The News-Revlew, RoMburf, Or. Thur., Aug. 11, 1949 Society and Qluhi By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social Itemi submitted by tele phone (or the iociety page mait fy. turned In belore 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. triaays, ai wnicn tim th social calendar and Sat urday'i society page are closed weekly. 'birthday PARTY IS 06LI0HTFUL AFFAIR OF SATURDAY EVENING Mrs. Bob Crawford entertain- ed at a delightful birthday party at the Rice Valley hall Saturday evening honoring her husband, Bob Crawford, and also Mrs. wii liam Castor. The evening was spent In dan Ins and Dlaving cards. Refresh ments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Jean Cowan, Susan. John and Dale Cowan; Mr. and Mrs, Karl Hummel, Mr. and Mrs. rxiree Kremkau and Barrv: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Latham and granddaughter; Mr. and Mrs. Fe lix Latham, Mr. and Mm. Tom Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schosso, Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Pinkslon, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Al lan. Mr. and Mrs. George fcdes, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wales an1 Gary. Richard and Hellie; Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wales and Charles; Mr. and Mrs. William Castor, Mr. and Mrs. Lrvln Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Al Fonken. Mr. and Mrs. James Kidwell, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Strong, Mrs. Cecil Hartford and tecll Jr., Mrs. Marrv uunnar, Mrs. Emmett Churchill and Kay and Dcnna; Gus Glistrup, Charles hmery. Mrs. Opal lav lor, Mrs. Louise Snider. Mrs. Kit- tie Jobe, Kenneth Lamar and Barbara and Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crawford. AUXILIARY TO HOL0 PICNIC ON SUNDAY The Ladles auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railway Train men members will entertain their families at a four o'clock picnic dinner Sunday at Umpqua park. The chicken and Ice-cream will be furnished. Those attending are asked to bring food for the din ner and their own table service. I CALIFORNIA VISITORS CELEBRATE THIRTIETH , WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Yeg ge and son, Delbert, have return ed to their home In Clearwater, Calif., following a visit with relatives- in and near Roseburg. They visited their daughter, Mrs. K. M. Scollard and family near Drain: also Mr. Yegge's sisters, Mrs. H. A. Bailey and her hus band and Mrs. Ella Wandllng of Roseburg, and numerous nieces and nephews. While here. Mr. and Mrs. Yeg ge celebrated their thirtieth wed ding anniversary and relatives gathered In Umpqua park for an all-day picnic. Those attending besides the guests of honor and their son, Delbert, were: Mrs. H. A. Bailey, Mrs. Klla Wand ling, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Scol lard and sons, Darrell and 'Du ane, and daughter, Linda; Mr. and Mrs, H. M. Ballev and son, Terry; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bai ley and daughter, Brenda Lee, of Coquille; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cacy and son, Tlmmv. of Rid dle; and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wan dllng and sons, Stephen and Da vid, and daughter, Beverly.. ANNUAL PICNIC IS LARGE AFFAIF SUNDAY The Rice Valley Grange and Home Economics club held their annual picnic near Tvee bridge Sunday. Swimming, fishing and a picnic dinner were entoyed by Mr. and Mrs. George waller, Mr. and Mrs. Ervln Rice, Mr. and Mrs. William Castor. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Walker, Norman Walker, Mrs. Maude LeBell, Mrs. Frank Stapletnn, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wales. Charles Wales, Mrs. Cecil Hartford, Cecil Jr., Victor, Berneta and David Hartford, Bil ly Lamar. LeRoy Owens, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Churchill, Mrs. Emmett Churchill, Kay Church- Ill, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Church Ill, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank rfegers, Da vid Eggers, Mr. and Mrs. Al Fon ken, Mrs. Catherine Fonken, Mrs. Ralph Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kidwell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dunbar, Mr. and Mrs. James Wales, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Thlele, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Turner, Sandra, Cloria and Joyce Turner and Larry Shaw. Cm i-"Hi Neighbor, been to Carstens' sale?" WHEN YOUR PHONE RINGS answer by toying WIN A. FREE PRIZE! All you need to do Is answer your phone by saying "Hi Neighbor, been to Carst-ni Sale?" Carstens Kurnl- -ture Co. Is railing five numbers a day all this week . . to GIVE AWAY furniture If you answer with that magic slogan! Bv the way HAVE YOU been to Carstens First Furnl. lure Sale? Health Insurance . . in Its Most Appetizing Form Mel-O-Maid Ice Cream Pure, wholesome ice cream is so delicious that few of us stop to remind ourselves that it is olso obout the most healthful food we can cat. We buy ice cream because we like it. . This is especially true of children, and mothers take ad vantage of this natural liking' and serve Mel-0-Maid Ice Cream a health food several times a week. At your grocer's or favorite fountain "JTgjpasssCsBXaasns Manufactured and Distributed by Douglas County Creamery 'ablished Since 1899 Roseburg. Ore. RICE VALLEY H. I. C. HAS MEETING TUESDAY ' Mrs. Emerson and Mrs. Eg gers were hostesses to the Rice valley Home Economics duo Tuesday afternoon at the hall. Plans were completed for the Grange annual .picnic. The meet ing opened with roll-call on "household hints," and closed with group singing. Lovely refreshments were served by Mrs. Frank Eggers and Mrs. Ralph Emerson to: Mrs. Ed Bell, Mrs. Jim Kidwell, Mrs. Al Fonken, Mrs. Cecil Hart ford, Mrs. Ervin Rice, Mrs. Charles Ward, Mrs. Harry Dun bar, Mrs. Frank Churchill, Mrs. LeRoy Churchill, Mrs. J. G. Wales. Mrs. William Castor and Mrs. Emmett Churchill. FORMER YONCALLA GIRL IS RECENTLY MARRIEO Word has been received from southern Oregon of the marriage of Miss Janet Huntington, young eat daughter of the late Jay Hun tington and Mrs. Helen Bellows, to Clyde Hastings. The bride was born and reared In Yuncalla, where she attended gTade school. Mr. and Mrs. Hastings will make their home with Mrs. Bellows un til fall, when the bride-groom will return to Klamath Falls to com plete his course in Diesel engi- neerli.g. GOLF PROFESSIONAL TO GIVE LESSONS AT ROSEBURG COUNTRY CLUB Scottv Maisack, proiessional from the Grants Pass Golf and Country club, -will be at Uie Rob burg Country club Monday, Aug. 13, ana will give lessons lo mem bers of the club. For further In formation and for reservations for lessons, members are asked to call Mrs. L. E. McClintock at 1051 J by Friday. LILAC CIRCLE MEETING IS HELD MONDAY NIGHT Neighbors of Woodcraft Lilac circle. No. 9, met Monday eve ning at the I. O. O. F. hall and made plans for a picnic to be held at six-thirty o'clock the eve ning of August l.'Sth at the home of Mrs. Alfred Neal. All mem bers and their families are in vited. Three new members were Ini tiated Into the circle. Lovely re freshments were served at the clos of the meeting. MRS. R. E. MATHIS TO CELEBRATE 7TH BIRTHDAY NEXT MONDAY Mrs. R. E. Mathis, former res ident of South Deer Creek for many years, will celebrate her ninety-seventh birthday Monday, August 15, at the home of her daughters at 10338 Dunkirk ave nue, Los Angeles (251 Calif. Rose burg friends are asked to send cards or letters to her In honor of the occasion. Mrs. Mathis is the mother of E. M. Mathis of this city. INFORMAL DANCE AND DINNER AT COUNTRY CLUB IS POSTPONED The informal dinner dance planned for members of the Rose burg Country club Saturday, Au gust 13, has been postponed to a later date, according to an an nouncement made by the enter tainment committee. A general club picnic has been planned for late August, the date of which will be announced in the near future. KANSAS PICNIC TO BE EVENT OF SUNDAY The annual Kansas picnic will be an event of Sunday, August 14, at a one o clock basket dinner at Umpqua park. All former Kan sans and their friends are cord ially Invited to attend. Interest ing events have been planned for all ages attending the picnic. COMMODORE ROSE CLAN TO PICNIC ON SUNDAY The annual picnic of the Com modore Rose clan will be held Sunday at the Roberts Creek school grounds at a one o'clock basket dinner. All relatives and friends are invited to bring a bas ket dinner and enjoy the occasion. Give Your Crowd Soft Drink Juleps By GAYNOR MADDOX NIA Sull Wrllar When It's your turn to have the crowd for a summer evening get-together, surprise them with this cooling "Soft Drink Julep." Carbonated beverages speed up respiration and moisture evapo ration and -also offer a number of possibilities for unique services. The "Soft Drink Julep" is Just one. .. Soft Drink Julep (Serves 4) Eight bottles (7-ounce size! lemon-llme soda, 2 lemons, 2 limes, fresh cherries, fresh mint sprigs. Chill the bottles of lemon-lime carbonated beverage in the re frigerator. When very cold, pour the contents ol bottles Into a freezing tray; add the juice of the lemons and limes, mix gently and freeze until almost solid. To serve, scoop generous portions of (he frozen Deverage into lau glasses; garnish with a fresh cherry and a sprig of mint. With each glass, serve a bottle of chill ed lemon-lime soda yhich is to be poured over the frozen mix ture. Apricot Punch (Serves ) One cm apricot nectar, 2 large bottles gingerale, fresh mint sprigs. Chill the gingerale and the apri cot nectar. Pour contents of one bottle of gingerale into ice cune tray and freeze. To serve, till tall glasses 1- full of the apricot, nec tar, add several cubes of frozen gingerale and fill the glasses with chilled gingerale. Mix lightly, add a sprig of fresh mint and serve at once. Naw York Coolsr Peel rind of one large lemon In a long, thin strip and put it in a 2-quart pitcher with 12 cubes of kola carbonated beverage fro zen In ice cube tray. Pour in ne 1J ounce well-chilled bottle of' kola carbonaled beverage, 1 large bottle cherry sodat stir lightly and garnish with' half slices of lemon. Marshall Plan. Freight Rates Threats To Apple-Growing Industry, Association Told V. F. W. AUXILIARY MEETING IS HELD Veterans of Foreign Wars aux iliary met Tuesday evening at the armory. Plans were made for (he next meeting to be held Au gust 23, at eight o'clock at the armory. All members are paru cularly urged lo be present. TEEN-AG5RS INVITED TO PARTY SATURDAY All teen-agers of the Winches ter community are Invited to en Joy a party Saturday night, Au gust 13, at eigni ociock at me clubhouse with Glenda Van Horn, Bettv Robertson and Eulala Olds acting as hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson win act as cnap- erones. OVERALL AND APRON DANCE TO BE HELD SATURDAY EVENING An apron and overall nance will be sponsored at the South Deer Creek Grange hall Saturday evening, August 13. All Grangers and friends are invtted. Grange ladies are asKea 10 Dring pies. Civet, .used as a fixer and blender In perfume originally was employed lo scent glove leather. CHICAGO, Aug. 11-m The Marshall plan and high domestic freight rates bode no good for the apple-growing Industry, ship pers of the fruit were told here. J. waiter Hebert of Yakima, Wash., president of the Interna tional Apple Shippers assiciatlon. said present business conditions are particularly unfavorable for conunura concentration of grow ing in the state of Washington. 'This summer, for the first time since the depression of the imjos, we nave seen cars of fine fruit sell for less than freight costs at eastern auctions," he said. "We have seen thousands of tons left on the trees, tons which in other year's of the past decade would have been' harvested and sold at a profit. If rail carriers want to maintain fresh fruit ton nage, they must give considera tion to what the traffic will bear." He said Marshall Plan funds were making it possible for for eign countries which formerly bought 12 percent of the nation's apple crop, and 30 percent of the northwest's output, to make ni lateral agreements with each oth er for their fruit requirements. "It's time we took a more re alistic view of the world trade situation," Hebert declared. "We should adapt our trading policy to facts rather than visionary pol lyanna thinking. "We cannot hope to impose our multilateral trade Dollcv on the other nations of the world. Their mental processes do not function in terms of magnanimity and broad concepts. "A happy solution to our export problem would be restoration of the British market In exchange for like Quantities nf Pinniim apples' sold on United States mar kets. But that would be a return to multilateral trade, on which Britain seems to have turned her back." . Hebert said apple trade pros pects may force relocation of a large portion of the northwest nr. charduts In the central and east ern states. Such a general move ' occurred following World War une. Cancer-Stricken War Veteran Kills Himself MOSES LAKE. Aug. U-VP) A Seattle war veteran mhnt Mm. self fatally at 4:30 a.m. Wednes- uay wnue sluing Beside his two sleeping brothers in Moses lake state park. He was Grant Lee Bishop, 24, a snivel any oi vvasningion stu dent. He had camped out with his nrnmpn. Kniwrr mntt n.n 20, on a return -trip from 'PUll- nitin. Sheriff Twit IT ..ij the brothers rennrtH m ,.a .,,f. fering from cancer. He was twice wuuiiucu uuring ine war in .U rope. Driving Classes Here Open To Applicants Persons mnv an.n!l In , U - D... bure Junior Chamtwir r,t rvm. merce-sponsored driving classes. utriu rauu munaay ana Friday, at A lair's parking lot, corner of Main an ' Washington, by calling at the T1 nlnn-Pormin.' .. office, 214 W. Cas. St., or by Prospective instructees are urged not to call the Senior Cham ber of CnmrnnrcA n f u,hli. organization is not connected with the Jaycee-sponsored driving school.. SEA FOODS SANITARY MARKET of vt feet five ("eh "SIDE" J SHOW V Al f atvraW Editorially la MODERN SCREEN f Sido-buttonod gabardine (Paris is crazy lor buttons) Side Pockat (lashion lovts pockets) Plunge neckline Big culls V Lithe, young lines to make you TALLER, SLIMMER, LOVELIER than ever belore Rayon Gabardine, Tebiliied lor Crease-Resistance, in Dawn Grey, Creme do Cocoa. Normandy Sand or Sunray Aqua. Sizes 12V2 to 18 VS. 12.95 Phone 565-J UMPQUA RIDING ACADEMY East Douglas ana Ramp Road. Wotch for Sign. Horses for hire by the hour or day. Horses eoarded By the Month . Phone 16:8 R Custom Slaughtering and. Curing Hove your onimol sloughtered and cut by uj. We cut ond wrap each piece for your locker. Pork Slaugneraa1 Tuesday leaf and Veal Monday, Wednesday thru Friday Beef, veal ond pork for your locker ot wholesale prices. ROSEBURG MEAT CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS NOW... GET UP TO Obi Your Odd Watch M 5P n v New LAWSON'S will glvt you up to 50.00 trade-In on your old watch If you purchase a ntw watch during LAWSON'S BARGAIN SALE. Hurry though, this offer ends Saturday night. You'll find watches priced as low as M Choose from these famous brands Bulova Ar Longines Wyler tAt Elgin Gruen Hamilton All these watches are nationally known, all new, all in perfect working order. LAWSON'S con make this special offer because of a fortunate purchase of the bankrupt stock of Butler's Jewelry in Kennewick, Washington. The sav ings are passed on to you. Buy now for birthdays, Christmas ond other gift occasions that will be coming soon. SALE ENDS SATURDAY Open An Account I 00 Down a Week I Styles tsf .ftsd for fke i' Wom 'IP- dip 124 N. Jackson res clines slioppe Trade-In Phone 340 424 Winchester Phone 280