a Th Newt-IUviw, RoMburg, Or. -Tus., Aug. 16, 194 sot FREE CITY BUS SERVICE DOWNTOWN TOMORROW Hint's Right, You Can Ride The City Busses FREE as Guests of the Rosehurg Retail Trade Association Between 10:45 and 12:45 Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 17 Th Roteburf Retail Trad Association has arranged for you and your family to rid th Rosaburg Transit Systam busses downtown without charg. Fraa service, on way only, batwaan 10:4S a.m. and 12:45 p.m. Simply catch your bus as you normally would to do your shopping downtown. You needn't pay fort to town if you rid tha bus b fwen 10:45 and 12:45. It's our way of helping you to tak advantage of th back, to-school bargains Iistd on thes and other pages of today's News-Review. pte That'i right! Drsis right for scouting ond dress right for school. This trim, tough Offi cial moccasin with raw cord sol fills th bill for good looks and long wear and will always look right for th young man In school. Thes or constructed to take hard wear. 6.95 & 7.95 Arbuckle's Right on Jackson by Busttr Brown SPECIAL Pen and Pencil Sets B sur to get your pen and pencil sets today, or if you prefer buy each separately, just be sur and get on. Leading brands reduced IS to giv you greater values at lower prices. In1 a variety of colors you have a wide selection to choos from. 30 OFF TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY "1 anvn vmt - 246 N. Jockson fn4 Back to School 3WATS Reduced A "must" for every bock-to-school gal our smortty styled all wool cardigans. In vibrant shodes of lemon yellow, kelly green, bittersweet red ond practical slate gray. Thes sweaters are reduced low for a special savings for your back-to-school clothes. You will adore these sweaters thot will keep you worm and comfy all winter. All sizes. Reg. 3.95. NOW km 2.95 mm.) drew shoppe Phone 565-J 124 N. Jackson STOP! at Herman's for Your Back-to-School Clothing Hert Art a Ftw of tht Bargains You Will Find Faded Blue Denims Sportshirts 3.95 and up Slacks 3.95 ea. Slacks 7.50 up Jackets 3.95 a. Shoes 8.95 up Slacks. . . .7.95 up Shoes .... 8.95 up 234 N. Jackson, Roseburg Prion 217 X X M 4 4 v w w Back-To-School GIRLS' ANKLETS English Ribbed Mercerized Cotton Solid Colors im i iiir Hosiery Counter Main Floor -Back to School WITH A ZIPPER NOTEBOOK FROM GOETTEL'S O 3 RINGER O 2 INSIDE POCKETS O ZIPPER ALL AROUND Also with each Notebook oiw FREE package of Paper SPECIAL PRICE 1.98 Flexible Goose Neck DESK LAMP GOETTEL'S 2.69 249 N. Jackson f i - m i LUNCH BOX Sturdy metal box with snap fastener, includes pint vacuum bottle for liquids. Rust-resisting san itary enamel finish. 2.95 Children's BLUE METAL LUNCH BOX Includes HY-LO vac uum bottle far liquids. Catch fastener and carrying handle. Regular 2.95 1.89 ROLLER SKATES Finest quality roller bear ing skates of steel con struction throughout. Ad justable toe clamps and padded leather ankle straps. 3.95 UMPQUA VALLEY 202 N. Jackson A Home-Owned ond Operated Store Phone 73 DUY GOOD School Specials Mechanical Pencil FREE with each RING BINDER o Pencil, Pen, or Ballpoint Pen FREE with each ZIPPER BINDER Phillips Office Supply 124 S. Jackson Mother, uam Buy School Shoes gead 1h& Naturally, you want your child to have shoes that fit right, look right, wear right. So drop in to Wayne's today ond see their shoes that they havj on special . . . just the thing for back-to-school wear. In brown leather they have a complete size range. 5 ? New low price 3.99 "Better Shoes For All The Family" WAYNE'S 118 W. Cass Just Around The' Corner From Douglas County Bonk t