Wed., Aufl. 10, 14 TX News-Review, t-Antf. Ora. S Western World Suffers Serious f Disaster In ChinaNow What To Do? By JAMES MARLOW WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. OP This country doesn't know whit to do next. That's about the best that can be said of the United Statea' policy toward China now. The Communist! are In control there. Thii country doesn't like it. But what this country should do about It Is something that j hasn't been figured out yet. It's up a tree. That's what you have left when you cut through a river of woras that came out of the State De ' partment in its "White Paper,'' explaining why things went wring in China. Summed up, the paper says: . 1 The Chinese Communists have taken over most of the coun try and can take over all of it, any time they want to. 2 The only opposition to the ' communists the nationalist gov ernment of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek was rotten and it's not worth a dime any more. 3 This government had helped Chiang's outfit but has washed its hands of the Chiang crew now. And that polishes off the last real block inside China to the com munist. The White Paper says more: We were in there pitching for Chiang, and we poured .help Into him, but he didn t know what to do with it. He was bullheaded. and he blew the help we gave, and messed up his armies. And instead of reforming his rotten government into one the Chinese people could have faith in and rally around, he let it sfay rotten. The government and his armies melted away and the commu nists took over. That's a pretty gloomy picture in the White Paper, when you re member it's a great boon to Rus sia to have a communist China bv its side and a great blow to this country since a huge chunk of friendly Asia is lost to us. In fact, Secretary of State Ach eson told a news conference when the White Paper was released, the Chinese communists are Rus sian stooges, ready to sneeze when Russia feels a draft. But Acheson tried to throw a Bishop Oxnam Raps Spellman's School Bill Stand ' WASHINGTON, Aug. 10 P G. Bromley Oxnam, Methodist bishop of the New York area, accused the Roman Catholic lead ership Sunday of killing the pro posals in Congress for federal aid to public schools. In a radio interview he said Francis Cardinal Spellmen's "per sonl attack" on Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a part of a "coldly calculated plan" of the Catholic hierarchy. He said this plan was "designed to deny federal aid to public schools unless the hierarchy can get its hands in the public treas ury and secure milions for the support of parochial education." Cardinal Spellman recently ac cused Mrs. Roosevelt widow of President Roosevelt, of anti Catholic bias "unworthy of an American mother" after she had opposed the use of federal funds for non-public schools. Mrs. Roose velt denied any such bias and said God will be the final judge of the worthiness of all human beings. Bishop Oxnam said the Ameri can people have recently learned that federal aid of eduction is dead for this session of Con gress, and most of them deplore the fact. Bishop Oxnam also said there Is a "striking parallel between the organizational structure and method of the world wide Com munist political party and the world-wide Roman Catholic Po itical party. Both are totalitarian. Both seek control of the minds 'of men everywhere. Both prac tice excommunication, character assassination, and economic re prisals." In New York, Cardinal Spell man could not be reached for comment. cheery note Into the China dU-! aster by saying he s not "deieat- ist" about it at all. Indeed, he went lurther and said: The VS. is willing to help the uninese people establish true in dependence. But the $64 ques tion How? was something he didn't answer. All he could do was list five principles for this country's atti tude toward China. They said, in 1 effect, we'd like to help the Chi-1 nese people get rid of Moscow's 1 Chinese lieutenants. And he said . the problem of how to do it 1 ; Deing studied. But the Chinese . communists, if they're like communists every where else and they seem to be, will rule the people with an iron hand. And that ought to be pretty good in keeping down any out breaks against the communist re gime, particularly since there's no real military opposition len. Disaster To Wttrn World That's going to make it very I tough, if not impossible, for this j government to do anything for any ol tne Chinese people wnod like a dinerent Kind ol government. At this moment it seems the only thing this country can do is help China's neighbors In Asia if the Chinese communists try to run over them. J One thing the White Paper1 makes clear: In Its light against Communism, the western world suffered a tremendous disaster in China. About 300,000.000 people in i nina were lined up witn tne zoo, 000.000 in Russia. It mav be years before : the West feels the full effect of this, since the Chinese communists! have a big job on their hands in I industrializing their country and getting it on Its feet, for the first ! time in history. i'i''jy- --.t he less Htm yi tkmkl ""THf, rtftbt plumbing lit am 4 lot for a room! Ami you're sura that the? arc right in styling . . . in contraction ... In a boot 4 outstanding features whss yam choose American-Standard. 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