The NewsSUs lew, Roseburg, Ore.-Tue., Aug. 9, 1949 KEYSTONE CLUB TO ENTERTAIN FAMILIES AT PICNIC AUG. 1STH Members of the Methodist Key itone club will entertain their husband and families at a six thirty o'clock potluck picnic sup per Monday night. August 15, at Umpqua Park. Those attending are asked to nnng iwo covered dishes, sandwiches and their own table service. Those desiring transportation are asked to meet at the Methodist church at six- fifteen o'clock. JJP) rings arc styled for the fastidious priced for the thrifty. See your diamond snlarged 20 to 60 tlmesl ' Ask to ses tha Diamondscopt. P.N.G. CLUB HAS INTERESTING MEETING WEDNESDAY EVENING The Past Noble Grand's Club of Sutherlln had a most enjoy able potluck supper and meeting at the home of Mrs. Ella Wegner Wednesday evening. The long ta ble was centered with a beautiful bouquet of sweet peas. Covers were placed for: Mrs. Helmte Burns, Mes. Belle Cook, Mrs. Florence Cook, Mrs. Char lotte Parker, Mrs. Leona Slack, Mrs. Hazel Green, Mrs. Bertha Barge, Mrs. Lucille Chase, Mrs. Alma Anderson. Mrs. Med a Schrack, Mrs. Nellie Peterson, Mrs. Ruth Manning and the host ess, Mrs. Wegner. The business meeting was In charge of the president. Mrs. Nellie Peterson, followed by ro;i call, with each member respond ing with a quotation or some in teresting event. The main topic of business was the finishing of the plans for the rummage sale and food sale the club is giving to raise money to buy Past Noble Grand cords for all Past Noble Grands who have been Rpbekahs for more than thirty years. The committee asks that all things be left at Holgates Gift Shop, and pick-ups will be made by contacting some mem ber that has a phone and they will see that the articles are call ed for. The sale will be held Saturday, August 20th, the exact location will be announced at a later date. The penny prize was won by Mrs. Nellie Peterson. After the meeting closed the balance of the evening was spent in visiting. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, heptember 7th, with Mrs. Juanita Holgate as hostess. Society and QluLi By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele ohone for the society page must be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Fridays, at which time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. HOME ECONOMICS CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING AT GRANGE HALL MONDAY Jay-C-Ettes to Meet The Jay- C-Klles will meet Wesnesday night at 8 o'clock at the home oi Mrs. Al Wray. Box 335-K, Mel rose route, phone 149 JS. Mrs. Hill Pyle and Mrs. Mack Pyle will be assisting hostesses. 4 iCottee The Home Economic's Club of Sutherlln met Monday at the Grange Hall with Mrs. Phreda Wahl, chairman, presiding. Plans for a picnic were made lor sunnay, August Zlst, and an Invitation was extended to the Fair Oaks Grange members to attend. It will be held at the Hunt's picnic grounds, about twelve miles east of Sutherlln. It was decided to have a birth dav bank at the birthdav dlnneis held quarterly and those having birthdays will contribute to the amount of their age. A card of thanks was received from the Brownie Leader, thank ing the Club for cooperation and neip witn the Brownie dresses. Hostesses appointed for the September meeting are Mrs. Etta Shamp and Mrs. Lizzie Gleason. Watch for notice of date of next meeting as regular meeting falls on Labor Day. Delightful refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Phreda Wahl and Mrs. Kay Sim mons to: Mrs. F.tta Shamp, Mrs. Maude Moore, Mrs. Bertha San ders, Mrs. Lizzie Gleason. Mrs. Vivian Nlcoson. Mrs. Ellen Lie singer, Mrs. Stella French, Mrs. Edna Nlcolizzi. Mrs. Meda Schrack and Mrs. Hallie Martin. HELPING HAND CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY The Helping Hand club of Edenbower will meet Thursday at one-thirty o'clock at the home of Mrs. Millard Rietmann on the Calkins road. All members are urged to be present. NOW of your favor!, food store! Tlr- UMPVUA RIDING ACADEMY East Douglas ana Ramp Road. Watch for Sign. Horses for hire by tha hour or day. Horses Boarded By tha Month Phone 16:8 R THE GREAT NEW r-r t . Westmgh ouse REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER COMBINATION with $$$$ modi possible by new; exclusive; automatic Get COLDER COLD zero cold (or faster food freezing, and al Ins same li'ms, steady, sale cold for normal food-keeping, thanks to sensational HOLD-COLD CONTROL! Giant Freeze Cheat and Ire Cube Storage Tray freeze and store safely 56 pounds of food and ice tray holds 108 cubes big Meat Keeper new Butter Keeper two big Humi drawera Automatic Door Closer and many other great features in the new Aristocrat 101 - '! ( h , t - j SUTHERLIN WOMEN ENJOY MEETING Sutherlln's Home Economics Club attended a 1:30 o'clock luncheon, at Evergreen Grange as guests of the Home Economics Club on Thursday. After a very lovelv' luncheon with ladies also from the Fair Oaks Economics Club, games were played; group singing was enjoyed led by the Lecturer from the three clubs. A clever skit by members of Evergreen n. liud was put on, entitled. uranapa Receives a Bomb. Exchange of ideas for the better ment of the club were given by uie inree cnairmen. Those attending from Sutherlln were: Mrs. Phreda Wahl, (chair man I Mrs. Bertha Sanders, Mrs. Vivian Nicoson, Mrs. Ellen Lie singer, Mrs. Stella French. Mrs. Maude Moore, Mrs. Etta Shamp i vice man man i, Mrs. irma Cor nish. Mrs. Marjorie Sheets, Mrs. Nellie Peterson, Mrs. Mabel Pierce. Mrs. Gertrude Bringie, Mrs. Lizzie Gleason. Mrs. Kav Simmons. Mrs. Hallie Martin and Mrs. Meda Schrack. MID-WEEK BIBLE CLASS HAS MEETING The Mid-Week Bible class of ht. Paul s Lutheran church met Thursday afternoon at the home or Mrs. A. Rietmann at Brock way. Kev. W. A. Sylwester led the group in a very interesting dis cussion on the Lord's supper. Mrs. Rietmann served lovely refreshments at the tea hour to Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Sylwester and sons, Milton and Robert; Mrs. E. Carter and daughters, Linda and Susan; Mrs. V. An draieff, Mrs. M. Riemann and daughter, Yvonne; Mrs. L. Wil son, Mrs. W. Nehring and daugh ter, Margaret; Margaret; Mrs. Vogt. Mrs. L. Volgt, Mrs. C. Per ry, Mrs. C. Gorthy. Mrs. H. Yivi- saker, and Mrs. K. Hinther and daughter, Karla Jean. WINCHESTER COMMUNITY CLUB TO HOLD POTLUCK LUNCHEON ON THURSDAY The Winchester Community club ladles will meet at a twelve thirty o'clock potluck luncheon Thursday, August 11. at the home of Thelma Speidel with Mrs. Rob erf Stlllwell and Mrs. June Hafer co hostesses. All women of the immunity are most cordially in vited and are asked to bring food tor the covered-dish luncheon and their own table service. L. A. TO B. OF R. T. TO PICNIC SUNDAY The members of the ladies aux iliary to the Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen and their fami lies are Invited to attend a four o'clock picnic dinner Sunday, Aug. 14, at Umpqua Park. Chick en and Ice-cream will be furnish ed. Those attending are asked to bring lood lor the dinner and their own table service. W.B.A. TO HOLD PICNIC LUNCHEON The W.B.A. will hold a one o'clock picnic luncheon Thursday at the Havens-Wells home on Ful lerton street. Each member is asked to bring a guest or pros pective member. ROTARIANS INVITE ROTORY ANNS TO PICNIC The Rotary Anns (Instead of holding their monthly no-hostess luncheon this week) will be guests at a six o'clock barbecued chicken dinner Thursday night, Aug. 11," at the V. A. hospital pic nic grounds. W.S. OP C.S. HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Sutherlin Methodist church had a very de lightful potluck dinner in the church basement Thursday with Mrs. Norman Aaby and Mrs. Jes se Cooper, hostesses. The table was centered with several beauti ful bouquets of summer flowers. The business meeting was call ed to order by the president fol lowed by roil call, with each member responding with a scrip ture verse. The devotionals were in charge of Mrs. Jesse Cooper as Mrs. Hallie Martin was ab sent The order of business was mostly the deciding to make new curtains for the church windows of the basement. Those present were: Mrs. Douglass Geddes, Mrs. Henriet ta Beswick. Mrs. P. D. Turner, Mrs. Lewis Sheffel. Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. Harold Pond. Mrs. C. D. Stillwell, Mrs. D. Venza, Mrs. Wilson Swift, and the host esses. Mrs. Aaby and Mrs. Coop. er. METHODIST WOMEN TO HOLD ALL-DAY MEETING THURSDAY Circles of the Methodist Church have invited all women of the church to attend the all-day meeting to be held Thursday at the home of Mrs. H. D. Scott on the Melrose road. Those attend Ing are asked to bring a covered dish or salad, sandwiches and table service. The study book will be in charge of Mrs. James F. Wedge- worth. Those desiring transporta tlon are asked to meet at the Methodist church at ten o'clock in the morning. FRIENDLY HOUR CLUB HAS ALL-DAY MEETING WEDNESDAY The Friendly Hour club met for an all-day session Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ceclla Ken yon. A delicious potluck lunch eon was served at noon. The dav was spent in cutting stencils and doing textile painting. Those present were Minnie Ja cobson. Hazel Williams, Clara Herrman, Juanita Williams, Vera Thompson. Belva Buckwalter, Hazel Bly, Ellen Honman, urace Fenn and the hostess, Mrs. Ken- yon. COUNTRY CLUB WOMEN TO MEET ON THURSDAY Women of the Roseburg Coun try club will meet Tnursday morning at eight-thirty o'clock at the club course for the champion- shin golf tournament plav. Lunch eon will be served at twelve-thir ty o'clock and the contract bridge plav will begin at one-tnirty o clock. PATCH AND CHAT CLUB TO MEET THURSOAY The Patch and Chat club will meet Thursday night at eight o' clock at the home of Mrs. E. K. Buckingham. All members are most cordially invited to be pres ent. Circle to Meat Circle No. 1, of St. Joseph's Altar society will meet Wednesday night at 8 o' clock at the armory. All women of the parish are invited. Degree Staff ta Practice Roseburg Rebekah degree staff will practice Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock at the I.O.O.F. hall under the direction of the cap tain, Mrs. Thella Webber. Friendly Circle Club to Meet The Friendly Circle club will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lena Pfaff on the Rifle range road instead of at the home of Mrs. Margaret Pfaff as previously planned. Club to Meat The Tenmlle La dles club will meet at a noon pot luck luncheon Wednesday at the Tenmile church. New French Version Of New Look Battles With Back-To-1920 Modes Th Ar'aUxmt 10 This finest of all refrlgerator-freeiar combinations Is in class by IttalM SEE THESE GREAT, NEW WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS JODAY BOTTOM LAND Fronting North Umpqua River This choic troct is only 9 miles from Roseburg.' Al though away from noise ond heavy traffic, it is easily reached by good road. (Six miles is paved.) Has all su burban utilities. The river loam soil slopes gradually back from the water to a crest of beautiful building sites. A fringe of trees skirts the beach. There ore two large excellent brooder houses with concrete floors, a fair barn with 35 stanchions, tractor, and imple ments. Mostly fenced. Wonderful opportunity for subdividing, dairying, crop farming or raising fine stock. Unsurpassed for o reol coun try home location within eosy commuting distance. At the total price of this ploce, the land is costing only tibout $300 on ocre, while similar or inferior land is be ing offered at 2 or 3 times our price. Good irrigated crops could pay for this place in a few seasons. The price is $25,000 ond we will consider your terms. We will also consider dividing this property. NEW YORK, Aug. 9 .P Park your coats on that hitching post, gents, and let's amble down Fifth avenue while the women folka are finishing their marsh mallow sundaes. The big stores with the chromium-plated floorwalkers broke out a few million dollars' worth of female fall finery over the weekend, and you might as wed see what you're going to get nick ed for. Pay no mind to all that fancy advertising. Here's what it boils down to: The French new new look is battling It out for the national fashion title with the American back-to-the-1920s look. You should worry which one wins. Either way, it's going to cost you. This window here that bunch of black fluffy stuff on the man nequin with her nose In the air: that's the new new look. How does it differ from the ld new look? Well, the hem hangs higher. Thirteen and a half inches from the floor. Remember that! You might be asked about it on a give-away program. Also, the new new look has something called a floating panel, not to be confused with floating oower. The floating panel is a kind of misplaced bib. It hangs down from the waist, aDron-wise. Now then, in the next block, tha new old look. Gad, what memories it brings back Cal Coolidge, the Charles ton. Clara Bow, prohibition. The tight, or hobble, skirt is back. Short, too 'way up what we used to call the limb. And get that waistline, half-wav down the hip. To say nothing of the baggy coat, John Held Jr., style. Let's face if, men the oatmeal box figure may be on its way back. Fund For Grasshopper War Okayed By Truman WASHINGTON, Aug. President Truman Monday sign ed a bill appropriating $1,750,000 to combat a grasshopper Invasion threatening crops In the west and midwest. The News-Review classified ads bring bst results. Phone 100. GUTTERS AIR COOLERS Authorized Dealer For LENNOX and KLEER-KLEEN (Utility basement) (Floor Units 29" deep) FURNACES ROSEBURG SHEET METAL Your Phona (41 HEATING Center 50 E. 1st It McKay To Hoover; Congratulations On His Birthday SALEM, Aug. 8 t.V To Her bert Hoover, former Willamette Valley boy who is the nation's only living ex-president. Gover nor Douglas McKay today direct ed a personal message of birtn- day congratulations, suggesting as he did so that letters from other Oregon citizens would con sume a line and appropriate gesture." The Governor's statement: "Herbert Hoover, the only liv ing ex -president of the United Slates, will observe his 75th birth day August 10th at the Hoover Institute and Library of War, Revolution and Peace, at Stan ford University. Palo Alto. Cali fornia. "For more than 35 vears. Mr. Hoover has dedicated his entire time and energy to public service at home and abroad, in war and in peace, constantly striving to make the world a better place for mankind. His contributions toward furthering the highest ideals of our American way of life have played an important part in our social, economic and spiritual advancement as a na tion. "Let us see to It, In letter. In printed statement and in individ ual thought that Mr. Hoover, one of the greatest Americans of all times, is made aware of the grat itude of the state of Oregon and the nation for his intense gener osity as a citizen and public ser vant." WHEN YOUR PHONE RINGS answer by toying Hi Neighbor, been to Carstens' sale?" WIN A FREE PRIZE! All you need to do !s answer your phone by saying "Hi Neighbor, been to Carstens Sale?" Carstens Furni ture Co. is calling five numbers a day all this week . . to GIVE AWAY furniture if you answer with that magic slogan! By the way HAVE YOU been to Carstens First Furni ture Sale !r ' i Tomatoes for summer salads are often nice peeled. To do so dip them whole in hot water for a few minutes, then plunge them Into cold water (or hold under the cold water tap) and strip the skin off. j Ladies Club Ta Meat The Jol ly Circle club will meet Wednes day at 2 o'clock at the home of Miss Evelyn Warren. V Tassel our new BERET in felt. Fun for school! Fun for date time! Smooth felt in your favorite colors. Millinery Department Second Floor of Fashions 4.00 THRU MEN tIDI tUAXIOI There's real head room, hip room and fee room m the new Studebaker truck cab btf vrnno. too, in all direction the restful comfort of new Adjuato Air seat cushions. STUDEBAKER TRUCKS cut costs fast Studeboker truck power is money-saving power an ample reserve for tough go ing coniistent gasoline eeonomyl Stud baker truck construction Is wear resisting construction ruggedness for "go-anywhere" hauling protection against frequent repairs! Studebakor trucks are real "driver con- Sn.amlU.a' mw Slvbfcr pcks cam iat a wida rana of ate and whccUmwa for hun dreds of mads. Half-aoa pick-vp a ilKMtratnl. venlence" trucks cab floors are low cab steps are enclosed wide cab doors have automatic "hold-open" stops variable-ratio steering builds up plenty of leverage for tvm-a rounds and parking. e Stop in and see the new Studebaker trucks. Find out how fast they can cut the cost of your hauling. KEEL MOTOR CO. 443 N. Jackson Phona 129 112 W. Cost Phone f14 3 AC JACXSCNSX niiWONB 269 C. S. Briggs and Co.