The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 16, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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!. f n ' .
Dltttl and Stovt Oils
Quality Oils
For Evtry Purpose
E. A. Pearson, Distributor
General Petroleum Products
Rhone 321-J
National Education Assn. Wants
No Communist School Teachers
Ntw-Bvtw Correspondent
Oregon teachers attending the National Education association
convention at Boston, Mass., took a firm stand In support of the
national organization's resolution against employment ot Com
munist teachers, reported Mrs. Margaret McGee o( Canyonville,
who recently returned from the convention.
As a teacher in the Riddle High
rchool, Mrs. McGee was one ot
41 delegates chosen to represent
this state at the national conven
tion. Communism in the nation's
schools was one ol the major is
sues raised and the delegates vot
ed to bar Communists from N.E.
A. membership, she said.
Jane Robb of Portland was
elected president ol department
of classroom teachers.
The Oregon headquarters in
the Statler hotel in Boston had a
fine display of Oregon products
and tourist information, while
delegates distributed samples
with the teachers from the rest
of the 48 states, Alaska and Ha
waii. The latter delegation pre
sented orchids to all delegates
on the opening night.
A very fine movie of Oregon's
scenic places was shown, arous
ing much Interest among dele
gates. Or. Holt Elected President
N. E. A. elected Dr. Andrew D.
Holt, executive secretary of the
Tennessee Education association,
as its new president. Dr. Holt
attended Oregon's Education as
sociation meeting at Portland In
April this year, where he was a
popular speaker.
The N. E. A. board of directors
selected St. Louis, Mo., as the
convention site for July 2-7 next
An Interesting resume of Mrs.
McGee's trip to Boston and her
return to Canyonville has been
related as follows:
"Monday, June 13, Mr. McGee
Then stop in and tee us regarding your remodeling prob
lems today. We'll analyze your difficulties; show you how
easily you can increase the live-ability of your home by
adding an extra bedroom, den or needed closets. Our
quality Wallboard, Lumber, Paint and sound advice as
sure you of doing a really fine Job!
402 W. Oak
Phone 128
end I drove to Portland, where
we attended grand chapter of
Eastern Star as Canyonville's
delegates, and he the grand lodge
ol Masons.
"Friday, June 17. I left Port
land by the City of Portland
streamliner for Omaha, Nenr.,
where Mrs. Max Kimmel, a for
mer Canyonville teacher and now
of Roseburg (teaching at Dillard
this fall). Joined me. Mrs. Kim
mel had flown to Lincoln. Nebr.,
a month earlier to attend a re
union for her high school at
Klmwood. Nebr., where she had
graduated and had not been back
for 40 years. She spent a happv
time there, visiting wltn ner cou
ins and renewing old acquaint'
ances. One of her cousins is a for
mer eovernor of Nebraska.
"We went on to St. Louis. Mo.,
and New Orleans, La., for two
delightful days, to see the old
French quarter and marKeis. nis
torical places, and for a delight
ful ride up and down the Missis
sippi river, a trip 1 had always
wanted to take.
Guests of Maynard Bells
"From New Orleans, we took
The Southerner to Washington,
D. C, where we were guests of
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Maynard Bell,
formerly of Roseburg. Mrs. Bell
is the former Evelyn Willis,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Willis of Canyonville and niece of
Mrs. Kimmel.
"We were most graciously en
tertained and taken by the Bells
to view many places of interest,
including a trip through the Pen
tagon building, where Col. Bell
has his office; Mt. Vernon, Falls
Church Episcopal church, where
George Washington had his pew;
Lee's mansion, Arlington ceme
tery, tomb of the unknown sol
dier, and the International Tem
ple of Eastern Star.
"The four of us attended a pic
ric In a park along the Potomac
river with Col. and Mrs. Ward.
He was in the service with Col.
Bell at Riverside. Calif., and is
now also at the Pentagon.
'Later, -we and the Bells visit
ed with Rep. Harris Ellsworth
and called at Senator Guy Cor-
I don's office. We also viewed the
I White House and attended ses
sions of the House ana senate.
Mrs. McGee and Mrs. Kimmel
also visited In Philadelphia and
New York before continuing on to
Boston. In Philadelphia they saw
such sights as Independence Hall,
where the Declaration of Inde
pendence was signed in 1776, and
the home of Betsy Ross, where the
first American flag was made.
They spent four days sightsee
ing in New York. Highlights of
their tour included visits to Radio
City, shopping on Fifth avenue,
oaseball game between the
Brooklyn Dodgers and New York
Giants, and a Broadway musical
In Boston, they were among the
convention delegates who attend
ed the opening vesper services
in Old North church, famous for
Paul Revere's ride.
On their return west. Mr. Mc
Gee and Mrs. Kimmel stopped
off to see Niagara Falls and the
Chicago Railroad fair on Lake
Michigan. They took the Empire
Builder from there for Portland,
and completed their Journey by
bus to Roseburg.
Ttd Williams Ktps Amtrkon Uotjuo lofting
CHICAGO, Aug. 16-L?l Bos
ton's Ted Williams led American
league batters again last week.
But Williams. carry-over
leader from the preceding week,
was being hard pressed by
George Kell of Detroit. Williams'
average was M2. only one per
centage point above that f Kell
who rose from fourth Id second
place In the leaders last week.
Stephens. Boston shortstop, led
In runs batted in v. UK 130 and
also took honor for the moat
homer with 31. ,
Williams scored the most runs.
114. He and Kell tied for the most
Ont Point Ov?r KrtH '
doubles. 32. Dom DIMagglo, Bos
ton, had the most hits. 146, and
Dale Mitchell. Cleveland, the
most triples, 17.
In the pitching department Al
lle Reynolds of New York led
with his .786 on 11 victories and
three defeats. Mel Parnell of Bos
ton has won the most games. 18.
Tue Aug. 6, 1949 The Now-Rovlow, Retobyrj, Org. 7
I The wild pig found on some
' Bahama islands are amphibious;
they swim from Island to island
;in search of food or to escape
Umpqua Jockey Club
AUGUST 16TH 7:30 P. ffl.
at the County Fairgrounds
No Admission Charge Tonight
You're invited to the grand preview of the coming racing
season TONIGHT. Practice races will be run.
Racing and Pari - Mutuel Wagering
Starts Wednesday, August 77
7 Races Nightly Post Time: 7:30 p.m.
Admission 50c per person
Presented by
Umpqua Jockey Club ;
Under auspice of Deufla County Sheriff Pane
-W I
.. " 1
r t
? ' ... r fh
) -V
- 5
Mil; r:,il
v rrw w 4
ALL THE WAY Mel Parnell
was the first major league
pitcher to win 16 games. The
Boston Rod Sox' left-hander
started end finiihsd If of his
last 2 1 games.
Arms Aid Fund
In Entirety Given
Committee OK
The House foreign affairs com
mittee Monday approved the full
emu-ant asked by President Tru
man for western Europe Arms
aid. The committee, however,
split it up between cash and con
tract authority.
The committee also refused to
Include any authorization for an
armid program for non-communist
It split the western Europe fund
into two allotments, one to be
used up to next March 31 and the
other to finance the program be
tween March 31 and June 30, 1950.
' The President had requested
$1,160,990,000 to help Atlantic
pact nations arm against aggres
sion. He wanted it all in cash.
The committee decided to give
It this wav:
Cash: (98.130,000 to be used
up to next March 31, and $157.
710.000 to be used between March
31 and June 30.
Contract authorization: $428.
100.000 up to March 31 and $77.
OjO.OOO from March 31 to June 30.
The House committee acted
shortly after Senators Vanden
berg (RMlch) and Dulles (It
NY) had moved to shave $160,
990.000 off the program.
The two senators also proposed
a series ot amendments aimed
at meshing the program into a
North Atlantic defense plan to
be drafted under terms of the
recently-approved security treaty-
Vandenberg told a news con
ference the amendments he and
Dulles have drafted would per
mit recapture of any equipment
furnished by this country "if the
program goes sour."
They also would permit Con
gress, acting by concurrent res
olution which does not require a
presidential signature, to end aid
to any nation at any time.
Vandenberg and Dulles propos
ed to limit aid to wesiern Euro
pean countries to $1,000,000,000
Instead of the $1,160,990,000 pro
posed in the pending bill.
tight nine-Inning Evergreen
league baseball bailie.
DeOoofs aingle scored Jones,
who walked, and Elmer Plueard,
who singled, in the third Inning,
to give the Oaks a three-run lead,
after Jones scored in the first on
a single, a sacrifice and a passed
Florence's lone run came In the
ninth, when Hughes smacked a
two-bagger, was sacrificed to
third, then scored on passed ball.
Co! struck out 12. walker!
three, while Hughe struck out
.A It . . 1
iu, waixea mree.
Score: ......
,. , R.H.E.
Oakland s a
Florence 12 3
Red Cole and Earl PluMrii;
Hughes and Earl.
Oakland Towniti Trim
Florence By 3-1 Seort
Oakland town team scored
3-1 win at Florence Sunday in
Been looking for o reolly COMPLETE choin sow
service? See AL OLDS of 531 S. Stephens St..
Al will:
Repair your chain saw any make.
) Install new link, new teeth for any chain sow.
File your saw chain RIGHT.
Install new parts for your present taw.
SAW: McCullochs, Disstons, Mall, Oregon,
I. E. L.'s, or any other.
Truck and Avft
Welding Radiator Serriev
Truck Part Bought and SeU
All Work Guaranteed
Ray's Truck Shop
2033 N. Steekena
mono 499.J-4
Freed Gold Star
Mother, Hoping
For VA Action
BOUNTIFUL, Utah, Aug. 16
.V) Mrs. Nellie W. Canos said
Monday she hoped Veterans ad
ministration officials would un
dertake Jul I her local action In a
dispu'e which sent her to Jail for
11 days.
The Gold Star mother was
freed Saturday after she served
part of a 30-day Jail sentence for
contempt of court. She was re
leased after she deposited $1,200
with district court officials to be
placed In a trust fund for the
benefit of her grandchildren.
A full account of the case has
been sent to the Veterans ad
ministration, Mrs. Capps sail,
and VA officials will determine
whether further legal action is
Mrs. Capps was defendant In a
suit brought by the former wife
of her son, Jacob L. Capps, who
was killed during World War
two. The sons cx-wlie, now Mrs,
Maureen Stam of Monterey,
Calif., twice re-married after her
separation from Capps.
She sued to obtain proceeds
irom Lapps national service lite
Insurance policy, which first
named her as beneficiary but
which later was changed to name
ine soicner s moiner. The court
ruled that Mrs. Capps should en
dorse checks received as bene
ficiary, placing them in a trust
fund for the benefit of Capps'
children, who are in custody of
Mrs. Stam.
State Supreme Court upheld
the district court ruling in Mrs.
Ptam's favor, and U.S. district
court held it had no jurisdiction.
Mrs. Capps said she hoped the
Veterans administration now will
take the rase to the VS. Circuit
Court of Appeals.
Pending final settlement, Mrs.
Capps said the Veterans admin
istration had agreed to withhold
payment of further benefits from
the policy. By not receiving the
checks, Mr. Capps explained she
could not be held in contempt
again because the court order af
fected only funds she actually
in can. Valley to. Ph. S30-J-I
Johnson Sea Hers Osaltr
Sh ne on-10 with Cur inin
and Mlle-Maatar Tank.
Buy on Bank Tarma
531 S. Stephen St.
Phone 1663-J
Distributed In Roseburg
By Bate Candy Co.
mJ fjfj rMMHMIf Itmilflltl lllrt
Owner report
UP and down the coast, owners are dii
covering there just isn't s better vslua
than this handsome new 1949 Merrnryl
It's the imitrlplt-lonhinf, nuicil hnn
diing, imootMU-ridinf car ia its class.
And thrifty! Owners report 17, 18, 19
miles per gallon and up! Even mora
with Overdrive!
Thsl's more, yon get the best deal from
at, too! No extras to buy ! Come in today.
i $228r
rnei iNctuoii, S Susx.
Cushion Balloea Tires,
Grille Cnsrds. Oil-Bath
Air Cleaner, Oil Filter.
Heel Trim Rinsa, Eleetrie
Clock. line ant iackiaa
sales tax, license fr. .
ffok mt m tfa ptom 1349
cp nrv fp n n ftti
Rote ft Oak Street