12 Tht Newi-Review, Rotcburg, Or. Tut., Aug. 9, 1949 Acheson Opposes Proposal Of Vandenberg For Arms Aid For Europe On Stop-Gap Basis WASHINGTON, Aug. Secretary ot Slate Acheson flatly rejected today a proposal by Sen ator Vandenberg (RMich.) that Congress provide onlv stop-gap arms aid to Western Europe until next year. Acheson told the Michigan sen ator, who has been a leading sup porter of the bl partiwn foreign policy, that such a course would be little more than a gesture. In an obvious reference to Rus sia, Acheson told the Senate for eign relations and armed serv ices committees: "In dealing with the forces with which we are dealing, you gain no advantage by assuming an attitude. We must deal in realities. The sooner we fill the vacuum of military weakness in Europe, the better It will be for our own security. Vandenberg contended that the Administration's $1,450,000,000 arms program sets a pattern for the military delense or western Europe before the council to be formed under the North Atlantic treaty has come into being and set up a defense committee to maxe military plans. He complained that the United States is going ahead without consulting its North Atlantic al lies. He said that he favors in stead an Interim program which will show clearly that this coun try Intends to furnish arms, but will not preclude further Joint planning. Vandenberg asked Acheson If he would "resist the idea" of pro ceeding with a stop-gap that would "demonstrate our attitude at the moment but wait until the next session of Congress for pass ing upon the pattern of the total program." "Yes, Senator Vandenberg. I would resist that," Acheson re plied quietly. "I think we must go forward on both fronts." He favored furnishing military aid while strategic plans are be ing drawn under the treaty. Weakness Invites Attack Acheson told the combined Sen ate committees earlier today that Congress should approve foreign arms aid because "the United States is open to attack on Its own territory to a greater extent than ever before." In a prepared statement Ache son told the senators that the Western Euroix-an allies of the vtt c-.. , . uiuieu oimrs are now so weaK i in military power that their sit uation Is an Invitation to any1 would-be aggressor to strike. "The first line of defense is still in Europe," Acheson said, "but our European allies do not have the military capacity to hold that line." The Secretary said that Russia is maintaining the largest armed forces in the peacetime history of any country. And, he added, Moscow "has used or attempted to use Its obvious military su periority to intimidate and co erce, smaller nations." Nothing For China Acheson turned thumbs down on proposed military aid for Chi- nas Nationalist government. "We do not feel justified in ask ing arms for China or for the Ear East as a whole," the Secretary said in reply to a question by Senator Smith (R NJ.). A group of 12 senators has in troduced an amendment to the arms bill to earmark $175,000, 000 for aid to China. Acheson said a "small amount" which could be used In the Ear East at the discretion of the President would be helpful. Senator's Charae Of Subversives In f U. N. Organization Draws Sharp Retor WASHINGTON, Aug. 9 -.P Senator McCarran (D.-Nev.) Monday told the Senate that per sons have gone "directly from fields of subversive activity" in the United States to positions of authority in the United Nations. He declared "two tvpical ex amples" are Ludwig Rajchman, executive director of the UN In ternational emergency children's fund, and Norman Corwin. Mc Carran saH Corwin's appoint ment as a member of the radio division of the UN department of Information was announced by the international agency last March 8. "If the case of Norman Corwin were an Isolated Instance,"- the senator said, "it would not be so greatly disturbing. It Is, unfor tunately, characteristic of a num ber of people who have been se lected to serve in the secretariat of the United Nations." McCarran is chairman of a Senate judiciary subcommittee which has been investigating the entrance of allegedly subversive persons Into this country. LAKE SUCCESS, Aug. 9. (IP Norman Corwin said Monday I believe I am a vastly better pa triot" than Senator McCarran (D.-Nev.). "At least," said Corwin. a writ er in the radio division of the United Nations, "I have worked at the job of helping to broaden an appreciation of American in stitutions, our democracy and our form ol government. My sent! ments have never been secret from any one and are on record in print and on transcriptions for every one to see. Corwin issued a statement re peating previous denials that he was a communist. 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