The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 15, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 The News-Review, Roteburg, Or Mon., Aug. IS, 1949
t 1, yV'M1' m
INSPECTION. BAVARIAN STYLE Participants lint up for in
tptction during a festival In Bavaria, Germany, to insure (hat
they are wearing genuine Bavarian costumes. Two of the inspect
ors check to tee that underwear it the conventional fashion
shorts going to the knees. An export can tell quickly whether
one it a native Bavarian or a foreigner dressed like one. It
tales three hours (or a qiri to dress "genuinely 8avarian." IAP
Mexico's Dicker For U. S. Oil Loan
Discloses Complicated Situation
(NEA Washington Correspondent)
WASHINGTON ( NEA ) Mexico's surprise ending oi negotla
tlons for an oil development loan from the United States may be
only one phase of complicated Internal Mexican economic and
political situation.
Mexico Is deep In a postwar
readjustment situation similar to
the one the British are so wor
ried about. Mexico enjoved a war
boom, wltn high prices lor every
thing. Including attractions for
American tourists who had no
place else to go.
Most of this business dropped
off after the war. Mexico had
trouble regaining Its prewar
trade with Europe, which whs
broke. The hoof and mouth dis
ease epidemic cut off Mexico's
big cattle exports to the U. S.
When the U. S. oil shortage end
ed in 1948 and Mexico's oil ex
ports dropped off, the country
developed a bad dollar shortage.
Anyway, all these develop
ments created a situation which
demanded that Mexico do some
thing to Increase her exports.
One of the best bets seemed to
be an Increase In oil production.
During the war the U. S. House
of Representatives committee on
Interstate Commerce made con-
I'm Not Proud!
Make Me An
'38 Roodmaster Buick.
I gotta '38 Buick Road
master Sedan to sell , . . has
good rubber, heater, a good
car from bumper to bumper.
Best Ci'fer Takes Her!
See at 509 Avnu. "A"
er phone me at S11-Y-X
any time after 5 p.m.
tlnuing studies of world oil re
sources. In the course of these
Investigations, attention was di
rected to Mexico's undeveloped
resources. The Mexican govern
ment invited the committee to
come down and see for itself.
Chairman Charles A. Wolver
ton, New Jersey republican, and
a sub-committee made two trips
to Mexico In the fall of 1948. LaA
January the committee filed a
report. It recommended that the
U. S. government loan Mexico
$7,000,000 for oil development,
to increase supplies available to
the U. S.
In 1938 the Mexican govern
ment had expropriated properties
of U. S, oil companies Involved
in a labot dispute, belzed proper
ties were nut in a yovernment
company, reiroieos, mexicanos,
Dclter Known as Pemex.
Last March Pemex made its
first break with Mexican nation
al oil policy. It signed Its first
contract with U. S. producers for
oil exploration, ine u. a. com
pany that took the contract la a
pooling of interests representing
Signal Oil and American Inde
pendent the latter a combina
tion of Edwin W. Pauley and
elgnt other Independents.
Why Not Private Capital?
This was the situation when ne
gotiations were begun between
the U. S. government and Mexi
can Sen. Antonio J. Bermudez,
director general of Pemex, for
$70,000,000 loan as recommend
ed by the Wolverton Committee,
It has been generally believed
that there was some connection
between this loan and the Pauley
deal with Mexico, or that Pauley
promoted It. Pauley now claims
there Is no connection between
the two deals, other than that
they both Involve Mexican oil.
It Is State department pollcv
that no government loans should
oe made to foreign countries If
private capital la availabl.
It would be considered strange
J grant the Mexicans a develop-
Hog Program Would Change
Breeding Seasons To Benefit
Both Farmers And Consumers
Associated Press Farm Reporter
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15. CP) Farmers may get their first ex
perience this fall with the government's latest gadget for ending
periodic ups and downs In prices and supplies of meat. (
The gadget is a provision In the agriculture department's price
support program for hogs. It Is aimed at giving a better price break
to the farmer who raises, fattens and sells his hogs early than to
the farmer who comes along later and contributes to a market glut
Under this provision the farm
er who markets his soring hogs
in September Is guaranteed $18
to $18.50 for 100 pounds. His
neighbor who doesn't get his hogs
in market shape until December
is guaranteed between $14.75 and
$15. That's a wide difference
and quite a penalty on the late
The farmer knows, but perhaps
the consumer doesn't, that hogs
do not move steadily to market
throughout the year. Marketings
start the year at a very high
level, men taper on in Marcn
and April, Then they spurt up in
May and June, fall off again in
July and August, only to climb
again in the fall.
Usually prices of hogs a n d
pork chops follow this same pat
tern. Right now, for example,
housewives are complaining
about prices of pork. The reason
is the low level of marketings.
most larmers breed their sows
so that they will farrow in the
spring and early fall when the
weainer is usually most lavor-
lble for pigs.
Breeding Chance N.tii.d
What Is needed, says the de
partment. Is a change In the
breeding pattern so that more
pigs will be born in the late win
SH0E7s- )
The n9uii, most practical
all-purpose oxford in town
You don't have to be a Cirl Scout to wear this
trim beauty. Smart girls everywhere are wearing
wonderful, official quality, Cirl Scout Shoes. We
have several pretty patterns.
AAA to C
3!i to 10
white or smoka
Shoe Deportment Main Floor
ment loan after they had confis
cated American properties 11
years ago. Also, since the U. S.
oil shortage has now turned Into
surplus, other American pro-
uucers are opposed to govern
ment loans to build up Mexican
competition. So there may have
oeen some understandable drag
ging of official feet In dickering
with the Mexicans for a develop
ment loan.
The other side of the picture
is that the U. S. armed services
are genuinely Interested in de
veloping oil resources. And the
U. S. government Is interested
in Mexican financial stability.
But the U. S. government cannot
In good conscience recommend
Kxport lmport bank loans unless
there are adequate guarantees
of repayment. The original re
quest for a $470,000,000 loan is be
lieved to have been cut in half,
tor refinery and pipeline projects
only not for exploration and
drilling. They are considered
sound investments. But at this
(tincture, the Mexicans suspend
ed the negotiations and pulled
out of the deal. Whether this Is
temporary or for good remains
to C3 seen.
ter and more In the summer and
hence fewer in the spring and
Both the farmer and the con
sumer would benefit, says the
department. The farmer would
average out somewhat higher
prices than he now gets because
there no longer would be a sharp
nrjee break just at the time when
he has ihe most hogs to sell.
The consumer no longer would
have to pay very high prices In
the late winter and late summer
because there would be larger
supplies oi meat at tnose times.
To encourage fa-mers to
spread out hog farrowings and
marketings, the price support
guarantee Is highest In those sea
sons when hog marketings and
pork supplies are usually the
Farmers May Fall In Line
This variable price support par
tem has been in effect for sev
eral years. But farmers have had
no experience with it because
prices have been far above sup
port levels.
The situation is expected to be
different In the fall. A big In
crease in last spring's pig crop
is expected to be reflected In a
heavy market run of hogs in the
Won tarts rtsijcW wAk mw, Gu
am M Pais when mmsitj.
Lockwood Motors
Rose and Oak
Phone 80
A special representative of the
of Indianapolis
will visit our store oh
August 16 and 17
with 4 Special DispLsy of
New Suitings and Coalings
for Men and Women
to be
Tailored to Your Order
New weaves! New patterns I New colors!
Let this Ksha expert take YOUR measure
tot a new suit or coat ... to be tailored
for immediate or future delivery.
j7; j""" '
VEEP STEP OUT vk President Alben W. Berkley watches the
Cardlnal-CltnU baseball game in St. Louis. Mo, while Mrs. Carle
ton & Hsdle". 8L Louis widow, has ber mind on more feminine
things, such as U pa tick. It was the Vice President's second flying
xrtp to St. Louis this summer, and he visited Mrs. Hadley both tun-
late fall and winter In fact so
heavy that it may pull prices be
low government support leveU.
Government officials believe
the experience of having to sell
hogs under the variable price
support standard will lead many
farmers to spread their future
pig raising operations over a
longer period of time.
A driver's license examiner
will be on duty In the Roseburg
city hall Aug. 18 and 19 between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m., according to
an announcement from the secre
tary of state s ofllce.
More than 202,000 World War
11 veterans by June 1 had either
exhausted their entitlement to G.
I. Bill training, or had completed
their Public Law 16 training and
were declared rehabilitated. Vet
erans Administration said.
About 50,000,000 tons of Ice are
produced yearly In 6,000 plants
throughout the United States.
Boswell Mineral Baths
Chiropractic Physiotherapy
Lady Attendants
1 Mile S. ot Drain. Ore-on
Student Register Nowl
Classes Start Sept. 1
Phone 1078 R
Victor Rice
Soon You Will Need a
Let The
Givt You An Estimate
Phone 121
Everything For The Builder
Floed A Mill ate.
Clever shoppers chSJse fall coats NOW. . . on
rnoo DOWN
Winter is months away . . . it's
Budget troubles? . . . Want painless buying? . . . Use
PENNEY'S convenient lay-away plan to buy your
coat now. Our large stock (purchased specially for
this event) gives you a bigger selection of styles,
colors and fabrics. Come in tomorrow and lay-away
your new fall coat.
Broadcloth, Fleece and Sharkskin Will Be Heavily Favored Among Coat Fabi ict!
J'lk Jm$ lift
See These 3 California-Made Coats Now!
A. Another 2-way coat to wear with or without belt, this one
of fine wool fleece. Easy-hanging:, full 6-panel back. Wing
collar, deep cuffs.
B. 2-way wool broadcloth coat to wear with or without tie belt.
3-button double-breasted model. Modified Barrymore collar,
interesting cuff treatment.
C. All-wool worsted sharkskin very important fabric for fall,
and especially good in this casual type coat. Yoke back,
modified Barrymore collar.
Tomorrow, Penncy's features new fall coats in three important, economical price
ranges the above California styles are outstanding examples of what you'll find
in the selection, so come see them! New fall shades available: green, gray, wine,
brown, nude, camel. Sizes: 1018.