Classified fids Pack The That Jars Loose feslte! Hop CLASSIFIED RATli t da? Mt vara) t daye " " ! 1 4 day " dan Z Real Estate IDEAL SUBURBAN MOMS with city water. Just but, very me 3-bd-room horn with room for 3rd. large double garage, ' of an acr fina toil with bearing fruit traaa and shad. This property is way above tha av trtff at 87230 and swnir may taka at little w 33000 down. S-ROOM CABIN with plumbing and wir ing whir-n mutt Da moveo toon w only 3oo. Wi can lumiah tha lot for aooo wiui ivu crow. OWNER WISHES to TRADE qutty of attftnn in nice modem ettv hema for horn In tha country with 1 to 1 acres, win assume. NEW S-BEDROOM SUBURBAN HOME wtttt 1 1 . ami nar Country Club. We Hon t think you can do batter (or 83730. faii.v reautifitl new home beat modern design, absolutely tha beat ronatruction la every aeiau, ex- rIIent re trie ted location In city. many hlgner-priced features such aa Formica drainboard, plate glaat plc turo windows, oak flooring In all rooms, automatic heat to all room a, two fireoUcei lnatead erf lust On but why talk about details, wo want you to tee it ana compere even Wltn tome at iou mora money. Pnoa la 814,780 and worth it VTtV Nin SlTRiniBAN LOTS larce In alie and low In price at 8330 with aa mua aa iou aown. PLAN YOUR HUNTING TRIP In your own back yard. We have a few well rhoten spots soma with improve- menu at vary low prices. St L W. Riley ROY O. YOUNG, Realtor 80S W. Cast St Phon 41' Complete Plant RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L. K. Cornwall 91S V. S. Bank Bldg. Ph. M3 EXCELLENT 3 B. R. HOME on Harri son St. New oil furnace. Wall to wall carpeting. Venetian blinds. Att ga ngs, 3 room guest cottage. Flna yard, shrubbery, milt and shade. Lot ISxieo. So this one at tl2.tog.00 on reason Die terms. SB. R MODERN, plastered homo with fireplace In good condition on Hwy. ft. Garage, work ahop. 19x34 barn. mooo.oo. will consider trade for 3 B. ML ROMburg noma. S A. CREEK BOTTOM. 8 ml. out Ytar 'round creak for Irrigation. 3 B. R. mod. home. Excellent deep well with pressure ayatem. nice guenen wun American ateel cabinet. This li a rare buy at gouo.w, wiw owy isav. oo down. a VTUV riHI Isree hulldln site over looking Stewart Meadows off Melre road, 12300.00 with giow.oo aown. NEW 4 UNIT turn lined motel on Hwv. si at Mvrtle Point Will exehenee for Roteburg property. Doing a good Duainesa. ais.uuu.w. Wt HAVE SEVERAL 8 and 9 B. R, homos tnewi well- iocs ted and thoro ly modern. P lettered. FHA or Stat G. L neai ouya at aoout 1 ACRE PLUS on Hwy. Ot near Win r rKMir. Cttv water, electricity ant phone. 1 150.00 with Only 1330.00 aown. FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, we nave aooui every uun. ' 430 A. of which 300 A. or mora Is level and cult Mod. 3 B. R. house, fair hern. 9 wells. Ad lot nine country " ' store, school and church. Priced to - sell. 322.000. 00 with half down. WE HAVE A DANDY 3T A. valley farm fl tillable Modern bidet. Family .. orchard. Will trade for Roseburf property, rnc aeswi.uo. William A. Oerding Realtor Insurer Loans Phone 31 S 134 West Cass St A G.I. Buy For Sale By Owner Thl homo was purchased through a G .1. loan . . pataed professional appraisal and la really worth the money. A new home, has 1 bedrooms, living . room and dinette, large, airy kitchen Every modern convenience Including ' gas heat, built-ine, utility room, at tached garage. On a large lot in West Roteburg. Lawn, shrubbery. Home Is hilly Insulated. Convenient to ahop- ptng center, city ou. ana wnw un an improves iuw. This home Is more than worth the money. Total G. L price S3.3O0. Want 83.500 for equity, balance payments - are 344. W month. tnterMtMt? tt will cost nothing to look - Inspect at 1010 Nebo St or phone 1136-R (only after a:ao p. m. pieaaet Complete Plans RESTDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L K, Cornwall 2V3 U. S. Bank Bldg. TOR SALE Two booreom modem home well locatea. on ous line. inoxlM ft Nice lawn and aardetv My equity, and balance 333.38 month. l Miner una. FOR' SALE Small house, combination traahburner gas rane, gas water TieaieT, coai room neaier. avinoteum in cluded. Two blocks from court house Inquire at 1033 W. 1st ttreet tor SALE Modem 1 bedroom home. pumice stone. Electric water heater and Vene ti a n blinds. M. E. Tay tor E 4th Sutherlln J12.Y) CASH buys t acres of lend, five room house, electricity, good drilled well. Close to school and church- Tenmlle store. ACREAGE Ten acres or less Smell house, lots of water. Good soil Lewis , Meehan, Looking flats St.. on hiock before .Happy Valley bridge. fon SAXr SJ.CXX) cash n acres. oM nouse, gooa wen. a acres prune as is hie timber. Write Mrs. O Miller Riddle. Oreg Ph. Riddle 334 fi ACRES electricity and water " hi house. H300. terms. H. McSroosm. Metro Rt Box If. LOTS FOlTXTLlT-City aster and' lights available. Lod down e ment Zugcate Ridenour. Phone T,T0-J-J MODERN TWO-B EDROO M home tom- pietery rurnithea. very roesonaeie, Owner Va-lng Oieffon R C. Poulton, Coma tack Read, west Suthertm. Real Estate LIVE LISTINGS WHY PAY RENT Only tTOO down pay ment lor aenay, ane peoroom noma all modern. Largo landscaped Lot. shade and fruit trees. A real buy at 3330., baL M a ma. WELL-IMPROVED, newer 1 badroom home in Eden bower district Nice lawn, shrubs and young trees. Yard enclosed by picket fence Covered pa tio. Bedroom sett, range, dinette set and ruga Included at 3300. full price. 33,000. or less down. MAKE AN OFFER Out of state owner anxious to sell desirable fl room home in good suburban district Has large bedrooms, reel nice Mvlng room with fireplece. dinette, modern kitchen and attached garage. Near'y one-half acre of lead. Asking price Sfl.330. Liberal . terms. NEAR HIGH AND GRADE SCHOOLS comfortable room, 3 oearoom noma. CtHterete foundation, oak floors. Ca rafe. Gae range and heater. Full priCO 33,300., 31300. flow. 3 BEDROOMS Lass than one year old, located on tha West side. Transpor tation at door. All Blattered, oak hard wood floors, floor furnace and fuel tank. Garage ettecneo. Large fro soil lot. Full arte 3130., 31400. down payment. NORTH ROSEBURG Just out of the city limits and centrally located new er, g room home and large de tached garage. 70x100 'ot, picket fence Priced for quick sale at 3330, Good terms, immediate poseession. ELEVEN ACRES near Melrose Level, tillable, and fenced. Comfortable one bedroom home, newly redecorated lntlde. Bath s shower, utility trays, good pressure ay item. Has bam, ga rage, and other buoldlngs, 33130. full price, tiu aown. ELG AROSE Two 10 acre tracts. On has 3 room house for 31300. and terms. The other a two ,-oom cabin for suuo.. aaoo. aewn. ( STANLEY E. SHORT Suitor Fhm ion. 114 W. Unt St. STOP THROWING AWAY RENT MONEY. Buy Ona of Rosaburg's Most Beautiful Homas On Easy Tarms In Clovtrdala Park 940T4 to A MONTH covers Uses, lnauranee, interest end principal. You sen pay ns uiuo as svo.w aown. There la need to glva away your money aa rent or Itv in crowded condition a you can buy ana of Rosa burg's (iaest homes on these easy tarms. Raad Thasa Ftaturei Hitltid view Iota Larsw eiesett Fully insulated Floored aUcs Tiled floors Rig view windows 14 different plana Overt it lots Oil heat Fireplacea FHA inapecteei weatnertmppe FHA approved There are atlll a few ftt the fifty homes being offered to veterans with no aown payment. Visit Cloverdale Park and see these exceptionally fine nomes tonay or to night Open daily from 1ft l n. to a p. m. Fias & Cluta Raalty 400 Wast Caas Phono 13t or 1337 Specia RANCH VALUE 33 ACRES OP CHOICE BOTTOM GROUND about 18 minutes drive from the center of Rose burg, completely moocrn 4-Dearoom nouae, targe Darn, several eood chicken It brooder hous es, nice trout stream runs through the property: it Is completely fenced and cross fenced witn woven wire. The crop now corttibts of wheat oariey, aiiaua. Berries, family orch ard and a beautiful .rrtcated garden, soma stock and eouinment are in cluded. All of this may be purchased for tha price of a good city home. urL.x fisoo, uoerai terms. HAYDEN H. DECAMP, Realtor Tl (. SUph.Ki ItrMt thm 1TJ-L VERY SPECIAL ARE YOU LOOKING for a thro bed- Be room noua Bronte, that la worth the money, well look at the possibili ties nere ' uiaer it vie nome out in tip top condition one block from the Rose School on Main Street newly painted out e new roof lath and piaaterea walls newly don in har monising colors new highly polished floors lare front room nice new built-in in the kitchen with Ken tile rieors new Bathroom fixtures with linoleum floors to match matter bed room. Automatic sat heat and ceil. mga are fully tabulated. Prt for quick sal 3230 . practically Immedi ate possestirm. tTn sewer ana pave iwstL i jmm. mwb. Appointment Only LaKman Raal Estata Ph. Ttt-J 414 Hart Jacks roR8ALI- "rohoua and aoeroxT mately I acre, near school and store ui VrflrriB i iv , nun w www anir larre thicken yard- Xnjuir Mitchell Marxet. FOR SALE Choice' building lata, 3 miiee rrom ei rm .aixina rose, uu 1130, ask far Deam. Real Estate Salactad Offarings A NICE NEAT rakashake home In tha Catkins diat with lovely fireplace, two nice large bedrooms, the nicest hardwood floors throughout you hav aver sn. extra lerg front room, has nlc handy kitchen with lot of bullt-tna. lovely bath, attached ga rage, concrete driveway, large lot in very nice eixnoornooo. uu bk-mej Bio 900 with tlOOO down. FIVE-SIXTHS of an acre on and one- rum miles rrom eity center, sour room modem house with modem bath. glass in porcn, two nedroomt, moa ern kitchen. Bam. nice chicken house, fruit, berries, garden spot Aaktnl 7000. No reasonable offer refused with nlc terms. ON:" bedroom modem little nous in west aioseBurg, nicely rurnitnoa, nice lawn, flowers, neat kitchen, front room, bath, nicely located m wtt better dittrlct See thlt before you buy. 34330 full price. Terms. Easy to build on later. BRAND NEW two-bedroom house, south city limits, fine conatructlon. Owner will take good car on trade. This la a una d ace. rnca 7w. aiaoo aown. NEAT AND NICELY (Iniahed one-bed room nous, nertn nose burs. nw con struction. Kentlle floors, nice living room, bedroom, kitchen, utility, hot water heater, circulating heater, nice bath on level lot S4T30 with 31000 aown. BUSINESS FOR SALS KARMEL KORN and BODCorn stand fix tures and franchlte -r sal. This Is a money-making bualnesa without too mucn capital, see to oeneve. nurry. A NICE little restaurant worth the arte A TAVERN A ret tsu rant on 0 With beer license doing a whal of a bua lnesa, LISTINGS WE NEED of a amali business luting w hav immediate buyers. Our home lit tings are conatantly selling and. w are u need of new lit tings. SEE US BFFORE YOU BUY THAT FARM. WE HAVE SOME DAUDY LISTINGS. WE HAVE a fine lot new listings on three ana lour-oearoom nomes. Lehman Raal Estata 414 North Jackson Roteburg. Oregon. Choice View Homa The living room, kitchen and dining room overlook moat of the Rote burg valley. The basement Includes the garage, a party room, and fur nace room. There are two large bed rooms, two fireplacea. extra large windows and tha finest materlali IhrouahouL in the Roe school dlt- trlct and a lily accaatlbl. Miv we driv you out? Th price is 314,790 wim gooa terms. A Real Ranch About 1300 acres deeded, and eovern- ment cutrang adjoining. Plenty of springs for atock water. Gravity water to buildings- Good g room modern houa with basement. Seven barm, grod cross fence, fin grass land. The 37 or 33.000 grain crop Is Juat being threshed and that brings tha price down to about 344,000. (Part of the Blow land was not used this year A fine place to live with a nice view from any part of tha ranch. This is one of the dryest seasons ver known to this area and now Is your chanc to tee this plaee at Its worst. Located about 30 miles north of Roseburg. Come In and talk it ver. C. S. Briggs & Co. REALTORS Show It To YOURSELF Hav you aver had tha deslra to brows around an empty home without our 'sales talk ringing in your ears Then drive up t the lovely heme at 300 Terrace Avenue (turn right at the end of the lavement off Eatt Lane) anytime this weak. The doors will be open from 3 a. m. to g:30 p. m. Ther will be no one there to show It to you. Stay 13 minutes or ell day if you want t see how M would feel to live ther. Ther are two bedrooms plus room in th full basement for you to plan with. Ther are also twa ft rep 1 sees and a living and dining room. But. see if for yourself. Th owner want 314. 7 w, although there Is no us kidding n probably won't gat that much and h must sell immediately! When you hav teen tt. call ua and tall ua what you'll give for It. You can practically name your awn terms. ROSEBURG REALTY ft INSURANCE CO. Vmpqua Hotel Lobby Real tart Down To Earth Prices 133 FEET ON S. JACKSON Large older 3-bedroom home, double garage, fruit and shade trees, excellent loca tion for apartments or new home. The price la now only 33400, 34000 down. 33300 BUYS THE BEST PRICED HOME In North Roseburg, 4 large rooma and bath, utility, extra large separate ga rage, lot 70x100. Thia Is a lata mode home In one of the better convenient districts. Good financing It offered MODERN 3-BEDROOM HOME on Win ch tier St New garafe, apace for 3rd bedroom, 3 extra lott. Owner leaving city will sell for iooon CHARMING CONVENIENT IM MACULATE Thlt vacant eity home Is just like new with J bedrooms, bath and shower, large comfortable llvtng room, tiled kitchen, utility, gas fur nace, Venetian blinds. Price $7300. Liberal terms at 4' nterest. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED HOME In West Roseburg conttittng of 8 nice rooms and bath, elec. heating, at tached garage, beautiful velvety lawn In front and back. Tha owner has cut to 39100. $lf50 down. NICE BUILDING SITE on the N. Ump- ?ua river 378 feet tt frontage, aono set of lumber Included. Plica $3000. S2fl0 down. SEVERAL SPECIALS ON RANCHES. Hayden H. Da Camp, Realtor 740 8. Stephens St. Phone 173-U Whan It's Real Estate in Myrti Crack and South Douglas C. Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK, Ore. PHONE 643 133 A new 4 BR mod. ranch style home Large bam other new bldga. 100 fruit nut tree, creek, aprings 314,790 terms. 30 A ' mL So Umpou frontage. New all yr. cottage, barn, garage Real buy at 30.000 terms. C L. Swaneon. Riddle. Ore. FOR SALE 10 ocr. large house, elec tric range, water heater, ail heater, family orchard. Nice bam and other outbuildings. 81300 down or will trad for 3 barroom bam In town Phon 322-R-I. Surveys Maps Plans Perry C Armstrong iivu anguar til So. Main St. Ph. tlt-RX FOR SALE 3 lots. 1 or all. within 3 blocst new Riverside School. 3 blocks of bus Una. Phono U4S-B r aaU at 1323 Walnut Always Have It Surveyed Jim Dughrty. th engineer Ph J3T-R HOME FOR SATE 4-room hus. 3 big lou. river frontage, city gas and elec tricity. 8 blocks from poet office Reas onably priced, and terms. Ph. 343-J, r esll at Ml W. Lane. SACRIFICE 4 bedroom, older hoi it , mindly construe led Large lot 3300 110 Cheetnut St Ph 14.U-R TOWN FOR SALE City of Ten mile. Oregon, fte T. M. BanadJct Real Estate Valley Real Estate Agency. asiNn NKur a tiednMim homo In aood dulrKt; narowooa tioort. gas wan furnace: til In kttrhen and bath room. Large lot. Vacant now; move riant in. You can I Dt uu. rw. Tarms. a ainanow KOMI eloa In: city sewer ana pevea eireei -iae m high school and grade. 33300, 31373 aown. B YTn A Labor 4 bed room new home vacant now; Large living room and dining room. Hardwood floors: ga rage; larga lot 313,000. Easy tarms. DUPLEX Liv In on aid and rent th other sld out. Hardwood floors; t com piste bathrooms. Built in 1043, this la goad. 3330. Only 32O00. down. NEW HOME IN TOWN; S bedrooms. Horn is au piaaterea; gas rurnac. vacant now, can mov In any Ura. 91 XXX Easy terms. S BEDROOM HOME tn Laurel wood dis trict. Large living room and dining room. Realty nlc; itaa basemen t cnap at ii,oou. aom verms. NIPS 1 BEDROOM HOME, furnlahod; Good p lac for chl d ren : y ard all fenced. Lawn la In. Hardwood floors: gas furnac. 38300. Good tarms. Home Is only a years old. ALMOST NEW 1 bedroom home; neat and clean: mov right in. Large utili ty room: Lawn is In. Close to school. tmw. Less than 31300. down. Look uua aver. WE HAVE ONE OF THE BEST ranch in the county for tela. 313 acres: 00 acre I good farm ground. 1343 model tractor and tools to farm It with. Chicken houses for laoo otras. Bam and other buildtnxs. 3 cows. 8 hogs and 73 chickens. Th horn aione wouia coir fin.uw. to nuua. ioiai price tii,ouo. terms. SUBURBAN HOME and stack ranch 240 acre '8 miles from Roseburg on good road: spring water, nlc plaa tered modem horn with fireplace, tn a shsdy setting. A raal buy at 310,300. euo. aown. Valley Raal Estata Agency 116 W. Case St Phone 1 witn oi v want nouw. part ly fmi.hed, built 1043, in good livable condition, bath, hardwood floors, etc. T acres cleared, 8 acre level, and 4 acres of the best crecx Bottom isna with a y ear-around fishing stream through the land with Irrigation rlghta. Ideal for truck garden, and the other half runt uo hill covered with evergreens. 7Vi miles east of Myru crock. a.,wo, ana fioo aown. 203 ACRES located miles out of urain. 12a acres cieareo, u acres cul tivated and 30 seres ot timber. 1 good spnnga, iota 01 water, a room noua. bis: 42x72 fL barn with storae for 150 tons of hay. In good condition. Chicken house, other bldga. 1 milk cow, to nena ana puneu, raxe. mower, harrow, havwacon. cream aeoarator. Price 37,730 ana 33.300 down. Balance sow. per year inciuaing interest. 328 ACRE sheep or stock ranch 1 mile up mountain off of highway 323. 411 fenced and cross fenced theep at cattle tight 45 acres cultivated, 3 good all year springs, old building, imell 4 room noua. barn, etc 34.300 only 91 ,auu aown. 320 ACRES a real stock ranch: lota and Iota of eraaa and water. 1 mile off main highway 226: good road to this rancn ana me wnoie place is pas ture and over half has a gentle roll: S room modern house, S Barns, a caoinst aw, 4ta os water, fii.iuu. 330 ACRE sheep or stock ranch with over mile of frontage on highway 223 both tides and owner states about 1,000,000 ft saw Umber with enough poiet ana piling to pay ror tma ranch. 70 acres cultivated; 183 acres cleared: the balance of which ts um ber. Also S or 9 sprlnga 3 of them bricked In and good ones. 0 room houte modern, barn, chicken house, 3 orooaer nouses, wooatnea, etc. a 11 bldga. right next to highway. Total 8ncc oniy 914,19 witn w,w aown. alanc 8600. per year Including In terett Will ihow this ranch to and after W'edneadsy. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FRED LUMM SALESMAN Phone 1212-B JAMES U PAYNE. BROKER Phone 1301 US Brock way St Special For Oregon Veterans New. well ronatrucled, S bedroom horn. Large living room, dining room, kttch n is equipped with Youngttown Kitchen cabinets, bath with thewer and tub, car port. Hardwood floors, elect water heater. River loam hat been brought in fnr lawn and garden. 3300. down to Oregon Stat G. L Total price 37300. Bruce Gilley, Raal Estata 3353 N. Stephens Ph. 1P3-J-3 Office on Highway 34) North WANTED Good homes In or near Roseburg. We have calls for several In all sizes. We need two excellent ones with 3 and 3 bedrooms and double bath. C. S. Briggs & Co. Realtors 113 W. Case Ph. 314 ON ACCOUNT of alekness. I will sell all of my holdlnga in Millers Addi tion, end adjoining. Eight acres 000 ft. southeett of Strong St. 3700. cash. Clesr of encumbrances. 9 ACRES 3-room house. Joining th 8 acrea. Price. 3 100., some terms. t ACRES, located south of Millers Ad dition, end of Ms in. 31000., soma terms. Joins Klway tt. 3373. contract on 3 Iota and small houaes. Will give a liberal discount Paymenta 839. per month. 1 lota, 330 , drawing 330 per month. Or will take 34300. for th whole lot, and giv clear title E R SUTTON alS 8. Main St. INCOME PROPERTY for aal. 3 bedroom houte. basement and fireplace, cabin on place. Income 8133. month. lt blocks north of Benson School. 1138 S 3rd. St. FOR 8 A LX Income property. New ultra modem double duplex by owner, una Quarter mil west of Sutherlln, K L. urphy Timber Sawmills Wanted Immediately ANY SIZE trecte of old growth ant Iood second growth Re C S Briggs 1 Co, 113 W Cass. Phon 314. WANTEDTOBUY t, million ft of old growth or good second growth timber in vicinity or Lniisru o- lenmii 4r Russil. CanyonvUle, Oregon. P. O. Box 14 WANf"" PffiltD Douglas-Fir pole and filing aeuverea to our noseourg yera. I mi ted sir. Contact ua before cut ting Puget Timber Co. of Oregon P O Bus 46. Roteburg Phone 1""W WANTifD t0BUy-DuTaTir and piling ttumpage. Puget Timber Co. of Oregon P O. Boa 43, av burg Phone 1 M3 FOR SALE Sawmill or any part li mi aiesai en car ana otner unite. Rov Dennv. 3.13' Wlnchetter WANTED Contract yard tug thaw for a c. cat. Routa 1. o 232, n Real Estate ACRES NEAR Oratn School houw ,nd ittwooa muu. ui inn, phon. Rentals ro RENT New Clark Floor Sander Wd POLISHER Oenn-Gerretsen Co. 401 W Oak St FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and KTUbbar All la ona tooL Ltalit anoufh any child can handle tlnaar-tlp control. F 4 W Floor Covering Co. 337 S. Stephen t Phone 147R.R Rant A Singer Electric portable sawing machine tor us In your own horn SINGER SEWING CENTER S04 N Jackson Plv 713 REFINlSH your own floors, eaatly don with our high toeed floor tender, in expensive. SSI uentgomary Ward as Co. Phone as FOR RENT 1 bedroom home, close in. immediate possession. Writ Box 371 Newt-Review, LARGE HOUSE for rent In LookTng" glaas. Inaulr 130 W. 3rd Ave. North af ter8:. ffOOM WITH twin bds. 1 bloc let north of Benson School. 1123 S. 3rd., Ph. sao-R-X. TTRUCKS FOR RENT-You drive, lone or short trips Bee Hive truck rental 730 South Stephens.Phon 1433-J. fltUCKS and trailers for rent, mov yourself. Thompson Signal Sarvic. Stephens jt Washington. Phone73 f5R RENT Butlness building tn Wlna- ton. with llvtng quarters If desired. Wlntton Electric, ph. 1SA4-J-3. t OR 3 bedroom home for lease, 863. Ph. 1333-L. BOOM FORTENt. 31 wTafoaher. Ph. 1321 -L. ROOM FOR RENT In modern homo. 533 Barager. Phon 373-R-2. SINGLE SLEEPING room. 1134 Military St. SLEEPING ROOMS for gen U men. 433 r owier. FOR RENT Sleeping " room" for "gentle man. 464 S. Jack ton. Phone 1142-L. SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman, ref- erenres reqtiirad. Phone 403-J. J BED sLeepino ROOM for I men. 30N . Jac k ton ROOM FOR TWO. Phone 323-L. 133 N. Flint. KbOMS FOR RENT 1 with twin beds. rnone ixt-yx. BOOMS-FOR RENT, with and without kitchen privileges. 306 Fqw ler FOR RENT 2 bedroom apt 1337 Myrtle Av., call 644-Jevenings. V DRIVE TRUCK rentsl Wlnaton TralV er Court, Wintton. PhonB63-J-l. ROOM TOR RENT. Phone 1493-J. ROOM FOIt ftENT, 1203 No. Jackton. TTtvfHOl'SE for rent Phone H95-R-3 Wanted Wanted BEEF. VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phon. tn-KA. or tn n-i or writ. Houf l. woaapurg Will Pay Cath WE BUY usetf furniture, all types. Call at 4 no. JacKson. rnona iwu-j. Tha Bargain Housa QUIET. RELIABLE COUPLE, teacher and hutband, need furnished or partly Iv furntahed ant. in Roaebura. Good reference!, Wilson Y. Jtuasell, Yon calls, Oregon. Phone Kittle Job, voncaiia Teiepnon utnc. WANTED Furnished or osrttv fumlth ed house or apt. for 8 adults and 2 school ag children, ages in and 14. PhonegOQ before 4 p. m. Mrs. Hurd. QUIET COUPLE 2 children desire 2 bedroom furntahed or unfurnlahed nouse by September I. Nnn -amokers. rererence provides. Viii 42S-n-. WORKING COUPLE, no children or pett. wun to rent sman noui apartment. Newt-Review. Box 070. WANTED Furniture, tewing machine and too It. Anything of value. Private party, rnnn uo-k-3. WaNTEDFAT HOGS and used furnl ture. Call 890-J-4 mornings and eve nings. CALL Al's for a fair bid on your fur aitur Al's Fumitur CenUr. 314 W in ch et erSt. Phon1327-R. WANTED TO BUY-All klnda of furnl tur Let us bid on your houa of fur nitur. Call 303-Ra t30B N . Jackson St VET AND WTFE wsnt fumlahed modern houte or ant Phone 733-J. WANTED TO BUY Hlde Roseburg Meat ta. pnon aou. Building Materials Building Materials AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES Galv. Pip "- Il'.c: 14'c: 1" 21C: l',4 2c- I'f JJ'lC; 4JC. 4" Soil pipe BOc ft Certain Teed Gypattm Board: H" e per so. rt. sc. 3 In one thick hut Shingle 36 as Sq. Lmicn tap ina. nmngi s m sq. Hexasrnn 3-1 70 So. Staggered Edge Roll 33 43 So 33 lb. roll Roofing 32 10 Sq. m lb. Roll Roofing S3 33 Sq. 30 lb. Roll Roofing 32.83 Sq. Special prices on complete Una of riumoers auppua. Cement 81 30c Sack. DENN WHOLESALE CO. North Vmpqua Road Ona Mile from Ft of Jackson St Speed Llmtt 3S ml lea per Hr. To End of City Limits Ph. 828-JX-3 461.R-8 Roofing Bargains 3-ln-One thick But Shlngl. wt .tiu id., per sq ... nn mi ten Lrsp individual sningies, wt. 133 lbs . per sq. 4 98 Hexacon Shlnalea. wt. lai ik. per sq . 8.70 Staggered Edge, wt 108 lbs., per roll . . 140 3D ib. Atpnsit saturated Felt wt 65 lbs., per sq . .... 8.30 33 lb. Roll Roofing, wt 88 lbs.. per roll . 8.00 30 lb. Mineral Surfaced RoIL wt on lot. per mil ... .... son rnzr. ettimates en installation of any type oz root. DENN WHOLESALE CO. NORTH UMPQUA ROAD 1 Mil from Foot of Jackson St Phon 326-JX.t YOUR CREDITS O. K. WITH US ALL MATERIAL To build, remodel, repair; nothing down. 017 erms. Call Mr. Holtapple, Roseburg 837-Y FOR 8 A L f N o. 4 lu m ber b v ca rrl er loada. 323 per load. Winchester Lum ber WMn'-fce-.ier. rrin Financial F. H. A. LOAN! ""umpqua realty Across from Post Office an Hignwav a li? N Snheni Ph ms-l Personal SPENCER CORSETIERB Mrs. Enid Bun-h Phone .t4 3QZH7ns"ATNVWoT?S "6. Boa 1118 ar Pbone 1308-L a SOW. Help Wanted Wanted Experienced Salesman Xa.1 Motor Ca 441 N. Jackaon Wanted Bor. ovar tt yaara old, for rallf work. DOliooy ana oua oo) . aaual do ataaoy. Hotel Umpqua if"yolTar E"A STENOGRAPHER PHONE 51 Fountain Girl night (Hirr THE DRIVE INN i ir.ll. So on Hlway a. Wanted Auto Mechanic! Service Salesman LOCK WOOD MOTORS car hop Wanted thedrTveinn ONI MIL SO. ON HIWAY M Wanted nr coffee ahop t be experlenc HOSTESS for coffee ahop and dining room, asusi o xpenencea. HOTEL UMPQUA Bus Boy Hotel Umpqua COFFEE SHOP EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER nest attractive girl, ateaoy potition. ex cellent salary. Sawmill office experi ence essenuai. Apply 1 oungs my Lumber Co.. Inc. Office. NEW WORK, Overaeas. Alaaka, USA, Conatructlon starting soon. Long Jobt. Complete information gl.OO. Burgor, Box 4041 Seattle. W. Wash. NEED HOUSEKEEPER dsvt urjlilSeot 1, tnen 34 nours in my nom tor rew wecxt. aoy ana gin i montns. Phone 1006-L. BOOKKEEPER WANTED, general ex perience necessary. News-Review Box HOU BETt EEPE R CARE of school age cnim, pensioner u. n. Room, ooara, tma II wnt, Newt-Review Box sag. SftEKN CHAIN grader and marker. can natron stauon oaiora a, Tme apringiieio atter t g. m. 1 YARDER ENGINEER. 4 miles E. en norm umpqua no a. uecxer ixgging Co. O. I. CARPENTER wanted to finish his own home. Phone 173-YX. HOUSEKEEPER, modem homa. 4 In famil. Ph. 874-J-4. Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Sarvica SEPTIC tanks cleaned, no extra chare for drain lines. Na charge for open ins tank. Promnt service. No mile age charge, reaaonabl rates, apodal ralae for enmm,rrlil tanlc. 746 Short St. Ph. 1384-Y P.O. Bon 836 ALL BUILDINU conatructlon. new" "and old, remodeling, 10 down, no Job too targe or too aman. a 11 lype maaonry comtruction, nagiton ana orira: hirlwpupi and natloa a anerialtv Mae neaite floors and dratnboards. Phon ISBO-R-l, contractor, A. R. snow. Carpentar Work Br Hour or Contract Writ H. C Harty. C. V. Star Bt Olivar's ARE OUT OP TOWN for S abort tim Septic lanks and drain jflelda. WILL DO HOUSEWORK by the hour. or washing and ironing in your home. Phone 813-R. RENTALS ETA BASEMENTS AND back yards cleaned. Light pickup and delivery. C. A. Deal. Phone13W6-J-3. Roseburg. iTEADY OR PART TIME fountain, counter wsltrett, car of children. Csll Viola Phon 389-R. 430 N. Pin. STOPfN FOR ESTIMATE on goodsolld trailer hltcn. Acetylene ana arc w ta in. Oeneral Weldlne Worka. M. a. FLOOR COVERINO Complet sales and Inalallatlons. Fre ettimates. Modern Floor Cnvtrina. Phon 343. HbUSEpMOVINO, foundation, leveling. 14 years experience, r at n lowing, 143 S. Stephens. Phon 026. ALTERATIONS. DRESSMAKING. All types. Mrs. Don W Garrison, 1008 Madrono St. Phone aoa-u WILL CARE for children or"do"rioii work In exchange for houte or aparU ment. Newt-neview, box hob. HIGH SCHOOL girl want baby sitting lob. call .THl -J -3. BABY SITTING, 33c an hour. Call 3.14-R. Carpenter WATiT"rfcTwaeonabi wages. Phone lsia-j-l LATE MODEL D-7 cat for hire, drum and dorer. Call 1260-L. WashTno and IRONING in my homa. rnnne leie-n-z. Wti.L DCPlRONING-at my home. 831 Fowler8t. PlANO Tt'NUR-J E. Jones. Ph. 1340-R Poultry Baby Chicks Hampa, Rede, Crtweet Every week In the year. Beat of breeding. Pullorum pateed. Hatching Eggs Wantad Year around market City agent, Douglas Co. Flour M1U Carr's Hatchary Lonklngfflsas Rt. Phone I8-F-3 NOW AVAILABLE- We are receiving apptlcstlona for mem berth I p at our Roteburg branch, located at 640 Short Street. For Information and applica tion blank, see Mr. L. D. Bloom at the oranrh or write pacitc coopara tlve Poultry Producers. 306 S. E. Ah Street, Portland 14, Oregon. This cooperstive It owned by and now aervea over 3.VM Oregon producers snd It open to memberihlp for producers or pounry, nirxeys ana su otner live atork. Memherthio fee. 81.00. No con trartusl obligstinna or other cath inveitment required. N. H. Hen. GOOD ROASTED STEWED ROITP FILL YOUR LOCKERS now, 30e lb. Itv weight uraera taxen for drettd R. Cary. 2 milea eatt of Dlxonvlll FOR SALE 60 4f months old Barred Rock pullet. Trap -net ted atock Some laying. 31 Ml earh. R. Cock rum. J mi let up wivrtie reex. N H BREEDING COCKiTRELS. RCarV milea E. of Dlxonvlll. Fuel WOOD Flreplsc and furnac. Old growth fir blorg pelr cor, email roun cor mm en at. pisning enat, oak snd laurel. Special price on alan- r enda for short time Se thla wood 1 mil Eatt on Douelaa St Rt I. Box 41 Prompt delivery Claude WlUey. Phone 1VJ-J or 143-J-3 fOR SAfE Slahwood. tawdutt. planer ends, pnone ' wonnaon ruei - Miscellaneous WOOL CARDING. Recarding Blankets. Mattreaa pada made to order. Wash ington woolen Mint. iuat.-win Ave. S W.. Sesttle. Wsth. fOR INVALIDS and Vldiflyolkt 14 hour nuning care, aia w. tn nuwei. pnena iua-n. Tui., Auf. 16, 1949 The Newt-Review, Retebupf, Ore. . 13 For SaleMiscellaneousFor Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 34' - 38 30 34 Tha lifa tima trailar Ha a body wa betlev will last 30 yaara or mora, no ary rot Kit U - It' XV Columbia 18' 14' - 30 - : Tha West's Fattest Sellers and Ol her Trailers of Quality AU Used trailers, trade-in accepted nana con tracts. Contracts 10 8 years na Spartan, Earl E. Smith N W. Larceet Dealer Eugen Or Phon Springfield 8621 a asuea aouta on sv ati. . soj a. Eugen Copasata Drassas BEAUTIFUL! All th style and appear and or 830,00 dretsee, uorgeous colors and black. Here la luxury at low rott Special: 87.88 Other new fall dress, b louse, skirts and sUcks. Rosa Schombel Calklna Road Box 1330 Phon 838-J-3 Wher You 8a v I S t 1S OPEN UNTIL IP. H FOR SALS 1347 Model 3000 Taylor freezer Hardenln Lablnat Combl nation 8 gallon frxer, 60 gallon hardening cabinet 2 hp. Copeland Water-Coold compressor 100 ft lead cable Automatic overload relays 3 automatic cut-out, neaay to run Reaaonabte. A E Dunk lee, 330 W, O Si., Grants Pass, Oregon. Rivar Loam Dalivarad GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS Wa have an abundant supply, Paul Casay 83T W. Mother Phon 71T-Y Housa Trailar IS FT COVERED WAGON, completely equipped, electric brake. Can b seen at houa In th rear of General Welding Worka. Hlway 88. 3 V, aal Us south of Roseburg. DOORS AND WINDOWS complete, ready to set in your rougn opening. Army bunk beds, 8 beds ana springs for only 37. A real buy in electric and gas water heaters. Save time and money at Suiter's Bldg. Supply, 1 block south of new Riverside School. FAST SERVfCETlNE WORK Will pickup and deliver Ed's Laundry N. Umpqua Road at Ivan St, Phon 1687 -J N. H. Hent GOOD ROASTED STEWED SOUP FILL YOUR LOCKERS now, 30 lb. live weight Order taken for dressed. SV Cary. 3 miles seat ot Dlxonvlll. DO Y6"URWASH"lKa way you Ilka It. Clean, convenient and economical Tha Self Sarvica Laundry 818 Cobb St Try our friendly aervlca. BRANDNEW 40 gallon gaa hot water tank, never out of original packing oox. afuti recti vo in our store, we hav on oxtr. Sav 340 off new price, our sacrlfic. 8100, Tha Ice Creamery. Trailar Housa LIKE NEW. 88 ft Columbia. Butane gna. oil heater, alep four. Located at 1414 Willow. FOR BALE 30 gauge double barreled shotgun, practically new, with water proof case and cleaning equipment. 333. Welch baby buggy, removable bassinette. 813. Call 1348-Y or as atl002 Union Ave -WILKNIT-GUARANTEED " HOSIERY" To my cuatomera and the public, who want hot! try before eehool starts, esll 1B-J-8 and 1 will call on you. C X. Dsge. Looklnggls Rt WESTINGHOU8E su torn a tic electric range,. 830 Library tabl 88. wood heater. 810. Single or doubl day bed. 813, folding mattress, 87. 338 S. Main Bt, FOR SALE Wedge wood gas range, uaed 6 montha: alto child's new tricycle. Ph. 1814-J or act at 808 Wine heater at '47 33 FT. COLUMBIA house trailer, nil circulating heat, butan range Electric brakea. Towed lets than 100 miles. Reaaonabl. 730 Short St. Fullar Brushas Don L Rider, P.O. Box 83d. FOR SALE 27-ftEaa tern built nouse trailer. Electric refrtcerator and gaa range 31000, Also 100x100 ft lot Call IMR-J-l. 4T 2fl's ft. SPA'RTANT"" MANOR " houae trailer, furntahed and in excellent condition. Very reasonable. Sea at 1047 Mulholland Dr. Used Garden Tractor TERMS. PHONE StM-J-S fWOB EVER AGE refrigerators. "one"30 cu ft Suitable for rettaursnt or tavern. Inquire at Idle Hour Tavern. Sta N Jackton. Hardwood Flooring Phone lM-R-3 F6ft SALE" Uaed wood ranges. Ice boxes, electric ranges, electric wash ers. Umpqua Valiay Appllane. 130 W OakSt . ALMOST NEW 310 coll Innersprlng mat treat and box aprlng. 333. Ph. 330-Y mnrnlnga or evenlngt. FOR SALE All while Montag Duchess range, with colls. In good condition. ii wummina. Combination woot5 and electric Monarch range, 878. Melrose Store, Phone aO-r-J 27QT. MAGIC SEAL cooker with rah sealer complete. Phon 1284-Y or call at 746Shnrt St. SrW-3000 RAVAGE. S-ln-Weave'r scope, fine condition. Thos. M. Winnlford, Rt. 2.Box 304 FOR SALE -Gat driven 200 amp. O F." welder on I wo-wheel trailer. 208 Court St. 23 WHITE NEwEALANlT7hb(t and hutrhea or tale. O D Hubbard, Aus tin Jtoad. Phone 1306R-4 YOUR STArfl-EYealer. Jsmes L. Roh ertt. 216 Court St Phone 838-Y. De livery on ordrs of83 00or more. ffO 4CumSER. 2x4 to 3x13. RL, 813 30 Ctr M In carrier load lot Crenahaw br. Co . 3 miles south of Roseburg fOK SAIJt- new 21 Jewel Hamilton railroad watch. 882-B. 383 Barager Phon 37-R-3 USED UPRIGHT PIANS 13V)" Cood condition. Se at 818 W. Mother after 3 30 fOR SALE 8 cubic ft Serve! keroten refrigerator, uted 8 months. Phon 370-J- CARGE CTDAR fence posts for sal. Roseburg Shlngl Co.. N Umpqua Rd Phon 1273 -J fOR SaT.E 1 msn theep "thearlng "out" fit Lloyd Attrbury. MUlcra Addn. Phon 3-F-31 Rew hospltalVirrical plan, no eg llmH. good anywhara, low cost MR Hat A phon 1.13 ft.17 FO R D "Visaed a n" rt 1 1 v e ry . fTeatona- abl. fit 260 gal butan Unk. 418 S 2nd Ave N Phon lnfS-L, 23 MOSSRURO. RIFLE, 820. 808 Win- cnetter St. fbn SAtt-Hew 4tortepo erWiacoiv Bin aatolin motor. C'.iil 370-J -4. WILL CARE for chiMren by weiTPor montn irertineat. pnon j-y. ftrY CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES at th Bibi Book ccntar. ua w. uaa. Furnitura For Sala Davenport and chair, rust color: S easy chaira; 1 writing desk, flat top. 3 7x) ruga, un color; 3 chests of drawers; 1 set of fireplace andirons and wood baaket In brats: 1 Hollywood bod and mattress- 8 floor lamps: and many items not mentioned. Will sell ell or by th piece. Call Flgl Tranafsr, after Tuewday. 1948 24-Ft. Pan Amarican Trailar Housa FOR SALS OR TRADE. Butan cooking, oil heat, hot water heater, electric refrigerator. sleps 4. very clean inside and out. See across from Club 88. mar n uin ea. Kimball Spinats New and different. Pip organ ton chambers. Your choice of ttyles in Klahogsnv, blond Mahogany. Walnut, blond Walnut, and honey Maple. KIMBALL PIANO PARLOR 3.12 So. Mill Roteburg. Oregon FOR SALE Troth burner, whit en amel, good heater. 83a Also R. C. A. Victor Console type radio, nice ma hogany veneer finish, good buy at 10 Phono 876-L, or ace at 130 Blakely. F"6r SALE 1947 " Whirlabout trailer house, exceptionally clean eon ditloa. Has been pulled ony 300 miles. Can ba teen at SulharUn Airport. F D Bringl FOR SALE Two ton Studebakcr 1048 truck. 18,000 ml let. stake bed. 81700., cath. See t General Welding Works, tawS. 6.8. Call 30-F-2 after 6. FOR SALE Locker meat, good Angua rattle, W or whola unit. C J. Hodges, Glide , Ore ton. ELECTS OLU X VACUUM cleaner . for -M", Phon 873-R-8- FOR SALEHors trailer. L. M. Me- Csffrey. Tenmil. Oregon. APARTMENT SIZE get range, like new. Call 1033-Y; 5X V E N O or sa le. 3333 N Steohentk UPSIGHT PIANO for sale 6i4 Mill Loans MONEY 810 323 830 879 8100 8200 8JO0 UP TO 8300 Borrow on your salary. All ateadlly em noyeo men ana women may qualify oday for a salary loan op to taoo whether you'r in a new lob or aa old Borrow on your ear or furnitura. Your rurrutur or automooua max excel lent accurity at Local Loan paid for or not Up to 8300 on yeur furnitura. up to 8300 00 your car Special "Pay Day" Loans, 810, 828. 830 manea uu ray uay or longer ray only for th actual aumbar of days you keep tha money. 838 costs lfte for on week. Na othat charge. Phona for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Lo Bevy, Mgr. 833 No Jackton Phon 1173 U. 8-273: M-333 Roaaburg LOANS UP TO $300 Oa pour Signature. Furnitura ar L Livestock y UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for, or noft. Loent mad quickly, privataly for any worwiwnn purpose turn as Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental bills Vacation expenses ' Consolidate) debts Ba.finan( When you borrow get your money from in company inai max it convenient to borrow and convenient to rapay Lower paymenta now available up to 80 month to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 80S Douglas County Stat Bank BMg rnnn eoe. M-33T SUt Lie. - S-384 ' Livestock Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring la tha moat monr. Sal every Frldsy. Livestock 13 o'clock. Furnitura T p, en. Koseburg Auction Phone 191 8 REGISTEREb HEREFORD cows and cat vet, 8 Grd Hereford cows and Calves. All young cows. Sa Doe Carter, Hansen Motor Tire Dept Phone 44 FOR SALEl saddle yearlings: bay mar-ouartr horte, 18 montha old: also black pacer hon. Milk goat and 4-month old kid. Barclay, Box 274, Me rot Rt FOR SALE 3 year old 78 thorough" bred filly: 3 year old thoroughvred t aiding; 3 year old Albino atud. vereit Cor it re II. 1113 Fslrhaven. Roseburg. JPh.1073.YOC; fon SALE Hereford cow and "blact Jersey bull; good for dairy services, from flat herd. John Maklnaon, Mel rote Rt.. Box 304. FOR SALE Purebred Corriedsle Ram lambs. From good ttock. Writ or te Merle Sanders, Melrose Rt, Box 223, Roteburg. P"A R T P A LOM IrO7ddl mare, colt, aaddl and bridle. 8130. Gentle. Don Smith, Riddle, 1 mile out on Canyon- vllle Road. FOR SALE Saddle pony"""4" years old, gentle. 830. 3t milea N. of Roteburg on M, turn E. at Log Cabin Grocery. Z. E. WhIUemor. Rt2, Box363 E-ll. FOR SALEOn good aaddl horte, 8b or will trad for on good work horse Me I rot Rt.. Box 196. WANTED several good milk cows. Freth or to freshen soon. Fred Neal, Myrti Creek. Phone 641. FOR SALE Registered carllng Rom ney rams. Phon 13-F-23. Virgil Smith, Roseburg Jersey coWTor ai FTwhen Augutt 35th. Nal C Brown. Route 1, Camas Valley. Wanted fat andfeeder ismh and yearlings. W A. Black art Myrti Creek. Phon 382 fon. SACK 30 head ofgoo4 wes wltn 23 lambs. You pick em. Wool on, Phon e-F-Il fOR SAl.C 37 iomney" yearling ewes. 30 othera, two years and up. P. O. Box 126 Langloia, Oregon. rrAMiLY""COW. glOO. R t Box" Phone 33-F-23. WANTEfAirhfrTdj" Uvea toe k. tt U. COX tall 9WJ-J-4 CALfrOBlALE. 6 montha old. rote Rt . Box IW3-A. Cleveland Hill. WANTED day Old calf. Phon 33-F-2T. Machinery For Sate W B 88 WHITE rear end, complet with air. Phon 3R1-R-4, 108 Sunset Lan off MelroM Road.