OIL TO BURN tot prompt courttoui mtr d dlivris of high quelity iter and burner oil CALL 152 MYERS OIL CO. Distributors of Hancock Petroleum Product! For Oougloi County al benefit at the beginning of every quarter. The rise in New York's unemployment insurant claims from 331.000 aa of June 11 to 425.000 as of July 9 was due In part to the fact that a number of claimants had exhausted their benefits in the second quarter of the year. But they became eli gible for new benefits after Juiy 1. Massachusetts and 15 other slates have uniform benefit years, beginning April 1. Maxi mum benefit in Massachusetts U 23 weeks in any one year. When a Bay State worker has used up all his wage credits and drawn benefit payments for 23 weeks, he cannot again become .-Ugihle for benefits until after the next April In other states, the usual pat tern Is for each worker's employ ment year record to begin on the day he files his initial claim for insurance. Then when he has ex hausted his benefits, he does nut again become eligible for more unemployment Insurance until 52 weeks after he filed his first claim. When a worker Is drawing in surance for from 20 to 26 weeks, he Is obviously not building up wage credits for the following year. In this ensuing year this worker will therefore be eligible for roughly less than half as much insurance as he got in his Initial year of unemployment. Thousands Exhaust Benefits National statistics on the exist ing 48 state unemployment insur ance systems, as collected by the Bureau of Kmployment Security 'n Washington, reveal that for 'he first three months of this vcar, 369,000 of the 2.110.000 workers now drawing unemploy ment Insurance had exhausted their benefits. Figures for the econd quarter, now being corn oiled, will probably show an In crease in exhaustions. For the third quarter the situation will really become critical unless 4 Th Uws-IUvUw, Rostburg, Or Wd.r Aug. 10, 1949 Unemployment Causes Heavy Drain On State Pocketbooks By PETER EDSON KEA Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON. Exhaustion of unemployment insurance bene fits by workers is another recession headache that must soon be laced. Since the laws governing unemployment Insurance vary in very state, it is difficult to make a national round-up on this sub ject that will fit all cases. But the nature of the problem may be dated In several terms. Th weakness of the unemploy ment Insurance system is In com bating depressions. The system was designed primarily to give temporarily unemployed workers ome income between jobs. If the country is now heading Into an other period of continued low em- filoyment such as it went through n the 1930s, that's where the trouble will come. . The 33,000,000 workers now covered by the various stale sys tems become eligible for unem ployment Insurance as they build up "wage credits." The more steadily workers are employed In any year, the more unemploy ment Insurance they are entitled to, up to the maximum set by each state. New York now has the most liberal unemployment Insurance terms In the nation. Unemployed workers there may draw a maximum of $26 a week for a maximum of 26 weeks in ny year. When a worker exhausts his unemployment Insurance bene fits in any year, he mav not be come eligible for more unem ployment insurance until a new 'employment year" begins. It is In determining the limits of this employment year that state prac tices vary widely. What States Provide . In New York, the unemployed may become eligible for addition- Slovak Villagers Resist Threat Of Priest's Arrest PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia, Aug. 10. UP) Police have put down a "revolt" In a Slovakian village where Catholics defend ing their priest from threatened arrest had set up their own local government, a communist week ly news magazine reported to day. Aroused villagers led bv a band of fighting peasant women had beaten up the chairman of the communist-controlled local exec utive hoard. Svet Prace. weekly magazine of the Czechoslovak communist party, said. Two persons were reported wounded and "sevtra'" arrested in northwestern Slovakia. The magazine gave no precise date for the clash but said the offending village had its'electric power cut off for several weeks, apparently as punishment. Strecno is in the Zillna district of Slovakia where fighting be tween Catholic villagers and broke out about six weeks ago. Whether this was a new incident or a report on details of former fighting now coming to light could not be definitely establish ed. (Vatican sources reported last week that new clashes had oc curred in Slovakia, which is strongly Catholic.) Svet Prace called the Strecno unrising a "revolution" and dis closed that state security police supported by workers' militia units were called to ouell it. Peasants wielding flails and sevthes were disarmed. The communist organ claimed Strecno citizens had chosen an "Illegal" council of their own to renlace the local government "aTter things were changed." fW GET l I JiipSif I SAID GET THOSE CATS. LIGHTS SJiMjMil j , j WHAT lil TCffilf OFF WE WEfctE SITTING HERE YMiitUi !K ? I TrtBsl COOUMQ OFF WHErJ VOL) TURNED )T ii'llKl J filWrrrfi " Imma, iM th drive and kaa jumped i:k ;;'ri IIP ' fplft AND GOT TWISTED UP-THE SPt I li H i I ilftMwV LADy WHO TAUGHT ME I ', ,"l h , ' j I jig I'"" WHV MOTHERS fPT f-,t?AV j " -.jBn?A 0-9 tJ.P?.Wl! I IAMC I Future Farmers And 4-H'ers To Have Prominent Roles In County Fair, Kiwanians Told The part to be played In the coming Douglas county fair by Future Farmers of America and 4-H club members was explained to Kiwanis members Tuesday at the regular noon meeting of the organization at the Umpqua hotel. nomer urow, speaKing lor r. F. A., told Kjwanians that this will be the first county fair in 36 years. Although we will have relatively small beginning, he said, future plans call for one of the largest and best equipped fair grounds in the state. Grow extended a special invi tation to Kiwanians to attend the fair and see the Kiwanis heifer calf presented last year to Billy Austin, . r . A. member., urow said the heifer has since given birtn to a calf which win be kept by young Austin until It is six months old. then given to an other F. F. A. member. In this way, the "Kiwanis calf chain" will keep growing, he said. I-rank von Borstel. county 4-H club agent, invited the audience to view the enlarged fair facili ties being prepared for the open ing of the fair Aug. 25-27. Livestock Entries Pour In "I think you'll be amazed at the Immensity of the project," he , said. He said 220 horse stalls have been built, as nave two luu oy feet livestock bams and the main pavilion, measuring 100 by 140 feet. Von Borstel said already nearly 100 livestock entries have been received from county 4-H club members. This is in addition to home economics, forestry, show manship, home making and crop contests to be entered by the club members. In all. F. F. A. and 4-H club members will occupy about one fourth of the total space in th main pavilion, he said. Von Borstel especially stressed the emphasis to be placed on com munity and grange exhibits. H said exhibit space could be ar ranged for by contacting Paul Abeel fair manager. These ex hibits will be judged on their ef fectiveness originality and qual ity of the articles shown and should be so arranged as to dis play to the best advantage th articles and produce from each community. Preceding the speakers' re marks. Alvin Knauss, Douglas Community hospital manager, was Introduced as a new member of the Roseburg Kiwanis club. OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams there Is a pickup In employ ment. For winter a worker can draw no more benefits, he must go on relief if he has no other source of Income. During the first quarter of 1949, the average unemployed worker vvausteri his wage credits and his benefits In about 19 weeks. So any unemployment lasting more than five months can easily swell relief and public welfare rolls. Of the 10 principal labor mar ket areas reporting more than 12 12 percent of their Insured workers drawing unemployment K-,neflts in Mav, only one situa tion has born cleared up. That Is the San Jose, Calif., area. Reds Plan Disposal Of Shanghai's Idlt Million SHANGHAI. Aug. 10.-UP) Shanghai's unemployed total 1, 000,000 persons, the communist military control commission an nounced Monday. Of these 250,000 are industrial workers, 650,000 are "paupers" and the others are classified by the communists as "land owners, wealthy farmers and lawless ele ments,' who fled to Shanghai from the interior and are not em ployed. Thus the city's unemployed population numbers a sixth of the city's population. The commission said those with homes elsewhere would be sent to them. Those without homes are to be sent to north Kiangsu and North Annuel provinces to be settled on new farm areas. Only the desti tute are to have their transporta tion paid. The announcement said "all public bodies and charitable or ganizations are requested to co operate with the government to carry out the plan. The communists, who appear to think the nationalist blockade will last indefinitely, say they hope ultimately to move 3,000.000 per sons o'lt of Shanghai to farm areas to ease the burden caused by the loss of sea commerce. Convenient Parking en Lot at Rear of Stor Roseburg, Oregon Not 2" or 3 iff Line. ..but a Ij Hi firsj Mimm QUALITY j Tj ,fjjjtfV TIRE! $1fl45 fcewwe. t,J, Not only It Word Riverside built of firs! qualify materials, but it'i first quality In tread depth ond width in cross-section and lizel And now improved with "cold rubber" to wear longer than everl Compare it only with the best first-line tires model Then $av in this satel iizi I " I " " SMI IMI 4755 00-19 10.25 1.9S J.25 3.50-17 11.10 2.20 6.00-16 10.45 2.30 6.256.50-16 12.85 2.65 7.00-16 14.75 j 2.95 $1.20 WEEKLY BUYS 4 TIRES Staff Chiefs Find Encouragement In Talks Overseas WASHINGTON, Aug. 10-.P) The Joint chiefs of staff re- turnad Tuesday, ready to give Con gress the benefit of their 10-day conferences in Europe with At lantic pact nations military chiefs. General Omar N. Bradley, Army Chief of Staff; General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Air Force Chief of Staff, and Admiral Louis Denfeld, Chief of Naval Opera tions, returned aboard President Truman's plane. Tomorrow they are to appear before the Senate Armed Forces committee. General Bradley described the conferences as "a grand sta-t toward organizing the unity and collective security under the At lantic pact. Bradley said the three Chiefs In making the trip had two objec tives: To Inspect U.S. forces in Germany and Austria, and to dis cuss with the defense chiefs of Atlantic pact nations possible or gajjiratlon under the pact. "We discussed several forms of organization." Bradley said.. "But we didn't try to arrive at any de cision." Bradley said that the chiefs of Ihe nations with whom they con ferred "took our -coming over so soon after passage of the Atlantic pact as an Indication of our wil lingness to make It work." He added: "We hope that these frank dis cussions and exchanges of views will help our respective govern ments and will shorten confer ences necessary to organize un der the pact." NON-SUPPORT CHARGED Deputy Sheriff Pillas Bennett returned to Roselurg Monday night from LaGraide where he had gone to take Into custody Edwin B. Moore, charged with non-support. Moore was committed to the county jail with bail set at $500 hy Justice of the Peace A. J. Geddes. Publisher To Give Fine Home For Monastery CHARLESTON, S. C, Aug. 10. UP) The showplace plantation home of Time-Life magazine pub lisher Henry R. Luce near here is going to be converted into a monastery for Catholic monks who take vows of poverty. Luce has conveyed most of his Mepkin plantation in Berkeley county near Moncks Corner to the Catholic diocese of Charles ton for a Trappist monastery. The most Rev. Emmet M. Walsh. Bjshop of Charleston, announced the acquisition yesterrday. Monks of the "Cistercian (Trap pist) order from the Gethsemane. Ky., monastery, are expected to arrive at the plantation this win ter to begin work on the develop ment of the foundation. Involved in the transaction was S200.000, payable $40,000 a year for five years. Luce conveyed the Manor House, three guest houses and 3.130 acres of the 7.200 acres of the plantation to the diocese. The Mepkin monastery will be the third in the United States. The others are at Gethsemane and Conyera, Ga. About a year ago Mrs. Luce, a former congresswoman, gave money to the Benedictine order to help found the Reyina Laudls ahhev at Rethiehem. Conn. I wuArs nut nouiw I NEED A NEW HOME ? ? If your problem it building new horn on small budget b iur and se Chrystalit Til today. Chrystalit Til it chtoper than lumber and you need no insula tion because Chrystalit is self-intulated. Com in to day and let us giv you som estimates on your new horn. CHRYSTALITE TILE CO. Pacifie Hwy. North Phone 695-R I Registered Wlllamstta Vat Ity .red Romneys from Im ported rams. Choice seleo tions now available. OAKMEAD FARM Newberg, Oregon and House, Commercial Industrial Wiring Electrical Trouble Shooting Motor and Appliance Re pair Free Plck-Up and Delivery Service 17 Years Experience ACE ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician 318 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1093-L vantages j and service Ij Iff ' r v''a' t IIII patron wh select 1VL IIII our lowest priced funeral, : III Wll a uiell . fll thosewhchoM Drive it Once... And You'll Want to Drive it Always ! m(E A DATE 1lfTH THE A "DOCKET if DEMONSTRATION ! y 1 IrM If Futnnm J mnl 't be satisfied itta soy other car, ones you Tt . J " is a "Rocket" Engine car . ! . and Tour first Vs am you . . . you won driren the "R8." For this minutes at its herl ill give yna a completely new point of view about tnntnrinr,! Hera's espr power that males traffic dming easy. Here's effortless power thst's tuned to the open rosd. Here's trua aica compmfion power that costs Itm, not more, to command! And it's paired with the new ease and safety of Hylra-Matie Drive. All this plus Kutur. amic Styling in compart yrt spacious Bodies by Fisher! But you'irt got to strii it to Minr it ... so male your date with th "88"! Call your Olds mobile dealer now ! Sedm with "JtiKht" En fint. 'f'r unrr Mntrtt fnu,n opriwiW mt tttra M m CV3 0BD DiC honi rout A 9IKMA1 MOrOli VAIUI " I A I I I T (Mill Thone 311, SMITH MOTORS or visit 233 N. STEPHENS STREET