V 6 The News-Review, Roscburg, Ort Wed.. Aug. 10, 14 llWlll i i i i. ' i 1 v ; ' , ,, ,; . - ;v .. . PASSING SCENES Motorcycle! trt apparently nothing naw to Roiaburg, n this view (upper) of tha Motorcycle club on Jackion itreet ihowi. The year it 1910. Pack traini carrying tup pliei to the Umpque forest aren't leen here anymore. These. pack horses (middle I are on Jack ion street, near the future lite of the Umpque hotel. But a tradition Roseburg still carries on is choosing a queen to rule over civic celebrations. That's the queen's float (lower) in 1911. (Pic tures from Clark's Studio. I Gov. McKay Adds Advict To Civil Service Papers Mnwy. the Governor indicate la not a mtlsfactory measure uf SALEM, Aug. 10. (.-P fertlfl- Gov. Doiik1 McKay Monday to success. "Try to be the best in catcs rcni'psonlind the completion SO state employes. A hit o( ad- your business or profession or of Ihe first statewide civil service vice from the Governor arcom- in whatever line you want to training courses In Oregon's his- panied the certificates and his follow." he advised, adding ' I tnry were handed personally by congratulations. would rather be the best boot- COEN SUPPLY COMPANY Everything for the lWiihlcr at reasonable prices means just that. Whether you are remodeling or building home, or any type of structure, here you can secure any and all materials required. We buy in large quantities, have all the equipment necessary for eco nomical handling and pass the savings along to you. You are invited fo inspect our displays, our stocks, our facilities to serve you, and secure an estimate on any materials needed. When desired, we have a plan for small monthly payments. COEN SUPPLY COMPANY Flocd and Mill Sts. Phone 121 Strange Case Of Leaking Roof Told At Senate Probe Of "Five Percenters" WASHINGTON. Aug. 10(P Paul Grindle, New England manu facturer, told senators Mondax about the strange case ( the leak ing roof at the Foxboro trotting track clubhouse and what caus ed It. The track, located 19 miles from Boston, was built during 1946-47 with what Grindle describ ed a $15,000 worth of help from James V. Hunt of Washington, key figure in the senate's "five percenter" investigation. Grindle, one of the opening wit. nessea before the senate investi gating committee, said Hunt told him his story of how he helped get the track built: Paul Bowser of Boston, presi dent of the track, went to Hunt for help in getting the then-required government okay. Hunt went to Frank Creedon, then housing expediter now with the Hanford. Wash., atomic plant, and Creedon told him what to do about "getting around regula tions." The "loophole" was that a building could be moved onto a site and housing officials would approve alternations for it. So at Koxboro some small buildings were moved to the track site and remodeled into a single building for a clubhouse. But Boston housing officials, when they Inspected the job, de eded the (rack had gone too far lutside regulations. So they or tered the buildings separated by -utting three two-foot slots across he structure. This let in the sky and the rain. Jowser protested. He notified Hunt of what had happened and Hunt, again went to Creedon. Creedon called the Boston office y telephone and demanded to tnow if they were trying to make lim "the laughing stock of the untry." Boston officials told Creedon ;he slots already had been cut, md it would cost too much to plug them. Grindle, a Framingham, Mass., manufacturer, never did get around to saying whether the slots had been covered over. He did say Hunt told him he collect ed a $15,000 fee from the track. MORE FUN THAN DOLLS LONDON (JP Susan Pegg is an experienced gardener at only five years of age. In a big horti cultural show here, she won a $20 prize for the best bunch of radishes grown by a boy or girl under 16. Susan, who comes from Hug glescote tn Leicestershire, start ed helping her father in his gar- black In town, for instance, than the worst lawyer." Good wages and working colt, dlt ions, he emphasized, however, ii. his opinion result in increased efficiency and service. The courses, completed by stale employes on their own time, were in filing methods and accounting procedures and were snonsored by the state Civil Ser vice director who presided a t Monday's "commencement exer cises", an effort will be made to resume training In the autumn. LOGGERS Are you having trouble with your Cutting Chain? See our MR. J. A. B0YER for Expert Chain and Crosscut Filing. . "THE EXPERIENCE OF YESTERDAY FILES THE SAWS FOR TODAY" Your Chain Saw Bar is Important, Too! Have it repaired at . . . SAW SERVICE AND SUPPLY Right across from the new City Market. Pacific Highway North Phone 1372 R den when she was two. She be gan her own gardening at three. "It's fun," she says, "and better than playing with dollies." The American black bear still survives in many of the U.S. east- HARMONY IN RUH HOUH CHICAGO CP Lines of auo mobiles were snarled in a rush hour Jam at the edge of the loop. Impatient drivers kept blowing their horns. The traffic cop at the corner was almost but not quite at wit's end. He blew his whistle, raised his hands a la Toscanini and bellowed above the """Let's try it again. All together now in the key of C." ffu&f wood BREAD Mfr S.Mta.OtialrtSs.-eeo'.ilr! e Mafl.-est We. t TM ltWl ' Si t Hr Pet ' W 1 I- William's Bakery fllilS SR3I18 Ml ' II OmmUbmt-iiA M M mLmfWIWir ?J&ftH6 lViiMuwi jiii ui hi ii t mmmtvn j. . wfT rsef-I mmmmm m ,mm SPECIAL VALUE -7 .!;5S-- (wK look at the sleek lines of this modern -'l "'-Sf ' t 'ff!f living room suite the new two-cushioa f $L - Vtv v v ?; ''' -" V .'' m"0 Jj&Nf' 'j ' "tTI ' seat and back the tailored smartness. 1 V , J"'. w ."o . . J , ""' . f' 1 And oh, thecomfort of Kroehler hidden. LSiA ', , . " :" 1 I.f quality construction. Select a fine, dura- ?"w. ' '"JLSfYMljL I'f 'lil ble tapestry for only $129 50. 'VTOv j ' .- - .- sS, s ' "lT1 ""J' I 1" ' 's.l'' 'l t 1 io . wide flection of sntsr,. $1CQS0 A ' TV4 1 - IF CVl , v' ATT modern colors. Sotasndljf ' :, ,t ' S I - rTJi LST'-AlM .I .',-lV J Luxurious Iptured boucl 'rTi,'- ' -' Z- -Z-Ct 1 V' S' ' ' V 11 with large pattern carved in (1 "f A 50 I i V hiZ' 2J" ' ' ' ' 11 deeper, thicker loops-in J I M3V I A ' f fV be.Uful fashionable col- l7 V ' "V mm i V, fc-r- rr j f 'k ob,' VsJl4i3 fssi aX RS5i 1 libiral ) ZEL"'1 rff fhls Is thfl BESf tint I ri-fvrilsll "nJl m tlu ,ml 299 Hosmstis 29 Only the dose cooperation of deaL s r,rN. eo tfJ ,1.MN(lu,l, ucnMM 5 (y -A T7T"7r" V" t y- f J .4 I J . 4 I I I t I f liilJl famous Kroehler Mfg. Co. couli -f. -ET.Ty-'A 1 vi't"? Ux J1 1 I sjl ,rhve made this, sale possible! C:3T . 1 ir-"--- Now that it's here, yo have tow ""t ii'r?? " "2 jf I if ll r"E:?-S3Zri the glorious styles and colors and V- tiSy 'm!-lv ;"Sy XtbftVl IIOIHIII IS NATION ALLY 'AMOUSI Hr KROEHLER and Save HTi f mljmWK ftMlfl ' - 1""" I' iij f Jr MAMNSl SACK STTU) X07 ni 1 r ni ikm tit 1 r 1 jyr HWlt rUkNionirn phone PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR THE HOME r