Sacred Concert Scheduled At Christian Church Summer sacred concert will be presented at 8 o'clock Sunday eve ning at the First Christian church. The choir will sing under direction of Clarence Trued, di rector, with Ruth Trued at the organ. The program follows: Pioceaalonal Holy, Holy, Holy Choir and Concragatlon Invocation Kannath W. Knox Wa Thank The. Lord. Bortniantky We Wait Thy Lovlni Ktndneaa. ... Enarud Tha Choir Ha Smiled on M Gaoffrey O'Hara Batty Hahn Contralto In Faith I Calmly Reat Bach for A World That Haa Loit Ilia Way. Milton Olatarlch Tha Choir Romance (from Concarto In D Minor) . Wiaruawakl wendel Johnaon Vloliniit O Savior of tha World Sir John Ooaa Tha Choir Buta (An Aria' r. H. Cowan Batty Hahn Tha Sun Ariara Now Stromman Tha Uttla Caraa Chriat'anaen Tha Choir Malodte (from Glucki Arr. Frlta Kratlaar Danca Capagnola .... A. Waltar Kramer Wandcl Johiaon Briar Meaaase and ramarka by tha . Minlater Otfartorv Tha Charubie Hymn . Gretchanlaoff Tha Choir . . Vtlx Decisions Eddy; Sonny Elixman Koyoed SPOKANE, Aug. 12-LV) Little Joe Velez evened his score with Irish Bill Eddy Wednesday, win ning a unanimous 10-round deci sion in a match billed for the Northwest Lightweight title. Eddy, of Flint, Mich., decision ed the Spokane battler here last year Preliminaries: Al Bishop, 161, Spokane, knock ed out Sonny Elixman, 160, Spo kane, 1; Ray Harmon, 15, Seat tle, decisioned Jackie Smith, 138, Boise, 4: Al Cowan, 141, Spokane, knocked out Andy Anderson, 135, Kellogg. 2; Bobby Volk. 161. Port land, decisioned Rank Ronko yich, 158, Salt Lake City, 8. Alt , i TELLS OF SUMMONS Homing Exp.diter Tight Woods (abova) talis a senate investigating committee in Washington, that Maj. Can. Harry H. Vaughan summontd him to tha Whit Houia in 1948 and told him Vaughan's friends war interested in a con struction project at Tanforan race track near San Francisco, Vaughan is President Truman's military aide. (AP wirephoto.) The Charleston, Granddaddy Of The Jitterbug, Threatens To Come Back By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK m Junior, get papa the kneecap oil the Charles ten's coming back. . What's the Charleston? Why, son, the Charleston Is the granddaddy of the jitterbug. Back in the mld-1920s, when everybody had to take shower baths because the tub was full of hand made prohibition gin, you couldn't even deposit money in the bank unless you proved you could do the Charleston. It showed you were alive. Do I mean it was a dance? Junior, no dance ever hit the country as hard as the Charles ton. It was THE dance. If a man l! Built for RoutfkStuffh 'arrot 'sots AND ISIS PoIMP JtJ'101 SHOIS SOI Pre-Teated Pott-Parrots score a touchdown everytime with young men who know the acort when it cornea to pic kin, tough good 'looking shoes at a sensible price! Plan now to are our complete lelecrkml 1X1 'I-- 1 V "Better Shoes.For All The Family" WAYNE'S 118 W. Cass Just Around The Corner From Douglas County Bank wasn't willing to shimmy-shammy back and forth and then risk his right tarsal bone by throw ing it over his left femur, he was strictly a cad out of tune with his time. Every body did It. La Belle Joan Crawford started her fame as a dramatic actress as a result of a fancy prize-winning, hip Charles ton movement. And Ginger Rog ers was able to get her independ ence from Independence, Mo., be cause of the same swivel swing. Later some movie critic men tioned that both girls had spark ling eyes. This was a sad dis covery. ' . . . ; It changed them from hoofers into actresses. And after that a gal covers up her legs, exposes her bosoms like a half-shucked corncob, and begins emoting about socially significant themes she doesn't know from dime store jewelry. Originated Among Negroes But to get back to the Charles ton . . . Charleston ... a simple, primitive, agile movement based some distance below the bust: "So many young people have come In wanting to dance the Charleston that I have had to teach It to all our Instructors," said Charles Columbus, dance di rector of the Fred Astalre studios here. Columbus says the dance origi nated among South Carolina Ne groes. He can trace the sequence from the Charleston down through "the varsity drag, the shag, truckln', the llndy hop, and Jitterbugging." But it leaves him a little leg weary when he demonstrates. He is a veteran dancing star himself who twinkle-footed some 25 years on Broadway. "There was nothing like the Charleston for popularity,' Columbus said. "They danced It in the living rooms, the kitchens. the back porch, and standing up in rumoie seat. Columbus thinks the American public is more dance crazv now I than It has ever been. The RMpils, I9 " iTal J J. v IIUIO W WOK WITH A flSv KALAMAZOO ELECTRIC, 2 VMM'MMgf Go Madam . , cook with the) ex citing new Kalamasoa) Electric. Surface) unite nave- 7 speeds instead of the usual 5. Big 17-in. pre cision oven preheats fast er. Deep well cooker. Beau tiful chrome top lamp and oven timer available at small extra cost. 3 4 YHAMAZ00 la 7 ' gr 0M 1 " Ws make a special effort to servt (V you better. 90 South Stephens asannugias . Phone 964-J OSC Group Now Working To Apply Donations OREGON STATE COLLEGE The recently organized Oregon State college foundation Is now on a working basis, receiving gifts for use or Investment and disbursing funds for approved betterment projects, according to reports made at a meeting of trustees and counselors just held on the campus. Twenty-five thousand dollars was formally turned over to the foundation at that meeting by the Oregon Home Economics exten sion council to be Invested until the women of that statewide or ganization have raised $45,000 to build a new cooperative- living group house at O. S. C Allocation of $2000 by the foundation to help construct a small building to house the new O. S. C. cyclotron was also announced. Heading the foundation as president Is . B. Aldrich, Pendle ton publisher and former mem ber of the old college board of regents. Other trustees present at the meeting were Albert Bauer, head of Oregon- Kaiser interests and president of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, vice president; Robert M. Kerr, Portland attorney, treasurer; President A. L. Strand, secretary; G. E. Spain, vice president of the Caterpiller Tractor Co., Peoria, 111., and Claude Palmer, Portland commercial photographer. A new illustrated booklet ex plaining the organization and purposes of the foundation has just been printed. Arrangements were made lor it to be distributed to attorneys, banks and trust companies for the information of persons Interested in making gifts or bequests. Alumni groups throughout the state will assist in spreading information on the opportunities for adding to the facilities and services of Oregon state beyond the scope of tax funds, said Lloyd Carter, state alumni president. H """" " Y t y SPACHETTI. LOVER Renato Renil, J9t pounds, wea a Rome spaghetti-eating contest br finishing a pound In 47 see-onds.- Then he alt two pounds mora because ht was hungry. Upper Umpqua Angling Prospects Very Bright PORTLAND. Aug. 12. Good fishing In widely scattered spots of Oregon was reported to day by the State Game commis si . In Its weekly fishing bulletin. The outlook bv districts In. eludes: Douglas county Roseburg.up per Umpqua area water conditions generally perfect. For those fish. ing carefully and thoroughly, trout angling should continue ex cellent. More summer steelhead being taken. Cutthroat take in creasing below the Forks. Reds In Three Chinese Provinces Facing Uprising CANTON, Aug. 12. (iP) A na tionalist armv srjokesman uiiri Thursday an uprising Involving muunu iu,uuu men r.aa develop ed in the Red -controlled prov inces of Honan, Hopeh and An whei. , Gen. Teng Wen yl. the spokes man, said communist misrule in the recently conquered provinces caused the revolt. Other reasons for the uprisings were ruthless conscription of men and exces-1 sive requisitioning of food, he ! said. Teng said the revolters pos-; sessed about 100,000 rifles. In one i Hupeh mountain area alone the , rebels control 15 districts, the; general said. 1 They ai'e aiding the nationalist': cause by disrupting Red trans port and communication lines, Teng said. , Teng scoffed at estimates the Reds would take Canton in be-: tween three to six weeks. (Today's Chinese edition of the Hong Kong Standard was banned from Canton for publishing an 1 Associated Press story quoting this estimate.) "The communists could be here in less than three weeks If they take airplanes," Teng said. He said floods, epidemics and nationalist resistance had slowed down the communist advance In Central China. Teng said in each ; Red company of 200 men as a result of illness only about 80, able bodied were left. and House, Commercial Industrial Wiring Electrical Trouble Shooting Motor and Appliance) Re pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service i IT Years Experience ACE ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician a 318 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1095-L German Bride Seeks Baby Which Gl Took To U.S. FRANKFURT. Germany, Aug. 12 The German brlrle of an American soldier appealed today for return of their baby, which the soldier took to the United Stales. The soldier Is Sgt. Charlton B. Chapline, 32, of 3104 Southwest Nebraska Street, Portland. Ore. Army records show he flew to the United States July 30 with the couple's five-month old son, Charlton Bryan Chapline. An army chaplain. Capt. J. K. Jung, said Mrs. Chapline had re fused to accompany Chapline to the United States. Now the mother. 25 has appeal ed to the American Red Cross and employed a German lawyer In an attempt to recover the child. Her task Is complicated, how ever, bv the fact the baby has been registered with the U. S. Consulate here as an American citizen. "I don't know what she can do now except Join her husband and baby in America," the chap lain said. Red Cross officials said they could not handle such a case. Mrs. Chapline, the former Ruth Margot Baibarh. lives in Wies baden, where the sergeant was assigned to an army hospital unit. Veterans Administration In June opened a new 399-bed gen eral medical and surgical hosp ital In Providence, Rhode Island, bringing the total number of VA hospitals to 129. Frl.( Aug. 12, 1949 Thi News-Review, koseburg, Ore. t Western Pine Tree Farmi Past 3 Million Acres PORTLAND, Aug. 1?. (.? Industrial tree farms In the west ern pine region have passed the 3.000,000-acre mark today th the certification of farms In five states. Opening its semi-annual meet ing, the Western Pine association added another 477,116 acres of private timberland to Its tree farm system. This brought the to tal to 3,186,871 acres on 234 farms. Ernest L. Colby, the associa tion's chief forester, said this rep resents about 20 per cent of the private industrial timberland In the pine region and "Indicates growing awareness of operators to the importance of intensified timber management." Two new farms with 90,064 acres are f - Oregon and two with 225,567 acres In Washington. Ore gon's total now Is 842.717 acres and Washington's 340,611. Farms also were certified in California, Idaho and Montana. Pine op ors also heard re ports on new research projects developed at the association's laboratory here to provide better utilization of forest products. TRUMAN LAUGHS IT OFF WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.-4P) President Truman laughingly observed Thursday that he does not believe this nation Is driving down the rotd on "the last mile ' to collectivism. Mr. Truman gave this view when a reoorter brought up the fears expressed by former Presi dent Herbert Hoover Wednesday about government spending and taxes. Beautify Your Grounds The beauty of your grounds en hances the beauty of your home. Arrange now to have our skilled gardeners do your landscape job. Free estimates. L.H. McPherson Rt. 2. Sox 153 Phone 715-J-1 Si LOOK ? SIGN PAlNTtNO aVHD ' DCCOBATINO AMEBIC. IT IS YOUk PROTECTION Fully Quarantc-e Reliable Quality Work At No Added Coat Roaeburg Chapter P. D. C A. Phone 208 WELCOME) Does the doorway to your home have all the grace and dignity that you would like? We moke to order doors to suit any type of home wheth er it is large or small. If you have any special style you would like let us know and we will make one just for your home. Low prices too! (ffl!IiQ!IiljlByi j he said, range from Eleanor Tmii0lr a InncrHm natron of the dance, down to gangsters. Airs, riooseveii, iiiuiut-iiuy, strictly a conservative ballroom dancer. She hasn't come in to freshen un her Charleston if she ever danced it. Beautiful Home can be yours now. You can make your present home or that new house a home of beauty by following the new trends In home decorating. Rooms of deep solid colors with contrasting furniture, lib eral use of mirrors and struc tural glass can and does make anv house Into a home of beautv. These new trends are suitable for the old home as well as the new and latest tvnes of homes. Don't be mysti fied with the mysteries of home decorating call us lor an esti mate, today! llsn Painting Don E. Morgan Interior Decorator Phones: Bus. 1025-R Res. 1304 J 735 Reservoir TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY! FINE JEWELRY mumm SAtE Tomorrow is your last opportunity to take advantage of the sensational values- offered in LAWSON'S BARGAIN SALE. Although some items have been entirely sold out, there is still a wide selection of quality jewelry . . . all new. . . all at rockbottom prices. : This is your chance to save on gifts for later occasions. You'll find appropriate gifts for every one included in this sale. Don't Miss The GRAB BAG New items, new values hevt been added to our famous grab bag. Comt early and grab while they last. Values to 10.95 NOW 1.00 s STERLING SILVER CIGARETTE URN AND ASH TRAY SET. We've sold hundreds of these for wedding gifts at the old price of 5.95 plus tax. Now that they ore on sale at a 'low price, no body wonts them. m Q m We M T Tax Inel. They only cost SALT AND PEPPER 6 for 1.95 Tax Inel. INDIVIDUAL STERLING SHAKERS. . . Reg. 3.V5 value HOBE CERAMICS Beautiful patterns in this famous 65 Off brand ot ceramics. 4-Pc. SILVERPLATE TEA SET Reg. 54.00 jiQ re tax value now OfeUw Inel. COSTUME JEWELRY Wide selection of CftO Quality merchandise 3U O OFF flue tsx 7x50 Navy Type BINOCULARS (Illustration not exact) High-powered binoculars with a double strap and all leather carrying case. Glasses of this power are now sailing for as much as 200.00. NOW 59.95 Genuine Imported Dishes Wedgewood Queensware Your choice of three Cfli flFF beautiful patterns JV 0 VlT SALE ENDS SATURDAY Open an Account i nn vv DOWN A WEEK Mail and Phone Orders Invited aLa " M - rl. nnfc?.g'yVFTrLrifiT a.-. l t