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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1949)
Bank With A Douglas County Institution Home Owned Home Operated Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Douglas County State Bank Opposition To Tlmbtr Acctss Rood Fundi Identified EUGENE. Aug. 11. OR Oppo sition to appropriation funds for timber accesi roads has come in part from the West Coast Lum bermen's Assn. and the National Assn. of Lumber Manufacturers, R. G. Titus, executive vice presi dent for Western Forest Indus tries Assn., told an Industry meet ing In Eugene Tuesday. "Ignorance of the alms of the proposal has caused the opposi tion," the Portland executive de clared. "Many congressmen have felt that this measure was an other out-of-the-pocket expendi ture, not the investment it actu ally will prove to be. The WKIA has found that the West Coast Lumbermen's Assn. and the Na tional Assn. of Lumber Manufac turers has opposed such a pro gram." He said that at present con gressmen are looking critically at all appropriations and tne iiv dustry will have to sell roads as an investment wnicn win oring dollar returns. With small individual timber s 'pplies dwindling, Titus pointed out, the Industry must look to public-owned lands for Its supply. The association, he added, has al ways objected to cuts In road funds and western states senators have been of some aid in restoring these funds. Some Japanese say that their practice of counting a baby as one year old at birth Is based on the Idea that life begins at conception. "QO D Charles Shaw, who is subbing for Bill Henry while the latter vacations until Aug. 29 from his Mutual-Don Lee week-day "Bill Henry and the News" program (6:55-7 p. m. PST), is probably the only radio reporter who ever literally sat on the lap of the person he was interviewing. It happened in Paris when Shaw Inter viewed the Polish presldent-ln-exlle, Stanlslaw Mikelacjsk. Several weeks before, the Jeep In which he was riding with othr war cor respondents was run over by a Sherman tank. Shaw received a broken leg and In order for him to get close enough to the micro phone for the interview, he rested his castbound leg on Mr. Miko lacjzyk's lap for the entire broadcast Interview. How William ". Mlkt" Meyts of tha Portland Orogonlan got hold of this ont, wt dent know, but In hit Wednesday column, ht stand that "Ester FJIIdttth, htad waitress at tho Umpqua hotsl In Rostburg for 20 ytara. Is visiting hsr nativo Moolo, Norway, but sha't homaslck. Wlthtt tx customers would snd htr a eard, care a Mr. Odgaard at Moolo." Good old Estor . ... how wo mitt htr, too. See by the papers that Miss Joyce 'Sheffel, last year's "Miss Roseburg," and Robert Brigham, both of Sutherlin have purchased a thing called a marriage license . . . and, Just by a strange coinci dence, these two have been selected to appear on tonight's "Here Comes the Bride" show at 7:30. You'll enjoy this couple's personal interview with KRNR's Del McKay and you'll be Just as delighted as they with the terrific selection of gifts they'll receive from local merchants on the show. Tune In "Hopalong Cassidy" at 8 . . . "The Fishing 4 Hunting Club of the Air" at 8:30. "The George Mayer Trio" at 9:30 . . . and a special "All-Star Game Preview" at 10:30 tonight. Thur., Aug. 11, 1049 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Or. S KRNR Tho Vote of T1m Konburf Nowa-Rtvlow MBS 1490 On Vour Dial tEMAlNINQ UOtES TODAI irOO WIUr Trohin. BIG DANCE AT WINSTON Friday, August 19 Musle By Sam and Hit Niteridert Howard's Hardwart Convenient Parking on Lor at Rear of Stor Of'1 V ' " - 7 I - hl - - S .' l II II ' Roteburg, Oregon . 4j f s :- L the rich, tangy colors of spice fffy vv r:.'"., i in a new, modern dirinerware ft ' T ' : : k y!V s pieces and In open stock .-. . all these extra pieces 1 P0 , ,rtHOr pttTI "5 . b . 5:V V CRAVY BOAT 1.75 Lf V 6"SOUPBOWl 65c jT ' XEEIy SALT AND PEPPER SET 1 .25 ' " .tfy 10"SAIAD BOW1....1J5 V"" .2S 7" VEGETABLE BOWL 1.00 SUGAR BOWL WITH COVER 1.75 V?T CREAMER 1.25 X 10"dlnnr plot 7" salad plot cral-frult dish cup and faucar Hov you $een it? If s HOLIDAY . . . the dinnerwart with tht new design, the warm colors, and a completely different flecked-finish glazel Modern shapes that fit well in patio, breakfast room, or dining room. Earthy, spice colors that do something for your decorative scheme. And that wonderful low price I A 20-piece set of this quality dinnerware only comes to $7,961 Packaged in 5 piece place settings for your convenience. Buy one or more and mix or match your colors. Pleasel Don't take our word for it. See HOLIDAY now. See for yourself how different dinnerware can be! Choose from these six new, spice colors Mint Green Cinnamon Brown Sage Grey Nutmeg Pink Ginger Yellow Spice Turquoise 4:1ft Frank Hemlnffway. 4:3ft Paaalnf Parad 4 4S Ncwi 5.00 B Bar B Ranch. 8:30 Adventure of Champion. 5 45 Cur ley Bradley. 00 Cavalrada of Safaty. S: 1ft Mutual Newsrael t:30 Sport Page. 83.1 Muilcal Interlude. 8 40 Local New. 8:4ft Southland Slnflng. 8 .tft Char lea Shaw. TOOFrank Purdy T.15 Music You Remember. 7 30 Here Cornea the Pride. Oft Honatong Cauidv. 8 30 Flahinf ft HunUng Club of t Air. trOO Newa. :ift John Wollohan OrehMtra. 9:30 Geors Mayer Tritx o 45 Walter Trohan. 10 00 The Falcon. 10:30 All-iur Gam Praview. 11:00 Cum In Mutla. 11:30 8lm Off. FRIDAY, AUGOif It, l48 COO Sunria Serenade 8: 1 ft Newa. 80 Muile. 30 Riae Shine. 7:0ft Newa. 7:1ft Break faat Gang. 7:3ft Muiic. v 7:4ft Local Nwa. 7:ftft Mualc. 8:00 MustC. 8:30 Modern Home. 8:4ft Music by Morgaa. 8:00 Wally'a Coffee Tim, 8:15 Book of Bargains 8:30 Man About Town. 9 40 Mutlcal Interlude. 8:.vv Shooner'a Guide. 10:00 Newa. 10:15 -Goipel ningert, 10:30 Say It With Muat. Art Baiter. 11:00 Ladlea Flrat. 11:30 Queen for a Dajr. 12:00 Mualc at Noon. 12:1ft Rporte Page. . 12:35 Muilc. 12:30 Clocking, the ttan. 12:3ft Mualc. 12:40 Local Newa. 12:4ft National Newa. 12 S3 Market Report!. l:oo Man on tne Btreee. 1:1ft Party Line. 100 Against the Storm. 1 30 Itra Requested 3:00 Johnson Family. 3:1ft Mualc. 3:30 Shuw Time. 3 4.1 Local Loan Show. 4 00 Walter Trohan. 4:1ft Frank Hemingway. 4 30 Passing Parade. 4:4ft Tlpa and Tune. BOO Music. 8:1ft Music. 5 30 All-star Football flam. 8:00 The Claco Kid 8 30 Carmen Cavalier. B 4ft Bob Kberl. BOO Newa. B 1ft HI Neighbor. B 30 Scandinavian Melody Tim. 45 Walter Trohan. 10 00 Casebook of Gregcry Hood. 10:30 Dance Orchestra, 11:00 Cuea In Mualc 11.30 Sign Off. VAGRANT "FLOATED" David Anderson. 63. transient. was given a ten-day suspended sentence on condition he leave town when he faced vagrancy charges in municipal court on Wednesday, Judge Ira B. Riddle reported. NO FIRE DAMAGE City firemen were called at 1210 a.m., Wednesday to extin guish a grass fire at the Rose burg airport. No damage was report ea. Km II WATER m yee etW it ,tl$WC$STl HflCIINT DUIAIU COMPACT QUIET UNIVERSAL PUMPS asd Water Systems 'pn itu. able ptrfonMae I. 4ii7Ma Urmtn. hmntwiwt, egublt grown, tsd iodnMrid pli.U . . , Y.t grt ill Ifae w.ler jou en m nk plenty t4 O1U7 one Boriaf part mmm hahitH pi aliot it ibe ibm t cnt. Tcrml if detirtd W. M. Sandall Co. Hiwoy 99 North rhent 1117R Proposed Portland Piinchboard Ban Loses PORTLAND, Aug;. 11 (.TV Mayor Dorothy Lee's attempt to ban all punchbc.'.rdt In Portland went down to defeat In the city council Wednesday. The council tied, 2 to 2. on the proposal, and that tie automatic ally deeateu it. Her measure would have out lawed the so-called "question and answer" punchboards, which award prizes lor giving the cor rect response to a question. She contended merchants were buying license stamps for that type of boards, but using them in illegal gambling boards. Mankind began using gold ear lier than he used silver. THE RED BARN For Delicious Steak and Dinners Open 5 a. m. to 11 p. m. Closes at midnight on Saturday 17 miles up the North Umpqua Road Annual (lassie between tht gridiron greats! ALL-STAR FOOTBALL GAME College All-Stars Philadelphia tagles Friday, August 12th 5:30 P. M. KRNR MUTUAL IROADCASTING SYSTIM COMING SUNDAY DAYS mm m TtAmoiifi UEiUWCtHMlf Taraatra wij LAKE DeWOLFE M hint FREEMAN KNOWLES HATCHER SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY or ' noMcan WALTE WM6 EI 4iat untnKi rMMCMM t-.'-i--i and Marshall THOMSON George TOBIAS in "GALLANT BESS" IN TECHNICOLOR nmm TN SUNDAY UK i I 4 n ayc v 1 CO-FEATURE 1 r4 ' t.l tUtnl MNNINC : if If-Jri !' ; ' rt " L ' MacDONALD NOW SHOWING JShSS1""' 1R' Fj Slrango W JiC n l"9l V- W NOW PLAYING U Socrets tmnmKmnnnwm . &$mr gaffo..