14 The Nswi-Rtview, Roseburg, 0rt.Frl., Aug. 12, 1949 Red Cross Units Discuss Ways Of Meeting Requests From Yeterans Wayi ol meeting the requests made by the rehabilitation and recreation divisions of the Rose burg Veterans hospital and the Camp White Domiciliary center at Jledford, were discussed at a meeting Wednesday of the Red Cross Hospital council. The group Is made up of 40 volunteer Red Cross workers from nine Oregon counties, who gathered In the music room of the Roseburg Veterans hospital. Each Red Crosa chapter rep resented will undertake to pro vide funds, services, or materials to meet the various needs of the patients, as set forth by the hos pital representatives, said Miss Alaryanna Peterson, Red Cross field director at the local hospital. These needs are many and varied, ranging from party fav ors, cigarets, and supplementary articles of clothing, to drapes for the domiciliary center day room. LOCAL Masting Announced The West Melrose club will meet August 18 In the afternoon at the home ol Mrs. Jennings Gravening. Go to Portland Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchlngs of Roesburg are In Portland visiting their .v.o daughter! and their respective families. Back From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Thompson have re lumed from a vacation trip and at present are living at Looki.ig class. They formerly resided at Melrose. Kansas Plcnlo Sunday The an nual Kansas picnic will be held Sunday at 1 o'clock olcnlc din ner at Umpqua park. All former Kansana and friends are invited. Club to Meat The Navy Moth ers club will meet Monday night, August 15, at 8 o'clock at the First Baptist church. Members and those eligible to membership are invited. Rosa Clan to Picnic The an nual reunion and picnic of the Commodore Rose clan will ue held at a noon picnic dinner Sun day at the Roberts Creek school grounds. All relatives and friends are Invited. Attend Meeting Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pearson of Roseburg spent Thursday at Suttle lake, where the former attended a meeting of distributors and officials of the General Petroleum company. Mr. Pearson Is distributor for the company here. Visitors Leave Mr. and Mrs. Valdo Kcllngg and daughter, Judy, left Wednesday for their home In Hopkins, Mo., via Reno, Nov., following two weeks vaca tioning at Vancouver and Mc Minnvlllo and a slay in Roseburg as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Elifrlts. Mr, and Mrs. Eli frits took Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg and Judy on a trip Tuesday to Crater lake. Utility Concern Sued As Result Of Gas Explosion Charging negligence, the plaint iffs John Hardlman and Eileen Hardiman, husband and wife, have filed suit against the Cali fornia Pacific Utilities company for $3616.27 as a result of a gas explosion in their home June 28, 1048. Alleged negligent acta on the part of the defendant's employes were listed in the complaint as attempting to repair the gas hot water heat without disconnecting the gas line, striking a match in the basement which was filled with gas because of a leak, and failing to allow the gas to es cape from the basement. The plaintiffs claim their fur niture and property was destroy ed or damaged to the extent of $1693.95. in addition to $244.46 they spent in moving and storing belongings they were able to sal vage from the explosion. The sum of $614 was given as the amount spent above average liv ing costs from June 2 8to Sept. 10, 1948, by having to live at holers and eat all meals at res taurants. Other expenses totaled $1063.86. In addition to the above amounts, the plaintiffs are seek ing cost of litigation and other disbursements. (IDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help IS Mil" of Kidney Tube Flush Out Poisonous Wasto Wsn dlaordar of kMlwy fanftinn iwrmlte MtaonoiM nwtwr to rrmajn in your blood. It majr okum Muraintr KvluirKr, rh.um.tia pslna, Wg palBO, Iom of Dpp ami inrrvy. pt. tins ap nithu, wrllint. puffin? un.i.r th. eyre, BMiirh and dtixiiw-M. Krciurnt or entity pMMSTC with .marline and burning eomvtlmoi show thar. ii aomtUunf wrong with your kldnvr or bladder. !on't wait I Aall your drumrlrt for Ttoan'a Ptlla. aUmulant dlurrUe, urd niromliilly bf million! for ovrr SO rears. Doan't air happy rrllrf and wilt help tha IS mllrt of kidney tubs fluaft out poitonoua waaufroai sw blood. Gat Dose's Mia. GRANT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 112 N. Stephens Roseburg Courses designed to help you. Class hours arranged for your convenience. Nominal tuition. Phone 1535-R The demand for such articles is endless and provides an outlet for the expenditure of funds and services by Red Cross and many other community and service or ganizations. Red Cross chapters represented at the meeting were, Douglas county, Coos, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, Lane, Linn, Polk and Benton. Curry county Ore., and Siskiyou county, Calif., are also members of the group, but were uname to oe present. The delegates are Red Cross volunteers who travel long dis tances at their own expense and devote many hours of their time in an enort to mpet tne commu ne need for service. Those present from Douglas county were Mrs. Edward R. Tit comb, volunteer service chairman for Douglas county and treasurer of the nospitai group, ana uoug las R. Simms, executive secretary of the local chapter. NEWS Visit at Coast Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Farman have returned to their home in Roseburg, follow ing a few days at the coast visit ing the latter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anglin. Circle to Hold Plcnlo Lilac circle, No. 49, Neighbors of Woodcraft members will enter tain their families Monday night at a 6:30 o'clock pot luck picnic dinner in the garden at the home of Mrs. Alfred Ncal on Flcscr street. Meeting Changed The Junior division of the First Christian church will meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Elsie Coffell. first house on left oast the fairgrounds, instead of at the home of Mrs. J. O. Fcld kamp, as previously announced. Plcnlo Sunday Members of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Broth erhood of Railway Trainmen will entertain their families at a 4 o' clock picnic dinner Sunday at Umpqua park. Chicken and ice cream will be furnished. Those attending are asked to bring food for the dinner and their own ta ble service. iCdM jsmouiaiv oiuom oj qnio stone members will entertain their families at a 6:30 o'clock polluck picnic supper Monday night at Umpqua Park. Those at tending are asked to bring two covered dishes or salad, sand wiches and table service. , Those desiring transportation are asked to meet at tne Metnodlsl cnurcn at 6:15 p.m. Enjoy Festival Among those attending the opening perform, ance of the Oregon Shakespear ean festival at Ashland were Mrs. Harry Winston of V'lnston and Mrs. Margaret Adair of Roseburg. Those attending sit tinder the stars In the outdoor Elizabethan theater to watch the productions of the five-play repertory, which will continue through August 24. Social Security Agent Dates Roseburg Visit Paul F. Johnson, manager of the Social Security administra tion office at Eugene, will be at the Oregon Stale Employment Service office in Roseburg on Tuesday, August 16, from 8:30 a.m. to noon, he announced to day. He suggested that wage earners covered by the social security law confer with him, here or at Eugene, upon reach ing the age of 65. "A good many workers lose social security benefits through not knowing their rights under the lav ," Johnson said. "Some do not know they can receive bene fits while temporarily unemploy ed, or if they change to a Job lhat Isn't covered by social security. Others postpone applying for benefits because of a mistaken belief It might affect their unem ployment compensation." Democrats Beckoned To State-Wide Picnic All Douglas county democrats have been urged to attend the stnte-wltie Democratic picnic, to he held at Portland's Oak nark Aug. 14, according to Mis. Chris tine Micelll, democratic chairman for Douglas county. Featured on the program will be Secretary of Navy Francis Matthews, who will be the main speaker for the dav. lie w ill speak on '.he controversial C. V. A. ques tion. Gates to Oak park will open at 10 a.m. and free coffee and Ice cream will he furnished, ac cording to Mrs. Micelll. GOOD USED CARS From 1910 to 1948 Models Give u$ your order, we'll get what vou want WE TRADE FOR ANYTHING (that's how we got the 1910 model) DOYLE'S SALES AND SERVICE Highway 99 at Garden Valley Phone 611 Judge Wimberly Acts In 2 Cases; New Suits Filed Circuit Court Judge Carl E. Wimberly yesterday issued a de cree of judgment by default when the defendant failed to appear in court in the case of Arthur Lee Allan th- Pat Hn Hnlno- hn.i- . " ' " " - ......... uu.,.H ness as Pabco Lumber company. Judge Wimberly ordered that the money due tne piaintlll De grant ed from the sale of logs felled by the plaintiff for the defendant. By agreement of both parti -s, Judge Wimberly dismissed ne case of M. W. Walters vs. Edward G. Shoulder and D. E. deArmond. doing business as Fortune Branch Lumber company. The case wis dismissed with prejudice and without costs to either party. The following money suits were filed yesterday In circuit court: Industrial Steel and Supply company vs. Ken Bailey, doing business as Universal Timber company. Plaintiff demands judgment for $606.04 and inter est on an account alleged due. Orlo Bfiglcy and' Norman Rich ards, doing business as Eaugh erty Piling company vs. F'rank Bateman. Plaintiffs demand judg ment for $2396.34 on an open ac count alleged due, plus interest and costs. Barber Shop Type Singers (?) Plan Organization Plans are underway to organize Roseburg's first chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America. A special charter-granting ceremony Has been scneduiea lor Aug. according to an announcement from Cliff Kinch, president of the Roseburg chapter. Permanent officers for the local chapter were elected at the last regular meeting Monday night. The Roseburg group will be headed by Kinch as president, Dick Meek, vice-president; Jack Gorthy, secretary; Shirley Mc Laughlin, treasurer; Ernie Lentz, Jim Daugherly and Lawrence, Hand, trustees; mil Klncn, dele gate; and Ernie Lentz, alternate delegate. Kinch Issued a special invita tion to all men interested In this type of singing to contact some member of the S. P. E. B. S. Q. S. A. He said the local chap ter is badly in need of more voices and that men who make arrange ments to join the organization before Aug. 29 will be taken in as charter members in the special ceremony planned by the local chapter and delegates from Eu gene, Klamath frails, Medford, Portland and Salem. S. P. E. B. S. Q. S. A. mec.s every Monday at 8 p.m. In Jim uaugncny a ottice In the U. K. National hank building, across the street from the News-Review, Conyonville Firemen Ask Club Room Equipment John Bingham Jr., fire chief for the Canyonville fire depart ment, has announced the club room located In the fire station is nearly complete. The work has all been donated and the room is now ready to be painted. It is ex pected the painting will be done by the local firemen. Some furnishings have been do. nated already. However, still needed are some chairs, lamps and tables. If anyone has any he would like to donate, the firemen will be glad to get them. They meet every Thursday night for a business meeting and a practice drill. Births at Mercy Hospital FOSTER To Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert L. Foster, Sutherlin, August 10, a son, Robert Lowell; weight five pounds nine ounces. WOODRUFF-To Mr. and Mrs. Vernon O. Woodruff, Myrtle Creek, August 11. a daughter, Carol Ann; weight eight pounds sewn ounces. VITAL STATISTICS Divorce Suit Filed CARTKR Phyllis vs. Merle Caller. Married In Eugene April 15, 11M6. Cruel and Inhuman treat ment charged. Plaintiff asks that her maiden name of Phyllis Hun ter be restored. EDITOR ON CRUISE Hal W. Schlltz, publisher of the Myrtle Creek Mail. Is on a sum mer cruise with the United States navy reserve. Schiltz Is a reserve officer holding the rank of lieu tenant. He sailed from Seattle on the USS John W. Tomason. DD760, for Pearl harbor. The cruise will last for two weeks. MORALS CHARGE FACED Sheriff O. T. Carter announced today the arrest of James Charles Swift, 54, Tiller, on a charge of sodomy. Swlit was arraigned In Justice court Thursday and bail was set at $1,000 by Justice of the Peace A. J. Odiies. A preliminary hear ing will be held at a later date. JUDGMENT ISSUED A Judgment by default was Is sued by Circuit Jui.Tr Carl E. Wimberly yesterday in the case State Industrial Accident com mission vs. Halhert J. Kress The default Judgment was is sued when the defendant failed to appear in court. The court or riered that the plaintiff recover 268.45 from the defendant, plus Interest on J192.S6 and costs. AN AMAZING OFFER The makers of Dr. Perker't Corn Remover will give you double your money back if it fails to remove vcur corn or callous. Only 35c at Chap man's Drug Store. TESTIFIES Paul Crindl. New England manufacturer, tails Senete investigating committee (Aug, 81 how he sought gov ernment contracts. He said he had help of James V. Hunt, self styled business counseler. Grin- die told the committee Hunt professed Influence at the White House. He was the sec ond witness in full dress probe ef so-celled "five-percenters." (AP Wirephoto) Title Qualifying Play Completed At Country Club Qualifying rounds have been completed at the Roseburg Coun try club for the annual club championship tournament with a total of 30 golfers being entered. Joe Perrault was medalist over the 18-hole route, turning in a two over par 74. Pairings are announcer as fol lows: Championship flight Joe Per rault vs. Bob Harris. Charles Kash vs. John Wood, Bill Courier vs. R. D. Bridges, Ward Cum mings Jr. bye, E. A. Pearson vs. Kenneth Quine, Ward Cummings Sr. bye, Maurice Hallmark vs. Clem Howard, and Walter Brydgee vs. Walter Fisher. Second flight Roger Gee vs. Faye Osterhout, L. V. Pearson vs. E. R. Harvey, Carl Beach vs. P. A. Riley, and Bruce Hetrick vs. L. E. McClintock. Fourth flight Tom Pargeter vs. Harrison Winston, Gene Krewson vs. Bard Kesner, Ed ward Murphy vs. Earl Neuru, and Stanley Short vs. Sid Leiken. All of the above matches are to be completed by Friday eve ning, Aug. 19. A two-ball four some with mixed partners for both men and women is sched uled for Sunday, Aug. 14, at 3:30 p. m. Strang Malady Hits Residents Of Salt Lake SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 12-(7W-A strange summer malady has stricken thousands of Salt Lakers with fever, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pains in the past few days. A survey of doctors revealed that the complaint has affected a large percentage of the city's population and swamped physi cians and druggists with calls from persons seeking relief or medicines. Many people have been refer ring to the disease as caused by "virus X," doctors reported, add ing that there has been no def inite identification of the cause as yet. Used House Trailers To Be Sold; Preference To Vets PORTLAND, Aug. 12.-4.P The Portland housing authority will put 392 used house trailers on sale here Aug. 29. The trailers, used as emergen cy housing for Vanport flood vic tims, will sell from $75 to $250. Harry D. Freeman, housing auth ority executive director, said. World War II veterans will get first choice. Those left will be sold to the public Aug. 30. GRASS FIRE; NO DAMAGE City firemen were called out on two grass fires Wednesday, with no damage caused by either blaze, according to Fire Chief William Mills. A citv truck was dispatched to 1118 Military ave. at 12:15 p.m. and the rural truck was sent to the other blaze on Lookinggtass road at 2:10 p.m. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Or BIDS FOR CONSTRUC TION SCHOOL DISTRICT NO I9C Myrtle Creek' DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON. SEALED proposals will he? received by School Ditrict No. Itt-C, a lea known at No 19, Douglas Cmintv Oregon, at the office of the School Superintendent tn Mrlle Creek. Oregon, i p to o clock P M . Saturday the? Tfth day of Aug ust, I'M, for tha performance and con struction of the following protect, all to be performed u pon t he property of the district in Myrtle Crek, Oregon: PROJECT A Move and reinstate dwelling; house PROJECT R: Construct approxi mately 330 ll n ea 1 feet concrete u1ew alk and step. PROJECT C Surface approximately 73 ft. 141 ft plan around area wtlh asphaltlr concrete. PROJECT D Conatrurt SO ft M ft. addition to preae-it gymnasium. All of aald work to .e tn arcordsneo wtlh plans and pecificationa therefor. 1 he plana and specifications for Proj ects A. R and C. may obtained from the undereigned clerk at the office of the School Superintendent In Myrtl Creek. Oregon. Plana and speclflca tlona for Project D may be obtained from tha off tee of C N. Freeman Jk S dnev B Hav)ip. P.wial Building. Portland. 4, Oregon, areni recta. AM bid muit ha transmitted upon blank forms which will be furnished upon application to n undersigned, and must be accompanied Sv a certified check pax able to the dttrtct In the amount of S't of the bid. to bo for feited to the district n the event the bid Is accepted and tha bidder shall fail to enter Into a contract with the accompanying bond tn accordanc with tha terms of tha bid. re; form ance bond tn the amount of the contract price aatlflfactory to tha dnr-t wi.u be i ouired from the contractor. The ttme listed tn the proroati for completing the work will be considered la awarding the contract. Tha school district nasi ea the right The Smallest, Livestock Schricker Auction ml ! north of Roseburg, 4 mllea south of Sutherlin At 1 00 . m. w will Mil: Cattle ONE EXCEPTIONALLY fin milk cow, tuet freah a couple) of weeks. Also ulls, cows with calve at side, heif era, veal, always baby calves. Hogs Fat hogs, weaner pica, . shoata. Horses Always a food hor at this auction. Sheep Bring In your owes, we have several inquiries. Wa also sell fat and feeder lambs. Furniture At 7:30 P.M. At our furniture aala In the evening. always good car. all kinds of fur niture and miscellaneous. One McCormack Deering electric sepa rator like new. A lot of new woven wire. Bring your consignment as you come to tha sale. Bring livestock Sunday or any time. Schricker & Sons, Auctioneers E. TELKAMP KINGMAN DISPERSAL SALE Registered American Saddle Bred hors- aa. 4 brood mares, i tVyear-oia geia Ing, 3 three- ear-old colts, 3 two-year-old colt. 1 yearling colt, 1 five-year-old stallion. Frank J. Glbbs, P O. box 372, Phone 4-4748, Eugene. Ore. Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring In the most money Sale every Friday. Livestock 12 o'clock. Furniture T p. nv Roseburg Auction Phone 181 STRAYED Black-white cow. long horns. may be witn can, from my place near Idleyld. Reward for information or recovery. A. M. Selby. Glide. Oregon. REGISTERED CORRIEDALE BUCK. 3 years old. G. A. Brown, lanyonvme Phone 19.1 or Mrs. A. W. Baum, Ph. 4tU, Roseburg. FOR SALE Extra large Duroc weaner alga. Six miles soutn on Roberta ountaln road. Roger White, Route 1, Box 28.1, Roseburg IN THE MARKET for fat and feeder lam ha, fat and feeder yearlings, old wether and old liver. Isidoro Inda Phone 40-F-13 Oakland. FOR SALE Two nice fat '8 month bulls. approximately 400 lbs; for beef (r breeding. Julius Maaer. Riddle, Ore. FOR SALE Regiitered yearling Rnm- ney rams, rnone ia-t -Zo. virgu Bmitn, Roaeburg. JERSEY COW for MleTeVhen August 25th. Neal C. Brown, Route 1. Camas Valley. TWO YEARLING Hereford registered bulls. See anytime. G. E. Clayton. Myrtle Creek. 3 miles N. 99 BREEDING EWES for sale or trade for feeder lambs. Age from 1 to 3 years Isidoro Inda. Phone 40-F-15. Oakland. Wanted fat and feeder iambs and yearlings. W A. Blackert, Myrtle Creek. Phone 282. For SALE 30 head of good ewes with 23 lambs. You pick era. Wool on. Phone 8-r-ll f FEEDER PIGS at""marketprlce for ale V. K. Holcomb Kellogg. Y M'NG MARE, Saddle and bridle. 9S. Walt Carter, Umpqua Park. FOR SALE- Good milk ?ow. SISO. Cod) Bur Rest, Melrou Route Box 214-B WANTED All kinds of livestock. H- M Cox. Call 900-J-4. Poultry Baby Chicks Hamps, Reds, Crosses. Every week tn the year. Best of breeding. Pullorum pasaeo. Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market City agent. Douglas Co. Flotur Mill Carr's Hatchery Looklngglasa Rt Phone lg-f-3 N. H.Heru GOOD ROASTED STEWED SOt'P FILL YOL'R LOCKERS now, 30c lb, live weight Orders taken for dreaaed. R- Cary, 3 mllea eaat of Dixonvllle: FOR SALE 23 young t'road breasted turkeys, ranging from to 3't months In age. Price for all, S80 Also 33 White Leghorn pulleta, 4 months old. SI 30 each. See Mrs. Frank Calms, Rt 2, Box ail'y. N H BREEDING COCKERELS. R- CarT 2 mllea E. of Dtxonvllle. Business Ofrportunities FOR SALE New pumice stone store, lre 34x30 Living quarters In back. Shelve and gondolas. It Is in very good location 3 mllea south of Myrtle Creek on Hlwsy M. See owner Frank Grenskv next tn Melody Mountain Barn. Phone 1(M rtleCreek: MOTOR COttRf for sale. Call 1W-XX Financial F. H. A. LOANS ""umpqua realty Acrnm from Post Office on Highway p 112 N Stephena Ph 1333-J Machinery For Sale VB WHITE rear end complete with air Phone jei-R-4, 104 Sunset Lane off Melroae Road. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR 5 A 1.1 Grey oats rood for seed or feed. 90 per ton Ervln Rice on Hi way miles N of Oakland. to reject any and all rM. By order of the Board of Directors of School Diatrlct No. 1 C. Douglas County. Oregon, dated and first pub- Ushed August 11. iue P B FROEHLICH. Clerk, School Diatrict Ntx 1S-C. M rtle Creek. Oregon. NOTICE TO CRKniTORt PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that letters of Administratrix tn the Estate eg Chew tec Alvtn Milter. 4ecesel, were taaued !- me br Order of the County Clerk of Douglas County on the 3th day August. 11MS AH claims against aad etate must be presented the Wm E Walsh't I .aw Office. ml American Building. Coos Ray, Ore r on, within six months from date hereof. August 12. LEVA ETHEL MUXES Administratrix Cheapest Workers in Town ..Want Ads Autos LockwoocTs USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere 104f FORD TUDOR SDN. Do yourself Justice, drive home this beauty jar only S1T43 00 1S4S DODGE FOR DOR SDN Run just 11,000 mllea. Fully equipped, not a scratch Ifrit FORD TUDOR SDN Carefree driving Id this one Immaculate . . 1285 147 FORD FOR DOR SDN. One you'll be proud to drive. Coma in and aaa It today. 11M.00 1MT WILLYS STATION WAGON 10.000 miles. Equipped with overdrive, heater and many others. 1345 00 t4tf CHEV. TUDOR SDN. Get rid of that old car now. aee us about a trade today 1 163.00 IMS FORD TUDOR SDN. Extra nice. 37.0J0 mllea. Today's beat buy at 1050 1243 CHEV TUDOR SDN. Mechanically sound. Not loaded with extras, but comfortable. S05.OO 1041 PONTIAC FOR DOR SDN. Paint and body extra nice. Radio and heater. A me chanical gem. SOS oo 1041 FORD TUDOR SDN Why waste money on your old car when you can drive a beaut like this one home for only 741 1041 FORD FOR DOR SDN. Equipped with radio and heater. Long trlpa will coat leaa in this one. 4! 1041 FORD COUPE New motor, clutch, battery, a fine car any way you look at it - TK 1041 NASH FOR DOR SDN New paint and seat cover. If its cheap transportation you want look this one over. 60! Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 1040 FORD TRUCK with U-Drlva Bodv $240.1 00 1047 INTERNATIONAL Pickup 1093 00 1946 FORD Pickup 043 on IMS G. M. C. C ha wis and cab. 703.00 1043 FORD Lumber truck Tag and Roles lffft.1 00 1041 FORD Chassis and Cab. 443.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At LOCKWOOD MOTORS Easy Termi Better Buys At Barcus TRUCKS SAVE 00.000. IMS Re SIS log truck. 303 h. p engine; 194ft Peerless UgM weight log trailer, both like new Re sponsible party can handle with very small down payment 1046 Chev. lumber truck. 194S motor, Thornton dual drive, new tires. Lumber rolls with log bunki attached. Ideal for lumber or short log 31 V International mg truck and trailer. A steal at 1000 1047 Studebaker pickup, excel lent 1100. 1037 International truck and semi-trailer good condition good tires ... T05 1034 li T. Chev Hat bed. com letely overhauled. A good truck for 290 Car Bargains 1047 Bulck super convertible. a real bargain 1005 1041 Chrysler coupe, new paint reconditioned motor 073 lflTT Nash LaFavette. coach , , 105 1030 Model A Ford sedan, good motor. ,. T3 BANK TERMS OPEN EVENINGS BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dialer Hwy SS N at Garden Valley Ho. Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonably priced. G M A C terms. Chevrolet Buick Pontlae Cadillac trade-Ins FOR SALE. 0740 equity on 1048 Chev 4 door sedan. Total price, $1303 or will trade for best car offered Inquire Sunset Grocery. 3 mllea north o Roseburg after M p. m. G .. Dodge Black 1942 Mercury FOR DOR SEDAN, eood eondition. eood low preaaur tires, 1 3 inch wheels. SH.10 Marvin Selby. tynard. Oregon 6RIC.INAl7OWNERmu;t seU Oldi- moble club coupe, good clean car. H dramatic drive. First reasonable oc- fer accepted. Phone 43-R-3-FOR SALE 4-door sedan 1040 krrcury. overdrive, radio, heater, complete. Snoo milee. Price $3230. Phone 714 er 3P4. Mvrtle Creek Cleanest o chev. in town, white sidewall tires, skirts. RAH See at the Sunset Grocery, S milee N. of Roae burg MORE MONEY" for your car. Cask a the spot. Cock rum Motors, Inc Oe Soto, Plyasouin. Pboave Ot, 114 N Roae St rOR SALE OR-TRADE 104S Triumph speed twin. Cams I is L Phone 1300. Ask for Jim or Red. FOR SALS '30 Chev." coupe, runs good 03 or trade for panel or pickup. Call S10-J -3 after 3 FORD DELUXE coupe, $300 caah. Phone rrt-J-L Autos KEEL'S Quality Used Cars SPECIAL SPECIAL 1041 Tudor Chevrolet -- S305.OO Hl-torque motor in tnia car with low mileage Good mechanically thru ouL Ra dio and heater. 1040 Pont is c 0 passenger coupe $045.00 A oar gam ai mis price. Radio and heater. Don't Miss This Bargain 1041 Buick 4 Door Sedan. Radio and heater. Looks and runs Ilka new. Ex cellent rubber. A beautiful ear that will solve your transportation prob lem for a long umo. More Choice Buys 1040 Studebaker Pickup 1 T. 1040 Studebaker Pickup la T 1046 Plymouth 1042 Studebaker Champion Coupe 141 Buick Special 1041 DeSoto 1041 Plymouth Coupe Be sure to pick your rr from Keel'r Studebaker Lot that efives a 3 dav driving trial. You are taking no chances when you ouy from: KEEL'S STUDEBAKER QUALITY Used Car Lot Open evenings for your convenience until 0:00 p. en- Phone 120 and 1445-J Next to Rose Hotel 220 S. Stephens Used Car Specials 1047 DODGE CUSTOM iEDAN Looks like new. Be sure and see this. 1043 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Wa have 2 of the cars. Guaranteed to give you many miles of satisfaction, $1205.00 1040 CHEVROLET COUPE A nice clean car only 005.00 1046 CHEVROLET TUDOR a popular moaei. (.lean as can be. - 1193.00 103$ PLYMOUTH SEDAN Look at this price. 103$ DeSOTO SEDAN This car Is in excellent condition. Paint, tires and motor A-l. 104$ DODGE 14 TON PICKUP new ures, new paint- 1309.00 103$ FORD Itfc 'TON TRUCK Here's a workhorse for only. 505.00 REMEMBER WE TRADE AND YOU CAN BUY CASK OR TERMS "Si" Dillard Motor Co. USED CAR LOT North Stephens Street NEW PLYMOUTH $1735.00 DELIVERED In Roseburg. Nothing to buy but the license. ROSE MOTOR CO. Chrysler Plymouth Rose $1 Lane Stt. Phone 0$ CLEARANCE REDUCTION HEAVY FIBER seat covers, sedans and coaches. They were 15 $3, reduced to 00 09 Coupes and front seat only, were $0 4$, now S3 43 Montgomery Ward & Co. FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity tn 104$ Ford 0 pickup, 4 speed transmission, A-l eondiuor. throughoMt. Will take good used elder model car in $.tno class. D. W. Keaaey. P-teraon's Auto motive. Ph. 332. FOR SALE BY OWNER. TO Plymouth Miairteaa coupe, new tnoror, rsasonsoia. $31 E Dnuglair f"RcMOBlLi ft&AM, M 1 Jark- Autos MECHANICS SPECIALS Bring Your Cash 1034 Ford Sedan 1020 Chev. Sedan 1034 Willys 10:17 Studebaker Coupe . 123 , 230 ivjv naan uraor . 405 NO GUARANTEES, BUT THEY ALL RUN RIVERSIDE MOTORS , Willys Dealer N. Stephens Phone 450-M COME IN AND LOOK OVER our new and used Harley Davidson Motorcycles $200 and up Immediate delivery on the 1040 Hydra Glide, 13 down. IS months to pay. Harley Davidson 125 $f)3 down $3.50 weekly. Joe's Harley Davidson. 3' miles So. Hwy. 00 Roseburg. Oreg. For Sato 1037 OLDS MOBILE 4 doo. Sedan (104$ motor 1 $230 cash. Contact AJ Williams, Yoncalla. Trucks ARMY TRUCK PARTS OR parts for ANY MAKE TRUCK. Phone or write If the parts you need are not in our stock, wa wlU be glad o pick them up for you. A. B. Scarlett 475 W. 5th St. Eugene CMC. Dealer Phone 4-4230. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1040 , ton pickup with stake body, four new tires. Mechanically good. 1033 4 ton pickup. Ford, three new Ures. fair condition. Trade for hay or stock D. E. Thorn peon, Melrose R. B. Box 2M FOR SALE '36 Diamond T ton pick up. Good bodv and motor. 00 tires. A real buy. $605. See at 043 Fullerton St after 3 p. m., or during day at Cooper Motora. NEW AND USED trucks Logging trucks, gravel truck a, flatbeds and lumber trucks. Wa have a ew or good used , truck for your job. Call 1387-Y. Rose burg. 1-1940 INTERNATIONAL pickup. 1 104$ International pickup; 1 single axle piling trailer For information Phone 432120 2nd Ave South 1040 1 TON FORD paneL Nearly new motor, good condition. 0403. Inquire at the Lyle Stewie Aaaociated Station. Oakland EOR SALS- -ton 103$ International truck, combination to.k rack Excel- 'entcondition; Ed Deal, 113 N. Flint. AXLE SHAFTS for all makes oftruckC Ray's Truck Shop. 2035 N Stephens. Phone 4 PS -J -4 1037 CHEVROLETTVa ton f Is track. Calf Wa NTE D Lumber "rolls for dual" axle truck. Virgil Reetz, Camas Valley. Logging Equipment NEW TD- 14 International tractor. 300 hours, equipped wtlh xsaacaon drum and hydraulic straight jlade, $10,500. Willamette 11x13 conversion donkev, powered with new 871-GM diesel. tor que converter and torque master. Sled, no lines. $6,000. Inquire Inter late Tractor St Equipment Co. SKAGIT LOADER powered with new Mercury engine complete with good sled and some lines Price $1,300 Inquire Heath Bras, at Hew Lumber Company, S Myrtle Creek Road. Myr tle Cref., Oregon FOR SALE 20 Skagit yarder, complete wnn riRging ana amau American aw mlll. Will sell separately or together. Melton $t Lauranre. R.F.D. 1. Box 200, Roeburg, Ore. Phone 14-F-42. D4 CAT serial number 7-J-4172 with Hyster drum and La Plant Choat. hy draulic dozer See at Tvee Lumber Co , Sutherlin. Ore., or phone 1202 Suther lin MALL MODEL 7 chain saw. 4 chslns z Dsrs. 1st nouse on left entering Myrtle Creek from north. Bud Scar- brought. FOR SALE Dt 18 International tractor. A-l condition BX 200 Skagit yarder, A-l condition KS International dump truck. Ph 318-J-S evenings. FOR SALE Cheap. T. D. 0 Interna- uonai cat witn Diade and drum. Wal ter Nehring. Rt. 1. Box 40-A. 0x8 STUDEBAKER DUMP truck. 1048 waixer log trailer. J tea a month a. Box 15$, Drain. Building Materials Roofing Bargains 3-1 n -One thick But Shingles, wt 310 lbs., per sq . $6 03 Dutch Lap Individual Shingles. wt. 133 lbs., per sq. . . 4.0S Hexsgon Shingles, wt 163 lbs,, Pr sq. 5 70 Staggered Edge, wt 105 lbs., per roll an 30 lb. Asphalt Saturated Felt. wt $3 lbs., per sq s.$n 33 lb. Roll Roofing, wt 33 lbs., per roll $.00 00 lb Mineral Surfaced Roll, wt. su ids., per roil ... y 40 FREE estimates on Installation of any type oi rooi. DENN WHOLESALE CO. NORTH CMPqUA ROAD 1 Mil. from root of Jackson St Phone 826JX.l YOUR CREDIT'S O. K. WITH US ALL MATERIAL To build, remodel, repair; nothing down, easy terms. CaU Mr. Holsapple. Roseburg $37-Y FOR SALE All sizes, second hand pipe Farm Equipment Farm Machinery I FT. OLIVER combine. Oliver 70 trac tor on rubber and ateel. one 2-bottom 14" plow. 7 Ft powr mower. 7 Ft Tandem disc. 3 sections flex narrow, 1 heavy tractor trailer. Cash or trade for late model car. Call 502 Yoncalla. Noble Snider. FOR SALE Bearcat garden tractor. Kiow, cultivator, narrow. Parker a epair Shop. Hiway 42. JOHN DEERE 12-A combine for sale Runs fine, less than price. Earl Rionerod. Mvnle Creek Pirne 1. Fuel WOOD Fireplace and furnace. Old growth fir block -peeler core, small round core mill enda, planing ends, oak and Laurel. Special price on plan er ends for short time. See this wood 1 mile East on Douglas St Rt 1. Box 43 Prompt delivery. Claude Wllley. Phone 13-J-3or 143-J-3 STOVETTeNGYH dry oak and laurel wood for sale. J. Spain, ox 104. Mel roeRt. fOR SALE Slab wood, sawdust, planer end. Phone 307, Johnson Fuel Co Miscellaneous WOOL CARDING. Recanting. Blankets. Mattress pads made to order. Wash ington Woolen Mills. 10S24-17th Ave. S W . Seattle. Waah. ANYONE WISHING .ransportatioa t Colorado or Nebraska, contact Bill Struck man at Nielsen 1 Market fon INVALIDS- sndeTdrly folks. 24 hour nursing care. 210 W. 4th Street. Phrttte i?o R Sotice TILLER SCHOOL Diet No. 114 will re ceive bids until August 10th, 1040 for a three year contract for a 39 pass enger school bus run from Lawamsn'e mill to Tiller. The board reaervee the right to refect anr or all as da. Rem ice Matthews. Ork r WlUTTiot be reapenstble for btlVs contracted by enyone other than any sell L. H. OUngriouse,