The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 10, 1949, Page 17, Image 17

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MMVltto'.U 11----- IMJm iW I II irf'fc 'lift II I '"
STRICKEN IY GAS IN SWIMMING POOL Norm MaeDonald, 10, gasps for air as ambulanca
attendants comfort har whila an inhalator squad rushad to tha rascua of her and mora than 100
othar bathars who ware overeoma whan a clogged chlorine gas line mad for purifying tha water
in an outdoor pool in Los Angelas suddenly gushed mora gas than tha water could absorb,
filling tha air with noxious fumes. Twenty-four were taken to hospitals, 10 in serious condition,
AP Wirephotol
Marketing Of Public Power
Restricted By Huge Joker In
Senate Committee Proposal
NEA Washington Correspondent
WASHINGTON. A huge joker hai been found in Senate Ap
propriation! committee recommendations against the building of
government transmission lines from Bureau of Reclamation power
dams. It relates to proposed orders that the Department of Interior
make contracts with Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and Idaho Power
Co, similar to a contract now in force between the government's
Southwestern Power administration and the Texas Power and
Light Co.
The catch in this attempted
committee mandate is that th,(
Texas Power and Light contract
was a special agreement made to
fit peculiar circumstances not
found in the California and Idaho
areas. Forcing a Texas Power
3 in One Thick Butt Shingles,
Wt. 210 lbs: per Sq
Dutch Lop Individual Shingles,
Wt. 135 lbs. per Sq
Hexagon Shingles,
Wt. 168 lbs. per Sq
Staggered Edge,
Wt. 105 lbs. per roll -i - ,
30 lb. Asphalt Saturated Felt,
Wt. 65 lbs. per roll
55 lb. Roll Roofing,
Wt. 55 lbs. per roll
90 lb. Mineral Surfaced Roll,
Wt. 90 lbs. per roll ,
Free estimates on Installation on type of roof.
Denn Wholesale Co.
North Umpgua Road 1 Mil From Foot of Jackson St.
Phone 826-JX-3
and Light-type contract on other
power projecta would In ellect
restrict the government to devel
oping only secondary power to
supplement primary power de
veloped by the private compan
The Texas contract was drawn
up to handle only the public pow
er developed at Dennison dam.
This is a flood control dam built
by the Army engineers on the
Red river which lorms the boun
dary between southern Oklahoma
and Texas. Not enough water
flows through the Red river
throughout the year to make pos
sible the delivery of a large load
of firm power by Dennison dam
generators. But the water held
at Dennison dam during heavy
rainfall runoff is sufficient to de
liver a fair quantity of secondary
power for limited periods.
Good Deal For Both Sides
About the best Dennison can do
is deliver firm power for eight
hours a day, plus limited secon
dary power. This is hard power
to sell. Southwestern Power ad
ministration has no other gener
ating capacity in this territory to
tie into. But it does have a num
ber of potential preference cus
tomers among rural coopera
tives in the area. They could not
be served, however, because Tex
as Power and Light controls all
the transmission lines.
i On the other hand, Texas Pow
: er and Light was in the position
of needing reserve power for its
peak load periods in tne after
noon and evening. So here were
all the elements for a good trade.
Under the law Department of
: Interior Is selling agent lor pow
er generated at flood control
dams built by Armv engineers.
So In April, 197. Southwestern
Power Administrator Douglas
Wright made a contract for the
department with Texas Power
and Light.
In brief. Southwestern Power
swapped its secondary power for
delivery at peaKioad periods, in
exchange for firm power from
; Texas Power and Light for de
livery to the government s co-op
I customers. It is a good deal for
'f r"f -eir
IRUt? B Ocfnhari
111 . , 1
weintiani js
HOME PAI EASES of Bliii Weinhari
Beer. ..twelve iottlat if twihrt cam...
in i convenient packaf t lor picnickers,
weekender or sportsmen. Also iviilablt
in casei of 24 shinties n cms,
K 12 furts.
f- 1 1 :i n tvi v
i rr uj ill of
nrrz wtiNHAW commnt, wmiHt, onoon
Distributes! by Douglas Distributing Co.
Veterans Given
111 a. j
ta mo vice vn
Fall Enrollment
Veterans planning to attend
school this tall under the G, I.
Bill are advised by the Veterans
administration to make certain
their certificates of eligibility are
in order.
If a veteran was attending
school last spring or this summer
under the C. I. Bill, and Intends
to continue in the same school
and course this fall, hit present
certificate of eligibility on file
with the VA Is valid. There is .10
need for him to contact the VA
about a certificate.
If he intends to continue in the
same school but in a different
course, he should see his school's
registrar to learn whether the
institution requires a supplemen
tal certificate of eligibility.
A veteran already in school, in
tending to continue his G. I. Bill
education in different school,
should apply as soon as possible
for a supplemental certificate of
If a veteran ,ii not now in
school, and 'holds an unused cer
tificate of eligibility Issued by the
VA before Sept. 1, 1948, he should
exchange it now for a new tvpe
ertificate. If he plana to take a
course this fall.
The veteran who has no certifi
cate of any kind should apply for
one at his nearest VA office, if he
intends to enroll in school for the
fall term. He will be Issued the
new type certificate when the VA
determines that he meets the
necessary eligibility requirements.
limit flAl . ,
.tiitr, mi H-auions or
chives to pep up a potato salad.
Surround the salad with water
cress and coarsely shredded car-
mt - .. . . . , . .
.... . jnry ejieet, ana he
sure to dust the top laver of po
lato with paprika before serving.
both aides. It Increased the com
oanv's ntnuHiv l 1 , b ... .. . 1.
government's power and deliver
ed It to Its customers.
the unsuitability of this Texas
Power and Lisht. t
for other government installa-
jum navmg me capacity to de
liver larse nnantitlM nf fi-m .w....
er is obvious.
Senate Battle Looms
- - - - - lujni 111
California with $400,000,000 ex-
penaiiures now authorized will
hxve an xnnttat nidntit nf 1 livl
000,000 kilowatt hours. Most of
this capacity from Shasta dam is
hww wmu iu raemc uas ana fciec-
trlc fo. hV-H!PC. t ho
has only three short transmission
Is 'I
r t
! to
i v i
tmiftttiummm iwifaitoassaiai -JA .'Jk-
W4 Au9. 1 0, 1 949 Tha Ntoijlriw, iawbarf, Qm. 7
Priest Assails Poland's Compoign Af tdmt top
WARSAW Poland in
;W-A Roman Catholic priest here
aunoay attacKea aitempls to dis
credit the priests a, id the pope."
The nriet
because authorities misht regaij
his rmun as hosti!e to the gov
ernmenj, which on fluidity at
red penalties up to death for
vioiaiion or a citizen 1 "freedom
of conscience."
Churches a!) over redomlnarrt
ly Catholic Ioiand were jammej
Sunday for the ceKiration of the
25th anniversary ot the crdinn
tmn &t Archahisho.i Stffan We
ij-nskl, primate of Poland.
The priest ho came to the
defense ftf the nmw snrf r -. . v. i . -
riergy urged his oarishoners in
ptMY mr me pojie ana tne tvi-tton.
1 . - ... Dtioinj, iitr
said "we fully realize where swh
mmisaisons come from and why
and who is spreading Jhem."
The new governm-nt order
praised In editorial in Polish
Among the 17 articles was the
"lie U h(l RiutlUM tf.a
of creed by refuscig to let an
other person pariiciiate in relig
lou ceremonies tmause of poli
tical. SO'il nr cWonflfn
hs or opinions is liable to Jm-
sntMHimcm lor up :o live years.
t tins aiuc'ie ooviousiy wa
aimed it th RuTim Catholic
; church nd ipecifi-Hlly at the re
cent decree excommunication
militant eenunanlsts.
CRiDLKY m fsp
f-a- yean, th T. H. Benedict
mere were bees In their
home near here.
They finally discovered th
hees tart not before the swarma
had made iwiiwff nf mu-.
Summer heat disclosed the loc
i tkrn of the beri nest when honey
startea tunning down Irani th
li1n room ceiling. Four bushel
baskets af honev ant th hee
Iwere removed.
Dm. U .
lium Mm) tuM tswMs
u - . . CI
-f mwgt: Man, .
Wnt. or cell sr "ft teotn txnLMt
The Dean Clinic
la Our 39th Ymr
I- J ww i. SwoMfa mm no4 Afm,
" j ?t&Hmt t.rt , Q.
AN EYE FOR HAPPINESS-"'1 Marion tabovo of San
C&Uf, an ex-o. I. ith cmuimt experiartce as a paiatrooper in Atrirs,
Sicily and Europe, says lie h&x teen a lot ot trouble, but none has
bothered him as siuch as his life's unhappiticss. To give her hap
piness, perhaps belatedly, FraniE, 28, wants to wll one of his eyes to
buy a house. His We, Florence (photo!, has filed for a divorce but
Frank thinks that the house aiU help mend his shattered eiarriage.
lines which tie Its power into the"
Pacific Gas and Electric system.
L'nless the Senate Appropria
tions are defeated, the govern
ment will be forced to make a
Texas Power and Light-type eon
tract with Pacilic G and Klec
tric Co. The government will also
be prevented from building a
steam plant to firm up its power.
And It will be prevented from
building transmission lines to
serve any of Its preferred cus
tomers save reclamation project
pumping stations,
A Senate floor battle has been
promised by Senaiora O'Mahoney
of Wyoming. Johnson of Texas,
Sparkman of Alabama and oth
ers who want commiltee restric
tions on the pwbiie power pro
gram removed. If committee rec
ommendations are adopted, they
will put the government in the
role of being secondary supplier
to private monopolies.
By Doy, Month of
Arthur N. Denny
Phone 1655 J
1 12 N. Stephen
Across from Post Office
Do You Plan on Building?
Let us save you real money on your lumber,
roofing, siding end other building materials.
Panel Shake Siding
Wood shokes mode up in ponelj that con be ap
plied for less than half of the reguior double
course shokes. AH paneling is termit proofed
and sized for painting.
We will give free delivery lor any order inside of the
etty limits. Free delivery will be gtvert within 30 mile
outside of the city limits it the load is 2500 feet or more.
Garden Volley Road at S. P. Tracks
Phone 704-R-4 or 264-J-2
sssssssssssial ' 1 - 1
1 ', XS3BmWKiM- - - - 1 imf
in this Model 4$ t-doar Stdnn.
NEW in looks NEW in room
NEW in fumrflin
and priced right doivtt yonr ailey!
FEAST your eye, folks and reach for
your checkbook.
For here, in one stunning, swifl-ltned
bundle, is everything yes, everything
you've been hoping for.
New style note? Well, jusf look at
that brand-new idea in front-end styling.
Grille, bumper, bumper-guards and even
parking lights all combined in a single,
alurdy assembly that means you can't
"lock horns" with other cars.
New over-all size? We've trimmed imhn
from its over-all length for handiness
in traffic yet here's still the generous
wheelbase that spells a level-going ride.
herm'$ a tuiy t-doar, 3-pastngr madM
with thm enfirv msr-amt am oraifa6
for luggage, Mfnif cawt. He
Twm b Mtnn I. MHO HC Maoori. am Unr
New roominess? Swing ipen llie dKrs
a tlutmh-touch does it! and gaze on
the biggest interiors you can buy for the
money, with sofa-wide front seals and no
less than 12 more inches in rear-seal hip.
Slip behind (he wheel. Finger -easy
Synchro-Mesh transmission if you choose
ihe satiny smoothness of Dynaftow
Drive as optional equipment if you want
the very latest thing.
And if power is your meat just lift tha
bonnet and look on a husky Fireball
power plant of 11(1 horsepower with
conventional transmission, 120 with
Dynaflow Drive.
Surely here a car big as your fondest
ambition yet price-wise it right down
your alley 1 Fils modest family budgets
as it fits modest-size garages, puts Buick
in reach of stilt more people I
So here's really a "must see" item! On
display now, in three Irim-'n'-tidy body
types, it won't stay long on dealers floors.
Go now see it and let thai ardrr in!
Km at m OwMti iut
f " " 1 1 laWir -11 a ' K .
1 V?CI1
Rose & Washington
Pfisnt 141
n hvn autnmnlillf arm built UlUK ttiil hmiltl ihrm