Bird Dog HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted dog, (he English 7 Defeated 13 Fieebooler 14 Respect '15 Persia 16 Ocean 18 Formerly 19 Fiber knots 5 And (Latin) 6 Pause 7 Mythical king of Britain 8 Early English tab.) 9 Hail! 10 Rounded 11 Gaelic 12 Seines 17 Daybreak (comb, form) 20 Unit of weight 21 Eyes (Scot.) 22 Italian river 24 Near 25 Accomplish ment 2? Wagers 30 Uncommon . 31 has a long skull 32 While 33 Persian fairy 35 Jewels 38 Heavy blow 13 Poem 24 Heart (Egypt) 25 Tow 26 Facility 211 Weary 29 Mix 33 Genus o( grasses I I J jl jS jb I I 16 j? 1(0 ill jii 3 "T is iT r"i5 "j IT Tj' I Z-j L " l "ii"" -; T T T T T " ij ha 5l 51 "" 57 Is ' I I I l 1 1 1 i I I n 39 Hawaiian bird 40 Symbol tor silver 41 Drunkard 43 Recede 47 Separate column 49 Leave out 51 Weii-ht of India 52 Baked clay 53 Black birds 55 Ascended 57 Card game 58 Hastened VERTICAL 1 Whirl 2 "Emerald Isle" 3 Ensnarer 4 Light brown r r,: -1 i at-jm -tr '-uf' Hl3W mmmmi .... . . CfeiM "Marry me or I'll play this thing!" BLONDIE LI'L ABNER Tver Vff r osr nrr- how-ami r vo our wuur i CKE-fAiSLT.'.'-J iihm" tnur -1 iimti!iii!!ii iiiiiiijiiii i mmmmwmmm - I --vf CrTGN(TPOp ohmTmise? vTsorjOGST ftiVrri rroAk1 vou and peao ir its top mp wccoley ( a hook on that ) FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS 1 TUIS IS AWRjl' VEU" tENO e , f . fstXlR iH.-COiCet!r IPOwevCI? OhECDmeS fEP6E0 WE GOTTA DO hOU KNIFE, NUTTY.' VkVT 1 ioS? JSiSn!? TnS6 UTIic CONTiNeeNClES ,1 ALLEY OOP By V. T. HAMUN I SIX TIMES VOU CfULCJ,, Stlo. f il J hFeI 4-1. cufp.N e'" V T WAS (7N 1 ATi?f THAT VFCe BS1N . Alf ffUEEK. AfJ Answer to Previous. Puzzle 34 It is an breed 36 Reason 37 Thus 41 Species 45 Small nail 47 On the sheltered side 48 Conduc t 50 Number 52 It it (contr.t 54 Symbol for mton 56 Egyptian sun gd 42 Persian tentmoker 43 essential being 44 Exist I - 1 5 ,1 liA-5JM T 1 1 a Fri., Aug. 12, 1949 The Newi-Revtew, Roseburg, Ore. 13; MODEST TnMwt apik -. MaVBE WE? SETTER 3(VE THAT NW 6l., MARV, A BREAK AN&60 4EE HER AFTER. AU.?f FROM NINE TO FIVE Hysteria won't fee in today, - h' going to get out oh '"iiiiiiijiiiii1 MAIDENS U S hUM By Jo Fischer Mr. Wump. She has feefing the wrong side of the bed. '" By Chic Young By Ai Copp Merrill Blosser By SHINGLES Asphalt Aaoattes Ctdar fa3 lumber 4 Fuet 1S4 E. 2nd Ave. S. RADIO SERV1CINO Hansen' Radio Service, Slither tin. Radio Doctors. Phf 91-J. PLUMBING Ace Plumbiriif and Supplv, 815 Carden Vallev Rt, Bus. Phone S30-R-5. Res. PhoM i49 fUl Kier-Crooeh Plumbing Cx 316 Mill. Phone iiarrij PlumWnE A Hrlng Ca South Stephens. Pn. 147B-J. Coen Supply Ox Pnone 12L ferp's Plumbing. Phvsne 733-8. A. D. Wallace, Melrose Route. Box V&-3. Phone 165-R-3. HEATING R. Rttzman Heating Co.. hot ws ler and gteam, oil burners. 1T03 Brown. Phone 106frJ. WASH1N3 MACHINE BEKVtCE J. E. Newberry" Washing Ma chine Service. 102 W. Commer cial Avenue. Phone 1015-h. Washing Machine service. Hoy and Rusty'e Appliance Repair. 510 N. Jackson. Ph. ELECTRICIANS Rldenour Electric Phone 73W-5. Roseburg Electric. Phone 121 Ace Electric. Phone 1095-U FLOOR COVERiNO F, 4 W. Floor Covering. 327 S. Stephena. Phone 1478-S. Philip M. Durnam, 820 S. Main. Phone 1336-i Electrolux, sprvk-e, sttppllcs. Wax er and polisher. Wayne Over beck. Phone 373 R-2. 1RE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fire Exi--ishCT Sale & Ser. :ce. Fvr Fvter Prnducts, Co. Z re fli'lng. Glenn H. Taylor, 220 N. Main. Phone 1433-R. PIANO SERVICE Southwestern Piano Service. Tunine.ReconditioninR. Ph S3H-J S. -PAINTING IMMEDIATE SERVICE Commercial and Comestio . ROSIBURG PAINT SHOP Phonea t22 807 R 1522 R ROS8UGPAViNGCO. Asphalt Paving MlJlyards. Ortvewaya. Siatiojii Floors. Sidewaiki Custom riading Oatce: 634 S. Main lelevhon tso-n Fre CsUmsuc "BiU" Latstter Firk-Up and Delivery Free Estimates IXPERT FURNITURE CUANJN5 and Dyeing Company H tt'a fit to USE ii' fit to CLEAN "If it'i FADED Let us DYE it" trtro rtiio, . Our Kneclaltv i395 Umpqua Ave.. RowburgOre. We are equipped to do STEAM CUAN.UG Aiso washins, polishing and waxing ol cars. Dovies Mobile Servi Station T40 S. Stephens St Phone 637 Will DRILLING ED MILLER Route 2. Box 201-A Phone 441 -R-3 Rowbitnr. Ore. Basement and Backyards Cleaned Light Pickup and Delivery C. A. Deal Pnone I586-J-3 Roieburg CONTRACT f AiNTJNG hanging f Horn. tCOSIPACICC: 0aranS iArA JACK RRESTON 504 3. Stephena Ph. S2vV Royo) TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Soies ond Service Rentofs Fast dependcffaie service KEN'S OFPiCE EOUJP. 63J S. Stephen Ph. 12oi-R BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dr. f . W. Ccrtsf Chiropodist Foot Srri!!t i29 ??. Jecksoit Phone 1170 Over Bexell Drug S!or CARFtNTJR Hew Cstfuction Rmdlln9 Pml-8ek Centtructleti t-yn Jortes SE2 . tofins Ph. 9 i FLOOR CONTRACTING sanding tVL ffnfenlno OX Fiaart ii i New. Melrose fit., feox S6AS CARLSON'S FX.OOH SERVICE Phor iOI RJ 15 Vr Etrlei SHALE RfVER tOAM Oeiivered Shovel Traxcavatoe Bulldrer Craotle Sackh Ceane ComcrfHdf Truck Laqlng Sofi Suit) anil Racked Mi'ii Penila Cleaned Bamnts Ouo Rental or Contract S. M. Crilra OmMisf P O. Box Office Eat 2ns Ave. South Phor Wfi .t Residence Phone 930-E.-2 Gel rhnae PRtJPANE AN BUTA.VE bottle relli at the Myers Oil Co. Hljthwv 89 aw ilarden Valley Road Aiso Heaters, tiot Piaie and Supnlira OLOFiELD & SONS CONTRACTORS 4 BtjaBERS 1962 Eden Lane Phone SSS-J-t Carl P. Talion ExcovottTiij Coittroctor Shale rocV: tor Immediate delivery. Shovei, Trucks, iluiiiteer. Patrol flladf. Back hoe. For Hire. Road BiiiJt and rocked by hour or contract 2340 N. St-phens Ph. 499-R-4 SEBGH'S APPLIANCE Maytog & Ncrge Sates and" Service aTr. Mmrlt ApWrtre nd Hamilton CiothtM DryJ w1ft S17fti rvirin AM tfi- Wssim Phonm SOS Btfcf h PnmftMM PAINTING rnsieAOCSS . 1 wmraciorsx am Commercial and Home Oecoraiins f.ti Work Guaranifprt Dougioi Point & Hordwore Co. V S. Sferinem Phone UMPQUA CABiNET SHOP Custom Made Counters. Shelves, Fixtures, Kitchen Caiilnets Phone 493-H S37 R 3 ?(M0 N. Stcnhens Rosehurs. Ore Venctioo Efind Safes ana" Service Estimate Frr CHARLES HOD50N 1525 Ccrinr St. Phone I319-L C G. lovelsdy Buiiding ond RemodeJing Contractor 2040 N. Stephens ?h. 244-R-l AUTOMO" 'MSURANCE SMII HAHOLB COX Phon t .?2S B i s ;iic st 0A88Y & FOSTER Excavating Contractor Sho! Rock for mmedit-te Oeisvery Construction of logefng roada. Shovels, trucks, hulltiojor, cm iressor tor hire by contract or hour. No job loo large or too small. Phor.e tor free climate. Ph. t1S2-, Forest $rvit Soail West of t-sndis Iron Wrk la Laylnfl -If iSt the B. it A. Polio plan. Caii Sir. tincoin, S3S-.M t drop card Jo Bx JftS tHw Hie. HENRY H. MILLER Excavating A fleas) Suiiemg Cflntractsr UC9 Wiltaw St. PhnSfrJ We aeii shale fear run, rUtt rock and river loam. Mill ponds cU-aned and dredged, Shovei. RuiMozer, Soom, Air Compressor. Crane, DraRiine. "Htmp Trucks by hour or , toniract. Free estimate. HAROIS ELECTRIC Specialist Radie. Rfrtsratl, Hauhaid Aoltanoe Servioa 20 Tear Etperience Ait Work Guarantee ttE.CSt. Phn4 FURNACES Resehurg Sites! Mstsl Your Ph. 4t Healing Cntr SSS E. 1st. OLIVER'S Septic Tanks snd Drain Fields Installed Tanks Pumped ROSESiiSG, OREGON 4S1R S Rt. I, Box 71 PRINTING PROMPT, EFF1C5ENT DEPENDABLE SEi?ViCE ROSEBURG FRtHTJNC CO. Corner Cssa and fheridin Phone 943 CEMENT CONTRACTiNS Alt KINDS FORM BUILDING WiH out ??t-eml t -4 Fwoht Pvehc 8r4M. Tool Rentals Floor Sanrler. BoRers, Brit Dl!5c Sander, Concrsie Mixer. Power Trovfels, Concrete Vibra tors, Wheel Barrows, Lhrhtlns Plants Paint Sprav Outfits. Skit jaws, Fwiii. Air Comriresieora Isvk f-fammera and Hvriratiiie JarJa. Caii tts. W may hav fust what vou need. Osbun ESeetric X E;(p Co. Si7 S. Stephen! Phone tiia INLAID LINOLEUM Safes and instaf iatiort jt off types of Hoot covering F i W f-ioor Covering C Ph. l-i78-R 327 S. Stephen R Lombeth for Remodeling Or Construction Frs esrimofes on cny sii jol Mefrose Route. 8ox 5 -8 Phone M44-R TRUCKS FOR RENT Yea drive or jv. Cait ?S33 Aiair'a Parking Let Main and Washington Fisgsl Transfer & Storage Co. Nelssa i Pyfe Wsodwork!g Co. WimJows, Sosti, n4 Frame. !! ani !ihr Phon 2J good plor to oa" DENH-GERRETSIN CO. VI W. Oak Ph. i2S A. f. Woitef Kress, M. C. Pfcysinan IS arewssn V. S. National iSsnit Arsw Boons il? OKlce Pftone; 1590. . iff See hurc: Xlnn. Thru Sat. PiASTSRIHS ' & SUTTON f m ISTiMATIS PH. 1094-Y Deslsicss it Scftafer GEKERAt CEMENT CONTRACTORS Aii Types Cemenr Wcrk SidJkt, !nvway, fiasn, patios tni Joundutiont. SmUHS GiVIN Sax ?0S-C. Meiresa. fit ROSESURa VENfTtAN SL1NO FACTORY IS H, Jcknn St. Rwiwrj Ore, fntwio 1S9S-J VENETtASl St.NQS BRAKES r-..SU Free fir-ima-" Stl-sf-?,-in Cnrr.lsrJ COHSTSUCTfOfi T0SD 8UILSJNS CO. 904 5. Stephen fit. 352 TRUCKS FOR RUNT You Drive Move Yourself Save V torso; or Short Tript Bee Hive Truck Rental S. Stephen ?fcon i P& B TOWING 24-HOUR wrecker and cran service. No 1oh too farje or too tmaii. Trucis mounted eoulranent. We ran ro wifc 4 i -i dragiis work, iog ioadine. heavy l) iP WOT3L T3 . Steshan St. Pbun $2t WATER where end wftert you w3nr it with a BERKLEY JET Woter Sysftsm Consult ut fr all yur pump rues'. Dgsii-Sfiffetsen Co, 02 W, 3tk Phn tJS PAINT CO. All Typss cf Painting. Work Gusrsntesd; 1 Free Estimates 1230 Ccrey Plf. 1305-J GENERAL CONTRACTiNG AND BUJLDWS Frss EsttmofB HATCHER CONSTRUCTION CO, ' Rt. 2t 8a 559-5 thorn 140B-R CERAMiC TfLE Shovj" til, Bath. "H, flsr hearths, -cotintcr tot, store it its. Complete colors and ' :cs. Glared and nelari Chrome ttrvind giass doors tor aiwsrflr anti tuh. 8y ronttart or houriy. Estimate Frx. Ph. SS33-S Syron sU Ec 1281