. r V ( i Bank With A Douglas County Institution Home Owned Horn Operated Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Douglas County State Bank w BENEFIT DANCE Roseburg Armory, Aug 19 Music By Lou Franco and the Happy Valley Cowboys Admission: 90c Per Tenon Sponsored By Knights of Columbus Council No. 2939 Profits Go to Ecuador Eorthquak i Relief The whole town's buzzing about Roseburg's newest and most exciting annual event the races. You hear arguments between Susan and Del on KRNR's "Party Line" about quarter-horses . . there la the novice aboard city bus inquiring gently of a fellow passenger: "Well, what's this Win-Place-Show stuff about?" and there are muffled discussions In confidential and provocative tones over a cup of coffee in the Umpqua Hotel ... At any rate, horse racing is upon us for the first time In many years . . . and antici pation is at an all-time high. And by the way, KRNR's versatile Lyle Fenner has been assigned the announcing job at the track . . . fhe poor man's Doodles Weaver . . calling out: "And here they come around the track . . . It's Cabbage, by a head . . ." "I'm Gonna Wash that Man Right Out of My Hair," "You'rs Breaking My Heart," "Who's Sorry Now," "24 Hours of Sunshlnt," and "The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise," tltlo tonight's musical selections on the "Sammy Kayo Showroom" at 7:1S. When a group of unscrupulous msn try to swindle honest settlers out of land on which they had spent years of hard work, "The Cisco Kid" takes a hand on the side ef justiee, during the adventure of "The Cisco Kid and the Disappearing Cabin," tonight at 7:30. FLASH: A racing event will be broadcast over KRNR tonight at 10 direct from the track by remote facilities. If, for some rea son, you can't be there in person, you'll catch all the color and ex citement of an honest-to-goodness race by dialing 1490 tonight at 10, for 15 minutes. Of necessity, this'll shove "Greg Hood" down to 10:30 tonight . . at which time a confession which he didn't want to hear becomes the subject of the latest incident from his "Casebook." Elliott Lewis, who is starred as Gregory Hood, and his wife, Cathy, have appeared often together as an acting team in radio. But they'll be seen together in a film feature for the first time when the new "The Story of Melly X" is released. KRNR Tks Vttes ff The) Ksmsts, Nws-Rtvlw 1490 On Yur Dial stLMAIMNG HOIBS TODAY 4:00 Walter Trohan. 4:1ft Frank Hemingway, 4:30 Pasting Parade. k R. G.Mc Arthur Well Drilling 11 miles cost on N. Umpqua Road V'atch for liqn or writ Box 175, Idle rid Route, Rose burg, Oregon. Convenient Parking in Lot At Rear of Store Roseburg, Oregon 3 DAYS OMLVn JUNIOR AND MISSES' ALL BRAND NEW REGULAR RAYONS 99 EARLY FALL STYLES AND COLORS BUTTON-FRONT COAT DRESSES 2-PIECE CLASSIC DRESSES BOLD BORDER PRINTS NARROW OR BROAD STRIPES LARGE FLORAL OR PICTORIAL PRINTS PROVEN SUCCESSES 4:434) Plus P equal V. 3:00 Music. 5:15 Music. 3 TO Champion 5:4 Cur ley Brad.tr. 8:00 Riverside Motors. 8:15 Mutual Nvwsreel. 8::tO Sports Page. 8 35 Music. 8:40 Loral NfWi. 8 45 Southland Singing. 655 Bill Henry. 7:00 Dick Hay me. 7:13 Sammy Kay Showroom. 7:30 Cisco Kid. 8:oo What's the Nam of that Song? 8:;K) Tex Beneke. 845 Bob Lberl. 9:(10 Newi. 9:15 HI Neighbor. A 30 Scandinavian Melody Tim, a 45 Wa I ter Troha n. 10:00 Gregory Hood 10:30 Dance Orchestra. l on Cues In Music. 11.30 Sign Off. THI tKDAT. AL'Cil ST II, 1:00 Sunrise Serenade. -News. 120 Music. I 30 Rise it Shin. 1 oo News -Breakfast Gan. r 45 Local New. I:M Beehive, r 55 Music. 1:00 Hnven of Rest. 1:30 Modern Home. S:45 Nnvatlme. 1:00 Wally'i Coffe MS Music. Man About Town. (in Musical interlude. ?:30 Shopper' Guide. Ofl News. : 1 3 Sweet wood Serenade. :10 Say It With Music. :J-rt Baker. K Ladies First. :30 Queen for a Day. xi Music at Noon. : 1 5 Sport Page. Music. " r Clocking th Stars. Music. ?:40 Local News. ".15 National Newt. ' 55 Market Reports 1:00 Man on the Street I Listen IO aLiCDerL. 30 Music. -Eddie Howard Orcheitra. I 00 Against the Storm. I 30 It s Requested 100 Johnson family. 1:15 Music. 5 30 W C T U Program. Gen. Waitt Admits Flattering Self In 3rd Person Report On Army Job WASHINGTON. Aug. 17 UP--Maj. Gen. Alden H. Waitt said Tuesday that MaJ. Gen. Harry H. Vaughan asked him to prepare a memorandum on eight officers eligible for Waitt's Job as Chief of the Army Chemical Corps. Waitt told the Senate Investlga tions committee that he thought Vaughan. who is Presiden Tru man's army aide, asked him to do so at some social gathering "perhaps a cocktail party." He said he could not recall the date, but said he thought Vaugh an asked him to "give my esti mate my personal opinion" of officers most likely to be consid ered for the post. Further, Waitt acknowledged to the committee, looking into activities of so-called five per centers, that he dictated the memorandum to the secretary of James V. Hunt, Washington man agement counselor. Hunt has been a prime figure in the in quiry. Senator Mundt (RSD) said when the memorandum was piaff ed in evidence last week that Waitt had "cut the throats" of his brother officers who might succeed him as the army's chem ical chief. Sounded Own Praises Waitt also acknowledged writ ing another memorandum which gave a highly flattering repoil on himself. It was written in the third person and he testified it was prepared for Vaughan to hand to President Truman as Vaughan'S evaluation of Waitt. Senator McCarthy (R-Wis) not ed that Waitt, in the reoort, de scribed himself as one of the world's leading experts on toxl cologlcal warfare, Waitt laughed nervously and then said: "That Is most embarrassing. But it happens to be true." Waitt, squirming in his chair and still laughing, said: "Pravda (Soviet newspaper) has called me the savage Gener al Waitt. Moscow radio has call ed me a cannibal." The committee got testimony last week there was no evidence the report Waitt prepared on him self ever got to the White House. It was found in Hunt's files. Waitt and Maj. Gen. Herman Feldman. quartermaster general were suspended July 16 by Se; letary of the Army Grav pending further investigation. Gray acted after the names of the two offi cers were brought out in the Sen ate inquiry. Waitt today called Hunt "a close personal friend." Before Waitt testified, Lt. Col. Roy T. Evans testified that Hunt claim ed to have been responsible for 3 45 Loral Loan Show. 400 Walter Trohan 4 15 Frank Hemingway. 4:10 Passing Farada. 4 4.1 News. 5 00 B Bar B Ranch S.IO Adventures of Champion. 3:43 Curley Bradley 6 00 Cavalcade of Saftty. ..IS Mutual NewsraaL .:.'0 Sports Pace. 8 45 Mu.ical Interlude. 5 40 Local Nes .43 Southland Singing. 6 33 Charles Shaw. 7:00 Frank Purdy. T15 Here Comet 1h. Brid.. S no Hopalong Cassidv. S 30 Fishing Hunting Club of th. Air. 9 no-News, 15 Harris Ellsworth 9 30 Georga Mayer Trio. 9:45 Walter Trohan. 10:00 The Falcon. 10::iO Dane. Orchestra. 11:00 Cues In Music. 11.10 sim Off. WtrJ., Aug. 17, 1949 The Nswi-R.yi.w, Roitburs, Ort. S Waitt's appointment as chemical chief. Evans said Hunt, former offi cer in the quartermaster corps, made the claim at a social gath ering within the last vear anl half. He said Hunt tried to "im press people" that he knew many prominent persons. Evans said Hunt also said at '.he party that he was responsible for the appointment of Tighe Woods as housing expediter, and Jess Larson as War Assets ad ministrator. Hunt formerly was special consultant for the WAA. Woods already has appeared before the committee looking into the activities of "five percent ers" persons who collect fees, usually five percent, for their help In seeking out government contracts. Sugar with some of Its 10,000 known derivatives is used In more than 80 industries. Labrador Is the most easterly part of' the American continent. He Travels Best Who Travels Refreshed T BIG DANCE JS&g) C wikic.Tr.ki A?r Ktjtm MBS ,rP?.r- VPr"tJ'm h s7i Bu t-W jgm 2 rfM AfNBW Complete... I ill II SOTTIID UNDEI AUTHOHTV OP tHI COOY42CAA COMPANY IY ?,w.'k,..t c.. ,M VYl . Coca-Colo Bottling Company of Ros.burg comfortably with a fully insu- I o i c-w I :S """' ... II lated home. Our fireproof rock ' 'Modern "Horn.!' kl 1 n,. fnr ll.olf wllhln two 1 , j 45 Nnvatlme. I lalfft 1 I ur Infill. r nhntlt mptal In. Mi -r-rr:--- : T,-r. . ml tmv 1 tgrtVcV tWt 230 N. Stephen, fV" WV """Jcf JL ,'J l' " nrss servingl f A 1irnfiif a! i Z- ,i y ' ' ' ' 1 STAKTS TODAV 1 r4 IWm, SCOTT RAINES JM " 1 rU A i$V' " CO-FEATURE - ""' . ;WnOHN IRELAND 1 VJ P WT? S iyt t: WILLIAM BISHOP nAitC : r, v -IvVstVi II II II feMfel MATINEE DAILY fm m I r?W llmttx l y s izxm