The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 11, 1949, Page 1, Image 1

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    U. Of O. Library . Corny, ,. i
Eugene, Oregon
. J - jar-'l -
taking off on a flying horseback ride at Umpqua academy, Raeda
it mounted on Mitii and Pauline on Keno, two animals George
Bronaugh, academy owner, it very proud of. ,
Raeda it entering Oregon State thit (all. Pauline it working
' at Huddletton't Shoe ttore. Both graduated from Roteburg High
latt June and both were majorettes in the tchool band Pauline
at drum major during her tenior year.
Free Bus Trips Offered
Shoppers By Retailers On
Fall Goods Bargain Day
A free bus trip to downtown Roseburg will be given city shop
pers Aug. 17 by the Roseburg Retail Trade association.
This was the announcement made Wednesday at the regular
monthly luncheon meeting of the R. T. A. at the Umpqua hotel.
Accord Reached
On Farm Program
A compromise farm program
for next year won unanimous ap
proval today, of a bi-partisan sen
ate agriculture suocommDittee.
The group struck out all re
maining provisions for "produc
tion payments" proposed by
Secretary of Agriculture Brannan
as part of his overall new farm
Brannan suggested this elim
ination last weekend after the
House previously had killed off
a proposed trial run limited to a
few farm products.
Senator Anderson (D.-N. M.),
chairman of the seven-man sub
committee, said the compromise
bill will be considered Saturday
by the full 13-member Agricul
tural committee.
Approval by that group appears
likely because the subcommittee
Is a majority of the full group.
That would send the measure on
to the Senate.
Teamsters Awarded Pay
Boost, Word Week Cut
ten-cent hourly pay boost and
44-hour week takes effect Mon
day for 450 AFX. teamsters work
ing under a state-wide agree
ment with creamery concerns.
The higher pay and shorter
week were recommended' by an
arbitration board after negotia
tions reached a stalemate. Team
sters have bee.n .working a 48
hour week for the creameries.
The arbitration board also di
rected employes to make "sincere,
preparations" for a 40-hour week
at the expiration of the new
agreement, which also provides
for higher overtime pay.
The agreement affects cream
ery workers' In Portland, Eugene,
S.ilm, Pendleton, The Dalles,
Medford and Vancouver, Wash.
Govt. Spending Threatens
Inheritance Of Posterity,
Former President Says
PALO ALTO, Calif., Aug. 11. UP) The nation today had the
sober warning of its only living former president that Its spending
policies. If unchecked, will rob posterity of its inheritance.
Former President Herbert Hoover, in a significant address, as
serted last night that the United States "is blissfully driving down
the back rud to collectivism at top speed."
"We have not had a great so-
realization of property," he said, , humanitarian,
"but we are on the last mile to Hoover headed a special corn
collectivism through g ov e rn mission on government organlza
mental collection and spending of tion which recently compieted a
the savings of the people." i two-year study with a report
me country a president from ,
1929 to KM spoke before an esti
mated 10.000 persons on the Stan-
lord university campus.
Ine occasion was his iSth birth
day celebration, sponsored by the I the government either takes over,
university in tribute to Its most which is socialism, or dictates in
fa metis son. a graduate of its ! stitutional and economic life.
first class in 1895.
President Truman's message of
congratulations and good wishes
was among the thousands which
came from all over the world.
Some of them came from foreign
lands where Hoover's administra
tion of relief established his name
ah i i
-6, v
Scheduled as a part of the R.
T. A.-sponsored "Baek-to-School"
promotion, free bus service will
be offered between 9:45-11:45 a.
m. next Wednesday as Roseburg
merchants go all out to hall the
coming school year.
According to Association Presi
dent Roland West, all cooperat
ing merchant will, feature bar
gain prices on some merchandise
as a part of the annual "Back-to-School"
campaign. He said that
although the formal fall opening
is scheduled for later in the fall,
new fall merchandise will be of
fered this coming Wednesday to
the city shoppers.
Also discussed at the noon
meeting were plans for the fall
opening. A gala celebration feat
uring I he treausre hunt, decor
ated windows and special displays
is tentatively slated to coincide
with the switch-over to the city's
(Continued on Page Two)
Stampede Queen
Contest Sunday
An attraction at the first an
nual county fair this month will
be the annual Trail Dust Saddle
club "Stampede," to be held three
days Aug. 25, 26 and 27.
Competition for queen of the
stampede will be held Sunday
at the fairgrounds. The contest
is open to any single girl, aged
12 to 21.
Candidates for queen must pro
vide their own horses and will
be judged on ine basis of their
horsemanship, appearance, and
popular applause from the grand
stands. Sunday's program will start at
2 p. m..
A 10-day horse race meet at
the fairgrounds will open Aug.
17. Last three days of the meet
will coincide with the fair. Horse
racing will be at night, the ama
teur rodlo in the afternoon.
Stock for the stampede will be
provided by Hugh Shepard of
recommenaing economies oi lour
billion dollars a year.
In his talk, he assailed the costs
of government.
" Along this road of spending,
which is fascism." he said
Hoover said "Mr. Average citi
zen " now must work 61 days a
year to support local, state and
federal government. Proposed ad
ditional government spending
would take another 20 days' work,
he said.
House Votes Minimum
The Weather
Cloudy and slightly cooler
today and tonight, becoming
fair Friday.
Sims today 7:22 p. m.
Sanrlta tomorrow 1:12 a. m.
Established 1873
Blurts Out
Killer, Explaining Deed
Weighed On Mind, Leads
Officers To Hidden Body
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug.' 11.
(.T A sallow-faced young man
led police today to the oofly oi a
15-year-old girl who had been
beaten, stabbed and hidden under
a log pile near a Portland bridge.
Detectives Noel Eck and Sgt.
Dan Mitola said the man, picked
up on another charge, voluntarily
blurted out the story of a brutal
slaying that police had never sus
pected. They said a 22-year-old man
with a long criminal record ad
mitted killing the girl after she
refused his advances, because
"she was a good girl and would
make trouble with the police."
"It Is the most coldblooded
case I've ever had," said Chief of
Detectives William Browne.
The girl Thelma Taylor, Port
land, a young farm worker had
been reported missing by, her
parents last Saturday, but there
had been no previous hint she
had met with foul play.
Sgt. Vern Nicholson arrested
Morris Leland, 22, Portland, this
morning on suspicion of driving
a stolen car.
On the way to the police sta
tion, Leland said he wanted to
talk to homicide detectives, be
cause he knew about a murder.
Detectives Eck and Mitola said
the 22-vear-old Leland told them
he had'killed a girl last Saturday,
and led them to a log pile In the
brush In north Portland.
Preyed On His Mind
There police found the girl's
body, fully clothed in the bobby
sox, plaid shirt, and levis she had
been wearing when she left her
home last Friday morning to pick
beans at Hillshoro.
In her" billfold was" an'Tnvlta-
(Continued on Page Two)
Total Of Polio
Cases In Nation
Boosted To 11,000
(By th Awoclat'-d Prwwl
More than 3,000 new polio
cases this month have boosted the
nation's total for this year to
over 11.000.
An Associated Press survey
through August 9 showed that
the number of cases in 1949 was
running roughly 4.000 ahead of
that for the same date in 1948.
Last year, with a total of 27,
680 cases reported, was the sec
ond highest on record for polio
Incidence. The worst year was
1916 when more than 30,000 cases
were counted.
Judged solely by case figures,
the polio situation looks more
alarming than it really is, health
authorities pointed out. They said
a greater percentage of polio
cases are reported each year, and
that many of the added propor
tion are so mild they would have
been diagnosed as a cold in the
head a few years ago.
Actually, the 11,000 cases re
ported to date represents a ratio
of about one victim to every 15,
000 persons in the United States.
There was no accurate check
on the number of deaths from the
disease to date this year, but they
were expected to run between six
and nine per cent of reported
cases. This would mean about one
fatality to more than 150,000 per-
Housing Needed For
Roseburg Teachers
City School Superintendent
Paul S. Elliott issued a plea to
day for housing for the city's
new school teachers.
Housing for 20 teachers Is
vitally needed, he said, with ap
plicants ranging from single men
and women to male teachers with
One of the teachers, Percy W.
Buss, is in Roseburg today, look
ing for a house to rent, prefer
ably two-bedroom unfurnished.
Buss is married and has a two-month-old
He will teech sixth grade at
Fullerton school and be in charge
of physical education and school
Belgian Chosen Head Of
Europe's New Council "
STRASBOURG, France. Aug.
11. (JP) Paul-Henri Spaak, Bel
gian Socialist leader, was unani
mously elected today as the first
president of the European con
sultative assembly.
Spaak resigned yesterday as
Belgium's acting premier and
foreign minister so he could take
over the top lob in the newly,
created council of Europe.
Winston Churchill, Britain's
wartime prime minister, nominat
ed Spaak for the assembly presi
dency. The 101 delegates from a
dozen countries quickly endorsed
the selection without opposition.
Girl, 15,
Boy, 5, Sues To
Annul Divorce,
Asks Damages
NEW YORK. Aue. 11.
Mom and pop made a mistake,
claims five-year-old Ronald Hen
ry Farah.
The boy, just out of kindergart
en, filed suit in State Supreme
court yesterday for annulment
of his parents divorce.
His petition claims a 1945 Reno
divorce obtained by his mother
and guardian, Mrs. Frances Far
ah, is not valid because she was
not a bona fide resident of Ne
vada. Named as defennant in the
suit is the boy's father, Henry
Farah, a fabrics manufacturer.
The boy also askes $30,000 dam
ages, claiming his father mis
represented his financial posi
tion in an agreement, incorporat
ed in the divorce decree, which
provided that he pav $35 weekly
to support the mother and boy.
The action was brought through
the mother. Her attorney, Ber
nard Kaufman, said the mother
could not sue to have the divorce
set aside because sne was a party
to it, but that Ronald, as an
outside interested party, could
and did.
Label Upheld
By High Court
The U. S. Court of Appeals to
day upheld the governments
right to label certain groups
The 2-to-l decision was handed
down in the case of the joint
ant 1-Fascist Refugee committee
which had appealed to the court i
aitea-.U. was included -on Ak-
torney General Clark s "subver
sive list" two years ago.
The Appeals court affirmed the
U. S. District court here in dis
missing the refugee committee's
suit on a motion by the govern
ment. A list of alleged subversive or
ganizations was published by the
attorney general in connection
with the loyalty check on fed
eral employes.
Justices Bennett Champ Clark
and James M. Proctor said the
Justice department had acted for
the President of the United States
and that "had the President per
formed the task himself, his acts
could not have been challenged
On Justice Dissents
Justice H. W. Edgerton filed
a sharp dissent.
He said that since the chal-
(Continued on Page Two)
Baby's Life At Stake At
Actress Goes To Hospital
Loretta Young rested quietly
early today in Queen of Angels
hospital after earlier fears that
she might lose a baby she is
The 36-year-old m ivle star fain
ted yesterday on a mr.vie set and
was carried to her dressing room
by co-star Clark Gable.
Tom Lewis, her advertising
executive husband, said Miss
Young had been in pain late last
night and early this morning but
that doctors hoped to save the
He said that she is In her third
month of pregnancy. They have
three children.
Blind Man Who Nominated
Gen. M' Arthur Loses Leg
MILWAUKEE. Aug. 11.-4-The
blind attorney who nominat
ed General MacArthur for the
presidency lost a leg yesterday.
Harlan W. Kelley, who suffers
from diabetes. undrwent an ap
eration in which his right leg
was amputated above the knee.
But he plans to con'inue his law
practice and run for congress in
1930, he told friends. Kelley gets
around with a guide dog. .
Kelley, 46, long a leading re
publican, suffered complete ios
of vision more than a year ago.
His speech at the 1948 national
republican convention placing the
name of MacArthur in nomina
tion won him an ovation.
Boys Plus Firecracker
Cause Loss At Ashland
ASHLAND, Aug. 11. (.)
Jackson County Juvenile Officer
John Richard planned a hearing
today for two bovs, aged 12 and
13, Involved in the fire that de
stroyed a woodyard and lumber
Assistant Police Chief Herb
Hayes said the boys had admitted
tossing a firecracker into a tar
barrel that exploded into flame.
The blaze quickly spread througn
the Whittle Transfer and Fuel
company yard and caused heavy
damage to the Copeland Lumber
company warehouse.
5 More Firms
Taken Over In
Hawaii Strike
Harry Bridges Voices
Defiance; Union Stand
Backed On Mainland
HONOLULU, Aug. ll. UPt
Ha all extended government seiz
ure to all seven of the islands'
struck stevedoring companies to
day. CIO longshoreman leader
Harry Bridges said the territory's
effort to reopen its strike-plugged
ports will fail.
Gov. Ingram M. Stainback sign
ed orders late yesterday to bring
five firms in the outer islands
under territorial control. He had
done the same Tuesday for Hono
lulu's two companies. Actual take
over of all seven was expected to
be completed today.
oiniuiiK sieveaores or tne uiu
International Longshoremen's and
Warehousemen's union announced
mainland support In their avow-
ea attempt to dery government
dock operation.
Bridges, president of the ILWU,
told a meeting of high territorial
officials: "I'm here to tell you
the territory is not going to break
this strike. It has gone on for
103 days.
Showdown Inpends
Both the government and the
union prepared for the show
down. Stainback warned: Anybody In
terfering with the territory's dock
operation "will be dealt with
swiftly with all the force of the
ine dock seizure law, passed
by a special session of the Ha
waiian legislature, prohibits any
"concerted activity Interfering
with government operation. Penal
ties are .xiu lines and three
months In jail. -In
a special appearance before
(Continued on Page
Missing Plane With Four '
Occupants Still Sought
(By Th AuocUted Preul
A three-state search for a miss
ing plane and Its four occupants
continued today. Rescue flights
had little to guide them except
the meager information that the
plane was enroute from Brem
erton, Wash., to Santa Fe, N. M.
The pilot, C G. Walsh of Santa
Fe, filed no flight plan prior
to his Sunday takeoffs. His prov
able route was unknown.
With him on the flight were
Mrs. Charles Gay of Los Alamos,
N. M., her son, Charles, about
15, and Miss Edna Taliaferro, 21,
an employee at the Puget Sound
naval shipyard.
Miss Taliaferro s fiance, Rich
ard Ness, 22, arrived yesterday
In Bremerton to aid in the
search. He took leave from his
summer job with the soil con
servation service near Ferndale.
Grain Processing House
Of General Mills Burns
TACOMA. Aug. 11. P)-The
100-foot high head house of the
General Mills Co., farm store in
South Tacoma was destroyed this
morning bv fire which did an
estimated $55,000 damage.
Capt. William Schlegel, 46, was
painfully but not seriously burn
ed when he fell through the fire-
weakened first floor Into the
basement. Fellow firemen pulled
him to safety.
The head house Is used lor
processing of grain. Building loss
was estimated by the fire chief
at $30,000. The remainder con
sisted of fixtures and machinery.
Ford Motor Workers In
Michigan Ask Wage Hikes,
Health Benefit, Pensions
DETROIT, Aug. 11. VP)
overwhelmingly to strike If necessary to get pensions, health benefits
and a wage Increase.
The state labor mediation board reported that 65,001 voted for a
strike and 9,549 against. This was a 7-1 majority.
The three-day election, requir
ed by state law, cleared away
the laxt legal obstacle to a strike
of Ford Motor Co.'s 106.000 hour
ly rated production employes. 80.
000 of whom work in Michigan.
The election was asked by the
CIO United Auto Workers.
UAW President Walter Reuth
er said there would be no im
mediate walkout.
The vote totally corresponded
almost exactly with results of
a nationwide union - conducted
strike election In Ford plants.
That elpction. held in July, re
sulted in a 7-1 maturity for the
Union leaders were Jubilant
over the result.
It did not min, however,
Ford workers would strike Im
mediately. In a statement. Union
11, 1949
Of Brutal
I tjr . J
ward Summers, 34 (above), ar
rested in San Francisco by the
FBI. is baina held there for
Tacoma, Wash., authorities. Ha
has bean charged in Tacoma
with the rifle-slaying on July 16
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Easlay,
an elderly couple, whose bodies
were discovered on July 20 by
berry pickers, buried near Chi
nook pass. Summers has admit
ted the double salying, which
occurred in the Easlay home,
but maintains it was an "acci
dent." (Ap wirephoto.l
Dynamite Attack
Hits Newspaper
SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Aug. 11.
(P) Three plate glass windows In
the prefs room or tne striKe
bound Springfield Newspapers,
Inc., plant were smashed by dyna
mite early today.
The -ehanrev which j nnllcflieli' ,
mated at between a half-stick and
a full stick of explosive, appar
ently was thrown against one of
the windows from the street.
The concussion ripped out
three large panes of glass and
sent slivers toward a new 112
page press recently Installed at
the newspaper plant. No one was
in the press room at the time.
Members of the Springfield
Typographical union No. 158
have been on strike at the news
paper plant since July 11. The
newspaers have continuea to
publish despite the strike.
The dynamiting followed by
two days the beating of a 32-year
old non-union printer, Kenneth
The company publishes the
afternoon Leader and Press and
the morning Dally Springfield
News and the Sunday News and
Ginger Rogers Wants To
Shed Husband No. 3
Virginia Catherine McMath Cul
pepper Ayres Brlggs-G I n g e r
Kogers, lor snort wants a Di
She's been doing some "griev
ous mental suffering" lately, the
37-year-old actress said In a com
plaint yesterday, all on account
of her 29-year-old third husband.
Jack Briggs.
When they were married i n
1943, she exulted: "He's every-,
thing I've ever dreamed of."
A property settlement was
reached out (if court. They have
no children. She asks no alimony.
Ginger divorced Lew Ayres In
1940 and vaudevillian & J. Cul
pepper !n 1931.
Ford workers in Michigan voted
President Walter Reuther said:
"The UAWCIO -s prepared to
continue negotiations with Ford
Motor company in a sincere and
genuine effort to rejeh a fair
and equitable settli-ment of the
issues Involved through down to
earth collective bargaining across
the conference table.'
The company in a tatement de
clared Its position to bargaining
with the union wis unchanged
bv the election. It v.'arned em-
! -:
- v' ' V-
filoyes tnat it a siriKe is canca
t mav be a long one.
Contract talks have been un
der wav since June 2. The com
pany has rejected union demands
for SlOO-a mnnth pensions and
other benefits hut offered to
frw.74 wages at their present lev
el for 12 months.
188 49
Senator's Ire
Is Aroused In
5 Pet. Inquiry
Letter To Key Figure,
Hunt, Branded By Mundt
As Bribery Invitation
Senator Mundt (R-SD) heated
ly charged today that a letter
written by a War Assets admin
istration employee to James V.
Hunt, in August, 1947, was a
"blatant Invitation for bribery or
connivance of some kind."
Mundt, a member of the
senate investigations subcommit
tee, spoke out after a committee
investigator had read the con
tents of a letter which he said
was written by Clarence H.
Oehler to Hunt.
Another letter told of Oehler
obtaining for Hunt match covers
with "White House" "H. H. V."
and "H. S. T." printed on them.
Hunt, now a Washington bus
iness counselor, has been a prime
figure in the committees in
quiry into activities of "five per
centers" The committee Investigation
Previously has developed that
hint ordered books of match
folders bearing the Imprint
-swiped trom Harry S. Truman.
Hunt said then that he was act
ing at the request of the White
"H .H. V." are the initials of
Maj. Gen. Harry H. Vaughan,
President Truman's military aide,
whose name has figured in the
Francis D. Flanagan, commit
tee investigator, said that Oehler
was a warehou.'e specialist tor
the WAA in the western area at
the time he wrote letters to Hunt,
formerly a $50-aday consultant
for WAA in Washington.
Oehler, now with the American
Industrial De yelopment. .conjora
tion 6f Rr Louis, wai In the room
during Flanagan s testimony. He
was to take the stand later.
The committee also planned to
take the lid off evidence that led
to suspension of the army's
chemical corps chief, Maj. Gen.
Alden H. Waltt, last July 16.
Flanagan said the correspond
ence which he read to the com
mittee was taken from Hunts
LetUr Arouses Ira
Mundt's Ire was aroused when
the investigator read a letter
dated Aug. 15, 1947, which re-
(Continued on Page Two)
Alaska Governor
Scores Denial Of
Defense Money
ANCHORAGE, Alaska. Aug. 11.
(IP) Action of the U. S. House
of Representatives in shelving
the military appropriation bill
continuing Alaskan defense prot
ects was described by Governor
Ernest Gruening last night as
"nothing short of unbelievable."
"While congress ha lust ap
proved a $5,797,000,000 Appropria
tion for Europe to check the ad
vance of communist totalitarian
ism across the Atlantic, three or
four thousand ' miles away," he
charged, "it denies less than two
and one-half per cent oi tnat sum
for the long overdue defense con
struction of our own American
territory Just 54 miles away from
our police-state neighbor."
He accused congress of per
petuating Alaska "as America's
Achilles heel."
"It was the only part of
America invaded by the enemy
during world war II," he as
serted, adding that it could be
taken tomorrow by a minor-scale
airborne Invasion.
He said the congressional ac
tion would mean the loss of at
least a year and a half in mili
tary construction "that should
have been completed by now."
"Postponement is moreover the
height of wastefulness," Gruen
ing continued. "It will mean all
work will have to be stopped,
construction crews shipped back
to the slates and recruited all
over again If and when Congress
decides to act probably not un
til June, 1950, If then."
The bill carried appropriations
of $137,738,712 for Alaska defense
Non-Support Of Children
Brings Sentences To Two
Edwin B. Moore, 36, LaGrande,
and Leroy M. Cadwalader, 37,
Reedsport, received Identical sen
tences when they pleaded guilty
yesterday In circuit court of
charges of non-support of a minor
child. Judge Carl wimoeriy
Both men were given one-year
sentences to the' state peniten
tiary and were placed on parole.
Wayne Elder Palm, 29, Camp
View ( Roseburg), was given a
maximum sentence of three years
In the state penitentiary when
he pleaded guilty to contributing
to the delinquency of a minor,
Judge Wlmberljr aald.
Hourly Low
OHO Cents
Upped To 75
Measure Sent To Senatt
Represents Victory For
Truman And Labor Unions
The House passed today a bill
to raise the national minimum
wage from 40 cents an hour to
75, as asked by President Tru
man. The roll call vote was 361 to 35.
The measure went to the
Senate, where a similar minimum
wage bill is pending. The Senate
has set the measure aside re
peatedly for other legislation,
however, and It Is uncertain when
the bill may be called up for de
bate there.
The House action was, In a
sense, a victory for the adminis
tration. The bill carried the 75
cent minimum advocated by the
president. Secretary of Labor
Tobin, and representatives of ma
jor labor organizations.
However, it also carried sub.
stantially the revision of cover-'
age pushed by a coalition of re
publicans and southern demo
crats. The bill was introduced by
Rep. Lucas (D-Tex).
Earlier the House had refused
to wash out three days of heated
debate on minimum wage legis
lation by sending the whole thing
back to Its labor committee for
more study.
A motion to do that lost, 242 to
41, on a standing vote.
While boosting the minimum,
the bill also stands to take per
haps one million workers out
from -under its protection.
Lucas' bill differed from the
administration's bill in two ma
jor respects. First, It would not
give the wage-hour administrator
any authority to fix rules and
regulations for administration of
the law. Second, it would apply
to workers engaged In production
for Interstate commerce only if
they are "indispensable" to such
Labor committee staff mem
bers estimated the latter provi
sion would exempt slightly over
1,000,000 workers now covered by
the law. The law, passed in 19.38,
protects approximately 20.000.000
employes involved in Interstate
Cash For Quake
Victims Sought
f er :'
Cash contributions for the Jd
of earthquake victims In Ecuador
will be accepted by the Douglas
county chapter of the- American
Red Cross, announced Douglas
Sims, executive secretary, today.
blms said he had received in
structions from Pacific area head
quarters at San Francisco that
Red Cross chapters throughout
the country are authorized to ac
cept contributions from Indivii.
uals or organizations for the re
lief of disaster victims.
In addition to relief which has
already been sent, President Basil
O'Connor of the Red Cross has
allocated $50,000 for emergency
medical supplies and other neces
sities for the relief of earthquake
Red Cross chapters may accept
cash contributions, but, because
of the time element involved,
clothing, food, and other supplies
cannot be sent except from the
army depot in Panama.
Fishing Boat Destroyed By
Fire In Columbia River
LONGVIEW. Wah.. Aug. 11.
(JP) The 81-foot fishing boat
Fearless, owned by H. L. Castner
of Portland and I. E. Tate of
Timber, Ore., burned last night
n the Columbia river at Oak
Grove. The fire broke out In the
engine room with one man. Bill
Fields, aboard. Fields had to
jump overboard to escape the
flames. The gas tanks exploded
soon thereafter. Tate estimates
the loss as being between $40,000
and $15,000. .
Seeing-Eye Dog .Victim
Of Newberg Poisoner
NEWBERG, Aug. 11. (JP) The
dog-lovers of Newberg were on
the warpath today.
Someone who has poisonea a
number of dogs In the town pols.
oned the seeing-eye dog of John
Pettlngill, a retired restaurant
owner who is blind.
Recently one dog was beaten
and cltoked to death in the city.
Police have been unable to dis
cover who Is responsible.
Umpqua River Dredging
Job Opened To Bids
PORTLAND. Aug. ll.-f.Pt
Bids will be invited by the army
engineers about Aug. 15 on
dredging the main ship channel
In the Umpqua river from Reeds
port to a point about 4.4 miles
from the river mouth.
It will be the first time In sev
eral years that the channel has
been completely dredged.
Ltvity Ft Rant
By L. F. fleiseiisteia
The United States has turned
over 4 worplanes to the Greek
government and assiqned fliers
to iestruet hi their operation. At
last the U. S. hat done torn
thing practical in the way of
combattlaq. communism Instead
of throwloej eway the money of
Its taxpesers.