! Sell Faster At A getter Price ! Name The Brand In Your Ad i CLASSIFIED RATES I -day per mora t daye " " S din 4 days . J dan days " Real Estate The Home of Fine Ranches A three bedroom that ii modern, juit redecorated In trst class shape, on a large lol with snrubs. This U a room home, has tu furnace. Iota of ou ill-ins. with three nice bedrooms, priced at only 17500.00 with 2500.00 down. ' CLOSE IN Two bedroom older home that l modern, only 4 block from P. O. has been re-plumbed: la very reasona bly priced at 93130.00 with term. ONE BEDROOM HOME, that Is modern, on large lot, has fruit, shade trees, shrubs and flowers. Has shower oath, bullt-lns In kitchen, wired for elec tric range, and look at th price 94200.00 with 9750.00 down. HIWAY FRONTAGE City water and lights, on lot 100 by too with a 3 room unfinished home on the back of the lot. city bus. For a quick sale. (2500 00. some term. SHEEP AND POULTRY RANCH 100 acres, about 40 acres tillable, 9 room name, witn oatn. Darn poultry house lfl by 120. woven wire fenced. a wells and sprint. lo small creek. ge.ooo.oo; gooa terra. 37 ACRES. 18 acres Dot torn land, big red barn, nice modern 3 bedroom home, fruit, shade, 2 good wells, 2500 gal. storage lank, tractor, and farm machinery, one cow, 100 chickens, for only 39300 00: easy terms of will trade ior cuy property. WE HAVE BITSINESS PROPERTY, tilth way frontage, motels, in fact we have one of the best motels in southern Oregon. Or If you are looking tor a real ranch on the North Umpqua. we . nave ii Jack Realty Realtor 031 ft. Stephens SL Lloyd Wilson Henry R. Handy A G.I. Buy For Sale By Owner This home was purchased through a G .1. loan . . . panned professions) appraisal and la really worth the money. A new home, has 1 bedrooms, living room and dinette, large, airy xncnen. Every modern convenience Including gas heat, built-in, utility room, at tached garage. On a large lot In Went Roseburg. Lawn, shrubbery. Home Is fully Insulated. Convenient to shop ping center, city bus, and schools. un an improvea street. This home Is more than worth the money. Total G. L price $9,500. Want $.1,300. for equity, balance payments are 944. ou monu. Interested? It will cost not h In to look Inspect at 1010 Neho St or phone liw-ft toniy atter p. m. pieasst Rambling Ranch Style Home And Acreage HAVE THE HOUSES YOU'VE SEEN BEEN LACKING IN SOME FEATURE YOU DESIRE? I'LL BET THIS ONE HAS it: THIS ONE HAS 1 Family bedrooms Pine-paneled den Spacious living room Outstanding Fireplace Ultra-modern kitchen 3 Baths Large playroom Carpeted floor Forced air heating Patio This beautiful T room home Is being offered by the owner-builder at a sacrifice price for eariy sale. Shown by appointment. Stanley E. Short Realtor Phono 1092-R 114 W. Lane St FOR SALE OR TRADE 11 acres, fine soil, on highway. Sprinkler Irriga tion, an aiiaiia. uooa Duimmgs. good 3 room house, young family orchard, pressure pump. Take home or acre age, clear for clear. $8,000. New trac tor, a. a., atatnews, kl neiser. Idsho. FOR SALE farm; city, country homes ana building lots Also listings wanted. Williamson Real Estate 1444 N Stephens Ph. lQ4fl-R FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 room modem house tn better district of Grants Pass. Valued at 9S.W0 Will consider property in Myrtle Creek or Roeburg area, ii inheres. ea ee nr. uoerner, Plumbing Supply, Montgomery Ward. Hoteourg. Prompt Survey Service SALE 3 acres choice business corner Hwy. 36 and Larnce Road. House, barn, garaie. woodshed, hen houe Or trade for taner nlace with build ings. Walter Crowley, Cheshire. Ore gon foR SALE 6 room house and aoDrovl- mately 1 acre, near school and store tn Camas V allev. fruit trees and large chicken yard. Inquire Mitchell s Market n FOR SALE Two bedroom modern h-vne Well located, on bus line 100x189 ft Nice lawn and garden My equity, and balance 933 53 month 10 Miller Lane 112M CASH buys 2 acres of land, five room house, electricity, good drilled well. Cioe to school and church. Tenmlle Store. 3d ACRES, electricity and watrr in house. 34200. terms. H. Mc Brown. Mlroae Rt Box IM LOTS TOR SALE Citv rater and lights available. Lod down nay merit Eugene Ridenour. Phone 7JQ-J -3 FOR SA.'J, 4 acres. 185 ft river front are a miles south of town. Inquire 1351 Harrison. TOWN FOR SALE Citv of Tenmlle. Oregon. See T. M. Benedict Real Estate LIVE LISTINGS WHY PAY RENT Only 9700. down pay ment for dandy, one oearoom nome all modern. Large landscaped lot. shade and fruit tree. A real buy. at $3850., bal. 933. mo. WELL-IMPROVED, newer I bedroom home In Eden bower district Nice lawn, shrubs and yoting trees. Yard enclosed by picket fence Covered pa tio. Bedroom seU. range, dinette set and rugs tnciuaea ai kjw. iuu price. $2,000. or leas down. MAKE AN OFFER Out of state owner anxious to sell desirable 5 room home in good suburban district Has large bedrooms, real nice 'iving room wttn fireplace, dinette, modern kitchen and attached garage. Nearly one-half acre of land. Asking price $8,950. Liberal terms. NEAR HIGH AND GRADE SCHOOLS Comfortable 4 room, 2 bedroom home. Concrete foundation, oak floors, ga rage. Gas range and o neater, run pries aauu., aijuu. oown. 3 BEDROOMS Less than ona year old. located on tne west sine, jrampor tation at door. All nlastcred. oak hard Mnnd floors, floor furnace and fuel tank. Garage attacneu. Large free soil lot. Full price $7085.. $1400. down payment NORTH ROSEBURG Jut out of the city limits and centra :iy located new er. 3 room home and large de tached earase. 70x100 'ut. Dirket fence Priced for quick sale at $6350. Good terms, immediate pattession. ELEVEN ACRES near Melrose Level. tillable, and fenced. Comfortable one bedroom nome, newiy redecorated Inside. Bath St shower utility trays, ood nrruurc svitem. Has barn, la rage, and other buddings, $5750. full price, N,wu down. ELGAROSE Two 10 acre tracts, dne has 3 room house for $1900. and terms The other a two oom cabin for $1100., $600. down. STANLEY E. SHORT Realtor Phone 1092-R 114 W. Lane St STOP THROWING AWAY RENT MONEY! Buy One of Roseburg's Most Beautiful Homes On Easy Terms In Cloverdale Park $49.70 te $K5.at A MONTH covers taxes. Insurance. Interest and principal. You can pay as Utile as $500 00 down. There Is no need to give away your money as rent or live In crowded conditions you can buy one of Rose burg's finest homes on these easy terms. Read These Features Hillside view lot Fully Insulated Tiled floors 14 different plans Oil heat fHA Inspected Large closers Floored atics Big view windows uversize iois n re places Weathers tripped FHA approved There axe still a few of the fifty homes being offered to veterans with no down payment Visit Cloverdale Park and see these exceptionally fine homes today or to night Open daily from 10 a. in to 9 p. m. Fies & Clute Realty 409 West Cass Phona 1568 or 1537 Opportunity BETTER CLASS HOME in one of Roseburg's finer residential districts, large lot with beautiful shade trees and room for outdoor living, 3 large bedrooms with the master bedroom on first floor and 3 smaller bed rooms, large living room and dining room, library or den. beautifully fin ished bath with tub and shower down and half bath up. modern kitch en with nook, concrete basement with oil furnace, double garage, fully plastered and insulated. A wonderful family home offered for short time only at $13,000. Roy 0. Young, Realtor 205 W. Cass St FOR SALE Modern Vroom home on nicely landscaped 67' 100" corner lot. Insulated. Cabinet kin hen. Beautiful hardwood floors. Natural fireplace. Automatic hot water. Gas heat. Utility room. Extra large garage with con crete floor. Only 3 v-ars old Priced right for quick sale Ly owner! lm mediatc possession. 1701 Brown ave. 135 A new 4 BR mod rancn style home Large barn other new bldgs 100 fruit nut trees, creek, springs $14,750 terms 20 A H ml So Umpqua frontage. New all yr cottage, barn, garaec Real buy at gfi.OOO terms. C. L. Swanson Riddle, ore. FOR SALE 10 arret, large house, elec tric range, water heater, oil heater, family orchard. Nice barn and other outbuildings. glftoo down or will trade for 2 bedroom home In town Phone 922-R-l. FOR SALE 5 or 14 vres. In cultiva tion, good water. 2 -oom house, barn chicken house. Small down payment, terms 2 miles east of Kellv's Korner. Jack Futrell. Rt. 1. tox 24A-K Surveys Maps Plans Peny C Armstrong Civil Engineer 811 So Jrtatn St Ph.JH7-RX i unit rental" Cabins pi mi uvit. quarter 2 acres. 185 A. front In come. 1105 00 per month 3 miles south Rooeburg on 99 G B Hasson, C. V Star Rt. $-500. someterms AT CHARLESTON on Joe Ney slough. 175 ft frontage wt'h 3 rooms and porch, sheltered, good road. Gorman Charleston Garage $700 DOWN. $:t000 haiance-TSro bed room home on Calkina Road. Phone 702 -R -2 For SALE 3 A 5 room house. 2 room cabin, wood shed, garage, electricity Geo Shelion. Camas Valley fon SI-E--Two-rortm "home on 87 lot snv. Four blnrs east of Wins ton Post Office. Owner. J W. Jophn. Real Estate Move In Before School Starts J-BEDROOM HOME. HARDWOOD f LOOKS. UlL. furnace piasiri . m tached garage, about one year old. lo cated Just oil Garden "alley Rd. Close tO SCHOOL IT ICS tw.uv uv-u. LARGE SUBURBAN HOME. 5 LARGE OAK IKttV over an acre ui nvar anil 1'uriuM. basement. 3 fire places, hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, one with fireplace, paved road. City phone. Wonderful location for large family. Price $13000 VETERANS HOME. NOW ATTENDING SCHOOL 1 b. r., bath with tub and shower, tile drain ooards In kitchen, gjs furnace, large view window. City sewer, rrnm '9.w'w uvu. -i.- CLOSE . IN HOME ON PAVED ST. RASrvrA'T wood furnace. 2 D. r. lots of closets, dining room, estab lished lawn, shrubs, and shade trees. 2 blocks to school. 1 block to swim ming pooL Unfinished upstairs. Price sy.-mu w IMMACULATE 1-B. R. WITH FIRE PLACE. PATIO, paved st and sewer, nil furnira. vpnuin blinds, expen sive driDM. dream if a kitchen with corner cabinet In dining spce. 80x100 lot. fine lawn and Hewers with white picket fence. Not a thing to do to this one. HO davs posesuon Terms. OUT OF TOWN BUT ON CITY BUS LINE. 100x100 lot, 3-b r, fireplace, tile kitchen, now 8' Kelvlnator refng , new Westinghouse elec. range. Other items. Price fc'iKHi 00. CLOSE IN LARGER HOME. 5 BLOCKS ELKS CLUB. Located In the hill. 2 lots with lots of shide trees, large living room, dining re. m. 4-b. r., t's baths, full basement, oil furnace, lots of closet space. Paved st.. double ga rage. Close to grade or parochial school, nrice ii.vki 'm STOCK RANCH WITH LOTS OF WA TER 640 a . 150 a. tillable. 3-b r. home, fireplace, bath, e ec . phone. 2 creeks through place, can irrigate. l' million Umber. out-range. tenant house, 3 barns. 8 mi let from good town, trice terms) r.rwuu.w. SEVERAL GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SEE US ABOUT OUR DfLUXE MOTEL Miin itttwia Earl & Gladys Wiley Realtors Rose Hotel Bldg. Selected Offerings A NICE NEAT rakeshake home In the Calkins dist. with lovely fireplace, two nice large bedrooms, the nicest hardwood floors throughout you have ever seen, extra 1 rge front room, has nice handy kitchen with lots of bullt-lns, lovely bath, attached ga rage, concrete drlvrway. large lot in very nice nel g hbornood. Full price siu.300 wnn aiuuu oown. FIVE-SIXTHS of an acre one and one half miles from city center Four- room modern house with modern bath, glared in porch, two bedrooms, mod ern kitchen. Barn, nice chicken house, fruit, berries, garden spot. Asking $7000. No reasonable offer refused with nice terms. ONE BEDROOM modern little house In west Roseburg, nicely furnished, nice lawn, flowers, neat kit? hen front room, bath, nicely located In west better district. See this before you buy. A9M full price. Term. Easy to build on later. BRAND NEW two-bedroom house, south city limits, fine construction. Owner will take good car on trade. This is a line place, rrtce it-uo. si sou oown. NEAT AND NICELY finished one-bed room house, north Rosebura. New con structlon. Krntlle floors, nice living room, bedroom, kitchen, utility, hot water heater, circulating heater, nice bath on level lot $4750 with $1000 down. BUSINESS FOR SALE KARMEL KORN and popcorn stand fix tures and franchise for sale. This Is a money-making business without too much capital. See to believe. Hurry. A NICE little restaurant worth the price. A TAVERN A restaurant on 99 with beer license doing a whale of a bus iness. LISTINGS WE NEED A GROCERY, two apt houses, any kind of a small business listing we have immediate buyers. Our home listings are constantly sefling and we are In need cf new listings. SEE US BEFOR E YOU BUY THAT FARM. WE HAVE SOME DANDY LISTINGS. WE HAVE a fine tot of new listings on three and four-bedroom homes. Lehman Real Estate 414 North Jackson Roseburg, Oregon. Down To Earth Prices 193 FEET ON S. JACKSON Large older 3-bedroom home, double garage, fruit and shade trees, excellent loca t'on for apartments or new home. The price Is now only W400. $4000 down $6,100 BUYS THE BEST PRICED HOME in North Roseburg, 4 targe rooms and bath, utility, extra large separate ga rage, lot 70x100. This is a late mode home In one of the better convenient districts. Good financing is offered. MODERN 2-BEDROOM HOME on Win chester St New garage, space for 3rd bedroom, 5 extra lots. Owner leaving city will sell for COO0 CHARMING CONVENIENT IM MACULATE This vacant city home Is Just like new with J bedrooms, bath and shower, large comfortable living room, tiled kitchen, utilitv. gas fur nace. Venetian blinds Price $7500. Liberal terms at 4 -Merest ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED HOME In West Roseburg consisting of 5 nice rooms and bath. elec. heating, at tached garage, beautiful velvety lawn In front and back. The owner has cut to $11100. $1050 down. NICE BUILDING SITE on the N. Ump qua river 278 feet of frontage, ftxx) feet of lumber Included. Price $2000 2to down. SEVERAL SPECIALS ON RANCHES. Hayden H. De Camp, Realtor 749 S. Stephens St Phone 171 L 100 ACRES about 6 miles out, fine for subdivision, water, elfc.. near rchool and several mills. Located on a paved road. $.'150 00 per acre with terms. Can be used as a farm, all cultivated. 9 ACRES on Little river. 2 houses, wanh room, shower, Butane stoves, lights, 1000 gal. water tank. Wondrrful for cabins or summer homes. $7000 with terms. GROCERY for tsle. fully stocked and equipped, large building, with 6-room apt. in a gotd town nd doing a fine business. Investigate this. $21,000, $1100.00 down. STOCK RANCHES, city property, also business locations. limber and saw mills. Geo. W. Dimmlck, Agency. 129 N Jackson. Phone 4R4 Home Special A special In home buying with the bath, two bedrooms, large living room, kitchen grounds 100x200, lawn and shrubs, garage. Price Is I7H50 and ONLY $i;tV)OQ Dn. Compare this with the best buy on the market Umpqua Realty (Opposite P. O. on "99" 112 N. Stephens Ph. 1535-J FOR SALE Small house, combination trahburner gas rane, gas water heater, coal room heater. Linoleum in cluded. Two blocks from court house Inquire at 10.15 V litstreet Rew3-BFDROOM home by owner In finest suburban loca"on. near river. 77M) Good term. 110 Chestnut St Phone U33J MODERN two bedroom home complete" ly furnished, very reasonable Owner leaving Oregon R. C Poulum, Coca stock Road, west Sulherlin. FOR SALE 3 lots, foi all within-! blocks new Riverside School. 3 blocks of bus line Phon 1349-R or call at 1525 Walnut Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daufhertr. tM engineer. Ph. 2V7-B Real Estate Valley Real Estate Agency BRAND NEW S bedroom horn In good furnace: Ula in kitchen and bath room. Large lot. Vacant now; wove right in. you cant oeai uua. v Terms. t BEDROOM HOME close In: city high school and grade. $5500. $1075 aown. EXTRA LARGE 4 bedroom new home, vacant now; Large living room and dining room. Hardwood rioors; ga rage. Urge lot $U.'J0. Easy term. DUPLEX Live In one tide and rent the other side out Hardwood floors: 2 complete bathrooms Bum in ia. this to good. $tU50. Only $2000. down. vrw HOME IN TOWN: 1 bedrooms. Home is all plastered- gas furnace. vacant now, can snove in maj unw $7500. Easy terms. BEDROOM HOME tn Laurel wood dis trict. Large living room and dining room. Really nice: lias basement Cheap at gii.ouu. aomt terms. NICE 9 BEDROOM HOME, furnished Good place for children: yard all fenced. Lawn Is In. Hardwood floors: gas furnace. $R500. Good terms. Home la only 3 years oid ALMOST NEW S bedroom home; neat and clean; move rignt in. Large uun- ti- wuim- I-au-n la In PI rim tn School. $Vtt50. Less than $1500. down. Look wis over. WE HAVE ONE Of THE BEST ranches in the county for sale. Zis acres; 40 acres Is good farm ground. 1946 model tractor and tools to farm It with. Chicken houses for 1200 birds. Barn and other buildings. 5 rows. $ hogs and 75 chickens. The home alone would cost i.vuuu. to ouua Total price $17,000. term. SUBURBAN HOME and stock ranch: 240 acres 8 miles from Roseburg on good road: spring Wdter, nice plas tered modern home with fireplace, in a shady setting A real buy at $10,500. $3500, down. Valley Real Estate Agency 115 W. Cass St Phona S68 SpeciaL RANCH VALUE 53 ACRES OF CHOICE BOTTOM GROUND about 18 minutes drive from the center of Roseburg, completely moaern .5 -oearoom nouse, large Darn, several food chicken St brooder hous es, nice trout stream runs through the property; It Is completely fenced and cross fenced wttn woven wire. The crop now rontists of wheat, barley, alfalfa, berries, family orch ard and a beautiful .m sated garden, some stock and eouioment are In cluded. All of this may be purchased for the orice of a good city home. uiNL.r fiauo, liberal terms. HAYDEN H. DECAMP, Realtor 749 8. Stephens Street Phona 173-L ALMOST NEW t Br home close to school: nice lawn $750 00 down; low terms on balance. This is a real buy. 3 BR. HOME but nice condition within walking of city center. Large lot liver irontage. uniy atoou.uu. terms. A REAL INVESTMENT a nice 2 br home with garage inc. S room cottage rents for $65.00 per mo. FurnUhed or unfurnished. Only $3000 00. Bal. like renu 4'i ACRES river bottom 300 ft. river frontage, cherry, pear, peach, filbert and wainut trees wun 3 or. noma. Terms. 1 BR. HOME 1 H acre with straw berries and lRx.12 garage and work shop all modern, on Calkins rd $1600. 00 dn. 25 ACRES of free soli; alt tillable, $450.00 dn. bal. $450.00 per year. A reai ouy. WE HAVE CASH BUYER for a ranch from 100 to 300 acre unimproved. Williamson Real Estate 1444 N. Stephens Phona 1049-R Show It To YOURSELF Have you ever had the desire to browse around in empty home without our 'sales talk" ringing In your ears Ihen drive up to the lovely home at 3BO Terrace Avenue (turn right at the end of the lavement off East Lanei anytime this week. The doors will be open from 9 a. m. to 8 30 p. m. There will be no one there to show It to you. Stay IS minutes or all day If you want to see how It would feel to live there. There are two bedrooms plus room In the full basement for you to plan with. There are also two fireplaces and a living and 'lining room. But. see if for yourself. The owner wants $14,7W, although there Is no use kidding ne probably won't get that much and he must sell Immediately! When you have seen It. call us and tell us what you'll give for It. You can practically name your own terms. ROSEBURG REALTY A INSURANCE CO. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors SPECIAL For a large family 'especially adapted for children' we offer a fine home and very close In. Full basement. Living room. Dining room. Den. Kitchen. Service pur'-h Play room. 5 bedrooms. l' baths. Numerous large closets and bullt-lns. Double garage. Plastered throughout. Auto, oil fur nace. Home In elegant condition. Spa clous grounds, fine trees, shrubbery and flowers. Sprinkler system. This place has everything Shown onlv by appointment $15,000 00. Half down. William A. Oerdlng 134 West Cass SL When It's Real Estate tn Mvrtla Creek and feouth Douglas Co. Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK. Ore PHONEjMS FOR SALE-3.00o cash. 72 "acres, old houe. good well. S acres prunes, salable timber Write Mrs O Miller R.ddle. Oreg Ph. Riddle 324 ACREAGE Ten acres or less Small houe, lots of water Good anil Leis Meehan, Lonklngglaes Rt., on block before Happy Valley bridge. Real Estate 2 Home Values PRICED FOR Ql'ICK SALE $6,400. Is the reduced aking price for this com fortable t bedroom home less than years old. "Owner .-night consider an an offer for even lets.) Has large de tached garage with workshop, large lot Located near stores, uchool and trans portation. Liberal term. Immediate possession. . 1 BEDROOMS $79HS. Here Is a fine value In a newer 3 bedroom home on the West side. Has nice living room, convenient kitchen. Inside uttl ty and attached garage. Large free soil lot with topaoil added. $15uo. down payment Stanley E. Short Realtor Phona 1092-R 114 W. Un St. FARM SPECIAL Apple, pear, fig. prune cherry, peach trees, 10 acres river bottom land. 30 acres hill land (irrigated from riven, fine home fireplace, 2 bedrooms, bath large living room. On highway '99". A lovely home for the wife and children. Price $12,500. with excellent terms or will trade for town property UMPQUA REALTY (Opposite P. O. on "99") US N. Stephens Ph. 1535-J FOR SALE 2-bed room, modern, out standing value Car port, range wirrd. large lot, hot water heater, fenced, cement walks and drive. Close in. fine location. ae after 1 p.m. 718 Nebo St. FOR SALE Income property. New ultra modern double duplex bv owner, une quarter mile west of Sutherlln. H. L. urphy. CABIN. 14x24 modern. Must be so1 and moved by August 22, best offer takes 11. Phone 1521 J. Rentals FOR RENT New Clark Floor Sander and POLISHER Denn-Gerretsen Co. 402 W Oak St Phone 12$ FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber-All In one tool Light enough any child can handle finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 327 8 Stephens Phone 1478-R FOR RENT one room upstairs 20 x25 apartment, uniurnixneo or partly fur nished. Private entrance, share bath. Suitable for one or two. Sleeping 3 11 nr ten or light housekeeping. No rinkers. Louretta Archambeau, Oak land. Oregon. Rent A Singer Ilectrle portable sewing machine (or use In your own home SINGER SEWING CENTER 304 N Jackson ' Ph.723 FREE RENT to family, S bedroom mod ern home In exchange for care of one school-age boy. Contact Melny at Coon Creek Timber Co., after $ p.m. Phor.e 33-F-13. TRAILER FOR RENT Furnished 1 block west, 2 norlh Eden bower Groc ery, over hill. Inquire large Imitation brick house. 19U2 Eden Lane. Mrs. Oldfield. REFINISH your own floors, easily done with our high sneed floor sender In expensive. Montgomery Ward St Co Phone 95 LARGE HOI'SE for rent In Looklng glass. Inquire 120 W. 3rd Ave. North ftrfL9;j APT. FOR RENT 3 large moms and kitchenette, parity furnished Mrs Lumm. Box ltkl-B, Melrose Route. TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive long or short trips Bee Hive truck renu) 7:t6 South Stephens.Phone 143B-J TRUCKS and trailers for rent, move yourself. Thompson Signal Service. Steojiensjil Washington Phone 703 RENT our floor sandcr or edger a low as 4 per day. t'mpqua valley H ard w a re 2()2 N . Jj?kson FOR RENT 3 room cabin. Phona 326- JX-4. ROOM FOR RENT In modern home. 933 Barager. Phone 37.1-R -2. SINGLE SLEEPING room. 1164 Military St FOR RENT Steeping room for gentle man. 4fl4S. Jackson. Phone 1142-L. SLEEPING ROOM for gen Heme n7reT- erenres required Phone 403-J. J RED SLEEPING ROOM for 1 men. 930 N. Jarknon BOUSES. 3V, miles So. on Hlway 99 Turnjeft GeneralWclding Works. ROOMS FOR RENT 1 with "twin beds Phone i:7-YX. 1 SLEEPING ROOMS for rent, men only, no drinkers. Phnne 22H-J-2. ROOMS FOR RENT, with and "wi thou! kttrhenprtvtleees. 308 Fowler. U DRIVE TRUCK rental Winston Trait er Court, Winston. Phone Wi3-J-2 ROOM FOR RENT. Phone 1493-J. TENTllOlfSE for rent Phone H"l5-lf-S" Timber Saivmills Wanted Immediately ANY SIZE tracts of old growth and Sood second growth. See c S Rriggs 1 Co 112w-Jra"!phl'ne 114 WANTED TO BUY H million ft of ofd growth or good second growth timber In vicinity of DUIard o' Tenmile Jack Russell. Canyonvllle. Oregon. P. O. Box14 WANT PEELED Douglas Fir poles and tiling delivered to our Roseburg yard, i mi ted sizes Contact us before cut ting Puget Timber Co of Oregon P O Box 46. Roseburg Phone IXM WANTED TO BUY Douslas Fir nnle and piling atumpage. Puget Timber oi urriun. r u. box B. K ove rt urg Phone 1.139 fbm WATT ELECTRIC7tVht plant, com pletely overhauled. See at Umpqua Furniture Co. WANTED- 2nd growthlogii Usawon hares. Have portable mill to set in woods. Inquire 630 Moscr St. FOR SALE Sawmill" or any "pari GMC dlesel edger and other units. Rov Denny.833', Wtnrhesler WANTED Contract yarding '""show for A C. cat Route 1, Box 2-U. Rose burg Notice TILLER SCHOOL Diet. No 114 will re ceive bids until August 19th. 15H9 for a three year contract for a 33 pass enger school bus run irom Lawman'j mm to 1 1 iwr. The board reserve the rignt to reject anv or all bids. Bernic Matthews, -lerk fWII.L NOT be responsible for bilfi cnn.reriea oy anyone otner tnan my self L H. Ollnghouse Miscellaneous WOOL CARDING. Regarding Blankets. Mattress pads made to order Wash ington Woolen Mills. 10634-17th Ave. SW. Seattle. Wash ANYONE WISHING r ariapor t a 1 1 on to Colorado or Nebraska contact Bill Htrurkman at Nkelvn's Market t FOR' INVALIDS and' elderly folks 24 nour nursini PlVJM 1439-1 Help Wanted Wanted Experienced Salesman Keel Motor Co. 443 N. Jackson BIG MONEY FOR Y0UIN SELLING CHRISTMAS CARDS For extra cah show Christmas Cardv 50 for $1 WITH NAME. Sell on sight! Up to 100' 1. profit on 21 -Card $1 "Leader" Assortment, PLASTICS, oth ers for Christmas. Everyday. Personal Floral Notes. Napkins. "Leader" on approval. FREE Imprint samples STYLART. 1J10 San tee, Dept 41, Los Angeles 55. Calif. Mechanic Wanted Familiar with Chrysler Corp. automo biles. Rose Motor Co. Rosa and ljine Streets Phone Wanted EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER 35 ye.r, ol ale or over. References Ooyle. Sale, and Service, Garden Valley Road. P. O. Box 30. Phone (111. Fountain Girl NIGHT SHIFT THE DRIVE INN 1 mile So on Htway 99 Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman LOCKWOOD MOTORS CAR HOP WANTED THE DRIVE INN ONE MILE BO ON HIWAY M Wanted- HOSTESS for coffee shop and dining room. Must be experienced. HOTEL UMPQUA W ANTE D 2 C I RLS t'or handPlnmlng S hours a day, 40 hours per week Apply Dusty a Laundry. Hwy. 99, North Garden Vallgy Junction. WANTED Whistle punk and 2nd toadef. Must be experienced. Apply Powell's Office in Yoncalla. Phona Yoncalla 3H2. H G Powell NEED HOUSEKEEPER days until Se5t 1. then 24 hours tn my home for few weeks. Roy 10 and girl 18 months. Phone KfMi-L. BOOKKF:EPERWANtED. genera, ex perienca necessary. News-Review Box BiiH. HOUSEKEEPER. CARE of school age child, pensioner O. K. Room, board, smallwate, News-Review Box WW. GREEN CHAIN grader and marker" Call Natron Station before 5. 72304 Springfield alter 7 p. m WANTED Experienced waitress. Must be 21 or over. Dills rd St eakHoue, WANTED choker aetter. Phone 15-J-4. Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service SEPTIC tanks cleaned, no extra charge for drain lines. No charge for open ing tank Prompt service No mile age charge, reasonable rates, special rates for commercial tank 746 Short St. Ph 12Q4-Y P O Box 186 ALL BUILDINO conit ruction nur'Btirt old. remodeling, 10 down, no lob too arxe or ukj smau ah type maannrv construction, flagstone ana bricK barbecues and Datios a specialty Mar nelte floors and drain boards Phone isiiu-H-i, contractor, A n Snow. Carpenter Work By Hour or Contract Write H C llarly, C. V Star Rt Carpenter available to buiid complete house. Ram h houses a spe cialty. M. J Magness. Phone 172-YX or see at 1311 Umpqua Ave. E. Ol iver s ARE OUT OF TOWN for a short tlma Septic ta.iks and Iratn fields. STEADY- OR PART TIME fountain. counter waitress, care of children. Call Viola Phone3ft9-R. 4.M N. Pine. FLOOR COVERINO Complete sales' and Installations. Free estimates. Modern FloorCoverlng. Phone 34B. HOUSE MOVING, founds tionTTeveling, 14 years experience. P St B Towing, 743 S. Stephens. Phone 026. ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING. AM types. Mrs Don W Garrison. 1003 Madrone St Phone 802-L BABY SITTING, 35c an hour. Cat CARPENTF. R WANTS work, reasonable wages. PhonelilJ-t LATE model d-7 cat for hire, drum and dozer. Call I2H3-L HOMEWOHK-fvplng. billing, bookkeeo- m rnnne ism-k PIANO TUNER-J E Jones, Ph. 1346TR Fruits and Vegetables GRAVENSTEIN APPLES Peaches for canning, sweet corn, tomatoes, melons and other fruits and vegetables at the Kruse Stand, 1 mile west on Mel roie Road Phone 444-R-4. Closed Sat urday. FOR" SA'l.ffTeaches. a few Rorhesters left, b la ip lea now reaiv, Crawfords, I tales and Improved Elbertas soon. Bring containers. Turn left six miles south oftown.H.r: Harrison. BI'HHANK AND SLAPPY peachey for canning Ed Thiete, Winston. Civil Bend Onieterv Road. Last house on tefl. Phone 1.W0-J.3. CVC I 'M B Kit S KO R PICKLESHPlTiTt hem fresh and tender. Harry Weley, low er Garden Valley Road. Bring con tainers. SLA IP Y P EA ? HES , 2 00 per binlheT You pick or 2 V) pickrd. Ernent Voorhics, Looklngglass, bring con tain TOMATOES Indiana cannery, 20 lb. flat delivered. 1 73. Llnd bloom. Phone lfl-F-3 FOR SALE -Gravenstefn apples. T56 bu. Yon pirk. Walter Singleton's Place, Eat Douglas, Box 22 FOR SALE- Rlppy peaches,-" 12 V) m You pirk Phone 32-F-2 W D. Hess, Rt. 2. Box 2WiGarden Valley CANNING " CORN end rhubarb C Domenleo. on Keasey Road off Cal kins Itoad SLAPPY PFACHES-ror rannlng. 2M per bu Bring Ixixes. Ernest Voorhies. Looklngglass Phone JT-F-24. CANNING CORN and can te loo pes. C. C Laurence, 4 miles on Garden Val ley Hd &ARTLETT PEARS. Gravensteln ap ples. Clean healthy fruit W. C. Thur low, lower Garden Vrilley 31-F-2I LOCKER AND CANNING rnrn now ready. Rlverndale Curry Estate, Rt. 3, An 2:t.1 Clarence Mabley. Crci.'MHKns. 3c lb. You pick. A. J. Rice. DUIard CRAWFORD PEACHES Hugh Ritchie, Garden Vslley. Kt.2. SW'ERT CORN, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Pay Young. Garden Valley. cVcifMBFRS. 3c "lb. You pick. aT"X Rlr. Dillard ROCHESTER PEACHES, ripe for caiv nmg A Roth. Brock way. PlCKIJNG"""crCL'MBERS Ca1 Bowers. Calkins Road. phone P2S-J-3 FRSH D'LL for sale. Mrs. Mode. 1002 Prosnect. Lost Found LOST Hfind dog white with brown spot. Anwer to name of '"Doc." l,ot g mile from Sutherlln on Elkion Kellogf Hoed W E Correll, Star Rl . Oakland. Phona Roseburg 15U-Y. Reward LOST THURSDAY evening. North L'mp aua Rd near Maple Ridge R L tt.-m.tnn eivrrf Inscribed ' Jam e Run tie" Pfleuger medalM reel. Reply Mc Ml I lens, idiey ia rmrm. Sot., Aug. 13, 1949-Th News-Review, Roseburg, Or. 13 For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 34' - M - 30 - 34 The life time trailer Has body we believe will last W years or more. No dry rot Kit IS' It" - SI' -13 -33' Columbia la 14' jo - ta - ay The West's Fastest Seller and Other Tratlrrs of Quality Also used trailers, trade-ins accepted Bank contracts Contracts to 3 years on Spartans. Earl E. Smith N W Lareest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 2S31 3 Miles south on tw hi 4, box 33, Eugene FOR SALE 1947 Model 3000 Taylor reezer Hardening Cabinet Combi stiim ft gallon Ireexer. 60 gallon hardening cabinet 2 hp. Copeland Water-Cooled compressor 100 ft lead cable Automatic overload relays 2 automatic cut-outs Ready to run Reasons bis. A E Dunk lee. 330 W G St.. Grants Pass. Oregon. River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS We have an abundant supply. Paul Casey 8.TT W Moaher Phone 117-V House Trailer IS FT COVERED WAGON, completely equipped, electric brakes. Can be seen at house In the rear of General Welding Works, Hlway 99. 3V mile south of Roseburg DOORSAND WINDOWS compleleTready to set in your rough opening. Army bunk beds, 3 beds ana springs for only $7. A real buy in electric and gas water heaters. Rave time and money at Suiter's Bldg. Supply, 1 block south of new Hiverslde School. FART SKRVICE-FINE V.ORK Will pickup and deliver Ed's Laundry N. H. Hens GOOD ROASTED STEWED SOUP TILL YOUR LOCKERS now, 30c lb live weight orders taken for areasea. a. iary. a mues east 01 uixonvnia, &0 YOUR WASH the way you like It. clean, convenient, ana economical The Self Service Laundry SIS Cobb SL Try our friendly service. FOR SALE OR TRADE 33-ft! house trailer. Shower, sleeps . Will take smaller trailer In trade or will trade as part down pavment on a ranch. Also, sleeper trailer for sale, $150. Inquire at Ellis Grocery on Cedsr St. BRAND NEW 40 gallon gas hot water tank, never out of original packing box. Just received In our store, we hsve one extra. Save S40 off new price, our sacrlf.ee. 9100. The Ice Creamery. FOR SALE 20 gauge " double barreled notgun, practically new, wun water Drool cane and cleaning equipment, 25 Welch baby buasy. removable bassinette, 113. Call 1343-Y or see at 10112 Union Ave. WESTINGHOUSE automatic elertrtc range,. W Library table $3. wood heater. S10. Bins e or double day bed $13, folding mattress, f7. 022 S. Main 01. '47 22 FT. COLUMBIA house trailer, oil circulating heat, butane range Electric brakes. Towed less than 100 miles. Reasonable.720 Short St. FOR SALE -10 ft. Sunstruttet house- trailer. $00. Hiawatha 3 h. p. out board motor, sou. see after so. Mi UOUglaS. HI 1, BOB, 4S. FOR SALfe lfl ft. 1047 Whir .about trailer house. Good clean condition. Inquire Sutherlln Vslley Airways. W. D. Bringle. - Fuller Brushes Don L. Rider. P.O. Box 026. FOR SALE-27-ft. Eastern built house trailer. Electric refrlteratnr and gas range, 11600. Also 100x100 ft lot Call 1H2B-J-1. Dressed Fryers 3 or more delivered. Phone 1A08-J-3 '47 2S' ft. SPARTAN MANOR house trailer, furnished and In excellent condition. Very reasonable. Sea at 1947 Mulholland Or. Used Garden Tractor TERMS PHONE S04-J-3 PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER. 5 tube amplifier. A" speaker, very suitable for parties and dances. Tenda-Babe. uxed 3 months, rnone vj-h TWO BEVERAGE refrigerators, one 30 ru ft- suitable for restaurant or tavern Inquire at Idle Hour Tavern !W8 N Jackson. Hardwood Flooring Phone 103-R-3 FOR ' SALE " Used wood ranges. Ice boxes, electrle ranees, electric wash ers. Umpqua Valley Appliance. I JO W UK SI 6 CU. FT DELUXE Servel refrigerator and O'Keefe St Mrrltt gas range for sale. Excellent condition. 1113 Corey Ave COMBINATION WOOD and Monarch range, $73. Phone SO-F-3 WOOD CIRCULATOR, medium size, tn good shape, i:t0. 1608 Brown Ave , between 9 and fl. 27 FT MAGIC SEAL cooker with can sealer complete. Phone 1294-Y or ca.. at 746 Short St. PRACTICALLY NEW Airway vacuum cleaner for sale, reasonable. Phone UHH-4-4. Double "Lau n dh "y tube with swing- Ing faucets. 913. Washing machine. 322 So. Jarkson, phone 433-1. FORSALlVCas driven 200 amp, G E welder on two-wheel trailer. 208 Court St. WOOD RANOIate model, Meal-Master with water front. A bargain at 925. 6i8 W Lane. 23 WHITE NEW ZEALAND rabbits and hutches for sale. D D Hubbard. Aus tin Road Phone 13BB-H 4 f Or R STANLEY dealer, James L Rob erls, 21fl Court St. Phnne 8.W-Y De livery on orders of 95 00 or more NO4 LUMBER, 2x4to"2xt2. RL. 91230 P'r M in carrier load lots Crenshaw br. Co , 3 miles south of Roseburg fOR SALE a new 21 jewel Hamilton railroad watch. 902-B. 535 Barager Phone 373-R-2 USKD UPRIGHTPIANO 1230. Good condition. See at 18 W. Moaher after 3 30 FOR SALE 8 cubic ft Servel kerosene refrigerator, used 2 months. Phone 57D-J -4 D( Roseburg Shingle Co. N Umpqua Kd Phone 1273 -J FOR SAI.E-1 an sheeD 'hearing out- Lloyd A iter bury. Miller's Addn Phone 3-F-31 Hew hospital -surgical plan, no age limit, good anywhere, low cost MBH4A Dhone 113 19T7 FORD V sedan delivery Reasons- able 2nd Av tOR SALE Uoed trumoet. good condi tion S-tn. Ii31 Winchester St. ICE BOX 73 lb, white enamel 920- Phone 1521 -J. FOR SALE-LoVker meat Baby beef and large calves. Ph. 42-F-2. FOR SALK- New"4-hoKepoweriscon"- sin gasoline motor. C ill 570jJ-4. WILL-CAREfnr children by week or month certifled Phone W3 Y grY CHHIRTIAN SUPPLIES at the Bible Book Center H5WOak. ELECTROM'lf VAtl'TTM cleaner for ale Phone 373-R-l FpRIGHf-PIANO for sal. S34 Milt For SaleMiscellaneous g-FT SERVEL kerosene refrig . S293: 1 cirt-uiaung oil neautr sou; f wooa stove. U3; t m-un r ird truck mew mater in 1942 as is. iJOO: 1 gasoline pump-motor ilV Car-ert, 6O0 3" Ir rigation pipe, 3223: 1 "trge grindstone, 10; 1 electric Jig saw I fresh Guern sey cow and heiicr calf al73, 1 Guern sey cow, S133. 1 Morgan saddle horte and saddle. IM, 1 gentle child's horre) and saddle, 50. Mrs. Fannie Lunnen, 15 ml'e from Azalea up Cow Creek, L Rancho. ; 1947 25-Ft. Pan American Trailer House For sale or trade. Butane cooking, oil i ;p very ciean insiae ann out. See across from Club 99 or csll H. M Hugnes at Interstate Tractor 4c Equtp.Co. O'Keefe & Merrit Gas Range Large, modern, nearly new. Bargain price Phone Ift&a-J. FOR SALE Locker meat, good Angus cattie, or whole unit C. J. Hodges, 233-3000 SAVAGE, 330 Weaver scope. vuiiumuu. inua. m. winniiora, nu 2. Box 304. HIGH GRADE locker meatbeef, baby Deei or veai. uuarters. naivaa nr whole Call UW4-J. Wanted Wanted BEEF. VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phono t22-R-3, or 40A-R-S or writ H oute 1, Roseburg WANTED Three houses or apartment wunin a mues Ol Ultae scnooi lor school teachers. Also desire pasture for horse 1 as close In as umiIm with or without barn. I will be In Glldo Align it 13 and 18. Must locaU by then. Contact Supt J. N. Orr. Glide, or Bob Franks.C. A. Sias. principal Will Pay Cash WE Bl'Y used furniture, all types. Call at s no Jackson, fnone 1303-j. The Bargain House SMAt.L FURNISHED apartment urgent ly neeoea oy young oustnesa woman. Can give references. Call Manager. Crai AniuFol HOUSE OR APART ENTTn exchange ior aetiniie amount or notiaawora: or baby sitting. News-Review Box 90S. Wanted to hire iat to yard oid frowtn. 1st house on left after pa sa ng sawmill on South Myrtle, A T. Coitetow. Myrtle Creek. OTlflET COUPLE 3 children desire 3- oeoroom rurnisnea or unfurnished house by September I. Non-smokers, references provided. '.'11 428-R-4. ROUSE WITH YARD For rejTablo coupto with 3-year-old daughtei Ex cellent references. Bob Doty, care of Bob's Music Shoo. Phona soa. WORKING COUPLE, no children or pets, wisn to rent small nouse or apartment. News-Review, Box 970. WANTED Furniture, sewing machine and tools. Anything af value. Privato party. Phone B33-B-3. WANTED FAT HOGS and used furnl- mre wan no-j-4 mornings ana eve nings. C"aLL Al's for a fair bid on your fuiC niiure ai rurnnure l enter, vie win cheiter8t Phone 1327-R Wanted to buy -ah kinds of rumu ture Let us hid on your house of fur niture Call 8Q3-R at 309 N Jackson St. VET AND WIFE want furnished modern house or antPhone ?53-J. WANTEtJ to BUY -Hides! Roseburg Meat Co . phone 280 Loans MONEY tr t2s $) tin 9ino 200 tsoo UP to tsoo Borrow on your salary All steadily em- filoyed men and women may qualify oday for a salary loan up to (.'too whether you're In new Job or an old one Borrow on your ear or furniture. Your lurniture or automnoiie maxe excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not. t'p to 9300 on your furniture, up to tsoo on your car Special "Pay Day" Loans. (10, 923. 930 loanea 1111 ' ray uay or longer ray only for the actual number of dayg you keep the money. 124 costs lie for on week. No other charges. Phono for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Leo Sevy, Mgr. 333 No Jar k son Phone 1173 Lie. 1-273, M 333 - Roseburg LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature, Furniture or Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile ipaid for, or not. Leer j made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such as Unexpected expenses Mrdlcal and Dental bills Vacation expenses Consolidate debts Re-financing When you borrow get your money from the Company that makes It convenient to borrow end convenient to repay Lower payments now available up to 20 months to repay CALKINS FINANCE CO. 206 Douglas County State Bank Bids; Phone 4H6. M-337 - Slate Lie - S-204 Business Opportunities FOR SALE New pumice stone store, sire 34x30 Living quarters in back. Shelves and gondolas It Is In very good location 3 miles south of Myrt'o Creek on Hlway 99 See owner Frank Grenskv next to Me lod v Mountain Barn. Phone 1090 Mvrtle Creek. Financial F. H. A. LOANS ""UMPQUA REALTY Acrrs from Post Office on Hlgnwav on 112 N 8leohn- Ph 1533-J Instruction BALLROOM DANCING classes start ing Tuesday, Aufust HI at Uleh Rhod en't Studio For appointments call Mickey Hard. 131T-Y after 900 p. m.