Large Crops This Year Don't Necessarily Mean Slash In Meat By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK, Aug. 12. (.? The more we have these days the more it teem to cost ui. Many people see that result from this year's prospectt ol a bountiful harvest. The nation this fall should have more feed for livestock than it ever had before. Some will come from this year'a big crop of about 3i million bushels ot corn. And some will be left over from last year about 800 million bushels, of which Uncle Sam seems stuok with 500 million bushels that cost him about $1.46 a bushel. Yet, with all this corn left over from last year, and with the pros, pert of more pouring in than we have storage space for, still he price of meat is high. Lately It has been going a littie higher. Armed Services Unification Low Promises Harmony And Efficiency By BRUCE RIOSSAT Another milestone has been reached on the road to military unity. President Truman has sign ed new measure to tighten rela. tions among the armed services to produce greater economy and ef ficiency. Merger of land, sea and air forces Is still a good distance off. But the present action marks real progress toward that goal. First of all, it embodies fiscal and budgetary reforms recom mended by the Hoover commis sion on government reorganiza tion. The commisison b-aeves these changes will save $1,000, 000,000 a year. Economies in the national mili tary establishment are highly Im portant, because about one of every three tax dollars is now con sumed bv this department. Secondly, the new bill raises the militarv agency to full cabi net rank as the department of de fense. In the process, it reduces the army navy, and air force to subordinate status. The heads of these three branches will retain their titles as secretaries but they will be subject to direction not only from the secretary of dense but from a newly created undersecretary of defense. The measure in addition establishes three new assistant de fense secretaries. The defense secretary thus gains greater authority than he now has to direct the nation's military Stork Win. in Clot Roc To Hospital led SEATTLE, Aug. 12.-tR The William Eagles didn't quite make it. The stork caught up with Mrs. Eagles in the hospital ipbby at 4 a.m. Wednesday 12 days ahead of schedule. Eagles bundled his wife into their 1936 car before dawn. Dur ing the nerve-tearing dash the jalopy wheezed and stopped. But fate was kind. It stopped next to a taxi cub, ' The' ttjd continued the race. . ' Mrs. Eagles smiled about it today, relating: "It was sort of funny. The cab driver kept reassuring my hus band that it would be another three or four hours. He said: Think nothin" of it. I got four at home. I seen this happen before; it'll be quite a while vet" He was over-confident. A son was born as they were carrying Mrs. Eagles through the lobby on stretcher. Road Workers Strik In Wag Controversy ONTARIO, Ore, Aug. 12. m Malheur county road workers struck Thursday In the climax of a long controversy over cut in their take-home pay. Thirty of the men, who recently joined an AFL union, failed to re port for work in the morning. Ten men stayed on the job. The workers voted to unionize after they were unable to per suade the county court to keep their wages at former levels. BUDGET u B We have the answer . . . Use our Easy Budget Terms for those needed building materials for your home! Come in and see us for details West Coast Building Supply Co. The experts seem to think the price ol meat, especially pork, will decline this fall. But even the most optimistic prediction aiong that line la always hedged; First, Uncle Sam won't can't under the law let the price of corn fall very far; second, if the price oi meat in turn should fall very far, he is likely to step in there, too, and keep It up. He's doing that, right now, with the price of but ter, eggs, potatoes. Livestock men are expected to shovel corn into hogs this year. And Into cattle. But the supply of meat, if It Increases greatly, won't mean necessarily that prices will be much lower: Our economy these days la much too complex. Contumsr T Pay Twics Economists say that you will affairs and to advise the president in such matters. But he Is still far from all-powerful in his field. He is specifically barred from transferring, reassigning, consoli dating or abolishing any combat ant functions now fixed by law. For example, he could not wipe out the marine corps or shift It to army jurisdiction. Futhermore, the secretary Is not empowered under the new act to prevent the secretary of any mili tary dpartment or any member of the joint chiefs of staff from presenting Individual recommen dations to congress on armed forces policy. Numerous other changes will co-ordinate various subsidiary boards more closely and enlarge the secretary' power . to direct military programs. Intelligent citizens almost cer tainly will applaud this bill as a step that promises to slash the high cost of operating the mili tary establishment and at the same time to lessen the bitter In tramural conflicts in that agency. Jutt Watch thit McCwflocn tut, OMI Evtrywhtrs you go, yea McCulloc casta im, You'U Cad them working to tht biggtst cimpt and you'll find them id the hsid of the tmtllcit operator. Loggers lik McCaliocas beciun thsy'r ntf to carry, mf to start, sad ty to keep running. Aad yoa should see them cue. 5s Dsmonirrofon Within tht next few diyi, stop by oaf store for s res! demonstration of wood cutting. Or gin us a cill sod we'll try to srrangs a ihow for you st your plsct. There's no obligMion. We wtnt you to set whet a McCulloca ess do. i Modafs Available McCULLOCH CHAIN SAW Sales Service Hiwsy 99 North Phoiw 1547-R pay. the artificially supported nrice of the meat In the store. and then turn around and pay, tnrougit taxes, tne cost oi sup porting that price. It Is pointed out that the coun try cannot be prosperous if the farmer is not that is the argu ment behind farm price controls that is accepted by almost every one. The only point at Issue is how to bring It about without hurting the city dweller. The farmer Isn't altogether happy about the big harvest, either. First, he has the uncer tainty of just what Congress is going to do about the various price support levels it Is now heatedly debating. Second, he has the worry that if the feed sur plus gets too large, he will be asked next year to accept con- (fama See 120 W, trots over the amount of acreage he can plant, the amount of Iced he can market, the amount he can feed his hogs and many larmers dislike such controls on their liberty as much a business men do. Third, he wonders where he is going to store this year's crop since he knows that there to like ly to be a billion bushels of com which cannot be used at home or shipped overseas. And finally, he may be wonder ing, along with some of the city dwellers, just how much of a fi nancial strain huge surpluses of grain is going to put upon gov ernment committed to supporting prices, and already going into the red.- Just when does a bountiful supply of foodstuff become top-heavy? to gluO qqq cmtf MHO-MR R-Tir N0"Q D0WM Look What You Get! The amazing Cook-Master Oven Clock Control! It actually cooks meal while you're away. Turns oven on, cooks meal, turns oven off all automatically, Simpli-Matic Oven Control, Preheats even In 5 minutes, then automatically maintains heat at desired roasting or baking temperature. Full-sized, Twin-Unit Even-Heat Oven that will easily roast a 25 ib. turkey or bake 4 big pies. All These UMPQUA VALLEY ok Priees For Consumers Earth Swullows EeuoeJorecm QUITO, Ecuador, Aug, 13. Witnesses report one of the most fantastic pranks of Ecua dor's disastrous earthquake the littie village of Libert ad and Its surroimding fields sank 1,500 feet straight down Into the earth. The town, with population of about 100 persons, just disappear ed. Where it once stood is a gap ing hole half a mile In diameter and 130 feet deep. The strange tale was Jold by military and medical officers re hiring from the quake area south of here rear Pelileo, hardest hit city where thousands died. Thev said they were shown the Wg sink by Col. Gabriel Nunez, troop commander In the region. Most of the top soli earth In the NOW o completely automatic Frigidaire Electric Range at o sensational low prieel Ha oil Ifce baie features that have made Friojdoire Electric Ranges famous for carefree cooking, better, easier mea!$. "' Features Demonstrated Village During Quake sunken area was scrambled bv the sudden droo, but la a few places crops continued to grow just as they did before, NAME COIMECTCD A news Item In Wednesday News-Review erroneously report ed the principals In circuit court case as State Industrial Ac cident commission v. Orviiie Le roy Stock and Leola Smith Stock, The defendants In the case should have been listed as Orviiie Leroy Smith and Leola Smith Stock, The cost of striping and re sinning 100.000 miles of highway each year is estimated at $3, S0MMM or $28 a mile. Exclusive Radianfube Cooking Unit , , fast, clean, econom ical hest en any one of 5 speeds from simmer to Won, Oven Signal-tight and Interior light Signal-light far surface units Thermiier Seep Well Cooker e High Speed, Smokeless-type ireiler full-width Storage Drawer Roomy Upper Storage Drawer Porcelain inside and out with acid-resisting porcelain cooking top Appliance outlet Cooking Top Lamp Welded, all-steel chassis Fibrous glatt Insulation, Hwite MIS fit, Aua. 13, 1949 The News-Review, tesehmg, Ort. t New Chorcool Process From EUGENE, Aug. M.4JR Dur ing the next ten days, tola city is expected to be .he mecca for metallurgist, lumbermen, electro. Jytle engineers, scientists and farmers from all over the North tKc. The ( i raeiiurt L the ten-day M run of a new process for producing charcoal from sawmill waste. Where current methods respire several hours for charcoal to re suit from treatment of wood, (he method used by FhiHipson Retort Manufacturing Co, is said to pro dace charcoal 18 minutes after wood waste enters the retort. From August II through 30 the plant ort the west aide of town wlil be open for Inspection to Ja terested persona as shake down testa are conducted under the supervision of the Oregon forest Model MM0 with Co-ok-Motfer Today. FREE IVY BOWL Com in regisrsr ot our Frijidoir roo-0-Ve(u Demonstration ani gtt your bssuKfut ftayei Ruby ly Bowl. Smsit, tti lass Assigned held small flowers or plattrs. SowmlK Wast Tested products taborstor. Oreeon Sis' I college. 1 Scientist from the laboratory, wtsMt to he."! hy p9 Jfcui Buna, wJU be present to take (down data during operations, Dr rn.m.iter rrsoor ana CBarlcs K. Ross, both of the forestry school, have been especlrfiy Interested in t. e development os the process. The tnanber of U.S. forest fires dropped 13 percent during 194s. SUDINTfAl Ufl Immamm ' :oce e, aim 6ltt Aftnt 111 W st Oe Offie WW Itw tn-4 Mill and Mother Sill Neighbors hen 362 Jey Clerk