the food preparation or food preser vation demonstration team will go $7.50 toward expenses on a trip to he state fair. To the best food preservation or food preparation demonstra tion In which at least 25 percent of the sweetening agent Is honey there will be special cash awards. Subject Is Optional Any subject relating to the preparation, manufacture, or use of dairy products In the home may be selected for a demonstra tion In the individual and team dairy foods demonstration. This may Include preparation of fresh or evaporated milk; milk drinks, such as malted milk; milk dishes such as custards, cream, and cheese pies, cream puffs and salads, andor other dishes that emphasize the use of milk and dairy products; pasteuriza tion of milk, the making and handling of butter, cheese, cot tage cheese, Ice cream, and other milk products. Awards will Include a gold medal to the champion individual demonstrator and gold medal for each member of the high placing team demonstration. Competition will be keen in the dollar dinner, bread, and cake baking contests. In the dollar dinner contest, first place awards In the junior and senior divisions will be S10. second place awards $5. In the cake baking contest, first award will be an all-expense trip to the state fair at Salem. In the bread baking eontest, 4-H summer school scholarships for 1950 will be awarded the first place win ners in the junior and senior divisions. Elgarose ALIVE! on a . I (INK TO UvUFv WITH A fl VNKAIAMAZ00 BUBCTRiC. 2 zm Go Modern . , cook with the ex iting new K a In ma zoo Electric. Surface unit Kv 7 spfeHn irMtaad of the umjfll 5. Big I7-in. pr cimon oven preheat fast er. Deep well cooker. Reu tiful chrome top lamp and oven timer available at mall extra cot. 3 UAMAZ00 5 Wt tnakt a special tffert to serve you better. Douglas By MRS. THELMA HANSON Roy Sjogren, son of Fritz Sjogren, has returned to his home after spending two months with his mother, Mrs. Bernice Harwood of Lugene. Ore. Mr and Mr. H. C. Hagaman have returned to their home In Resida, Calif., after a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown mil family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oliver and their children, Danny, Patsie Ellen, and Carol, of Myrtle Creek, and Dcnnla Sjogren were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Back lund. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mathew man and Mrs Sue Ellen Mathew man have returned to their home after a visit with relatives and friends in Chicago, III., and Ind iana. Mrs. Harry Nelson has return ed to her home after having at tended the Oregon College o f Education at Monmouth this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Mllo Howard and their children. Jlmmie and Judy, have returned to their home In Springfield. Ore., after a visit Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Sjogren. Jimmle has been visiting the past week with Dick ie Sjogren. Mrs. Ruth Curlee and her chil dren have returned to their home in Los Angeles, Ca a 1 i f .. Fri Aug. 19, 1949 The Nawt-Raview, Roseburg, Or. after a visit with the former's aunt, Mrs. Minnie Dempsey, and family. Mr. Roberta Todd of Greens burg. Kas., and sister-ln I a w , Mis Msrgerie Todd of Cold water Kas., have been visiting the former' parents Mr. and Mr. 11. A. Tinker of Elgarose thi past week. signed a bill authorizing a survey looking to construction of park way along the river. The carousel was first used tn 17th Century European fairs. Truman. Forgers But The Record Supplies Reply WASHINGTON, Aug. 19 Presldent Truman acknowledged Thurslay he can't remember all the legislation he has signed. Asked at his news conference it he has signed the Mississippi river parkway bill, he said n e couldn t remember. A check of the records of Con gress showed that on Aug. 13 he DISTRIBUTOR WANTED Well known line high grad cokti ond cookies. Good opportunity Write Fully Box 975 What a Difference 1 THERE'S a decided differ e n c e between Property Damage Insurance and Collision Insurance. The former covers your legal liability for any damage your car may do to the property of others. The latter covers the damage done to your OWN car. You need BOTH policies! Get them here. R. 0. YOUNG Phone 417 205 W. Cass St. Roseburg fJ$T.' A TANKLESS 1 WATER SYSTEM El COMPLETE IN ITSiLf Small. . . Compact. . fit under link f any thor mal! awt-eMIt way aloe. GOULD NO SruiT MO LAO irtAor now FOR SHALLOW WELLS Here ii is!... A empltU, ul-tlm'mtJ water system without a tank. ..for shallow well service. Fully automatic Open any faucet in the system, and its self adjusting capacity feature delivers iuit th volume of vie water you want full stream or a trickle instantly, constantly, quietly, at any or all outlets, up to th capacity of tht pump. No priming. No trouble. Low first cost, ao tank to buy, inexpensive installation, low current consumption. Capacity to 540 gala per hour, depending upon suction lift. Come in and convince yourself that this Is truly the answer to th problem of fresb running water from a shallow well. BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone V8 Located W. Washington St. and S. f. R. R. Tracks SPECIALS FOR SAT., AUG. 20TH Melo-Maid or lmpqua BUTTER Lb. 65c Gold Medal Drifted Snow FLOUR 10-lb. Bags 85c Pink SALMON Tall Cans 43c Hunt SPINACH No. 2Vi Cans 17c Royal Gelatine Desserts Pkg. alC r ? I VKfeVIV "Br kl-.a m ChamstisHis'' 2 Pkg.. 29e Hearts 0 California Asparagus 2 For 29c No. 2 Cans Swanco WALNUTS 2 ibs. 45c Whole Kernel CORN No. 2 Cons . 13c Lb. Oleomargarine 16c Quality Meats Fancy T-Bone Steaks Lb 79c Choice Veal Roasts Lb 45c E-Z Cut HAMS Reod",oEoV 67c Country SAUSAGE FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Local 3 For CANTALOUPES 23c Danish SQUASH Lb 5c Local CARROTS 2 bunch c 15c Local TOMATOES 45c 10c Lb. Lb. 906 South Stephens Phone 964-J i