Flower HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted flower It hai rayi and yellow disks 1 1 Sketcher 13 Pestered 14 Falsehood 15 Weird 1 Follower 4 Yes Sp.) 5 Belgian river ( Obnoxious plant 1 Laughter sound I Devotee 9 Abounded 10 Dropsy 12 Beverage 17 Golf mound 18 Electrical unit 13 Bind 19 Demolished W Rupees (ab.) 20 Millimeter (ab.) 21 Dispatch 24 Genus of shrubs ii Born 27 Accomplished 28 Seqior (ab.) 29 Type measure 30 Palm lily 31 Bachelor of Art (ab.) 32 Aged 33 Number 35 On the sheltered side 38 God of love 38 "Sioux State" (ab.) 39 Boy's name 44 Right (ab.) 45 Scottish river 47 Infirm 48 Eucharistie wioe vessel 49 Landed property SI Kettledrum 53 Condition 54 Little ERTICAL 1 River valleys 2 Ascended 22 Cuddle 23 Ridicule 24 Form notion 25 Wood used in carpentry 32 Of greatest age i fTT" IT" T a" T to ii !r fi : Pi ib Ti7 ss V Ik ST 35 "T T i I H H hi -v T a 1 1 1 1 i H I 1 1 1 .5 4 Must you eat bananas now?" BLONDIE f N I P" THOSE A . eAD, . THINK MOU L IweU. NEED A BOX J COOKeSONTHE'3-::rMAMAl (DON'T TRUST ) rV?a. H ? ABOUT THAT BG f II : 2ST(S TOP SHELF TO S CIMI ME - -i r laaSS 1 j LI L ABNER By Al Capp lONt-nuiLT-s- K rfsvmt ouatmrr too STHOLLf tiatt fVX'l-" -sv VH aTia-j sr u2- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ( Sounds like Six T On. 4 th F UVE PIGS WUM&OP JULV 1 UP BY THEIR IN A KIND S. TAILS' BOILER uke fSL, ''T FACTORY. I if.' . ALLEY OOP I'M 5u7E f ITS MAN-MADE. I5Jt vncaj&m; i 1 THOJSHT X7U SMD ) T?E WAS NO 7 ISNT.WH0EVEe BJILT TMVT TVNS GOT HEE THE 5n-E KM., , V WA.V MS 'Answer to Previous Punle IA RlTl S T ELIQlUmSJ TTTBL 34 Analogical 35 Peruvian mountain range 37 Stable 42 Note in Guido's Kale 43 Rots by exposure 48 Greek letter 48 Striped camel's hair cloth 50 Near 52 Part of "be" compartment 39 Quota 40 Individual 41 Government issue (ab.) WHAT I SAID LETS DID vrwi EM OUT SAY? TWECE S2ME CTMEE KLNtT, I SUPPOSE iifisl ly'Ulr" TlS i Bit fflEBi i IWKs I ' v-1 mm- Wtd. A119. 17, 1949 Tht Ntwt-Rtview, Roicburg, Of. 3 MODEST MAIDENS Mail avaunl Ii. S rauat O&a 'do you have Someplace close twos acommatiow OF PAWS, MEW ORLEANS, MEXICO AMP KEOKUK, IOWA? FROM NINE TO FIVE I just can't stand her. Every time I ask her "Have you Heard? . . . she says "Yes!" mY W V MEsN MEeCLiy C J THATiS Rl5MT..ANC WE MAY 1 I M-E5 S?ME V TUBN L THE AN6SEIZ KliHT I Couth AMERICA By Jo Fischer By Chic Young By Merrill Blosser By V. T. HAMLIN ? SHINGLES Asphalt Asbestos Cedar Poje Lumber & Fuel 164 K. 2nd Ave. S. h 242 BUSINESS DIRECTORY RADIO SERVICINQ Hansen's Radio Service, Suther tin. Radio Doctors. Phc- t91J. PLUMBINO Ace Plumbing Co., 915 Garden valley Kd., Bus. Khone wiw, Res. Phone 149 R-3. Kler-Crooch Plumbing Co, 316 Mill. Phone WK. Harris Plumbing A Heating Co. 805 South Stephens. Ph. U78-J. Coen Supply Co. Phone 12L Terp i Plumbing. Phone 733-R. A. D. Wallace. Melrose Route. Box 10W. Phone 165-R-a HEATING R. Ritzman Heating Co., hot -a-tr and steam, oil burners. 1703 Brown. Phone 1066-J. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE J. E. Neberry"s Washing Ma chine Service. 102 W. Commer cial Avenue. Phone 1015-K. Washing Machine service. Roy and Rusty" Appliance Repair. 510 N. Jackson. Ph, 1003-R. ELECTRICIANS Rldenour Electric. Phone 730-J -5. Roseburg Electric, Phone 123. Ace Electric. Phone 1095-L. FLOOR COVERING F. W. Floor Covering. 327 S. Stephens. Phone 1478-K. Philip M. Durnam, 920 S. Main. Phone 1336-J. Electrolux, service, supplies. Wax er and polisher. Wayne Over beck. Phone 373-R-2. IRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fire Extl-ilsher Sales A Ser.:ee. Fvr Fvter Products, Co. i re filling. Glenn H. Taylor, 220 N. Main. Phone 1433-R. PIANO SERVICE Southwestern Piano Service. runlng.Recondltionlng. Ph 938-J 3. PAINTING IMMEDIATE SERVICE Commercial and Domestio ROSEBURG PAINT SHOP Phones 422 807-R 1322 R ROSEBURG PAVING CO. Asphalt Paving Mlllyards. Driveways, Station! Floors. Sidewalks Custom Hading Office: 634 S. Main Tilmhona - m eHiM "Bill" Lesslter Pick-Up and Delivery Frw Estimates EXPERT FURNITURE CLEANING and Dyeing Company "If It's fit to USE It's fit to CLEAN" "If It's FADED Let us DYE it" E-t Pun Onp Snerialtv 1395 Umpqua Ave., Rmeburg. Ore. Phone is k Complete Interior House Cleaning Vernon D. Clement Phono 813 R Estimates Glodly Given Window Washing a Specialty We are equipped to do STEAM CLEAN. :;G Also washing, polishing and waxing of cars. Dovies Mobil Service Station 740 S. Stephens St. Phone 67 WELL DRILLING ED MILLER Route 2, Box 201-A Phone 441-R-3 Roseburg, Ore. CONTRACT PAINTING e.K-. PA1NT1NO " " DECOCATINO Homo UCTBACIOfc: JACK PRESTON 504 S. Stephens Ph. 62AT vomFULMR PAINT maim " good pfoco fo go" DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 40J W. Oak Ph. U8 Dr. E. W. Carter Chlropodlit Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store CARPENTER New Construction Remodeling Pjml-Biook Construction Lyn Jones 522 S. Stephens Ph. 459 J FLOOR CONTRACTING n Laying f; I Finishing Old Fleers Md I Ik New. Melrose Rt., box 8AB CARLSON'S flOOR SERVICE Phone 102 R S tS Vtin Enoerlenee SHALE RIVER LOAM Delivered Shovels Traxcavator Bulldorer Dragline Backhoe Crane Compretsor Trucks Logging Roads Built and Rocked Mill Ponds Cleaned Basements Dug Rental or Contract S. M. Crttra Comnany P O. Box 952 Office East 2nd Ave. South Phone 134R.I Residence Phone 930-L 2 Get Those PROPANE ANT) BUTANE hottle refilled at the Myers Oil Co. Highway 99 and Garden Valley Road Also Heater. Hot Plate and Supplle OLDFIELD & SONS CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS 1062 Eden Lane Phone 886-J-l Carl P. Tailor, Excavating Contractor Shale rock for Immediate delivery. Shovel, Trucks, Bulldorer, . Patrol Rlade, Back hoe. For Hire. Roads built and rocked by hour or contract. 2340 N. Stphens Ph. 499 R-4 AI'THOl.KD BERGH'S APPLIANCE, Maytag Cr Norge Sales and Service NorM. MarUg ApplUnret ftntf ffamtltnn lothei Dryart ISM Onuth Rtephrni SWrlcInt All Makri Wainm Ptiona ans Rohur. Oiaaon D.t.: f DAlNTtNO .urn.,,.;, . :-jflmiQ' roNTPACTOCS Contractors amibica Commercial and Home Decorating All Work Guaranteed Douglas Paint 4V Hardware Co. 106 S. Stephen Phone 94-J UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Custom Made Counters, Shelves, Fixture. Kitchen Cabinet Phone 499 RJ 337 R-3 TWO N. Stonhens Roseburg. Ore Venetian Blind Sales and Service Estimate Free CHARLES HODSON 1!25 Cedar St. Phone 1349 L C. G. Lovelady Building and Remodeling Contractor 2040 N. Stephens Ph. 264-R-1 AUTOMOm- 'NSURANCE Mt,'.. SHIP HAROLD COX Dlitrlet KtpreientAtlva Phon 1323 II ISl I Jarkaon SL Roaaburs. Oraaon DARBY & FOSTER Excavating Contractors Shale Rock For Immedicte Delivery Construction of loRirlnu roads Shovels, trucks, hulldo7er, c;m iressor for hire hy contract or hour. No 1ob too larEe or too small Phor.e for free estimate. Ph. 1152 r. Ferest f.rvle Read West at Landis Iron Works Harawooa Sandlna Frsttet Your family with the B. M. A. Pollc plan. Call Kir. Lincoln, 938-J 4 a drop card to Box toa Melrose Route. HENRY H. MILLER Excavating A Road Building Contractor 1401 Willow St. Phone S88 J We sell shale bar run. river rock and river loam. Mill ponds clt-aned and dredged. Shovel, Bulldozer, Boom. Air Compressor. Crane. Dragline, "ump Trucks by hour or contract. Free estimates. HARGIS ELECTRIC Speciolisti Radio. Refrlqeratlon. Household Appliance Servloe 20 Yeori Experienc All Work Guaranteed til E. Cass St Phone FURNACES Roseburg Sheet Metal Vour II MN!MM Center ph. 4t neaiing tM e. 1st OLIVER'S Septic Tanks end Drain Fields Installed Tanks Pumped ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 461R 3 Rt I, Box 71 PRINTING PROMPT, EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE SERVICE ROSEBURG PRINTING CO. Corner Cass and Sheridan Phone 943 CEMENT CONTRACTING ALL KINDS FORM BUILDING Will also put basement us see eld house. - Ed Puehs. Fuohs Bros. Ph. Residence 141VJ Tool Rentals Floor Sanders, Edcers, Belt Disc Sander. Concrete Mixers. Power Trowels. Concrete Vibra tors. Wheel Barrows, Lighting Plants. Paint Sprav Outfits. Skll- laws. Drills. Air Comnressors. Jack Hammers and Hydraulic Jacks. Call us. We may have Just what vou need. Osbun Electric t Equip Co. 847 S. Stephen Phone 1108-R INLAID LINOLEUM Sales and Installation of all types of floor covering F i W Floor Covering Co. Ph. 1478-R 327 S. Stephens R.G.Lambeth for Remodeling Or Construction Free estimotes on any size ob Melrme Route Box 91 -B Phone 1444 R TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive or it drive. Ca'l 1538 Adoir's Porklnq Lot Main and Washington Flerjel Transfer & Stcrcqe Co. Nelson & Pyle Woodworking Co. Windows, Sash, and Frames. Mill and Moshsr Phon. 1242 J Royal TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Sales ond Service Rentals Fost dependable service KEN'S OFFICE EQUIP. 63 1 S. Stephen Ph. 126I-R A. f. Wo Iter Kresso. M. 0. Physlciiin and Surgeon V. S. National Bank Annex Room 217 Office Phone: 1500 Rtii r.irhavM Aoti.-Phoe lei )fflce hours: Mon. Thru Sat PLASTERING flUNDY & SUTTON FREE ESTIMATES PH. 1094-Y Desbiens & Schafer GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS All Types Cement Work Sidewalks, driveways, floors, patios and foundations. ESTIMATES GiVEN Box 103-C. Melrose Rt-. Phone 42-R-1 Phone 165-R-2 ROSEBURG VENETIAN BLIND FACTORY 115 M Jackson St. Rovhuri, Ore. rnone lOvB-J VENETIAN BLINDS W8HA0ES orapes srn.ENS Free Estimates Satlsfa 'n fjiiaranteed CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephens Ph. 302 TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive) Move Yourself Save Vi Long or Short Trips Bes Hive Truck Rental Tit S. Stephens Phon 1439J P & B TOWING 24-HOUR wrecker and crane service. No Job too large or too small. Truck mounted equipment We can now handle 34 vard dragline work, log loading, heavy crane work. 743 . Stephens St Phon t2S WATER where and when you wont it with a BERKLEY JET Water System Consult us far all your pump needs. Denn-Gerrstsen Co. 402 W. Oak Phon 128 P.&H. PAINT CO. All Types of Painting. Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates. 1230 Corey Ph. 1305-J GENERALCONTR ACTING AND BUILDING Free EstimatHi HATCHER CONSTRUCTION CO. Rt. 2. Box 139-G Phone 1408 R CERAMIC TILE Shower stall, bath, -valla, floors, hearth, counter lops, store ft. .its. Comulcte colors nd ' . Claed and unelazed. Chrome hound glass door for shower and tuh. By contract or hourly. Estimates Free. Ph. 1033-Y Byron Pow.ll Box 1281