The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 10, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 The Newt-Review, Rotebur), Crt Tue., Aui. H4
Published D illy Exeept Sunday ty th
Nwi-Rvi Company, Inc.
bltnl M aaeaa dan Mtitr Mar .
aaaaaart, Orasaa, aaSaf a4l March S. Ull
Editor Manager
Mimbtr of th Aaaelatad Praia, Oragsn Nawapapar Publisher
Aaaoolatlon, tha Audit Buraau ef Clroulatlena
arataau r IrT-HOLl.lDAT CO.. inc., alli-aa la Ka Tark, Cklaata,
Saa rraaclaaa. Laa Aajalaa, Baattla, Parllaa. SI Laaia.
aua airTION BATKS la oraiaa Mall rar rtar , ill aiaataa K M
araa aiaalaa II.M. Br Cllr C'arrlar ear raar lll.aa lla alYiaoal. Ij laaa
aaa raar, par raaala 11.1 Ouuiaa Oraa Br Mall Far raar II M. all
taatha 14 11. Uiraa aaalaa (1.11
Today Is the birthday of the nation's only livinj ex-Presl-dent
Seventy-five years of age today, Herbert Hoover is the
first ex-President since James Buchanan to reach this age.
For more than 35 years Herbert Hoover has served the
public as humanitarian, administrator and executive, yet he
has been most rudely and ungratefully treated in repay
ment for unselfish devotion to the ideals of humanitarianism
end good government
Made a scapegoat by political opportunists, rn artificial
and unreasoning hatred was deliberately manufactured by
propagandists, who found ready acceptance from persons
seeking some subject upon which to concentrate blame for
misfortune. Much of the criticism against Herbert Hoover
has been unjust, unwarranted, and contrary to the normal
American spirit of tolerance. It has been kept alive by mali
cious propaganda, partly communist-inspired; but despite
the fact that no public servant has ever been more unjustly
treated, Herbert Hoover has exhibited no bitterness and is
presently engaged in one of the most important tasks ever
assigned a private citizen, that of planning governmental
No Horatio Alger hero of fiction compares In rapid rise
fo wealth and fame with the real-life story of Herbert
Hoover. His father, a village blacksmith, died when Hoover
was six years of age, and his mother, a Quaker minister,
passed away four years later. Hoover was taken in by rela
tives In his native state of Iowa for two years, then came
to the home of an uncle at Newberg, Oregon, where he spent
five years. Working as an office boy at Salem, he saved
enough money to attend Stanford university at the age of
17 years. He worked his way through the univerrity, gradu
ating In 1895 from the school of Mining Engineering.
He had. immediate success in his profession and when
only 25 years of age obtained a job paying $15,000 per
year from the Chinese government. Through successful in
vestments and services as a consultant engineer he had
amassed a considerable fortune at the time he went to
London as a partner in a mining firm. An employee mis
appropriated company funds, and, although Hoover legally
was responsible for only $50,000 of the loss, he paid out
more than 10 times that amount to preserve his own and
the firm's honor.
Although he was forced again to start from scratch finan
cially, his business activities, services, and various invest
ments had resulted in a personal fortune estimated at $6,
000,000 by 1914.
At the start of the first World War, Hoover was still in
London as commissioner of San Francisco's proposed Tana-ma-Pacific
exposition. Called upon by the American embassy
to aid in feeding starving people in Belgium, Hoover's
ability as an organizer went into the task of relief, which
occupied his efforts for seven years. He was made American
Relief Administrator in 1917, and carried on this work until
1921 when he was appointed Secretary of Commerce.
He exhibited exceptional powers of organization and ad
ministration in the various public capacities in which he
(served, refusing all pay for his humanitarian labors. Then
in 1939 he was elected to the presidency and brought upon
himself opposition from party leadership because of his
liberalism. Ironically, his successors took credit for social
reforms he had planned and turned them against him in the
tragic days that followed.
Propagandists have made the Hoover name .ynonymous
with the depression which started during his term of office.
Personally, we will always believe that had Hoovor remained
s President we would have avoided the disastrous bank
holiday, the period of depression would have been short
lived, instead of being prolonged, and we possibly would
not have been involved in the last World War, because
Hoover, with his knowledge of Europe and European affairs
probably would not have countenanced appeasement and
lemporization in dealing with aggression.
Nearly any other man, treated as was Hoover, would
have withdrawn from any connection with party or govern
ment Instead, he has willingiy responded to eery request
for help or advice, showing the spirit of forgiveness in
grained through his Quaker upbringing.
The people of this nation rapidly are coming to a realiza
tion of the wrongs heaped upon this patriotic servant. It
is to be hoped that he will live long enough that he may be
honored as he deserves.
Action On Alaska, Hawaii
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. .Tt
Chairman Petcison (DFla.l of
the House public !:nd commit
toe said Tuesday hi iiaa renewed
his efforts to obtain house action
on Hawaii and Alaaka statehood
bills this session.
Peterson told a reporter he Is
making a new attempt to obtain
approval of the two bills by the
houres rules comiitee.
At the ame time, he said, he
Is conferring with various con
gressional leaders to determine
what would be th outcome of an
attempt to call up the legislation
under a special rule, bypassing
the rules committee.
The basis for his renewed ef
forts, Peterson iai.1. is the re
sult of a recent n.'wpaper poll
of memhers of Con'resa on the
statehood proposition.
The result of the poll, con
ducted by the Hearst newspapers,
were printed in the Congressional
Statehood Bills Sought
Record Tuesday as a part of re
marks bv Rep. Laivade (D.La.)
1 .arcade said the poll nhows
that "Congress Is overwhelming
ly In favor of granting statehood
to Alaska and Hawaii bv a tabu
lation of approximately 3 to 1."
Both bills wei-e approved
months ago by the House Public
Lands committee.
Peterson said that Mondav,
Aug. 22. will be tti last chance
to call up the bills under special
rules, unless the rules committee
acts meanwhile.
He said he has asked delegates
Farrlngton iR. llawaii) and Bart
lett (IX-Alaskal io make inde
pendent checks of M house sup
port for the two measures If thev
are brough up without rules com
mittee approval.
Nickel, used as an alloying
metal, has been found to combine
In some sono different wai with
other metals.
How to Win
One of the reasons we took to
(he woodi was to escape from all
thla buainess of being up to the
minute . . . so don't think It
strange if it la news to us that
there Is a "relatively new-fangled
sport of slldlns down hill on a
piece of waxed linoleum!''
Perhaps that sport is on rea
son why we tried every city and
town within SO miles, not so long
ago either, begging with tears
In our eyea for a small piece of
linoleum . . . well, maybe not
tears. At any rate there was a
time In our remodeling which
came to a stop when EJ took
to a desk again to rest up, after
he took to the woods to escape
from a desk when we couldn't
find a piece of linoleum big
enough to cover a table! Remem
ber the days? And now they
slide down hill on It
How do I know? The July
Sunset says they da It. Right
her In Douglas county! On the
sand dunes. If th 'teen-agers
read the article, and are not al
ready provided with pieces Just
hang on to your floor coverings,
come thla weekend! Ours used
to take anything loose at both
ends, but the idea of sliding down
Editorial Comment
From The Oregon Prest
(Oregon City Enterprise)
Not to be overlooked among the
long - range programs underway
in uregon Is the start or the
state's $10,000,000 reforestation
project which was Inaugurated
the other day by Governor Doug
las McKay and a group of stale
industrial leaders on the edge of
the vast Tillamook hum. It was
a ceremony to imprint upon the
public mind that Oregon has a
$10,000,000 program to run fif
teen years to restore that once
valuable burned-over area, a
task typical of other that will
be undertaken In the state.
Oregon has 750.000 acres that
need restoring, protecting, re
seeding and the planting of trees.
About 300.000 acres are In the
Tillamook burn where more tim
ber than is normally cut In the
I'nlted States in an entire year
was destroyed in lust one of the
three fires' that devastated that
area. In 19.19 and 1945.
At Forest Grove the Governor
Sheriff Fully Equipped For
LONDON. Aug. 10.-.r Ex
cowboy San Keener Is back again
for the Mth time fully equipped
down to a revolver and cartridge
belt for "protection In rough
Hawaiian Merchants
Charter Tug To Gtt Food
SEATTLE. Aug. 10. (.1 A
group of Hawaiian merchants
nave chartered the Anchorage
Transportation company's deep
sea tug Myrtle Wilson to cany
3.1X10 tons of relief food supplies
by barge to Honolulu, the com
pany said yesterday.
The shipment Is expected to
leave here next weekend.
The CIO International Long
shoremen's and Waiehousemen s
union, on strike In the islands
for 100 days, has agreed to un
load the cargo, the company said.
Friends and Influence People
By Viahnett S. Martini
hill on linoleum hadn't become
a "relatively newfangled sport"
The article also describes In
pleasant detail the Coast high
way, especially the lakes between
Coos Bay and the Florence area.
Pictures, too. Just the type . of
article one likes to mention cas
ually In a letter: "the kind of
scenery we look at:" the recipi
ents of the letter should, prefer
ably, live In a hot, dry country
side, or are confined to city pave
ments. They will at once take to
the highway and drop In to thank
you and say: "Why I thought It
rained all the time In Oregon!"
And you, of course, will seem
There was an article about the
Rogue river, and the boat trip
from Cold Beach up to Agness,
in the June issue of Sunset. It
should have started a stampede
there, sure enough!
"The double climate of this re
gion (Douglas county, If you
please) has Its charms. When the
fog overwhelms you, move In
land a little way toward the heat
until you're ready to go for a
swim." H-m-m-.
And don't forget your piece of
waxed linoleum!
"Oregon has taken a long bold
step forward to Insure that Ore
gon's timberlands will be main
tained In full production. Just as
private timberland owners in the
past decade have been putting
their timber house in order set
ting up sound management pro
grams, turning to sustained yield
principles, to tree farming and
better utilization and improved
protection and applying the
teachings of trained foresters, so
will the state handle its forests."
This is work the people have
authorized and a reminder that
the work Is underway is an in
vitation to watch Its progress.
Oregon. It is estimated sold
$600,000,000 worth of forest prod
ucts last year alone, a study butt
ress of the state's entire econo
my. This new $10,000,000 restoration
program will be under the direc
tion of the State Forestry depart
ment and the Chief Forester. Mr.
Rodgers, who has the confidence
of men In the industry and Is
hacked by the people In this great
World - Circling Trip
The fil- year -old millionaire
president of the Salem (Ohiol
Engineering company flew In
last night on the first leg of a
round-the-world sales trip.
White-haired Keener ("Just call
me Sam"i stepped off his special
plane with a badge under his
coat and four gold bars on his
The badge is for being a deputv
sheriff of Laramie. Wyo. Each
bar represents 100.000 miles of
His plane Is fitted out with an
office filing cabinets, a cinema, a
washing machine one and a half
tons of food. 20.000 cigarets and
a large carved wooden horse
bolted to the floor and complete
with saddle.
The horse was presented to
him In America u a memento of
his early cowboy days.
"I sail kv riding," Sam said.
In the Day's News
(Continued From Page One)
will be pacing back and forth,
back and forth, across the front
of the cage, with a far-away look
in his yellow cat eyes. Most of us,
being basically sentimental, tell
ourselves that he is thinking of
the days when he was free as a
bird and could follow wherever
his fancy led him with no one to
say him nay. We're so sorry for
the poor prisoner that we could
cry and sometimes we do shed
some not overly sincere tears.
The naturalists, careful ob
servers who do not let their emo
tions run away with them, tell us
that this is all a lot of tosh. The
caged cougar, they Insist, is not
eating his heart out with longing
for his lost liberty. His measured
pacing Is NOT like that of the
prisoner of Chillon, or Napoleon
at St. Helena. The far-away look
In his eyes is merely the glaze
that comes over the orbs of those
who have eaten to repletion, and
he is pacing his cage to work off
hit meal so that he can He down
again without fearing that his
skin will burst.
I.V other words, HE LIKES HIS
CAPTIVITY because It means
that he no longer has to get out
on his own and rustle himself up
a meal every time he gets hungry.
He knows that when mealtime
comes around his captor will come
lugging tne provender to him.
That's what happens when
you're taken captive. THE TIME
because It means that you no
longer have to get out and hustle
for yourself.
DID you ever plow corn away
back In the days when the
plow was pulled by horses or
mules Instead of a tractor?
If so, you'll remember that you
turned the horses out to pasture
at night in the lush days of early
summer, and In the morning you
went out with a halter to catch
them up again. You held the
halter BEHIND you. The nag
you were after wasn't fooled. He
knew darned well you were
coming for him to go to work
again. At first, he'd act skittish
and shy away from you. But HE
BARN. So, after cutting a few
capers, he'd come and submit to
the halter.
Atfer that, he was YOUR horse.
a a
THE politicians who want to run
our lives are nobody's fools.
They know that after they've fed
us long enough out of the govern
ment trough we'll lose our love
of liberty and COME RUNNING
They pretend to love us and to
cherish us. Just as In our corn
plowing days we always patted
Old Charley on the neck when
we slipped the halter over his
But what they have In mind Is
What we can do for them is to
keep them in offilce. They're
shrewd enough to know that If
they feed us long enough we'll
come trotting up and slip our
noses Into the halter whenever
they whistle.
Lustron, Despite RCF Loan, Going
In Red, But Still Merits Fair Test
Senator Flanders of Vermont told a reporter recently that 'If
Lustron tails, let us forever quit talking about mass-produced
He was referring to the Lustron
Corporation of Columbus, O., the
government-financed venture In-
hornet. The Reconstruction Fi
nance Corporation already has
poured $34,000,000 into the com
pany. Thit has not been enough,
however, to launch the effort
Lust ron currently It losing
$500,000 a month. It It starting
Degree To Guide
Federal Spending
The White House Indicated Tues
day that government spending
will be concentrated In areas
where unemployment has reach
ed 12 per cent or more.
It made public a letter by Presi
dential Assistant John R. Steel
man. This said that an effort
will be made to channel aid into
the following areas where the
bureau of employment security
indicates such a situation had de
veloped: New Bedford, Mast.; Worces
ter, Mast.; Providence, R. I.; Wa
terbury, Conn.: Bridgenort.
Conn.; the Utlca-Rome, N. Y.,
area; the Scranton, Wilkes-Barre.
Pa., area; Muskegon, Mich., and
Knoxville, Tenn.
Steelman, in letters to the na
tional defense establishment and
other government officials, said
that he would report soon on ad
ditional labor markets in which
unemployment has reached 12
per cent or more of the available
labor force.
He said the Lawrence. Mass..
and Cumberland, Md.. areas prob
ably "will fall in this category."
The letter also disclosed that
discussions already are under
way In steps the military estab
lishment can take to help relieve
unemployment in tne critical
Steelman called for monthly re
ports summarizing progress from
the agencies Involved.
Wage Case Has
Bearing On State
Lumber Industry
EUGENE, Aug. 10.-tT)-A
federal trial Jury here today be
gan hearing evidence in a case,
the outcome of which may affect
long standing practices in the
lumber industry.
Oliver La Duke, of Cushman, Is
defendant in contempt proceed
ings brought by Phillip B. Flem
ing, administrator of the wage
hour division of the United States
Department of labor, resulting
from the employment of contract
car loaders at his lumber mill. !
In 1941, the same court, United
States district court for the dis-
trict of Oregon, issued an injunc
tion against La Duke, the terms
of which generally required him
to pay overtime for all work be
yond 40 hours a week.
The government now contends
that La Duke is in contempt of
the previous decree in that during
the period from April to October
of last year, he hired contract car
loaders at the rate of $1.25 per
thousand board feet, but paid no
La Duke, represented by Eu
gene Attorney Sidney Milligan,
admits most of the allegations of
the government complaint, but
claims that the car loaders are
not employes within the meaning
of the fair labor standards act of
1938, but rather Independent con
tractors who may work any hours i
they see fit. 1
Northwest Systems Buy L
British Columbia Power
PORTLAND. Aug. 10. .? 1
Arrangements have been com- I
pleted for five Oregon and Wash-
ington power companies to buy 1 m
30.000 kilowatts of power from I
the British Columbia Electric com-1 B
pany. I
Pacific Power and Light, Port- I
land General Electric, Washing- B
ton Water Power, Puget Sound
Power and Light and Mountain I
Slates Power companies Joined
in the purchase agreement, a
spokesman announced. I
Transmission lines of the Bonne
vllle Power administration and I
Seattle City Light will be used. I
The power was made available I
by the recent completion of addi- '
tional generating facilities at I
British Columoia Electrics big I
nlant on Bridce river, he said
The purchase contract runs to
King's English Sounds
Like Jargon In Australia
SYDNEY (.in The k-w. rn.
giisn, says Sidnev J. Baker, is
ail washed up. The language, he
says, will one dav hp renianH
hy American-English. Baker is
an Australian lecturer i
nallst who has made a
and Jour-
study of
..,, .peero. -
mis is an example he gave.
"Shove this spin down south, and
moie oown to tne rubhity for a
tiddley's worth of bombo. My
sort's rat bag cobbers are turn
ing on a shivoo sarvo. Dice your
Jacker and get your shop of" the
rlonk. why don't vou? With all
the galahs and dills that'll drag
on this yike, ltd be ridge to
have someone w ho's a wake-up
to vabber with."
This. Baker said. Is a free
translation: 'Take this five
pounds and hurry down to the
hotel for one pound worth of
wine. My girl friend's eccentric
acquantances are having a
party this afternoon. Leave your
work and take a share of the
liquor, why don't you? Anywav.
with all the unimportant people
win, win nr mere, l wouia UK
to have someone Intelligent to
talk to."
to cut back output from Itt pre
sent 77 houses a dav wnen it
needs to step it up to 35 or 40 to
break even. In the next two or
three months the RFC must de
cide whether to advance further
funds to Lustron In the hope that
Keeping it going a utile wnue
longer may put it over the hump.
Thit It a matter of consider
able importance to the country.
For years many critic of the
housing Industry have argued
that the only way out of the
low-cost house problem It mast
production on the automobile pat
tern. Lustron's steel house with the
enamel finish represents t h e
most striking attempt to put
houset on a factory basis. Con
siderable engineering and arch
itectural skill seem to have been
applied in itt design. Itt plant
hat been tooled for big-scale
operations. Lustron claims, for
example, that it could produce
100 houses a day if it had three
shiftt of men working.
Yet the company hat been mir
ed in trouble from the start. It
encountered the tame high costs
that plagued many another en
terprise, to that It is now selling
its houses for $10,000 to $11,000
instead of the $7,000 originally
It couldn't find sufficient labor
fast enough, and when it did get
its men, it had to train them for
entirely new jobs in a new In
dustry. Worse, itt dealert could
n't get adequate credit. They
had to pay $6000 to obtain a
Lustron house from the factory.
That runs into big money quickly.
Loans to finance dealers until
sale are made have been slow
in coming. Also dealert have
their own labor problems with
erection crews who are handling
an unramlliar product. Th e y
face often serious handicaps ;h
local building codes or varying
regional conditions.
The credit and the labor pro
blems possibly can be licked by
time. But meanwhile Lustron is
going deeper in the red every
Should it be extended further
government credit? With so
much money and effort already
tied up in the venture it seems
wise to keep the company afloat
at least a little longer to see if
it can set to the break even point.
There teems to be an attitude
in government that this it a 1
prime test of the factory house
idea. If It It, left make ture It't
a good, thorough test that an-;
swers fairly the question whe
ther the idea has any merit. I
. Bonk With ; .J
A Douglas County Institution
Home Owned Home Operated
Member Federal
Deposit Insurance Corp.
Douglas County State Bank
l'-r ."
Roseburg Rviw
January 3, 1917
If Roseburg scribes who were "tush-rushing" over the high
accident rates of the new "gas car" in 1917 could hove
I visualized the havoc caused by modern "gas cars" they
I might have predicted the end of mankind! Highway ac-
f :H,nt. :,,; s,:,;.. , '
TV w..iMu.i(jim.e ... an
I ,ne more feoson why fully odequote insurance is the FIRST
I purchase you should make after getting YOUR "gas car " I
Beware of "Old Roberts Mountain," too!
It Payi to Insure
214 W. Cas
(Next door to
National Meet
Talked By Camp
Fire Council
Plans for Roseburg Camp Fire
council members to attend the
national conference of Camp Fire
in Portland, Oct. 23 to 28, were
discussed at the August council
meeting held Monday afternoon
at the Chamber of Commerce
Several members and leader
are planning to attend. Thit It
the first time that the national
convention has been held on th
west coast and offers an fPP?
tunltv for many to benefit by
meeting national officers.
Edward Murphy was announced
as a new council member. An at.
tor'ney, he was active with youth
groups before moving to Rose
burg. Introduced et the July coun
cil meeting was Mrs. Deming
Bronson, new Roseburg resident,
froi.i Cleveland, who participated
in Camp Fire activities in that
Ohio city.
Mrs. Ralph Herman will head
the committee to clos Camp Tye
and will be assisted by Mrs. Mor.
rim Rnwker and Mrs. James E.
Conn. It was announced that Mrs.
Hazel Gladwill Is assisting in me
Camp Fire office at Miller's base
ment part time. The budget for
1950 has been d re Dared for pre
sentation to the local Community
Chest committee.
In attendance were Miss r-ar
Mayo, Mrs. Ralph Herman, Bill
Henson, Miss Helen Falbe. Mrs. , r
Virginia Russell, Mrs. Morrit I
Bowker, Mrs. Tom rargeier, nirs,
Ed Tauscher, Mrs. Harold Hoyt,
Mrs. Leonard Gibson, Edward
Murphy and Mrs. W. H. Allen.
Phone 100
If you net receiv
your News-Review by
6:15 P.M. call Harold
Mjbley before 7 P.M.
Phone 100
. n . l'J.
in Sure Insurance!
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50c each book H
while they last II
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