The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 09, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Tlit Nowi-Hev.ew, Roseburg, Of . Tue., Aug. 9, 1949 1 Commissioners
Discuss Program
For Boy Scouts
Dr. George Lenci
Starts Medical
Practice Here
Dr. George N. Lend, former
ly of Rochester, N. Y., announced
today that he if opening a prac
tice of general medicine In Rose
burg. Hli office la located at 137
N. Jackson street, second floor
A native of New Jersey, Dr.
Lend attended Hamilton college
in New York state, where he re
ceived his bachelor of science de
gree. He received his medical
training in New York university
medical school at Bellvue hospit
al, New York City.
After post-graduate medical
years in the army medical corps,
York City, Dr. Lenci served two
The public is invited to attend
Including nine months in the Phil
ippines. He served with the 4th
general hospital and as staff sur
geon with the construction corps
of the Philippines.
Following his release from mil
itary service. Dr. Lend returned
to Bellvue hospital and later serv
ed at Strong Memorial hospital
in Rochester. For the past year,
Erhr to coming to Oregon, Dr.
encl was associated In private
practice with Dr. L. Pulslfer of
Married and the father of a
six-months-old son, Robert, Dr.
Lend Is making his home on the
Calkins road. Mrs. Lend (whose
name if Molly) was born In Man
churia, where her father was em
ployed by the Standard Oil com
pany. She is a graduate of Stan
ford university.
Dr. Lend decided to settle In
Roseburg, he said, after he had
toured the state visiting many uf
Its cities. Both he and his wife
had traveled through Oregon,
leaving them with a desire to
in this part of the country.
Holder of a pilot's license, Dr.
Lend likes to fly. Among his oth
er interests are gardning, hunt
ing, photography, and stamp col
lecting. Also, he adds, he Is a
The regular monthly luncheon
meeting of the Retail Trades as
sociation will be held Wednesday
noon at the Umpqua hotel.
According to President Roland
West, the meeting is an impor
tant one, with plans of the coming
fall opening to be discussed.
All Kindt
16 E. 2nd Ave Ss. ' Phons 242
Truman Aid Dragged
Into S Percent Inquiry
(Continued From Page One)
with politics" had arranged the
Maher Identified the three men
who came to see them as a "Mr.
Mori," a "Mr. Orlando" and a "Mr.
Maher did not Immediately
identify further the three men he
The committee has taken secret
testimony from John Maragon,
a former Kansas City bootblack
who once had a White House pass.
Maragon also has said he is a
good friend of Vaughan.
ShulHan and Maher .said the
trio vfied to get a permit to
make repairs at the track al
though a court already issued an
injunction against construction
at the racing plant. That was at
a time after the war when the
use of scarce building materials
was sharply restricted.
Given "Fine Brushoff"
Vaughan was represented in
the Hunt memo as "remarking
with vehemence, that 'Your
(Hunt's) friend Creedon is a fine
guy,' meaning by his tone, the op
posite." The memo went on to say that
Vaughan told Hunt he had sent
three men to see Creedon "after
arranging the meeting personally
by phone." It said Creedon had
turned them over to a group
"headed by a lawyer named
Mayer" (SIC) and that the group
had been given a "fine brushoff.'
The Hunt memor quoted
Vaughan as explaining the situa
tion started when the group pur
chased for $3,000,000 the Tanloran
racetrack, which had been In trou
ble due to violations of construc
tion regulations.
Shulman was called to tell what
he knew of the background on
the case. So was William Maher,
a former housing official who
now Is chief construction engi
neer for the Atomic Energy com
mission. Maher testified It was his un
derstanding the 1947 meeting
"was arranged by the administra
tion, as the term was loosely
Shulman said that after the
1947 meeting he heard that the
meeting was set up "by some one
In the administration, or in the
Democratic National committee,
or by someone in Congress." He
"I knew it was someone con
nected with politics."
May Summon Caughan
In connection with the Inquiry,
Senator Mundt (R-SD) told re
porters that he feels develop
ments make it imperative that
President Truman's military
aide, MaJ. Gen. Harry H.
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
... or so the saying goes.
Do you have the proper mir
rors on your walls to reflect
the charm ond grace of your
rooms ... or do you hove a
small room that needs a mir
ror to make the whole room
seem much larger. See us to
day for your mirror cut to
fit ony sire you wont.
Nearly 50 representatives of
six counties gathered at the Win
chester Rod and Gun club
grounds Saturday for a meeting
of the commissioners of the Ore
gon Trail council of Boy Scouts.
The visiting commissioners and
their wives were the guests of
the Douglas district. A picnic din
ner was provided by Jerry Wil
lis, Douglas district commission
er. Saturday's meet was the first
Oregon Trail council-wide plan
ning session for the coming year.
The commissioners, headed by
Dr. C. H. Michel and Max Jen
sen, Boy Scout executive, both of
Eugene, discussed the plans vot
ed on by the national council
which enlarges the Boy Scout
program by lowering age limits
for prospective Boy Scouts, Cubj,
and Explorer units.
'Represented at the meeting
were Lane, Douglas, Benton,
Coos, Curry and Lincoln counties.
Free Motion Picture
Billed At Moose Hall
The public is invited to attend
a free motion picture, entitled
"Young America," to be shown
at 8:30 tonight at the Moose hall,
3211 S. Stephens St.
All Moose members and their
families are urged to attend.
Jerry Willis, local Moose gov
ernor, said free refreshments will
be served following the show. He
stressed that the evening enter
tainment will be free of charge
and that no collection will be taken.
Edwin L Moon Cited
In Traffic Accident
Edwin L. Moon, Melrose rt.(
was cited Monday for failure to
yield the right of way following
an accident involving a panel
truck driven by James E. Lee,
Lookingglass rt Police Chief Cal
v i H. Baird reported today.
Chief Balrd said Moon was
parked on E. 2nd Ave. So. and
pulled out into the lane of traffic
whore he was hit by the Lee
City police estimated damage
to both vehicles as slight.
' . i-,.i
pvt4w in
Vaughan, be called to testify.
Mundt said that "in the remote
event ht doesn't request to be
heard, in view of the way his
name has been mentioned in this
case, I will insist that he be
Housing Expediter Tlehe
Woods testified that Vaughan
summoned him to the White
House In 1948 and told hirn
Vaughan's friends were interested
In a California race track con
struction case.
Woods said the track owners
then were trying to get govern
ment clearance for construction at
j the Tan for an track. The use of
scarce building materials was
i sharply restricted at tha time.
I Woods said that Vaughan told
i him at the White House on Jan.
9, 1948:
"I want to make sure there Is
no prejudice In your office, Just
because this Is a race track case."
Woods said Vaughan also iod
"Some friends of mine are In
terested and It is your duty to
handle the case on its merits and
on its legality."
Dr. H. B. Soofleld
Palmer Chiropractor
Rifle Range Road
410 mi. North of
County Shops
OKIre Hours 10-11 end S-S
Saturday! 10-11 A. M .
X-ray neuro-celometer mi 'lea
for .plnal correction.
Europe Arms Cost At
Issue Before Senators
(Continued From Page One)
forces of western Europe must
be able to resist any enemy.
'But tnese lorces cannot hold
the lines of collective defense
with their present Inadequate
equipment largely composed of
old and worn out material," he
Joint Plans In Making
Johnson took notice that an
objection has been raised that
American aid can be effective
only if it is provided under in
tegrated plans and a unified or
ganization for the defense of
western Europe.
He said that this already exists
In the western union defense
unuiea plans, ne said, are be
ing continuously developed by
the five nations in the western
union pact. Johnson said these
five nations England, France,
Belgium, Luxembourg and The
Netherlands are now and must
continue to be the hard core of
any European defense. They are
tne nations, ne said, wnicn, in
the event of a major aggression,
would have to bear the brunt of
the main attack.
In connection with the arms
plan, some senators say they are
confused over this question:
When does a tank become sur
plus? They may write a celling of
$500,000,000 on the amount of
military surplus that can be
shipped abroad, leaders said.
Their confusion arose from a
disclosure by Senator Knowland
(R. Calif.) that military leaders
had told China two months ago
there was no surplus equipment
but now say supplies that orig
inally cost $450,000,000 are avail
able for North Atlantic treaty
Lumber Industry Leads
In Payrolls In Douglas
(Continued From Page One)
65, 55 and 86 for the respective
three months.
Transportation, communica
tion and public utilities employed
647, 654 and 625 persons with
total payrolls of $532,488.
In wholesale and retail trades,
employment stood at 1,748, 1,755
and 1,710. Total payrolls were
Finance, Insurance and real es
tate furnished employment for
162, 158 and 154 persons, with
payrolls of $123,545.
Service industries, with total
payrolls of $300,652, employed
506, 496 and 482 persons.
Miscellaneous industries em
cloyed 24, 25 and 27 persons with
total payrolls of $14,358.
BID OPKNlNtl ft P. Mi
SEPT. 1, l4.
Scaled bids will ba received br tha
Board of Director!, Douglaa Electric
Co-Operattve. Inc., at the office In
Pacific Building, Roteburg, Oregon, until
the 2nd day of September, 19AS, 8:no
o'clock P. M. Pacific 8landard Time,
for the construction of an offioa and
warehouao building, and will thenrand
there be opened and publicly read
aloud. Blda received after the time
fixed for openlnsa will not be con
sidered. .
Plana, peclftrattone and form or eon
tract document! may be examined at
the Manager'! Office and the office of
Cleo K. Jenklna. Architect, 334 South
2nd Street, Corvallts. Oregon and ob
tained from the Architect upon a de
posit of per eat. which will be
refunded upon the return of plans
and apeclflcatlona within reaaonabla
UNo propoaat will ba considered unleea
accompanied by a certified check, cash
lere check or bid bond Iwlth authorised
surety company aa auretyl made payable
to tha Owner In an amount of not leas
than St of the amount of the bid.
Auretv bond for bonds) will b required
In accordance with the term, of tha
contract documents.
Tha Owner reaervea tha right t re
ject any or all Dtdft ana w waive in
No bidder mar withdraw hie bid after
tne nour set or tna opening inereoi
or before award of the contract, unless
said award la delayed for period
exceeding 30 days. Bidder la eubmlttlng
proposal agrees to retention of hia bid
ana eneca mr a possiDie .tu oar penoa.
Tint Publication, August 2, into.
Second Publication, August 9, IMS.
Third Publication. Auguit 16. 1B49.
Fifteen Novices Now
Take Driving Lessons
Javcee-SDOnsorpd rlrlvlno r-laeena
held each Monday and Friday at
Adair's Darkine Int. enrnpr nf
Main and Washington streets,
nuw mciuue id teaners, according
to Junior Chamber of Commerce
president uien scott. .
At a meeting of Jaycees Mon
day night, Scott said one person
nu ueen graauatea ana presented
with an operator's license to this
Lerrv Irene Stewart THiauM
route, box 95, received her license
last Friday; three other student,
are In hp nrpumiiul uritk iw ,
licenses this week, Scott indicated.
rNew applicants are still being
taken and the next class Is sched
udel for Friday night at 7 o'clock.
Meat Market-Union
Feud Goes To Court
PORTLAND. Aug. 9-tPt The
Hughes family troubles with
butcher union pickets have gone
to court.
JoSPnh A Tlnn-Hoe ha. b.UJ
for an injunction to stop the Cen
tral Labor council and the AL
meatcutters from picketing his
meat and grocery market.
The father and fnmilv mom.
bers are the only workers, he ar
gued, and they shouldn't be re
quired to Join the union.
The riisnntA has hpn trnlno An
for nine months. He told the cir
cuit court that truck drivers have
refused to make deliveries and
he has lost customers because
of picketing.
Police have been called repeat
edly to the market, where the
Hughes family has picketed the
union pickets and numerous dis
putes have followed.
I H 1 JJJ 1 I'. Ji. Tr'
Saved if since we changed to Mobiigas
For PERFORMANCE with ECONOMY, use the- quality gasolines your car needa-MobOgaa or
Mobilgaj Special. These two gasoline blanket tha requirement of every car on the road today.
Both are perfectly balanced fuels, with superlative mileage and power features; both are made by the
ame patented refining process. Their essential difference is In anti knock rating. With the help of
your Mobilgtvs Dealer, you can quickly make your own teat and find which of these 2 it beat for you:
Mobilgas If your car is like most of those now
in strriea, you will get m ilea go, powor, and anti-knock-toitA
ouUtorviing economy by using Mobilgas. If your car
run knock-n-M on Mobflgaa, then bo smart and pocket
the) duTarODO) In price botweos it and premium gasoline.
Mobilgas Special If you aro tna prmed
owner of one) of the) rtsw aitrs high -oocn pre irq sum, or if,
duo to mechanical adjuatmonta, your ear knocks on tha
gaaolioo you aro now using, you'll b noway tltfi by
switching to Mobilgaa Spscial (promium).
Me(iles er Mebilget Sptcfal FROM YOUR HELPFUL ItlODllgaS DOdlftr
c.ff'fu . ihhu rtmiEiM emu. TIM fesriea lit Wool ilaeo He atari W HVe eeelere
JMobilgas ,
The will of Claude W. McDon
ald, who died July 22, 1949, has
been admitted to probate upon
filing of petition by his widow,
Ruth McDonald of Elkton. Mrs.
McDonald was appointed admin
istratrix and William Bunch, A.
R. Marsh and George Otto were
appointee appraisers by order of
County Judge D. N. Busenbark.
Senate Girds For Tilt
Over Housing Bill Fund
(Continued From Page One)
sldent "an authorize another
$500,000,000 if he deems neces
sary. The loans evould run for
50 years at 3 per cent interest.
.--parKman said tn money would
be used as a revolving fund.
bparkman described the meas
ure as Intended to liberalize home
financing with the objective of
providing more privately built
homes. He said tho bill, together
with the public housing measures
passed earlier by congress, should
make it possible for the first
time to put up 1,500,000 new
housing units a year, all sur
veys agree, he added, that ap
proximately such a number is re
quired annually for the next decade.
Wider Social Security
Not Likely This Year
(Continued From Page One)
benefits from those who need It
most and give it to those who
need it least."
Tax Increases OKd
The House committee agreed
today to Increase the social se
curity payroll tax from $1,800,
000,000 a year to $2,700,000,000
next year and to about $3,600,000,
00 in 1951.
The committee also called for
further increases In the taxes in
1960, 1965 and 1970, with the raie
reaching 31 per cent as compared
with the present 1 per cent
against employer and employe.
The committee at the same
time voted to increase by about
70 per cent the old age and sur
vivors benefits of persons already
drawing such benefits. This is
calculated as a "cost of living"
Senate Passes Foreign
Recovery Measure
(Continued from Page One)
nance a review of dismantling
plans for 365 German plants. A
majority of Senators feel these
plants should be kept in Germany
to aid European recovery. The
House had no such provision in
its bill.
(3) Watchdog committee: The
Senate voted $344,000 for a con
gressional committee staff to
keep checking on f irelgn spend
ing. The House had decided this
The Weather
U. S. Weather Bureau Office
Roseburg, Oregon
Morning cloudiness, clearing
and warmer In afternoons today
and Wednesday.
Highest temp, for any Aug... 106
Lowest temp, for any Aug 39
Highest temp, yesterday 80
Lowest temp, last 24 hrs - S3
Precipitation last 24 hrs . 0
Precipitation since Sept. 1... 27.W
Precipitation since Aug. 1 T
Deficiency since Aug. 1 02
committee had wound up its Job
in the first year of the Marshall
(4) Chinese sudents: The Sen
ate voted to earmark $4,000,00
in unused China-aid funds for
helping some 4,000 Chinese stud
ents who are In this country. The
students have been cut off from
aid because of the t'vil war. The
House did not contain this amend
ment. (5) Army occupation costs:
The Senate voted $900,000,000 for
expenses in Germany, Austria,
Japan and the Ryukyu islands.
The House had approved $925,-000,000.
Robert L. Peterson, son of Mrs.
Hilda E. Peterson, Roseburg, will
receive the degree of bachelor of
business administration with a
major in higher accountancy from
Woodbury college, Los Angeles,
at commencement exercises to be
held August 12.
A veteran, Peterson served with
the U. S. army during the war.
Read the article on
Polio in the August is
9 Pay particular atten
tion to the fourth par
agraph in the center
column of page 39.
0 Go out and get that
0 It may mean your
Child's Health or even
his Life.
The Business Men' Assur
ance Co. has THE Family
Polio Insurance.
CALL 938 J-4
1. 1 r iiamiaaaaaia i i jSrll' J
Troubled by unattractive, worn-out siding? Then we rec
ommend a healthy "dose" of economical Johns-Manville
Asbestos Siding Shingles. Fire-resistant, easily applied,
they form a sound investment in years of exterior home
beauty and weather protection! We've all the materials
and advice you need! See us this week!
402 W. Oak
Phone 128
You could pay a thousand dollars more and still not get all the extra
roominess ease of handling famous dependability of Dodge!
When tou ; ; . hrn rnu drive the new and exciting
VW'FARKR, you'll wonder at the comfort, the prr
fonnanre, the honeM-to-pnodneM value that give more
for vour money in thin niw lower-priced Dodge.
There' head room and hat room ... leg room and elhow
room . . . neat with knee-level mipport to cradle you in
olid fomfort. There's the thrill of flashing pickup from
the new highcompre.ion (Jet- way" engine . . , Mepped
up in power hut wpieering etra mile from every tankftd
of ga. And as an added thrill, there's the prord tmiooth
nr of Iodge gyrol Fluid Drive. All thin for just few
dollar more than the oet priced cars!
Your Dodge Dealer ran quickly prove your dollar will
go farther and to will you in a new Dodge ajfarerl
$ioir ,w'-
I Q I J Roseburg
Taut M4 Kctnu utrt.
'PricM In Mwhy CamiWiMM Mary Vejry
SiflMfy acwt f TreMipsttwtttMi Oiffi
Get All These Extra Value
Features At No Extra Coil I
Dodg. gyrol Fluid Driv.
High Compression "G.t
Away" Engin.
Rtsittor-ProhKted Ignition
Floating Pow.r
Full Floating Cradled Rid.
Kn..-lv.l S.ats
Safe-Guard Hydraulic Brak.t Doubl.-Lif. Brake
Sup.r-Cushion Tir.s