I Th Ntwi-IUvitw, Roseburg, Of. WtaV, Aug, 17, 1949 , I rr A I kJClASC Team to Praetiea The Eaglos auxiliary drill team will meet al 8 o'clock Thursday night at the hall to practice. Visit at Ballsy Horns Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Elliott have returned to their home in Portland, follow ing a visit in Roseburg as guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bailey. Club to Meet West Melrose club will meet Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. Jen nings Gravning. Members and friends are Invited. Attending Meeting Ottc W. Harrah, Roseburg, who is em ployed by Standard Oil company, is attending an S.A.E. meeting in Portland. He lelt here Sumiay and will return home Thursday. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. Dick Crenshaw and sons, Eddie and Gary, and Mrs. Crenshaw's father, A. K. Gibbs, have return ed to their homes in Roseburp. following a vacation at Gold Beach. To Meet at Potluck Olalla Busy Steppers club will meet Thursday at a 12:30 o'clock pot luck luncheon at the home of Elizabeth Ollivant with Mabel Roberta as hostess. Grays Return Home Mr. and Mr, fc A. Gray and son. Felix returned to their home in Rose burg Monday, following a trip to Vernal, Utah, to visit Mr. Gray's sister, Mrs. John Powell, and in Rangley, Colo., visiting Mr. Gray's brother, E. P. Gray. To Meet Thursday Women of the Roseburg Country club will continue the championship goif tournament play Thursday morn ing at 8:30 o'clock at the club course. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock and the contract bridge play will begin at 1:30 o' clock. Back From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. J. Jarvis Robertson and ton, Jimmie, have returned to their home In Roseburg. follow Ing a vacation trip to Portland and Diamond lake. They were accompanied to Diamond lake and back by Jerry O'Brien ot this city. Mr. Robertson is owner of the Associated service station at the corner of Stephens and Brockway streets and Mrs. Rob ertson la office nurse to Dr. Hall Seely. Yaa tan always makt maaay with a MtCallathl Wherever there's wood to be cut, there's profit to be mtde with a McCulloch chsin sw. Blade sites sre svtiltble for every type of cutting operation, from felling giint red woods to miking fence pons. You can increase your esrning capacity nske extra dollsrt for s long, long time-by investing now io a depend able, flit-cutting McCulloch. You're) fnvlftd Within the next few diyt, nop by our Store for a reel demonstration of wood cutting. Or (ire us s call sod we'll try to srranftc a show for you at your piece. There's no obligation. We went you to see whit s McCulloch can do. 6 Modes AvaUobf McCULLOCH CHAIN SAW SALES SERVICE Hiwoy 99 North Roseburg Phon 1547 R 3 (teGGHJus? Return to Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. F. G. (Doc) Whltsett and son, Allen, have returned to their home in Vancouver, Wash., fol lowing a week vacationing in Roseburg as guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Reynolds. Mr. Wnit ett was formerly here with Swilt and company, prior to being ransferred to- Vancouver two years ago. Leave for Funeral Mr. and Mrs. fcsco Johnson of Roseburg left Sunday for Klamath Falls to Join their daughter, Mrs. Leslie Mowdy, and her son, to go to Mrs. F. G. (Doc) Whltsett and Portaics, N. M., to an end lunerai services for the Johnsons' son, Carroll, whose body has been re turned to this country from the Soulh Pacific, where he was kill ed during World War II. Will Enjoy Vacation Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Dunn of Roseburg nlan to spend all of next week li the foothills of Ml. Adams in Washington as the guest of C. A. Cooley, of Suthcrlin, who is there for the summer doing govern ment work. They will spend the wpck fishing and vacationing and will return to Portland Aug. 2H. where Mrs. Dunn will leave for Cannon bench to spend a part of the following week attending a Bible conference. Dr. Dunn will return to his chiropractic office In Roseburg the morning of Au gust 29. Visit In Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Arthur of Portland came to Roseburg this week lo visit their cousins. Mrs. Albert Long and Miss Millie Agee. This is Mr. Arthur's first trip to R.jte burg since he was associated with his father, W. C. Arthur ind brothers, Orval and Earl Ar thur, who contracted and built the Umpqua hotel. Elks temple ana reiKins minding line latter now known as the Pacific hold ing), about 37 years ago. Mr. Ar thur stated Roseburg had chang ed greatly and was much Im proved since he visited here the last time. Leave for Homes Mr. arid Mrs, Hollo Sussex of Kansas City and Mr. and Mrs. Orln Reedcr and daughter. Miss Nancy, oi Ponra City, Okla., left Tuesday for Crater lake and points In Col orado enroute back to their homes following a vacation trip to Cali fornia to visit relatives and to Roseburg t visit Mi s. Reedt r's and Mrs. Sussex' brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. KniRht. Also leaving Tuesday for their home were the Sussex' son nnd daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. James Sussex, and two small daughters, Eileen and Marv Patricia, who returned to Vallejo, following a visit here. Enloy Extended Vacation Mr. and Mis. A. G. llennlnger and" Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Ryan are bark at their homes In Roseburg, 'ollowing a two months vacation trip. They attended the national Elks convention at Cleveland, Ohio, visited Washington, D. C. New York City and Boston and took an automobile tour of the New England states up through noints of interest In Canada and back via Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Chicago, From there the Ry- ns took the tram for Minneap olis, Minn., to visit and the lion nlngers left by train for Reno, Nev., where they were later loin- ed by the Ryans, who accompan ied them to Lake Tanoe lor a stay. Maying's Gyrafoam Washing Action Does AM Your Work for You Genuine Maytag construction means years of superior service. Bergh's ppliance Servlct 1200 S. Stephens Oh boy! Is there anything better than a good cool can of the new Acme after driving a truck all day? Yupl Two cant of the new ACME I ACMt IDIWtSlfS SauFnocllr Qak$ Beat Star$ In Series. Onener r By JIM BACON Asaoctaled Pre.. Sporuwriter The Oakland Oaks are starting to sway Hollywood's perch atop the Pacific Coast league. The Oaks came from behind Tuesday night to lace the Stars, 7 to 3, in the opener of their crucial seven-game series. Holly wood went ahead, 3 to 2, in the seventh but Earl Rapp's three-run triple n the Oaks' half of the inning put Oakland ahead for good. The win put the Oaks but five games behind Hollywood. However, Sacramento also Is tied for second place by virtue of a, 7-10-4 win over San Diego. The Solons exploded for five runs in the ninth inning. Padre Max West, the league's top home run slugger, hit No. 38. In the battle of the cellar, Con Dempsey of San Francisco tossed a four-hitter at lowly Los An geles for a 9-to-0 blankout. It was Con's 11th win. Charley Schanz notched his 17th win of the year as Seattle took a 4-to-3 tenth-Inning de cision from Portland. Heinz Beck er, who scored three of the Rain-l-rs' four, doubled In the tenth and came home on Bill Ramsey's single for the ball game. Southworth, Braves' Boss, Forced To Take Rest BOSTON, Aug. 17. UP) Tired out and worn to the edge of a nervous breakdown, Billy South worth, manager of the National League champion Boston Braves, today was somewhere near his Sunbury, Ohio, home beginning a rest that will last through the remainder of the season. "I think too much of Billy we all do to have him continue working the way he works when he obviously isn't fit," explained tribal president Lou Perini. "I suffered a similar breakdown myself about 15 years ago and If ever I saw a man on the verge rf surh a condition, Billy is that man." Asked directly If Southworth would be bark as Braves manager next year, Perini replied: "Very, very definitely. He is the best manager in baseball and he is a fine fellow." Johnny Cooney, In and out of the Boston National league sys tem for more than 30 years, re luctantly took over the man agerial post. Elkton Victor Over McKenzie Bridge, 15-4 Elkton swamped McKenzie Bridge 15-4 In an Evergreen league game played at McKenzie Bridge Sunday by noundine three McKenzie hurlers for 14 hits. rive of the Elkton hits were doubles, with Brooks and Parks each garnering a pair and Myres accounting tor the other. Swear- Ingen and Park teamed to .Mmlt the McKenzie batters to a lone hit. a single by Hytrck. Summary: RUE Elkton ...15 14 4 McKenzie 4 14 Batteries: Elkton Swearincen 7, Parks 2 and Roberts. McKenzie Bridge Wheeler 6, Hytrek 2 23, D. Courtier 13 and Beans. Um pires: Williams, plate; Brazeal, Vital Statistics MARRIAGE LICENSE MARSTERS KENNY Billy Ice land Marsters and Patricia Mary Ann Kenny, both of Roseburg. BASEBALL STANDINGS PACIFIC COAHT I.EAflUK By Th A its? is ted I'm. HsIHwend NartkmrnU OmkUnd Han ; Keallle Porllsne Han tranrlar Lss Angrlrs .... , Hi MX .At.lt , 77 K VtI ,77 -VM . ?S It ..( , 7 tt ,7m 71 , 77 . .411 NATIONAL LEAGt'E laid HmIm Ihil..rlihi. rill.h.rih finrinn.ll Ihlraa. . M 44 Al ..MNI .CO AMt SK AN I tAdl Srw .rk .... t t.v.l.nS . thl!riHphU ll.troll rhlr.i lYA.hln,ln . M l.ntit. , N l . M i . tit M . M . 4N til - H 1 FIGHTS LAST NIGHT 'By th AwnrUtrd PtymI Wii hi nit ton Krrrtdy Dawnon. 142, Chimtm. outpointed luug Kalfurd, 140. Nw York. UV Iam Angrlta Rrnlt? Doomen. 14(1, Nrw Orlrn. outpointed Harold iBaby- Ca-i Jonrs, l:iH. Flint. Mlrh . 10. San Franclw-o Leonard Morrow. 177', OnMand. stopped Arturo tiodov, 300 Chile. 10 Honolulu Mario Trio, l.Kt. Ixa Ange les, outpointed James Perry, 137, Hono lulu, a. RABBIT BREEDERS MEET Tho third meeting of the new ly formed tlmpqua Rabbit Breed ers association was held last night at the home of President Mrs J. C. Wiles, 817 South Main street. The principal topic of discus sion was data about rabbits, Riven bv Mr. ReldiriR. ITCH Sea hies It highly eon- tagioui and Hill con t'nue for llf If not stopped. Its sole rue la the ttrh-mtte. wntrh t Immune to ordinary treatment F.XSOHA kills the Itrh-mite almost mutant I v Onlv three da a' FXSOR treatment Is require! Mail orders given prompt attenUuBV Free Meyer Drags, Basekarg PILES" I I HIMOft RMOIMI KfCTAl AND COLON AILMENTS STOMACH DISORDERS Trnt lltlMt ktpU IsmtM wd ond Fri uttl iwu.t.a Writ wXI tor Ffttl dncrlrl'M beMWt The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Yaar M I. Center L eenele ed eewtl Ave. Telea4e lAsf ! efted 14. 0e. pel HERO OF THE YEAR Pho tographer Bert Kopperl of Los Angeles, Calif., smiles from his especially-built wheelchair after being notified he will be honored t the Hero ot the Year by the Disabled American Veterans. The 32 - year - old cameraman was stricken with infantile paralysis in 1945 while In the Army in the Philippines. The hero award will be presented by Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright, national com mander of the DAV, at the or ganization's convention in Cleve land. O. i t. GETS NEW POST Rear Admiral Felix L. Johnson (above), of Leonsrdtown, Md., former director of naval public information, will be new direc tor of nsvsl intellicence, suc ceeding Rrsr Admiral Thomas B. IntllJ, Houihton Lake. Mich. Two Damage Suits Stem From One Auto Accident The following money suits have been filed in circuit court: Roy Thompson vs. Hay ward Milling company. Plaintiff de mands judgment for $2,327.25, plus interest and costs for work and services allegedly performed but for which the plaintiff was not paid. Kir Manufacturing company and London Guarantee and Acci dent company, limited, vs. Stan ley and Georce Paroz. Plaintiffs demand judgment for $731.66 plus costs for damage to a ve hicle operated by the plaintiff because of allegedly 'jnlawful and negligent acta of the defendants which resulted in an auto acci dent New Moose Clubroom To Be Opened Tonight The Initial opening of the new Moose clubroom will be held to night at 7 o'clock, according to R. L. Rains. Moose secret ay. Rains said the unofficial open Inp will precede the regular lodp meeting, to be held from 8:30-10 p m. Wives have been asked to come to the lodge quarters fol lowing the meeting. The grand opening of the Moose quarters, located in the New-land building on South Stephens street, will be held Aug. 27-28. Ltf.AL NOTH NOTICE IS HFRFRY GIVFN that at a meeting of the Common Council of the City of Roseburg. Oreon. held August 1 5, 1H49, the following Resolution w as adopted' RF SOLVED. That the Common Coun cil of the Cltv of Kooeburg. Oregon, deems It expedient and necearv to Improve Ford Street from the North Line of Moaner Street to the South Line of Ijine Street in ihe City of Hoseburg. Oregt'n. in the following manner First: Hv grading said street to the proper sub grade Second H graveling and Oiling the roadwav of said ruad thirty iJOi feet In width Third- By constructing sub-drains. Fourth by rontructing ca'ch bMns. Fifth By con (rurling curb returns. Said Improvements are to be made In accordance with the Charter and Ordi nances of the Cltv of Roseburg. Oregon, and the grade, plans, specifications and estimates of ihe City Fngtneer filed In the office of the City Recorder on the l.tth day of August l4S whfrh said grade, plans, specifications and esti mates, are hrrehx approved and adopted The entire costs of said Improve ments, Including engineering, interest and all other expenses which the Cttv of Roseburg won id not ht e Incurred except for the making of said Improve ments shall be levied upon the proper ty especially benefited thereby as pro vided by the Charter of Ihe Citv tf Roseburg. Oregon, and in accordance with the petition of propertv owners to he benefited h said improvement, and no part thereof shall be paid by the City of Roseburg The estimate of the City Engineer of the probable detai led rot of ad Im provement is te sum of 2 40 ix) BE IT rtRTMFR RFSOLVF.rt. That the City Recorder be and he is Keren directed to give notice of said Improve ment as provided by ihe Charter of the Cltv of Roseburg. Oregon. Remonstrances against said proposed improvements may oe riled with Ihe undersigned within twenty 20' davs from the first publication of this nonce, which is the lith day of August. 149. Wtl.MAM D BOt .I.MAN. Recorder of the City of hoseburg, Oregon. The Smallest, Fruits and Vegetables Canning Tomatoes 9i as u-pick t milee aoith of Roseburg Turn left on Wins i on Koad, south of Winston Bridge. AIM cantaloupe, squash, sweet corn James Garden GRAVENSTEIN APPLES Peaches tor canning, sweet corn, tomatoes, melons and other fruits and vegetables at the Kruse Stand. 1 mile west on Mai rose Road Closed Saturday. Canning peachfs Tree ripe, aoo bushel U-plrk. Windfalls, 75c Bring containers. JCrnest Vooroiea, Looking glass. TOMATOES, INDIANA CANNERY fan cy. 30 lb. flats, $130. 30 lb. seconds, tl 00. Lindbloom, Dlxonvlll. Phone lp-F-S. . BURBANK AND 8LAPPY peaches for canning. Ed Thiele, Winston. Civil Bend Cemetery Road. Last bouse OP lelt. Phone 13W-J-J. fjL'ClTMBEHS FOR PICKLES Pick them fresh and Under. Harry Wesley, low er Garden Valley Road. Bring con tainers fbR SALE Sweet corn, canning toma toes and cantaloupes. C. H. Clay pool. Route 2.Box 35-A, Cardenyal.ey. GOOD BARTLETT PEARS for canning f 1 00 a box. Bring containers. Ewena Bros.. GardenValley. Phone 33-K-ll GRAVENSTEIN APPLES and Crawford peaches for sale at the Fern green house. FOR SALE -Beans, corn, cucumbers, tomatoes and melons. A. J. Rice, Dll lrd CANNING PEACHES Ripe now. Hales. Elbertas and Improved Elbertas. C. 1 Fullerton. Brockway. Phone3-F-3- FOR SALE Corn for canning. 1st house on right. Lower Garden Valley Road Phone 31-F-31. GRAVENSTEIN APPLES. Bartlett pears 50c bushel, you pick. Phone 1B-F-12, H B. Jacoby, Looktingglass, CANNING CORN ready now. you pick; 2 00 per sack. M. Lehne, Garden Val ley Phone J-F-13. FOR SALE Improved Elberta peaches. $2 00 per bushel; you pick. W. D. Heaa, Rt. 2. Box2tt6, Garden Valley. BAHTLETT PEARS H. D. Scott. 4 blocks west Fair haven Market on Mel rose Road. Bring boxes. Phone444-J-4. CRA WFOHDCANNING peaches. Bench land grown. Bring your own boxes. 3 miles Wof Sutherlin. Allen Tuthill. FOR SALE Slappy peaches. $2 30 bu You pick. Phone 32-F-2. W. D. Heaa. Rt. 2.Bo 3fao. Garden Valley. Cocker and canning corn now ready. Riversdale. Curry Estate, Rt 2. uox z.. uiarence maoiey. GOOD WINDFALL' PEARS, 90c bushel, You pick. Harry WlnMon. PEACHES- YOU-PiCK.$l 00 bushel and up. G. T Royer Sland. Dlllard. CRAWFORD PEACHES. Hugh Ritchie, Garden Valley. Rt. 2. ROCHESTER PEACHES, ripe for can nlng. A Rolh. Brockway. PICKLING CUCUMBERS. Carr Bowers. Calkins Road, phone P25-J-&, Livestock Bring Your Livestock WHTRE they bring In the most money Sale every Friday. Livestock 12 o'clock. Furniture 7 p. m. Roseburg Auction Phone 101 9 REGISTERED HERKFORD rows and calves. 0 Grade Hereford cows and Calves. All young cows. See Doc Carter, Hansen Motor Tire Dept Phone 44B. FOR SALE -2 saddle yearlings; bay mare-quarter hore, IS months old. also black pacer horse. Milk gnat and 4-month old kid, Bs relay. Box 274. Melrose Rt. FOR SALE 3 year old 1 8 thorough bred filly; 3 year old thoroughbred t riding; 2 year old Albino stud, verett Cockrell. 1115 Fairhaven, Roseburg. Ph. 1071-Y-X. FOR SALE Hereford cow and black Jersey bull; good for dairy services, front state herd. John Makinson, Mel rose Rt.. Box 304. FOR SALE Purebred Corriedale Ram lambs. From good stock. Write or see Merle Sanders, Melrose fit Box 223. Roiteburg. PART PALOMINO saddle mare. colt, saddle and bridle. SIM. Gentle. Don Smith. Riddle, I mile out on Canyon ville Road. FOR SALE Saddle pony, 4 years old. gentle. .V). 3' a miles N. of Roseburg on (HJ, turn E. at Log Cabin Grocery, Z E Whtttemore. Rt, 2. Box 893 E-ll. SIM BUYS a very gentle milk cow. Mike Gomes, l'i miles from Highway 42on Olalla Road. FOR SALE One good saddle horse, SflO or will trade for one good work home. Melrose hi., box ihh. WANTED several good milk cows Fresh or to freshen soon. Fred Meal. Myrtle Creek. Phone 841. FOR SALE Registered yearling Rom ney rams. Phone 12-F-23. Virgil Smith, Roseburg. WANTED FAT AND FEEDER lambs and yearttngs. W A. Blackert, Myrtle Creek. Phone 2R2 FOR SALE 30 head of good ewes with 25 lambs. You pick em. Wool on. Phone 6-F-ll WANTED All kinds of livestock. H.' M Cox Call 9WO-J-4. Poultry Baby Chicks Hamps. Reds. Crosses. Every week In the year. Best of breeding. PuUorum passed. Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market City agent, Douglas Co. Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Ivoklngglass Rt Phone 1B-T-3 NOW AVAILABLE- We are receiving applications for membership at our Roseburg branch, located at 840 Short Street. For Information and applica tion blank, see Mr. L. D. Bloom at the branch or write Pacflc Coopera tive Poultry Producers. SOo S. K. Ash Street. Portland 14. Oregon. This cooperative Is owned by and now serves over 3A00 Oregon producers and Is open to membership for producers of poultry, turkevs and all other live stock Membership fee. 1 00 No con tractual obligations or other cash Investment required. N. H.Hens GOOD ROASTED STEWED SOUP TILL YOUR LOCKERS now, 30c lh. live weight. Orders taken for dressed. R. Cary. 2 mileseatofDtxonyille; FOR SALE- 't months old Barred Rock pullels Trap-nested stock. Some laving 1 V) each. R. Cockrum. 7 miles upS MrtleCreek FOR SALE -25 white leghorns, JO An conas, 2H Cornish Game. Melrose Route, Box 21U-A FOR SALE -Colored frvers. 40c a pound Rt I. Box 178. Maurice Weber. Call evenings N H BREEDING COCKERELS, R. Cary 2 miles K of Dixunville. Rabbits Eating It A Habit Make It A Rabbit S. O. R. B. A. FO R S ALE B reedTng-st oc k beef type N Z White, White Flemish Giant. Amanran Hutch and Silver Martin rabbits Reldings Rabbi try, Rt 1. Box 101. Urams t'ass, Oregon. NOTH g TO CREDITOR! All persons having claims against th Mist nl Rnv VanDvne. deceased now pending in the County Court of Douglas Countv, Oregon, are herebv notified to present the same verified as required bv law to the undersigned at ih law offices of Orrutt. Long Neuner, Roseburg. Oregon, within six months from August ITth, IN" M .R Y VAN DYNE. A IV MixisvriiATitlY of the T- iae of Roy Van Dyne, De ceased. Cheapest Workers in Town;. Want Ads Autos LockwoocTs USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere l4g FORD TUDOR SON. Do yourseir justice, anve borne this beaut tor only 11745 00 lftU DODGE FOR DOR SDN Run just li.ouo miles, fuiit equipped, not a scratch on it . 18M 194g FORD TUDOR SDN Carefree driving in thig Immaculate . 1299 147 FORD FOR DOR SDN One you ii oe proua xo drive. Come In and see It today 1113 00 1947 WILLYS STATION WAGON 10.000 miles. Equipped with overdrive, beater and many others. , , IMS 00 14 CHEV. TUDOR SDN. Get rid of that old car now, see ua about a trade today 1169.00 1946 FORD TUDOR SDN. Extra nice, jt.ojo miles. Today's best buy at .. ,, . 1090 1942 CHEV. TUDOR SDN. alecnaiucauy sou no. not loaded with extras, but comfortable. - 199.00 1941 FORD TUDOR SDN Why waste money on your old car when you can drive a beaut like this one home for only - - 74S 00 1941 FORD FOR DOR SDN. Equipped with radio and healer. Long trlpa will cost less In this one. . 695 00 1941 FORD COUPE New motor, clutch, battery, a fine car any way you look at It- 795.00 1941 NASH FORDOR SDN New paint and seat rovers. If its cheap transportation you want look thla one over 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN. radio and healer, clean aa a pin, 645.00 1940 FORD COUPE. good running condition, good body and tires, 575 00 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 1946 FORD TRUCK with U-Drive Body J24M 00 1M7 INTERNATIONAL Pickup 1095 00 IMS G. M C. Chassis and cab. 795.00 1945 FORD Lumber truck Tag and Roles 1995 00 1941 FORD Chassis and Cab. m 445 00 1935 FORD Pickup, 250.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At LOCKWOOD MOTORS Easy Termi Better Buys At Barcus TRUCKS SAVE 96.000. 1949 Reo 316 log truck 202 h. p engine; 1MB peerless light weight log trailer, both like new Re- aponsioie pariy can nanaia wiia Tery email down payment 1946 Chev. lumber truck, 1946 motor, Thornton dual drive, new Urea. Lumber rolls with log bunks attached. Ideal for lumber or short logs 2150 International log truck and traiMr. A steal at 1990 1947 studebaker pickup, excel- lent 1195 1937 International truck and semitrailer, rood condition good tires . 795 1934 l's T. Cher, flatbed, com letelv overhauled. A food truck for 290 Car Bargains 1M7 Bulrk suoer convertible. a real bargain .... 1995 1941 Chrysler coupe, new paint, reconditioned motor 875 lam Nash LaFavette. coach 195 1930 Model A Ford sedan, good motor. I, is BANK TERMS OPEN EVENINGS BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Hwt M N at Canton Valla. Road Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rote FINE USED CARS Reasonable rire G M A.C terms. Chevrolet ftuirk Pontlae Cadillac trade-ins. For S ale 1942 MERCURY, low pressure tires. 13 inch wheels, verv good condition Best offer takes. Across from A H Mill. Dillard Selby. For Sale 19.TT OLDSMOBILE 4 doot Sedan H944 motor 9234 cash. Coaiact Al WOllams Y oncal la. NASH. LIKE NEW. low mileage. miles per gal. Radio, heater, bed Terms, will trade See Shorty. Modern Furniture. 3 30 to 3 30 ORIGINAL OWNER must sell 140 Olds mobile Club Coupe. Good, clean car hydra-matte drive. 1st reasonable offer accepted Phone eso-n-a. ter 7 OHO isiileaee. or .tell. Beet offer McKissen. P. O. Bos 324, Oakland Oregon. MORS MONEY for your ear. Ce Of, th. apot Cerkrum Motor. Inc ue Son, Plrmoutk. Pkoae 40. U N ltolSl bewned UlM.. koeter. S133. 1SOS Pot St. Ph l-n. fiiTaTS isst ror SS. II 35. 1010 Belli St. Autos Hansen's OK Used Cars Many Makes S P I A L Many Models 1949 BtTICK SPECIAL FORDOR lj.uuo actual miles, slick and clean. Just like naw SI M 00 1949 MERCURY FORDOR Radio and heater, ready to mo Onlv MM 00 10,9 00 1947 PONTIAC SEDANETTE Jet black and really beauti ful. Fullv eoulDDed 1947 OLDS MOBILE SEDANET 76 2-tone hydromatlc A fully equipped and priced very low. 1947 BUICK SITPER FORDOR ror a better used car BET TER BUY Bl'ICK. 194C MERCURY SPORT CPE. Not a new car BUT It's orlred to sell Onlv 1293.00 1095.00 1495.00 1943.00 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN shines and sparkles like new. Low mlleaae. Only 1947 CHEV. SPORT CPE. ruliy equipped and a real ly food number. Onlv 1947 OLDSMOBILE 7 FORDOR Radio and neater, 2-lone and only , - Commercials 1944 DODGE MCKltP-Vrjf clean. 1941 CHEV. PICKUP New motor. IH1 CHEV. .-T. PANIX-Cood. Trades G. M. A. C. TERMS OPEN TILL 8 P.M. USED CAR CENTER Oak & Rote Used Car Specials 1947 DODGE CUSTOM EDA! Looks like new. Be sure and see this. 194 PLYMOUTH SEDAN We have 2 of th"e cart. Guaranteed to tivm vou many miles of satisfaction. 11295.00 1940 CHEVROLET COUPE A nice clean car only , ,, 093.00 1949 CHEVROLET TV DOR A popular model. Clean as can be. 1193.00 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Look at this price. L 323 00 1939 DeSOTO SEDAN Tnis car is in excellent condition. Paint, tires and motor A-l- 493.00 1949 DODGE IS TON TCKUP new ures, new paint. 1393.00 1939 FORD l'fc TON TRUCK Here'a a workhorse for only. S9S00 REMEMBER WE TRADE AND YOU CAN BUT CASH OR TERMS Si" Dillard Motor Co. USED CAR LOT North Stephens Street NEW PLYMOUTH $1735.00 DELIVERED In Rnaeburg. Nothing to buy but the license. ROSE MOTOR CO. Chrysler Plymouth Rose aV Lane, Sts. - Phone 99 EQUITY for sale tn 1949 Studebaker Champse S-resnfer eoupe. on It anno usttee. 9700, Joe Bailey. Safeway Meat Market. Autos USED CARS Prices Lowered 1HI WILLYS JEEPSTM Practically new, raow Dow Price Pml jim mo fewatnr . 190 DODGE-Ct'sTOM DELUXE SEDAN Very good. We guaran tee thla 141 1M1 WDSON UPElt-4 COUPE Tlrea food, pelnt ffnod mechanically very good TU 1M1 rORD COI'PI Thia U good tranaporut- uon 1M0 Ht'DSON SEDAN SUPER SIX 140 HIIDSOM COUPE New air ride Urea, good motor - Mi U40 DESOTO SEDAN New paint, aeat covert . 5TI 1M0 PONTIAC SEDAN New Urea, very clean 891 IKK HUDSON SEDAN SUPER SIX Very good mechanically SIS IS3S HUDSON SEDAN SM SO US 10 Mors Car For Your $ At Roseburg. Hudson Co. HUDSON DEALER 702 ft Stephens Ph. 1270-R COME IN AND LOOK OVER our new and used Ha r ley Davidson Motorcycles, 9200 and up Immediate delivery on the 1949 Hydra Glide, 13 down. 12 months to pay. Harley Davidson 123 9S down 93 90 weekly Joe's Harley Davidson. 3 miles So. Hwy 99. RoseburfjOref. FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity In 1949 Ford 6 pickup, 4 .peed transmission. A-l condition throughout. Will take good used older model car in 9:100 class. D. W. Keasey, Ptterson'a Auto- motive. PhMX 19.T9 PLYMOUTH COACH, food condi tion. RH. 9400 cash or terms. Call 34 -R -3 rOR SALE OR TRADE 1930 Harlev Davison motorcvele, as is, 930. 242 flint Trucks ARMY TRUCK PARTS OR parts for ANY MAKE TRUCK. Phone or write. If the parts you need are not In our stock, we will be glad to pick them up for you. A. 6. Scarlett 479 W. 3th St . Eugene CMC Dealer Phone 4-4239 POR SALE '36 Diamond T ton pick up. Good body and motor. 90 ' tires. A real buy, tl93. See at 643 Fullerton St. after 3 p. m., or during day at Cooper Motors. NEW ANlPuSEDtTuckt Logging trucks, gravel trucks, flat beds and lumber trucks. We have a .lew or good used truck for your job. Call 1387-Y. Rose, burg. 11943 INTERNATIONAL pickup; 1 1943 International pickup: 1 single axle piling trailer. For Information Phone 432. 129 2nd Ave. South. FOR SALE 14 -ton 1939 International truck, combination stoik rack. Excel- entcondltion. EdDeal. 113 S. Flint. AXLE SHAFTSTTor all makes erf trucks. Ray's Truck Shop. 2033 N. Stephana. Phone 499-J-4. Tractors We Will Not Be Undersold RECONDITIONED 8 Caterpillar R4 6 Caterpillar D4 1 Caterpillar DO 3 Caterpillar D7 3 Caterpillar D8 1 International TD9 1 International Tn 2 International TD9 , 3 International TD14 1 International TD18 4 Allis Chalmers HD7 . TRACTORS Bare at 92375. .. Bare at .Bare at .. Bare at 3 ISO. 3230. 7330. 82 V). 2330, 2775. 3.17V 3975. 6A50. .. Bare at ,. Bare at . Bare at .. Bare at .. Bare at Bare at .. Bare at 1 Allis Chalmers HD10 . Bare at 5ft V). 2 Allis Chalmers HD14 ... Bare at 7330. Reconditioned Shovels & Cranes 1 Browning Mobile Crane 1 yd Bare 914.500. 3 Bucyrut Erie 13B Shovels Bare 7.975. 2 Osgood ' yd Shovels .Bare 9.3.10. 2 Inslev K12 Backhoe -...Bare 3 91. 9 Insley K10 Shovels Bare 4.A73. ter ror ii n T'a t. Bare 3.7.10. 2 TD9 Front Loaders .Bare 9430. . "As Is" Tractors & Shovels 12 Caterpillar R4 9 Caterpillar D4 ..Bare at 91.773. Bare at 2.37V .. Bare at 6.97V Bare at 1.47V .. Bare at 1.97V Rart at 1 XT 20 Caterpillar D9 u international iw 29 International TD9 3 insley Kio Cranes 3 Unit Cranes Bare at 3.27V Blades. Drums. Parte and other attach-equip- mems in stock lor all above COME AND GET -Mill Pacific Tractor & Equipment Corp. lanrt West 7th Avenue.. Eugene. Oregon Phone 4-6263 Evenings 5-3S1S Logging Equipment SKAGIT LOADER powered with new Mercury engine complete with good aled and some lines. Price 9 1.500. Inquire Heath Bros, at Hew Lumber Company, S Myrtle Creek Road. Myr- 1 le Creek. .Oregon. FOR SALE 20 Skagit yarder. complete with rigging and small American saw mill. Will sell separately or together. Melton aV Laurance, R F D. 1, Box 209, Rose burg. Ore. Phone 14-F-42. D4 CAT serial number 7J-4172 with Hyster drum and La Plant Choat, hy draulic dozer See at Tyee Lumber Co , Sutherlin. Ore., or phone 1202 Suther lin MALL MODEL 7 chain saw. 4 chains 2 bars. 1st house on left entering Myrtle Creek from north. Bud Scar- orou t n. FOR SALE DT 18 International traetor, A-l condition. BX 2O0 Skagit yarder. A-l condition K3 International dump -tP?fk Ph 319-J-9 evenings Machinery For Sale FOR SALE TD 19 Int. tractor, com. pletely armored for logging. Isaacson cable blade. Carco winch. 730 hours. 99.200 H D 14 Allis Chalmers tractor. Naarson cable blade. Carco winch. 97.0OO. H D 14 Allis Chalmers, Carco winch. 98OO0 Loading donkev. Wash ington drums. swing boom. Mer cury motor, completely equipped. larl M. Minltt, Tiller. Ore. W B 22 WHITE rear end. complete with air Phone 391-R-4, 104 Sunset Lena off VeliTse Rrtad Miscellaneous WOOL CARDING Recardlng Blankets. Mattress pads made to order Wash- trroa Woolen Mills. 1034-17th Ave. S W Reatt te . W ash FOR INVALIDS and elderly folks. 74 KrsaurriTi ear, 219 W. 4th Street. t