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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1949)
10 Tlit N.w.-RavUw, Roieburg, Or. Triur., Aug. II, 1949 Congress Hears Personal Plea Of Philippines Head For Anti-Red Aid By, JAMES D. WHITE Associated Press Foreign Newt Analyst In the midst of a debate on how much to spend on arming Eu rope against communism, Congress paused Tuesday to hear a question from another precinct. President Elplolo quiring 01 me r-nmppine repumic asueu. in effect, what about Asia? Qulrino'i point was that Asia will be lost to communism by de fault unless the "same courage and vision" Is applied there that went into the- democratic de fenses of Europe. He said Asia must first of all help itself, but that conditions are so bad that western technical aid and capital are needed If the lob is to be done on time. His sense of urgency, he said, had led him to start a movement toward a union of Pacific coun tries against communism. It could serve at a recejjlion center for whatever aid America de cides to extend. President Tru man's "bold new program" to help economically underdevelop ed countries is one wav this may be done. Tuesday Secretary of the Treasury Snyder asked Con gress to get one phase of this program started by guaranteeing private American Investments abroad. President Qulrlno first suggest- Wage Minimum Hour Of 75 Cents Wins House Nod WASHINGTON, Aug. 11 l!P The House definitely committed Itself Wednesday to a 75-cent-an-hour notional minimum wage. It tentatively accepted, by a 186-116 vote, an amendment of fered by Rep. Redden (D.-N. C.) to a substitute wage-hour bill sponsored by Rep. Lucas ID.. Tex.). Lucas bill Is backed by many Republicans and southern Democrats. The Lucas proposal originally called for raising tho minimum from 40 cents an hour to 65. It al-; so provided for a sliding scale or . adjustment to be made every year according to changes in the cost i of living. The wage could not have fallen below 50 cents an hour, however. Redden'i amendment drew heavy Republican and Democratic 1 support It wiped out the sliding scale section of Lucas' bill and substituted a flat 75-cent mini mum provision Identical to the corresponding section of the ad ministration bill. i The House still has to vote on the Lucas proposal as a whole, j but the 75-ccnt minimum appear ed sure to survive because that Is , the figure proposed in the admin istration's wage-hour bill. ed a Pacific union last winter when the Atlantic pact was an nounced. He got little attention at the time. To keep Mi proposal In per spective It is in order to note that his leadership In such a movement might well help him get reelected next fall. He faces very stiff opposition. Chiang Not Mentioned It's also worth keeping In mind that the first Asiatic leader to whom he talked about the Pacific union was China's Chiang Kai shek. Tuesday he. didn't mention Chiang, who has Just been pic tured as pretiy hopeless as an anti-communist bulwark by the American White Paper on Chi na. These are footnotes, and do not dPtraet from the basic validity of Qulrino's basic question: What about Asia? He makes It plain that the snread of communism is forcing this question Into more equal per spective with Europe. Assuming that Congress an.1 the American press and publ'c awake to the reality as Quirino describes It, the question of aid ing Asia is likely to boll down to one of method. The techniques of helping Asia are likely to be different. China has shown, for Instance, that ai.l like that for Greece, dumped Into the highly nationalistic Asiatic nlcture, can result in a debacle. Korea suggests the apparently unbridgeable gap that can yawn when the cold war Is allowed to split an ethnically coherent people. Never use fresh pineapple In a gelatin dessert, since the en zymes In the fresh fruit will pre vent the dessert from setting. Canned pineapple, however, may be used In gelatin desserts with safety. If you want to use the fresh fruit, be sure to boil it first. USED TIRES 1.00 up Sea us for all sizes of good used tires at tho lowest prices. Late model 15, 1( and 17-lrieh wheels for all makes cart, DOYLE'S Sales & Service Highway 99 at Garden Valley Phone 611 Maragon Evicted From U. S. S.nat. Lobby WASHINGTON. Aug. 11 John Maragon, one ol the figures In the Senate's Investigation of five per centers, was ushered out of the Senate lobby Wednesday on demand of Senator Murray (D. Mont.). Maragon, ' dapper man-about-Washington who once held a White House pass, approached Murray and offered to shake hands. "I don't want to shake your hand," Murray taid In a loud voice. "I haven't had any dealings with vou. What are "ou doing here?" Turnlne to doorkeepers nearby, Murray said: "Throw him out." Harold Norcross, a doorkeeper, took Maragon by the arm and escorted him to the doorway. Under the Senate's rules, only newsmen, senators and their em- Eloyeet are permitted in the lob More than 33 million short tons of cane and beet sugar were pro duced by the world in 1947. FORD PRODUCTION WORKERS LINEUP FOR STRIKE VOTE Ford Motor company production employes line up at the polls in Detroit to vote on whether they went their CIO United Auto Workers officers to call a strike backing up wage demands. Ford's Rouge plant is in the back ground. Site of the balloting was major issue between the two tides. Ford offered its plant prop erty for the purpose. Mediations board decided on spot near union headquarters. (AP Wire photo I j GALVANIZED PIPE ALL SIZES AND ANY AMOUNTS Pip Cutter "P S,ock "d $e' Soil Pipe ond Fittings Plumbing Fixture! Pip Vice Pip Wrenches Pip Fittings Electric Hot Woter Heotert BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 98 Located W. Washington St. and S P. R. R. Track! AILIS-CHAIMERS MODEL "6" A "Man-Size" Tractor If you grow vegetables,, berries, fruit, etc. in your spare time, here is a trac tor that will do your work at low post ti-Vi i 1a va j . las and ride in comfort i ... a tractor with all the convenience of modern Dower. yet all the flexibility of hand tools. Handles a full 12-Inch moldboard plow Unequalled visibility and traction Operates on 2 to 3 quarts of fuel per houi Speeds from V m.p.h. to 7 m.p.h. Maneuvers In small space Full line of Implements Whether you have 2 acres, 10 acres or more, stop in and see the rear-engine Model G. Get on the seat and find out what we mean by clear, straight-ahead vision. ( PLUS-CHALMERS - V SAHS AND SERVICE J Farm and Industrial Equipment Co. Hiwoy 99 North Phone 1559 Hit of iome,tfroo' TASTE TESTING WAS FUN . . . "Really fun,' said the women, men, girln and boy who recently took the carbonated orange drink "blind" taat teat. Some voted for thin drink, some for that, not knowing the names of any at the time. But when all return were chalked up, uranRe-L-nu&M with lta distinctive fresh fruit" flavor, natural color and just-right car bo nation was away in the lead. Scientists reveal reasons triy. BROWN BOTTLE PROTECTS "FRESH FRUIT" FLAVOR Mnny people ask whv Orange-CRUSH i always old in special "krinkly'v hrown bottlea.The reasons are good ones. Orange-CRUSH technicians give the answers: 1. The brown, corrugated glass structure of the Orange-CKUSH bottle resists sunlight. This is most important because sunlight is especially harmful to orange juice, causing it to deteriorate Uv nnivanlinff thmw riMmjiirinir rjiv. from reaching the juice after it has been bottled, the familiar "krinkly" brown bottle carefully guarda Orange-CKUSH until you open it and taste all of its delicate, sweet, natural fruit flavor. 2. The distinctive "krinkly" brown bottle Identifies Orange-CHUSH no the public can easily and quickly recognize it. 3. W herever you find Orange-CRUSH, all over the world, it is always bottled the an me way in the laminar krinkly Drown Dome, mere is never variation to confuse vou. 4. The Orange-CKUSH "krinkly" brown bottle feels comfortable in the hand a sure grip when pouring. With these facta in mind, look always for the distinctively-shaped, "krinkly" brown bottle that in variably identities the genuine Orange-CKUSH, that protects ita delicate "freah fruit" flavor and natural color: that fits tho hand to well. He fnmitthttd, be thrifty . . . buy delicioua Orange-CKUSH by the case, with confidence that you get a bigger money's worth, and that ita goodness is always protected by the Orange-CKUSH "krinkly" brown bottla. Keep it picture in your mind. ssm "Good heiRhbara" INJOY Oraege-CIUSH IN IIO Orange-CKUSH is sold in twenty countries through out the world. So on a "good neighbor" jaunt . . . for example, to Rio de .laneiro tn Brazil . . . vnu'd find Orange-CRUSH awaiting your pleasure. A "little bit of home" to cheer and refresh you with ita familiar bottled goodneaa, it's aparkling, lesty, "fresh fruit " flavor ! And no matter where you find Orange-CRUSH you'll find the same deli cious "fresh fruit" flavor and natural color pro tected by the familiar "krinkly brown bottle. OKANOI HIP. Fill lot b,ver. age gloss one-low In full off dulled Orangs-CKUSK Add m tobltspoon VenHIo Ice Cream. Stir kilo Oranga-CRUSH until smooth. Fill gloss with Orange CRUSH, stir w.ll and servo. De licious, extra-cooling flavor blond I ' OS.ANOI SHAKI. Fill parffaH gloss one-fovrrh fvH of Orange CRUSH. Into this stir one table spoon onango snofbot or rasp berry snwoel. Stir wntfl smooth. FM gloss with Orongo-CRUSH. Stir we. Whoa rooms K's roady so enioy. And, Mnm-ono . . . servo with cookies or plain cak,l jf Juice el tree-r.MnW Valeetle f . . . ft-avtv ''t Ctri ti4 f frein tne m; tvm iynp. Hit't Orente-CIUSNI mm mi if 1 Taste-Tea.frr,l - 0 '5 cl 1' Aty-o-sty . . - , ) J : -J -w-sw-sr , .fli. really aaaifn IL 1- ' f ' o t . how many dn- I T t .' clous variations ill 8& rxuijss. I II I I TVJ "w 5.- modeVy I f f-,. J' trays, with wooden skawor in "i J l I each. Frozen Orongo-CRUSH ys " V1 'i IwJTf : ' 'N evbos are wondorfvl, too, as tho Jf 4 , fkU 'ft 1 "lea" in lemonade or grape -v -," III . i ,'!' J ' S kiico. I vso Orange-CRUSH for . V 'J , J basting mooh-os a sauce Ho- -A V' ""I f ' it vorlng-wirh Ices, ko crtam or A 'y f1 I i' I 1 milk. And hero ore throe off my W J gk It "1 S ' I ''Sss, Orongo.CRUSH"guost specials"! WJ - V) V; ' fWJ f l T Tt" i ORANOI FROSTY. Serve U il U' chilled Orongo-CRUSH I. . WJXZ l V frosty gloss lopped with a sprig t?1 of mint. Sheer taste enjoyment 1 Jsesse-xj s. with a chicken sandwich or dev. f w i Sod ham sandwich! A mock JS f I delujre for family or guests. I v 3 Hit of Home, Abroad A 7kJWSWI-s-V- swse 1 "mm mw mu m in Customers Choose Favorite Bottled Orange Drink in "Blind" Taste Test Ment Women, Children Like Orange-CRUSH Best Orange-CRUSH Enjoyed By Whole Families r j rrcsh rruit rlavor Ir I Marjorie J., mother, when informed ' &3 I f ner choice in "blind" taste teat, P"iJ volunteered: "What I like about i . V Orange-CRUSH is its 'fresh fruit' fla I VrafT, vor. I have enjoyed Orange-CRUSH f ' 1 'or yea' DUt n"' not realized that swiwfeNsril sdl ita pleasing, distinctive 'fruity taste is so distinguishable when compared with other car bonated orange drinks." "Orange Sparkle Pleases1 Richard J., father: "I made my choice because 1 found the orange flavor 'sparkle' of this Orange-CRUSH drink particularly pleasing. The mak ers of Orange-CRUSH have certainly found the formula of tingling taste perfection in a bottled orange drink. There'll be more of it at our house." "Natural Tasting" Willie J., son: "Orange-CRUSH Is so natural tasting full of the fruity fresh-orange flavor that's tops with me! Does it erer taste good when it's nice and cold and its sparkly tingle kind of 'hugs your tongue' and a glassful is gone far too soon! Yes sir, I could go for a bottle of cooling, natu ral tasting Orange-CRUSH any time." rsv m "Freshlike Flavor Louiae J., daughter: "It's the 'fresh like orange flavor, with just enough cooling tinglv tiwte, that I like about r t-MjiioLi a . ; : j I've had a lot of bottled orange drinks, 1 u..a. - t l.j .1 k 1 y uu i iv r i itj vi cm nnu iiiv si. it uotui y-sj like you smeu wnen you open a wick of hie. ripe orangea and that's what I think of when I tast Orange-CHUSH, 4 TEEN-AGE "CRUSH" Jagjajj" .............. vm.--uitMij YOUNO MODERNS HAVE "CRUSH" . . . Yee, it's after school or holiday Orange-CRUSH time for today's teen-agers who know what tastea good ... in the heat of company . . . when having the beat of times, Umm-mm . . . delicious, cooling, ''freah fruit" fla vored Orange-CRUSH ... at the fountain of youth! In a most unusual taste test, Orange-CRUSH, famous "fresh fruit" flavored orange drink, proved again why it has been a favorite bottled refreshment for more than 33 years. All comers men, women and children were asked to taste several carbonated orange drinks. One was Orange-CRUSH. All testem were served "blind," in cups, none knowing names of orange drinks tasted. An impartial scorer asked, "which drink do vou prefer? which of these do vou say has the finest 'fresh fruit' flaw?" "DIFFERENT" TASTE WINS PREFERENCE Score marks lengthened in the "Orange-CRUSH" column as more and more said, "This for me." When &iked renons for this preference, the real story of Orange-CRUSH leadership was told: "Fresh fruit' flavor just enough sparkle more cooling no foreien after-taste" more "satisfying" "just like it better" tastes like "more" Here was human, present-day confirmation of the reasons why Orange-CRUSH is the best-knr-.n bot tled, carbonated orange drink sold in twenty coun tries throughout the world. Proof, once more, of the qualities that made Orange-CRUSH the official orange drink of the New York World's Fair, Chicago Worlds rair, and other great fairs. You, too. can taste the "difference" that has made Orange-CRUSH a world favorite carbonated orange drink for years. Delicious, "fresh fruit flavor." bottled Orange- CRUSH is sold in grocery stores and fountains all over America. You'll find it in your block, or "just around the corner." Try some today. "JUST RIGHT" IN TASTE TEST 11 JH1 1 I 1 Si'l i Drink "A TOO STRONG Heavy, sweet fla vortoo much sweetening gave urm a a ivr-up-like taste lacked refreshing Uf htnees . Drink -a" TOO WEAK . . . thin but sharp flavor of Drink "B" lacked natur alnessno cost or tang no fully rounded fruit qual ity . . . Orsnqo-CRUSH 'PERMCT" . . . but Orange CRUSH, ah. that "fresh fruit fla vor, that natural color cooling, de licious, refreshing t Only Tre-RiponeJ Valencia Oranges Used FROM SUNNY GROVES come the luscious Valencia oranges that are used in preparing Orange-CRUSH. Only the choicest oranges are selected, picked at the very pea 01 tneir maturity, l hese select oranges are rushed to the plant where they undergo a special proceraing developed over many years bv Orange CRUSH technician. In this wav. everv hit of flavor and goodness is saved for your enjoyment in a bottla of Orange-CRUSH. SMART DEALER . . . Si- ; ST TSI C15f ' tasssse i ..-: J elDl IflaT .1 'J t Inn HE MAKES SHOPPING EASIER . . . because ha knows families in growing number are buying Orange- CKUSH, in brown bottles, "by rAaoose. So he keeps well storked witn cows of Urange-CKUhH. and helps shoppers remember to buv with a well-displayed reminder to "BUY IT BV THE CASE." SMART SHOPPER . . . r - ya'sj-awifiiiiiiitgsaagsB ... J5j&L--.sJ IN. V iaV ,-4Ki f , 1 aeaM XLV'Sift""1 T H0MI you buv Orange CRUSH ey tht ease and keep a few bottl'ea always cool and bandy in your refrigerator. Delicious, cooling refreshment between home tajiks ... for active, thirsty children ... for "drop-ins" while you chat . . . for parties ... for the unexpected, oitmyt! ...THE DRINK WITH THAT "FRESH FRUIT" FLAVOR SCHERNER BROS. BOTTLING CO.