Bird of Prey HORIZONTAL 1,5 Depicted bird of prey 8 Scientific name of thil bird is pratincola 12 Operatic solo "13 Observe 14 Harvest ' IS Lariats 17 Plays the part of host 19 Masculine name 20 Male child 21 Bustle VERTICAL 1 Heavy rod 2 Its habits nocturnal 3 Narrow inlet 4 Country 5 Bones 6 Pronoun 7 Permits 8 Tendencies 9 Affirmative 24 10 Make edging 25 11 Goddess of the26 harvest 28 16 Area measure 18 International 34 language 35 21 Rectifies 39 22 Uidicule 40 23 Owing 26 So tft it! 27 Fillip 29 Irish god of the sea 30 Peer Gym's mother 31 Blackbird of cuckoo family 32 Storage box 33 Icelandic mvth 35 Winter I vehicle 36 Group of matched pieces 37 Ever (contr.) '38 Pedal digit 41 British money of account 43 Vitiates 48 Constituents 50 Young salmon 51 Mimic 53 Facility 54 Woody plant 55 Footed vase 56 Perished I 12. li H I S 14 17 1 I) t II 5 IT if" ift lzzz aW 6o j so" T 5 5T 50 5i$I "55 5S 1 1 I FTT hill h (gas j Pjua "Check your oil? Check your tires? Trim your moustache?" ftONDIE 'II V LI'L ABNER taw SS. K L-r mouB ) rtKir t fault. ) &:uss f WSPtLNYMOIW 'EJII. Vririr' oiimc''yV qnvJ OlNE- uuE' it mam.' L out kab. S sooner tm- LOOK OVER. J I O Hint.. FUUT-AN-AM fAllLTV? JA IT5 T TOO Quanta LOOK ) RILTTta.'.' I. . (1 T I f-ii I I V r PONT KNOW MOOniUATIN7 I n OVIR- CAM GOT FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS lvF OeuP Tfy?s. LOOKING fOK AH ISOLATED PIAC 13 PKACTICe, HAVE LAMXD OH WHAT WeY TtJtNK !S AN UtotNUA&TrO SAWt LETS GeTGONS WAIT its a cnch nopocvS ) I GONNA BOTHER US y.WEAR HERE ' , T IHIN& ALLEY OOP r-i v i . - - ---- :."A7 67TH'5 15 TV MffN.' HEH,' ) THAT'S EE-I B7thN IT SHOJLDN'T ES JrV 'V, . k. 7 V -j-.;-- vNCV I CVN'T FEEL ANV CAUSE ' ..IT V TBC TO JtLJ r " ;--"4pI'VKXA C'EeENT HERE V LESSESJED ABCUT THESE UTTLEfWTTfk-TK? ' ' 'wj tits ?MS lm Answer to Previous Puizlo Oj.OC oIm el IrV&'ri DlOjB OBOE Incapable More facile Winglike parts Hang as if balanced Dress 41 Presage 42 Sun god 43 Seaport (ab.) 44 Golf term 45 Mineral rock 47 Oriental porgj 48 Compass potn 49 Scarlet 52 Pair (ab.) Not standing Oleum (ab.) Man's name BEING 'SO CASELESS-iV lli'iiilliiiiiiilllilH"" iSlllp1" DADDY. SHAME ON YOU, I , CcTU-KUFItT' f'- 1 -v rlJrlffl CMTOPe "vou SPEAK l V SUESs) vf,L SS!)f.v4 rt something tf " fM Jusr V A (. hl finish the dishes o rj 1 I j not euiu ) v a- j.ii-. y n f uvERMORE' J A BASPiPe! no t RfAu.y have li-A V J. 1 1 Vftj- . .r..i...1.:TT : v .... - . . .- si. , Wed., Aug. 10, 1949 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. MODEST MAIDENS Trefcau SiiumJ U. S hint Ota "3a-V Alakj it I 11 1 t tfU MU4T HAVE ALTERED youR IT LOOkS 60 MUCH BETTER ON t)U THAN IT DOES ME f I FROM NINE TO FIVE There's something wrong with -these figures by hand and I If this is a business call, you rA mm Si r M ' ' " By Jo Fischer our adding machine. I checked don't get the same answer. have the WRONG numberl By Chic Young By Merrill Blosser By V. T. HAMLIN By Al Capp SHINGLES Asphalt Asbestos Ctdar Page Lumber & Fuel 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. hn 242 B USINESS DIRECTOR Y RADIO SERVICING cJnier's Radio Shop, free pickup ana delivery. Fnone 1183-J. Hansen's Radio Service. Suther 11a Radio Doctors. Phce 91-J. PLUMBING Ace Plumbing and Supply, 915 Garden Valley Rd.. Bus. Phone Wu-K-5. Kes. Phone 14-RJ. Kier-Crooch Plumbing Co. 316 Mill. Phone 1242 K. Harris Plumbing & Heating Co. 8L 805 South Stephens. Ph. 1478-J. Laylno "llyfi Finishing Coen Supply Co.s Phone 12L 'r'.4lv Old Floors Md I Ike New. rerp't Plumbing. Phone 733-R. Melrose Rt., box 98 A B A. D. Wallace. Melrose Route. CARLSON'S FLOOR SERVICB Box 105-J. Phone 165-R-3. Pbone 102 R J WASHING MACHINE SERVICE - J. E. Newberry's Washing Ma- SHALE RIVER LOAM chine Service. 102 W. Commer- .. cial Avenue. Phone 1015-k. Delivered Shovels Traxcavator Bulldozer Washing Machine service. Roy Oraqllnt 8ckho Crana and Rusty's Appliance Repair. Compressor Trucks 510 N. Jackson. Ph. 1003 R. Bul, ,nd ELECTRICIANS Mill Ponda Cleaned Basements Dug Rldenour Electric. Phone 730-J-5. ,,,, or Contract Roseburg Electric. Phone 123. S. MCrttM Cnrmn Ace Electric. Phone 1095-U OfHce East 2nd Ave South Phon 1346.1 FLOOR COVERING R.-sldence Phone 930-r. 2 F. & W. Floor Covering. 327 S. Stephens. Phone 1478-H. ft noM propane AND Philip M. Durnam. 920 S. Main. BUTANE hnrtl refilled at the Phone 1336J. Myert Oil Co. Highway 99 and Carden Valley IRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Rnnd Fire Ext: --"isher Sales & Scr. oe. As0 Heaters. Hot Plates and Fvr Fvter Products, Co. 2 re- SuoDlies filling. Glenn H. Taylor, 220 N. Main. Phone 1433-R. PIANO SERVICE OLDFIELD & SONS Southwestern Piano Service. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS runing.Reconditlnning. Ph 938-J 3. " 1962 Eden Lane PAINTING Ph088S&J, IMMEDIATE SERVICE f I D T If Commercial and Domeatle QTl 1 I QllOri ROSEBURG PAINT SHOP Excavating Contractor Phones , . ... j, . 422 807-R 1522 R Shale rock tor immediate delivery. IZ Shovel, Trucks. Bullrlnrer, nrniii' aiuiurrn Patrol Blade. Back hoe, ROSEBURG PAVING CO. For H)re Asphalt Paving Roads built and rocked by Mlllyards, Driveways, Stations hour or contract Floors. Sidewalk 2340 N. Stephens Ph. 499-R-4 Custom Dadlng Office: 634 S. Main iu.i rrmm CaUmataa AUTHORIZED T " LateT . . B"H'8 A;"-lANCt zz Maytag & Norge Sales and Service rousFULUR PAINTdiau "T.JZ,'lTSrrtli"' "m good place to go" 12no autn an-piiras DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 402 W. Oak Ph. 128 Plck l'p and Delivery Free Estimate EXPERT FURNITURE CLEANING and Dyeing Company "If It's fit to USE It's fit to CLEAN" It's FADED It us DYE it" Fin Riict Our KnerialtV 1395 Umpqua Ave.. Roseburg, Ore. pnone ia- We are equipped to do STEAM CLEAN. .;G Also washing, polishing and waxing of cars. Dovies Mobile Service Station 740 S. Stephens St Phone 687 WELL DRILLING ED MILLER Route 2, Box 201 -A Phone 441-R-3 Roschurg. Ore. Basements and Backyards Cleaned Light Pickup and Delivery C. A. Deal Phone I586-J-3 Roseburg CONTRACT PAINTING Paper hanging PAINTINO DECCAIWO Home Decorating CONTDACKX: AMkilCA 5C2 JACK PRESTON 504 S. Stephen! Ph. 62T.? Royal TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentols Fast dependable service KEN'S OFFICE EQUIP. 631 S. Stephens Ph. 1261-R Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexalt Drug Store CARPENTER New Construction Remodeling Pjml-Block Construction Lyn Jonee 322 t. Stephens Ph. 459 J FLOOR CONTRACTING n Sanding Da!!aa OAIMTIHO rriNTPACTOCS - m I tontractorsv amibica Commercial and Home Decorating AU Work Guaranteed Douglas Paint & Hardware Co. )fi S. !?tennens Phone 9T4-J UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Custom Made Counters, Shelves, Fixtures, Kitchen Ca'jineta Phones 499R-3 337-R 3 tlMfl N Stenhens Roseburg. Ore Venetian Blind Sales and Service Estimate Free CHARLES HODSON 1525 Cedar St. Phone ,349-L C. G. Lovelady Building and Remodeling Contractor 2040 N. Stephens Ph. 264-R-1 AUTOMO'" NSURANCE Mtf, iHIP HAROLD COX Dlitrtct Rpr?r.Uv. Phone 133311 la I Jick.oo St Rowburf, Orrson DARBY & FOSTER Excavating Contractors Shale Rock For Immediate Delivery Construction of lodrlnR roads. Shovels, trucks, bulldozer, com--.ressor for hire by contract or hour. No ob too large or too small. Phone for free estimate. Ph. t152 n. Ferest tervlca Road West of Landlt Iron Works Protect Your romily with the B. M. A. Polio plan. Call Mr. Lincoln, 93&J-4 o drop card to Box 108 Melmae Route. HENRY H. MILLER Excavating A Read Building Contractor 1409 Willow St Prions J 88 J We sell shale bar run. river rock and river loam. Mill ponds cleaned and dredged. Shovel. Rulldozer. Boom. Air Compressor. Crane. Dragline. "ump Trucks by hour or contract Free estimates. HARGIS ELECTRIC Specialists Radio. Refrlqeration. Household Appliance Service 20 Yean Experience All Work Guaranteed 111 E. Cass St Phone t44 FURNACES Roseburg Sheet Metal Vour 1I Center Ph. 4i neaiing 850 e. nt OLIVER'S Septic Tanks nnd Drain Fields Installed Tanks Pumped ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 461 R 3 Rt 1. Box 71 PRINTING PROMPT, EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE SERVICE ROSEBURG PRINTING CO. Corner Cass and Sheridan Phone 943 CEMENT CONTRACTING ALL KINDS FORM BUILDING Will also put basements us ser eld houses). ed Puoha. Puehs Bros. Ph. Residence 1413-J Tool Rentals Floor Sanders. Edcers. Belt A Disc Sandpra, Concrete Mixers, Power Trowels. Concrete Vibra tors, Wheel Barrows. Lighting riants. Kaint sprav outfits. Skll- inws. Prills. Air Cnmnressnm. Jack Hammers and Hydraulic Jacks. Call us. We may have just what vou need. Osbun Electric i Equip Co. S47 S. Stephens Phone 1108-R INLAID LINOLEUM Sales and Installation of all types of floor covering F & W Floor Covering Co. Ph. 1478-R 327 S. Stephens R.G.Lambeth for Remodeling Or Construction Free estimates on any sire ob Mel rose Route Box 91 -B Phone 1444-R TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive or at drive. Call 1538 Adair's Forking Lot Main and Washington Hegel Transfer & Storage Co. Nelson & Pyle Woodworking Co. Windows, Sash, and Frames. Mill and Masher Phona 1242J Lee Mortensen, Inc. General Contractors Road Building Logging Tel. Days, 1486 J. Nights, 18-R-3 A. P. Walter Kresse, M. D. Physician and Surgeon U. S. National Bank Annex Room 217 Office Phone: 1500 at.: rairhavan Apts. Phon 191 lfflce hours: MorL Thru Sat. PLASTERING BUNDY & SUTTON FREE ESTIMATES PH. 1094-Y Desbiens & Schafer GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS All Types Cement Work. Sidewalks, driveways, floors, patios and foundations. ESTIMATES GiVEN Box los.r ...... bi Phone 42-R-l Phone 165-R-2 ROSEBURG VENFTIAN BLIND FACTORY . 15 K Jaeksnn St. Roehure Ore. Phona 1098-J VENETIAN BLINDS WSHA0ES DRAPES 8C-.-ENS Free EsHmaes Sat1sfa"'-m Guaranteed CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephens Ph. 302 TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save Vz Long or Short Trips Bee Hive Truck Rental r3S S. Stephana Phone 1438-J P & B TOWING 24-HOUR wrecker and crane service. No Job too large or too smaJL Truck mounted equipment We ran now hanrit 3J ,,A dragline work, los: loading, heavy crane worK. 743 S. Stephens St Phon (2 WATER where and when you want it with a BERKLEY JET Water System Consult ut for all your pump needi. Denn-Gerretsen Co. 402 W. Oak Phona 128 P.&H. PAINT CO. Al! Types of Painting. Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates. 1230 Corey Ph. 1305-J GENERAL CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Free Estimate i ilATCHER CONSTRUCTION CO. Rt. 2, Bon 159 G Phone 1408 R CERAMIC TILE Shower stall, bath, -vails, floors, hearths, counter tops, store ft ..its. Complete colors and ' :es. Glaed snd unelaed. Chrome hound glass doors for shower ano! tub. By contract or hourly. Estimates PYee. Ph. 1033-Y Byron Pow.ll Box 1281