The Smallest, Cheapest Workers in Town ..Want Ads 10 The Newt-Review, Ro.eburg, Ore Tfiura., Aug. 18, 1949 Swim Classes In West Douglas Coming To Close Western Douglas county swim Livestock Autos Autos Autos They'll Do It Every Time By JimmHatloJ PI t WALK IN1D f fes LOOKS LIKE VOUELE A STORE TO BUyS fel '!?J!EFF JJM$- CLERKS BOW $23' M THEyDUCkTCR B&9', : I AND SCRAPE igSKlfi RUN A MILE.- ygi AND SMILE 13 PERISH IN MONTANA FIRE- - Ifh So-m outlrom .h'.r? thT tSS lire near Helena, MonW r brouKht out by helicopter, wnicn new inera i oui y a for. to Helen. The 13 men who died were ".moke-jumper." especially trained I ''"rjM m . o. r wt service, who parachute Into inaccessible region, to light tore.t lire LOCAL Grange to Meet Rlversdale Orange will meet at 8:15 p.m. Friday at the halL Refreshment will be served. Rummage Sale The Catholic ladles will sponsor a rummage sale Saturday In the basement of the rectory on East Oak avert from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Return. From California Mrs. Eva Bechtold ha. returned to her work at The Style Shop In Rose burg, following a vacation to Cali fornia to visit her two son. and their families. Potluck Supper Following the regular meeting, of the Kaglcs aerie and auxiliary, a loint ot luck .upper will be held next Tuesday night, Aug. 23, at the hall. Women attending are asked to bring a covered dish. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Martin and Miss Melva Jean Pen nie of San Francisco are visiting Mr and Mrs. Max Pcnnie at JOi Kast Rice street in Roseburg and with an aunt, Mr.. Mae Seolt, at Melrose. Will Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. Donald Perry and children, Don na Lee and Freddie, of Fresno, Calif., are expected to arrive in Roseburg Saturday to spend a week visiting Mr. Perry', par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Per ry, and with his brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C Moon Jr. Caring for Mother Mrs. Ade-1 line Fields of Portland has been j spending the last two weeks In Koseourg assisting In tne care ot her mother. Mis. Georize E. Houck, who has been quite ill at her home on South Stephens street, but who is now rexrtei much improved. Mrs. Fields ex- pects to return to Portland the last of this week On Inspection Trip As guests of M. M. (KedlNelson. supervisor of the Umpqua National forest. State Senator Thomas Parkinson. Carl C. Hill, chairman of the Ore gon Game commission, an.1 Charles V. Stanton, editor of The News-Review, left this morning tor an Inspection trip on the Ump qua National forest. They were scheduled to travel the Tiller - Trail rut-off route to Diamond lake, where they will be joined By Charles Lockwood. state game director, and will return by way ol the Norm umpqua road. Advertisement Well-Known Man Felt Like Swollen Balloon Full of Stomach Gas "I'll be glad to tell anyone who writes to m what KAL-O-DRX has d-n in mv case." mj s A. II Siemens. IH5 North Ave . Reerilev. Calif "I wti to eoriMI- palrd that food would bloat nie up like a tick. It Just teemed to lay In rm stomach and sour and hack up brah tn my throat Seemed always worse nt niaht couldn't rent from roll ma end touting, then get up without any sleci leep with cranky and hard to get along Ksl-O-Dex chanced all that, for now 1 m at regular a a clock no rrnre gas and bloa:, and sleep like a top My wife eay that I have t good dlrKJtlnn since, ta h n K l-O-LJrx, a nd look and feel ociter man I nava in years. ' KAL-O DFX 1 an Herbal formula containing medicinal Juices from S tireat i4crbs; these herbs cleanse bowrN, clear gat from stomach, act on shiKgivh ln-tetin- and kidneys. Miserable pt-nnle wn f'el different Pit over So don't go on Get KAL-O DEX todnv at all drug svoraa. Money Back Guarantee NEWS Supper and Dance Alpha lota chapter, Uela Sigma Phi mem bers will entertain their hush-inds at a 7 o'clock supper and dance Friday night at Playmore Gar dun lioucock and members of her dun Houcock and menilwrsot her social committee are In cliarso of the affair. At Kidder Home Captain and Mis. Jack Kidder and sons, James, Hubert and John, of San ta Barbara, Calif., have arrived in Hosebuig to visit until Sep tembcr 1 with Captain Kidder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kid der, and with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert P. Kidder, and family. Back From Vacation Mrs. Charles Doerncr, office altendent to Dr. E. E. Limtell, and her daughter, Miss Maureen, have returned to their home at Mel rose, following a vacation at La guna Beach, Calif., visiting Mrs. Dormer's, sister, Mrs. William Marlig, formerly Miss Bertha Cooncy of this city. Picnlo 8upper Business and Professional Women's club mem bers and invited guesls are asked to attend a 6:30 o'clock potluck picnic supper Monday night, Aug. 22. at the home of Mis. Sleila Silencer, 1024 N. Jackson street. Coffee will be furnished. Those atlendlng are asked to brind their table service. Leave For Spokane Mrs. A. J. Young of Rosehure. sum erne chaplain of the Supreme ilninr of Job s Daughters, left this week for Spokane, Wash., to attend the iMipieme Guardians Council ses Mon being held from Auir. 16-20. She was accompanied lv her grand-daughter. Miss Elizabeth ioung, ot Oakland, Calif., who will act as her escort at the for mal oiH'iiing today. Aug. 18. and by the latter's friend. Miss Claire Hansen, also of Oakland, Calif., and member of Bethel No. J. Miss Paula Hehveg, daughler of Mr. and Mis. Paul Helweg. of Kosehui g. also accompanied them and will take part In the memorial service as a represen tative from Roseburg Bethel No. 8. Visitor Leava Capt. and Mis. J. KiiHlcrlc HilKenboi,! iDorolhy Half Jackson t mid chil dren, Jim and Jeanne, left Wed nesday lor Kuneiu' to take the Mam1 tor Illinois to visit rela tives prior to noinR to Omaha. Neb., to make their home, where Capt. llilcnlMMR will be station ed at Of hit tield. He has been slatitmed at Adak. Alaska, for the last l. months. The family has been at Winchester two weeks visiting Mrs. liiUenborps par ents, Mr. and Mrs. V, T. Jack yon. Mr. Jackson's brother and sister-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Jackson, wtio have also been vis iting here, left Wednesday for their home in Jefferson C'itv. Mo,. where Or. Jackson is pastor of the First Presbyterian church. FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearer of false teeth have suf fered real embarrassment because thir plate dropped, slipped or wabbled at just the wrong lime. Do not live tn fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle g little FASTKETH, the elkalln ' non-acid t powder, on your plates. Holds false teeth more firmly, so they feel more comfortable. Doe not sour Checks "Plate ndoi " dentute breath). Get FAfiTKCTH at anjr drug a tore. AICa' TrlrnhotO) Vacationing Here John Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adcl bert A. Young of Oakland. Calif., Is in Roseburg to spend his vaca tion at the home of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Young, 110 Flint street. lie will remain here until entering col lege this fall. Farewell Party Friends of Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Schosso and daughler, Gertrude, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hammond and family are Invited to attend a farewell party Saturday night, Aug. 20, at 7:30 o'clock at the Glide Grange hall In their honor. The Schosso and Hammond families are mov ing soon from Glide to Tenmile. Back From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bistak of Roseburg and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frickart of Olympla, Wash., have return ed to their homes, following a vacation trip to Crater lake, Reno, Sacramento, (where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Peterson, formerly of Olym pial, and back up via the coast route, where they made stops at Big Tree park and Richardson's grove. Overnight guests this week at the Bistak home were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Getty of Olympia, who went on to Ashland to meet relatives from the south and to spend a week visiting. They will stop here for two or three days next week at the Bis tak home and will be accompan ied back to Olympia by Mrs. Bis tak. who will visit her parents until Labor day. when Mr. Bis tak will drive to Olympia to bring her home. No Oregon Levy Ahead For State Govt. Expenses SALEM, Aug. 18 .P The cost of OrcKon's slate government S77.(K!.tt2 for the 1!)-I919j0 fiscal year will be met as usual with out levying on real protortv. The slate tax commission re eased the levy Wednesday, show ing that income taxes and other revenue sources will meet the stale's requirements. The levy lists $.)8.3.'iG.3-10 as coming from income taxes. Of tins sum. S-'9.747,414 is being transferrer! from the corporate f cise account to cover excess legislative appropriations within tne 6 percent limitation, and $7. whlch otherwise would he lm. posed on property owners. in addition to the Income tax leceints. rrnvmin. t t m ih. state's s.-ite et li ni Ktt a im nut I m at . ed at $.S.(X)0,000; those from mis cellaneous sources such as Inlier- itjlnre ntiH oift f.tvi. mh-,w,-iii i,t and insurance licenses and fees .H ao.uMi.iiuu; transfer ot funds, principally from the highway de paitment for the support of the stale police. $1.574.9;K, and unex pended balances due chiefly to hlpher revenues tHnn fttimntifl last year, $3,000,000. The requirements of the fiscal Icit from the last biennlum. and S70 5-lti.7il6 for current activities including public welfare and higher education. Old? Get Pep, Vim With I WON- al sity pf ftt CALCIUM. VITAMIN l MEN. WOMEN V,r":.,i': nmi-irtl ks :rt. otitairi tome cthea -'!M Bttrr hv b.tiw otj )ut beraM lark irxfi pit rlnun mmm Hi Tn uai.ta rv ft-" wppi nr fMi'ifrr t rr lr 1 voi.' TatMfS 'l0 Mt Lartnxjuct7 SIM Ml tor Mf soe. At drug stores everywhere" tn Wonav burg, at PYed Meyer k rullertoa Drug- ming classes,, conducted under Red Cross supervision at Lake Cleawox, are coming to a close, reported Douglas Simms, execu tive secretary of the local chapter. The program, said Simms. has been very successful In that 30 participants qualified for beg li ner certificates; 18 participants qualified for Intermediate certifi cates; 10 successfully completed the swimmers course, and 12 qualified for Junior life saving certificates. Robert Sund, water safety chairman at Reedsport, advised that an additional class in senior life saving is being conducted un der the able tutelage of Miss Jan Parker, Red cross water safety instructor at Lake Cleawox. Those who successfully com pleted the junior life saving course are: Kicnard Bacnmeir, Bobby Brummetle, Daniel Camp bell; James Campbell, Bill Karls, Jack Jensen, Donald Hevel, Lorie Johnson, Larry Kirk. Richard Kirk, Irvine Orie and John Town- send. Much credit Is due the Reeds port recreation committee, under tne cnairmansnip ol H. 1. Lewis, for arranging transportation and assuming a large portion of the cost. Additional transportation money was raised through the sale of bus tickets to participants and through a sizeable contribu tion by the Red Cross. Properly supervised swimming programs have long been re garded by local Red Cross au thorities as an extremely Impor tant contribution to the health and safety of Douglas county youth, and It is hoped that next year the local chapter will be able to extend its assistance in this connection to all interested com munities, said Simms. Successful programs are now underway at Roseburg, Drain and Reedsport Earlier in the year, training was given a large group of Myrtle Creek students. Officer Defends Secret Wiring Of Gangster's Home LOS ANGELES, ug. 18-4.P) The policeman who wired gam bler Mickey Cohen's new home for sound two years ago Wednes day defended the secrecy In which resulting recordings had been kept until two days ago. L. Rudy Wellpot, suspended vice squad chief, told reporters that C. B. Horrall, who recently retired under fire as police chief, knew all about the recordings while they were being made be tween April, 1917, and March, 19-48. Wellpot said they were not turneu over to the grand jury, I which since then has investigal led criminal situations to which Cohen was linked, because "they had no bearing on the investiga tion the grand Jury was then miking." The grand Jury recently Indict ed Wellpot, Horrall and three oth er policemen on perjury charges stemming from convicted brothel aueen Brenda Allen's allegations that she paid vice squad officers nrotectlon money. She is serving a year's sentence for pandering. The microphone listening de vice recording constitute a mass of conversations of Cohen and visitors and of Innumerable long distance calls to other cities. Such Pretty Shrubbery, But It Was Marijuana PASADENA, Calif., Aug. 18. tP Eight months ago, a friend gave Mrs. Jean Tharp some seeds. The seeds sprouted quickly into a high ornamental hedge. Slips of the plants soon did the same for neighbors. Yesterday neighbors Mrs. H. B. Ramage took a sprig to a nursery- I man and asked for some seeds of the "what you-call-lt." The nurseryman whispered when he told her what It was. Police soon harvested and burn ed the neighborhood shrubbery. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Or INTENTION TO IMPROVE FORIl STRUT NOTIcr IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of the Common Council of the City of Roseburg. Oregon, held August 1.1. 1940, the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLVED. That the Common Coun cil of the City of Roseburg. Oregon, deems tt expedient and necessary to imnrove Ford Street from the North Line of Mosher Street to the South Line of Lane Street In (he city or HnseDurg. Oregon, tn the following manner: First: By grading said umI to the proper sub-grade Second: H graveling and oltlng the roadwav of said road thirty 1JU1 feel in width Third: By constructing sub-drains. Fourth by romtrurtlng catch basins. Fttih: By constructing curb returns. Said tmprm-ements are to be made In accordance with the Charter and Ordi nances of the City of Roseburg. Oregon, and the grade, plans, specifications and estimates of the City Eminif r filed in the office of the City Recorder on the 1Mb day of Augmt. tHf; which satd grade, plans, spec if tea lions and esti mates, are hereby approved and adopted. The entire costs of said improve ments. Including engineering, interest and all other expenses which the Ctt v of Roseburg would not have Incurred except for the making of said Improve ments shall be levied upon the proper ty especially benefited thereby as pro vided by the Charter of the Cm f Roseburg. Oreon. and In accordance with the petition of property owners to be benefited by satd improvement, and no part thereof shall be paid by the Cltv of Rosebura The estimate of the Cltr engineer of ine prooaoie oeiaiiea cost ot said im provement Is the sum of S2.4O0a BK IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That thai Cltv ftawirri!- hai mnri Ka ta hahv dirccted to give notice of said Improve ntem as provmea py the Charter of the City of Roseburg. Oregon. Remonstrances against said proposed Improvements mtv be filed In writing with the undersiined wltNin twentv data from the first publication nf this nolle, which la th 17th day of August. llH. WII-MAM D ROM. MAN, Recorder of the City ol RonetMire Orvmn If Your Paper Has NOT ARRIVED By 4:1 S P. M. Phons 100 Schricker Auction Monday, August 22 I miles north of Roseburg; 4 mile south of suuicrun. CattU Milk row s bulls veal sleek fcelfers and baby calves. Hog Fat hogs, shoats and weaner plge fat hogs are in good gasman! Sheep Already consigned 40 beatf of good feeder lambs also Jl head mt we Horses Always a saddle horse or some work horse at this auction. Each week finds our aalee growing. More at more buyers attending these sales. This week anyone having feed er lambs or sheep of any kind, wc believe would do well to bring them in also. AH kinds of cattle are selling a little better than a month age. Bring your stock in Sunday or Mon day as you come. Sale starts at 1 o'clock. If you have a large bunch of livestock to haul call Ocady Sta tion. NOTICE There will be NO furniture sale Monday evening. LETS ALL, GO TO THE RACES V. H. Schricker & Sons Auctioneers E. TELKAMP. RING MAN Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring in the moat money Sale ever Friday Livestock 12 o'clock. Furniture 1 p. m. Roseburg Auction Phone 191 FOR SALE 2 saddle yearlings; bay mare-quarter horse. IB montns oia: also black pacer horse. Milk goat and 4-month old kid. Barclay, Box 274. Melrose Rt. FOR SAL1! 3 year old 78 thorough- orea iuiy: a year oia morougnorea gelding; 2 year old Albino stud. Everett Cockrell. 1113 Fatrhaven, Roseburg. Ph. 1073-Y-X. WANT TO TRADE two 2 and 4 year old ewes for feeder iambi. Howard Mickelsen, Route 1, Box 31 llVa mile So.i. Sutherlin. FOR SALE Purebred Corriedale Ram lambs. From good stock, write or see Merle Sanders, Melrose RL. Box 225, Roeburg. FOR SALE Saddle pony, 4 years old. gentle, sso. j't miles n. ot jtoseburg on 99, turn E. at Log Cabin Grocery. Z. E. Whlttemore, Rt. 2. Box 399 E-ll. $150 BUYS a very gentle milk cow. Mine uomes, mnea zrom mgnway on Olalla Road. WANTED several good milk cows Freeh or to freshen soon. Fred Neal. Myrtle Creek. Phone 841. FOR SALE Registered yearling Rom ney rams. Phone 12-F-23. Vlrgtl Smith, Roseburg. WANTED FAT ' AND-FEEDER lambs and yearlings. W A. Blackert, Myrtle Creek. Phone 2B2 FOR SALE 30 head of good ewes with 25 lambs You pick em. Wool on rnone o-r-n FOR SALE 100 "head yearling "ewes. nooeri t. nice, uiuara, uregnn. WANTED All kinds of livestock. H. M. Cox. Call 990-J-4. Poultry Baby Chicks Hamps, Reds, Crosses. Every week In the year. Best of breeding. Pullorum passed. Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market. City agent. Douglas Co. Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Looklngglasa Rt. Phone 1B-F-3 NOW AVAILABLE We are receiving applications for membership at our Roseburg branch, located at 640 Short Street. For Information and applica tion blank, see Mr. L. D. Bloom at the branch or write Pacfic Coopera tive Poultry Producers. 306 S. E. Ash Street. Portland 14. Oregon. This cooperative Is owned by and now serves over 3500 Oregon producers and Is open to membership for producers of poultry, turkeys and all other live stock. Membership fee, tl.OO No con tractual obligations or other cash Investment required. FOR SALE 25 white leghorns. 20 An conas, 28 Corntsh Games. Melrose Route. Box 2A3-A FOR SALE Colored fryers. 40c a pound. Rt. 1. Box 178. Maurice Weber. Call evenings. Rabbits Eating Is A Habit Make It A Rabbit S. O. R. B. A. FOR SALE -Breeding stock, beef type N Z White. White Flemish Giant American Dutch and Silver Martin rabbits. Beldini s Rabbltrv. Rt. 1. Box 1018, Grants Pass. Oregon. Logging Equipment SKAGIT LOADER powered with new Mercury engine complete with good aled and soma Unas. Price 81.50H Inquire Heath Bros, at Hew Lumber lompany. Myrtle t-reex kooo. atyr tie Creek. Oregon. 14 International equipped with tsaac son hydraulic doier. drum, and top Priced to sell- See at Howard Cooper torp. v. Long Lumber Co., llw un Ion Ave, Ph 633-J. FOR SALE 20 Skagit yarder, complete with rigging and small American saw mill w in sell separately or togemer Melton & Lao ranee, R F.D. 1, Box 209, Roseburg. Ore Phone 14-F-42. D4 CAT serial number 7-J-4171 with Hvster drum and La Plant Choat, hv drauhc doner See at Tvee Lumber Co Sutherlin. Ore., or phone 1302 Suther un FOR "SALE DT IB International tractor. A-l conditton BX 3i Skaant yarder, A-l condition K5 International dump irucR. tn .iiiw-a evenings. TT CAT. fully equipped for logging. 94250. See next to Del Rey Cafe, Winchester. Oregon. Phone 519-R-4 Dogs HIGHLAND SCOTCH Shrphrrd puppM 910 Nth rranktin Oakland. Or.fon. Ph. a-X. Elklon Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J CRa-IIO COCK'fR KENNCt-S. Phnn. CIO or 43J-Y Rt and o4. awipow.all mtnr. auto rrK-. COLLIE AND SHEPHERD pupa. U 00 eltch Hethawav, Umpqua. SIAMESE KirntNS lor aale. purebred. Phon. s-r.ia. The News-Review classified ads bring best results. Prion 100. Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere 1B4J FORD TUDOR SDN Do yourself Justice, drive homo this beauty lor only 174i OO 141 DODGE FOR DOR SDN Hun just ll.uuo i equipped, not 141 FORD TUDOR SDN Carefree driving In this one Immaculate 12M lMf rOEO FOR DOR SDN. One you'll be proud ta drive. Coma in and see It today. 11M.00 194T WILLYS STATION WAGON 10.000 miles Equipped with overdrive, heater and many others. 1345.00 IMS CHEV. TUDOR SDN. Get rid of that old car now. see us about a trade today 1165.00 1946 FORD TUDOR SDN. Extra aice. miles. Today's beat buy at 1 IMS CHEV TUDOR SDN. Mechanically sound. Not loaded with extra, but comfortable. , S99 1841 FORD TUDOR SDN Why waste money on your old car when you can drive a beaut like this one home fog only . 1041 FORD FOR DOR SDN. Equipped with radio ana heater. Long tripe will coat less in this one. ,, ... 1941 FORD COUPE New motor, clutch, battery, a fine car any way you look at it. 1941 NASH FOR DOR SDN New paint and seat covers. If its cheap transportation you want look this ooe over. .. , 695.00 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN. raaio and neater, clean as a pin, 843 00 1940 FORD COUPE. good running condition, good body and tires. 575 00 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 1948 FORD TRUCK with U-Drive Body 8245.00 1947 INTERNATIONAL Pickup 1095 00 1046 G. M C. Chassis and cab. 795.00 1945 FORD Lumber truck Tag ana koics lmn.on 1941 FORD Chassis and Cab. 44.1 OH 1935 FORD Pickup 250.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At LOCKWOOD MOTORS Easy Terms Better Buys At Barcus TRUCKS SAVE (4.000. 194 Reo 316 log truck. zuz n p engine: itwi feeriess ugnt weight log trailer, both like new Re sponsible party can handle with very small down payment 1944 Chev. lumber truck. IMS motor, Thornton dual drive, new tires. Lumber rolls with log bunks attached. Ideal for lumber or short logs 2190 International log truck and trailer. A steal at 1990 194? Studebaker pickup, excel lent . 1195 193T International truck and srmt-trailer good condition good tires T95 1V34 i'i t. Chev. flatbed, com letelv overhauled. A eood truck for 290 Car Bargains 1947 Buick suoer convertible. a real bargain 199.1 Wl pontiac Eight Sedanette .... 1075. 1941 Chrysler coupe, new oalnt. reconditioned motor 871 193T Nash LaFayette, coach 195 BANK TERMS OPEN EVENINGS BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Hwt H N it Garden Valtcv Road Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonable priced. G M A.C term. Chevrolet Buick PonUae Cadillac trade-ins. For Sale 1942 MERCURY, low pressure tires. IS men wheels, verv eood condition Best Offer lakes Across from A II Mill. DM lard Selby. For Sale 19.TT OI-D5MORII.C 4 doo, Sedan n4 motor) tuo caah. Contact Al William Yoncalla 6RIGIN AL5WNER must sell 1940 Olds mobile Club Coupe. Good, clean car hdra-mattc drive. 1st reasonable offer accepted. Phone 493-R -a. WILL TR ADE- EQUITY-In 49 Jeep-ter. 7.000 mileage, or sell. Best offer. P A MrKtssen. P. O. Box 224, Oakland Oregon. MORE MONEY for reur car C... on the apot Corhrum Motor. Inc M Sot., Plymouth. Phone oa. 114 N noam gt &U HARXEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle. Vlnch. Good condition. S373. Hoy Becker. Idle Id El.. Box 342. fOR SALE '3S Chev. CmcIi. eeal. beamed bfht.. heater. 13CS Fuel St. Ph I ta-R. FOR SALE ItCT Eord SS. 1135. 1010 Ballf St 42 4-DOORT'TfM6t-TH. R Jt Make aa mitrnr. Phone 1110 R, trounca. Hansen's OK Used Cars Many Makes S P E C I A L S Many Models BUICK SPECIAL FOR DOR. 13.000 actual miles, slick and clean. Just like new.... 1 MERCURY FOR DOR SEDAN Radio and neater, ready to go. Only PONTIAC SEDANETTE Jet black and really beauti ful. Fullv equipped - OLDS MOBILE SEDANET 78 2-tone hydromatie aV fully equipped and priced very low. BUICK SUPER FOR DOR For a better used car BET TER BUY BUICK. MERCURY SPORT CPE. Not a new car BUT It's Priced to sell. Only ORD TUDOR SEDAN Shines and sparkles like new. Low mileage. Only CHEV. SPORT CPE. Fully equipped and a real ly good number. Onlv OLDSMOBILE 74 FOR DOR Radio and heater, 2-tone and only 2095.00 1495.00 1947 1944 1295.00 1095.00 1495 00 1445 00 1947 194T Commercials IM DODGE PICK1TP Very clean. 1941 CHEV. PICKUP New mntnr. 1M1 CHEV. n-T. PANE-Good. Trades G. M. A. C. - TERMS OPEN TILL 8 P. M. USED CAR CENTER Oak & Rose Studebaker KEEL'S Quality Used Car 'Lot LABOR DAY IS NEAR. COME IN AND 3tLll-l IUUH LAH NOW. BE ABLE TO ENJOY YOUR TRIP WITH ONE OF KEEL'S RELIABLE CARS. I Mercury 4-door sedan, with radio eV heater. Good clean upholslerv. nice new paint. Dark green. Very good mechanically. Low mileage. S Plymouth 4-door sedan, with heater. A good clean car in top condition thruouL Low mileage. 41 Buick Super 4 dr. Sedan radio, heat er at oeirosier. a real reliable car that you can drive with comfort. Good paint and smooth thru out. 41 Buick Special 4 dr. sedan. Radio. uiiiuain. UUUU lOOKing and clean. The motor has less than one year of use sine put in new. 41 De Soto 4 dr. Sedan. Fluid Drive . Excellent inside and out and me chanically. 41 Plymouth Coupe. New paint and a 41 Chevrolet 2 dr. Radio and heater. "u ewu Miviamiiij. a reai Bar gain. 39 Ford 2 dr. D. L radio and heater. iiviw ui vair. Anouitr real bar gain. 44 Chevrolet pickup. Extra good. 49 Studebaker pickup. Like new. THESE CARS ARE PRICED TO SELL Shop evenings. For your convenience open until p. m. Keel's STUDEBAKER QUALITY Used Car Lot Nx1 Is ltna. Hotel Jj s Stephen! Why Walk? M Che.. Sedan '37 stude Coup '40 Pontiac Conv. I 45 down . 123. down . 2O0. down - L .- t. down JT Ford 80 Coach 1M down 41 Chev. Club Cp.. mo. down 44 Jeep . 250, down Today's Best Buys Riverside Motor Co. WILLYl DIA1JB 140 ft Suphena Vh. 4M-R : coach '41. CHEVROLET 4-door. H aV H. excellent famllT ear goand tnechanrcal rondilioSa. Crvna and J it mr. $7a. f. 4B uj USED CARS Prices Lowered U4f WILLYS JEEPSTE Practically new, radio Dowa Price Pmt. heater - I179S ado 1M DODGE-CVSTOM DELUXE SEDAN Very good. We fuaran- Ue thl. 141 90S 141 HUDSON SUPER- COUPE Tire good, paint good, mechanically very good 723 3M 1M1 FORD COUPE Thia u good Iran. po na tion 75 JT 1M0 HUDSON SEDAN SUPER SIX t2S 22S 1M0 HUDSON COUPE New air ride tires, good motor - - 7JS 1M M0 DESOTO SEDAN New paint. Mat cover . 575 goo 1M0 PONTIAC SEDAN New Urea, very clean 895 300 IKK HUDSON SEDAN SUPER SIX Very good mechanically SIS Z23 l3a HUDSON SEDAN - 378 110 More Car For Your $ At Roseburg Hudson Co. HUDSON DEALER T03 8. Stephens Ph. 1I76-R COME IN AND LOOK OVER our new and used Harley Davidson Motorcycles. S2U0 and up Immediate delivery on the 1049 Hydra Glide. 13 down. IS months to pay Harley Davidson 12S u3 down $5.30 weekly Joe's Harley Davidson. S, miles So. Hwy 99. Roseburg. Oreg. EQUITY for sale In 149 Studebaker Champion 3-passenger coupe, only 4. oou miles. $700. Joe Bailey, Safeway Meat Market. 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL deluxe coup R at H, A-l condition. Vic Straub. No. Roseburg Motor Court, phone 199-J-I. 1939 PLYMOUTH COACH, good condi tion. RAH. $400 cash or terms. Call 34-R-3 TOR SALE OR TRADE 1930 Harlev. Davison motorcycle, as is. $30. 243 Flint Trucks SAVE $3000 On this brand new Diamond T. truck, 901 model. 190 H. P. engine. 206 Inch W. B., 10:00x20 12-ply all traction tires, Burid wheels. Tarn ken SW-3010 PA Tandem Axle unit S speed trans mission, nlus auxiliary Iranimliiinii If you need a truck for log haul- mi, irx.K in is one over, lis a ouy. Our lose la your gain. Parmenter Pontiac Co. Dealer 6J7 Pearl St. Eugene, Oregon ARMY TRUCK PARTS OR parts fog ANY MAKE TRUCK. Phone or write. If the part you need are not in our stock, we will be glad to pick them up for you, A. B. Scarlett 47$ W. Sth St.. Eugene GMC Dealer Phone 4-4239 FOR SALE "38 Diamond T k ton pick up Good body and motor. 90 tires. A real buy, $t93. See at 643 Fullerton SL after 3 p. m.. or during day at Cooper Motors. NEW AND USED truck Logging trucks, gravel trucks, flat beds and lumber trucks. We have a .lew or good used truck for your job. Call 1387-Y, Roee burg. P-1946 INTERNATIONAL pickup; 1 1948 International pickup: 1 single axle piling trailer For Information Phone 432 129 2nd Ave South FOR SALE I '-ton 119 In terra 1 ion l truck, combination stot.k rack pYr.i. lent condltlon. Ed Deal. 113 N Flint AXLE SHAFTS for all makes ofTruckC Ray's Truck Shop. 2053 N Stephens. Phone 499 J -4. Tractors We Will Not Be Undersold RECONDITIONED Caterpillar R4 6 Caterpillar D4 1 Caterpillar D 3 Caterpillar D7 3 Caterpillar D8 1 International TD6 1 International T9 3 International TD9 3 International TD14 1 International TD18 4 Allis Chalmers HD7 1 Allis Chalmers HD10 3 Allis Chalmers HD14 TRACTORS Bare at $2373. Bare at 31V). Bare at 32.VJ. Rare at 7nM. Bare at 92.'0, Bare at 2-VSO. Bare at 277-V Bare at 337V Bare at 5973. Bare at 6350. Bare at 4K30. Bare at 59V,. ... Bare at 7350. Reconditioned Shovels & Cranes 1 Browning Mobile Crane I vd Bare $14,500. 3 Bucyrus Erie 13B Shovels Bare 7 975 2 Osgood 'i yd Shovels Bare S XX. 2 Insley K12 Back hoe ...Bare 3 9.50, f Insley K10 Shovels Bare 4 973 I 5ter rr 7' T. .. Bare 3750! 3 TD9 Front Loaders Bare 3.33a "As l$" Tractors & Shovels II Caterpillar P.4 Bare at tl T, Caterpillar D4 Bare at 2..17Y 20 Caterpillar Da Bare at 0.S7H. 1.1 International T9 Bar. at 1 475 International TDfl Bare at 1975 i . "y trn Bare at 3.27s 1 Unit Crane. . Bar. at 3.21S. Blades. Drums. Parts ind other attach ments in stock for all above equip ment. COMI AND GET 1M t I I Pacific Tractor & Equipment Corp. I aajrvt wa . a Phone Sn.1 Machinery For Sale TOR SALE TD 1$ Int. tractor, com pletely armored for logging. Isaacson cable blade. Careo winch. 750 hours, $9,300. H D .4 Allis Chalmers tractor. Ieacson cable blade. Carco winch, $7.0U0. H D 14 Allis Chalmers, Carco winch, $tV0OO. Loading donkev, With Ington drums. , swing boom. Mer cury motor, completely equipped. Earl M Manlev. TiJler.Ore. W B 22 WHITE rear end. eDle7e"witS ir Phone 3A1-R-4. 104 Sunset Lane off Melrose Road. Fuel WOOD fireplace and furnace. Old growth fir block peeler core, email round core mill ends, planing ertdt, oak and laurel Special price on plan er ends for short time See this wood 1 mile East on Douglas St Rt. ! Bo 43 Prompt delivery Claud Wtllev. Phone 13-J-3or 143-J-jl fon 8ATESlabwood. sawdut. planer ede. PsMsse ten. Jolueoa Fuel Co.