The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 11, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Til News-Review, Roseburg, Or. Thur., Aug. 11, 1949
Red Cross Unit
Seeks Rent Slash
In an effort fo cut overhead ex
penses, directors of the Douglas
county chapter, American Red
Cross, will meet with the armory
board Monday to seek a reduction
in office rent.
Douglas Sims, executive secre
tary, said the local chapter will
give up Its front offices on the
second floor of the armory and
move into the large room now
used for clothing production ac
tivities. Directors will seek an adequate
rent reduction, Sims said, to com
pensate the loss of office spare.
In the production room, he said,
there is a smaller office which
may be used for conferences.
At a meeting of the directors
this week, it was decided to se
lect an adviiorv committee to di-
rxt the annual red Cross enroll
ment campaign next March. The
committee would nave a major
voice In selecting the fund cam
paign chairman.
Ray Brown, water safety chair
man, reported that 171 certifi
cates have been issued to persons
who have completed Instruction
at Kosenurgs new municipal
pool. Reports are expected next
montn irom swimming classes at
Drain and Keeclsport.
"Subvtrsivt" Label
Upheld By High Court
Continued from Page One)
Old? Get Pep, Vim
With IWONt ptut tuap4mtilt
MEN, women
btiwtad lake eirti. ( onuin
I Ioa. ttf M.
, wofo-oiit or
it In lump iiIim
MMn trier 40- by tVMltea ma )um bet-kite Uri
Inf irnn; plus) rataum, ViuniB Hi - ThouurKl now
IVI pvm, yuan ynuiiiN. Try (Mini Tonn 1ablta
TODAY. Om iainxluour h mom tot Mir AO.
At druf itorM vrywhrt In Rn
burg, at Fred Myr'i Pullorton Drug
Hot, Sour Acids in
Throat After Meals
Ratlred pasadana Plr DapL Captain.
Walter 1. Hllrelh. MO summit Ave. in
JraUtud. for what Kal-O-Dcx has dona
or him, atatat, "I waa ao run down I
could hardly grt around couldn't alaap
at nlfht bacauaa I bloated up ao from
fond that aourad In my atomarh and
cam up Into my mouth had to taka
anmethlnff right along for relief. I feel
wonderful now alnca taking Kal-O-Dex,
for It keepa my nowela regular no
mora bloating or dlrzy apella. and I've
gained etfength aa my meala agrea with
me now anf 1 can Bleep nlghu."
KAL-O-DEX la an Herbal formula of
S luicea from Naturae Planta. It haB
relieved many people who had never
been really helped before by any medi
cine. Taken shortly before meala It
mlxea with your food, helping to elimi
nate the polBona that foster Btomac-h
trouble. It will cleanae the bowels, clear
gas from stomach, enliven Inteatlnea.
and remnvea old, sickening bile from
the aystem. So don't go on Buffering'
Get KAL-O-DEX at all Drug Scores
Money Back Guarantee. I
lenge was thrown out of the dis
trict court on a simple motion
to dismiss, the Appeals court had
to accept the statements of the
Joint Anti-fascist Refugee com
mittee. It claimed that it waa a
charitable organization.
If this were true, Edgerton
said, to call it subversive was
damaging and "contrary to fact."
Kdgerton said the refugee com
mlttee should have had advance
notice and a hearing before ,t
was Included on any such list.
This, he said, is one of the "basic
standards of fairness."
Kdgerton said the action of the
attorney general amounted to a
taxing ot iinerty or property
without due process of law."
The majority said, however,
that the publication of the list,
with the accompanying warning
that membership in any of the
organizations would be regarded
as one test of federal employe
loyalty, was a necessary step In
carrying out the loyalty program.
Dr. Edward K. Barsky, chair
man of the committee, and 10
other committee members were
convicted of contempt of con
gress last year. They refused to
turn their committee records over
to the House Lin American Activ
ities committee.
Senator's Ire Aroused
By Letter In 5 Pet. Quiz
(Continued From Page One)
ferred to an Aug. 7 letter from
Hunt to Oehler.
In the letter, Oehler told Hunt
of plans to sell In his area auto
motive parts worth about $100.
000,000 In. acquisition value. Oeh
ler wrote that "I will direct the
program." He added that "I have
carte blanche to sell them now on
negotiated or bid or odd lot sale.
The letter said "this Is confi
dential Information." Flanagan
said the words "confidential in
formation" were underlined. The
letter told Hunt "the time Is ripe"
to get into operation. It went on
to sav that he thought some
manufacturers and dealers "can
make a good deal procuring these
Mundt then spoke out. He also
wanted to know if there was any
thing In the letter that offers
"any Justification for a War As
sets administration employe, pass
ing along this secret Information."
Truman Pledges
Aid To Filipinos
In Progress Aim
President Truman reaffirmed to
day the desire and aim of the
United States to help the Philip
pine Republic "assume Its rightful
position as a free . nd self-reliant
member of the world communi
ty." The White House made these
views public in a statement
which bore the approval of Mr.
Truman and President Elpldio
Quirlno, the Philippines' presi
dent. Quirlno left for New York
today after a fourdav visit to
Washington at Mr. Truman's In
vitation. The statement said the two
presidents discussed "measures
lor the reenforcement and devel
opment of Philippine economy in
terms of the recommendations of
the report of the Joint Philippine-American
finance commis
sion Issued in 1947."
It said they are "convinced
that the economic progress of the
Philippines will be not only In
the immediate Interest of the two
countries but will contribute vi
tally to the determination of free
peoples to resist those forces
which seek their enslavement so
long as that menace shall threat
en." It said both presidents agreed
that resistance along this line
"will be most effective in areas
where the material well-being of
the peoples allows a full appre
ciation of the meaning of free
Five More Firms Taken
Over In Hawaii Strike
(Continued From Page One)
Giv your barm and buildings a PERMANENT roof that
will really stand-up against punishing wind and rain by
treating them to durable KAISER ALUMINUM ROOF
ING! Weathertight, fire-resistant, easy-to-apply, it will
giv you yean of extra protection at a minimum of up
keep cost. Phono 128 for your free estimate today!
402 W. Oak Phone 128
the legislature yesterday, the
governor asked It to determine
if the law needs more strength.
Pointedly, he mentioned "criminal
On the union side, the ILWU
asked all maritime union offices
in Honolulu to support the strike
in the same manner as the CIO
irurine engineers. The engineers'
executive board in Washington
ordered members not to work any
ship picketed by the ILWU.
Bridges and other ILWU lead
ers have said the ILWU will not
work for the government. They
plan a court tent of the seizure
law's constitutionality. They have
threatened to spread the strike
to the mainland if necessary.
CIO and independent maritime
unions in Philadelphia already
have voted not to unload ships
loaded In Hawaii behind ILWU
picket lines. The Isthmian freight,
er Steel Fiver, loaded by non
union longshoremen, is enroute
there with the first cargo of sugar
to leave since the strike began
May 1.
Meanwhile, the government
continued to sign up stevedores
for Its dock operation. More than
1.000 applicants lined up before
the hiring office yesterday. The
seizure law give strikers prefer
ence for the 1,500 Jobs.
The Island's 2,000 ILWU long
shoremen struck for a 32 cents
boost in their S1.40 hourly basic
Portland Girl Victim
Of Brutal Slaying
(Continued From Page One)
tlon to Bible school and her farm
produce work cards.
The girl had been beaten on
the head and stabbed twice with
a knife.
The detectives said Leland told
them he disclosed the story be-
cause "It's been on my mind ever I
since It happened." I
They quoted him as saying he
had picked the girl up early Fri
day morning as she started to
Hlllsboro to pick beans, and kept
her all day and night In the brush
of north Portland.
She refused his advances, the
detectives said Leland told them,
and "I got scared because she was
a good girl and would make trou
ble with the police."
The detectives said he told
them that early Saturday morn
ing he took the girl farther Into
the brush and attacked her with
a steel bar he found lying there.
Leland has served two peniten
tiary terms for conspiracy to
commit a felony and for obtain
ing money under false pretenses,
and has a Juvenile record.
Only two weeks ago, after serv
ing four months of a six-month
bad check sentence, he was re
leased from Jail for "good behavior."
Been looking for o really COMPLETE chain saw
service? See AL OLDS at 531 S. Stephens St.
Al will:
O Repair your chain taw any moke,
0 Install new links, new teeth for ony chain saw.
O File your saw chain RIGHT.
0 Install new ports for your present saw.
SAW: McCullochs, Dlsstons, Malls, Oregons,
I. E. L.'s, or any other.
Madras Councilman
Dies During Session
MADRAS, Aug. 11 Uty The
second Madras businessman to
drop dead at a public affair with
in a week collapsed and died
Tuesday night.
He was W. 3. Hew, middle
aged dry goods merchant, who
died after a heart attack at the
city council meeting. He was a
member of the council and also
chairman of the Madras airport
Hess came here three years
ago, after having owned grocery
slores in Grants Pass and Hood
river. The widow, and two sons
John Hess, an engineering In
structor at Oregon Slate college,
and James Hess, a 1949 Prine
vine high school graduate, sur
vive. A few days ago Guy Wade,
president of the Madras Cham
ber of Commerce, died at a base
ball game. That death, too, was
attributed to a heart attack.
Back-To-School Boost
Planned By Retailers
(Continued From Page One)
new street lighting program.
West said a definite date would
be announced laler.
The Retail Trades association
is a group composed of Rose
burg retail merchants, and Is af
filiated with the chamber of com
merce. President West stressed
the desire of the group to have
all downtown merchants partici
pate in the "Back to-School" pro
motion, whether they are mem
bers of the association or not. Re
tailers who desire more Informa
tion on the coming promotion
should contact West, Mrs. Mabel
Ij-wis, or some other member of
the association.
Bus Horror That
Claimed 15 Lives
Under Inquiry
BLOOM INGTON, Ind., Aug. 11.
UP Three crews of Investigators
studied charred fragments of a
Greyhound bus today in an at
tempt to learn why it carried 15
persons to flaming death yester
day. An even grimmer investigation
moved slowly ahead at an emer
gency morgue in the National
Guard armory. There weary of
ficials and dazed relatives tried
to identify the last of the bodies
of the victims.
Five remained unidentified.
Investigators for the Interstate
Commerce commission, Indiana
state police and Greyhound lines
were going through the wreck
age at the Greyhound garage in
They would say little, but
Superintendent Arthur M. Thur
ston of state police said that a
preliminary examination had dis
closed "no evidence of mechani
cal failure."
Earlier, driver Wayne Cran
mer, 25, Indianapolis, had said,
"it seemed like the steering gear
went out.
The tragedy was three fold 'n
one family. The list of identified
dead Included a mother and her
two children.
One survivor, Sgt. Dale Aik
man, 30. Camp Campbell. Kv.
was In critical condition. His
wife and two children were
among the dead.
Mrs. Arminta Brown, 61. In
dianapolis, one of those killed,
was the mother of the late "Wild
Bill" Cummlngs, who won the
1934 Indianapolis motor speed
way 500-mile race and was killed
The Weather
U. I. Weather Bureau Offic
Roseburg, Oregon
Cloudy and slightly cooler to
day and tonight, becoming fair
Highest temp, for any Aug... 10
Lowest temp, for any Aug.. 39
Highest temp, yesterday 81
Lowest temp, last 24 hrs. 51
Precipitation last 24 hrs. 0
Precipitation since Sept. 1....27.eV
Precipitation since Aug. 1 T
Deficiency since Aug. 1 07
Births at Mercy Hospital
HARRELI To Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Ores Harrell, route
Box 161, Roseburg, August 10, a
daughter, Sandra Lee; weight
eight pounds three ounces.
THOMAS To Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Allen Thomas, ata.- route,
Oakland, August 9, a son. Ronald
Lee; weight six pounds three
Cold has been in use for some
6,000 years.
Mrs. George L. Hall
Passes At Edenbower
Mrs. George L. "Amy" Hall, 85,
died at her home in Edenbower
this morning after a prolonged
She was born Dec. 7, 1864, at
Salem and had lived in this area
many years. Surviving are the
widower and two daughters, Mrs.
Emma Chaffin, Susanville, Calif.,
and Mrs. Mary Stelzier, Myrtle
The body was removed to Long
and Orr mortuary, where funeral
arrangements will be announced
All Kinds
rV rl 2nd Ave S. Phnn' 212
Falls To Death Trying
To Escape Heat Wave
NEW YORK, Aug. 11. -P
Samuel Goppelberg, 24, one of
the millions suffering from New
York's heat wave, moved his
bed over near a window last
night to get a bit of air.
His shrieks woke the neigh
bors at 4 a.m., today.
Rolling over In his sleep, he
fell out the window to death In
a rear yard five floors below.
Just ten years ago In a traffic
accident. Her husband, Homer G.
Brown, 55, also died in the
Now Many Wear
With More Comfort
FASTTETH. a pleasant tlkahnt mon
eld' powder, holda false teeth more
firmly. To eat and talk in more com
fort, Juit ip rinkle a little rASTRETH
on vour plate. No lummy, gooey, panty
Uete or feeling. Check! "plate odor"
(denture breath. . Ut FASTEETH at
anv dm, stor.
LB 39c
0 Read the article on
Polio in the August is
0 Pay particular atten
tion to the fourth par
agraph in the center
column of page 39,
0 Go out and get that
0 It may mean your
Child's Health or even
his Life.
The Business Men's Assur
ance Co. has THE Family
Polio Insurance.
CALL 938-J-4
Lowest Prices Everyday at Fred Meyer. Prices Good Through Saturday.
mj ID
II All
Now only 8.00
25.00 Wardroberte, . 12.50
21.50 Travel Case, 26-inch 10.00
32.50 Forrnighter, 29-inch 16.25
17.00 Cosmetic Case, 15-in. 8.50
25.00 Hat or Shoe Case 12.50
All prices plus 20 federal tax
Evening in Paris
Bath Powder
and Cologne
1.35 plus tax
A generous tire bottle of Eve
ning In Paris Cologne with
your favorite Evening In
Parie Bath Powder.
Fred Meyer
10 lbs. 39c
50 ft. Black, all rubber 3.79
25 ft. Red, one-ply 2.49
50 ft. Red, one-ply 4.49
25 ft. Green, two-ply 2.99
50 ft. Green, two-ply 5.69
1.25 Absorbine Jr.,4oz .53c
44c Doan's Kidney Pills 35c
29c Fred Meyer Calomine Lotion 19c
43c Fred Meyer Antiseptic, pt 35c
99c S.S.S. Tonic 79c
Nowl Toni Home Permanent
Twice As Easy-Twice As Fast
Giv yourself a Ton!. tylurtlM'TpTTt
rwir at eaiv. fwlf (--' di ".
at fast. New photo B&B3li
method, directions
and new spin curlers
cut curling time,
gives a longer,
stronger curl.
1.00 Value
Now 3 for 1.00
Hormone Cream
3 for 1.00
Plus Tax
6 oz. 1.49
Plus Tax
A truly tine hormone cream
to help keep your skin glow
ing with freshness.
1.95 Value
Three Revlon
Plus Tax
Assorted Shades
Dew Deodorant QQ
Sproy TFOZ
Etiquet Deodorant
Cream 2Se & O VC
5-Day Pads,
Tintz Shampoo Soap 50c
Wildroot Hair Rinse 10c
Lovalon Hair Rinse 25c
Golden Glint Rinse 23c
Noreen Color Hair Rinse 50c
Ray-Du Hair Rinse 25c
All Prices Plus Tax "
Regular 15c
Vi price
8c PKG.
2 for 15c
Paper Plates, 9-in., pkg. of 8
Paper Cups with handles, 8 ox.; pkg. of 8
Napkins, package of 50
Spoons and Forks, pkg. of 12
Your choice of the above items at only one-half prioet
Deodorant 25c & 39c
Refill Kit and Curlers.
BOTH for only .....
531 S. Stephens St.
Phone 1665-J
All Prices Plus Tax
112 N. Jackson