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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1949)
Y Woodwind HORIZONTAL Depicted woodwind musical instrument ( It has a metallic IS Performer 14 Improper 15 Golf term ! Rone fiber 18 Girl's name 19 Peak 10 Performed 21 Weight of India 22 Hebrew deity 23 Registered ! nurse (ab.) VERTICAL 1 Beat 2 Interstice 3 Pace 4 Yes (Sp ) 5 Greek mount 6 Of the ear T Bird's home S Chilly 9 Ruthenium (symbol) 10 American patriot 1 1 Commands 12 New Jersey city 17 An (Scot.) 25 Gambling game 24 Float of logs 27 Cheerful 29 Measure of area 30 Indian mulberry 31 Anent 32 Mixed type 33 It belongs to the family 3S Throw . 38 Egyptian sun god 39 Diminutive suffix 40 Exclamation 42 Soft drinks 47 Constellation 48 Knock lightly 49 Clan 50 German (ab.) 51 Greek letter S3 Part of a whole 53 Radio detector 58 Bares i i 15 It 15 17 14 It li III 112 2T ZT2T & ?T5 STp 17 5r-"T3T WT T 3 T id W In lii he "T 5J T7 itf T5S 3 s- I I I I I 17 The teleicopt it to you BLONDIE LI'L ABNER KCNCr INTO TH lvOO5.V-A THlNKi NQBOOf JUT J Wf,' tfl n NOTHING LIKE ifjM IK 1 1 8 A , H-M-A SALE OnU"JW GETTING SACK ?r -1 fB-l If L ""V ?M ffV" J" -sL LIGHT BULBS-TV TO THE PEACE jtf (J " ffiH 5 5CK V eS. I'LL TAKE , ' AND QUIET PrV IT A 7?; fj1 Vf5l5 " some of ones Jtj&k jilL-M -MiLl i&if 3J jtel FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS rpo A PMONY Xv"HV N0T O'ON"1" 1 fTMATSA AYB ' Bur f WHAT STATWSPEYS I WOULD YE MOT I WELL, DO TMAT.' S05KH 5COT5MAN, TME MAL5-DAUGUTE1? BONNVf VE'VE TUB DO YE KEN? RATUES. FAVOR. JIVETALIC 00J&OtCAY marry A HAVE. V m THMCIM7 -'-Jv '- " 'i"h( 775 N ' S. JMt&BEeOR OR WEESTEH t'iVCT" r V TYV SOfAcwiNG? iuvBeMoeEr7V f 3 y- ALLEY OOP TW15 TELECAST MAN'5 FIBST TCC TO THE MC0N 15 BEINS PeOUSMT TP WiSP. WT IT ( EN5 TE EAI?.TM I RlJINfi CNEe THE 5 A- I Answer to Previous Puzzle ESI Woody plant Enchanted Mixture Speaker Group of islands Calm Begins Imitated ' 42 Asterisk 43 Either 44 Expired 45 Competent 46 Observed 47 Old 52 Georgia (ab.) 54 Another Greek letter can tee traffic lights!" WHAT 5 GOT BOC. AND EXCITEO? Ih1'R!BL 15MSLLM! T li I i iTiej,, n I Pff HERB 11 Tue., Aug. H. i4 The Now MODEST "3V Au4- I COULDNT 6ET HlrA TO VEN LOOK AT ME UNTIL I PrtPM HAJft CHAETREUC THEM HE CAME OVER AND OIO HC TH0U6HT IT LOOKED TERRIBLE. ' FROM NINE TO FIVE I'm perfectly willing to take can wait until I vcnui tu uru. FAULT IS. ONE: F AULT TMEeE-N?W WE NAVE y WUV A BETTB? LOOK.' ITS fvo' Lirt 4 ukc tmct.' ooooear I AN' LIMB AH tinPLV CflTTlK 7XCT I A-tAVIN'MCl LOVC TO.' J M LlVtO. I 'fefet'N VkW W!ra B-ANDir ll ftiV OM FAULT By V. T. HAMLIN TMEeE-NOwT11", WHAT DO SO HELP ME, ! WE MAVE WHY. VOU AXE 1 CO", ITS A lr A BETTB2 LOOK.' ITS OP IT. CACKED0, if w. osccsi'y - Roviow, Rotoburo,, Pro. 1 1 MAIDENS By Jo Fischer dictation, Mr. Wump, if you finish my ironing. By Al Capp By Merrill Blosstr i i By Chie Young ? T . . .T, I I VOANCtfSl I IT.V-AM 11 AOWS.'MC I SHINGLES Atohalt Aabeetee Cedar Fete Lumber ft Fuel 1M E. 2nd Ave. S. 'ho- 242 BUSINESS DIRECTORY RADIO eiBVICINa Hansen't Radio Service, Suther Un. Radio Doctors. Phor ifll-J. PLUMilNO Ace Plumbing Co., 915 Garden Vallev Rd., Bus. Phone 530-R-5, Ret. Phone 149 R 3. Klerrooch Plumbing Co. SIC MilL Phone 1242 R. Harris Plumbing A Heating Co. 805 South Stephens. Ph. 1478-J. Coen Supply Co. Phone 12L rerp'l Plumbing. Phone 733-R. l O. Wallace. Melrose Route, Box 105-J. Phone 165-R-3. HEATING R. Ritiman Heating Co., hot 'a ter and steam, oil burners. 1703 Brown. Phone 1066-J. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE J. E. Newberryt Washing Ma chine Service. 102 W. Commer cial Avenue. Phone 1015-h. Washing Machine service. Roy and Rustyt Appliance Repair. 510 N. Jackson. Ph. 1003-R. ELECTRICIANS Ridenour Hectria Phone 730-J-5. Roseburg Electric. Phone 123. Ace Electric. Phone 109&-U FLOOR COVERING F. A W. Floor Covering. 327 S. Stephens. Phone 1478-R. Philip M. Dumam, 920 S. Main. Phone 1336-J. Electrolux, service, supplies. Wax er and polisher. Wayne Over beck. Phone 373 R-2. rIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fire Exti-"lsher Salet A Rer oe. Fvr Fvter Products. Co. 2 re filling. Glenn H. Taylor, 220 N. Main. Phone 1433-R. PIANO SERVICE Southwestern Piano Service. runlng.Reconditlonlng. Ph 938-J-l PAINTING IMMEDIATE SERVICE Cemmerelal and Domeatle ROSEBURG FAINT SHOP Phones 422 S07R 1S22R ROSIIURG PAVING CO. AipheK Paving Mlllyards. Driveways. Station Floor. Sidewalk Custom Hading Office: 634 S. Main Tttephaoe ett-a rrm BMlaiatas "B1U" Laselter Pick Up and Delivery Free Entimete EXPERT FURNITURE CLEANING and Dyeing Company "If it's fit to USE It' fit to CLEAN" "If it't FADED let u DYE if ESH D.m. Oiir QnHaltv 1395 Umpqua Ave.. Roseburg, Ore. Complete Interior House Cleaning Vernon D. Clement Phone 81S-R Estimates Gladly Given Window Washing a Specialty We are equipped to do STEAM CLEAN. .JG Also washing, polishing and waxing of cart. Davie Mobil Service Station 740 S. Stepheni SL Phone B87 WELL DRILLING ED MILLER Route 2. Box 201 A Phone 441-R-3 Roseburg, Ore. CONTRACT FAINTING . . PA1KT1SO Hem. ICONTB Decorating JACK PRESTON V4 S. Stephent fh. 62(5-T TouiFULLaJR PrUFTotAian " 'ee r f e" DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 402 W. Oak Ph. 12S A V'AMftirA J Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexan Drug Store CARPENTER New Construction Remodeling Pjml-Block Construction Lyn Jonet 522 S. Stephana Ph. 45 J FLOOR CONTRACTING Herdweed -k Sanding k Laying "Iff Finishing Old Fleer Mad like New. Mtlrese Rt., Sax MAS CARLSON'S FiOOR SERVICE Rhone 102 R I IS Vear Eiroarlenee SHALE RIVER LOAM Delivered Shovels Traxoavater Rulldeter Oraqllna ackhoe Crane Compressor Trucks Leaglno Reids Built and Racked Mill Pendt Cleaned aeements Dug Rental or Contract S. M. Crltc Cnmnany P O. Box 952 . Office East 2nd Ave South Phon 134U Residence Phone 9.T0-I.-2 Get ITiose PROPANE AND BUTANE hottle refilled at the Myers Oil Co. Highway 99 and Garden Valley Road Alto Heater. Hot Plate and Supnllee OLDFIELD 1 SONS CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS 1962 Eden Lane Phone WWU-1 Carl P. Tollon Excavating Contractor Shale rock for Immediate delivery. Shovel, Trucks. Bulldozer. Patrol Blade. Back hoe. For Hire. Roads built and rocked by hour nr contract 2J40 N. Stphena Ph. 499-R-4 AiriimRiZKn BERGH'S APPLIANCE Mavrag & Norge Sale and Service Rortf, MitUI AppltsnrM and Hamilton ClothM Orvars ISnA South ntttnhrn amclna All Mak Wacnen ehone SOS Roaeburs. Oieson --.kiTDArrocs Lontroctorsv ami Commercial and Home Decorating All Work Guaranteed Douglas Faint t Hardware Co. S. Stepnen Phone 9R4-J UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Custom Made Counters, Shelves, Fixture, Kitchen Calnett Phonet 499 R-3 337 R 3 XVW N Stnhent Roseburg. Ore Venetian Blind Salet and Service Estimate Free CHARLES HODSON 1525 Cedar St. Phone 1349 L C. G. Lovelady Building and Remodeling Contractor 2040 N. Stephen Ph. 264 R I AUTOMOB" " 'NSURANCE Mt SHIP HAROLD COX Olitrlct RapraaanUUve rhona 1OT I2J I Jackaon It Roaaburs. Orason DARBY & FOSTER Excavating Contractor Shale Rock For Immedicte Delivery Construction of Ingelng roads Shovels, trucks, bulldozer, com nressor for hire by contract or hour. No lob ton large or too small. Phone for free estimate. Ph. 1152 rt. Forest Service Road Weat ef Landls Iron Works Protect Your romily with the a M. A. Polio plan. Call Mr. Lincoln, 938-J-4 o drop card to Box 10 Melrose Route. HENRY H. MILLER Excavating A Road Building Centraoter 140S Willow St Phone 18S-J We tell shale bar run, river rock and river loam. Mill ponds cleaned and dredged. Shovel. Rulldozer, Boom, Air Compressor. Crane, Dragline, imp Trucks by hour or contract Free estimates. HARGIS ELECTRIC Specialist! Radio. Refrigeration. Household Aoollance Serviee 20 Year Experience All Work Guaranteed ill E. Cass St. Phone S44 FURNACES Roseburg Sheet Metal Ph.i4t Heoting ssoEUitt, OLIVER'S Septic Tank end Drain Fields Installed , Tanks Pumed ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 461-R-3 RL 1. Box 71 PRINTING PROMPT. EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE SERVICE ROSEBURG PRINTING CO. Comer Cam and Sheridan Phone 943 CEMENT CONTRACTING ALL KINDS FORM BUILDING Will alto put basement u ir old house. , Ed Ruche. Ruche Bra. Ph. Residence 1415-J Tool Rentals Floor Sander. Ed cent, Belt A Disc Sander. Concrete Mixer. Power Trowel. Concrete Vibra tor. Wheel Barrows, Lighting Plant. Paint Sprav Outfits. Skll taw. Drills. Air Compressor. Jack Hammers and Hydraulic .Tack. Call us. We may have lust what vou need. Osbun Electric & Equip Co. 847 S. Stephent Phone 1108-R INLAID LINOLEUM Sales and Installation of all types of floor covering F 4 W Floor Covering Co. Ph. 1478-R 327 S. Stephent R.G. Lambeth for Remodeling Or Construction Free estimotes on any size ob Melrose Route. Box 91 -B Phone 1444-R TRUCKS FOR RENT You driva or e drive. Call 1S38 , Adair' Forking Lot Main and Washington Fljgel Transfer & Storage Co. Nelson & Pyle Woodworking Co. Windows, Sath, and Frames. Mill and Moths r Phon 1242 J Royol TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Fast dependable service KEN'S OFFICE EQUIP. 63! S. Stephens Ph. 126I-R A. f. Walter Kraat. M. 0. Physician end Surgeon U. & National Bank Annex Room 217 Office Phone: 1500 Rh ! ratrhavtta Ats.Fhon leaa rnee hours: Man. Thru Sat PLASTERING BUNDY & SUTTON FREE ESTIMATES PH. 1094-Y Desbiens & Schafer GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS All Type Cement Work Sidew-lkt, drivewayt, Hoar, patio end foundation. ESTIMATES GiVEN Box 10S-C. Melrose Rt. Phone 42-R-1 Phone 16S-R-2 ROSEBURG VENETIAN BLIND FACTORY 115 N. Jackson St. Rnaeburg, Ore, rnone IQVS-J VENETIAN BLINDS W7SHAOEE DRAPES SCREENS Free Estimate Satlsfa"'--! Ruamnteed CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stepheni Ph. 302 TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save Vi Long or Short Trip Bee Hive Truck Rental nt S. Staohen Phon 143M f P & B TOWING 24-HOUR wrecker and crane service. No Job too large or too imalL Truck mounted equipment We can now handle 34 yard dragline work, log loading, heavy crane work. 743 S. Stephana St Phone 12 WATER where ond when you want it with a BERKLEY JET' Water System Consult us for all your pump ntsds. Denn-Gerretsen Co. 402 W. Oak Phon 128 P.&H. PAINT CO. All Types of Painting. Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates. 1230 Corey Ph. 1305-J GENERAL CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Free Ettimotnt HATCHER CONSTRUCTION CO. Rt. 2, Box 1S9-G Phone 1408-R CERAMIC TILE Shower stall, bath, "alls, floor, hearths, counter tops, store t! .its. Complete colors and ' e. Glaed and unirlawd. Chrome hound glasa door for shower and tub. By contract or hourly. Estimates Free. Ph. 10&V Byron Pow.ll Box 1281