Tuea., Aug. U, 1949 The Nowe-Roriow, Reaaburg, Or. t j& ROSEBURB yy am ix now has a complete selection of it's simple as a-b-c! Simple to build a color-planned wardrobe! Because Sacony hat color-blended tkirtt and top for a wonderful all-in-one look. The all-wool tkirtt art sweetly tailored and realljr washable. They pick up a coloi from the atriped tkirte which are oft and full and figure flattering. Such happjr color blending! Such care-free upkeep! And such little price! Here both for leea than a S20. bill! It's a wonderful bur! PL A M ' jpoiiters it by S j m WV Ujjyfy i , , , ' X ' THI WOOl-lllNDtD SACONY SKIRTS 18.9$ F' lill' I II . W. r v 1 ; i lip 1 I HO(tT-5TOr JACKIT 14.9S STUPID SHIRT' . 10.9S SOLID SHIRT ... 7.9S WOOl riANNIl SKIRT U S THI WASHMII SACONT SHIRTS 10.9S THI WOOl SACONY SKIRTS 10.91 ColopIlroed aeparatee right out of the fathioo meguinee . . . tailored to work their way through college! They're all pure wool! They're all color-wedded! And the triped bloueee are waihable! You can merrily twitch the faihion-bright tope with the beautifully tailored tkirtt in toft wool flannel. They make wonderful wardrobe and for to few dollar. It't a wonderful buy! os orfrerW ffl MADCMOtSCUf r your ready -set -grow wardrobeonly 46.80 Here are four Sacony teparatea that add np to a full-time campus wardrobe! The critply tailored jacket goe with the corselet-top skirt. ja Both are in fine wool flannel . . . and grow and grow with a stripe-happy shirt or a plain one (both shirts are washable wool blends). The very nicest part it their Sacony label that positively aasurea you, "It'a a wonderful buy P os ooVerfiied m VOCUC ROSEBURG